Audit Report - 1976 \\O,\!li' 01 i'IIUlTOI{' ,- . '-I '\ '\eN \, "'¡WItKSI" ! h."",,,' [JEAN TI~KLLR V", ('I"""", V'l-'.N L /1 "'IFY "A~ ~ l\ "UTI!JE\{ I',., ( ,II" '1 , "" SA.LIN .A. .A.IRPOR T .A. UTHORI.TY SALIN A MUNICIPAL AIRPORT i ,"', I ,',1 I', IIK\II"'IBII\[)I,,(,"OI:iJ ~, 1 ' II \ '\11'" h,""" (l7'¡01 February 24, 1977 , Centlemen: ,bl' Sa1 Lna Airport Authority herewith submits an accounting of its operations for the calendar year 1976, as reported by A. II. Leckband & Co., its independent certified public accountants. J976 was a good year at the Salina Airport Industrial Center and the Salina Municipal Airport. FAA air operations count for 1976 went over the 100,000 mark and increased 20% over 1975, with a total of 102,892 operations. This was due, in a large part, to the increased pilot training conducted by the fixed base operators; also to continued TWA pilot training in Lockheed 1011, and because the Salina Municipal Airport is becoming a center for refueling of business and commercial jets. ßeech Aircraft Corporation expanded their operations by leasing the old Rapid Air Hangar Building #509 (42,300 sq. ft.) and they will utilize it for increased manufacturing space in the future. Presently it is being used for storage of aircraft. Jeech Aircraft built a complete aircraft painting facility in Hangar 606 and now are able to paint their aircraft being manufactured here. This is a deluxe facility and a good addition to Hangar 606. Construction continues for Tony's Pizza facility. A 10,000 sq. ft. warehouse is almost ('ompleted in the warehouse area. This will give Schwan's Sales Enterprises Inc. increased warehouse space. Schwan's also constructed a complete truck washing facility at their truck repair and distribution center on the north ramp. rhe Salina Airport Authority acquired 8.6 acres east of Tony's Pizza plant from the Federal Government and leased it to Schwan's Sales Enterprises, Inc., for additional Tony'~ Pizza expansion. ¡'rontier Ai rlines are doubling the number of flights serving Salina, effective March 2, 1977. This will provide a round-trip flight to Denver, a flight in the morning and a return flight at night; and a round-tri,p flight to Wichita, Kansas. Frontier has not been able to finalize plans to go into O'Uara at Chicago, as the route case is still awaiting Civil Aeronautics Board decision. Aircraft Services Inc. continued to expand by doubling their hangar space, shop space, and private and public office space. They also added additional refueling equipment. '~'he Sal lna Airport Authority constructed additional hangar space for Nelson Aviation, doubling their leased space. ;, ¡ 11 ('I KanC;,i"; Tnc.)mplered a new operations building. the\' speejallz, "'l,l ; ,'.; ;Hi,,;qe!-i~ jhi cammer,';;]} jet aircraft on ,:ross-country flights. ,11, ., rpurt,\llthoritv 1 ",a";l el f;p'vis Construction Co. l'nl' block of ten old t T' ".tLel lvu me ;-. h;dls, to [,'bulld into an apartment complex. 'he first l " I, ; lding 1- . )mpletc an,! uc,'!pied, and the second apartment building is I, -' 'le. 1 '.., '~a-; pru'/ed re. be a very worthwhile project and will provide !, > ."c,' ~. '¡¡HC, "f : .t' Ln,\ustrial v;urkers at the Airport Industrial Center. ¡ t ,i ~, ¡,í c : e'" [("\ >", that part 01: the Industrial Center. , ill, . :;1,1 .\l~rort .-\,;UIIJ: ~y leased lD Rapid Transit Inc. the fuel storage tank ,¡1m, . h i!;,:-' f>,750,('CiU gallons cf fuel storage in three above-",round tanks. .hc' 11"rt' tank is bfc"ing used for he;:¡ting fuel storage and the south and center ('ink" d ,;:-:;,òd for Agrico fertilizer products. Storage of fertilizer and heating fue ¡ i'~ ,:; demand and the tank farm is proving to be a valuable le,'\seho1d. '"uk;: Hi 11 ':lC. has started development on their property leased (rom :'irporl 1\1 thoril':, I'dst of tank farm and extending to Magnolia Road. h'd] ding,:; Lib been, onslruc ted and a concrete bridge built to proviÓe ~ídg'1'lja r-..,'ad. the Salina One of three access to \I1"t\11.=[ ,\irport Aid Devc'lopment Project (ADAP) \.¡as approved to provide Salina Fire Station #) with a quick response fire and crash truck, fully equipped with the latest I ire fighting materials, including six fire protection suits. Also, part (\1 tn, ne-oJ project i,ò ,mber filters for the first 2000 feet of RuOViay 35 and R.\:m.:J.\ : 7. \vh i ch wi 11 bring the runway lighting in compliance v. it h'he latest f. ,A r, c()m'11,~[1déitions. lhe Sell ',k ,\irport Authùritv':~ prope;ty, ¿1irfield facilities, ,tod buildings have nl'en \:J~ ¡, r a pLanned and executed maintenance program during the past year. ~l\','nt' '! bui lding!-i w('re reroofed in 1976. ':'lJe S,d ¡,n Airport AUtfhHLty appreciates the cooperation it has received from :111 s(ò¡:'¡i1ents of the Salina community during the past year, and pledges its efforts tov.'ard c(,ntinued progre,.;,;in its area of responsibility. Sincerely, "\ I SALlNA ~lRPORT,."AUTH. ORIT'\" , ./~. ( ¡ // ' /~~' . . . / ' " '- .v;/ -f ? , 6' / ¿;'¿i-¿¿ . t;¿..'¿ t ,t .------ ~....,.-/ .... ;- \-- ,-<' - .....- , B~n: E. \'idTicksen Chairman BEV:: s SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY Salina, Kansas AUDIT REPORT Year 1976 A. H. LECKBAND & CO. Certified Public Accountants Accounting Bldg., 719 East Crawford Salina, Kansas 67401 :,::X,.::::BI'I' A ::;C~-.~¿èlle A-1 Sc~~e¿u::'e A-2 Scl~è¿èlle A-3 :'::::::::::3I'I' £) Sc'~',e¿èlle E-l Sc~e¿ule ::,-2 Sc:.e¿èl~e 3-3 Scl-,edèlle B-4 Scl-.edule 13-5 :'::X¡::Bi'I' C EX:¡':;'::::¡H'I' ¡) ~"PT~~m ~ i:..Ah.lbl.l. i:.. EXiiIBI'I' F SALINA AiRPORT AUTHORITY TAbLE OF COKTENTS Pa':?;e Auditor's Report 1 Coillwents 2 Sta~~went of Receipts, Disbursements, and Com)osi~ion of Ending Cash Balances O?erating Revenues Operating Ex?cnditures Capital Expenditures 3 4 5 6 Bonds or Indebtedness 7 General Ooligation Bonds Dèlil¿ing Revenue Bonds-Series 1971 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1972 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1973 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1973-2 8 9 10 11 12 Reconcilement of Fiscal Agency Account 13 Schedule of Investments 14 Insurance in Force 15 Schedule of Audit Adjustments 16 February 4, 1977 ~o ~he Directors S¿:ina Ai~port Authority Sa:ina, Kansas 67401 Gentler;¡en: We have exar;¡ined the financial and related general records of the Sa:;'ina /Ürport Au~hority for the year ended December 3:;', 1976. Our examination was performed ~n accordance with the provisions of t:'1e :':ini;:;¡um Standard Âu¿it Program approved by the State Municipal Accounting Board September 28, 1963, and subsequent ar;¡endments thereto, and accordin;:y included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. ~he Salina Airport Authority has not maintained a record of its general fixed assets, and accordingly a statement of general fixed assets, required by genera:;'ly accepted accounting principles, is not included in this report. In our opinion, the accompanying exhibits and schedules reflect fairly ~he cash position of the Salina Airport Authority at December 31, 1976, and the results of its cash transactions for the year then ended on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. rÎ. // ~-ci¿<...~( I (). CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS /' , u / (5 ;¡ /,. j/ , . ~u~~ne O. Harrison, Certified Public Accountant, Certificate No. 1401, in charge of and actively engaged on this audit. 1 CŒ<MENTS 1. The Salina Airport Authority is governed by a board of five directors appointed by the City Commission of the City of Salina, Kansas. The following directors served during the period of our examination: William P. Horton, Chairman-term expired April 27, 1976 Ben Vidricksen, Chairman Dean Tinkler, Vice-Chairman John Zimmerman, Secretary-Treasurer C.J. Wertz Nathan B. Butcher-appointed April 27, 1976 2. The following officials, appointed by the Salina Airport Authority Board of Directors, served during the period of our examination: John F. Scanlan, Executive Vice-President Paul Wall, General Manager and Airport Manager 3. The Sal ina Air?ort Authority is exempt from the cash bó.s is law under the provisions of K.S.A. 10-1116 as stated in the audit reports of prior years. 4. ~e recommend that a determination of the values of the capital assets be recorded on the books and that a realistic depreciation charge be computed and recorded annually. 5. A Bon¿ Reserve Account and a Replacement and Depreciation Account were established during 1971 in accordance with the Buj~lding Revenue Bond issues. The requirements and balances of these accounts are as follows: Bond Reserve Account Replacement and Depreciation Account $12,OOO.OO 12,000.00 Balances required as of December 31, 1976 Actual balances as of December 31, 1976 $21,000.00 21,000.00 2 SAlJINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND STATE7'1ENT OF RECEIPTS J DISBURSEHENTS. AND COHPOSITION OF ENDING CASH BALANCES EXHIBIT A CASH AND INVESTMENTS-January 1 January 1 4\irport Revolving Account lliJ,782.45 RECEIPTS Operating revenues-Schedule A-I $339,937.80 Proceeds of Airport Development Aid Program Grant TOTAL RECEIPTS RECEIPTS AND BEGINNING BALANCE $339,937.80 ~693,720.25 to December 31, Building Revenue Account g26,903.47 $333,839.42 §]33,839.42 1976 General Operating Fund Totals Lí§..o.. 6 8 5 . 92 $ 673,777.22 $ 673,777.22 $560,742.89 $1,254,463.14 DISBURSEMENTS Operating expenditures-Schedule A-2 $318,490.70 $225,155.16 $ 543,645.86 Capital expenditures-Schedule Ae3 25,599.76 89,100.00 114,699.76 Airport Development Aid Program project expenditures 7,907.73 - 7,907.73 Overpayment to Kansas Public Employees Retirement Fund TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $351.998.19 $314,255.16 $ 666,253.35 CASH AND INVESTMENTS-December 31 ~1.722.06 §246.487.73 $ 588.209.79 AVAILABLE CASH AND INVESTMENTS-December 31 First National Bank & Trust Co. $ Planters State Bank & Trust Co. National Bank of America First State Bank & Trust Co. Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit-Bond Reserve Certificates of Deposit-Replacement and Depreciation Reserve Transfer of Funds per Schedule of Audit Adjustments TarAL DEDUCT-Amounts withheld from payroll 20,641.31 9,950.91 315,000.00 1,109.59 $346,701.81 TOTAL CASH AND INVESTMENTS-December 31 $341,722.06 4 ¿}29, 75 $ 32,759.99 91,837.33 90,000.00 21,000.00 12,000.00 tL109.59) ~. $246,487.73 ~ $ 32,759.99 20,641.31 91,837.33 9,950.91 405,000.00 21,000.00 12,000.00 $ 593,189.54 4,979.75 ~487,73 $ 588.209.79 3 January 1 to December 31, 1975 Airport Building General Revolving Revenue Operating Account Account Fund Totals g96,801.80 $199.477 ,61 $ 496,279.1;1 $410,603 .72 $314,870.42 $ 725,474.14 261,577.33 - 261,577.33 $672,181.05 $314,870.42 $ 987,051.47 $968,982.85 $514,348.03 $1,483,330.88 $264,541.01 $226,444.56 $ 490,985.57 1,535.25 61,000.00 62,535.25 347,061.53 - 347,061.53 2,062.61 - 2,062.61 $615,200.40 $287,444.56 $ 902,644.96 $353.782.45 $226,903.47 $ 580.685.92 $ - $ 25,163.35 $ 25,163.35 53,873.46 - 53,873.46 - 90,740.12 90,740.12 3,934.67 - 3,934.67 300,000.00 80,000.00 380,000.00 19,000.00 19,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 $357,808.13 4,025.68 $226,903.47 $ 584,711.60 4,025.68 $353,782.45 ill6~9Q3,47 $ ~,685 .92 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND Building rents Agricultural land rents Other land rents Hangar rents Other rents Fixed base operator Landing fees Commissions Interest on investments Interest on sale of property Sale of property Reimbursement-FAA mowing Reimbursement-airport security Insurance proceeds Miscellaneous income TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES OPERATING REVENUES Schedule A-I January 1 to December Airport Building Revolving Revenue Account Account $210,311.67 $285,161.86 4,845.00 3,359.00 10,648.16 1,000.00 14,777.50 17,815.34 100.00 26,719.71 61,029.49 1,094.34 17,339.73 97.50 5.472 .00 2,280.20 $339.937.80 9,652.50 415.96 1.546.26 111 .00 $333,839.42 31, 1976 General Operating Fund Totals $495,473.53 8,204.00 11 , 648 .16 14,777.50 17,915.34 26,719.71 61,029.49 1,094.34 26,992 .23 415.96 1,546.26 97.50 5.472 .00 2,391.20 $673~777 .22 4 January 1 to December Airport Building Revolving Revenue Account Account $186,983.99 $281,391.48 6,721.83 5,185.00 5,975.00 1,090.00 14,380.00 4,677 .50 100.00 58,867.64 67,384.59 775.94 18,511.64 165.00 7.777.93 55,585.16 1,755.00 $410,603 .72 6,232.16 484.12 1,327.16 103.00 31, 1975 General Operating Fund Totals $468,375.47 11,906.83 7,065.00 14,380.00 4,777 .50 58,867.64 67,384.59 77 5 .94 24,743.80 484.12 1,327.16 165.00 7,777.93 55,585.16 1,858.00 ~l4,870.42 $725.474.14 GENERAL OPERATING FUND OPERATING EXPENDITURES OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION Office salaries Off ice supplies Postage Car expense Travel expense Legal and auditing Insurance Social security tax Employees retirement Telephone 1eimbursabl :harges Airport sec~ity Other office and administration TOTALS MAINTENANCE Building maintenance Runways, taxiways and ramps Equipment gas, oil and repairs Utilities Grounds maintenance Janitor supplies Maintenance salaries Snow removal Airfield lighting equipment Other maintenance expense TOTALS BOND AND INTEREST Bond principal redeemed Bond interest expense Bond commission and postage Expense relating to bond issue TOTALS TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES Schedule A-2 January 1 to December 31, 1976 Airport Building General Revolving Reven~~ Operating Account Acco,.. è Fund Totals $ 55,269.76 1,216.32 326.15 3,081.39 1,040.66 5,198.4C 27,809.13 6,951.30 4,286.74 1,896.74 (5.86) 7,485.16 2,849.45 ~lL405 .34 $ 60,298.98 19,933.07 5,355.59 16,583.10 1,495.51 975.55 79,442.15 6.01 2,218.70 14,776.70 L2QLO85.36 $ ~ $318,490.70 $ 1.00 ~ 1.00 $ $ $145,000.00 79,415.66 38.50 700.00 ill5, 154.16 ill5.l55.l6 $ 55,269.76 1,216.32 326.15 3,081.39 1,040.66 5,198.40 27,809.13 6,951.30 4,286.74 1,896.74 (5.86) 7,485.16 2,850.45 $117,406.34 $ 60,298.98 19,933.07 5,355.59 16,583.10 1,495.51 975.55 79,442.15 6.01 2,218.70 14,776.70 WI, 085.' ) $145,000.00 79,415.66 38.50 700.00 $225,154.16 ~5~J, 645.86 January 1 to December 31, 1975 Airport Building General Revolving Revenue Operating Account Account Fund Totals $ 50,460.00 909 .0 5 277 .60 2,799.28 802.08 5,177 .40 25,087.19 6,589.61 5,817.73 1,752.66 (9.30) 5,211.38 2, 943 . 53 ~lQ7,818.21 $17,987.43 10,912.88 5,407.70 14,079.68 11,601.07 1,033.88 79,368.59 149.32 16,182.25 lli6,722.80 $ ~ $264 ,-2~1~ 01 5 $ ~ $ $ $140,000.00 86,109.41 35.15 300.00 $226,444.56 $2.2.ti,444.56 $ 50,460.00 909.05 ')77 LA '-" . uv 2,799.28 802.08 5,177 .40 25,087.19 6,589.61 5,817.73 1,752.66 (9.30) 5,211 .38 2,943.53 lli7,818.21 $ 17,987.43 10,912.88 5,407.70 14,079.68 11,601.07 1,033.88 79,368.59 149.32 16,182.25 lli6, 722.80 $140,000.00 86,109.41 35.15 300.00 $226~444.56 $490,985.57 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY GENERAL OPERATING FUND CAPITAL EXPRNDITlmES C_1.._.L.1- . '1 """"<::UUl.<:: t1.-J Equipment 1976 Matador station wagon 7 H.P. riding mower Self-propelled paint striper Building improvements Building 313- Jarvis Construc- tion Co., Inc. Hangar-Nelson Aviation Building 102l-Rickel Manufacturing Corp. Building 266-Schwan's Sales Enterprises, Inc. Other improvements 6" sewer line across Scanlan Avenue TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENDITURES January 1 to December 31, 1976 Airport Building General Revolving Revenue Operating Account Account Fund Totals January 1 to December 31, 1975 Airport Building General Revolving Revenue Operating Account Account Fund Totals $ 4,499.81 $ - $ 4,499.81 $ - $ - $ 219.95 - 219.95 - - - 1,535.25 - 1,535.25 20,000.00 - 20,000.00 89,100.00 89,100.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 36,000.00 36,000.00 880.00 - 880.00 - lli~599.76 $89 .1O0~OO lli4,699.76 il'L535. 25 ill,ooo.oO ~2,535.25 6 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BONDS OF INDEBTEDNESS December 31, 1976 EXHIBIT B Original Principal Outstanûin¿; Issue Paid Balance -- General Obligation Bonds Schedule B-I $ 790,000.00 $270,000.00 $ 520,000.00 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1971 Schedule B-2 250,000.00 95,000.00 155,000.00 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1972 Schedule B-3 500,000.00 140,000.00 360,000.00 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1973 Schedule B-4 350,000.00 75,000.00 275,000.00 Building Revenue Bonds-Series 1973 -2 Schedule B-5 350,000.00 75,000.00 275,000.00 $2.240,000.00 $655.000.00 $1,585,000.00 7 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY CE\~~L OBLIGATION BONDS December 31, 1976 Schedule B-I Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance February 1, 1967 $790,000.00 4.25, 3.375, 3.4% February I, 1988 $270,000.00 $520,000.00 Schedule of Payments Due in Bond Bond Year Principal Interest 1977 $ 40,000.00 $ 16,931.29 1978 40,000.00 15,581.29 1979 40,000.00 14,231.29 1980 40,000.00 12,881.29 1981 45,000.00 11 ,446.92 1982 45,000.00 9,928 .l 7 1983 45,000.00 8,409.42 1984 45,000.00 6,885.00 1985 45,000.00 5,355.00 1986 45,000.00 3,825.00 1987 45,000.00 2,295.00 1988 45,000.00 765.00 $520.000.00 $108.534.67 8 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVENUE BO~~S - SERIES 1971 . December 31, 1976 Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: January I, 1971 $250,000.00 5% January 1, 1981 $95,000.00 $155,000.00 Schedule of Payments Due in Bond Bond Year Principal Interest 1977 $ 25,000.00 $ 7,125.00 1978 30,000.00 5,750.00 1979 30,000.00 4,250.00 1980 35,000.00 2,625.00 1981 35,000.00 875.00 $155,000.00 $ 20,625.00 Schedule B-2 9 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVE~uE BONDS - SERIES 1972 December 31, 1976 Date of Issue: Amount of Issue: Int.:'rest Rate: Nãturity Dãte: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: Due in Ye::i::- 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 July 1, 1972 $500,000.00 4.5, 5/0 July 1, 1984 $140,000.00 $360,000.00 Schedule of Payments Bond Bond Interest PrinciJal $ 17,175.00 15,375.00 13,575.00 11,775.00 9,750.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 $ 40,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 $360.000.00 $ 82.650.00 Schedule B-3 10 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING R~VENUE BO~uS - SERIES 1973 December 31, 1976 Date of Issue: fuuount of Issue: Interest Rate: ~:aturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: Schedule of Payments Due in Year Bond Principal $ 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 40,000.00 40,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 $275,000.00 January 1, 1973 $350,000.00 5.25/0 February 1, 1985 $75,000.00 $275,000.00 Bond Interest $ 13,781.25 12,468.75 11 ,156.25 9,843.75 8,531.25 6,825.00 4,725.00 2,756.25 918.75 $ 71.006.25 Schedule B-4 11 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY BUILDING REVE~UE BO~DS - SERIES 1973-2 December 31, 1976 Date of Issue: A~ount of Issue: Interest Rate: Maturity Date: Principal Paid: Outstanding Balance: December 31, 1973 $350,000.00 6, 6.5% December 1, 1985 $75,000.00 $275,000.00 Schedule of Payments Due in Bond Bond Year- Principal Interest 1977 $ 25,000.00 $ 17,500.00 1978 25,000.00 16,000.00 1979 25,000.00 14,500.00 1980 25,000.00 13,000.00 1981 25,000.00 11,375.00 1982 40,000.00 9,750.00 1983 40,000.00 7,150.00 1984 35,000.00 4,550.00 1985 35,000.00 2,275.00 $275,000.00 $ 96,100.00 Schedule B-5 12 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY RECONCILE~ŒNT OF FISCAL AGENCY ACCOUNT December 31, 1976 BALA~CE WILd FISCAL AGENCY-January 1, 1976 REMITTA~CES Matured bonds Interest coupons Commission and postage TOTAL REMITTANCES AND BEGINNING BALANCE RETUR~S Cancelled bonds Interest coupons paid Commission and postage retained BALfu~CE WITH FISCAL AGENCY-December 31, 1976 $35,000.00 18,196.91 38.50 $35,000.00 18,703.13 38.50 EXHIBIT C $ 506.22 53,235.41 $53,741.63 53,741.63 $ 13 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF INVESTMENTS December 31, 1976 EXHIBIT D Balance Purchases Redemptions Balance 1-1-76 Year 1976 Year 1976 12-31-76 AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT Certificates of deposit $300,000.00 $ 775,000.00 $ 760,000.00 $315,OOO.00 BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT Certificates of deposit 111 ,000 .00 552,000.00 540,000.00 123,000.00 TOTAL- GENERAL OPERATING FUND $411 .000.00 $1,327.000.00 $1.300.000.00 $438.000.00 14 Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liability Comprehensive General Liability Owners, Landlords, and Tenants Liability SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY INSURANCE IN FORCE December 31, 1976 Type of Coverage Bodily injury and property damage Rental Bui1dings-Schwan's Fire and lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and mali- cious mischief Rental Buildings- Industrial Rental Buildings- Dwe lUngs Airport Terminal and Rental Buildings Vehicles Fire and lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and mali- cious mischief-rental value insurance Fire and lightning, extended coverage Fire and lightning, extended coverage, vandalism and mali- cious mischief Bodily injury Property damage Fire, lightning and transportation, theft, combined additional coverage Medical payments Uninsured motorists Amount of Coverage $ 100,000.OO 5,000,000.00 1,000.000.00 6,255,000.00 431,570.00 52,000.00 1,949,000.00 100/300,000.00 50,000.00 31,900.00 2,000.00 15/30,000.00 EXHIBIT E Co-Insurance Percentage 90% 15 SALINA AIRPORT AUTHORITY SCHEDULE OF AUDIT ADJUSTMENTS December 31, 1976 AIRPORT REVOLVING ACCOUNT Account No. (1) Transfer of Funds Interest on Investments To record amount due from the Building Revenue Account for interest on certificate of deposit #12194 which was deposited in the Building Revenue Account checking account on December 15, 1976. (2) Janitor Supplies ADAP Project To reclassify portion of Check #8445 dated December 8, 1976, for payment of janitor supplies which was charged to ADAP project in error. BUILDING REVENUE ACCOUNT (1) Interest on Investments Transfer of Funds To record amount due to the Airport Revolving Account for interest on certifi- cate of deposit #12194 which was deposited in the Building Revenue Account checking account on December 15, 1976. 480 475 725 765 480 460 Debit -- 1,109.59 42.78 1,109.59 EXHIBIT F Cred it 1,109.59 42.78 1,109.59 16