09-16-1996 Minutes -511- -- A Board meeting called to discuss storm drainage for the renovation project was held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, September 16, 1996, in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Nancy Chandler, Jack Howard, Mary Jarvis, Roger Struble, Jim Sullivan, and Billie Winkler. others present were: Joe McKenzie, Jack Gillam, Ross Hoffhines, and Cynthia Smull. Jim Sullivan, President of the Board, opened the meeting with a statement as to why the meeting was being held. The purpose is to discuss a change order recommended by the City Engineers after the original bid was accepted by the Board. This issue carne to light when Harbin Construction applied for the building permit for the renovation project. The City recommends a backup to the backup storm drainage system that could withstand a four inch rain per hour (for one hour) if the pumps and the backup generator fail during a storm. The Board discussed the need for such a system and looked at other options that Jack Gillam presented. After a lengthy discussion Jim Sullivan called for a motion. 96-31 On motion made by Jack Howard and seconded by Nancy Chandler and Billie Winkler it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board accept the City recommended change order in the amount of $92,660.00, for the storm water storage backup system, for the library renovation project. Motion passed. 9-16-96. p 511. Since there was no further business Jim Sullivan adjourned the meeting. Gill! Ii /:_~ ¿,I:; c- '1- Janét Wilbur, Secretary , - /(- ,-/ J ¿, /',c \..¿/~'A, r,.."(.. Da te Ii _/ to corne before the Board,