05-22-1997 Minutes -532- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board was at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 22, 1997, in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Kristin Seaton, Jack Howard, Joe Lock, Nancy Chandler, Roger Struble, Jim Sullivan, Janet Wilbur, and Tom Arpke. Others present were Joe McKenzie and Cynthia Smull. The Board President, Janet Wilbur called the meeting to order. Minutes of the April 24, 1997, were discussed. 97-15 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Joe Lock it was RESOLVED THAT: The April 24, 1997, Board minutes bE! accepted as printed. Motion carried. 5-22-97, p. 532. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Nancy Chandler reported. that new Friends Board members were introduced. The new puppet stage will be ready for the Children's Grand Opening on May 31. The design and color of book bags for resale was discussed. DISCUSSION: Joe reported on the Classification Committ.ee discussion. Before the meeting next month a complete report will be sent to the Board. ACTION ITEMS: library. The Board discussed internet policies for the 97-16 On motion made by Jim Sullivan and seconded by Kristin Seaton it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board accepts the recommended policy for the internet on first reading. Motion carried, p. 532, 5-22-97. INTERNET ACCESS Children's Library - Lower Level 5. 1. These terminals are for use only by children who library card and are in the 8th grade or under. be accompanied by a parent or guardian or have a sign a permission slip. The Library will post warning signs at terminals and on screen that some material found may be objectional and information may be dated and inaccurate. We will try to provide the pamphlet on Child Safety on the Internet for parents to read. We are investigating filtering software at this time and may subscribe on a trial basis to cyberpatrol. Library staff are working to set up an opening terminals in the Children's Library that lists recommended and interesting sties for children have a They must parent 2. 3. 4. screen for numerous to search. -533- Adult Library - Main Floor 1. The terminals on the main floor will be reserved for patrons who have a library card and have completed 8th grade. There will be no filters on these terminals. In both departments, we will also develop an acceptable and unacceptable use policy. 2. 3. CHANGE ORDERS: The Board discussed the change orders. 97-17 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Nancy Chandler it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board approves change order number nine (9). ADD for changing valves for the irrigation system, ADD for concrete stoop at the West door, and ADD emergE~ncy lights at both restrooms. Total ADDS cost $1,224.83. Motion carried. 5-22- 97, p. 533. 97-18 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Roger Struble it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board does NOT accept the proposal to eliminate seeding and erosion control and install sod at the sloped area at the South Terrace, listed as change ordHr number ten (10). Motion carried. 5-22-97, p. 533. p. 533. FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL REPORT: Joe reported the 1997 Poetry Series the Library helps to sponsor was a success. The Library is also helping sponsor the storytelling for the Smoky River FHstival. The stats move up and down as the construction continuE~s. LIBRARIANS REPORT: The Library received a $500.00 donation for Prater Memorial for the purchase of books. Joe acceptE~d the plaque given to Mary Jarvis by the City, for her service on the Library Board. On Tuesday the Tech Coordinator started to move the Joe will be attending the ALA in San Francisco this June 26, 27, and 28. The Board changed the June meeting instead of June 26. The summer reading program is "97 Bazillian ways 1:0 Read". The Salina Journal is doing a feature article on the Grand Opening of the Children's Department. BOARD COMMENTS: None computers. year on to June 19 ADJOURNMENT: Th e being no fùrther business to come bE~fore the Board the n was adjourned by Janet Wilbur, Board President. JUNE 9, 1997 Date