08-10-1995 Minutes -477- The Salina Public Library Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting Thursday, August 10, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Jack Howard, Mary Jarvis, Jan McMillen, Roger Struble, Jim Sullivan, Janet Wilbur, and Billie Winkler. Jack Howard called the meeting to order. The minutE!s of the July meeting were approved as written. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: None CENTRAL KANSAS LIBRARY SYSTEM REPORT: submitted by Helen Heath on August 7. CKLS Exec. Committee Meetings: July 12, Belleville Mr. Swan informally interviewed potential applicants for vacant reference position while attending the June A.L.A. meeting in Chicago. Exec Committee voted to recognize 5-year CKLS employees with a modest check ($25.00) rather than a gift. A written report was Discussion will be forthcoming regarding the report of the system grant review committee, the CKLS system review (self-study), and books-by-mail. August 9, 1995, Great Bend. Budget hearing. Septemb~r 13, 1995, Great Bend. Fall Assembly Since July 12, Mr. Swan has had 2 on-site interviews with candidates for the reference position. Both were recent M.L.S. graduates. No announced decision as yet. 1996 BUDGET: a vote. The Board discussed the 1996 Budget then called for 95-21 On motion made by Jim Sullivan and seconded by Roger Struble it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees for the Salina Public Library adopt the 1996 Budget as proposed and published. Motion Carried. 8-10-95. p. 477 -478- VIDEO SELECTION POLICY: policy. 95-22 On motion made by Jan McMillen and seconded by Janet Wilbur it was RESOLVED THAT: The Video Selection Policy be accepted on first reading. Motion carried. 8-10-95. p 478. The Board discussed the video selection VIDEO SELECTION POLICY INTRODUCTION AND MISSION STATEMENT: The Salina Public Library collects a wide range of videocassettes for the home use of its patrons. The scope of the collection includes instructional and how-to-videos, classic movies, foreign films, children's and family-oriented videos, management and training tapes, American contemporary videos and cultural performance videos including concerts, operas, plays and music videos. Balance in the collection is sought in order to serve many interests, but emphasis is placed on those videos that help to build the information resource area of the Library's collection. The Library also seeks to fill an important gap in regard to the community's video access by providing a collection of video titles not readily available at local retail outlets. GENERAL SELECTION PROCESS: The Library's video selector has the responsibility for coordinating the selection, acquisition, and weeding of the video collection. The selector seriously considers suggestions from the public for specific videocassettes. Unfortunately, due to budgetary constraints, the Library can only acquire a limited number of new videos each month. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION: Because of the great diversity of materials there is no single set of criteria that can be applied to all videos. Some items are selected for their artistic merit while others serve the informational and recreational needs of the community. In developing an archive collection of films of significant quality, the library does include contemporary feature films that~ have been critically acclaimed, have won awards, and are thought to have lasting value. Additional criteria videocassettes: used in determining the purchase of 1. Recogni tion of prizes and awards given by critical or artistic organizations such as The Motion Picture Academy or The National Society of Film critics. 2. critical approval by recognized, authoritative review sources such as Video Rating Guide. Library Journal. Booklist, Film Comment. and Video Alert. 3. Material that has been shown on public broadcasting stations. -479- 4. Material that pertains specifically to Kansas or the city of Salina. 5. Material based on classic books, poems, or historical events. 6. Consideration of high-quality performances and accurate content. GIFTS AND DONATIONS: Gifts and donations will be accepted with the understanding that they become the property of the library. The video selector will determine the use and disposition of all donated materials and gifts. The Library reserves the right to approve or reject any video purchase suggestion it receives from the public. No videos specifically designed for school or college curriculums will be acquired by the Library. All videos under consideration must be priced under $49.00 (exception may be made for videos sold in series or sets). Each video's contribution to the Library's collection and to the citizens of Salina.will be considered before a purchase decision is made. . FINANCIAL REPORT: No Comments. STATISTICAL REPORT: Billie Winkler attended the Children's Summer Reading Party held on the lawn south of the Library August 4. Compliments to the Children's staff and volunteers for planning and providing the wonderful atmosphere which accommodated between 400- 500 people. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe reported the Library won first place float in the Tri-Rivers fair parade this year using the parade's theme "It's a Jungle Out There". The library also had a fair booth in Heritage Hall at the Bi-center. The library has two openings in Children's for part-time shel vers, two openings in Circ for part-time shel vers and one opening for part-time clerk. The library will publish a public information newsletter toward the end of September. The newsletter will be circulated to the Friends of the library, patrons, and non-library users. The library would like to make this a quarterly happening. The new Collection Development Policy (which is in the developmental stages) and Video Policy will become a part of the Library Policy manual. Joe will investigate the feasibility of a $30,000 grant opportunity (Born to Read) from the ALA. The grant targets at risk families. It is a partnership grant with health care providers. Filing deadline is September 22, 1995. BOARD COMMENTS: Jan McMillen related Mary Maley's concerns about where the Kansas Department files that are in the area to be renovated would be placed. Joe assured everyone the issue would be addressed when the details of the renovation project were discussed. -480- 95-23 On motion made by Billie Winkler and seconded by Roger Struble it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of the Salina Public Library Adjourn. Motion Carried. p 480. 8-10-95 J ,- rj¿/4/~ secr7tary, ~anet Wil~ur ~t¡d. /.; I ~ 1J- Date