01-26-2004 Minutes - 754- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Monday January 26, 2004 in the Prescott Room. The following Board members were present Alan E. Jilka, Cheryl Mason, Sheldon Lilak, Nancy Chandler, Janice Ostrom, Lynne Ryan, and Betsy Seholten. Others present were Dennis Kissinger, Joe McKenzie and Cynthia Smull. Nancy Chandler called the meeting to order. She asked for any changes or additions to the December 22, 2003 Board minutes. 04-01 On a motion made by Janice Ostrom and seconded by Betsy Scholten it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Board minutes with changes on policy. Motion passed. P754. 1/26/04. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Joe McKenzie summarized the Friends n:port. The Friends will be having a booksale on the Valentine weekend. At the same time the Y AAB organization will be having a bake sale to raise money for a Y AAB board member with leukemia. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Inter-local Agreement on Neighborhood Revitalization: Dennis Kissinger gave a summary of the agreement along with detailed handouts. The Board discussed the agreement. 04-02 On a motion made by Nancy Chandler and seconded by Betsy Scholten it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Inter-local agreement on the Neighborhood Revitalization Plan. P.754. 1/26/04. Motion passed. ORIENTATION: Preview and Discussion of2004: The Board received a printed summary of the 2004 Library action plan. The plan covers the Technology Center Project, Increase in Community Involvement Outreach Programs, E-Mail notification of over-due materials, and the SIRSI Technology Plan. The Board discussed the 2004 Plan for Action. DISCUSSION ITEMS: CIPA-Children's Internet Protection Act: Joe updated the Board on the legislation being proposed at the State level for this issue. The Board had a short discussion about this matter. ACTION ITEM: Policy - 2nd Reading: The Board discussed the changes to the library policy. 04-03 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Cheryl Mason it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the policy as written. (see full policy change below) Motion passed. 1/26/04. P 755. -755- SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY PRESCOTT MEETING ROOM POLICY The Prescott Meeting Room is available at no charge to non-profit groups to help serve the community's needs for educational, informational, and cultural enrichment. Meetings and programs must be held during the normal operating hours of the library. These hours are: Monday - Thursday 9:00AM - 9:00PM Friday and Saturday 9:00AM - 6:00PM Sunday 1 :OOPM - 6:00PM All use of the Prescott Meeting Room is subject to the approval of the Library Director. Library sponsored or co-sponsored meetings and programs take precedence over scheduling meetings for other groups at all times. No purely social functions are allowed in the Prescott Meeting Room. Groups must have a minimum of 8 individuals attending the meeting in order to reserve and use the Prescott Meeting Room. Smaller groups can reserve the small conference room. (Reservations for the room can be made at the Adult Reference Desk.) Groups may not exceed the maximum occupancy for the Prescott Meeting Room. Maximum occupancy is 75 individuals. The Prescott Meeting Room is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations must be made in advance and can be made up to two months in advance. Groups can reserve the Prescott Meeting Room for only one meeting per month. Same day scheduling will be done only at the discretion of the Head of the Youth Services Department or the Library Director. Meetings must not be of a nature that would interfere with normal business of the library. Music and noise must be kept at a reasonable level. Please do not attach anything to the walls, ceiling, or floor. Solicitation of any persons outside of the Prescott Meeting Room is prohibited. No tobacco products and no alcoholic products are allowed in the Prescott Meeting Room. Refreshments such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, snack foods, sandwiches, and desserts may be served in the Prescott Meeting Room. Groups must provide their own refreshments and serving containers/utensils, and the group is fully responsible for cleanup. A $10.00 refundable deposit is required if refreshments are going to be served. If the Prescott Meeting Room is left in an acceptable manner, deposits will be refunded within the week following the meeting. Ifneeded, the Library can provide a movie screen, TV, VCR, slide projector, podium, and/or an overhead projector. Staff may not be available to assist with the use of equipment. If your group needs instructions on how to use the Library equipment, contact the Head of the Youth Services Department at least a week before the date of the meeting. There is a $25.00 refundable deposit for the use of the equipment. As long as no equipment or pieces of equipment are missing or damaged, deposits will be refunded within the week following the meeting. The use of non-library equipment must be approved by the Head of the Youth Services Department or the Library Director in advance. - 756- Publicity for a meeting held by a non-library group in the Prescott MeetJing Room must not be worded in a manner that would imply sponsorship or endorsement of the group's activities by the Salina Public Library. Granting the use of the Prescott Meeting Room to a group does not imply Library approval or endorsement of the group, the meeting, or the ideas presented at the meeting. The name, address, or telephone number of the Salina Public Library must not be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. The Salina Public Library is not liable for injuries to individuals or for damages to or the loss of personal or organizational property of groups using the Prescott Meeting Room. After reading this document and completing the reservation form, a representative of the group using the Prescott Meeting Room must sign a statement on the reservation form accepting responsibility for the damage or loss of Library equipment and furnishings. The person who signs the statement is responsible for the conduct of the group and is financially responsible for any damage or loss of Library equipment and furnishings. Failure to abide by any of these rules or to cooperate with the Salina Public Library staff may result in loss of meeting room privileges. GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY The Salina Public Library welcomes gifts of materials, money or real property. Memorial books or other materials may be donated in honor of a friend or relative. They are marked with a special bookplate. Monetary contributions are added to the library's Miscellaneous/Special Projects Fund to be used for materials, programs or capital projects that are beyond the means of the General Fund operating budget. The library mayor may not accept donations of specialized collections. Gifts with certain restrictions mayor may not be accepted. Decisions will be made on an individual basis by the Library Board of Directors, based on the recommendation of the library staff. All gifts are tax deductible. The library will furnish a statement for tax purposes, but does not place a financial value on used items or other gifts. The library certifies that accepted gifts will be insured and cared for in the same manner as the library's other materials. The library is not liable for damages resulting from theft, fire, vandalism or other loss to materials. All gifts may be utilized, sold or disposed of in the best interest of the library. DISPLAYS Displays in the library may be done by staff or public. There is limited space available, so displays by the community need to fit library display cases. Staff needs for the cases are first priority. Approval of and arrangements for any displays can be made through the Library Director, a Department Head, or a designated staff person. - 757- ART EXHIBITS Artists wishing to exhibit arts and crafts at the library must fill out an application form and read the policy related to exhibits. Artists should provide brief biographical information and photo or slides or samples of their work. A staff review committee will make decisions on which exhibits will be selected. They will consider quality, variety and ability of the exhibit to fit onto our limited display areas. They will set the dates and the location for the exhibit within the library. All work selected for display must be tagged on the back or bottom for easy identification. Artists may not sell their work at the library, but may provide brochures or business cars for contact info. The library will provide insurance for objects. Display space does not include the Prescott Meeting Room. The Expressions Wall in Youth Services is reserved for the art of children and teens. FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report presented is for December 2003. We transferred $168,000.00 to the Capital Improvement Fund. The library ended the year in good shape by using the cuts and transfers discussed earlier in the year due to our funding cut of $85,000. The Board requested that a summary of expenditures for the VISA cards be included with the financial report in the future. ST A TISTICAL REPORT: Stats are where we normally expect. Reserves are down and new borrowers cards were down in 2003. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: February 19, 2004 is Legislative Day. On the I~vening of February 18th there will be a reception at the Topeka Public Library. This month we are doing supervisors appraisal with the staff. Once a month we will do a staff survey. If they hand in an answer to the survey question they will be entered in a drawing for $5.00 Friday flowers. In January we had sixteen responses. Ancestry Plus is now available at the Library. Joe attended the City Public Form last Thursday about continuing the ~ % county sales tax. Joe resigned from the Help Net Committee last month. Melanie Schreiber will be attending the Help Net Committee meetings in the future. The trial meeting time for the Board at 7:00 am on the third Monday of each month ends with the February meeting. Continuation needs to be discussed at the February meeting. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. 04-04 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Cheryl Mason it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees ofthe Salina Public Library adjourns the January 26, 2004 meeting. ;<~/&'-o4 Date