Curbside Recylcing Survey alin ec clin u I'm. Map Reference: htip: ¡~ .:S!illimk!il'\t\ð5.orgRnl'llpl11tml For The City of Salina By The Docking Institute of Public Affairs Copyright @ February 2003 SURVEVINSTRUMENT SALINA RECYCLING SURVEY Hello, my name is ---------' I'm calling from Fort Hays State University on behalf of the City of Salina to conduct a 3-minute survey about trash collection and curbside recycling. May I ask you a few questions? Thank you. First of all, is your household located within the City of Salina or outside of the city limits? (If No, go to QA) Does your household pay for regular trash pickup [from either the city or a private company]? (If No, go to QA) [IF NOT IN SALINA or NOT PAY FOR SERVICES] QA At this time we are only inteNewing households in the city that pay for trash collection services directly, and not through a landlord or some other party. Thank you for your time. [IF IN SALINA and PAY FOR SERVICES] Q1 OK, do you pay the City of Salina for trash pick-up, OR do ~u have a private company collect your trash? [Private companies include Saline Waste Systems, Harris & Sons, or Salina Iron & Metal] 1 City of Salina sanitation customer 2 Private sanitation company customer [8 Don't Know] [9 Refused to Answer] The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 9 Q2 Does your household currently take sorted recyclable materials (such as paper, plastic, glass, and cans) to the downtown drop off site called Images Recycling? 1 Yes (go to Q2a) 2 No (go to Q3) [8 Don't Know] (go to Q3) [9 Refused to Answer] (go to Q3) Q2a How often do you take these materials to the drop off site? 1 Weekly 2 Monthly 3 A few times per year [8 Don't Know] [9 Refused to Answer] Q3 If the drop off recycling center were closer to your home, would your household be likely to recyc Ie more often? 1 Yes 2No [8 Don't Know] [9 Refused to Answer] Q4 The City of Salina believes a curbside recycling program could be managed in the city for $3 to $4 per month per household. With a curbside recycling proglram, customers gather recyclable material in bags and other containers, and place~ them on the curb for pick-up. Do you feel that $4 a month would be a fair price for a household to pay for curbside recycling? 1 Yes (go to QS) 2 No (go to Q4a) [8 Don't Know] (go to QS) [9 Refused to Answer] (go to QS) Q4a How about $3 per month? Do you feel $3 per month would be a fair price for a household to pay for curbside recycling? 1 Yes 2No [8 Don't Know] [9 Refused to Answer] The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 10 Q5 Finally, I would like to ask a few questions about yourself, What year were you born? [9999 Don't Know or Refused to Answer] Q6 What is the highest level of education that you have completed? 1 Less than High School Diploma 2 High School Diploma 3 Associates Degree or Technical Degree 4 Some College 5 Bachelors Degree 6 Masters Degree or Law Degree 7 Doctoral Degree [8 Don't Know] [9 Refused to Answer] Q7 Was your total household income for last year above or below $30,OOO? [IF BELOW $30,000 READ THE FOLLOWING RESPONSES] 1 Was it less than $10,000, 2 between $10,000 and $20,000, 3 or between $20,000 and $30,OOO? [IF ABOVE $30,000 READ THE FOLLOWING RESPONSES] 4 Was it between $30,000 and $40,000, 5 between $40,000 and $50,000, 6 between $50,000 and $60,000, 7 between $60,000 and $70,000, 8 or was it over $70,OOO? [9 Don't Know/Refused to Answer] a8 Is it okay for my supervisor to call and confirm your participation in this survey? 1 Yes 2No [9 Refused to Answer] Thank you very much for your time! [HANG UP] a9 Was the respondent: 1 Female 2 Male The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 11 Fort Hays State University 600 Park Street Hays, Kansas 67601-4099 Telephone: (785) 628-4197 FAX: (785) 628-4188 www.fhsu.edu/docking The staff of The Docking Institute of Public Affairs and its University Center for Survey Research are dedicated to serving the people of Kansas and surrounding states. Brett A. Zollinger, Ph.D. Director Michael S. Walker, M.S. Research Scientist Trevor Steinert, M.LS Research Scientist Joyce Wolfe, M.S. UCSR Manager Jean Leavitt Walker Jodie Wear-Leiker Special Events Coordinator Administrative Assistant If you have questions or comments, and/or need assistance , please do not hesitate to contact our staff, Salina Recycling Survey Report Prepared By: Michael S. Walker, M.S. Research Scientist Brett A. Zollinger, Ph.D. Director The Docking Institute of Public Affairs Fort Hays State University 600 Park Street Hays KS 67601-4099 Report Prepared For: The City of Salina Copyright @ February 2003 All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTION AND METHODOLOGY The City of Salina contracted with the Docking Institute of Ptblic Affairs to conduct a telephone survey of area residents regarding curbside recycling. Survey respondents consisted of City of Salina residents that paid directly for their own household trash collection either from the City or a private refuse collection company. Surveying took place from February 3 to February 13, 2003. A total of 651 qualifying households were contacted, while 461 completed the telephone survey - providing a cooperation rate of 71 %. The margin of error for 461 completions is 4.6%. The survey instrument consisted of 13 items (including two "screener questions" designed to determine city residency status and whether the household pays directly for trash collection). The findings below are based on univariate analysis of the survey results. The survey instrument is presented in the Appendix. FINDINGS Survey respondents were asked whether they receive trash collection services from the City of Salina or a private company (e.g., Saline Waste Systems, Harris & Sons, or Salina Iron & Metal). Figure 1 shows that most of the respondents receive trash collection service from the City of Salina (82%), while slightly less than one-fifth receive service from a private company (17%). Three respondents were unsure. Figure 1: Type of Trash Pickup City of Salina (379) 82% Private Company (79) 17% Don't Know (3) 1% The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 4 Survey respondent were asked if they currently take recyclable materials to the downtown recycling facility operated by Irnages Recycling. Figure 2 suggest that almost 40% of the respondents do currently take materials to Images Recycling 1. Specifically, 181 of the 461 respondents indicated that they do take materials downtown, while 280 (or 61%) do not. Figure 2: Take Materials to Images Recycling Yes (181) 39% No (280) 61% Of the respondents indicating that they do take materials to Images Recycling, more than half (or 54%) suggests that they take materials to the recycling center monthly, while about 20% do so weekly. A quarter of the respondents (25%) indicate that they take iterns to Images Recycling a few times a year. Figure 3: How Often Take Materials to Images ("Yes. Answers from Previous Question) Weekly (34) 19% Monthly (98) 54% Don't Know (4) 2% Yearly (45) 25% 1 About 4 % of the survey respondents voluntarily informed interviewers that Images Recycling provided curbside recycling service to a few neighborhoods in Salina, and about .5% indicated that Images Recycling collects materials from their households. The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 5 All of the survey respondents were asked the question: "If the drop off recycling center were closer to }Our home, would your household be likely to recycle more often?" Figure 4 shows that slightly more than half (51 % or 233 respondents) indicated that they would utilize the recycling center more if it were closer to their homes (and presumably more convenient). Thirty-four of the respondents (or 7%) indicated that they did not knowif having a drop-off center closer would encourage them to recycle more often, while more than 40% (or 194 respondents) indicated that a closer cite would not encourage more recycling. Figure 4: If Closer, Use Drop-Off Site Yes (233) 51% No (194) 42% Specific questions about curbside recycling were asked. A short description of curbside recycling was read to each respondent. Interviewees were also informed that "the City of Salina believes a curbside recycling program could be managed in the city for $3 to $4 per month per household." Respondents were then asked if they felt "$4 a month would be a fair price for a household to pay for curbside recycling?" Figure 5 shows Figure 5: Is $4 a Fair Price to Pay For Curbside Recycling Yes (287) 62% No (146) 32% Don't Know (28) 6% The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 6 that a clear majority (62%) suggests that $4 would be a fair household monthly price to pay for a curbside recycling program in the City of Salina. About a third (32% or 146 respondents), however, do not feel that $4 would be a fair price to pay. Six percent were unsure. Respondents suggesting that $4 was an unfair price to pay, or who were unsure if $4 was fair, were asked a follow-up question. This time they were asked if "$3 per month would be a fair price for a household to pay for curbside recycling?" Figure 6 shows that of those respondents answering this question, a clear majority (60%) did not feel $3 would be a fair price to pay. However, 47 respondents (or more than one quarter (or 27%) ofthose answering this question} found $3 to be a fair price to pay per month per household for this service, Figure 6: Is $3 a Fair Price to Pay For Curbside Recyding ("No" and "Don't Know" Answers from $4 Question) Yes (47) 27% Don't Know (23) 13% Adding those finding $4 (287) a fair price to pay with those finding $3 (47) a fair price to pay, suggests that 334 respondents (or 72% of the overall sample of 461) find at least $3 per month per household a fair price to pay for curbside recycling. The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 7 DEMOGRAPHICS Table 1 below provides a summary of the demographic information collected from the survey respondents. Slightly more than half of the respondents are rnale individuals, and the average age is about 50 years old. More than one-quarter (or 27.6%) have at least a Bachelors Degree, while almost all (95.7%) have at least a high school diploma. Most of the survey respondents fall in the $30,000 to $40,000 yearly household incorne category. Table 1: Demographics Average Median Yr Birth 1952 1954 Age 51 49 Female Male Total Fraq 213 248 461 Valid % 46.2 53.8 100 Doctorate Deç¡ree Masters or Law Deç¡ree Bachelors Degree Some College Associates DegreeIT ech HiQh School Diploma < HiQh School Refused to Answer Total 6 29 88 113 45 146 19 15 461 1.3 7.8 27,6 52.9 63.0 95.7 100,0 30 25 5 0 20 ë ê 15 ( ) Il. 10 ¡..~ -o~ ~ -o'f <6i .~ ,o'f ,oq;, 1?' \!ì) 'f $ in Thousands -0 'f' q;, 'f'"1 The Docking Institute of Public Affairs, Salina Recycling Survey @ 2003 Page 8