Continuity of Operations Plan Continuity of Operations Plan For • City of Salina, Kansas City of Salina June 2006 Information contained in this Continuity Plan is the property of the City of Salina, KS and is deemed confidential and proprietary. It is not to be disclosed to any third party without the City's written consent. Nancy Schuessler— COOP Program Coordinator Original Release Prepared by: ReSolutsiIienioncys:::- For Official Use Only Page 1 Forward NOTE: This plan is not intended to limit or restrict initiative, judgment, or independent action required to provide appropriate and effective disaster mitigation, preparation, response and recovery. At the same time, freedom of initiative cannot be used as an excuse for failure to take necessary coordinated action to successfully accomplish objectives. The City of Salina, Kansas is accountable for providing a variety of critical services to their citizens and businesses. Any disruption to the delivery of those services will have a major negative impact on those citizens and businesses. Thus, should a major disruption occur, it is imperative that city departments have a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and organization that can be mobilized immediately to minimize the impact of this disruption on the delivery of those services. • The City of Salina, Kansas has operations that must be performed, or rapidly and efficiently resumed, in an emergency. While the impact of an emergency cannot be predicted, planning for operations under such conditions can mitigate the impact of the emergency on our people, our facilities and our mission. • COOP Program Coordinator • For Official Use Only Page ii , Approvals By their signatures below, the following senior level officials certify that they have read this Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) and fully understand the business resumption procedures to be followed in an emergency affecting the facilities and employees for which they are responsible. Approved: Date Name: Title: Approved: Date Name: Title: • Approved: Date Name: Title: Approved: Date Name: Title: Approved: Date Name: Title: Approved: Date Name: Title: • For Official Use Only Page iii Revision History Date Version Description Author June 2006 1.0 Initial COOP Resiliency Solutions •• • For Official Use Only Page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Basic Information 2 Concept of Operations 3 Organization and Responsibilities 4 Continuity of Operations 5 Disaster Event Strategy S 6 Plan Implementation and Maintenance 7 Appendix A Continuity Executive Team s Appendix B Continuity Management Team g Appendix C Impact Assessment Team le Appendix D Activation & Relocation Activities 11 i• COOP Departmental Annexes 12 • Table of Contents Forward ii Approvals I Revision History iv Table of Contents v Introduction 1 Basic Information 2 Purpose 2 Authorities and References 3 Applicability and Scope 4 Concept of Operations 4 Organization and Responsibilities 7 Continuity of Operations 8 • Continuity Strategy 8 Disaster Event Strategy 8 Workgroup Recovery 11 Reconstitution 12 Plan Implementation, Maintenance and Storage 21 Implementation of the Plan 21 Updating the Plan 22 Storage of the Plan 23 Appendix A— Continuity Executive Team 24 Responsibilities 24 Appendix B — Continuity Management Team 26 Responsibilities 26 Appendix C - Impact Assessment Team 28 Responsibilities 28 • Appendix D —Activation and Relocation Activities 29 For Official Use Only Page v • COOP Departmental Annexes 30 Annex A—Arts & Humanities 31 Annex B — Bicentennial Center 38 Annex C — Building Services 45 Annex D — City Commissioners 52 Annex E — City Manager • 60 Annex F — Computer Technology 68 Annex G - Finance & Administration 79 Annex H - Fire Department 86 Annex I - Human Relations 93 Annex J — Human Resources 100 Annex K - Municipal Court 107 Annex L - Parks and Recreation 114 Annex M - Planning and Community Development 122 • Annex N - Police Department 129 Annex 0 - Public Works 136 Annex P - Risk Management 143 • For Official Use Only Page vi Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Introduction This Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) will assist City of Salina, Kansas in ensuring the continuity of its governmental services to its citizens. This plan does not apply to the tasks associated with disaster and emergency management activities but rather focuses on the continuity of the governmental operations of the city itself. The operational concepts reflected in this plan focus on potential larger-scale disasters that can cause a disruption to the delivery of critical city services by an entire department or group of departments. This COOP along with the established emergency management plans for City of Salina make up an integrated program for the city to deal with disasters of all types. The intent of the plan is to assist the City of Salina with insuring the continued functioning of governmental operations deemed critical to the city by developing operational capabilities that mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from an emergency or disaster. Mitigation refers to activities that actually eliminate or reduce the chance of occurrence or the effects of a disaster. Preparedness is planning how to respond in case an emergency or disaster occurs, and working to increase resources available to respond effectively. Response involves activities and programs designed to address the immediate and short-term effects of an emergency or disaster. Recovery is • the phase that involves restoring critical and essential operations to normal, which can be both short and long-term. In addition, this COOP will also address the maintenance of this plan through training, testing and exercises. This plan should be considered a preparedness document, intended to be read and understood before an emergency occurs. It is critical that a high level of preparedness be achieved and maintained by City of Salina personnel designated as Continuity Management Team (CMT) members. Personnel not identified in the first five days are to remain at their residences unless otherwise notified by City leadership. All employees who are not required to report will be on call, standby status. • For Official Use Only Page 1 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Basic Information Purpose This Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) provides policy and guidance for the City of Salina personnel, to ensure that critical and essential operations are continued in the event of an emergency or threat of an emergency. Government at all levels has the responsibility to plan and respond to disasters resulting from hazards that are known to threaten the jurisdiction. In view of this fact, the local government needs to establish a program to provide for the overall planning and coordination of emergencies. Disasters might require the city government to operate in a manner different from normal day-to-day routines and might seriously overextend local government resources. This COOP should provide guidance to local government departments during disasters. This COOP should also serve as an indicator of local government capability; if the local government is unable to provide adequate coverage for a particular resource or potential hazard, alternate sources or contingency plans should be developed within political and budgetary constraints. The COOP should work within the broader context of the overall City Emergency • Management program and will provide the City of Salina with a framework in which the organization can respond to and begin the recovery process during and immediately after any event that denies access to or destroys a primary operations facility. This plan provides operational concepts relating to the various emergencies, identifies composition of the Continuity Management Team (CMT), and describes the overall responsibilities of the CMT organization for responding to any event that may disrupt normal business operations. This plan will mitigate the effects of hazards, prepare for measures to be taken which may minimize damage and enhance the ability of the City of Salina to respond during an emergency. This plan also establishes a recovery framework to continue critical and essential business operations and return the organization to a normal or improved state of affairs. Finally, this plan notes sources of.outside support that could be called upon to assist during an emergency, e.g., private, local, state and federal agencies. Despite the use throughout this plan of the terms "shall," "will," "must," or similar terms, such terms shall not imply the imposition of any mandatory duty; all duties to be performed pursuant to the plan by the City of Salina, its employees, management, and/or agents, shall be deemed to be discretionary duties unless such duties are specifically mandated by statute or ordinance. • For Official Use Only Page 2 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS � , Authorities and References COOP planning ensures the continuance and uninterrupted delivery of critical services to the public, which is necessary to enable the City to comply with existing statutes, executive orders, and mandates, among which are included the Stafford Act, and other applicable laws, statutes, and regulations. Principle documents mandating the development and implementation of COOP at various levels of government include: • Executive Order 12472, Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Telecommunications Functions, April 3, 1984 • Executive Order 12656, Assignment of Emergency Preparedness Responsibilities, as amended, November 18, 1988 • Executive Order 12919, National Defense Industrial Resources Preparedness, June 6, 1994 • FPC 60, Continuity of the Executive Branch of the Federal Government at the • Headquarters Level During National Security Emergencies, dated November 20, 1990 • FPC 65, Federal Executive Branch, Continuity of Operations, July 26,1999 • National Security Act of 1947, dated July 26, 1947, as amended • Presidential Decision Directive 39, U.S. Policy on Counter-terrorism, June 21, 1995 • Presidential Decision Directive 62, Protections Against Unconventional Threats to the Homeland and Americans Overseas, May 22, 1998 • Presidential Decision Directive 63, Critical Infrastructure Protection, May 22, 1998 • Presidential Decision Directive 67, Enduring Constitutional Government and Continuity of Government Operations, October 21,1998 • Executive Order 12148, Federal Emergency Management, dated July 20, 1979, as amended • Occupant Emergency Plan (OEP 44 CFR 101-2) • 41 Code if Federal Regulations (CFR) 101-2, Occupant Emergency Program, • revised as of July 1, 1998 For Official Use Only Page 3 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • ; • 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1236, Management of Vital Records, revised as of July 1, 1998 Applicability and Scope The provisions of this COOP are applicable to all City personnel. This plan is applicable to the full spectrum of manmade, natural, and technological emergencies and threats, with the exception of civil defense matters, which are addressed in other documentation. This COOP plan describes the actions that will be taken to activate a viable COOP capability within 12 hours of an emergency event, and to sustain that capability for up to 30 days. The COOP plan can be activated during duty and non-duty hours, both with and without warning. The COOP plan covers all facilities, systems, vehicles and buildings operated or maintained by the City. The COOP plan supports the performance of essential functions from alternate locations (due to the primary facility becoming unusable, for long or short periods of time) and also provides for continuity of management and decision-making at the City, in the event that leadership or technical personnel are unavailable. The COOP plan has been distributed to leadership and key personnel with the City. Training has been provided to City personnel with identified responsibilities. • Concept of Operations General Operational concepts presented in this section are applicable at all times. In some instances, emergencies may be preceded by some sort_of warning period. If this warning is recognized in time, there can be sufficient time to warn the staff and implement mitigation measures designed to reduce the impact of the emergency. However, often an emergency occurs with little or no warning, requiring immediate activation of this plan and commitment of resources. The following general operations are to be held evident: 1. It is the responsibility of the City of Salina management officials and CMT to undertake comprehensive management of emergencies to protect property and business operations from the effects of a catastrophic event that causes a disruption to the delivery of critical city services by an entire department or group of departments. This plan is based upon the concept that the emergency functions performed by various groups responding to an emergency, will generally parallel their normal day-to-day functions. To the extent possible, the same personnel and material resources will be employed in both cases. • 2. The City Commission and Administrator, in such situations, have ultimate decision-making authority and receive staff support and advice from the For Official Use Only Page 4 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • members of the CMT and their staff in the establishment and administration of the Continuity Management organizational structure. 3. The City's management and CMT will have the primary responsibility for the activities described in this COOP. When the emergency exceeds the City's capability to respond, assistance should be requested from the state or federal government as well from neighboring governments. Mutual aid agreements should be routinely maintained and updated to ensure that an adequate level of emergence support is available for the city. 4. Day-to-day functions that do not contribute directly to response actions to an emergency may be suspended for the duration of the emergency. The resources and efforts that would normally be required for those functions may be diverted to the accomplishment of emergency tasks by the organization managing the use of those resources. 5. A comprehensive continuity program is concerned with all types of hazards that may disrupt the delivery of critical and essential city services. As shown below, it is more than an operations plan because it accounts for activities before, during, and after the disaster. • Phases of Management In light of the continuum of disaster possibilities, this plan will be implemented, to the extent possible, in the following periods and phases: Normal Operations Period During times of normal operations, i.e. those periods without a declared state of emergency or the period directly following, the following phases is to be executed on a regular basis. Mitigation Mitigation activities are those that eliminate or reduce the probability of a disaster occurring. It also includes those long-term actions that lessen the undesirable effects of unavoidable hazards. Particular attention needs to be paid to the Risk List Findings, Facility Risk Overview Findings and Risk Mitigation recommendations for each department. These documents should help guide and prioritize mitigation activities that the organization and city need to undertake. Preparedness Preparedness actions serve to develop the response capabilities needed in the event an • emergency should arise. Planning, training, and exercises are among the activities For Official Use,Only Page 5 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • conducted under this phase. Feedback from these activities should be focused on improving and maintaining the information in the following documents: • Departmental critical and essential process and resources; • Departmental Risks; • COOP contents. It is highly recommended that each Department and the City as a Whole thoroughly exercise and test their COOP at least annually. As the business processes and resource needs for departments are constantly changing, it is likely that this COOP will become ineffective without this level of commitment to the testing and exercising of this plan. State of Emergency Period Once a declared state of emergency or a major disruption to business processes exists, the following phases are to be invoked. Activation and Relocation Typically, this phase covers the first few hours after the detection and communication of an event. This phase includes the formal declaration of a disaster. Activities that are included in the activation and relocation phase include insuring that personnel and • property are addressed. These actions should help to reduce casualties, damage, and speed recovery of critical and essential functions. Critical functions should be those that were rated high on the Critical Processes List for the organization and are those processes that will have the greatest business impact should a disruption occur. Response phase activities include warning, evacuation, rescue, and similar activities. If necessary, the activation of the organization's alternate site activities would also occur during this phase. See Appendix D for phase checklist. Recovery Activities and operations for this phase are focused upon restoring an organization's critical functions and providing the critical needs of the clients. This phase is initiated by the declaration of an "all clear" condition. The "all clear" condition indicates that the disaster situation has ended and that all facilities within the scope of this plan have been secured or that the organization is ready to provide critical functions from an alternate site. See individual departmental checklists in associated Department Annex. Resumption Resumption focuses on restoring the business operations to its normal, or improved, state of affairs. This phase is initiated by a meeting called by the leader of the affected • organization once a determination has been made that all vital operational services have been restored. Examples of recovery actions include restoration of non-vital services For Official Use Only Page 6 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS and reconstruction activity in damaged areas. The recovery period offers an opportune time to institute mitigation measures, particularly those related to the recent disaster. See individual departmental checklists in associated Department Annex. Organization and Responsibilities General Most of the departments within City of Salina have disaster readiness functions in addition to their normal duties. Consequently, each department is responsible for developing and maintaining its own disaster readiness procedures to fulfill these responsibilities. Organization 1. The City's Emergency Management Director will serve as the Director of the Continuity Management Team (CMT). The CMT Director: a. Carries out the program for disaster preparedness and coordinates the efforts during the mitigation of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from a disaster; • b. Takes the appropriate steps to seek outside assistance, if necessary; c. Notifies the members of the CMT of the disaster status and requests their presence at a predetermined response site, if necessary; d. Develops and executes plans for utilization of resources before, during and after an emergency/disaster; e. Ensures the plan is maintained through training and exercises f. Ensures the COOP and CMT are governed and funded through the broader City Emergency Management Program. 2. The membership of the CMT is detailed in Appendix A of this document. The CMT shall perform the following duties: a. Each member shall serve as a liaison for their respective functions or areas of responsibility in order to coordinate and ensure continuity of operations planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities; b. Each member shall report to a designated site when requested by the CMT Director in order to coordinate response activities; c. Each member will create a disaster readiness organization within their • functional area to guide the employees during a disaster and For Official Use Only Page 7 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • communicate a clear understanding of the disaster readiness/continuity of operations plan and its principles; Each member shall guide the disaster readiness organization of his/her functional area in developing and maintaining department level disaster readiness plans and procedures, including evacuation exercises. Continuity of Operations The City leadership team is responsible for the planning and response to disasters resulting from hazards that are known to threaten the City. Every business, public or private, in the world has its good days. The days when everything goes according to plan, the days when all the operations are running smoothly and the business is operating as usual. Nevertheless, what happens when things go wrong? We are urged to think positively and not to consider failure. However, this urge does not include the ignorance of risk management practices. To ignore the possibility of a disaster occurring could one day lead to a disaster in itself. This COOP is a cornerstone to good business practice, embracing risk, security, and • insurance, legal, operational and safety issues. A solid plan recognizes the risk of disasters and insures that critical and essential operations are restored quickly and accurately following a disruption to City operations. The key to recovery is, of course, time. Following a disaster, recovery must take place in the shortest possible time to mitigate losses to an optimum level. Without a solid, updated plan, it would take days, weeks or even months to recover from an event. • Continuity Strategy When an event occurs that interrupts operations, the Continuity Management Team (CMT) will review the situation and determine whether to recommend the declaration of a disaster. If necessary, immediate response steps will be initiated prior to a formal disaster declaration. The ultimate decision whether to declare a disaster and affect a recovery is owned by the CMT. Once a disaster declaration has occurred from the CMT, specified critical functions will be relocated to the designated recovery site. Disaster Event Strategy The flowchart on the next page depicts five stages or actions in responding to a possible disaster. • • Action 1 - Event occurrence and its detection; • Action 2 - Assess the severity of the damage; For Official Use Only Page 8 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • • Action 3 - Declare a disaster and activate the COOP; • Action 4 - Mobilize the recovery teams; • Action 5 - Conduct Recovery Sequences or Activities. • • For Official Use Only Page 9 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Disaster Event Strategy Diagram Detection of Event / Ensure safety of personnel Action 1 \ 4 Report Evento Continuity Management Team(CMT) 1 Continue to Convene CMT meeting and monitor Action 2 Assess Event Severity situation 4 Generate Report No Impact- End Decide Remain on alert- Hold Notify covering Action Teams of event's Warranted potential details by Event declaration Declare Emergency or Disaster 0. -Initiate contact per "Emergency Response Plan" Set Severity Level (1,2 or 3) Action 3 Determine if 2 Severity 3 Mobilize Support and relocation is Level Recovery Teams warranted 1 No Yes Mobilize Support& Convene at Recovery Teams Action 4 original disaster site • Alert support • teams Convene at alternate recovery site Recover in existing facilities 1 Recover in existing __."---Th Action 5 facilities; Re-evaluate Severity Level as needed Recovery" 4- / ` For Official Use Only Page 10 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS •! Workgroup Recovery At this point in the event timeline: • The event affecting one or more of the City's facilities has been detected by City personnel and reported to a member of the CMT; • The CMT has convened a meeting, assessed the situation and determined the severity level; • The CMT has further determined the appropriate level of recovery response and communicated status of event to the affected departments; • Mobilization of support and recovery teams has occurred, and available personnel resources have been brought in to assist with recovery. Continuity of Operations is an essential function of disaster readiness and is vital during an emergency/disaster situation. Continuity of Operations is the preservation, maintenance, or reconstitution of the organization's ability to deliver the services from its critical processes to its citizens, employees and other stakeholders. Within the context of this plan, the concept of Continuity of Operations is comprised of five elements — Succession of Leadership, Alternate Recovery Site, Preservation of Vital • Information/Records, Recovery Sequences and Contact Lists. The major goals of these elements are to insure clarity of communicating: • Who's in charge and coordinating activities; • Where will each organization resume operations; • What vital information needs to be recovered; • Guidelines for response, recovery and resumption of critical and essential operations; • Internal and external contacts that should be contacted about the emergency and alternate operations. These five elements specific to each department are presented in the COOP Annexes. • For Official Use Only Page 11 Continuity ofReconstitution Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Submitted by: Example At this point in the event timeline: • Decision was made to relocate some or all operations to recovery facilities. • Operations have been restored, at least minimally for critical applications, at recovery facility. • A permanent data center location has been determined and decision made to relocate the production IT operations. One of the goals of the COOP is to provide for beginning of recovery and resumption of critical and essential operations within 12 hours and sustain these operations for up to 30 days at an alternate site. However, during the 30 day period, decisions must be considered for returning operations back to permanent facilities. After recovery and resumption of critical and essential operations has completed, relocation of recovered operations into permanent facilities is required. The RMT, in conjunction with the IAT, will determine the schedule for relocation of operations once the permanent facilities are 4111 ready for operations. It is expected relocations of critical systems will occur on "off-hours or evenings and/or weekends. Non-critical systems will be relocated depending upon the company's ability to do without the service. Technology peripherals such as printers, plotters, small servers and desktop computers may be relocated during business hours. The remainder of the systems will be relocated during evening hours, or during weekends. Should network requirements impact the relocation of systems, then network needs will take precedence in determining the order of system relocation. Additionally, vital hardcopy records and filing systems relocation can take place during normal business hours. The following checklists are for use in the event of either a return to the original operations facilities or other permanent site. If operations are returning to an intact facility, not all checklist items will be relevant. However, the checklists should be utilized to ensure all necessary aspects of continued stable operations are in place prior to resuming production operations. Preparing Facilities for Return to Operations The following checklists shall be utilized for verifying the technology and operations ® infrastructure has been built out to support production operations. For Official Use Only Page 12 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Security Completed Responsible onsible Task Party • Access control (cipher locks, card key, biometrics, etc.) Vendor or other entity access to facilities Other tenants access or proximity to facilities Entry logs (both electronic and written) Video surveillance Guards Telephones Fire suppression/monitoring • Smoke and fire detection Fire extinguishers Fire alarm activation and monitoring Fire hazards (proximity to hazards/risks) Water/flooding (pipes, flood plains, sewer/drains, roof, etc.) Risks from proximity threats Exterior walls (windows, adjoining space risks) 111 For Official Use Only Page 13 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS ® � 1 Access Completed Responsible Task Party Loading dock Access ramp Access/door clearance for large items Service elevator capacity (able to move large items to data center floor) Raised tile floor capacity for data center (if applicable) Power Completed Responsible Task Party Multiple power sources (substation feeds) UPS (data center) • • Capacity— Does UPS have sufficient KvA to support data center load? • Battery runtime—sufficient for generator start- up? Generator backups • Fuel storage capacity (run time) • Refueling capability PDUs (data center) • Sufficient number of PDUs • Location Circuit layout Emergency cut off switch(es) at exit Special connectors for equipment Sufficient lighting - normal and emergency • For Official Use Only Page 14 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS •1 Air Conditioning and HVAC Responsible Completed PartyTask Number of units (for capacity and redundancy) Distribution (location in data center to avoid hot spots) Water drains Water detection alarm Equipment and Office Space Layout— Physical Positioning of equipment Responsible Completed PartyTask Access • Equipment accessed for maintenance • Door swing and aisle space sufficient to permit • full access Relocation of equipment • Access space for adding/removing equipment from data center Cooling and airflow • Cabinet airflow requirements, i.e. exhaust from one cabinet does not flow into intake for next cabinet. Power proximity (minimize power cable runs) Network cable access (raceway and other cable run access) • For Official Use Only Page 15 • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS •• Network Responsible Completed PartyTask Cable infrastructure (cabling, patch panels, etc.) Sufficient connections for equipment (switches, hubs) Isolation from production network (does network need to be built without connection to recovery site network to prevent route loops, Active Directory corruption, etc.?) LAN connections (communications closets) WAN circuit readiness Rack space for current equipment and reasonable planning for growth Firewall and other security or monitoring systems Testing & verification of connections • Telecommunications • Completed Partponsible Task Y Voice communications for personnel Handset units Voice mail Blackberry Telephone connections for Remote Access Servers, Citrix, etc. Strategy for Return to Permanent Operations Once a facility is ready for operations, systems will be put into place to support the return of the production environment to the permanent data center. The manner in which the systems are put into production may take different forms. Therefore, a strategy for returning to production operations in the permanent data center must be developed early • in the recovery effort. For Official Use Only Page 16 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS In the simplest terms, there are two main options available: parallel operation and • equipment relocation. • Parallel operation is the recovery method where equipment is acquired and built to reproduce the original production environment, while production operations continue at the recovery facility. Once the reproduced environment is ready, the recovery facility performs a final backup of data and production operations are resumed at the permanent data center location. • Equipment relocation is the method where the equipment at the recovery site is backed up, shut down, and shipped to the permanent data center facility. Once in place at the permanent data center, the equipment is restarted and put into production. Both of the methods above have advantages and disadvantages. Parallel operation can be costly; all production equipment must be replicated. However, parallel operation offers the least risk and usually requires less time to complete the transfer of production. Equipment relocation presents significantly higher risk; the sole production equipment is at risk of accidental damage while in transit between the recovery site and the permanent data center. Unless unforeseen circumstances prevent, all critical production systems should be • replaced using the parallel operations method. Appendix sections of this document list the server and network equipment to use in the replacement strategy. Parallel Recovery Responsible Completed PartY Task - Systems & Servers Backup/Restore Systems Replacement equipment Storage allocated Operating systems including patches Install Backup application Backup index at recovery site Transport index backups to permanent data center Restore index backups to replacement equipment at permanent data center • For Official Use Only Page 17 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS 110) Parallel Recovery Responsible Completed Part Y Task - Systems & Servers Ensure sufficient consumables (tapes, packing materials, drive cleaning materials, etc.) are stocked. Storage Area Network Replacement equipment Operating systems including patches Allocate storage Verify switch fabric Ensure system and configuration is documented Release to production • Windows systems Replacement equipment Storage allocated (local attached, SAN) Operating systems including patches Active Directory/ Domain inclusion Configure DNS/DHCP/WINS/etc. Stop production systems at recovery site Final backup of systems at recovery site Transport final backup tapes to permanent data center Restore final backups to replacement equipment at permanent data center Install any outstanding applications/ databases/antivirus Start databases/applications on server Test functionality (utilizing recovery scripts) • For Official Use Only Page 18 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Parallel Recovery Responsible Completed Part y Task - Systems & Servers Ensure system and configuration is documented Full backup of system Release to production Microsoft Exchange Replacement equipment Storage allocated (local attached, SAN) Operating systems including patches Active Directory/ Domain inclusion Configure DNS/DHCP/WINS/etc. Stop production systems at recovery site Final backup of systems at recovery site STransport final backup tapes to permanent data center Restore final backup tapes to replacement equipment at permanent data center Install any outstanding applications/ databases/antivirus/content filtering/SPAM blocking/etc. Start databases/applications on server Test functionality (utilizing recovery scripts) Ensure system and configuration is documented Full backup of system Release to production For Official Use Only Page 19 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS •; Responsible Completed Party Task—Applications Databases Help Desk Completed Responsible ad onsible Task— Help Desk Y Knowledge database Telephones for technicians Re-route of Help Desk phone number(s) Scheduling of personnel to ensure coverage (per SLAs) Responsible CompletedTask— Miscellaneous Party • Communicate cut-over plan to Business Units Confirm support contracts Dell, Cisco, etc. operational Help Desk cut-over Note: Phone systems and carriers vary and need to be considered for switch back to permanent facilities. • For Official Use Only Page 20 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Plan Implementation, Maintenance and Storage • Implementation of the Plan Training The training of personnel is essential to improving the capability of staff to execute their duties within the COOP and familiarize their members with the essential functions that they might have to perform in an emergency. The continued viability of a COOP is largely dependent on the training of its personnel and the evaluation of the results of the training programs. Major topics to be considered that will identify the issues and resources to implement an effective COOP education program include: • Orientation/Initial training programs; • Enrichment courses/Refresher classes; • Frequency and methods; • Funding requirements. Exercises • When conducting an exercise, ensure that you have others to assist you in running the exercise. This is critical from the viewpoint of monitoring the events and ensuring that participants don't get too far off track. If monitoring you'll probably hear that the exercise was a waste of time. It is important that participants be allowed to improvise and respond to events in any manner, which will exercise the objective. Shortfalls will be identified, and corrective action incorporated into the plan. To maximize the capabilities of potential responders, all departments are encouraged to participate in the planning, implementation, and critique of exercises that test their aspects of the COOP plan. Federal laws, Executive Order 12656, and National Security Decision Directives, Presidential Decision Directives or similar documents mandate an emergency preparedness capability. The capability will ensure a decisive and effective Government response to any major emergency or threat. The Federal Exercise Program is good guideline for exercising the COOP to insure the preparedness capability. The goals of this program are to: • Improve the capability of organizations and individuals to execute and evaluate their emergency management operational responsibilities; • Familiarize personnel with the issues encountered during a major emergency or threat; For Official Use Only Page 21 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Validate plans, policies, procedures, and systems; • • Identify deficient plans, policies, and procedures as well as systems for subsequent correction. It is essential that a test and exercise program plan be developed and implemented to ensure the integrity of the COOP. It is the responsibility of the CMT to establish an exercise schedule and determine the reporting requirements of the after action reports. Major issues to consider within the testing and exercise program plan include: • Purpose of Exercising the COOP; • Types of exercises; • Managing the process; • An annual departmental COOP exercise participation schedule; • After action reporting formats; • A management plan for incorporating lessons learned from exercise events into the COOP; • Funding requirements. IP Updating the Plan It is the responsibility of the CMT to update the COOP quarterly. Updates include but are not limited to: • personnel and team assignments; • contact lists; • vital information and records; • alternate recovery sites and requirements • recovery sequences; It is the responsibility of the CMT to keep the content of this document current. The individual sections relating to specific departments may be delegated by the CMT to the respective support teams (as noted in the COOP Annexes). All updates to the plan must be reviewed and approved. Approval of the revised COOP will be accomplished via signatures on the Approvals page at the beginning of the plan. For Official Use Only Page 22 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Storage of the Plan The COOP Program Coordinator will provide printed copies of this document to the City Mayor, City Manager and City department heads. A hardcopy and electronic copy is to be maintained in a secure, off site, location. Only these copies will be distributed as 'official" copies, and therefore any subsequent updates are the responsibility of the respective holders to keep current. • • For Official Use Only Page 23 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • Appendix A — Continuity Executive Team Team Member/Authority Office Number Home Number Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member D = Can make a disaster declaration Donnie Marrs/ D Deborah Divine / D Alan Jilka / D Abner Perney/ D Jason Gage/ M, D Mike Schrage /M • Responsibilities Pre-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Review and approve results of periodic plan review; 2. Be knowledgeable of procedure for declaring a disaster; 3. Be knowledgeable of procedure for invoking the Recovery Command Center. Disaster Responsibilities 1. Establish Incident Command Center with communications; 2. Provide for well being of recovery personnel; 3. Provide overall leadership for the recovery teams; 4. Ensure teams are carrying out their respective responsibilities; 5. Notify the alternate recovery site personnel of disaster situation; • 6. Provide transportation to the disaster recovery site for people, equipment, data, and supplies; For Official Use Only Page 24 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • 7. Provide road maps, directions to the disaster recovery site; 8. Arrange travel and lodging (If required), medical services, etc. at the Recovery Center; 9. Arrange for personal expense reimbursement for all locations; 10. Arrange for expenses and payment of invoices; 11. Verify hours worked and permit sufficient time off; 12. Hire temporary personnel as required. Post-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Assess overall performance of teams during recovery process; 2. Assess overall effectiveness of the Disaster Recovery Plan; 3. Assess overall effectiveness of the disaster recovery strategy. • • For Official Use Only Page 25 Continuity of Operations Plan . City of Salina, KS • Appendix B — Continuity Management Team Team Member/Authority Office Number Home Number Emergency No. Authority: E = Continuity Executive Team Member I = Impact Assessment Team Member L = Leader A = Alternate Leader Jason Gage / E, L Mike Schrage/ E, A, I Nancy Schuessler/ I Jack Rolfs / I Rod Franz Darrell Easton James Hill • Shawn O'Leary Responsibilities Pre-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Review and approve results of periodic plan review; 2. Be knowledgeable of procedure for declaring a disaster; 3. Be knowledgeable of procedure for invoking the Recovery Command Center. Disaster Responsibilities 1. Establish Incident Command Center with communications; • 2. Provide for well being of recovery personnel; 3. Provide overall leadership for the recovery teams; 4. Ensure teams are carrying out their respective responsibilities; • 5. Notify the alternate recovery site personnel of disaster situation; For Official Use Only Page 26 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • 6. Provide transportation to the disaster recovery site for people, equipment, data, and supplies; 7. Provide road maps, directions to the disaster recovery site; 8. Arrange travel and lodging (If required), medical services, etc. at the Recovery Center; 9. Arrange for personal expense reimbursement for all locations; 10. Arrange for expenses and payment of invoices; 11. Verify hours worked and permit sufficient time off; 12. Hire temporary personnel as required. Post-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Conduct and publish an After Action Report (AAR) including: a. Assess overall performance of teams during recovery process; b. Assess overall effectiveness of the COOP; c. Assess overall effectiveness of the continuity strategy; • d. Assess overall effectiveness of the reconstitution efforts. • • For Official Use Only Page 27 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Appendix C - Impact Assessment Team Team Member/Authority Office Number Home Number Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L =Team Leader A = Alternate Team Leader Mike Schrage/ M, L Jack Rolfs / M Nancy Schuessler/ M Mike Roberts/A Ron Denault Responsibilities Pre-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Knowledge of site configuration and equipment physical planning requirements. • Disaster Responsibilities 1. Determine extent of damage to IT infrastructure (e.g. power, HVAC) and the data center equipment (e.g. network, computers, work space); 2. Provide the Recovery Management Team with ongoing status. Post-Disaster Responsibilities 1. Make recommendations to the Recovery Management Team of any changes. • For Official Use Only Page 28 �U�� �V�0 . �� �� �� (�VntinVity0f()DerpdiOnSPlan ' ~�� • City of Salina, KS ________ _ Appendix D — Activation and Relocation Activities The following Response checklist is to be followed upon detection and notification of an event or incident that potentially warrants the formal declaration of disaster. | �� �� ,.^ ,,~ ,"°""..�°�.°°`�"v�°...``=.,�°"�,M.n`teapa:M',,.»,,`°,`a,"'^x*p,etiun.p"~,mm,*w,��,�neM.�^*ea,'^'°''°`x/Mma~�"p°°'°^t'r=,' . / / 1 Conduct evacuations as necessary Emergency Team � / / 2 Account for aUpersonnel and visitors DCT � / / 3 Address injuries and deaths, as required Emergency Team � / / 4 Contact First Responders (Fine, Police, E�NS) _ Emergency Team � / / 5 Contact Uti|ihes \oshut o�Power and Gas, ifrequired Emergency Team � / / 6 A|o�the C[MT Any � / / 7 Activate Incident(�onnmand (�ontoratdesignated location CMT � / / 8 A|eAthe CET CMT � / / 9 Conduct Initial DanoageA00000noont CMT — � / / 10 Secure the facility CMT CET � / / 11 DotornoinoDisaster Ooduruhon CET CMT � / / 12 Activate BCP-and DRP CMT CET � / / 13 ActivateA|�orno�oRenovorySi��(n)' ifroquinad CMT CET � . � / / 14 /U*� DCTo CMT CET � / / 15 CET prepares press release and nnodiaino�uvUons CET For Official Use Only Page 29 Con1ity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS COOP Departmental Annexes The COOP annexes are presented in alphabetical order. The following annexes are presented in this section. Each annex contains the following subsections; Succession of Leadership, Alternate Recovery Site, Preservation of Vital Information/Records, Recovery Sequences and Contact Lists. Annex A. Arts & Humanities Annex I. Human Relations Annex B. Bicentennial Center Annex J. Human Resources Annex C. Building Services Annex K. Municipal Court Annex D. City Commissioners Annex L. Parks and Recreation Annex E. City Manager Annex M. Planning and Community Development Annex F. Computer Technology Annex N. Police Department Annex G. Finance & Administration Annex O. Public Works Annex H. Fire Department Annex P. Risk Management For Official Use Only Page 30 ContlTfuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex A — Arts & Humanities Succession of Leadership ;.D,epartmerit rAtril ;H'umamties �z4;,14; . , _ 8Lek ,r Primary John Highkin First Alt Byron Erickson Second Alt Third Alt Comments Museum director would be second, but is currently vacant. Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage John Highkin / L, R Byron Erickson /A, R For Official Use Only Page 31 Col/lay of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. Wita4Record/Name/Qescnptron .iraRK- a IftttiAkistafiira Museum Artifacts I X E Arts and Humanities Documents I H • For Official Use Only Page 32 Coltity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: a1��R*+,r z";ngeoalga•i 16++,ci'k4 Daatatluta'�a"�s`'�"x'"rnagd People 10 Computers 4 Phones 4 Printers 2 _Da9s2rx , ? ix le g„ People 10 Computers 8 Phones 8 Printers 3 Days 3+ X10V4:�x,,.�nTiit egEta People 12 Computers 8 Phones 8 Printers 3 =Over"10'lDaj s ' e sr: ;, t People 16 Computers 16 Phones 0 Printers 4 Additional Requirements: Need access to a copy and fax machine For Official Use Only Page 33 - ' -- - - C8reVih/ OfOperations Plan • City of Sauna, KS - ' _ Recovery Sequences Recovery Ri',"'^mt�*MAIM • 1 DOT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) : / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site • / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DOT members 4 Assign Responsibility toAlert personnel-see Emergency • / / Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs- Establish resource sharing, if required / / 6 A|artCridxa| Vondoro/Supp|iera-(oeoExtorna| Contuoin) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status / / 9 CMT updates CET of status 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital / / Information/Records) 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum • / / • Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status � / / 14 CN1Tupdates CET odstatus • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information � / / 16 Validate�|onootora�on 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • / / restored. • / / 18 • / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 34 0 ��N�� '�� Continuity V[(lp8r8U0nSP|8n n �nr City of Salina, KS _� _ `— -- ResumptioM 8frii^i^|ii, 4tinie.0 tegi; ';;Sei!. 7Artivity . . ..... -:.:-....:::;-.4:;:.,:.-..:,-;:•: ,.,iIt0iMAIKeiigijiag . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Begin po�nrmingCritical and Ennenba| processes � / / 3 Procure and setup uddihnna| equipment � / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of |nopo�antand Non'Euyonho| infornoation � / / 5 Assist with nrbegin dounupand salvage oporudonn � / / 6 Detornoinoinvenk>ryufusable oquipnnent. documents and nnatoriu|n � / / 7 Dotornoinalosses for insurance xaniera � / / 8 Provide hhofinqtnentire sta# � / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Qhzons. Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin exocuhnq |nopn�an\ and Non-Essential processes, anrequired � / / 11 Assist with developing |onq�ennrecovery strategy (reconstitution activi8ou) . � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and oquipnoont � / / 13 Develop plans h)rreturn tonornoa| operahnnoper roconotituUunstrategy � / / 14 Create dapoKnoontu| AMorAction Repo�' evaluate o�eotivononnofplan � / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes � / / 16 � / / 17 � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 35 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes ,Pr-amro•vcr�fezm-smaKxe V� ;?,...'r`j Staiksr�; 'yyLa n TM�� p .4.. 74✓ .�,.^xu .�. ,3.ert+..x f�k �tGatra5i- ai . eque,ncy Maintain Climate Control C Daily Planning of festivals I Daily Public education I Daily For Official Use Only Page 36 • : • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts fatIStritaileintargarata) ?fAligf:afgairweilia iirAgfiivaigatniva For Official Use Only Page 37 • Con inuity of Operations Plan S City of Salina, KS Annex B — Bicentennial Center Succession of Leadership ,:De artmelitia p �fVi BiceritenmalCentetak°¢ ,,#:. =a- - --' Primary Keith Rawlings First Alt Randy Mathews Second Alt Jim Meyer Third Alt Michael Highsmith Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Keith Rawlings / L, R Randy Mathews / A, R Jim Meyer/ R Michael Highsmith / R For Official Use Only Page 38 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate- Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. r .vert.. -. ramr;;.„'�xr�.�.r'�•:te:+R 4.� it a t! Q � T �..� �...wahu s!'•.a sVital„Record)Name/Description v ;_ i 'RTO4' 4Stored+Offsite'f, Format`:-°; fF g1515ok y"'ent#i for a ionrsheet •. f i E 1!id T XrB„ ~m EI 3D Design Drawings I X EH Event Reports I X EH • For Official Use Only Page 39 Continuity of Operations Plan • o City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: Ws:s'k.Yv a4Mv:vn kk h.+ii'�i'? i h Pagg}v§fP .. yv xF+AMFN�+tl'�vi+I�� ���1�" i1A��M ilA People 2 Computers 0 Phones 1 Printers 0 $6i4rIXWkdgetigligIMATONA People 6 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 1 itinkdkOWARAIMPOARWAV People 6 Computers 1 Phones 2 Printers 1 rataiblacikraltr nal People 18 Computers 4 Phones 2 Printers 4 For Official Use Only Page 40 • (�8h�nu� Operations -- `- • City of Salina, KS __ _ Recovery Sequences Recovery u|*`i'-^gfAtl`^`i0&141 *ab"-el,f4diikii":•:i!.)',/n:..4.'/;!..4,;;M;';r1,7!;°��;4v..k ��Ift~ii • / / 1 DCI members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) � / / 2 Roviovv ��ininounoOperodngRoqvironoentsutAlternate Site � / / 3 Assign recovery roopunsihi|ihoo \oDCT nnornboru 4 Assign Responsibility tnAlert personnel —see Emergency • / / . Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating � / / l�equiremmentswith other DCTn— Establish resource sharing, if required � / / 6 A|oACritical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) � / 7 Conduct additional danoageusoonnnonnt � / / 8 Update CK4Tofstatus � / / 9 CK�Tupdates CET nfstatus 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital . / / ' Information/Records) 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum . / / • Operating Requirements) � / / 12 Establish connectivity, noftvvaroand file roo(urohon � / / 13 Update C��Tofstatus � / / 14 C�WTupdates CET nfstatus � / / 15 Test access tochticu| and essential software and infornnetion � / / 16 Validate file restoration 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been . / / ' restored. � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 41 IP Comity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Resumption &iriittalsy &T.ime g . ;Date ,:. ,;v ;w4.: a -VittF t tgli ,. ,`tOPlimary rt !aAssiiit•,� �,.g u$eq.. �Actiwty _...., . ,... ..... r.�,. a.. � / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations / • / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials • / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) • / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment • / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan • / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 / / 17 . / / 18 . / / 19 . / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 42 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes 7.-4 . i h$ at'vfi+'j+. ° NCLWaq �(" lit' '3 - a < ,�- "y ii r t` 1E !S.t.+fii�`r" .'Y'4.2'{' Process�Name x w E x R E°r lEgiregyqQcog Box office administration E Daily Facility maintenance E Daily Manage Food and Beverage I Daily Provide Wireless internet I Daily For Official Use Only Page 43 Con inuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts .we>i,w,e3 iaR' :r.Vv:.� Is} J . -• 1 -WY • •AIY;P.,hoOne ����1'"" x Sysco Foods US Food Service • American Linen Coca-Cola Maintenance and Cleaning Vendors For Official Use Only Page 44 eo Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Annex C — Building Services Succession of Leadership ;1D`e'partmentA?,s;, r Primary Mike Schrage First Alt Mike Roberts Second Alt Ron Deneault Third Alt Ron Michaelsen Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Mike Schrage/ M, L, R Mike Roberts / A, R Ron Deneault/ R Ron Michaelsen For Official Use Only Page 45 Continuity of Operations Plan O e City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary — Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate- Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. �....rr"F <,,trce �*� .; ... .a.. xc. rp �N. -.,t ` � 3 U r.; k y ,._�er.-tern. -.. .;. Vital Record_Name/Uescptlo seer, ,rig. ,? , :,. , _ :;RT,O,. �-,S4or arisfiagR eirifict Plans blueprintw WC �,,�rXeMSS g - Pa YIt5 © to abase 'zyr, aµ„' s P re mltS+ ".T.-1 a�Ft . ' „tic , I :ORE-gel ffu+a X -r< n1iz Inspection Record;C=ar'ds ,; __ a OEC � *�-; ,'H - Word documents N X EH Digital Photos N X E Building Permit Address Files N H City Building Codes N X EH International Building Codes N X H For Official Use Only Page 46 • Contiy of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: 11e4gagif'C o-_ ' . ti:Mirta People 6 Computers 0 Phones 4 Printers 0 �.>S3�"+'r u. People 8 Computers 3 Phones 4 Printers 1 3y0 " r wa e People 10 Computers 4 Phones 6 Printers 1 OW.10,^Dayattlar 1"'.a.�,,.Me People 10 Computers 8 Phones 6 Printers 1 Additional Requirements: Vehicles, pagers, cell phones For Official Use Only Page 47 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery •:: -.. yr wry .i' ry r .: :::; �o+ v. r ':Y ', �, t w +�. J {`},n, v iYp ri'Y'K r,r^5 ry >rt6g+., r3ri vim• crs�s uin+w a �;Ihitials; .:mT,ime w ;tri>Date`�;��, cSegM aActrvity ,r,�,. ::v,, ... ,.�,�aY...�,_.. -,.ar���,�,w Wr._�,���:.,vw� �•:,).�;sP.rimary;'� ta�ht�e., >=Assist+�.;a; z�`n�. / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency • Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum •• Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status •• / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • restored. • / / 18 • / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 48 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Resumption Initials; " Time Date"r• r Activity ,« ,. 2i ,diM-gis'tAP,..i+�� : / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information • / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations • / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers • / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy (reconstitution activities) • • / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan • / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes •• / / 16 / / 17 • • / / 18 • / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 49 • • • • Continuity of Operations Plan _City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes Process Name „ray r , RTO t,w Frequency ,4 Perform Inspections C As Required Perform Uninhabitable Structure Inspections C As Required Distribute Plans to departments E As Required Manage and tracking permits E As Required Plan and Permit submissions E Daily Process payments for fees E Manage Demolitions I As Required Perform census tracking I For Official Use Only Page 50 • Continuity of Operations Plan • -• City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts Organizatiori • Contact Phone %Alt Phone Email {t ° .�', ° ttt`3,,; ... . ...�. Westar Electric Christine Paul 785.822.3561 785.822.3500 Kansas Gas Services Claudia Anaya 785.822.3540 For Official Use Only Page 51 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex D - City Commissioners Succession of Leadership !Department i City Commissioners Primary Donnie Marrs First Alt Deborah Divine Second Alt Alan Jilka Third Alt Abner Perney Comments John Vanier II • Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone • Emergency No. Authority: E = Continuity Executive Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Donnie Marrs Deborah Divine Alan Jilka Abner Perney For Official Use Only Page 52 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site • The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. Vital`Record`Name/Description -+ RTO Stored Offsite,` � ,-Format t tftbs:�it ilit +p...� +^»:x aM Fite i P.'' d"YG" .�f. +;j ` Sn� I 4 {,: M t`:t"i" Continuity�of�Qperations�lan�;�,�Zr ,�,+1�rfr.�5��xs��r���:rr ,��;C,A<,r .�, ,; X �M,�.,�EH For Official Use Only Page 53 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: Recovery/Resumption t ni.aP�vaxL„s:ob:Vr%Y•,. . ... ,_.y rDay,,taAtat emi f, vim ' Is _ People 4 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 0 People 4 Computers 1 Phones 2 Printers 1 ,,Days.3.710., tR arre ,.. People 4 Computers 1 Phones 2 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 54 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS • Over10 Days - Y • People 4 Computers 1 _Phones 2 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 55 • . . Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery ,.Initial`s, �,Time.� ."Y:,Date `?» ;Seq r:-; 11. +.e3ag;.n.40 .�.Ana:.P,rimary ,�,�,. ,,.,�?�F.�Assls / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site • / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency / / Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers— (see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status •• / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • / / restored. • / / 18 / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 56 Continuity • of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Resumption Initials`` ; .irime .Date '. 'iy Seq Activity . r ;.. v: c'.€'I ,`„,....x sf.ytt::i;,'r.14.0iiiiiiiiiig ifi u°, Assist'`.,,.L / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes . / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment • / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials • / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy (reconstitution activities) / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment • / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy • / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report - evaluate effectiveness of plan • / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 .• / / 17 .• / / 18 / / 19 . / / 20 • For Official Use Only Page 57 • Contin, of Operations Plan • . City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes For Official Use Only Page 58 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS _ Annex E— City Manager Succession of Leadership .Da epartments ' + „ , City Managerr, Primary Jason Gage First Alt Mike Schrage Second Alt Nancy Schuessler Third Alt Deb Demel Comments LaDonna Bennett Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Jason Gage / M, L, R Mike Schrage / M, A, R Nancy Schuessler/ M, R Deb Demel / R LaDonna Bennett/ R For Official Use Only Page 60 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate — Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. VitalReco�d"Name/Description% RTO. Stored Offs c +�.&Form""' aff fl r.:.c Zigif r. gric t8 q. 3�s {i a :- y YT's :r. r 9 Contin nty:�of Operations'IPlant l . ,r�:.4&t4 :"a;a � s ,C , ?� tX; ��?�EH Eiggaorkl Database .. <tis`V'�.x- OW44.1§ ._.,. i Wein . EI , i r-�' rs i.� . .gN,�r"1 �_'N'1�i� }Tr -Y s a F ✓�E 1ti" "a t 'aTbt? t �. . �PC�Files$���..�� �_, x-u.�.r,"L_"� Personnel Files I H • For Official Use Only Page 61 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: Recovery/Resumption'. ! Otiodea y.5:,,3;.Fh `ggLt7,v{y.^f e8 .6.4�� k4a' Y�3 ..�eF. u�.�i'�'•.l �'� People 2 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 0 People 3 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 14{(c.t+".yb�'�;y n p'�c Kls2,..�-~•.,.4 �_ t, ,Days;3 1 ;VV1.t? ,- People 3 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 62 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS ;max'; z.Over CVDaysv0Yr C9' c Sy ts. People 6 Computers 2 Phones 2 Printers 1 Additional Requirements: Balloting equipment (depending on the timing, may be 1 day could be longer), license printers (10 days) For Official Use Only Page 63 Continuity of Operations Plan City 0[ Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery Miiidl|�� °,il.::Tithe�I. ;:"4..i.41:1ate�‘;... . 'Qeo• ,Activity . t. ^ z..:,~..`~^ i. �..'.;. ;,:ggigPN • / / 1 DOT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) : / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site • / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities toDCT members 4 Assign Responsibility toAlert personnel —see Emergency • / / . Contact Department Employee List , 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating � / / Requironnentsw/ithother DCTe—Establish resource ahohng' if required � / / 6 A|o�Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) � / / 7 Conduct additional dannugeanoosnnnont � / / 8 Update Cy�Tofstatus � / / 9 C�WTupdates CET ofstatus 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital . / / • Information/Records) 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum • / / • Operating Requirements) , � / / 12 EniobUnhconnectivity, no�waroand @eroo(oradun � / / 13 Update C��Tofstatus � / / 14 C�NTupdates CET ofstatus � / / 15 Test access tnnridna| and essential so�vvureand infornnu1ion � / / 16 Validate Nero»k)ru\ion 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • / / ' restored. � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Resumption i:qniUeiSL': ijinwi;ifi r'Mr-tSteA i,7i..{_t8e . iActiliity�.., ' :: ';:.,:, . .':i.>��?.;Ittujtikap.fivi:EAN . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Begin podornningCritical and EononUa| processes � / / 3 Pmcunoand setup additional oquipnnent � / / 4 Establish schedule for reoto:odnnuf |nopo�untand Non'Ensonha| infornoution � / / 5 /\ooiotwith orbegin clean upand salvage oponaUona � / / 6 D��ornninoinventory nfusable oquiprnonLdocunnontnand noatoria|n � / / 7 Determine losses for insurance oarhorn � / / 8 Provide briefing tuendrestu� � / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin executing |nnpo�antand Nun'Eooanda| processes, anrequired � / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy (naounohtuhonactivities) � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and oquipnoont � / / 13 Develop plans for return k} normal operuUVnoper reconstitution strategy � / / 14 Create dopo�monto|After AnhonRepo�' evaluate e�octivonussofplan : / / 15 Update plans with necessary chanqes � / / 16 . � / / 17 � / / 18 _ � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 65 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes RTO ' F iFre 40.0 ;-aa . RIO*: r�_: A, Y, ;, Manage Payroll E Daily Benefit Administration I Daily Maintain Personnel Files I Daily Work Comp Administration I Daily Perform Recruitment N Daily For Official Use Only Page 66 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts Organisation a F. ., ,Contact yr :Alel:n*ater!PhoneEtn,ailsa ar For Official Use Only Page 67 • • • Coritinuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Annex F— Computer Technology Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Jack Rolfs /M, L, R Craig Ingram /A, R Rita Stevenson / R Ron Parker/ R Corey Scheck / R Judy McDonald / R Toni Pedersen / R For Official Use Only Page 68 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — Bicentennial Center—Alternate Data Center • Second Alternate —TBD Servers and Connectivity to be Recovered rte, y 5 ' .,. .: .. :,..y E nR)p'sl x$4uh u A yw a�<,.,i . tklosty x wr-ncibT^ .;tis. 'i}a . t x:=� `� . .,,*O$t, , :Version Ls Release/Patch„CfgDesc Aa^ twA;c All Critical Updates All Critical Updates All Critical Updates All Critical Updates All Critical Updates For Official Use Only Page 69 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Connectivity The following configuration supports normal production. In the event of recovery, this list should be used as a guideline for restoring (equipment and bandwidth) to near normal operations. For Official Use Only Page 70 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Applications to be Recovered Applications shaded Nshaded in pin�tk are considered most critical with initial recovery efforts focused upon tFhem. ame{ MMMk * vr' ; `Criticl . .:Essential, fiNon stnl talt x Totf l rNWYrtd�nw.-1 �WA�,e�. r agir2it A ?F16.30,4 RC:cr1r2 7 [Email rt ; t `n ' .r$ ;� "'vz4R-:,.-JYTEraVollgsge�'; 3A::01 MM. 31Fi Excel ■ `, 44.r tof Vilvialt4��,.�°Ot7.r lr 3 i=ts'' N.1 etr Nifr, " Por&'M�A 7a4:.,w��,:,� '':xis .NatirTa tiligErAt.M7 ~�M1 aa'-4 , :,x 5,?�,. W .""�` Access,. : !?,1: 'g,4:4,,a� yaw": `'�x �,:;'��s.�? w�', .�°'�u3, �1�'r�"�. E�;�"t5�, �r� , .a�'�-4 '` 14 , '�- r`'�4 �OmniForms• , �r~�t" `,�`„�',�. • � * !��,t �a� �.. +t"�:,�x1i�+ 1{�� }y�q�'�';�„,n�� ��«�1`�,,�y�?��:�3�- its k-MISA N 4. •J' 47, 1` "�5 `IRE E at ':-7:4m.s .yr pa 2r aWaterSystem c:yi.smainawactiliwgt +�.-MORA a',” 4;9tiOr ozi; 3fa2 nr ^rssv:�vn:aarus 'X,y ''e.-.',t +€•^F'•'t!4t 'C h i�>' n0 s, a At =dig ' v �Alar'm�Monitorinq;System`�, `�: ���i�.�`�, .. �>.��s,.,.� '� r , �•��.. € 1. ,,,... CAMEOpMangementofEmergencg7 ;sY 2sfiryU'±v.. '.07*y � .` i g (Gra r,,, rite ' p :ii 1nMOSS; M pomputertAidediDispatch k'�`•v�'` 'r�gram ��` �-„ }b `;. ;n kr, uarq' � n sem, �1:�" �� s�� �� ,5 .�. �.,�t:� �°�. �:b�s�' iaSSI IFASTboo t :. :k tl,,, , - ` 4:7 I[E 1MA1 Man :sb r IN ATtU -eBillinSfwa e„; .. . ,;,14g r, iltaTMira y ka ,� t " ( "i4 [ iPermDarbasea" Pi ti ; : aleti '1 � yee 'W : da� . a.. N e '• ??„e reiglic'#AcceggiW'ebsit ti, 00±inS* s H.J 1 al td ti r s pecoortans!aimita aircliWato Blling 1<.:*7tf nS : � MEM ? ;Tr , 3 ze . 37S4a' , .m µ : ',iPAWN x ' fNas a er system "S 4 lals9M nsavata maw PowerPoint 1 4 5 EMS Billing 1 1 2 3D Event Designer 1 1 AutoCAD 1 1 Domino 1 1 Fire Records - FIREHOUSE 1 1 For Official Use Only Page 71 • Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS • Critical:- -Essential. 'lmp"ortantt on=Essentials"tc..'µ;?otakt Gas Boy Fuel System 1 1 HUD Title VIII Paperless System 1 1 Laserfiche Imaging 1 1 Meter Reading Management System 1 1 Parks and Recreation Software 1 1 Past Perfect 1 1 Peachtree Accounting Suite 1 1 Phone system 1 1 Publisher 1 1 QuickBooks 1 1 Reservation Software 1 1 Safari Application (Golf Course) 1 1 Sweetsoft EMS 1 1 TICKETsage 1 1 For Official Use Only Page 72 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery ;,Initials, cTime,N .j..rDate; :r, 'Seq; °Activity - , . . .w a r_.43§-`. t r ; nig P.nmary l `)r.a 4 a`' 'MAssist'cf`p,i,l / I 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 3 Review Servers and Connectivity Requirements to determine replacement equipment needs _ Coordinate procurement and setup for Systems, Servers and • / / 4 Software, as required (Please Refer To Technology Recovery Sequences Below) / / 5 Retrieve offsite backups required for recovery to technology — environment (Backups, Software, Data, License Keys, etc.) • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers— (see External Contacts) / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment to determine what equipment can be salvaged, if any. • / / 8 Salvage equipment and data, if applicable. . / / 9 Update CMT of status / / 10 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(including • networks and connectivity) • / / 11 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 12 Update CMT of status • / / 13 CMT updates CET of status • / / 14 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 15 Validate file restoration / / 16 Alert CMT that critical and essential applications and data • have been restored. .• / / 17 .• / / 18 • / / 19 .• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 73 • Continuity 0fOperations Plan — 0 City of Sauna, KS Resumption gi| ii|i|i0017iiii6 & %06'0;ttaainii..4/.:] .1k.:,-,.,,i.;',:....;;;I.c.-ir. h'� tVitAiiiA . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Procure and setup addiUnnu| equipnoont Establish schedule for restoration ofImportant and Non-Essential • / / 3 . systems and data � / / 4 Assist with orbegin doanupand salvage operahona � / / 5 Determine invenk)ryufusable equipment, docvnoon(oand materials � / / 6 Assist with Uoterrnininglosses for insurance naniers � / / 7 Begin executing |nopoAuntand Non-Essential processes, uurequired Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution ' / / 0 . activities) � / / 9 Reorder and restock supplies and equipnoent � / / 10 Develop plans for return tonornoo| operohonoper reconstitution strategy � / / 11 Create depo�noontu|AkerAction Ropu�' evaluate o�oodvonoauofplan � / / 12 Update plans with necessary changes � / / 13 � / / 14 � / / 15 � / / 16 � / / 17 � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 74 . . • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Technology The following recovery sequences represent steps required to restore critical technology infrastructure during recovery stage. Submitted by example. r{- 4TY'}wx b i d'a'�K, Lwa - KT a.4h,.f` JS" ` "t4frA 4Millri4 Y "3 * t 2S •N TASK# `s`r ytst»¢' TASK (in priority;sequence) Responsible Date/Time Completed;; .s. t. i "-zrO .i Restorerpomam Cbntroller;r - - , � " 4 :�'Y2'JS- n Y�yix < ,3�imy# 1 Configure Server • 2 Set up DNS 3 Setup WINS 4 Make a Domain Controller Promo 5 Replicate with Domain Controller in environment 6 Domain Controller Install Complete For Official Use Only Page 75 • • -0 Continuity of Operations Plan _City of Salina, KS rsor.-'21,N:20.43wsoiwia33 lwAs Nviafiat1,0y,Slcptlipri9rityisequenc0): ;, 'ckR!sP99sibleW; ast$5,014-93..,6.i:itaggiggiitreta4i;M.,gkte;W:4 :fi4,friffteckFiVitAs tv,12crt.44•K . 1 Configure Operating System 2 Install Backup Application 3 Catalog Tapes — If Applicable 4 Restore to Disk 5 Catalog Disks File 6 Catalog Tapes 9 Configure and add to domain 10 Backup Server Restore complete 4;15,1/4",t4k4.t.4V:; c Wefr;a2O;MPar'a3 ruatatit.” Reos Servercr r • :gAran,;:iiaft,cytmettn 1 Configure Operating System 2 Restore to Server Name from Current Full Backup 3 Add to Domain/Server Name Network Test 4 Configure Backup 5 Perform internal test to validate restoration 6 Perform user test to validate restoration 7 Server Name Install Complete For Official Use Only Page 76 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • . __ City of Salina, KS .7yeyiri.'} 5� t k1- i +n h r 9v T U c ' -_ .v .� vk3 vY J ) X re$ 12 w Y n .TASK# s? r TASK(m pnonty sequence) Responsiblec Datep me Completed i cr?'.�tN n'.F�r ytp i. b'*v�3f�4`ri 4Ast t J 't'tidm 81rs �Restore}Citnx'Termmal Server ' s •° ;` F ' d' a�,`'!'ws�+p.�&- st,�, , 1 Configure Operating System 2 Restore Server Name from current full backup 3 Add to Domain/Server Name Network Test 4 Configure Backup 5 Perform internal test to validate restoration 6 Perform user test to validate restoration 7 Server Name Install Complete ititiU, n �"�f` iri , °`� r i� f �2 41 Retore.Patabase Server:(SQL) i,+ ? z t7 3 m � r 1 Configure Operating System 2 Restore Server Name from current full backup 3 Add to Domain/Server Name Network Test 4 Configure Backup 5 Start Database 6 Perform internal test to validate restoration 7 Perform user test to validate restoration 8 Server Name Install Complete For Official Use Only Page 77 • • Continuity of Operations Plan _City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts fÔiâhi± irtcntact 'PrieCheAI gekiiiffiarea rtiblig4eatniffN41 IBM Support Services 800-426-7378 Cisco Services 800-553-2447 State of Kansas 785-368-6382 HP Support 800-474-6836 800-633-3600 NWS Support Services 800-333-9673 HTE Support Services 800-695-6915 iTera Support Services 801-303-5185 Eagle Software Sprint Southwestern Bell • For Official Use Only Page 78 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex G - Finance & Administration Succession of Leadership Departmentininb Finance and jAdministration Primary Rod Franz First Alt Valerie Gebhardt Second Alt Lieu Ann Elsey Third Alt Cindy Beneke Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Rod Franz / M, L, R Valerie Gebhardt /A, R Lieu Ann Elsey / R Cindy Beneke / R For Official Use Only Page 79 • Continuity of Operations Plan • -• City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. Vital;Record Name/Descnption=, , RTO Stored Offsite r WFormattea EMStReports 1 tnt, .. , <Mal attIMAZIEM r- g- .� n ..a-,�: w ffi; -� or• sI r E 3X Pir ; EH �HTE�iUtility�Billi g'tSoftwa[e � '`���;��,.�`�,�,{-,: c����, �' :�, ;+`a, �i-�e- 'H .u.-:-, -�r: .s•�euw^�+aer± -�e� a � 4 "5}', ^u - �' arc - Y trigaislativ ocuments "� dr 'i e eli E. ';X, fits `(EHM NleternReco Cirl.'N.. ':a .;' t -3'�,� Mtig' t,: a fiRE;9 issX ' ,WEIntj INuwWorcEveaisc.als _ ' t !f $1En "t` l^Xs st MAIM=! Invoices,�eers. � �..`.<. * �;'t ,�«", skr$.��zE-oaa���:� _'�gX ��s��� EFI �r-. Purch`r`aelMers =¢ r ; ?;it, aWillati 0E10 airliSaRal Mtn ,ga etSOft EMSNTRS-, `' i , 4 *SEW rWartgroikeiguctWiS,4aTmosmaitstsitgf` "E` wmegoosirita rho eIST femtDatabase �tS, }y I re -` T fl y ,:��` '��r�X+ c�nEt.R.�o--s�,t�-'�'~ ^r �: . , EFI,. COC1traCt ,r 4 �e x. '-• . 1t.EZ;' w ysn . MEWW. 5 a3- eSZElAr ECustomerARecordsr . , t,,.. anittaIt .MMMI6,X^7 :"aH�'�ai<�;t QuickBooks I X E City Clerks office records I X EH City Clerk's Records N X EHM Laserfiche Imaging N EH Check Stock N H For Official Use Only Page 80 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: People 7 Computers 4 Phones 3 Printers 1 Days 2 3-2tCZ�� ya i,S4?i".: People 14 Computers 8 Phones 6 Printers 2 People 21 Computers 15 Phones 10 Printers 2 10,lDays„„kV;>S1 People 21 Computers 18 Phones 19 Printers 2 Additional Requirements: Access to a scanner, copy and fax machines on day 2. For Official Use Only Page 81 . • ���� ���� COn80Ui� 8fOpeK�VnSPlan ~� �� City O[ Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery �;:|riiniiiii:t',I'|iiiat@itigtlitit'&(.e6V '/NcUi.fity!'`• '• ... •.,,c=....:>('::':.'.', '.'. . ^� ,,:�.":1`:d* tiigil.04.1 atektiliki'ilainN • / / 1 DOT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) . � / / 2 Review �NininnonoOperating ReqoirornontnatAlternate Site � / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities toDCT nnonoboro 4 Assign Responsibility toAlert personnel—see Emergency • / / . Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating � / / Requiremnentswith other DCTo— Establish resource sharing, if required � / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) � / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment � / / 8 Update C��Tofstatus � / / 9 CyNTupdates CET o/status 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital . / / ' Information/Records) 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum • / / • Operating Requirements) . � / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and 0orook)radon � / / 13 Update C�NTofstatus � / / 14 Cy0Tupdates CET u(status � / / 15 Test access tocritical and eoaenha| oo8wareand in6ornnu\ion � / / 16 Validate �|aroe|onahon 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been � / / restored. � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 82 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Resumption .- - ^>y + r 'c 1. -.ner F -ra -fir g+y d P`:� +.`Iritials" ;`;Time! °�;,;xDatecµ....� :Seq.. Activity: -: : ., . . -.• .. - , h�:: ': .�*�i„�;,�1��,;3'a:�i' `1�.r�tx�'r� t;.P„nrnary„'�`. �`�,�ii�s"tr�Assist, <.��: . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation .• / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes .• / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment • / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information . / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers .• / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff .• / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers . / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required . / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy (reconstitution activities) .• / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy . / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan .• / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 .• / / 17 .• / / 18 .• / / 19 . / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 83 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes ;Process Name Y :` g, RTO ` M4 F .ggenOje ;. Receipt payments E Daily Bill Accounts _ I Daily Process/Pay Invoices _ I Weekly Record Entries to Accounts (bookkeeping) I Daily Collect and process water payments I daily Pay vendors I daily Maintain Records N As Required Report Results N As Required For Official Use Only Page 84 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts r- ti,a::_ :.: ;::<< ,"�' _ 3°rr s .... . ,y,: „rr '.hr lits F='ufi 3r .. �` t s- 4 _ t z Organization;.-�'�,_,�st�,�:%_, _.,;n_-5.�,'�:Contact .: .. •i Phone. - .�.:Alternate;P.,hone�„_Email„�,s�,; ,��ir, ��y^�;:. Sunflower Bank Larry Britigam For Official Use Only Page 85 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex H - Fire Department Succession of Leadership DepartmentfOrSI Fire'Department Primary Darrell Eastin First Alt Steve Moody Second Alt Marvin VanBlaricon Third Alt Willis Sutton Comments Judy Piercy - Administrative Support Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Darrell Eastin / M, L, R Steve Moody / A, R Marvin VanBlaricon / R Willis Sutton / R Judy Piercy / R For Official Use Only Page 86 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. .'..�. �:.Ik.4:lR+N. y�+. Vital=Re rd Name/Descnptiori e ' �"x sJ RTOs , Stor"ed,offsite2. Format* MCAMEOrDatabase :-. ;" N r i,x e Y Y E Ne aW„orld ifirabase `S' t n & �- I pr ram TxiEnt$ iESRI Maps ^: 7.""..e.a” . .': k a�I "O)+ @' icrii5 '.,:;.0 Ma= Wrocedures 4 ''• tea& i ti:ZTACIWAVISTIOWM Atka'V'.. t iact =EWE T "ih Px±w1ANRw-3Mr�'i"'S""i rw�aY ti4'4�'te' a c.--•. r, pt t Far %filling Recordst.(raf Database) $xEM n a E ` x>SX - W°r°; E1i ,Fire Records$(FIREMO`USEibatabase)i " MON ME-:��. ;., fXWIL Personnel Records I X EH For Official Use Only Page 87 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: tbirialfgaittiiiMilg2 ROM People 92 Computers 0 Phones 2 Printers 0 Natt People 92 Computers 3 Phones 5 Printers 1 <Days 3' 1060NY M% `z i People 92 Computers 3 Phones 5 Printers 1 1Osr 10 Da . irtAIOWA People 92 Computers 10 Phones 5 Printers 3 Additional Requirements: 400 gallons diesel, 100 regular - Cell phones - Copy Machine, Fax Machine (day 2 on) For Official Use Only Page 88 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery t a //, :i•.`6x_;T a', , ::.Puma' saeyw r i4ssist .x t` -Initials =,$Time „ �c_r�tDate„v. �Seq• �ActiJity ry.. / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required _ / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers— (see External Contacts) / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital • Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum • Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • restored. • / / 18 / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 89 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Resumption Initials 4 ._"-Time, e` !bite ` ,;Seq<. :Activity • .. . - •• . -- 1 - .."'...:' ,,,`;,.:;_,M4R4ktinentigatiaE P_nmairig 9atinssistali: / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation . / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment . / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information . / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials . / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers . / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff . / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers . / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required . / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) • / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment . / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy . / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes ' . / / 16 . / / 17 .• / / 18 .• / / 19 . / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 90 • • • S Continuity of Operations Plan _ City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes i'Process NameL ` s Rtaki `xr,?'<.R .,RTO f, a Frequencyt ,$ Provide ARFF (Aircraft) Response C Daily Provide Emergency Medical Response C Daily Provide Fire Suppression _ C Daily Provide HazMat Response C Daily Provide Technical Rescue Response C Daily Maintain equipment and response capability E Daily Perform Fire Investigations E Daily Perform General Administration E Daily Perform Fire Inspection I Daily Provide public education and training N As Required For Official Use Only Page 91 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts A hon Ema a x{ �. •Contact . . , Phone, '_, ,� :<:7�� It=P ems'� i 4�,��` W`?:.�;� �w, =<.: 911 Dispatch Center Lt. Wayne Pruitt 785-826-7210 wyane.pruitt@slaina.org Emergency Medical Products Waukesha WI 800-558-6270 _ Salina Regional Health Center 785-452-7000 State Fire Marshall Carl McNorton For Official Use Only Page 92 • • • .• Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Annex I - Human Relations Succession of Leadership tx ;Human Relations •r Primary Kaye Crawford First Alt Dina Giron Second Alt Sandra Beverly Third Alt Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Kaye Crawford / L, R Dina Giron /A, R Sandra Beverly / R For Official Use Only Page 93 • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. „VitalRecord'Name/Descnption � ',a?,:;"- RTO, Stored Offsite AFormat?v Case files' , - 4."4$- *, 41CAT LATOs 4 Men r Kim Xf i aai riffiktra ENew UVoeld Datab sa a ew .a N4 r ' `r .t{s,}r i t sE �.`ty, P;JX'}; z { - gn ea ffeelH,-regta+re.Karc.•, i car is A ` I a '`'Y�+.f �$. ti ro int Iffi:''. :;s S. %�. MOM"Hunaan�RelationstCommissiontFiles�i �,� 'f!' �;� � �R�s� y � y� arious ti readslee s ` w `.,t, r ,; o�tCl�� filiWAZgiearg fPexsernieelatEra en %fcom !,cor„ iirpoifdeneb" rEIrilFRE H„ Wrav7:71816111157F4VOrt,v 111 WEN r CA fXr .�� E tr Personnel Files I H Electronic Signature Files (New World) I X E Check Stock I H For Official Use Only Page 94 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: People 2 Computers 2 Phones 2 Printers 1 Days4f3 L..bti 4;.A,,",4JK People 4 Computers 4 Phones 2 Printers 1 Da'-'ys 7� +iy y ,r i , ”1-A." People 4 Computers 4 Phones 2 Printers 1 People 4 Computers 2 Phones 2 Printers 1 Additional Requirements: Access to case files and HUD application. For Official Use Only Page 95 • • S Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery $'Iriitials "'t:,Tirne s }nabate r Seq• Activity / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site • / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers— (see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • restored. / 18 •• / / 19 •• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 96 ' `• -- • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Resumption �iiiiiiiit ilifiiiielg/61iif6seife, fthiiii6/,...z. :e ,',,'.,^�-:' �� .,,z, `i �,Y . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Beqin performing Critical and Essential processes � / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment � / / , 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information � / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvaqe operations � / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials � / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers � / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff � / / 9 Prepare and present briefinq for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin executing innpn�untand Non-Essential processes, ayrequired . � / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and oquipnoant . � / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy � / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan � / / 15 Update plans with necessary chanqes � / / 16 � / / 17 � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 ' For [��CiRlS8 [)8�y P8�� �7 ! �1 : � � i • S Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes {Pcocess'Name' 4` r RTO , Fre uenc A Maintain communication with HUD E Weekly Maintain communications with Human Relations Commissioners I Weekly Maintain HUD Information I Weekly Process Customer Complaints I Daily Process Payroll I Weekly Process payment of invoices N Weekly Provide community education programs N As Required For Official Use Only Page 98 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists • Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts i..,;.�, - i-t r F t +cel ' { H sem. :1F$ x :A4 ti.w.s t M n �, Z1 YK Mint Organiiationit��"°' ` ,, ,���x(,>�.�f �. y, °Contact ,�, ..�, _. �Phone� ;.�,�s �:�``''AItiP,hone��, Email���� �+; � � .. � ..: Dept. of Housing & Urban Dev. Malcolm Barnett 913-551-6961 Malcolm Barnett@HUD.GOV Dept of Housing and Urban Development Myrtle Wilson 913.551.5834 myrtle wilson@hud.gov Health Department Yvonne Gibbons For Official Use Only Page 99 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Annex J — Human Resources Succession of Leadership ,Department'_ ? H4man7Resources Primary Deb Demel First Alt Diane Turner Second Alt Rod Franz Third Alt Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: E = Continuity Executive Team Member M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Deb Demel / L, R Diane Turner/A, R Rod Franz/ E, M, R For Official Use Only Page 100 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. i Vital Record.'Name/Descnptieni. " Yr;`.r ; " A. ;.,RTO. ;>i4Stored_Offsitig ;For°rnat I Per,SonneliEiles S r "r NWASI* `t sli EeM rvEm ameantet` meantFosii For Official Use Only Page 101 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: * Yf I Vi �:q:VA h�„'k i�'G¢i{ 11,1;';;:4441 j �';.�.'d^S'� AY 4."• �.��{"d�ryF•�rzx��}m. "a? y �i j DayL1 SC `� vMG- i'tYilpt 4'R "R -ot''.:.a j�) People 3 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 x ^rearcq vim} �,'�^.!': ads x�� to S.e.�yf L• Days 2 3 <_•�;�M��° �' ";� �, -. r 7��. People 3 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 6x!e People 3 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 zOver',10 Days. F 4NO f ; People 5 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 1 • Additional Requirements: Access to network, New World application and Internet. For Official Use Only Page 102 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery v, Y , }. : - d - H.Y l Y -w.fi.+ry • k .wj G-.[ Y :Initials. ��Time « �csh--Date ,.,, ttSeq'; Activity . . : - ,_:.:. ,�' r ,gra �?�v s x�,�?rP,�imary��?r.,..,�"�`'r,�,�Asslst�1100-:': • / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) •• / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency • Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records)• / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum • Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been restored. .• / / 18 / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only • Page 103 • _ • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Resumption `iiiiie|^*��ri`+ell aglie'e;ft^ e^t;wAcUvitjec�., :::"/.k 2,t;;:° '� v. ., .i.],.^,6 �l�fi, ` -a±*i *^iWi . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Begin podbrnninyCrihcu| and Enyon�u| processes � / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment : / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information . / / 5 Assist with or beqin clean up and salvaqe operations � / / 6 Detornnineinventory ofusable eqvip/nent' doounnonteand noatariu|o � / / 7 Detornninelosses k>rinsurance caniors � / / 8 Provide briefing toendroo\u� � / / 9 Prepare and present bheOngh)rCitizens, Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin executing |nopo�antand Non'Eosenda| processes, uorequired � / / 11 Assist m/ithdeveloping |onq�onnrecovery strategy(rennnohtuhonactiviboo) � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipnoen( � / / 13 Develop plans for return kznornnu| operahonoper reconstitution strategy � / / 14 Create dopa�nnontu| AherAodnnRopu� ' evaluate e�ontivonoaaofplan � / / 15 Update plans vvithnecessary changes � / / 16 � / / 17 � / / 18 � / / 19 � / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 104 . • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes EProcess Namem,g ,,fin r Ett- S RTO" `*Fre uenc t: ,.. .,._. ., .�,... ,.,, . , .. ... .. � •., k .nes._,:, 4 , Y Perform Benefits Administration E Daily Process Payroll E Daily Administration of Work Comp program I Daily Maintain Personnel Files and Retention N Daily Perform Recruitment N Daily For Official Use Only Page 105 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts . ; q )Y:f;.zt A Or an¢ationc : : .Contact Phone. Alt,Phone!a,, ;cmail4 Berkley Risk Administrators Susan May 800.364.4609 smay@berkleyrisk.com BCBS of Kansas Kelly Davart 785.827.7161 kelly.davart@bcbsks.com CareMark Candace Dahl 888.727.5574x7701 candace.dahl@caremark.com Delta Dental Central Plains Business Forms Greg Vancovern 785.823.1699 For Official Use Only Page 106 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Annex K - Municipal Court Succession of Leadership IM I)c,1 l Court y K ,. Primary Jane Garman First Alt Brenda Landis Second Alt Mary Marshall Third Alt Tracy O'Brien Comments Prosecutor- Jennifer Wyatt, Judge Brenda Stoff Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Jane Garman / L, R Brenda Landis /A, R Mary Marshall / R Tracy O'Brien / R Jennifer Wyatt/ R Judge Brenda Stoff/ R For Official Use Only Page 107 • • I Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. rszRTO,. _Stared•Offsile , a�Format Vrtal<Rec'ord;Name/Descnptiori:, M.,,�, K ,• :, , . rCastitBond Trac rgre ar padsheelWat� ;� gi 2:1�5N a n d Eh+'' �.CaseFiles?,�' `�,'.a,,;:'�����t:._'' s ", "en�aSs�,. "s�wil i;tCE tat°MAnza EittEH New bi _�grime . 6. orldtiDatabase' '� f'• `��a�.�,w���� �� �`�.�tsKuCt��",`hr�;'� "�'Xr�dawa�i`i5 �E�` " z�vr �: aesaa:^r� ar L ;,c T'�"+."s� i k�_..fl. „',: F - 2=,h ye vow. - a r ai A .i r �GourtaDockets��.�_ �r�i ��'� � �r-�w�t'?xs�G��ti���X4``� "���� in {:sE arggigrardwegaraTinwairsgratmatews. K alp r Receipt�Forms. ` �{ s �M ;� �.. -�,`�; ih��bCf-' �:'t x •`'�.-���FH 41 1A TEIgsSwerbnniegie » v 'M tg +' E „ S giai eg S EH Case Files prior to 1980 N X M For Official Use Only Page 108 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: s��a�,f ;rt ✓ .:°t;�il+��`4�,vq�,—�* �`.,4ei:>`d,4t:Nu: People 6 Computers 2 Phones 1 Printers 2 Daj[s; .x People 10 Computers 5 Phones 3 Printers 3 People 14 Computers 7 Phones 7 Printers 6 15ve10 Days xgm , People 14 Computers 10 Phones 7 Printers 8 Additional Requirements: Computer at the court facility and one for the administrative function - Audio and Video equipment with connectivity. Special receipt printer and certified date stamp. Scanners for files and documents. Access to copy and fax machines would be critical in the first day. For Official Use Only Page 109 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery ,F. -,,.., ,. �x t r . x fa rr t o .Initiais� �,_Time� ;"',iDate r�: =Seq FActivity:.: .: ur,� � � �s�atr<�r, i5��,n�Primary,',kir < ; ���4�,t,As'sistx'�,gt .;: • / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) •• / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel—see Emergency • Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • • / / Requirements with other DCTs — Establish resource sharing, if required .• / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers —(see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration .• / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been restored. . / / 18 .• / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 110 Continuity of Operations Plan City ofSalina, KS - Resumption iPiri^a|~^ gt'iinta 71xg �seir.6. ?Activity��. . .• !.}- •. ` . .^~.1 EfFill . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation � / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes . � / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment � / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information � / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations � / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials � / / 7 O��ornoinolosses for insurance ourhorn � / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff � / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required � / / 11 Assist with developing |ong'tornorecovery strategy (reconstitution activideo) � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipnoen{ � / / 13 Develop plans for return tonornoo| operations per rouonod\uVnnstrategy � / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report - evaluate effectiveness of plan � � / / 15 Upda�op|anowi�knocaonoryxhangon . � / / 16 : / / 17 � / / 18 • . � / / 19 : / / 20 , . . . . For Official Use Only Page 111 • • • Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes Process,Name a� k, ^ c A �� F, ' RTO ' ;ufkouericyt'ic Address Offenders - seen by Judge C Daily Conduct Court Sessions C Daily Issue Subpoenas, notification letters, call witnesses and law enforcement. C Daily Process convictions and appeals C Daily Collect and process offender related information I As Required Collect and track payments from offenders I Daily Maintain Case Files I Daily Process Accounts payables • I Weekly Process payroll I Semi-Monthly Process Thirty Day notifications I Weekly Receive and process information for case files from State Agencies N Daily Reporting to State Agencies N Daily For Official Use Only Page 112 • • S Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts _.rani zation; "`�._ Mu 7' vim. ". , � a=k. ontact • Phone°:_' 1_ ..f £i1- . Email s..__. .' ;�` �.. � ,fir -� 5 r.-n,� C '�` Alt.f?Fione�="' .��� �� �,z�,. Kansas Dept. Motor Vehicles KBI Kansas Office of Judicial Administration Key Office Equipment HM Hanson Midwest Security Peterson Electric Central Plains For Official Use Only Page 113 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Annex L - Parks and Recreation Succession of Leadership _Department ict%2 Parks 8°Recreation Primary Steve Snyder First Alt Bob Ash Second Alt Randy Clifford Third Alt Byron Erickson Comments Steve Hardesty - Golf Course Manager Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Steve Snyder/ L, R Bob Ash /A, R Randy Clifford / R Byron Erickson / R Steve Hardesty For Official Use Only Page 114 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate- Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. 's .:.. y Y _y."3� ke %w: V.ital,RecordlName/Uescnption.r, }„c cx, .; rcF.. i <,RTO, Stored Offsiteaf i*Formath F19140orld D to ab sae CI .. . , £� '' X;` grafi `[Sef2 iDat b Se�'” ‘-'1% 91_sur- TaliCO`'''s C MI.2`. X" ,,T MaiE ? o rGolfrCu'`i''rse SafariiDatabas& ,4 . .. KM.aravaio rano na g E' .s»Et t*� aXt H, ° ':. • For Official Use Only Page 115 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: T r Recovery/Resumption s" , tni rovidzargenegi People 3 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 1 i tfi+,yraid.1' r".i� L�. iDays2 13 o— rv,.c,.`_;s ; People 5 Computers 2 Phones 2 Printers 1 People 5 Computers 2 Phones 2 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 116 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS 'fOver 0.tays, . f14 h 3., §tt.r- People 7 Computers 3 Phones 3 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 117 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery .,.,e 1 xl`nitialst:'s',Tim : �`4-.Date.,,.; ;Seq• `Activity.. ;, ` • :, f•4y f r """'y ' "' '� " � ,• '`• .,....h ,..�akr�«s„_Puma .�r,� ,_�� ��fAssist�+ .,.xt::<. / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency • Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) •• / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment •• / / 8 Update CMT of status •• / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records) / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum • / Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been restored. •• / / 18 •• / / 19 •• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 118 Contiy •of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Resumption , nitias, ,,�.Time,1 s ~brite t+ 'is Weil ?Actiwty ,i. .. .,:.:..L- . . _:� .k ayattb.E�tt Pnmasyrkie 'As istV;ZA . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation . / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes . / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential • information . / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials . / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff . / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers . / / 10 Beqin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) • / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment • . / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy .• / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report - evaluate effectiveness of plan .• / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes • . / / 16 .• / / 17 .• / / 18 .• / / 19 .• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 119 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes Process NameK; ,"Y F: s • F e uenc �, fir. Maintain city owned facilities/buildinqs C Daily Perform financial accounting for the department C Daily Maintenance of city owned and street trees/property E As Required Provide shelter and neighborhood centers E Daily Administration and management of the municipal golf course I Daily Maintain Gypsum Hill Cemetery I As Required Maintain parks I Daily Manage and track water usage (wells) I Manage contracts and accounts payables I As Required Management and maintenance of community swimming pools I (Seasonal) Perform boiler inspections and certifications for city facilities I As Required For Official Use Only Page 120 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts ..: .. .,,, "Y' - 5 5 :=ra a v sContact • .� . , Phone � �._x `, z.._�Alt?Ftiones;'� Westar Kansas Gas Southwestern Bell KSU Extension - Forestry Division Salina Tree Service Kansas Tree Service Salina Iron and Metal For Official Use Only Page 121 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex M - Planning and Community Development Succession of Leadership DPlamm�9and CommunY it Development epartment�;", : Primary Dean Andrew First Alt John Burger Second Alt Claire Jeanfreau Third Alt Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Dean Andrew/ L, R John Burger/ A, R Claire Jeanfreau / R For Official Use Only Page 122 • Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS • Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate — Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. Wiital?RecotilNaife/Descriptions:,'43 , RTO 4 StoretOffSiteW` KFormatit For Official Use Only Page 123 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements • The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: Vat _3!tp d k�:N`at?v .• Y� _ ..u.-- } �tli�t7tlTS .. ty tingg -a People 26 Computers 1 Phones 5 Printers 1 r� People 32 Computers 2 Phones 8 Printers 1 i sr:'" 4 i €�N+'� r L Mh gDays�-3�"e V t i �4r 'f� ti People 52 Computers 10 Phones 10 Printers 1 People 52 Computers 10 Phones 10 Printers 2 Additional Requirements: Cell phones, vehicles, special and heavy equipment. Would assist with debris removal and clearing of transportation infrastructure. For Official Use Only Page 124 Continuity • of Operations Plan S City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery Initials Tun4!Date._ ; :SO 'Activity / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel—see Emergency Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required •• / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) • / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status •• / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital • Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum • Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status / / 14 CMT updates CET of status / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • _ restored. • / / 18 • / / 19 / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 125 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS - Resumption :.Initials . !,*tiiiid';5°). -Milifitt4 rs.aeii, :Activity:: ... s 'y ,x1VIA is` Y4 Y ry . ,,Assist6. 4* I / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment • / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) • / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report - evaluate effectiveness of plan / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 .• / / 17 .• / / 18 .• / / 19 .• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 126 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes RTOt 510, ,NFre ilkr cy rCEZ -,w..,. •. - - l.,.FrcS"S�':.:ve'tw.,vii..a�:•i M1 r.n5. .,`.53d.e � .. e� y�or eS43c>s i ,.._ a�e� o-+. For Official Use Only Page 127 Continuity of Operations Plan -. City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts ,Contact c._ . .Phone.;..< sAlternate{Phone _EmailLt , , APA Website ESRI Linda Sibert 785 309 5801 linda.sibert@saline.org FEMA Rhonda Montgomery 785 296 4622 rmontgomery@kda.state.ks.us State of Kansas Various Depts For Official Use Only Page 128 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • _ City of Salina, KS Annex N - Police Department Succession of Leadership ?D partmenf a rPohce Departments<r ', Primary James Hill First Alt Barry Plunkett Second Alt Mike Marshall Third Alt Carson Mansfield Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage James Hill / M, L, R Barry Plunkett/A, R Mike Marshall / R Carson Mansfield / R For Official Use Only Page 129 • Comity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS - Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. VitahRecord Nam&Sscn tion. ,y . i r , _ . . a .e �a� :RTO 'Sfored"Offsite _ � Format, �inCliffeaia ed t ro. �r.5 ,' "�JR aci r" n' " t Ch g o: M X § �� Ef'IF i �%. dent�Re QlitSg4 r.a��°.^a .�.. �' �..�, „-hSz..n ,.� iff.•3enm+ ,..,.d 6e=E,,� v ;E"uuft+Fy'"4��rtY�:.v e^ qj^ f�RL,^�1 3 a S,"v tl ..[i,,M4 � /, Offeinse i epoi;ts „_' � �:,: f s � CO aPIEROM r IEHE New lNorld Database .,rtthlagag FNMA' %t2 lIgarear iH ill e.3 tr-5";'ig 4 ..T erwa.r'r �" i 1ti X4 K 'Ksd" ��rM L A". EvuJence Roorn' 'Gontents` ���'�.�_.; . � ��$ro���iC�" � .,� � ��'f� ��w�� 'H �` —vspmro Ay. .sre'arefrt '. r.. ,n c ,�..-c„`K�' P g ayment of.;lnvoices�' rac.: „faxi ai a aEx aris+d patKts`- tParoll t .es t w� '' �^ s OE " r,�_;,s'°X,; y.:INN y. a . s c4r r yaw ��xwcmoa�sr a-�+•� ... . Personnelrl cords F, #. r i '.c `iy, aE .X i Ha s;,* For Official Use Only Page 130 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: Day`1 Ar . t. 1 tll is F t 1.3 F.r People 15 Computers 10 Phones 5 Printers 2 People 20 Computers 12 Phones 10 _ Printers 5 s urki .;,;a yup-: i People 30 Computers 15 Phones 10 Printers 10 45v610DY`s41.6070—Mit s: 0 People 30 Computers 10 Phones 10 Printers 10 Additional Requirements: 79 sworn staff would need to be available immediately. Cell phones, vehicles (MDT), dispatch equipment. For Official Use Only Page 131 Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery Initialsr .&Simet f��_Date3,0i ..Seq> ,Activity .. <. - .,c.s: .,2. . .,;h__> aris .:a,.;Primary.,.ziAa.»..f7kassrstiggv�, • / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) • . / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site • / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel—see Emergency Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required .• / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers— (see External Contacts) .• / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment .• / / 8 Update CMT of status .• / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital • Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment(see Minimum •• Operating Requirements) . .• / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration .• / / 13 Update CMT of status .• / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information .• / / 16 Validate file restoration • / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • restored. .• / / 18 .• / / 19 / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 132 Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Resumption iiiiitiaist. .r`;Toren. .,Y„Date N r'SeqaActivity . __ _z. . .' ig”" .N :#itiv.e:: : .wr E :Piimaryag ,'i'',.'c Assist47, / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information • / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers • / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff . / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required • / / 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment • / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report - evaluate effectiveness of plan • / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 • / / 17 .• / / 18 .• / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 133 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes PFocess`Name� u�x- ;At RTO '`^Frequency, ` ; Administer (CAD) Computer Aided Dispatch C Daily Perform Law enforcement operations C Daily Perform Municipal Law Enforcement C Daily Provide Municipal Police Services C Daily Maintain Mobile Data (vehicles) E Daily Maintain Personnel Records E Daily Process Accounts Receivables E Weekly Process Payment of invoices E Weekly Process Payroll E Semi-Monthly Maintain Redundancy systems - Dispatch N As Required Transmit Reports to KBI Repository N As Required For Official Use Only Page 134 . • • '��� Continuity of Operations Plan �~ City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts . on'tt Police Reports.com New World Systems Ka-COMM Craig Fisher 785.827.8555 KBI KDOT Kansas Hiqhway Patrol Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center Kansas Attorney General ATF DEA FBI HIDTA For Official Use Only Page 135 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Annex 0 - Public Works Succession of Leadership Depaitinent' Public works_ < yt Primary Shawn O'Leary First Alt Mike Fraser Second Alt Martha Tasker Third Alt Brad Johnson Comments Kim Fisher- Administrative Assistant Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Shawn O'Leary / M, L, R Mike Fraser/A, R Martha Tasker/ R Brad Johnson / R Kim Fisher/ R For Official Use Only Page 136 Continof Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate — • Second Alternate- Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. V.ital'LRecordlName/DescnpUoia,.iaRW RTO Stoped Offsite Fo�matW rG sa Bo ataba e I. is - C.a, ` cilWA n N'ew Wog Ei Database at ' CECZ et MTN Megfiagaligni LgaLIM .♦ I +irlax-. mar:: xVA4;�.uy. P? M' S F �.W,ast`e�Water�Data ,`���::��.,-�i��'xu �,`�l.rrr��C ��, �3a'�X� � Eu. ,. l7 ,-martyr rem'ag va s .e ax : "';'tt 2 Y/ [''x l„'-2 yAWE �Water�Treatmenf�Rata � �1 � ' �`�''��'t�:c €+ C�Ir��„�t���X �� iS`an'"'`itatrearel"`trat dns.Spr ae tl heets,a 4: #eelgi7fit '411321liara liESUaaabas. eltc..1,7,1ie^�0. � NrOrare ; Ak T4Ira "'MO= roes S.".t*.''';t,` ;,i_ ,:A > ,-, g€f F` M5-flea s >. �StreeilMamtenancM,rogramlSpreadsheetsWaµfl MEM WarTMORGA, E�,�r`za' For Official Use Only Page 137 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: A �g a 1:`h fr 4li-S :•, 3 5t ti•ti L',<+. s�t��ti%Yi wn .w2-:�sf Y1Y"�rM1�Si 'T v >�h ��� risi `Fx 't 4"' ..a 5 i r ci People 10 Computers 6 Phones 6 Printers 2 `Days 2 f3 .;:p itt 4x€;r-ld 'L¢ t1 People 13 Computers 8 Phones 8 Printers 3 _Days 3. 0VMa���t $. • People 13 Computers 10 Phones 10 Printers 3 �..4 r YMQ. ., ,:O"ver 10.Days+ � rtia��.�. f People 13 Computers 13 Phones 10 Printers 3 Additional Requirements: Need access to maps and plotter to produce maps in the first day. For Official Use Only Page 138 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • - • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery nlriitials #.RTime 3`Date ..:<Se Activit =.. n `' R "t R " •. .. s ,kK .�..�.s <.. >Prirnary..� a ,AssistcJ9,'r. / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency • Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs— Establish resource sharing, if required / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) / / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital • Information/Records) / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum • Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration •• / / 13 Update CMT of status • / / 14 CMT updates CET of status .• / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration • / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been restored. • / / 18 • / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 139 ���� ���� �� �� Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS • _ Resumption 3I^itr^141 W:tiiii-eKg elitritatt ':..liSe« . T.Aetivity . • . . .. ` ' . �'- =l *,:::.:c: tat,i1i . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation : / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes . / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment : / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information : , / / 5 Assist with or beqin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials : ' / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers . / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff � / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Q(izonn' Vendors and Suppliers � / / 10 Begin executing |nopo�untand Non-Essential processes, anrequired � / / 11 Assist w/ithdeveloping |ung'ternorecovery strategy(reconstitution activities) � / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipnoont � / / 13 Develop plans for return tonornom| operations per reconstitution strategy � / / 14 Create dopa�noenta| AhorAcUonFlopo� ' evaluate e�enhvenessofplan � / / 15 Update plans vvi{hnecessary changes � / / 16 � / / 17 : , / / 18 . / / 19 � / / 20 . . For Official Use Only Page 140 Continof Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes ,,ProeessnName c R:Wk %` • • ,J11:043vg,e44400WE Administer City Flood Control Program C Daily Maintain City and County Fleet (vehicles and equipment) C Daily Maintain City Streets and Infrastructure C Daily Manage and operate City Sanitation Services C Daily Manage and operate City Traffic Control Program C Daily Manage and operate Waste Water Treatment Facility C Daily Manage and operate Water Utilities C Daily Maintain city fuel systems E Daily Manage and operate the City Landfill E Daily Provide engineering/construction activities for the City I As Required For Official Use Only Page 141 • • Continuity of Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts Contact • Phone " ; Alternate7Phoneb ;Emaid "'"''orf t% For Official Use Only Page 142 Continof Operations Plan • City of Salina, KS Annex P - Risk Management Succession of Leadership Department,�`"x' 1Risk'Managementse r, ';r Primary Nancy Schuessler First Alt Rod Franz Second Alt Mike Schrage Third Alt Jason Gage Comments Department Continuity Team Team Member/Authority Office Phone Home Phone Emergency No. Authority: M = Continuity Management Team Member L = Team Leader A = Alternate Leader R = Can recall records and files from offsite storage Nancy Schuessler/ M, L, R Rod Franz/ M, A, R Mike Schrage/ M, R Jason Gage / M, R For Official Use Only Page 143 Contin• of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Alternate Recovery Site The alternate recovery sites for this department are as follows: • Primary— Current Office Location (other office suite, if required) • First Alternate— • • Second Alternate - Presentation of Vital Information/Records Records that are shaded indicate that retrieval from offsite storage (if applicable) should be performed during recovery stage. Vital`f2e'cordName/Description;'- ` 'Y RTO Stored.Offsite .12-Fara r l . --wiry;�+vr yet , . k w v �$+J3riRPi i fi5:,. ti v.;. 7 y' s.:45 Y� ,'y�1 5 j"r* _• s• �CIaImS Database.� .� � ., :���'�. � „�,��t ,_%t u �Cu�a> , �fi��r:�X�' �•� ��E �i?�.. M et fVlanag entrD taaiase, ES M , r : , Ca kx-osagtaa EM EW Correspondence I X EH Driver Records I X E Insurance Schedules I X E Various Reporting Spreadsheets I X E For Official Use Only Page 144 Contin•of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Minimum Operating Requirements The following minimum requirements have been established to insure that recovery steps are executed in a timely basis to resume critical and essential functions for this department: i r 5''!3 M r -.pad W40 People 1 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 0 i Days2' 3b"�nj°�"� �,, a People 1 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 1 o :3;, a Aa„y,_ '• a ,,�'e ��tt,�t•,A. 's: People 1 Computers 1 Phones 1 Printers 1 lidaaatriViAfgagraTEMAt People 1 Computers _ 1 Phones 1 Printers 1 For Official Use Only Page 145 • • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Recovery Sequences Recovery >>*+ _ ....t � ri.. r. ♦ :� -yr.�� - nivav �y f„r xa[ l g - Z :dnitialsJ< ,�NTime�? , aur�;Date .a� :Seq' ;Activity • ,. .. ':.>., e , ,,. ... .,fi_k �r.:�^x<.P,nmary..,±� .: cvt§�_, Assist_-�'�.,,,.�1•• • / / 1 DCT members report to Alternate Recovery Site(s) •• / / 2 Review Minimum Operating Requirements at Alternate Site •• / / 3 Assign recovery responsibilities to DCT members / / 4 Assign Responsibility to Alert personnel —see Emergency• r Contact Department Employee List 5 Coordinate procurement and setup for Minimum Operating • / / Requirements with other DCTs — Establish resource sharing, if required • / / 6 Alert Critical Vendors/Suppliers—(see External Contacts) / 7 Conduct additional damage assessment • / / 8 Update CMT of status • / / 9 CMT updates CET of status / / 10 Recall offsite information storage (see Vital Information/Records)• / / 11 Setup and test critical and essential equipment (see Minimum •• Operating Requirements) • / / 12 Establish connectivity, software and file restoration • / / 13 Update CMT of status •• / / 14 CMT updates CET of status • / / 15 Test access to critical and essential software and information • / / 16 Validate file restoration / / 17 Alert CMT that critical and essential processes have been • restored. . / / 18 / / 19 • / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 146 • •Continuity of Operations Plan City of Salina, KS Resumption 'Initials, .t§„Time, � Date 1i .�SegT ,Activity„. _ * : ., .. , ... t..,,,E4.Sh lo�l ,= :f gun'marygig 11a170Ass:st; „gi . / / 1 Review and establish work schedules and personnel rotation . / / 2 Begin performing Critical and Essential processes . / / 3 Procure and setup additional equipment . / / 4 Establish schedule for restoration of Important and Non-Essential information . / / 5 Assist with or begin clean up and salvage operations . / / 6 Determine inventory of usable equipment, documents and materials .• / / 7 Determine losses for insurance carriers . / / 8 Provide briefing to entire staff . / / 9 Prepare and present briefing for Citizens, Vendors and Suppliers . / / 10 Begin executing Important and Non-Essential processes, as required . / / . 11 Assist with developing long-term recovery strategy(reconstitution activities) / / 12 Reorder and restock supplies and equipment / / 13 Develop plans for return to normal operations per reconstitution strategy . / / 14 Create departmental After Action Report- evaluate effectiveness of plan . / / 15 Update plans with necessary changes .• / / 16 .• / / 17 / / 18 .• / / 19 .• / / 20 For Official Use Only Page 147 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Critical and Essential Processes . 'RTO tFrequency, Administer insurance needs for the City C Daily Process claims for city losses E As Required Oversee Safety employee and facility programs I Daily For Official Use Only Page 148 • Continuity of Operations Plan • • City of Salina, KS Contact Lists Internal Contacts Please refer to the "Emergency Department Contact Employee List" maintained and distributed by the Human Resources Department. You may contact HR a copy of the list. Each member of the Departmental Continuity Team should have a copy of the list for the list for their department stored at a safe offsite location. External Contacts _ -.. , • :_ , Oaf ,`Emailil _ _. 4 .. ,.Ocgarnzat�on°t�4t�.�.+r;��^`. .�` +�.I . ,..�t .Contact .. . . .. . . ,�.Pfione""..>-��,. .� '�s �laWi°igsirN Sunflower Group Leslie Webb 785.825.4802 St. Paul Travelers Tom Adams 800.255.5072 Charlesworth & Assoc. Bob Charlesworth 913.851.4730 For Official Use Only Page 149