01-26-1995 Minutes -458- The Salina Public Library Board of Trustees held their monthly meeting Thursday, January 26, 1995, at 4:00 p.m. in the Campbell Room. The following Board members were present: Joe Warnl9r, Mary Jarvis, Jan McMillen, Roger Struble, Jim Sullivan, Janet Wilbur, and Billie Winkler. other present were Helen Heath, Joe McKenzie, Cynthia Smull, Julie Linneman, and Charlene Allen. Roger Struble called the meeting to order. The minutes of the December Board meeting were approved as printed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None STAFF INTRODUCTIONS: Joe introduced Charlene Allen and Julie Linneman of the Children's Department. Charlene is the new chairperson of SPLAT. Julie attended the meeting to represent the MLS Librarians. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY REPORT: Jan McMillen reported that the Friends project of placing books to sell at the Coffee Gallery is doing well. The Friends are having a book sorting work day at the library on January 31, in preparation for the book sale. The next Friends meeting is February 21. CENTRAL KANSAS LIBRARY systems REPORT: Helen Heath reported on the CKLS meeting. There was discussion of loss of revenue when the tax lid expires this month. Governor Graves has looked at a "Hold Harmless" provision to maintain funding levels for Library Systems. The Grant Committee was selected. The system will be replacing a vehicle this year. February 23 is the next meeting at Osborn, Ks. The CKLS spring meeting will be in Salina at the Holidome. COMMITTEE REPORTS: The Budget/Finance Committee has met twice since the last Board meeting. Kennedy and Coe called Bill Irvin, Department of Reports and Accounts in Topeka, and checked their interpretation of KSA 12-1215. The Library can only increase their budget a 1/4 mill per year. However the Library may establish a library building fund and put up to 20% of its annual budget in this specific fund. The Board direction to the Librarian is that he contact the City to talk about funding options and check on grant possibilities. The committee to work on changing the Librarian's Evaluation form will be one Board member, Jan McMillen, and one staff volunteer. The business office will obtain more evaluation forms from the CKLS, & City Manager and obtain a job description for the Director's position for the committee. ACTION ITEMS: The Board discussed investing the balance of the Waddell and Reed Fund in CD's or T-Bills. -459- 95-1 On motion made by Jim Sullivan and seconded by Janet Wilbur it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board liquidates all of the Prescott Memorial Fund held by Waddell and Reed to be invested in CD's or Treasury Bills. Motion passed. p.459 - 1-26-95 FINANCIAL/STATISTICAL REPORT: Joe reported on the Decen~er 31 status of the Library. The Fines and Miscellaneous Fund is strong. The next 3M payment for the book security syst~em will be soon. It will be paid from the Fines account. The new shelving for the videos, will also come out of the Fines account. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe reported that the Blue Cross/Blue Shield rates have gone up by 16 percent. Since a 10 percent increase was budgeted last year, it is expected that the employe:e benefit fund will be very tight this year, perhaps even go over slightly. The Board asked for more information on the Blue Cross/Blue Shield House Bill 2737 and what the words "embedded drugs" mean on the policy. The Board accepted this year's rate increase. The Board does want to investigate other options for he!al th care coverage at budget time. Roger Struble suggested looking into the option of giving an employee a set dollar figure to apply toward the health insurance. There is a proposal for the library to participate! in the River Festival from the Salina Arts and Humanities. It would mean paying a minimum of $1500.00 toward bringing in puppeteers for the festival. The library also co-sponsors the Poetry Series at a cost of $2250.00. BOARD COMMENTS: The Board feels the need to have someone available to help those who come in to use the on-line catalogs. There are people who are afraid to use the OPAC and don't want to bother anyone so they do not ask for help. This seems to be more prevalent in older people. Joe had already responded to this need by having Berniece as a roving helper. Joe will also report this to the Reference Department to develop new strategies to help people with the OPAC. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further Board, ~:eting ,was adjourned by Ja McMillen, Secretary business to come before the Roger Struble.