11-21-1996 Minutes -517- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board was held at 4:00 p.m. Thursday, November 21, 1996, in the Campbell Room. 1 The following Board members were present: Jack Howard, Nancy Chandler, Roger Struble, Jim sullivan and Billie Winkler. Others present were: Joe McKenzie, cynthia Smull, Jan McMillen, Robin Attanasio, Roberta Ring, and Bill Pierce. Billie Winkler called the meeting to order. Billie asked that staff introductions be made. Joe McKenzie introduced three staff members, Robin Attanasio, new President of SPLAT and Roberta Ring, outgoing President of SPLAT. Bill Pierce has been working on the new Library "Home Page" for the internet. The work is in the beginning stages. Jim Sullivan, President arrived and replaced Billie Winkler, Vice-president as meeting moderator. 96-40 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Roger Struble it was RESOLVED THAT: The minutes are accepted as printed. Motion passed. p. 517. 11-21-96. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Nancy Chandler reported that the Friends are working on the Bookmark Contest. Dick Bergen is doing the judging. "Friends Favorites" are presently being submitted. The "No Ball Ball" fund raiser Dorothy Kennedy is working on is going well. The Friends are looking for another homebound driver. The Friends donated $250.00 for Christmas gifts for the staff this year. The next meeting will be held on December 17, 1996. DISCUSSION: Joe presented information on carpeting the Campbell Room during the renovation project for the amount of $3483.00 that includes moving the stacks. After the Board discussion Jim Sullivan called for a motion. 96-41 On motion made by Nancy Chandler and seconded by Billie Winkler it was RESOLVED THAT: The Campbell Room is carpeted subject to the figure on the change order in the amount of $3483.00. Motion passed. p. 517, 11-21-96. The Board discussed the options for coverings on the columns in the Children's Department. 96-42 On motion made by Billie Winkler and seconded by Jack Howard RESOLVED THAT: The Board goes with the architect's recommendation of Solution number one: Plans and specifications call for columns to be skimmed plaster or sheetrock with vinyl covered finish to complement the wall finish. Motion passed. p. 517, 11-21-96. -518- 96-43 On motion made by Roger Struble and seconded by Nancy Chandler it was RESOLVED THAT: The minutes of the October meeting are amended on page 515, Resolution 96-39, number one, corrected to original wording left out to read Replacement cost of bags: $6.00. Motion passed. p. 518, 11-21-96 The Board discussed all changes up for second reading. 96-44 On motion made by Roger Struble and seconded by Nancy Chandler it was RESOLVED THAT: All policy changes presented for seconded reading be accepted. Motion passed, p. 518, 11-21-96. The Board discussed moving funds from the General Fund to the Building Fund and the Capital Improvement Fund. 96-45 On motion made by Roger Struble and secondE!d by Jack Howard it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board votes to transfer the balance remaining to the Building Fund up to but not exceed the legal limit of 20%. Motion passed, p. 518, 11-21-96. FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL REPORT: report. The Board reviewed the financial LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: renovation project. progress this month. The budget for the Grand Opening will come out of the Fines and Miscellaneous Account. An amount has not been set. It is suggested to have two openings. One a Grand Opening of the Children's Department and a soft opening with an open house at the library after renovation is complete. Open House ideas and budget needed for opening will be discussed later. The Salina Journal will be doing an article on the Electronic Library and update our building renovation. There are no new change orders for the Joe updated the Board on the construction BOARD COMMENTS: Jim Sullivan recognizes Cindy Smull for winning second place in the short story division of the 1996 Kansas Author's Club Writing Contest. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Jim Sullivan. ~~(/» J~t wi bur, secretãry P~I ~ /1rr-?- Date