06-22-1995 Minutes -472- The Salina Public Library Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting Thursday, June 22, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Jack Howard, Jan McMillen, Roger Struble, Jim Sullivan, Janet Wilbur, and Billie Winkler. others present were Joe McKenzie, Lori Berezovsky, and cynthia Smull. Jack Howard called the meeting to order. The minu1:es of the May Board meeting were approved as written. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Joe introduced Lori Berezovsky, Reference Librarian, to the Board. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Joe reported that the Friends will meet in July. The Friends booksale wil¡ be held.the last week of September. USD #305 donated a large number of children's books for the booksale. . " Jan McMillen will remain the Board representative to the Friends of the Library for 1995-96. CENTRAL KANSAS LIBRARY SYSTEMS REPORT: None 1996 BUDGET PREVIEW: The 1996 budget draft was presen1:ed to the Board. The recommendation is to raise the mill levy by a quarter of a mill, from the present 4.638 to the proposed amount of 4.88 for 1996. The Board looked at and discussed several options :Cor health insurance for 1996. Three of the companies contacted for a rate would not bid because of the preexisting conditions of some employees. Dollar amounts to be spent on health insurance for 1996 need to be determined at the July meeting. VIDEO COLLECTION: The criteria for video selection were discussed by the Board. Jack Howard appointed Jan" McMillen to be Video Committee chairperson. Janet Wilbur, and members of the library staff will form the Video Committee. The committee will evaluate the criteria for video selection and present any changes at the July Board meeting. FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL REPORT: Comments. None. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: July 10, 1995, is a tentative date for presentation of the library renovation proposal to the City Commission. All Board members are encouraged to attend. Roger Struble will examine personnel policies for the library when the new personnel policy manual is revised. The staff formed a cancer relay team to participate in the Cancer Societies local relay run. The staff is still considering making a float for the Tri- Rivers Fair Parade this year. -473- ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Jack Howard, President. ~ ú/dhN Jan Wilbur, Secretary ç,z-'t 3, IffS' Date. /