03-23-1995 Minutes -466- The Salina Public Library Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting Thursday, March 23, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Joe Warner, Jack Howard, Mary Jarvis, Jim Sullivan, and Billie Winkler. Others present were Bill Pierce, Dianna Waite, Lana Jordan, Sharon Benson, Joe McKenzie and Cynthia Smull. Jack Howard called the meeting to order. The minutes of the February Board meeting were approved with a correction on page 465, paragraph 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Sharon Benson from the Salina Arts & Humanities Commission gave a short presentation about the Poetry Series. The Board discussed the funding for the Poetry Series. 95-3 On motion made by Joe Warner and seconded by Jim Sullivan it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board approves that no more than $2500.00 may be spent for the Poetry Series without Board approval. P466, motion passed. 3-23-95 STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Joe introduced Bill Pierce, Reference Department, and Dianna Waite, Head of Circulation, to the Board. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Joe reported the Friends annual newsletter had been mailed. New Friends officers will be installed in May. CENTRAL KANSAS LIBRARY SYSTEMS REPORT: None COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mary Jarvis presented the slate of officers for the 1995-1996 year. President, Jack Howard; Vice-President, Roger Struble; Treasurer, Jim Sullivan; Secretary, Janet Wilbur. 95-4 On motion made by Jim Sullivan and seconded by Billie Winkler it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board accepts the slate 0:[ officers presented for the 1995-96 year. President, Jack Howard; Vice- President, Roger Struble; Treasurer, Jim Sullivan; Secretary, Janet Wilbur. P 466, Motion carried, 3-23-95. The Evaluation Form Committee was not available to present the completed forms. It was requested that copies of the new evaluation forms be sent to the Board next month in the legal Board mailing. Joe presented a schedule of projected budgets from 1995 through the year 2003. It shows the money available for the renovation project at the library. Blue/Cross Blue/Shield increases projected in 1996 will be discussed in April for budget purposes. Jack Howard will work with Joe to look at possible options in the library's health insurance. ACTION ITEMS: The Board discussed the policy changes presented for second reading, deciding to leave them as printed. Borrower's card changes requiring two forms of identification including a photo 1D were discussed and it was decided to try it and see how it works with the option of changing it later if necessary. -467- I ¡~ 95-5 On motion made by Joe Warner and seconded by Jack Howard it was RESOLVED THAT: Policy changes listed on pages 460-464 in Board minutes be approved on second reading. Motion carried. P 467, 3-23- 95. The Board discussed the acceptance of the artist delineation of the children's department in the renovation project. The Board's general feeling was that the delineation was overpriced. 95-6 On motion made by Jim Sullivan and seconded by Joe Warner it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board approve the bill presented by Jones Gillam for the artists delineation of the Children's Area for payment in the amount of $1236.00. Motion carried. Note on record - Mary Jarvis and Billie Winkler abstained. P 467 3-23-95 One bid of $750.00-1,000.00 was received from Eric Anderson, Clark Mize and Linville Chartered, 128 South 8th, Salina, Kansas. The Board requested the Director to obtain more bids to evaluate the employee regulations in the library's policy manual. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe reported that he had attended KLA week in Topeka. Shannon Roy from the State Library presentations to staff who had completed various levels in the program at a recent staff meeting. The staff discussed and practiced emergency procedures last week. Mary Jarvis and Billie Winkler continue to work on a logo for the library. Jack Howard will meet with Joe in April about looking at various options for' 96 health insurance options for library employees. Joe is working to help develop a small library in the new jail. The library will be giving two wire paperback book racks no longer in use to the jail. Joe reported that he had investigated various options to get rid of furniture and equipment stored in the basement. It would cost more to move it to the USD#305 auction than to take it to the dump. The Board discussed disposal of library property in basement. 95-7 On motion made by Billie Winkler and seconded by Jim Sullivan it was RESOLVED THAT: the disposal of excess furni t:ure and equipment be left to the discretion of the Director in an appropriate manner. Motion carried. P 467, 3-23-95 this made LEEP -;', :ìJ I,. . ~ :1--:- ", '..- BOARD COMMENTS: The Board thanked Joe Warner for his participation this last year since this is his last meeting as Mayor. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Vice-President, Jack Howard. &JJhcðlJ~ J ~Mi II ~n ; sec7ta ry I 9 9 -¡;;- Da~ )