11-24-2003 Minutes-750- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Monday November 24, 2003 in the Prescott Room. The following Board members were present: Alan E. Jilka, Cheryl Mason, Sheldon Lilak, Nancy Chandler, Janice Ostrom, Lynne Ryan, Betsy Scholten, and Tom Arpke. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Cynthia Smull as well as David Clouston from the Salina Journal. Tom Arpke called the meeting to order and asked if there were any changes or additions to the October 27, 2003 Board minutes. No changes were suggested. 03-38 On a motion made by Betsy Scholten and seconded by Cheryl Mason it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the November 24, 2003 Board minutes as printed. Motion passed. P.750. 11/24/03. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Joe McKenzie reported that he had received an e-mail about the Tech Center project and the individual asked the library to reconsider the proposal. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Board received a copy of the Friends October board minutes. The income from the recent book sale was over $600.00. The Friends are setting a schedule for submission and consideration of the high school senior scholarships they will be giving in the spring of 2004. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Policy Review: The Board reviewed the policy that was placed on first reading at the October 27th Board meeting. 03-39 On a motion made by Nancy Chandler and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves on second reading the policy changes listed on pages 746, 747, 748 as printed. Motion passed. P.750.11/24/03. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Tech Center: Joe gave the Board updated information on the plans for the Tech Center. The Board looked at the up dated plans and discussed them at length. Jeff Gillam the projects Architect will be invited to the Board meeting in December to answer questions about the Tech Center plans. The survey of the library property is just about finished. The cost will be approximately $4000.00. DISCUSSION ITEMS: Health Insurance: The 5% Health Insurance premium increase and policy changes effective on February 1, 2004 were discussed. The library had budgeted 8% for increase in 2004. The cost between employer and employee will continue to be shared. We can look at this in December again. FINANCIAL REPORT: We are doing well with the cuts and transfers needed before the end of the year. Our budget looks good. -751- STATISTICAL REPORT: The October Circ stats are up. Nancy Jo Leachman did a survey of patron's recently. When it is tabulated we will get a copy to the Board. A Board member expressed interest in knowing what the 2003 materials processed number will be compared to other years since the budget cut in materials this past year LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: We received a letter last week from Hampton & Royce L.C. letting us know that Dean Owens the Library's attorney was retiring. They recommended Dusty Mosier as his replacement. The ASIST Day evaluations showed that the training day fOr the staff went well. They were well received at businesses during their community visits. The Digital Design Studio staff will be meeting this week. The staff is busy learning the software. Melanie Schreiber will start teaching the digital design software in January. Sheldon Lilak asked if projects were downloadable so they could be reviewed and developed elsewhere. This question needs to be researched. Joe gave the Board the December activity meeting flyers and programs. The Board discussed the rising cost of funding the Poetry Series with the Salina Arts and Humanities. The Poetry Series tickets sold at the door of these events only covers about 10% of the cost. The Library continues to support the Smoky River Festival Storytellers stage at the same funding level as in the past. BOARD COMMENTS: Betsy Scholten asked why at present patrons were not able to reserve books. Joe explained that the library is in the process of transferring our database from UNIX system to a Windows System and the data is in a conversion process with SIRSI. The process should be complete by December 1. It is noted that an article in the Lawrence Journal World stated that Lawrence would be building a new library. Sheldon Lilak asked if more parking would be needed for the expansion of the Tech Center. The library has a staff parking lot across the street, which is used daily and it relieves parking problems for patrons. ADJOURNMENT: No further business was presented to the Board for consideration. 03-40 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Cheryl Mason it was RESOLVED THAT: The November 24, 2003 Board meeting adjourn. Motion passed. P. 751.11/24/03. Nancy C/handler, Board Secretary ?,~-~.~ Date