Audit Report - 1986 SALIIL\ AIRPORT AUTHDRITY Salina, ¡<ansa:::; AUD I T !,:E?ORT -------- Year 1'3.35 A. H. LECKBAND & CO., CPA, CHARTERED Certified Public Accountants Accounting Bldg., 719 East Crawford Salina, Kansas 57401 SALInA AIRPCJF:T AUTHORITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Auditor's ¡~eport 1 Financial Statements Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes Statement af Changes in Financial Posltion in Equity 2-] 4 5 Summary of Capital Expenditures 0 Notes to Financial Statements 7-3 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ----, " ------- Financial Statements-Airport Revolving Account Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes Statement of Changes in Financial Position in Equity 10 11-12 13 Capital Expenditures-Airport Revolvlng Account 14-15 Financial Statements-Building Revenue Account Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes Statement of Changes in Financial Position H;-17 in Equity 13 19 Capital Expenditures-Building Revenue Account 20 Bonds of Indebtedness (Summary) General Obligation Bonds Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1984 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1935 21 "-;>, 23 24 Reconcilement of Fiscal Agency Account 25 Schedule of Investments 2¡-:; Insurance in Force 27 ADDITIONAL INFOf\MA Tlm¡ REQUIRED BY 0118 CIRCULAR A-128 Schedule of Federal Assistance Programs Summary of Completed Federal Assistance Auditor's Comments on Compliance Auditor's Report on Internal Accounting 2E3 Programs 23 30 31-32 Control A. H. LECKBAND & co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 719 EAST CRAWFORD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 A. H. LECK8AND, C.P.A. EUGENE D. HARRISON, C.P.A. THOMAS G. ARNETT, C.P.A. MEM8ERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PU8L1C ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT (913) 827-7244 DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT (913) 827-7245 January 26, 1987 The Board of Directors Salina Airport Authority Sallna, Kansas We have examined the financial statements listed ln the table of contents of the Salina Airport Authority, Salina, Kansas, for the year ended December 31, 1986. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the flinimum Standard Audit Pro9ram approved by the State Municipal Accounting Board, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting recor-ds and such other auditing procedures as ~e considered necessary 1n the Clroum- stances. We have previously ~xamined and reported on the financial statements for the precedlng year, and have given an unqualified opinion on them. In our opinion, the aforementioned financial statements present fairly the financial position of the General Operating Fund of the Salina Airport Authori ty at December 31, 1936, and the results of its cper- ations and changes in its financial position for the year then Ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting princlples applied on a basis consistent with ~hat of t~e preceding year. The accompanying supplemental information listed in the table of contents lS not necessary for a fair presentation of the financial statements, but is presented as additional analytical data. ;his information has been subJected to the tests and other auditing procedures applled in the examination of the financlal stateme~ts mentioned above and, ln our opinion is fairly stated in all materlal respects in relation to the financial statements tak~n 8S 3 whole. A. H. LECKBAND &. CO. t CPA, CHARTERED -I / <r J "- /' \ // / ::/ /. ~:lf "=" ,.~~ ~~ '-._, / - ~ THOMAS G. ARNETT CPA In charge of and actively engaged in this audlt Page 1 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND BALANCE SHEET ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash on hand Cash in banks Note 4 Ce~tificates of deposit Account receivable Notes receivable-current Note 5 portion TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS RESTRICTED ASSETS Certificates of deposit Bond Reserve Note 6 Replacement and depreciation Cash in Bank Economic development Note 8 Proceeds of land sale Note 9 TOTAL RESTRICTED ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Equipment Buildings Other improvements Land Less-accumulated depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS OTHER ASSETS Long-term notes receivable Less-current portlon TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Note 7 (continued) $ $ $ $ Dece'l1ber 31 1986 1985 50.00 $ 722,899.17 223,783.98 110,000.00 212,000.00 10,311.08 141,630.00 9,994.30 9,382.10 853,254.55 $ 585,796.08 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 714,319.78 7,422.13 5,990.00 801,741. 91 $ 45,990.00 $ 828,070.45 6,510,900.07 3,240,158.16 1,018,057.50 $ 850,519.20 6,725,034.97 3,068,000.86 673,000.00 $11,597,186.19 2,835,202.89 $11,325,555.03 2,507,427.45 $ 8,761,983.30 $ 8,819,127.57 $ 57,151.17 $ 55,496.45 9,994.30 9.382.10 $ 47,155.87 $ 55,114.35 $ 9,509,028.00 $10,454,136.63 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- The notes to the financial statements are an integral part o:f this statement Page 2 (continued) LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Ac=.ount payable Payroll deductions BcDd payable-current portion Deferred rent income Ac=.rued bond interest TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Bonds payable Less-current portion TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES RESTRICTED EQUITY Bond reserve Replacement & depreciation reserve Economic development reserve Proceeds o£ land sale reserve TOTAL RESTRICTED EQUITY EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED TOT AL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY December 31 1986 1985 $ $ 156,980.00 4,447.21 2,803.11 145,000.00 75,000.00 9,915.11 12,526.45 11,508.34 7,739.17 170,970.55 $ 255,048.74 $ $ 1,290,000.00 145,000.00 $ 515,000.00 75,000.00 $ 440,000.00 $ 595,048.74 $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 $ 1,145,000.00 $ 1,315,970.55 $ 40,000.00 40,000.00 714,319.78 7,422.13 5,990.00 $ 801, 741. 91 8,345,424.05 $ 45,990.00 8,755,989.25 $ 9,148,16=,.97 $ 8,813,979.25 $10,454,135.53 $ 9,509,028.00 -------------- -------------- -------------- -------------- Page 3 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of ':his statement. SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN EQUITY January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 REVENUES Operating revenues Income from mill levy Proceeds of Airport Development Aid Program grants Sale of property Interest on property sales Interest on investments $1,243,068.17 36,445.31 126,055.22 60,543.32 7,345.98 83,336.06 TOTAL REVENUES $1,556,794.06 EXPENSES Office and administration Maintenance Bond interest and expenses Depreciation $ 294,797.66 284,918.41 114,871. 42 459,840.90 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,154,428.39 REVENUES LESS EXPENSES $ 402,365.67 ------------- ------------- EQUITY-January 1 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT $8,813,979.26 (68,178.96) Note 10 RESTATED EQUITY-January 1 REVENUE LESS EXPENSES $8,745,800.30 402,365.67 EQUITY-December 31 PROVISION FOR-Bond reserve PROVISION FOR-Replacement & Depreciated reserve PROVISION FOR-Economic development PROVISION FOR-Proceeds of bond sale reserve $9,148,155.97 (40,000.00) reserve (40,000.00) (714,319.78) (7,422.13) EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED $8,346,424.06 ------------- ------------- $1,089,903.00 73,278.43 736,356.82 6.990.00 9,218.18 94,802.28 $2,010,548.71 $ 274,142.88 317,519.59 45,536.04 417,897.4. $1,055,095.95 $ 955,452.76 ------------- ------------- $7,858,526.50 $7,858,526.50 955,452.76 $8,813,979.26 (20,000.00) (20,000.00) (6,990.00) $8,766,989.26 ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 4 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY: Revenues less expenses Items not effecting working capital Depreciation Gain on sale of fixed assets WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Decrease in restricted assets Decrease in long-term receivables Increase in long-term debt Undepreciated cost, asset traded Decrease in working capital TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED TO: Capital expenditures Reduction of long-term liabilities Increase in restricted assets Increase in working capital TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL Current Assets-Increase (Decrease) Cash in banks and cash on hand Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable Notes receivable current portion Prepaid bond interest Current Liabilities-Decrease (Increase) Accounts payable Payroll deductions Bonds payable-current portion De£erred rent income Accrued bond interest TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL January 1 to December 1986 1985 $ 402,365.67 $ 955,452.76 459,840.90 (60,543.32) ,.. ;:;> 801,663.25 417,897.44 (6,990.00) $1,366,360.20 6,990.00 16,010.00 9,883.67 '305,881,18 $2,306,125.05 ------------- ------------- $2,231,125.05 75,000.00 $2,306,125.05 ------------- ------------- $ 45,179.66 (908,000.00) 141,530.00 ( 471.62) ( 3,978.75) 597,750.00 8,957.48 705,000.00 471. 10 $2, 113, 841. 83 ------------- ------------- $1,008,553.37 754,751. 91 350,536.55 $2,113,841.83 ------------- ------------- $ 499,155.19 (102,000.00) (131,318.92) 612.20 156,980.00 (1,644.10) (70,000.00) 2, 611. 35 (3,869.17) $ 350,536.55 (156,980.00) ( 482.75) ( 20,000.00) ( 6,610.43) 2,832.71 $ (906,881,18) -------------- -------------- The notes to financial sta~ements are an integral part of this statement. Page 5 ------------- ------------- SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND CAPITAL EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 Equipment $ 48,267.45 $ 189,396.85 Buildings 443,071. 12 1,101,393.30 Other improvements 172,157.30 745,344.90 Land 345,057.50 195,000.00 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $1,008,553.37 $2,231,125.05 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 6 THE SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1986 , ~. The Salina Airport Authority is governed by a Board of five directors appointed by the City Commission of the City of Salina, Kansas. The following directors served during the period of our examination: Thomas J. Kennedy, Chairman Kenneth C. Stephenson, Vice-Chairman Ed D. Pogue, Secretary Charles Walker, Treasurer Robert D. Wilbur, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 2. The following officials, appointed by the Salina Airport Authority Board of Directors, served during the period of our examination: Timothy F. Rogers, Executive Director Donald C. Kneubuhl, Director of Operations 3. Summary of accounting policies A. The General Operating Fund is composed of two account~3-the Airport Revolving Account and the Building Revenue Account. The Airport Revolving Account is used for general airport operations and the Building Revenue Account is for segregation of monies and estab- lishment of reserves as provided by the bond ordinances. The provisions of the bond ordinances have been complied with. B. The accrual basis of accounting is used. C. Depository security is adequate for all accounts. D. Investments are stated at cost. ~ ~. Fixed assets are stated at cost. Depreciation is computed uslng the straight-line method based on estimated useful llves as follows: Equipment Buildings Other improvements 5 - 10 years 15 - 30 years 20 years 4. Composition of cash in bank balances Bank IV, Salina, Kansas National Bank of America, Salina, Kansas $ 222,436.66 500,452.51 $ 722,899.17 ------------- ------------- Page 7 5. 5. SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) December 31, 1985 Composition of certificates of deposit National Bank of America, Salina, Kansas Bank IV, Salina, Kansas First Bank and Trust Co., Salina, Kansas $ 4,000.00 5,000.00 100,000.00 $ 110,000.00 -----,-------- ------------- The Building Revenue Bond agreements for this Series 1984 and Series 1985 Building Revenue Bonds, require set-aside Bond Reserve at Decem- ber 31, 1986 of $30,000.00 and $10,000.00, respectively. Composition of Bond Reserve certificates of deposit Bank IV, Salina, Kansas National Bank of America, Salina, Kansas $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 $ 40,000.00 ------------- ------------- The Building Revenue Bond agreements for the Series 1984 and Series 1985 Building Revenue Bonds require set-aside Replacement and Dep- reciation Account at December 31, 1985 of $30,000.00 and 510,000.00 respectively. 7. Composition of Replacement and Depreciation Account certificates of deposit National Bank of America, Salina, Kansas First National Bank and Trust, Salina, Kansas $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 $ 40,000.00 ------------- ------------- 8. The board of directors of the Salina, Airport Authority rt?solved on May 14, 1986 to create a restricted account for economic development. Composition of Economic Development account Cash in bank, First National Bank & Trust Co., Salina, Kansas Repurchase Agreement First National Bank & Trust Co., Salina, Kansas $ 11,005.78 703,313.00 $ 714,319.78 ------------- ------------- The proceeds from a 1985 land sale and earnings on those proceeds by the Authority are restricted to distributions to be approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. 9. Composition of cash in bank balance Bank IV, Salina, Kansas Page 8 $ 7,422.13 ------------- ------------- SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (continued) December 31, 1985 10. The December 31, 1985 inventory of fixed assets revealed that certain fixed assets had not been removed from the accounts when the assets were sold, abandoned or demolished in prior years. This adJustment recognizes the removal of these fixed assets from the accounts. Cost Accumulated Depreciation $ 155,154.53 87,985.57 Undepreciated Cost $ 58,178.95 ------------ ------------ Page 9 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash on hand Cash in banks Accounts receivable TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Equipment Buildings Other improvements Less-accumulated depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS RESTRICTED ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts payable Payroll deductions Deferred rent AND EQUITY TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES RESTRICTED EQUITY Economic development reserve Proceeds of bond sale reserve TOTAL RESTRICTED EQUITY EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY Decem':>er 31 1986 $ 50.00 222,436.66 10, 161. 08 1985 $ 54,702.40 141,282.00 s 195,984.40 $ 232,647.74 $ 860,519.20 2,994,999.66 3,068,000.86 $6,923,519.72 1,379,515.75 $5,544,003.97 $ 6,990.00 $ 828,070.46 2,459,201. 30 3,240,158.16 $6,527,429.92 1,600,012.40 $4,927,417.52 $ 721,741. 91 $5,746.978.37 ------------- ------------- $ 156,980.00 2,803.11 12,526.46 $5,881,807.17 ------------- ------------- $ 4,447.21 9,715.11 $ 14,162.32 s 172,309.57 $ 714,319.78 7,422.13 $ 6,990.00 $ 6,990.00 5,567,678.80 $5,574,668.80 $5,746,978.37 ------------- ------------- Page 10 The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. $ 721, 741. 91 5,145,902.94 $5,867,644.85 $5,881,807.17 ------------- ------------- SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN EQUITY TOTAL OTHER REVENUES January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 $ 469,145.16 $ 382,685.81 20,690.01 10,924.67 10, 991. 43 30,159.86 36,169.80 43,257.00 500.00 2,184.74 85,050.14 77,907.41 6,302.22 16, 731. 06 9,183.44 7,444.62 7,544.00 10, 131. 36 1,267.48 3,127.01 $ 646,843.68 $ 584.553.54 $ 60,543.32 $ 6,990.00 126,055.22 736,356.82 36,445.31 73,278.43 33,724.25 12,048.44 $ 256,768.10 $ 828,673.69 $ 903,611.78 $1,413.227.23 REVENUES OPERATING REVENUES Building rents Agricultural land rents Other land rents Hangar rents Other rents Fixed base operator Landing fees Commissions Ramp rents Miscellaneous income TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OTHER REVENUES Sale of Property Proceeds from Airport Development Aid program grants Income from mill levy Interest on investments TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES Office and Administration Office salaries Office supplies Postage Travel expense Agricultural land expense Legal and auditing Insurance Engineering Payroll taxes Employees retirement Telephone Industrial development program Promotion Other office and administration SUB-TOTAL $ 92,862.11 $ 82,903.81 3,242.96 3,090.47 2,352,54 3,050.13 6,750.57 5,883.04 4,652.65 5,110.97 28,896.05 28,010.32 60,370.68 43,975.57 20,517.81 18,646.67 16,880.65 14,636.13 6,364.01 7,050.06 4,973.58 5,071. 34 20,000.00 15,000.00 13,949.01 9,000.62 11,074.38 29,971.88 $ 292,887.00 $ 271,401.01 (continued) Page 11 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN EQUITY (continued) January: to December 31 1986 1985 Maintenance Building maintenance Runways, taxiways, and ramps Equipment, gas, oil and repairs Utilities Grounds maintenance Maintenance salaries Snow removal Fire department expense Other maintenance expense $ 36,419.98 22,204.81 19,732.48 36,186.94 11,067.013 143, 144. 2:2 $ 30,354.23 23,887.10 39,627.86 49, 121. 00 12,229.20 108,015.89 2,545.75 15,297.09 24,086.56 5, 357. 913 10,804.92 Depreciation $ 284,918.41 $ 305, 164.68 $ 329,973.01 $ 301,462.32 $ 907,778.42 $ 878,028.01 $ (4,166.64) $ 535, 199.22 ------------.- ------------- ------------- ------------- SUB-TOTAL TOTAL EXPENSES REV~NUES LESS EXPENSES EQUITY-January 1 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT $5,574,668.80 $3,311,103.21 (33,508.0'7) EQUITY-December 31 REVENUE LESS EXPENSES TRANSFERS FROM BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT 5,541,160.7:3 (4,166.64) 330,650.76 3,311, 103.21 535,199.22 1,728,366.37 PROVISION FOR-Economic development reserve PROVISION FOR-Proceeds of land sale reserve $5,867,644.85 $5,574,668.80 (714,319.78) (7,422.13) (6,990.00) EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED $5,145,902.94 $5,567,678,80 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 12 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY: Revenues less expenses Items not effecting working capital Depreciation Gain on sale of fixed assets WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS $ Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Transfers from Building Revenue Account Undepreciated cost, asset traded TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED TO: Capital expenditures Buildings transferred from Building Revenue Account Increase in restricted assets Increase in working capital TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL Current Assets-Increase (Decrease) Cash in banks & cash on hand Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable Current Liabilities-Decrease (Increase) Accounts payable Payroll deductions Deferred rent Due to Building Revenue Account TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 (4,166.64) $ 535,199.22 329,973.01 301,462.32 (60,543.32) (6,990.00) 265,263.05 $ 829,671. 54 597,750.00 6,990.00 330,650.76 1,728,366.37 471.10 $ $1,194,134.91 ------------- ------------- $ 284,572.41 $2,565,027.91 ------------- ------------- $1,479,551. 75 234,516.18 6,990.00 843,959.98 $2,565,027.91 ------------- ------------- $ 14,981. 56 ( 50,000.00) 141,282.00 (156,980.00) ( 482.75) ( 12,526,46) 907,685.63 $ 843,959.98 -------------- -------------- The notes to financial stat€ments are an integral part of this statement. Page 13 714,751. 91 194,810.59 $1,194,134.91 ------------- ------------- $ 167,784.26 (131,120.92) 156,980.00 (1,644.10) 2, 811. 35 194,810.59 ------------- ------------- SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT CAPITAL EXPENDITURES EQUIPMENT Office equipment Hesston tractor Regancy Scanner Mobile Radio Bush Hog Mower 1985 Dodge Pick-Up Restaurant equipment ProJector Case &.Screen Idaho Norland snow blower-AlP 04 Mower 1986 Chevrolet pick-up Mobil radios Office equipment Spraying equipment Shop equipment TOTAL EQUIPMENT BUI~DINGS A.S.I. Hangar door A.S.I. Hangar Terminal bldg. improvement Maintenance shed Scientific eng. bldg. 512 lmprovement Keystone Railway Equipment bldg. improvement Bldg. 959 improvement Eldorado Motor Corporation bldg. Federal Express bldg. improvement Airport Industrial Center TOTAL BUILDINGS (continued) Page 14 January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 $ $ 4,961.92 10,360.00 430.90 875.00 5,430.00 9,400.00 464.84 494.19 156,980.00 9,885.00 10,497.00 7,380.55 14, 901. 69 1,205.43 4,397.78 $ 48,267.45 $ 189,396.85 $ 10,553.00 $ 35,000.00 300,000.00 12,692.64 18,121. 55 15,338.50 20,000.00 36,367.00 42,350.00 45, 511. 52 32, 121. 43 40,902.02 $ 64,147.66 $ 544,820.00 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT CAPITAL EXPENDITURES (continued) OTHER IMPROVEMENTS Fencing Xetec paving Runway AIP-04 Taxiway overlay AIP-03 MMA paving Federal Express paving AlP 05 Master plan update AlP 06 Runway overlay fire station and supporting communications AlP 07 Lighting proJect AlP 08 Runway taxiway paving AlP 09 Runway 12/30 paving TOTAL OTHER IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 $ 25,808.18 108,037.00 26,653.12 5,079.00 6,580.00 $ 172,157.30 $ 45,001. 32 5,227.25 609,107.71 39,436.04 20,950.75 17,745.60 1,396.47 $ 284,572.41 5,479.76 $ 745,344.90 ------------- ------------- $1,479,561. 75 ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 15 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT BALANCE SHEET ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash in banks Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable Notes receivable current portion TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS RESTRICTED ASSETS Certificates of deposit Provision for Bond Reserve Provision for Replacement and Depreciation TOTAL RESTRICTED ASSETS FIXED ASSETS Buildings Land Less-accumulated depreciation TOTAL FIXED ASSETS OTHER ASSETS Long-term notes receivable Less-current portion TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS (continued) December 31 1986 1985 $ 500,462.51 $ 169, 081. 58 110,000.00 212,000.00 150.00 348.00 9,994.30 9,382,10 $ 620,606.81 $ 390,811. 68 $ 40,000.00 $ 20,000.00 40,000.00 20,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $4,051,698.77 1,018,057.50 $3,730,035.31 673,000.00 $5,069,756.27 1,235,190.49 $4,403,035.31 1, 127, 911. 71 $3,834,565.78 $3,275,123.60 $ 57,151.17 9,994.30 65,496.45 9,382.10 $ $ 47,156.87 56,114.35 $ $4,582,329.46 $3,762,049.63 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 16 (continued) December 31 1986 1985 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Bonds payable-current portion Deferred rent income Accrued bond interest $ 145,000.00 200.00 11,608.34 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 156,808.34 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES Bonds payable Less-current portion $1,290,000.00 145,000.00 TOTAL LONG-TERM LIABILITIES $1,145,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES $1,301,808.34 RESTRICTED EQUITY Bond reserve Replacement and depreciation reserves $ 40,000.00 40,000.00 TOTAL RESTRICTED EQUITY EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED $ 80,000.00 3, 200, 521. 12 TOTAL EQUITY $3,280,521. 12 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $4,582,329.46 ------------- ------------- $ 75,000.00 7,739.17 $ 82,739.17 s 515,000.00 75,000.00 $ 440,000.00 $ 522,739.17 $ 20,000.00 20,000.00 $ 40,000.00 3,199,310.46 $3,239,310.46 $3,762,049.63 ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 17 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN EQUITY TOTAL OTHER REVENUES January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 $ 511,935.10 $ 412,754.44 19,467.03 31,767.47 19,272.36 13,295.00 45,450.00 45,000.00 100.00 2,532.55 $ 596,224.49 $ 505,349.46 $ 7,345.98 $ 9,218.18 49,611.81 82,753.84 $ 56,957.79 $ 91,972.02 $ 653,182.28 $ 597, 321. 48 REVENUES OPERATING REVENUES Building rents Agricultural land rents Other land rents Tank farm rent Other rents TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OTHER REVENUES Interest on sale of property Interest on investments TOTAL REVENUES EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES Agricultural land expenses Building maintenance Engineering Bond interest expense Expense relating to bond issues Depreciation $ 1,910.66 $ 2,158.12 8,352.79 4,002.12 108,494.17 45,536.04 6,377.25 583.75 129,867.89 116,435.12 $ 246,649.97 $ 177,067.94 $ 406,532.31 $ 420,253.54 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- TOTAL EXPENSES REVENUES LESS EXPENSES EQUITY-January 1 PRIOR PERIOD ADJUSTMENT $3,239,310.46 (34,670.89) $4,547,423.:29 REVENUES LESS EXPENSES TRANSFERS TO AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT $3,204,639.57 406,532.31 (330,650.76) $4,547,4:23.29 420,253.54 (1,728,366.37) EQUITY-December 31 PROVISIONS FOR-Bond reserve PROVISIONS FOR-Replacement & Depreciation reserve $3, 280, 521. 12 (40,000.00) $3,239,310.46 (20,000.00) (40,000,00) (20,000.00) EQUITY-UNRESTRICTED $3, 200, 521. 12 $3,199,310.46 ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 18 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FINANCIAL POSITION WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY: Revenues over expenses Items not effecting working capital Depreciation WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED BY OPERATIONS $ receivable debt to Airport Decrease in long-term Increase in long-term Buildings transferred Revolving Account Decrease in restricted assets Decrease in working capital TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL PROVIDED WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED TO: Capital expenditures Transfers to Airport Revolving Increase in restricted assets Increase in working capital Account TOTAL WORKING CAPITAL APPLIED CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL Current Assets-Increase (Decrease) Cash in banks Certificates of deposit Accounts receivable Notes receivable current portion Prepaid bond interest Due from Airport Revolving Account Current Liabilities-Decrease (Increase) Bonds payable current portion Deferred rent income Accrued bond interest TOTAL INCREASE (DECREASE) IN WORKING CAPITAL $ January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 $ 406,532.31 $ 420,253.54 129,867.89 536,400.20 8,957.48 705,000.00 $ 1,250,357.68 -------------- -------------- $ 723,980.96 330,650.76 40,000.00 155,725.96 116,435.12 $ 563,688.66 $ 1,250,357.68 -------------- -------------- $ 331,380.93 (102,000.00) (198.00) 612.20 9,883.67 234,516.18 23,000.00 1,750,841. 15 $ 2,554,929.67 -------------- -------------- $ 751,563.30 1,728,366.37 75,000.00 $ 2,554,929.67 -------------- -------------- $ 30,198.10 (858,000.00) 348.00 ( 471. 52) ( 3,978.75) ( 907,685.53) (70,000.00) (200.00) (3, 869. 17) 155,725.96 -------------- -------------- 20,000.00) 5,916.03 2,832.71 $ (1,750,841. 16) -------------- -------------- The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 19 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT CAPITAL EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31 1986 1985 BUILDING Ag Chem Building 1021 improvements Schwan's Tech Center Schwan's Ingredients Cooler Schwan's Bldg. 820 Improvement $ 15,000.00 $ 156,563.30 400,000.00 350,000.00 13,923.46 185,000.00 115,212.50 10,000.00 229,845.00 $ 723,980.96 $ 751,563.30 ------------- ------------ ------------- ------------ LAND Hocking 80 acres Johnson 80 acres S.R. & G. 77 acres TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES The notes to financial statements are an integral part of this statement. Page 20 General Obligation Bonds Building Revenue Bonds Series 1984 Building Revenue Bonds Ser~es 1985 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BONDS OF INDEBTEDNESS December 31, 1986 Original Issue $ 790,000.00 400,000.00 900,000.00 $2,090,000.00 ------------- ------------- Page 21 Principal Paid $ 700,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 $ 800,000.00 ------------- ------------- Outstanding Balance $ 90,000.00 350,000.00 850,000.00 $1,290,000.00 ------------- ------------- THE SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS December 31, 1986 Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: February 1, 1967 $790,000.00 4.25, 3.375, 3.4X February 1, 1988 $700,000.00 $ 90,000.00 Schedule of Payments Due in Year 1987 1988 Bond Principal $ 45,000.00 45,000.00 $ 90,000.00 ----------- ----------- Page 22 Bond Interest $ 2,295.00 765.00 $ 3,060.00 ---------- ---------- SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE BONDS-SERIES 1984 December 31, 1986 Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: Schedule of Payments Due in Year Bond Principal 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 $ 30,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 60,000.00 $350,000.00 ----------- ----------- *Interest rate to be calculated on each interest payment date for the ensuing six months period. Page 23 May 1, 1984 $400,000.00 * May 1, 199<;, $400,000.00 $350,000.00 Bond Interest $ * * * * * * * * $ * --_u_----- ----------- THE SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE BONDS-SERIES 1985 December 31, 1986 Maturity Date Principal amount Outstanding balance December 1, 198:5 January 17, 198E; Variable, Maximum 10.04%-Minimum 8.00% December 1, 199:5 $900,000.00 850,000.00 Date of Bonds Date of Issue Interest rate SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS Bond Principal Due in Year 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $ 70,000.00 70,000.00 70,000.00 90,000.00 90,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 110,000.00 130,000.00 $ 850,000.00 ------------ ------------ Page 24 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY RECONCILEMENT OF FISCAL AGENCY ACCOUNT December 31, 1986 BALANCE WITH FISCAL AGENCY-January 1, 1986 REMITTANCES Matured bonds Interest coupons Bond commission and postage TOTAL REMITTANCES AND BEGINNING BALANCE RETURNS Cancelled bonds Interest coupons Commission and postage retained BALANCE WITH FISCAL AGENCY-December 31, 1986 Page 25 $45,000.00 3,825.00 $45,000.00 3,825.00 $ 48,825.00 $48,825.00 $48,825.00 $ ---------- ---------- AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT Certificates of deposit BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT Certificates of deposit TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING Fund SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS December 31, 1986 Balance Purchases Redemptions Balance 1-1-86 Year 1986 Year 1986 12-31-86 $ $ $ $ 212,000- 102,000 110,000 $ 212,000 $ $ 102,000 $ 110,000 ---------- ---------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Page 26 Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability Comprehensive General Liability Owners', Landlords', and Tenants' Liability Rental Buildings- Industrial Airport Terminal and Rental Buildings Vehicles and Equipment Public Employees Blanket Bond Public officials and Employees liability SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1986 Type of Coverage Bodily inJury and property damage Bodily inJury and property damage Fire and lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief-loss of rents Amount of Coverage Co-Insurance Percentage $ 100,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 772,479.00 Fire and lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and malicious mischief 3,657,000.00 Liability Physical damage Medical payments Uninsured motorists Honesty blanket position bond coverage 90% 500,000.00 577,260.00 2,000.00 25/50,000.00 100,000.00 Errors & omissions including asbestos & pollution coverage on a claims made basis 1,000,000.00 Page 27 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF FEDERAL ASSISTANCE CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER 20.106 For the year ended December 31, 1986 Program Title DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration Runway overlay snow blower Federal Aviation Administration Master plan update 1985-1991 Federal Aviation Administration Runway overlay, Fire Station and supporting communications Expenditures During Federal ID Number Year 3-30-0072-04 $ 3-20-0072-05 25,808.18 3-20-0072-06 108,037.00 Federal Aviation Administration 3-20-0072-07 lighting proJect, preapplication 26,653.12 Federal Aviation Administration 3-02-0072-08 runway fareway paving, preapplication 5,079.00 Federal Aviation Administration 3-02-0072-09 Runway 12/30 paving, preapplication 6,580.00 $172,157.20 ------------ ------------ Page 28 Amount of Awards $ 85.50 24,188.94 101,780.78 $126,055.22 ----------- ----------- CATALOG OF SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SUMMARY OF COMPLETED FEDERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE For year ended December 31, NUMBEH 20.105 1985 Program Title Federal ID Number Expenditures During Year Federal Aviation Administration Runway overlay and Snow blower 3-20-0072-04 1983 1984 1985 1985 1985 $ 1,393.09 3,526.00 765,992.71 95.00 TOTAL $771,005.80 ----------- ----------- Amount of Awards $ 593,820.52 85.50 $693,905.12 ----------- ----------- CATALOG OF FEDERAL DOMESTIC ASSISTANCE NUMBER 20.105 For year ended December 31, 1985 Program Title Federal ID Number Expenditures During Year Federal Aviation Administration Taxiway overlay 3-20-0072-03 1983 1984 1985 $ 5,382.15 395,619.13 39,436.04 TOTAL $441,437.33 ----------- ----------- Page 29 Amount of Awards $ 353,587.28 43,506.32 $397,293.60 ----------- ----------- A. H. LECKBAND & co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 719 EAST CRAWFORD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 A. H. LECK8AND, C.P.A. EUGENE O. HARRISON, C.P.A. THOMAS G. ARNETT, C.P.A. MEM8ERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PU8LIC ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING DEF'ARTMENT (913) 827-7244 DATA PROCESSING OEF'ARTMENT (913) 827-7245 January 26, 1987 The Board of Directors Salina Airport Authority Salina, Kansas 67401 We have examined the flnancial statements of the Salina Alrport Authority for the years ended December 31, 1935, and December 31, 1~ì85 and have issued our reports thereon dated January 29, 1985 and January 25, 1937 respectively. Our examinations were made in accordance WJ.th generally accepted government auditlng standards; the provisions of Standards for Audit of Governmental Organizations, Programs, Activities, and Functions, promulgated by the U.S. Comptroller General, as they pertaln to financlal and compliance audits; the provlsions of the Office of Management and Budget's <OM B) Compliance-Supplement - Uniform Requirements of Programs for Grants to State and Local Governments; the provisions of OMB's Circular A-128, and accordlngly, included such test of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considerE~d necessary in the circumstances. Based on our examination, we found that, for the items tested, the Sallna Airport Authority compIled with the material terms and conditions of the federal award agreements. Further, based on our e):amination and the pro- cedures referred to abo~e, nothlng came to our attention to indicate that the Salina Airport Authority had not complied with the slgnlficant compli- ance terms and conditions of the awards referred to above. This report is intended solely for the use of the Salina Alrport Author- ity, the cognizant audit agency, and other federal audit agencies and should not be used for any other purpose. A. H. LECKBAND & CO., CPA, ~/ ~ "/'"} t', ~ /i/; >it .f! V~ '--- ,1~~1 CHARTERED Thomas G. Arnett CPA Page 30 A. H. LECKBAND & co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 719 EAST CRAWFORD SALINA, KANSAS 67401 A. H. LECKBAND, C.P.A. EUGENE D. HARRISON, C.P.A. THOMAS G. ARNETT, C.P.A. MEMBERS AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTING DEFARTMENT (913) 827-7244 DATA PROCESSING DEPARTMENT (913) B27-7245 January 26, 1987 The Board of Directors Salina Airport Authority Sallna, Kansas 57401 We have examined the financial statements of the Salina Airpor~ Authority for the years ended December 31, 1985 and December 31, 19Ei5 and ha ve issued our reports thereon dated Janual-Y 29, :986 and JarJuary 2S, 1987 respectively. As part of our examinations, we made a study and evaluation of the system of internal accounting control of the Salina Airport Authority to the extent we considered necessary ~o evaluate the system as required by generally accepted government auditing standards a~d the standards for financial and compliance audits contained in the U.S. General Accounting Offlce's Standards for Audit of Governmental Orqanizations, Programs, Activities, and Functlons. For the purpose of ~his report, we have classified the signiflcant internal accountlng controls in the following categories: Financi~; Statement Captions Cas!! and cash equivalents Investments Property and equipment Payables aDd accrued llajilities D",bt Fund BaL1nce Our study included all of the control categories llsted above. The purpose of our study and evaluatlon was to determine the nature, tlmlng, and extent of performing the audlt~ng procedures necessary for expresslng an opinion on the entity's financial statements. Our study and evaluatlon was more limited than would be necessary to express an op:_nion on the system of internal accountlng control taken as a whole or on any of the categories of control identified above. (continued) Page 31 The management o£ the Salina Airport Authority is responsible for estab- lishing and maintaining a system o£ internal accounting control. In ful- filling this responsibility, estimates and Judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related cost of control procedures. The obJectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are sa£eguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of £inancial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because o£ inherent limitations in any system of internal accounting con- trol, errors or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, proJection of any evaluation of the system to future periods is sub- Ject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate be=ause o£ changes in conditions or that the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the first paragraph would not necessarily disclose all material weaknesses the system. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion on the system of internal accounting control of the Salina Airport Authority taken as a whole or on any of the categories o£ controls identified in the £irst paragraph. in This report is intended solely for the use of management and the Federal Aviation Administration and should not be used for any other purpose. A. H. LECKBAND & CO., CPA, CHARTERED Thomas G. / Arnett CPA Page 32