Redevelopment of the Classification & Pay Plan REDEVELOPMENT OF THE CLAS S Z F Z CAT Z ON AND PAY PLAN for the City of Saltrte. , Kansas October, 1991 \ i by the The Carl S. Becker Company Management and Planning Consultants P.O. Box 12194 Denver, Colorado 80212 Telephone: 303/422-9426 3 TABLE O ir CONTENT S • Paae INTRODUCTION i PART I - METHOD 1 Step-By-Step Procedure 2 Establish Job Classes and Specifications Steps 1 through 7 2 Establish Pay Levels for Each Class - Steps 8 through 12 3 Implementation of the Recommendations - Steps 13 through 15 3 Selection and Use of Key Classes 3 Selection of Comparable Employers 4 Gathering and Interpreting Pay Data 4 - PART II - FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5 Present and Proposed Salary Schedule 6 Pay Grade and Range Schedule 8-10 Pay Grade and Range Computations and Recommendations 11 Clerical and Related Classes Key Classes Values and Pay Survey Results 12 Point Value vs. Pay (Graph) 13 Pay Grades vs. Point Value Ranges (Entry Base) 14 Present Pay and Recommended Pay Grades and Entry Rates 15 Labor and Trades Classes • Key Classes Values and Pay Survey Results 16 Point Value vs. Pay (Graph) 17 Pay Grades vs. Point Value Ranges (Entry Base) 18 Present Pay and Recommended Pay Grades and Entry Rates 19 Public Safety Classes Key Classes Values and Pay Survey Results 20 Point Value vs. Pay (Graph) 21' Pay Grades vs. Point Value Ranges (Mid-Range Base) 22 Present Pay and Recommended Pay Grades and Entry Rates 23 Technical , Supervisory, and Professional Classes Key Classes Values and Pay Survey Results 24 Point Value vs. Pay (Graph) 25 Pay Grades vs. Point Value Ranges 26 Present Pay and Recommended Pay Grades and Entry Rates 27-28 Department Head/Executive Classes Key Classes Values and Pay Survey Results 29 Value vs. Pay (Graph) 30 Pay Grades vs. Point Value Ranges 31 Present Pay and Recommended Pay Grades and Entry Rates 32 Employee Benefits 34 Implementation of Recommendations and Budget Impact 36 • Page PART III - FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR POSITION/CLASS EVALUATIONS 37 Factor Analysis For Position/Class Evaluations 38 • Job Evaluation System 40 Education 41 Experience and Training 41 Complexity and Judgment 41 a. Responsibility for Records and Reports 42 b. Policy and Methods Determination, Mental Skills 42 c. Confidential Data Handled 43 Responsibility for Equipment and Materials - Funds 43 a. Equipment and Materials 44 b. Funds 44 Personal Contacts 44 Supervision of Others 45 Physical Requirements 45 Working Conditions, Hazards 46 Labor Market Impact 46 PART IV - MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OF THE PAY PLAN 47 F Classification Maintenance 48 The Plan 48 Objectives 48 Definition of a Class of Work 48 Title of a Class of Work 48 Class Specification 48 Positions Allocated to Classes - Rules and Procedures 49 Periodic Review 50. Exhibit I - Request for Position Classification or Reclassification 51 Pay Plan Maintenance 52 Policy 52 Pay to Equal Prevailing Rates 52 Survey Area 52 Setting Salaries 52 Sample of Employers 53 Key Classes 53 Frequency of Surveys - 53 Comparable Data 53 Interpretation of Data 54 Procedure for Adoption of Pay Survey Recommendations 54 Pay Administration Standards and Procedures 55 Pay Rates 55 Proficiency Pay Increases 57 Other Factors Effecting Eligibility 58 Effective Date for Pay Increases 59 PART V - CLASS SPECIFICATIONS 60 Introduction to Class Specifications 61-62 Clerical and Related Classes Labor, Trades and Related Classes Public Safety and Related Classes Technical , Supervisory, and Professional Classes Executive Classes • APPENDIX A - PAY SURVEY SCHEDULES APPENDIX B - POINT EVALUATION FACTORS FOR THE CLASSES • Z NTRODUCT Z ON The City Commission and Administration of the City of Salina have retained the consultants to redevelop the classification and pay plan for all positions in the City government. This is in recogni- tion of the need for a means of orderly identification of specific classes of work, as well as determination of equitable pay levels for the classes identified. Existing class and pay practices consist of the results of a clas- sification plan developed in the past and determination of salaries resulting from annual in-house pay surveys and pay adjustments. Annual pay surveys, continual or periodic review of positions with changed duties or responsibilities, and additions to the classifi- cation plan of changed and new classes of work will assure that this plan is current and equitably meets the needs of the City and its employees. The objective of a classification and pay plan is to enable the City to retain and, when necessary, recruit competent employees. One of the most important factors in finding, employing, and re- taining qualified employees is an up-to-date means of identifying the kind of work done, the responsibility involved in doing that work, and establishing the appropriate level of pay for that work. The classification and pay plan permits definition and evaluation of the duties and responsibilities involved in each job and class of work, determination of the practice of other employers in com- pensating employees performing these kinds of work, and establish- ing a proper entry or recruiting rate and pay range for each class of work in the City. In this study, the rates of pay in the labor market in conjunction with application of a Factor Analysis/Point Evaluation System were utilized as a base for determining levels of pay. The class speci- fications are drafted in a manner which facilitates application of the factor analysis/point evaluation system. This results in pay being based upon a combination of the external, or market value and the internal relative value of the classes as determined by this method of evaluation. The levels of pay as recommended in this pay survey are on a level comparable to government, commerce, and industry in the Salina labor market, while making adjustments as necessary in recognizing the relative value of classes of work as indicated by results of the Factor Analysis/Point Evaluation System. 0 1 • The overall process of the work involved in development of this plan included substantial input from employees, supervisors, divi- sion and department heads, and management of the City. This coupl- ed with the work of the consultants, should assure that results and recommendations are realistic, workable, and equitable. Class and pay administration rules and procedures, the Factor Anal- ysis/Point Evaluation System and class specifications are included in this report. I' • ii S PART ME THO D' S 1 • STEP—BY—S T E P PROC E DUKE The steps in the development of the Classification and Pay Plan in- volved the following approach. ESTABLISH JOB CLASSES AND SPECIFICATIONS - Steps 1 through 7 1 . Survey objectives and procedures were explained to and dis- cussed with department heads. 2. In the initial and preliminary phase of this study, the clas- sification of positions was reviewed by incumbent employees and their respective supervisors. That review, and informa- tion coming from it, was utilized to identify those positions which merited a thorough review. This was initiated by ex- plaining study objectives and procedures to employees in group meetings. A classification review form was submitted to each employee and each employee was asked to fill out this form. 3 . Each supervisor and department head was asked to review the employees' review forms and make comments as to responsibili- ties, duties, and qualifications connected with the position. • 4. The completed review forms, with supervisor and department head's comments, were then individually reviewed, those posi- tions requiring review were identified, and incumbents were requested to complete a position description form. 5. The completed position descriptions were reviewed, and posi- tions of similar duties and responsibilities are again anal- yzed and reviewed, and positions are assigned to a preliminary class of work. In some cases, positions were "field audited" to clarify information submitted and to assure proper classif- ication. 6. These preliminary class and position assignments were then discussed with top management and the department heads and general agreement as to duties, levels of responsibility, and qualifications for each position and allocation to the appro- priate class of work was reached. In cases of positions or classes of work in which the factors were not clear, the oper- ation and organizational structure of the division, depart- ment, or unit were observed to assure accurate and equitable classifications of the positions. 7. Based upon information from the employee and supervisor, new and revised class specifications for each class of work were drafted. • 2 • ESTABLISH PAY LEVELS FOR EACH CLASS - Steps 8 through 12 8. Key classes, wherein work is comparable to that of other em- ployers, were selected. 9. A wage and salary survey of key classes was then conducted. 10. Based upon guidance of the pay survey, a salary schedule was developed. 11. The medians of survey results (at entry, mid point, and maxi- mum pay) of the key classes were utilized in establishing the rates of pay of these classes. This is accomplished by plot- ting the point value of key classes vs. pay range of the sur- vey medians to form a pay/value curve. 12. Utilizing the recommended salary schedule, and relating point values of other classes to the pay/value curve, pay grades and ranges were determined for all classes of work in the classif- ication and pay plan. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS - Steps 13 through 15 13 . A method or methods of implementing the proposed pay recom- mendations were developed. • 14 . The proposed classes of work and pay grades and ranges were again reviewed with the City. 15. The Classification and Pay Plan and Recommendations were pre- sented. SELECTION AND USE OF KEY CLASSES Key classes are used for salary comparison purposes. Key classes were established for the Salina survey in sufficient numbers to provide comparable pay data for application to all classes of work. These key classes of work are found in the city organization, com- monly understood occupations, easily described, and frequently found as occupations used by other employers, both private and public. They are used as reference and guide points in establish- ing pay grades and ranges for other classes; they are utilized to form the pay/value curve. The job duties for key classes were carefully compared with job duties and descriptions used in comparable jobs in private and other governmental operations of the survey. Determination of the "fit" of key classes of work of survey employers consisted of an "on-the-spot" classification of positions of that employer, to assure that pay data of the employer related to like classes of • work of the City. 3 SELECTION OF COMPARABLE EMPLOYERS • Comparable employers were used as wage and benefits data sources and were specifically selected for the survey. The cities included in the survey were generally not less than one-half or more than double the population of Salina. In this survey, eight cities were of less population, and seven were of larger population. SOURCES NUMBER 1. Cities 17 2 . County 1 3. Local Service, Industrial, & Commerce 27 4. School District 1 5. State 1 6. Power Districts 1 Total Sources 48 GATHERING AND INTERPRETING PAY DATA In order to recruit and to retain qualified employees in all classes of work, it is necessary to establish pay levels for the • City which will set the base pay for each position at the median, or mid-point, between those employers paying the highest wages and those paying the lowest wages in the market, and on a basis which provides appropriate relationships between classes. After the selection of comparable employers, pay data for these classes are gathered. In those instances where an employer has not established a range, the actual amount being paid to employees is used. In this survey entry, mid range, and maximum salary data were gathered for each key class in which employers have establish- ed a range of pay. The data are posted to the appropriate survey, arrayed in numerical order from high to low, and the median is selected. The median represents that middle point of an array of pay rates. If each rate paid for a class of work is set down in a column, starting with the highest and going to the lowest, the median rate will be the middle rate. The median, as compared with the average, diminishes the effect of very high or very low rates and places emphasis upon that mid-point where the rates tend to group together. The pay range (of medians of the survey) for each key class is plotted on a graph vs. the point value of the respective class and, using a form of "balancing of squares" , the pay vs. value curve is formed for each occupational group. (See graphs, which follow. ) This curve becomes the basis for establishing pay grades and ranges for all classes in each respective occupational group. • 4 0 PART I I FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS • • 5 F=NOINGS AND RECONr F }4OA9PrONS • PRESENT AND PROPOSED SALARY SCHEDULE The structure of the present salary schedule is based upon an estab- lished mid-point or base pay and deviations, based upon a prescribed formula, from that base to entry and maximum rates of pay. The in- crements between pay grades vary from as little as $1 or $2 , to a higher increment of approximately 7.4%. The resulting ranges of pay, from entry to maximum pay in a pay grade, consist of three (3) to five (5) steps of appropriate 5% in- crements. Thus, the range of pay from entry to maximum pay in pay grades range from approximately 10% 10 22%. These ranges are inade- quate for today's Salina labor market. In addition, it is difficult to determine or justify equity, given the lack of continuity or con- sistency of the present schedule. An integrated schedule, which contains uniform increments between entry rates of pay grades and between steps in a grade, is appro- priate; and 5% increments are considered effective in that an in- crease in pay of that amount is noticeable, and should provide an adequate incentive to the employees. The City is now functioning upon a performance evaluation basis, and • an effective performance appraisal system can be utilized with the recommended schedule which follows. Since it seems reasonable to assume that an employee who is to be retained after probation will be expected to develop to a normal fully functional, or journeyman, level of performance, there should be established a level of "base" pay for that normal fully function- al performance. Advancement to that "base" rate should be achieved on a time in position basis, and increase above that "normal" level be based upon meritorious performance. In this salary schedule, step C is considered to be that base pay. The recommended general salary schedule, which follows, provides: 1. Salary increments of 5% between grades and 5% between steps in grade. 2 . A range of pay above step C through step G, with pay in this range depending upon meritorious performance of the incumbent. Step C is considered to be "base" or normal, fully functional journeyman level of pay. This "merit range" from step C will work well with the City's performance evaluation system. 3 . Overall ranges of approximately 34% from entry to maximum pay. These ranges are provided to reflect the • 6 • general ranges provided by employers in the survey and to permit recognition for meritorious performance. Since evaluation factors considered include qualifications for specific certification and/or training levels, there is not a need for special pay for EMT and other such certifications in the Fire Department, for example. In addition, the pay survey, upon which the pay curve (along with job/class values) is based, also takes into account the pay provided for those factors. Upon the consultants' presentation of pay survey and factor analysis results, the City staff prepared a ten (10) step salary schedule, with 3% increments between steps in a pay grade, and approximately 5% between entry rates of most pay grades. • • 7 '.I \' PAY GRADE AND RANGE SCHEDULE City of Salina, Kansas III _ gR. A B C D E F G 1 A 11,436 12,000 12 ,612 13 , 236 13 ,896 14 ,592 15, 324 M 953 1000 1051 1103 1158 1216 1277 BI 440 462 485 509 534 561 589 H 5.498 5.769 6. 063 6. 363 6. 681 7 .015 7. 367 2 A 12,000 12,612 13 , 236 13 ,896 14,592 15, 324 16 ,092 M 1000 1051 1103 1158 1216 1277 1341 BI 462 485 509 534 561 589 619 H 5.769 6 .063 6 . 363 6.681 7. 015 7 . 367 7.737 3 A 12,612 13 , 236 13 ,896 14,592 15, 324 16,092 16,896 M 1051 1103 1158 1216 1277 1341 1408 BI 485 509 534 561 589 619 650 H 6.063 6. 363 6 .681 7 .015 7. 367 7.737 8. 123 4 A 13 ,236 13 ,896 14 ,592 15, 324 16,092 16,896 17 ,736 M 1103 1158 1216 1277 1341 1408 1478 BI 509 534 561 589 619 650 682 H 6. 363 6.681 7.015 7. 367 7.737 8 . 123 8 . 527 5 A 13,896 14,592 15, 324 16,092 16,896 17,736 18,624 M 1158 1216 1277 1341 1408 1478 1552 BI 534 561 589 619 650 682 716 1 H 6.681 7 .015 7 . 367 7.737 8 .123 8 .527 8. 954 • 6 A 14,592 15, 324 16,092 16 ,896 17,736 18,624 19 ,560 M 1216 1277 1341 1408 1478 1552 1630 BI 561 589 619 650 682 716 752 H 7.015 7 . 367 7.737 8.123 8 .527 8 . 954 9. 404 7 A 15, 324 16,092 16,896 17,736 18,624 19,560 20 ,532 M 1277 1341 1408 1478 1552 1630 1711 BI 589 619 650 682 716 752 790 H 7 .367 7.737 8 . 123 8.527 8 .954 9 . 404 9 .871 8 A 16,092 16,896 17 ,736 18 ,624 19,560 20 ,532 21,564 M 1341 1408 1478 1552 1630 1711 1797 BI 619 650 682 716 752 790 829 H 7.737 8. 123 8.527 8.954 9 .404 9.871 10 . 367 9 A 16,896 17,736 18,624 19,560 20, 532 21 ,564 22 ,644 M 1408 1478 1552 1630 1711 1797 1887 BI 650 682 716 752 790 829 871 H 8.123 8 . 527 8 .954 9.404 9 . 871 10. 367 10 . 887 10 A 17,736 18,624 19,560 20 ,532 21,564 22 ,644 23 ,772 M 1478 1552 1630 1711 1797 1887 1981 BI 682 716 752 790 829 871 914 H 8.527 8 . 954 9 . 404 9.871 10 . 367 10.887 11 . 429 • ANNUAL = Monthly x 12; BI-WEEKLY = Hourly x 80; HOURLY = Annua 2080 8 PAY GRADE AND RANGE SCHEDULE (cont. ) GR. A B C D E F G 11 A 18,624 19 ,560 20,532 21 ,564 22 ,644 23 ,772 24 ,960 • M 1552 1630 1711 1797 1887 1981 2080 BI 716 752 790 829 871 914 960 H 8 . 954 9.404 9 . 871 10 . 367 10.887 11 .429 12 . 00 12 A 19,560 20, 532 21 , 564 22 ,644 23 , 772 24 ,960 26 , 208 M 1630 1711 1797 1887 1981 2080 2184 BI 752 790 829 871 914 960 1008 H 9 .404 9. 871 10. 367 10.887 11 .429 12.00 12.60 13 A 20,532 21 ,564 22,644 23 ,772 24 ,960 26, 208 27,528 M 1711 1797 1887 1981 2080 2184 2294 BI 790 829 871 914 960 1008 1059 H 9.871 10. 367 10. 887 11.429 12. 00 12 .60 13 . 235 14 A 21 ,564 22,644 23 ,772 24,960 26 ,208 27,528 28 ,896 M 1797 1887 1981 2080 2184 2294 2408 BI 829 871 914 960 1008 1059 1111 H 10. 367 10.887 11.429 12 .00 12 .60 13 . 235 13 .892 15 A 22 ,644 23 ,772 24,960 26 ,208 27,528 28 ,896 30, 336 1 M 1887 1981 2080 2184 2294 2408 2528 BI 871 914 960 1008 1059 1111 1167 H 10.887 11.429 12.00 12.60 13 . 235 13 .892 14 .585 16 A 23 ,772 24,960 26,208 27,528 28 ,896 30, 336 31,848 • M BI 1981 2080 2184 2294 2408 2528 2654 914 960 1008 1059 1111 1167 1225 H 11.429 12 .00 12.60 13. 235 13 .892 14.585 15. 312 17 A 24,960 26 ,208 27 ,528 28 ,896 30, 336 31, 848 33 ,444 M 2080 2184 2294 2408 2528 2654 2787 BI 960 1008 1059 1111 1167 1225 1286 H 12 .00 12.60 13 .235 13 .892 14.585 15.312 16 .079 18 A 26,208 27,528 28,896 30, 336 31 ,848 33 ,444 35,124 M 2184 2294 2408 2528 2654 2787 2927 BI 1008 1059 1111 1167 1225 1286 1351 H 12 .60 13 .235 13.892 14.585 15. 312 16.079 16.887 19 A 27,528 28,896 30,336 31,848 33 ,444 35, 124 36,876 1 M 2294 2408 2528 2654 2787 2927 3073 BI 1059 1111 1167 1225 1286 1351 1418 H 13 .235 13 .892 14.585 15. 312 16.079 16. 887 17.729 20 A 28,896 30, 336 31 ,848 33 ,444 35,124 36, 876 38,724 M 2408 2528 2654 2787 2927 3073 3227 BI 1111 1167 1225 1286 1351 1418 1489 H 13 .892 14.585 15. 312 16.079 16 .887 17.729 18 . 617 21 A 30,336 31 ,848 33 ,444 35,124 36 ,876 38,724 40,656 M 2528 2654 2787 2927 3073 3227 3388 . BI 1167 1225 1286 1351 1418 1489 1564 H 14.585 15. 312 16.079 16 . 887 17.729 18 .617 19. 546 9 1 PAY GRADE AND RANGE SCHEDULE (cont. ) GR. _A_ C D E _F G • 22 A 31, 848 33 ,444 35,124 36,876 38,724 40,656 42 ,684 M 2654 2787 2927 3073 3227 3388 3557 BI 1225 1286 1351 1418 1489 1564 1642 H 15. 312 16.079 16.887 17.729 18 .617 19.546 20 .521 23 A 33 ,444 35,124 36 ,876 38,724 40,656 42 ,684 44,820 M 2787 2927 3073 3227 3388 3557 3735 BI 1286 1351 1418 1489 1564 1642 1724 H 16.079 16.887 17.729 18 .617 19. 546 20.521 21.548 24 A 35,124 36,876 38,724 40 ,656 42 ,684 44,820 47 ,064 M 2927 3073 3227 3388 3557 3735 3922 BI 1351 1418 1489 1564 1642 1724 1810 H 16 .887 17.729 18. 617 19.546 20. 521 21.548 22.627 25 A 36 ,876 38 ,724 40,656 42,684 44, 820 47 ,064 49,416 N 3073 3227 3388 3557 3735 3922 4118 BI 1418 1489 1564 1642 1724 1810 1901 H 17 .729 18 .617 19.546 20 . 521 21 . 548 22.627 23 . 758 26 A 38,724 40,656 42 ,684 44 ,820 47,064 49,416 51 ,888 M 3227 3388 3557 3735 3922 4118 4324 BI 1489 1564 1642 1724 1810 1901 1996 H 18.617 19.546 20.521 21.548 22.627 23 .758 24.946 • 27 A 40,656 42 ,684 44,820 47 ,064 49 ,416 51 ,888 54,480 M 3388 3557 3735 3922 4118 4324 4540 BI 1564 1642 1724 1810 1901 1996 2095 H 19.546 20. 521 21 .548 22.627 23 .758 24.946 26. 192 28 A 42 ,684 44 ,820 47,064 49,416 51 , 888 54, 480 57 , 204 N 3557 3735 3922 4118 4324 4540 4767 BI 1642 1724 1810 1901 1996 2095 2200 H 20.521 21 .548 22.627 23 .758 24 .946 26. 192 27.502 1 29 A 44,820 47,064 49 , 416 51,888 54 ,480 57 ,204 60,060 M 3735 3922 4118 4324 4540 4767 5005 BI 1724 1810 1901 1996 2095 2200 2310 H 21. 548 22.627 23 .758 24 .946 26. 192 27.502 28.875 30 A 47,064 49 ,416 51 ,888 54 ,480 57 , 204 60,060 63 ,060 N 3922 4118 4324 4540 4767 5005 5255 BI 1810 1901 1996 2095 2200 2310 2425 H 22 .627 23 .758 24 .946 26. 192 27.502 28.875 30 . 317 31 A 49, 416 51 ,888 54 , 480 57 ,204 60 ,060 63 ,060 66,216 N 4118 4324 4540 4767 5005 5255. 5518 BI 1901 1996 2095 2200 2310 2425 2547 H 23.758 24.946 26.192 27.502 28 .875 30. 317 31 . 835 • 10 1 • • PAY GRADE AND RANGE COMPUTATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The determination of and recommended assignment of classes of work to pay grades is indicated in the following tables. Adoption of these pay grade assignments will place compensation provided by the City at current market levels and will provide appropriate rela- tionships of the classes of work. The classes are treated by occupational groups. • • • • • 11 • I KEY CLASS VALUES AND PAY SURVEY RESULTS CLERICAL CLASSES PAY SURVEY RESULTS -POINT RANGE (MEDIANS) KEY CLASS VALUE ENTRY MID MAX. Account Clerk II 426 1217 1471 1776 Administrative Secretary 540 1478 1750 2069 Clerk Typist (entry)* 307 1004 1213 1366 Data Entry/Computer Operator* 385 1141 1397 1511 Dispatcher 368 1459 1703 1928 Police Records Clerk I • 333 1204 1359 1609 Secretary II 481 1292 1473 1802 * Key Class only. • • • 12 _i_ i _._.' L _._., i .• . i , 1 1 ! ; ,i, .2 . : . ; ! : 1. : 1 1 : : L. :. i , L ; , •• • , 1 : ' :i. : : ' , f• 4,-1 1 , i , Lt_:, 1._: ri . L ::..„. .._• , ;...1:-,, ff_. 11:4_! : Jt :, 1 ii• ! i 7-:---r---, • t_ • __•___. 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' 1 o 0 0 t) d 0 in CD in co is) 0 til 1/4.0 tfl LI) V' •t rn rn N 1 • PAY GRADE VERSUS POINT VALUE RANGES ENTRY BASE CLERICAL CLASSES PAY GRADE POINT VALUE RANGE 1 264 - 283 2 284 - 304 3 305 - 332 4 333 - 366 5 367 - 423 6 424 - 467 7 468 - 497 8 498 - 520 9 521 - 539 10 540 - 564 11 565 - 583 12 584 & over • • 14 PRESENT PAY AND RECOMMENDED PAY GRADES AND ENTRY RATES • SALINA, KANSAS CLERICAL AND RELATED CLASSES INDIC.PAY ADJUSTED* CITY OVERALL PAY STAFF POINT PRESENT SURVEY LOCAL BASE PROP. CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY PG Account Clerk I 365 1033-1243 4 1103 3 1051 4 Account Clerk II 426 1264-1622 6 1216 5 1158 5 Accounts Coordinator I 497 1388-1504 7 1277 6 1216 5 Accounts Coordinator II --- -- - -- - -- 6 Administrative Secretary 540 1621 10 1478 9 1408 10 Clerk Typist I 325 1033 3 1051 2 1000 3 Clerk Typist II 405 1063-1264 5 1158 4 1103 - Court Clerk 413 1199-1505 5 1158 4 1103 5 Court Clerk, Sr. --- -- - -- - -- 6 Customer Accounts Clerk I 346 960-1012 4 1103 3 1051 3 Customer Accounts Clerk II 426 1092-1263 6 1216 5 1158 4 Customer Service Representative 439 1505 6 1216 5 1158 5 Data Technician 365 1347 4 1103 3 1051 4 Dispatcher 368 -- 5 1158 4 1103 - Office Supervisor, Parks --- -- - -- - -- 8 Parking Enforcement Checker 322 1104 3 1051 2 1000 2 • Patient Accounts Clerk 426 1263 6 1216 5 1158 5 Police Records Clerk I 333 1071-1241 4 1103 3 1051 3 Police Records Clerk II 388 1264 5 1158 4 1103 4 Police Records Supervisor 460 1347 6 1216 5 1158 5 Secretary I 428 1149-1504 6 1216 5 1158 5 Secretary II 481 1435-1505 7 1277 6 1216 6 * Adjusted to reflect local levels of pay, as compared to overall survey. • • 15 ii • KEY CLASS VALUES AND PAY SURVEY RESULTS LABOR AND TRADES PAY SURVEY RESULTS POINT RANGE (MEDIANS) KEY CLASS VALUE ENTRY MID MAX. Building Maintenance Mechanic 473 1346 1465 1760 Chief Wastewater Plant Operator* 530 1855 2155 2475 Concrete Finisher 469 1608 1795 1993 Cook* 405 915 1040 1331 Custodian I 263 1066 1110 1448 Electrician* 522 1734 1989 2447 Equipment Service Worker 335 1107 1230 1491 Food & Beverage Worker* 279 808 919 1040 Laborer* 270 1140 1311 1535 Maintenance Worker I 350 1215 1392 1602 Maintenance Worker III* 481 1458 1662 1934 Mechanic 490 1473 1803 2038 Meter Reader 341 1301 1500 1672 Meter Service Technician 446 1494 1729 1926 Park/Cemetery Maintenance Worker* 350 1252 1425 1573 Sanitation Driver 437 1376 1584 1951 • Traffic Facilities Technician 508 1582 2002 2168 Utilities Maintenance Worker I 441 1357 1503 1766 Wastewater Plant Operator II 496 1592 1958 1998 * Key Class only. II li • 16 it ' [ . : : , I . : 11 . . . . ! 1 1 A__,. 1 ' ' . Ll_ L..__ ..: 4' L ..i_ _. i.--1,..L-t .— 1 , . t .. -4-4-1- 7 mii i 7TI ! , ._-. .1 " I • 1_L_ .1 : 12- r I l_LL _.: I 1_.' I ! I ; 1 1 " ' 4 1 ' n ,4 ! I i • 1 ,' '_L __,_. • i 1 • s __I . , ,4 . • 1 , , mill ! ult . . . . „ Jilt . ____. . i. 4 : : ! 4 . . - lgut Is-am:R•247o:o: 1-.-Hr.-1-i-1-- T ,-- 7-7 : ', -t-M-1.-17-i 711-rill ! 111-11 ' illi Mill1H1 11 ! lis1 1 ---T 4,---,- H4,--1-4-.--4-2r-4---T -4-I-T-L, 1 : i ! i 1 . i ! 4 LI ..; 1 ; . _l_ i__LL: i 1 i ; ! ! p , 1 n : . ; j_i_i_L_I , I i . ;_i_ij_i I , : I 1 I 1 1 ; ! 1 ! I I_,L• I_t_j , ; 1 ;- ; ILI II ; • II ; : 1 ; :. :-.1-7, ! : lifl ; 111L__111 . 1 , 1i : 4 : L : II : i . _ii! . ! I • : 1 I L ! , 1 , Li . . I : 1 . . .L ._LI 1 .4_,..i_i_Li_ L2,2,__±,t_ -i'--4-)7•-r---:-1-•;-ff-T-1- !' T- 1-r I -:-_, 1 .1-Ett T. 17;191-r-1 r.; i • 1 -r-rn I i / 1 1 ; i j , 1 : ■ . 1 : I P I :I ; ; I , •,_ . ii—jr 1 , [ 17-r7 , , • ,-.,-----r-, ,--"--ii ; 71-7- _ L-411-17--1--1.-I--- -----1-;-Fri Th-1.-- -Tr-1 :---1-- -1-- --• • I I .__L' Ili__I_._'7=5-T-7 I L , : : . , -..:-;.--:- 1 ! ! , I ! , . ■ ' • I I 1 ,....:._ " " ' 1 . . ' ' ! ' ; ' 'll " :_i ' ! 12i__ ' ' . ! ■ I 2,__. ! ! 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I , i ;-'. • . • • ' ! . ! . C—, . 413 ' . ' . cp =1 .--0 . o o in o in o Lr) o In 11 LO in in -q; ;cr. ro In CV CTMTCIA OUrOTWA COVV7-1 • PAY GRADE VERSUS POINT VALUE RANGES ENTRY BASE LABOR & TRADES CLASSES PAY GRADE POINT VALUE RANGE 3 242 - 284 4 285 - 326 5 327 - 362 6 363 - 392 7 393 - 420 8 421 - 447 9 448 - 470 10 471 - 491 11 492 - 505 12 506 - 517 13 518 - 526 14 527 - 533 15 534 & over • • 18 PRESENT PAY AND RECOMMENDED PAY GRADES AND ENTRY RATES • SALINA, KANSAS LABOR AND TRADES AND RELATED CLASSES INDIC.PAY ADJUSTED* CITY OVERALL PAY STAFF POINT PRESENT SURVEY LOCAL BASE PROP. CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY PG** Building Maintenance Mechanic 473 1442 10 1478 9 1408 8 Concrete Finisher 469 1602 9 1408 8 1341 9 Custodian I 263 1227-1442 3 1051 2 1000 3 Custodian II 417 1409-1557 7 1277 6 1216 7 Electrician/Mechanic 515 1955 12 1630 11 1552 12 Equipment Maintenance Technician 441 1375-1539 8 1341 7 1277 - Equipment Service Worker 335 1290 5 1158 4 1103 5 Landfill Attendant 291 1205 4 1103 3 1051 3 Landfill Operator 504 1392-1446 11 1552 10 1478 10 Maintenance Worker I 350 1290-1556 5 1158 4 1103 5 Maintenance Worker II 437 1227-1825 8 1341 7 1277 8 Maintenance Worker III 495 1539 11 1552 10 1478 10 Mechanic 490 1825 10 1478 9 1408 10 Meter Reader 341 1355 5 1158 4 1103 5 Meter Service Technician 446 1442-1548 8 1341 7 1277 - Plant Maintenance Mechanic 485 1529 10 1478 9 1408 10 1 • Sanitation Driver 437 1442-1693 8 1341 7 1277 7 Sanitation Worker 288 1290 4 1103 3 1051 4 1 Sanitation Worker/Driver 415 1167-1368 7 1277 6 1216 5 Street Sweeper Oper. (MW II) 437 -- 8 1341 7 1277 8 Staging Coordinator/Mechanic 515 1777 12 1630 11 1552 12 Traffic Controls Technician 468 1482-1556 9 1408 8 1341 8 Utilities Maintenance Worker I 441 1305-1442 8 1341 7 1277 8 Utilities Maintenance Worker II 513 1534-1693 12 1630 11 1552 11 Wastewater Plant Operator I 418 1305-1442 7 1277 6 1216 7 Wastewater Plant Operator II 496 1381 11 1552 10 1478 - Water Plant Operator I 401 1442-1529 7 1277 6 1216 7 1 Water Plant Operator II 496 1529-1825 11 1552 10 1478 10 * Adjusted to reflect local levels of pay, as compared to overall survey. ** Entry pay rates of Consultant's and City staff recommended salary schedules are equal in these pay grades of the classes. • 19 ,I • KEY CLASS VALUES AND PAY SURVEY RESULTS PUBLIC SAFETY CLASSES PAY SURVEY RESULTS POINT RANGE (MEDIANS) KEY CLASS VALUE ENTRY MID MAX. Police Officer 433 1737 2026 2225 Police Sergeant* 584 2072 2384 2658 Police Captain 705 2375 2830 3238 Detective* 518 1846 2124 2515 Chief of Police 828 3554 3418 5068 Firefighter 404 1583 1833 2110 Fire Marshal 657 2428 2595 3230 Battalion Chief 689 2355 2770 3144 Fire Chief 815 3350 3349 4651 * Key Class only. • • 20 _.:_.: ..2.-1;-41-4i-L; 4:._.11.. ,:._;:_2.: „,-._-...•._.,:.--;1..•--:i-_1—:,_ .T:,,_.i,1_-1..-4T,4-:_-.;i,_-:,,-..L,,-:-,r.-----:.•.--4,-1;._4t;_4, 1.-.-1L-:,:--t:___+_-_i-_1,!_;;_,L1. ,1!,_,.2I.._.j..—.____.;, r; • ':_.—4. _ 1 ,.! , , L; 2di _1 . , - , ! T ; , J , ! , ! ! ! ! ! ! I tE , ! ! ! ! ! ' 1/ I 19-091 .R.24 0.1r..) -- -1-'- r-r- - -t-t-77. ii . : i ! : rt-IMILI . , 1711- 11 : ; 1 !1/ 11 , : i iiillij . 77i , 11 , : ; 1 [ 1 : 111 ; • ; ; • • • , ! I l '• 117-!•-• ; ;+ 7_,;._; ; !raj._.._i__.,,_;__•,4,; ; L_•_; i _Li_.• ; i .:.., • 1_1_,I ; • • i ; : ; ; • ! I I 11 ; i : iii ' i ; ITI-• 'Tr"-i . i , I , i • ; • • j . . , . : : i . I ! ; : n "r4-1-_-Hr ,L.rri • ' ' i t ' 71-- , , . 1-t- . • . , 1 / , 1 \ itti _ilt: ..1 ....1 II r.:: i_ _Trill .,; 1,.., ..;_r• ii :_i i ! Iii . , i , mi -:,- : : : : : : $ 1 , : : , ,, : • ; . • 1H--•1 • 1 , 1 ; : , ; : 111 ; ; 11 , - wits .......__.. . 7 -r-H1 .- ', ; 1 ! : .7 z • 1 • • • " ; ± ' ! ; ii 1 : . tl-_1: :i:-.-::: i...-:, 7,1--:: til ,• H__: i : 1 ' 1 -LH ! ' I I,-t-.-t: ., , , _i . • • . • 1 . : , , i . • ' • • • • OX . , ' ' cr , ; ; _•• i . 1 ; 1 : ' i .'. 1 . ; • ' ; ; . • 4.1 . __ .._..._ L n 4-4--• l• — :•••-7-7-- -1-1-7, 777- ---.-7 --r--- 7 ...-. -T".."7"7-----"-Mir FT 777--F--- CFI r! - : i. • . ! 1 ; I H , • Z • ct . u) . - • I " I , . . _ . • . • . . . . . . ; i , m ._.... .._... : , : • . , • . . • • . • • • : • : I : • . . . . . ' : • . u., 4>ti ,jN 2:- I ' , . . : • • : : ' i • . 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C.• ; . ....-.. U) < , • i, . , . . . i-r• , ' . . • ; , , X • • . . . . . • . . . ; :- :-,-- - • , -,- < k c 0 c) . . . • . . " . I . , a/ CI i , " • . • I 1 al • 1 U) •X /.4 . 0.11 „..H g.) 0 I - ' . . • . , ft X HI H , . , • !CO 0 .... ' •;F-I '1. .--- • . L-I 41 C.) C C.) 0 . , . , • Ft • --4" -. • • T a --I ,-1 ° ra . : ..--• • : • • ,, : • , . • < -I it o u) LIE • s-1 I.' . • • • . .. . , at a) 1 • : ' 2 . ; CO CD . • • ! - •••• • -- -: - H -•-•-• V-4 •Ii > I . . , . •! . - I • "..4. I , . , . • , , . , II): i- - ' • ; - 2 0 a)C14 1.4 C . . . . • . . PC 0 I ' ' w ' ' '—"- :.-' ' 0 H >,En F:C CI CFI I N • Ir- r.. 0 • • . . 1-1 • F:c •,-1 . • • , —• :: : : C...) gl CO . , Z . . .. . . I H . • . • • ; .) ' I , H 1-1 1 , , PI I . „ ' • , ..--1 2 . . . . :. . . . . , . .. H . . . .. ... , . : . . . .. . I rd . . . : . . . :,--1 . . • • • • 1 • : . • . • ' I : - ' • - : ( , t : . . : , • • • , : ; : ; , • : : : :.._• • • . • : • • : : , . ....: 4.. .....2 . .... : . . . . , : 21 i . ., .. .. , :. . 1,_. . . . , , ,., .,..,,,. .... .... i _ , • , , . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . ... .. . . . . . . .__ . : : : .. . .: . . -_, .. . . __ : . . . • • . . . ... . . . . ........_. _ . , . ‘D L.0 in 111 cl• .11 frl CI cimTnri Ign'TVA ROI' • PAY GRADE VERSUS POINT VALUE RANGES MID-RANGE BASE PUBLIC SAFETY CLASSES PAY GRADE POINT VALUE RANGE 11 360 - 404 12 405 - 445 13 446 - 483 14 484 - 519 15 520 - 554 16 555 - 588 17 589 - 621 18 622 - 653 19 654 - 684 20 685 - 711 21 712 - 734 22 735 - 753 23 754 - 772 24 773 - 790 25 791 - 806 26 807 - 822 27 823 - 836 • • 22 • PRESENT PAY AND RECOMMENDED PAY GRADES AND ENTRY RATES • SALINA, KANSAS PUBLIC SAFETY AND RELATED CLASSES CITY STAFF POINT PRESENT PROP. PAY* RECOMMENDED CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY** Firefighter/EMT 404 1403-1835 11 1552 11 1552 Firefighter/EMTA 444 1628-1779 12 1630 12 1630 Paramedic/Firefighter 586 1773-2182 16 1981 16 1981 Fire Engineer/EMT 514 1752-1835 14 1797 13 1711 Fire Lieutenant 612 1987-2417 17 2080 17 2080 Fire Marshal 685 2624 20 2408 21 2326 Fire Division Chief 689 2504-2626 20 2408 20 2270 Deputy Fire Chief 731 2624 22 2654 22 2493 Fire Inspector 555 2311-2418 16 1981 16 1981 EMS Lieutenant 633 2417 18 2184 17 2080 Police Officer I 433 1496-1877 12 1630 12 1630 Police Officer II 488 --- 14 1797 -- -- Police Sergeant 520 2064-2212 15 1887 15 1887 Police Lieutenant 618 2179-2444 17 2080 17 2080 Police Captain 705 2709-2839 20 2408 21 2326 Assistant Police Chief 744 3385 22 2654 23 2628 • * Based upon Consultant developed salary schedule. ** Based upon staff-revised salary schedule. • 23 • KEY CLASS VALUES AND PAY SURVEY RESULTS TECHNICAL, SUPERVISORY, & PROFESSIONAL CLASSES PAY SURVEY RESULTS POINT - RANGE (MEDIANS) KEY CLASS VALUE ENTRY MID MAX. Building Maintenance Supervisor 604 2026 2375 2720 Building Official (Chief) 699 2556 2915 3262 Cemetery Supervisor/Sexton 514 1608 1924 2186 Chief Plant Operator* 530 1901 2157 2516 City Clerk 582 2456 2410 3571 City Engineer* (Asst. Dir. ) 710 3085 3579 4474 City Forester 615 2053 2401 2825 Clerical Supervisor (Cust. Acct. Spv. ) 567 1560 1801 2108 Curator (Museum-Coll. ) 576 1954 2301 2842 Data Processing Supervisor/Dir. 740 2132 2256 2829 Engineering Technician (II) 520 1657 2033 2373 Foreman I* 545 1631 1874 2134 Foreman II (St. Frmn. ) 601 1813 2088 2432 Golf Course Superintendent 570 1988 2375 2886 Laboratory Technician 411 1516 1876 2068 Museum Director 735 2833 3745 3793 • Parks Superintendent 649 2300 2733 3118 Programmer/Analyst 574 1954 2410 2982 Recreation Director (Supt. ) 657 2356 2774 3125 Sanitation Superintendent 620 2173 2502 3005 Shop Supervisor 642 1833 2159 2515 Street Superintendent 644 2258 2605 3161 Traffic Facilities (Mtn. ) Supervisor 597 2020 2475 2750 Wastewater Plant Supervisor 604 2243 2441 2870 Wastewater Superintendent 717 2376 2482 3041 Water Superintendent 730 2140 2461 2932 * Key Class only. • 24 [ I , [ I [ . 1 . , . ._.i i._... :. 4_1_1_ • ; ;; .:5..... . .. . : , , , : " . , , , : , . , , , , ,OIRdlo. 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'..1. . . : . . ... . : eno . ... 0 (2 0 1. . 0 ,z." 2 0 o in o L.1 in o N I-- lo tO in in mi. nr, rrnnyA 71,1—rea.2 • PAY GRADE VERSUS POINT VALUE RANGES ENTRY BASE TECHNICAL, SUPERVISORY, & PROFESSIONAL PAY GRADE POINT VALUE RANGE 8 To - 444 9 445 - 471 10 472 - 489 11 490 - 516 12 517 - 538 13 539 - 558 14 559 - 578 15 579 - 598 16 599 - 619 17 620 - 643 18 644 - 674 19 675 - 698 20 699 - 716 21 717 - 731 22 732 - 742 it • • 26 • PRESENT PAY AND RECOMMENDED PAY GRADES AND ENTRY RATES SALINA, KANSAS PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND SUPERVISORY CLASSES CITY STAFF^ POINT PRESENT PROP. PAY* RECOMMENDED CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY Accounting Technician 523 2060 12 1630 11 1552 Arts Education Coordinator 585 2052 15 1887 14 1797 Arts Program Coordinator 607 2155 16 1981 14 1797 Asst. Bicentennial Center Mgr. -- -- -- -- 22 2493 Asst. Dir. of Engr. & Utilities 743 3110 23 2787 23 2628 Asst. Food & Beverage Manager 508 1456 11 1552 -- -- Assistant Parks Superintendent 549 2050 13 1711 14 1797 Building Inspector I 484 vac. 10 1478 -- -- Building Inspector II 547 2165 13 1711 14 1797 Buildings Maint. Supervisor 604 1995 16 1981 13 1711 Building Official 699 3013 20 2408 21 2325 Cemetery Supervisor 514 1955 11 1552 11 1552 Center Operation Manager 698 2772 19 2294 16 1981 Center Operation Supervisor 618 2012 16 1981 13 1711 City Clerk 599 2496 16 1981 15 1887 City Forester 615 --- 16 1981 13 1711 City Planner 644 2796 18 2184 18 2184 Code Enforcement Officer 467 --- 9 1408 -- -- • Computer Operator 418 1602 8 1341 8 1341 Curator of Collections 576 1347*** 14 1797 - Curator of Exhibits 569 1827 14 1797 12 1630 Customer Accounts Supervisor 567 2042 14 1797 15 1887 Deputy City Clerk 434 1657 8 1341 11 1552 Development Program Coord. 546 1997 13 1711 -- -- Dir. of Data Processing (Mgr. ) 740 3241 22 2654 22 2493 Director of Golf Course 604 3241 16 1981 18 2184 Engineering Technician I 448 1704 9 1408 9 1408 Engineering Technician II 520 2217 12 1630 13 1711 Engineering Technician III 598 2458 15 1887 15 1887 Environmental Education Spec. 558 1749 13 1711 13 1711 Events Coord./Marketing Spec. 613 2496 16 1981 16 1981 Fire Prevention Educator 456 1621 9 1408 9 1408 Flood Control Supervisor 545 1693 13 1711 11 1552 Food and Beverage Manager 653 3241 18 2184 19** 2227 Food and Beverage Supervisor 444 1385 8 1341 8 1341 Golf Course Superintendent 570 2257 14 1797 14 1797 Grounds Maintenance Foreman 532 1723 12 1630 12 1630 Horticulturist 607 1693 16 1981 -- -- Housing Rehabilitation Coord. 544 1927 13 1711 12 1630 Human Relations Investigator 543 1785 13 1711 13 1711 Industrial Pretreatment Off . 551 2045 13 1711 14 1797 * Based upon Consultant developed salary schedule. A Based upon staff-revised salary schedule. ** We think Grade 19 was intended. *** Part-time. 27 • PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL, AND SUPERVISORY CLASSES (cont. ) CITY STAFF^ POINT PRESENT PROP. PAY* RECOMMENDED CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY Laboratory Technician 411 1513-1673 8 1341 12 1630 Landfill Supervisor 543 1995 13 1711 13 1711 Meter Service Supervisor 515 1534 11 1552 11 1552 Museum Director 703 2768 20 2408 18 2184 Parks Superintendent 649 2267 18 2184 18 2184 Personnel Clerk -- -- -- -- 9 1408 Personnel Technician 510 1602 11 1552 -- -- Programmer 416 1534 8 1341 9 1408 Programmer/Analyst 614 2463 16 1981 17 2080 Recreation Superintendent 657 2643 18 2184 18 2184 Recreation Supervisor 549 2051 13 1711 13 1711 Sanitation Superintendent 620 2772 17 2080 18 2184 Shop Supervisor 642 2772 17 2080 18 2184 Special Recreation Supervisor 548 1749 13 1711 13 1711 Street Maintenance Foreman 559 1693 14 1797 11 1552 Street Superintendent 644 2643 18 2184 18 2184 Traffic Maintenance Foreman 597 1995 15 1887 13 1711 Wastewater Maint. Supervisor 600 2165 16 1981 13 1711 Wastewater Plant Supervisor 604 1846 16 1981 14 1797 Wastewater Superintendent 717 2772 21 2528 18 2184 • Water Distribution Supervisor 577 2165 14 1797 14 1797 Water Plant Supervisor 560 2349 14 1797 14 1797 Water Superintendent 730 2801 21 2528 22 2493 * Based upon Consultant developed salary schedule. A Based upon staff-revised salary schedule. (Pay grade numbers of 19 and above do not directly relate. ) • 28 I • KEY CLASS VALUES AND PAY SURVEY RESULTS EXECUTIVE CLASSES PAY SURVEY RESULTS POINT RANGE (MEDIANS) KEY CLASS VALUE ENTRY MID MAX. Chief of Police 828 3554 3418 5068 Director of Parks and Recreation 781 3486 4444 4793 Director of Personnel 737 2718 2927 3884 Director of Planning & Comm. Develop. 779 3130 3225 4294 Finance Director* 777 3328 3486 4499 Fire Chief 815 3350 3349 4651 Public Works Director* 836 3551 4127 5148 * Key Class only. • • • 29 . . . . . . . . . • 4_1__L• , ' . ' . • ' • . 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' , : : , . ! ; • . . . . . • • I , ■ • , , • . :.+•i., ' : i..4_.1 : ' •. . , „ , a , a . . . . ..- a • 1 N r-I Cl . 01 CO 03 N N LC) SJATfle--T '24f1rTVA qnr 1 • PAY GRADE VERSUS POINT VALUE RANGES EXECUTIVE CLASSES PAY GRADE POINT VALUE RANGE 21 Less Than 717 22 717 - 731 23 732 - 742 24 743 - 751 25 752 - 761 26 762 - 777 27 778 - 803 28 804 - 837 29 838 - 865 30 866 - 883 31 884 & Over • • 31 • • PRESENT PAY AND RECOMMENDED PAY GRADES AND ENTRY RATES SALINA, KANSAS EXECUTIVE CLASSES CITY STAFF POINT PRESENT PROP. PAY* RECOMMEND. CLASS TITLE VALUE PAY GR. ENTRY GR. ENTRY** Assistant City Manager 847 --- 29 3735 30 3510 Chief of Police 828 4266 28 3557 28 3314 Director of Arts and Humanities 749 3221 24 2927 23 2628 Director of Bicentennial Center 762 --- 26 3227 26 3106 Dir. of Engineering & Utilities 836 4059 28 3557 29 3480 Dir. of Finance & Administration 810 4252 28 3557 29 3480 Director of General Services 836 3912 28 3557 27 3156 . Director of Human Relations 737 3221 23 2787 22 2493 Dir. of Parks and Recreation 781 3912 27 3388 26 3106 Director of Personnel 737 3221 23 2787 22 2493 Dir. of Plan. & Comm. Develop. 779 3912 27 3388 26 3106 Fire Chief 815 4058 28 3557 27 3156 Public Information Officer 713 3220 20 2408 22 2493 Risk Management Officer 714 3221 20 2408 22 2493 • * Based upon Consultant developed salary schedule. ** Based upon staff-revised salary schedule. • 1I • 32 • EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Comparison of benefits provided for employees by employers are dif- ficult to make and to "price" or precisely evaluate. However, a general comparison can be made. The one below will indicate how the benefits provided by the City relate to those of the labor market. The comparison of benefits provided by the City of Salina and other private and public employers has been made based upon the following: 1 . Since Workers and Unemployment Compensation are now provided by all employers, these have not been in- cluded in the evaluation. 2. In order to permit comparison on a common basis, a "typical" dollar monthly salary ($1700 per month) has been utilized to determine percentage value of benefits paid in cash by the City and the employers in the survey. In determining the value of benefit provided in the hospital/medical insurance, the most liberal family coverage, where offered, was used. 3 . Days off are valued as follows: Based upon 40 hours/week, each work day, if all were worked, is 1/260 or 0 .00385 of the work year. Therefore, each day off (vacations, holidays, etc. ) with pay equals a 0. 385% benefit. • 4 . Sick leave days utilized are estimated to be 1/3 of the days per year granted in the sick leave policy. One day, or more, was added in the case of employers who pay for some of the accumulated sick leave at ter- mination of employment; and one additional day where accumulation is unlimited or at a high level. The employee benefits program provided by the City of Salina for its employees is as follows: TYPE VALUE Days % of Payroll* Vacation 10 3 .85 Sick Leave - 12 days/year - no limit on accum. , 1/3 pay for unused after 5 years 6 2 . 31 Holidays 11 4. 23 Retirement: S.S 7.65 KPERS 2 .40 Insurance: Hosp./Med.* - $389. 16/mo. Life - $ 11 .30/mo. , or $400 . 46 total 23 .56 Total estimated Value of City Benefits 44 .00 Survey Median (see Appendix, Sch. A) 32 .94 Present City of Salina Benefits above Survey Median 11 .06% * The City also offers a HMO Coverage, at a cost of $295/mo. 34 • The benefits "package" provided by the City of Salina is substanti- ally above that of the market surveyed. The obvious "culprit" res- ponsible for the high cost of benefits is the rates paid for hos- pital/medical insurance. The City may wish to make other arrange- ments for this coverage and/or place a reasonable dollar "cap" on the City's contribution, or both. • • 35 II • IMPLEMENTATION OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND BUDGET IMPACT In order for an orderly implementation of the recommendations of this report, it is proposed that the following methodology be utilized: 1. If the present salary of an employee is below the entry or A step of the recommended pay grade, increase the pay to that first step; 2 . If the present salary is between steps of the pay grade, increase the salary to the step above pre- sent salary; and 3 . If present salary is above the maximum salary of the pay grade to which the class is assigned, retain present salary. It is to be noted that the City's Administration may wish to apply additional revisions to present pay. These types of adjustment can be applied to relieve some inequities which may remain. Such adjustments can result from performance evaluation or to recognize time of the employee in the present position. The budget impact as outlined above follows. It does not include salaries of some part-time and seasonal employees, Commission . appointed positions, nor impact upon benefits. Present Annual Salaries $ 8,478 ,660 Recommended Annual Salaries 8,774,948 Amount of Increase 246,288 Percent of Increase 2.90% • 36 • PART ITT FACTOR ANALYSIS FOR POSITION/CLASS EVALUATIONS • • 37 • FACTOR ANALY S I S FOR PO S Z T Z ON/CLAS S EVALUAT S ONS The attached factors and degrees of each for analysis provides a useful and meaningful tool in the evaluation and determination of relative worth of the various classifications of employment within the City's organization. Once a position description is prepared detailing the specific duties of either a current or proposed position, it is assigned to a "class" and given a "class" title. A "class" is a group of posi- tions in which the function, type of duties, responsibilities, and requirements for hire are similar; and for which a discernible difference from other classes can be established. Class specifica- tions are prepared based upon information provided by the employee and supervisor and the factor analysis applied. Periodic review to assure that positions are allocated to the prop- er class and that class specifications reflect current duties, responsibilities, entry requirements, and organizational needs is paramount. Factors are those aspects of assigned positions as expressed or implied in the class specifications. Factors are expressed in • degrees and assigned points. The proper degree for each factor is determined and points computed. The point values of the various classes are compared to achieve relative worth. These values are then plotted against current labor market salary data and pay grade assignments are made. Due to the frequent uneven distribution of individuals with speci- alized skill required in a municipal organization, it is often necessary to compete with other employers locally or to go outside what is normally considered the local labor market. In such cases, the cost to employ such talent may well exceed the relative worth as expressed in relationship to other classes within the organiza- tion. In recognition of this, a "labor market impact" factor may be utilized. It indicates when market conditions require its use and should be adjusted or eliminated as the supply and demand changes within the labor market. The factor analysis developed for the City of Salina, when combined with annual salary surveys and a continuing review of positions and � classes, provides guidance for a meaningful and fair basis of com- pensation for municipal employees. It fulfills the City's moral and legal requirements by providing equal pay for equal work, while serving as an effective management tool in personnel and pay admin- istration. • 38 0 In applying the factor analysis/point evaluation system, it must be U recognized that: 1. Under no circumstances -can an incumbent objectively evaluate the position he or she fills. 2 . Application of the system to any position or class of work requires an overall and objective view of all positions and classes in the classification plan. 3 . Every aspect of each factor utilized in the analysis is relative. For example, what is a "large amount" of funds handled may, in reality and relative to other cases, be a "small" or "minor" amount of funds. A summary of the factors and the relative weighting of each, and the evaluation system itself follows. 0 0 39 4 G • EDUCATION This factor measures the minimum formal scholastic requirements essential and basic to performing in a position. While expressed in terms of formal level attained, equivalent levels of non-formal achievement in knowledge and mental development are intended to be encompassed. POINTS Degree 1 Knowledge through training or exper- ience equivalent to completion of grammar school 34 Degree 2 High school 68 Degree 3 High school plus one to two years busi- ness, vocational , trade school , or college level course work 102 Degree 4 Bachelor's degree 136 Degree 5 Master's degree or higher 170 EXPERIENCE AND TRAINING This factor measures the related experience and on-the-job train- ing considered to be necessary, in addition to any educational requirement, to satisfactorily perform assigned duties at entry. POINTS • Degree 1 Less than six months 40 Degree 2 Six to eighteen months 80 Degree 3 Eighteen months through three years of routine or semi-skilled experience 120 Degree 4 Over three years through five years of vocational or professional growth, or apprenticeship 160 Degree 5 Over five years professional, journey- man, or trade experience 200 COMPLEXITY AND JUDGMENT This major factor is subdivided into: a. Responsibility for records and reports - level of responsibil- ity for maintenance, accuracy, initiation, and development of records and reports. b. Policy and methods determination - measures responsibility for: the determination of policies, procedures, work methods, budgets, schedules, and techniques employed; independent judg- ment and decision-making required; policy and procedures established. c. Confidential data handled - measures the amount and frequency • that confidential material is encountered as well as the seri- ousness and embarrassment of untimely release of same. 41 • a. Responsibility for records and reports POINTS Degree 1 No involvement in records and/or reports 10 Degree 2 Posts prepared data, minimal records of own activities 20 Degree 3 Initiates routine operational and unit records, prepares tabulations or summaries 30 Degree 4 Prepares financial and operating state- ments, researches and prepares reports, reconciles from new or raw data 40 Degree 5 Initiates, plans, develops, and implements records and report systems and schedules 50 b. Policy and methods determination, mental skills Degree 1 Works under constant supervision, follows instructions, opportunity for discretion is limited and procedures well-defined, work is routine, may make suggestions for work improvement 32 Degree 2 Under general supervision, works within prescribed standards and procedures; work varies somewhat, limited judgment is exer- cised, some leeway for discretion and inde- pendent action; adjust work methods to meet • task requirements, supervisor's guidance readily available, any planning performed is for immediate application or a short period up to one month 64 Degree 3 Under general direction, performs work of some complexity; requires determining se- quence of operations, scheduling, and lay- out, and choosing a course of action from alternatives; work varies, requires inter- pretive judgment within prescribed stan- dards and procedures; has significant op- portunity for discretion and independent action; suggests budget entries and revis- ions; most planning performed usually covers a period of one to six months 96 Degree 4 Under administrative direction and gener- al operating standards, performs diffi- cult and/or unusual work requiring signif- icant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards; planning extending from six months to two years and performance under general opera- ting methods; applies general knowledge and procedures in the field; considers various alternative courses of action; makes decisions in absence of clear-cut • 42 • precedence which has an important influ- POINTS ence on technical results achieved 128 Degree 5 Under general policy direction, applies heavy independent and innovative judgment in performing difficult decision-making and involved tasks, using known methods, contriving new techniques as needed; most planning extends into the future for more than two years and may have an important impact upon city operations; results de- sired are outlined in general terms only; has full responsibility for developing programs of major importance and budgets and follow through for execution of same 160 c. Confidential data handled Degree 1 None 6 Degree 2 Occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons for a limited time effecting internal rela- tion ships only 14 Degree 3 Works regularly with some information which is generally limited; discretion and integrity are recognized require- • ments for the job 22 Degree 4 Has access or possesses information restricted to specific persons and is aware of meaning and consequences of release; untimely release of which could cause embarrassment or consequent legal action, involves internal and external relationships; requires highest degree of discretion and integrity 30 RESPONSIBILITY FOR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS - FUNDS The two factors are reviewed as follows: a. Equipment and materials - measures responsibility for office and field equipment, inventory stock both clerical and mechan- ical; the complexity of machinery used; and the degree of attention required to prevent breakdown. b. Funds - measures the amount of responsibility for checking, handling, accounting for, and release of cash, negotiable instruments, or funds. • • 43 • a. Equipment and materials POINTS Degree 1 Handles or uses hand tools or clerical supplies or equipment which relatively are not easily damaged and to which failure to use due care will result in only minimum losses of time and money 15 Degree 2 Responsible for overseeing materials or equipment requiring minimal servicing and/or occasional accountability; work flow interruption or loss would be moderate in cost 30 Degree 3 Supervises or uses equipment or materials requiring care to assure against break- down or deterioration and to maintain accountability; significant loss of time and/or money would result 45 Degree 4 Accountable for considerable equipment or materials where failure to provide con- tinual attention could result in substan- tial damage, loss of time, and confusion 60 b. Funds Degree 1 No responsibility for funds or negoti- • able instruments 8 Degree 2 Occasionally handles small amounts of funds 16 Degree 3 Routinely handles or is responsible for funds of a moderate amount 24 Degree 4 Routinely responsible for large amounts of funds or authority to release funds 32 Degree 5 Responsible for extremely large amounts of money or negotiable instruments 40 PERSONAL CONTACTS This factor measures the amount and importance of contact with co- workers, businessman, governmental officials, and the public required in performing assigned duties. POINTS Degree 1 Contact with others is incidental to per- formance of duties requiring only common courtesy and cooperation in normal work relations and relaying of information 12 Degree 2 Position requires substantial contact with public and/or fellow employees to perform assigned work 24 Degree 3 Contact with employees or public is frequent and involves communication of • complex information and/or in which con- siderable tactful , patient, pleasant, 44 • courteous, and tolerant manner in stress POINTS situations is required 37 Degree 4 Contacts are varied and continual; abil- ity to perform duties is directly effect- ed through communications and rapport established requiring a high degree of tact, diplomacy, and good judgment to cope with stress situations in a manner which will command public respect 50 SUPERVISION OF OTHERS POINTS Degree 1 Has no responsibility for supervision 14 Degree 2 Responsibility for supervision of others limited to assisting seasonal or new employees in routine work procedures; leads other worker 29 Degree 3 Supervises small group of workers in office or field work; may act as unit head in absence of higher authority 43 Degree 4 Responsible for supervision of many employees; may act as foreman over one or more crews; as sectional head in large department; or department head • of small department 57 Degree 5 Serves as assistant to head of a major department; department head of medium- sized department 71 Degree 6 Responsible for departmental supervis- ion of large number of highly technical employees 86 Degree 7 Responsible for overall supervision and direction of employees of several depart- ments; or of employees of a number of units or sections involved in a 24 hours/ day of active operation with little other supervision an after-hours shift duty 100 PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS POINTS Degree 1 Duties require limited movement, nor- mally performed in sitting position with occasional stooping 17 Degree 2 Position requires employee to perform multitude of movements involving stand- ing, lifting, stacking, walking, and squatting in which a moderate physical effort is required 35 Degree 3 Duties require substantial physical • involvement; weights of 30-45 pounds are often encountered 52 45 • Degree 4 Difficult physical work; requires POINTS continuous crawling, climbing, lifting frequently involves extreme weights of 45 pounds and up 70 WORKING CONDITIONS, HAZARDS A measure of the disagreeable features of the environment in which work is normally performed, including common hazards. POINTS Degree 1 Work performed in surroundings in which temperature, contaminants, and noise are not normally encountered; hazards are minor and controllable 23 Degree 2 Work requires occasional contact with dust, noise, poor lighting, hot and cold temperature extremes, fire, odors over which no control can be exercised, or er- ratic humans; hazards are moderate requir- ing care and use of proper safety equip- ment and procedures to prevent injury 47 Degree 3 Duties require work to be performed in undesirable physical conditions in which extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, • dampness, and erratic humans are free- quietly encountered; hazards of serious injury or death from electric shock, explosion, cave in, gas poisoning, fire, and the need to physically control humans, requiring constant safety considerations in the performance of duties 70 LABOR MARKET IMPACT Since salaries or rates of pay for specific positions as found in the labor market do not always fall into an orderly pattern which correlates with pay or point value of other positions, it is necessary to make adjustments in the point value for that position or class of work. If, for example, the salary for a key class is found to be substantially higher than that indicated by the point value, points are added to the evaluations as "Labor Market Impact" points. The points are added in sufficient quantity to total a number which places the position in a pay range which is competi- tive with that found in the survey. On the contrary, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the salary of a position or class above that found in the survey to result in a proper internal relationship with other classes or to reflect the • relative value of the class. 46 • PART I V MA I NT E NAN C E AN D ADM I N T ST RA PI ON O F THE PAY P LAN • • 47 • CLAS S I F S CATION MA Z NT ENANC E THE PLAN The classification plan comprises a schematic list of classes sup- ported by written specifications setting forth the duties and responsibilities of each class and the minimum, or entry, qualifi- cations necessary for appointment to a position of that class. OBJECTIVES The classification plan shall be used: 1. To provide equal pay for equal work; 2. To establish qualification standards for recruiting and testing; 3 . To provide appointing authorities with a means of analy- zing work distribution, areas of responsibility, lines of authority, other relationships between positions, and a framework for position design; 4 . To assist appointing authorities in determining budget requirements; 5. To provide a basis for developing standards of work per- formance, and for evaluating performance; 6 . To establish lines of promotion; • 7. To indicate training needs; 8. To provide appropriate titles for classes of work; 9 . To provide standards for equal employment opportunity. DEFINITION OF A CLASS OF WORK A class shall comprise one or more positions that are so nearly alike in the essential character of their duties and responsibili- ties that the same pay scale, title, and qualification requirements can be applied and they can fairly and equitably be treated alike under like conditions for all other personnel purposes. The same qualification requirements shall be applied to all positions in a class regardless of the agency in which the position is located. TITLE OF A CLASS OF WORK The title of a class shall be the official title of every position allocated to that class for personnel purposes. CLASS SPECIFICATION The class specification shall state the characteristic duties, res- ponsibilities, and qualification requirements which distinguish a • 48 • given class from other classes. The specification shall be descrip- tive but not restrictive; that is, the class specification shall describe the more typical types of work which may be allocated to a given class but shall not be construed to restrict the assignment of other duties related to the class. POSITIONS ALLOCATED TO CLASSES - RULES AND PROCEDURES Each position of the classified service shall be allocated to a class in the classification plan. Such allocation shall be made on the basis of the duties of the position and in accordance with the personnel rules. 1. When a position is created, the appointing authority (the department head, with approval of the City Manager) shall send to the personnel officer*, a request for classifica- tion of the position with a description of the duties and responsibilities. The personnel officer shall allocate the position to the proper class after analysis and evaluation of duties and responsibilities without regard to personal characteristics, abilities, or qualifications of the in- cumbent, agency for which the work is done, or budgetary availability of money. 2 . If there is no class to which a new position can properly • be allocated, the personnel officer, with approval of the City Manager, is authorized to create a class to which the position may be allocated and to designate the pay grade or range applicable to such class. 3 . When, upon notification of the department head, or through field audit, it is determined the assignment of an employee has changed substantially as to kind and/or level of work, the personnel officer shall be responsible for the prepara- tion of a position description, and the initiation of a classification action. The personnel officer, with approv- al of the City Manager, shall determine whether the posi- tion has changed sufficiently to justify reallocation. 4 . The personnel officer or the designated representative may, at any time, review a position which appears to be not properly classified and shall, with the approval of the City Manager, allocate the position to the proper existing or a new class. * The "personnel officer" as referred to herein, is the City Manager, or the employee designated by the City Manager, to serve in the role of personnel officer. • 49 5. A classification action form (Exhibit I) shall be used to • record all major changes in the duties and responsibilities of a position and for the creation or abolition of a posi- tion. The classification action form applies to a position only, and shall not be used to effect any change applying to an employee. 6 . The creation of new positions and the assignment of duties (whether temporary or permanent, incidental or essential, and including changes in location of work, equipment, and tools used, etc. ) shall be wholly the responsibility of the City Manager pursuant to statutory and budget provisions, and the classification plan shall in no way operate or be construed to operate to interfere with the responsibility for establishing or abolishing positions. 7. If the supervisor, department director, division head, or the employee who is affected disagrees with a classification decision, including evaluation of the position or class, he/ she may submit a written memorandum to the personnel officer requesting review of the decision. The personnel officer shall review information submitted, audit the position, and use other available means of iden- tifying factors of the position, and determine action, if any, which is required. • If, upon the decision of the personnel officer, the employ- ee, supervisor, department director, or division head do not agree, the issue shall be forwarded, with gathered data and information, to the City Manager, who shall determine action, if any, to be taken. The decision of the City Manager shall be final. PERIODIC REVIEW The City Manager shall make or cause to be made periodic reviews of the classification plan and shall prepare, or have prepared, specif- ications for new classes of positions, revised specifications of existing classes, changes in class titles, changes in pay grades of classes, and abolishment of classes. The personnel officer shall provide those appointing authorities who are affected with a draft of proposed changes in the plan. (See Exhibit I , "Request for Position Classification or Reclassification" . ) • 50 REQUEST FOR POSITION CLASSIFICATION OR RECLASSIFICATION Reason for Request: New Position ,/ / Change of Duties L/ • If new position, attach position description; if change in duties, complete the following: Existing Class Title Pay Grade Incumbent Name S.S. No. New Duties Added: (Attach additional data Percent of Time if necessary) Old duties deleted: (Attach additional data if necessary) Date: Employee Signature Comments (Department Head) : Explanation by Employee is appropriate except as follow: Position Qualifications: Education: • Experience: Special Requirements: Date: Department Head For Use of Personnel Office: Position Classification: Unchanged Changed to Class Title Pay Grade Date Reason for Change Change is in accordance with Pay Plan. Date Personnel Officer Above change has been posted to the personnel schedule of your Annual Budget. Determination as to the availability of any funds necessary to implement this change will be made at the time of submission of either a request to fill this position if a new position, or a personnel action to change the incumbent's pay. Date Finance Officer • F..XHIBIT I 51 • PAY PLAN MA Z NT ENANC E POLICY The governing body has declared its policy to be to provide clas- sification and compensation which shall be in accordance with duties and responsibilities. In addition to on-going and period- ic review of classifications, periodic pay surveys will be pre- pared to effectuate this policy. PAY TO EOUAL PREVAILING RATES The requirements shall be that pay rates shall be equal to gener- ally prevailing rates. This shall mean that the level of compen- sation for classes in the service shall be established at the same general level as that in the labor market area. The labor market area level shall be determined by periodic surveys of the rates being paid by a representative sample of classes of employ- ers for a selected sample of classes of work. These classes shall be called "key" classes. SURVEY AREA • The personnel officer may determine that, because of the need to recruit qualified applicants from outside of the immediate area, the labor market for certain classes is regional or national in scope, rather than local. In such cases, salary data shall be secured for these classes in the area so designated by the per- sonnel officer. SETTING SALARIES The requirement that "classification and compensation shall be in accord with duties and responsibilities" is interpreted to mean that pay rates shall provide equal pay for equal work and that salary levels for classes other than key classes shall be set at levels appropriate to their relative difficulty as compared with the key classes. This shall be done by comparing one class with another in the same general field of employment, taking into consideration the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications requirements of the class. After comparisons have been made, a determination shall be made as to the level of difficulty of each class, and relationships between classes shall be established. Application of the job evaluation system will determine relation- ships. (See the preceding section, "Factor Analysis For Posi- tion/Class Evaluations". ) • 52 • SAMPLE OF EMPLOYERS In surveying for prevailing rate information, data shall be gathered from a representative sample of employers, both public and private. KEY CLASSES The designation of key classes shall be made or approved by the personnel officer and shall be based upon the following princi- ples: 1 . They shall be well-known, commonly understood occupations; 2 . They shall be susceptible to clear, concise descriptions; 3 . They shall be kinds of work which are found in reasonable number in the municipal service and in outside employment; and, 4 . They shall be so located in the classification and pay plan that they provide good reference points upon which to base the rates for other classes. FREOUENCY OF SURVEYS • In order to maintain salaries in the service in a proper rela- tionship between classes of work and to those in the area, each class in the pay plan shall be reviewed at least once each two years. If the economy is changing rapidly, the survey and review should occur each year. COMPARABLE DATA In order that the data on salaries paid by other employers may properly be compared with the salaries in the service, the fol- lowing computations shall be made when necessary: 1. All data shall be converted to 'a monthly rate computed on the basis of the straight time hourly paid for a forty- hour work week. Personnel working on other than forty hour per week work schedules will require a different, other basis. 2 . The cash value or percentage of payroll of employee bene- fits shall be considered. (See Part II, "Employee Bene- fits" of this report) . • 53 • INTERPRETATION OF DATA In analyzing findings and developing tentative recommendations, the monthly rate data of survey employers shall be compared with service pay grades in the following manner: 1 . The pay data shall be tabulated on the basis of the medi- an of entry, mid-range, and maximum pay (if a pay range exists) , or of actual pay (if no pay range exists) . 2. The median of the data shall be compared with the entry and maximum of the pay rate as established in the City's pay plan. If the median of the data falls at or above the mid- point of entry and maximum rates, the higher pay grade shall be used. In unusual circumstances, an appropriate percentile level rather than the median may be utilized. 3 . Employee benefits will also be considered and compared (see Part II , "Employee Benefits" , of this report) . PROCEDURE FOR ADOPTION OF PAY SURVEY RECOMMENDATIONS The regular steps to be followed after pay survey data have been gathered and tabulated shall be as follows: • 1 . The personnel officer shall analyze, or cause to be analy- zed, the findings and develop tentative recommendations for adjustments in the pay plan which appear indicated. 2 . The personnel officer shall review the findings with respect to inter-class relationships with appointing authorities. 3 . The personnel officer shall make appropriate recommendations to the City Manager. 4 . The City Manager shall include his recommendations in the annual budget, or otherwise recommend to the City Commis- sion. • 54 • PAY ADMINISTRATION S TANDARD S AND PROCEDURE S PAY RATES The Pay Plan The pay plan consists of a given number of pay grades, each of which has a range of pay. The range of pay generally consists of a minimum rate and a maximum rate (see Part II of this report) . Each position is allocated to a class of work; the class is given a title and assigned to a pay grade of the pay plan. Original Appointment Persons receiving original appointments to a position shall be paid at the entry rate of the pay grade assigned to the class of work unless the City Manager, at the recommendation of the person- nel officer, shall determine that a rate above the minimum is necessary in order to recruit qualified or experienced personnel; or that a candidate, or candidates, hold qualifications such as experience, which merit a rate above the minimum rate. Hours and Rates of Pay Work hours, overtime compensation and shift pay, if any, will be in accordance with current existing policies of the City. Promotion When an employee is promoted to a position having a higher pay grade, the rate of pay shall be determined as follows: 1. If the salary received in the lower grade is below the minimum rate of the pay grade for the class to which promoted, the rate of pay shall be increased to that minimum. 2 . If the salary received in the lower grade falls within the range and above the minimum of the pay grade for the class to which promoted, the pay shall be set at a rate which is at least one step above the previous salary. pemotion When an employee is demoted, the rate of pay shall be determined as follows: • 55 1 . If the salary received in the higher grade is more than the maximum of the pay grade for the class to which demoted, the salary shall be reduced to the maximum rate of the lower pay grade. 2 . If the salary received in the higher grade falls with- in the range of the pay grade for the class to which demoted, the rate of pay shall remain unchanged. Transfer Between Positions When an employee transfers between positions, either within grade or within class, the rate of pay shall remain unchanged, unless otherwise recommended by the department head and authorized by the City Manager. Position Reclassification to a New Pay Grade Position reclassification to a new pay grade shall effect the employee when reclassification is: 1. To a class of higher pay grade: When a position is reallocated to a class of higher pay grade, the pro- visions governing rate of pay on promotion shall be used to set the salary of the incumbent. • 2 . To a class of the same pay grade: When a position is reallocated to another class of the same pay grade, the salary of the incumbent shall remain unchanged. 3. To a class of a lower pay grade: When a position is reallocated to a class of a lower pay grade, the salary of the incumbent shall be set as follows: a. If the salary in the higher grade is above the maximum rate of the lower grade, the pay shall be set at the maximum rate of the lower grade. b. If the salary in the higher grades falls within the range of the lower grade, it shall remain unchanged. Re-Employment Persons re-employed within one year of termination may be paid at any amount within the range of the pay grade not to exceed the amount attained at the time of separation, at the discretion of the department head, with approval of the City Manager. • 56 • PROFICIENCY PAY INCREASES Standards for Granting The proficiency, merit, or incentive pay increase is a positive recognition of increased effectiveness in performing the duties of a position. If the employee's value in the position continually increases as evidenced by greater production, improved judgment, and increased initiative, recognition is granted the employee by means of a merit increase in pay. In order to provide an orderly method of granting pay increases, classes of work have been as- signed pay ranges. Increases are granted if the employee provides meritorious service and performance, as determined by the perfor- mance evaluation, that is above normal. Progression through the range shall be as follows: 1. Advancement from the entry step may occur after successful completion of the probationary period. 2. Additional advancements may normally occur no sooner than one year after the first advancement. However, in event proficiency and/or performance is determined to be less than meritorious, or border-line, advance- ment may be limited or delayed. • 3 . Advancement beyond the first increase, as appropri- ate, may continue based upon the results of a perfor- mance evaluation, as established by practice or City policy. Standards for Withholding An employee whose competence and value in the position are not satisfactory or do not increase commensurate with his/her length of service and who does not consistently meet or exceed required standards of performance, measured by quantity and quality, shall not receive a merit pay increase. The appointing authority and his/her supervisor shall be responsible for informing the employee of his/her deficiencies and for suggesting remedies to the employ- ee. Length of Service Prior to Eligibility The date on which an employee shall be considered eligible for a merit pay increase shall be determined in accordance with the provisions outlined above and the City's Personnel Policy. • 57 • OTHER FACTORS EFFECTING ELIGIBILITY The following shall not effect an individual's eligibility for a pay increase: 1 . A pay survey finding that an upward pay grade adjustment is necessary for the employee's class of work shall not delay or defer the normal eligibility for a pay increase. When the pay plan is amended as a result of a pay survey, rates of pay for employees in the classes effected shall be called "pay adjustments" and shall not effect eligi- bility for merit pay increases. When a class is changed from one pay grade to another, pay rates of employees holding positions in that class shall be changed as follows: a. Increase: When a class is advanced from one pay grade to another, or the pay in given grades is increased, the pay of each employee in that class shall be advanced in the same manner as if the employee were promoted to a position of higher grade. However, if the rate of increase in pay, as determined by the pay survey of the labor market, is of such magnitude or degree that this adjustment is inadequate for reflecting survey results in the actual pay to employees, pay may be • advanced more than that specified above. b. Decrease: When a class is decreased in pay grade, or the pay in a grade is decreased, the pay of each employee in that class shall not be decreased be- cause of this action provided the present pay is within the range of the new pay grade or range of pay. 2 . A transfer to another position at the same pay grade shall not delay or defer the normal eligibility for a pay increase. 3 . A leave without pay for fewer than thirty days shall not delay or defer the normal eligibility for a pay increase. 4. Paid leave shall not delay or defer the normal eligibility for a pay increase. 5. A reclassification of the position to a lower class as- signed to a lower pay grade shall not delay or defer the normal eligibility for a pay increase, provided the pre- sent pay is within the range and below the maximum pay of the new pay grade. 6 . A promotion will establish a new anniversary date - the . effective date of the promotion, unless otherwise provid- ed. 58 • EFFECTIVE DATE FOR PAY INCREASES The effective date for a merit pay increase shall be the first day of the appropriate month or of the pay period nearest to that first day. The eligibility date for those employees hired before the 16th of any month shall be the 1st day of that month. For those employees hired after the 15th day of any month, the elig- ibility date shall be the 1st day of the following month or the pay period nearest to that first day. The request shall be sub- mitted to the City Manager's office at least ten (10) calendar days prior to the effective date. This requirement shall not be waived. • • 59 • PART V C LA S S S P E C S F T CAT S ON S • • 60 I NTRODUCT I ON TO CLAS S S P EC I F I CATION S The class specifications, drafted in accordance with duties, responsibilities, and qualifications of positions existing at the time of the study, follow. They are in a form which will fill the needs for personnel administration and are in accord with known statutory or city regulatory requirements. Conditions of the specifications are as follows: 1 . In determining the class to which any position is allo- cated, the specifications for each class are to be con- sidered as a whole. Consideration has been given to the general duties, the specific tasks, the responsi- bilities, the special and desirable qualifications, and the relationships to other classes as affording a picture of the position that the class is intended to include. 2. The specifications are descriptive only and are not restrictive. They are intended to indicate the kinds of positions that should be allocated to the respec- tive classes as determined by their duties, responsi- • bilities, and qualification requirements. The use of a particular expression or restriction as to duties, qualification requirements, or other attributes should not be held to exclude others not mentioned if such others are similar as to kind and quality. 3. Titles, as far as possible, are intended to be sugges- tive of the kind of work performed by the incumbent of a position allocated to a class, and indicative of the rank or level of skill or responsibility involved. 4 . The statement of the Primary Objective of Position should be construed as a general description of the kind of work performed by the incumbent of a position that is properly allocated to the class and not as restricting or limiting what the duties of any position shall be. The Areas of Accountability and Performance statement shall be construed as consisting of typical tasks only, illustrative of the duties as outlined by the Primary Objective statement. These examples are not intended to be complete or exclusive, and the fact that all the actual tasks performed by the incumbent of a position • 61 allocated to the class do not appear thereon shall not • be taken to mean that the position is necessarily ex- cluded from the class, provided that the nature of the tasks constituting the main work or employment are duly covered by the general statement of the duties. Any one example of a typical task taken without relation to the general statement of duties and other parts of the specifications shall not be construed as determining whether a position should be allocated to the class. 5. The statements of Performance Criteria and Qualifica- tions, and Education, Training, and Experience consti- tute a part of the description of the kind of employ- ment by expressing the anticipated minimum qualifica- tions of any new appointee if he/she is to be expected to perform the work properly and should be so construed and not as imposing in itself any new or additional requirements for the filling of positions. In addi- tion, the Examples of Performance Criteria and Qualifi- cations are selected and included to serve as the basis for objective evaluation of performance in a position allocated to the class. 6. Even though they may not be mentioned in the statement of qualifications, such qualifications as should be properly required in common of all incumbents of all • positions, such as physical condition and health ade- quate to perform in the position, freedom from critical defects which cannot be overcome by reasonable accom- modation, citizenship, honesty, sobriety, and industry, are to be considered as a part of the qualifications requirements. • 62 S CLERICAL AND RELATED CLASSES Account Clerk I Account Clerk II Accounts Coordinator Administrative Secretary Clerk Typist I Clerk Typist II Court Clerk Customer Accounts Clerk I Customer Accounts Clerk II Customer Service Representative Data Technician Dispatcher Parking Enforcement Checker Patient Accounts Clerk Police Records Clerk I Police Records Clerk II Police Records Supervisor Secretary I Secretary II 4 CLASS TITLE: Account Clerk I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Unit or section head. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs first level bookkeeping, recording, and balancing of funds; may serve as cashier. Performs work that varies somewhat and is performed within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Answers phone; gives information to public; responds to inquiries by providing information; prepares and maintains utility billings; col- lects tax, civic center and licensing receipts; verifies tax returns; serves at a counter and receives, accounts for, balances, and dis- burses funds; prepares data for entry into the computer system and - enters; maintains files on projects; receives complaints; types letters, reports, and documents; sorts mail; maintains files; issues licenses and permits; may perform routine billing, posting, book- keeping, and similar work; maintains simple journals and subsidiary ledger accounts; maintains simple cost accounts; reconciles accounts and inventory records; posts orders, vouchers, and warrants; operates a typewriter, calculating machine, cash register, and CRT terminal; prepares bank deposits; searches for and verifies names and addresses; prepares and mails bills and notices; prepares daily and periodic compilations, statements, and routine reports; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; uses clerical supplies and equipment; routinally handles a moderate amount of funds; there • are substantial contacts with the public and fellow workers; duties require limited movement; hazards and discomforts are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , including bookkeeping, typing, and business courses, and one year of related experience. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Provides the public adequate information and assistance in a courteous manner; Reports are properly prepared and submitted on time; Forms, claims, and funds are accounted for, balanced, and disbursed accurately; Typing is accurate and at or above the rate of 40 WPM; Applies knowledge of modern office procedures, equipment, bookkeeping principles and practices; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with co- workers, superiors, and the public. Salina//91 CLASS TITLE: Account Clerk II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Accounting Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs jour- neyman-level work in billing procedures and financial record keeping to apply bookkeeping principles in the keeping of specialized or complex accounts where transactions recorded are variable and subject to irregularities in method of disposition, or in keeping a complete bookkeeping system of moderate difficulty together with the perfor- mance of related office functions. Work varies, exercising moderate individual judgment within prescribed standards and procedures allow- ing for some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs maintenance of a set of accounts, including journals, general and other subsidiary ledger accounts; prepares data for entry to com- puters and enters; prepares payroll and accounts payable; takes trial balances and prepares balance sheets and other financial statements; maintains cost accounts and prepares closing entries; verifies, anal- yzes, and reconciles accounts and inventory records; processes in- voices for payment; reconciles bank statements; audits and prepares sales or other tax reports; prepares appropriation allotment reports comparing expenditures against budget; prepares monthly and annual reports; adjusts, closes, and balances accounts; keeps records and checks for accuracy on all bonds and bond coupons which have been paid and canceled; prepares interfund transfers and maintains central file; computes utility charges and billings; serves at a counter, answers • phones and gives information to customers and the public; assists auditors as required; accounts for funds received; prepares and main- tains payroll files and records; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; uses clerical supplies and equipment; routinely handles or is responsible for funds of a moderate amount; contact with employees and the public is frequent and involves com- munication of complex information; duties require limited movement; hazards and discomforts are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Generally None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with courses in bookkeeping and business, and two years of experience in bookkeeping and clerical work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Posts to and maintains books properly and according to established procedures and practices; Takes trial balances and reconciles statements and accounts accurately and properly; • Prepares reports and records properly and as required; Deals with the public in a manner that effectively promotes the image of the city and handles complaints and needs tactfully and effectively; CLASS TITLE: Account Clerk II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ): IPProperly handles and accounts for funds assigned; Maintains knowledge of current modern office practices and knowledge of accounting and bookkeeping principles; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees and officials; Types from clear copy at or above 50 WPM. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Accounts Coordinator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Office Manager or assigned supervisor PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs various • accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and related functions in the office of the Bicentennial Center. Work is complex and varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Maintains events account ledger, reconciles bank statements and credit card deposits; maintains records for advanced deposits, revenue re- ceived and accounts receivable; processes department payrolls; pre- pares billings to clients; counts, deposits and maintains records for all monies received from all sources; enters data; processes invoices; issues checks; prepares and submits state sales tax; counts, deposits, and maintains records of receipts; maintains petty cash fund and food and beverage perpetual inventory; purchases office supplies; sorts and handles mail; may serve as a receptionist and direct calls; compiles and presents financial and other data as requested by superiors; per- forms other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements; researches and prepares reports; has access to or possesses information restricted to specific persons; handles clerical supplies and equipment; routinely responsi- ble for moderate amounts of funds; contacts with employees and public are frequent, and require considerable tact and courteousness; duties require limited movement; hazards are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises ticket- sellers and other part-time employees as assigned at specified times. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience in accounting, bookkeeping and related work, including experience in cash or retail sales. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Efficiently, accurately, and effectively maintains accounts, ledgers, client billings , and payroll for department; Efficiently, accurately and effectively accounts for monies received, counts and deposits receipts at bank; Efficiently, accurately, timely and effectively prepares tax state- ments, purchase orders and inventories, profit and loss statements, and issues checks and maintains records; Effectively supervises part-time employees; Typed reports and word processing documents meet high standards; Performs effective, courteous and tactful reception and telephone work; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, supervisors and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Administrative Secretary ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction of the City Mana- ger performs a variety of complex secretarial and quasi-administrative duties involving procedures in that office and of other city officials. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed stan- dards and procedures with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs complete secretarial duties for the City Manager and other city officials; frequently handles confidential matters concerning major political , policy, personnel , and other matters; keeps advised of the current status of the work of the City Manager and schedules appointments; takes dictation and types at a rapid rate of speed; assists in administrative procedures and in keeping financial, budget, purchasing, and administrative records; carries out extensive public and employee relations tasks; composes and types correspondence; screens office visitors and phone calls by furnishing information requested and making appointments; prepares agenda; gives out informa- tion on a variety of problems and refers visitors to proper officials; prepares reports by finding, assembling, and summarizing information and data; requisitions and purchases office supplies; serves as cleri- cal staff to City Commissioners; makes travel arrangements; maintains city scrapbook; represents City Manager's office as a hostess in meetings and groups as assigned; assists in the preparation of agenda; sorts and distributes mail; prepares announcements of public events; • assists with newsletter; organizes and maintains files; acts as liaison between City Manager's office and departments; receives and handles complaints; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; has access to or possesses information highly restricted; requires highest degree of discretion and integrity; handles clerical equipment; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contact with employees and public is frequent; duties require limited movement; discomforts and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and one to two years of college level coursework or advanced training in business or office procedures, plus four years of experience in secretarial work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains current knowledge of modern office methods and procedures; Types from clear copy at or above a rate of 75 WPM; takes dictation at or above 100 WPM; • Applies proper English and spells correctly; Posts and makes arithmetic computations rapidly and accurately; CLASS TITLE: Administrative Secretary EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Maintains and exhibits integrity and discretion in the handling of confidential data; Is loyal to superior and the organization; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials and the public; Prepares reports and information as required, including City Commis- sion materials; Applies proper procedures to purchases and requisitions; Performs liaison duties in a manner which promotes the best image for the City and the Manager's Office; Maintains and organizes office files properly and efficiently; Effectively communicates in person or on the telephone with citizens, officials, and employees. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Clerk Typist I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Higher-level clerical or unit head 0 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision, performs data entry, typing, filing, and a variety of clerical work; assists in a unit or department with routine procedures and process. Work varies somewhat, but within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Prepares data for entry by mathematical computations; enters data and prepares statistical reports; verifies results; answers the phone and routes calls or takes messages and requests for service; types letters and other documents and proofreads; adds files to the computer; operates a variety of office machines which may include copy machines, adding machines, calculators, computer terminals and typewriters as part of work; answers telephone and dispatches messages by phone and/or radio as necessary; maintains records as assigned; maintains files; may prepare purchase orders, sort and distribute mail; prepares tabulations, and follows established procedure for follow through; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; handles and uses clerical supplies and equipment; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position requires contact with public and fellow employees; duties require limited movement; hazards and discomforts are minor and control- lable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with business and typing courses. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Types accurately at or above 50 WPM; Files and organizes unit records properly; Receives and forwards messages accurately; spells accurately; Uses discretion in release of information; Applies knowledge of modern office practices, procedures, and equipment, and of simple bookkeeping principles and practices. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors and the public. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Clerk Typist II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Higher level clerical or unit head PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a wide • variety of moderately complex clerical tasks and data entry and retrieval; operates a variety of office machines involving the use of typing skills. Work varies, adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Types letters, records, reports, and other documents; assists in procedures of the unit; answers telephone and serves public providing information and answering inquiries; receives funds from fees, charges, and/or enrollments in programs; may prepare accounts payable; prepares payroll and related reports; reviews routine reports for completeness and accuracy; prepares and maintains program and operational records and files; records and codes or numbers entries; makes appointments and schedules reservations; prepares and mails notices and billings; operates a variety of office machines including a personal computer or terminal; monitors activities occurring in the operation; types from copy or recording; purchases supplies; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; prepares tabulations; occasionally works with restricted information; uses clerical supples and equipment; occasionally receives funds; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require limited movement; hazards and discomforts are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Normally, none. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with clerical and commercial training, and two years of general office experience involving typing, public contact, and related office pro- cedures; some positions of this class may require possession of a valid 1 driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and upgrades knowledge of modern office and bookkeeping procedures; Types is accurately at or above 50 wpm; with spelling proficiency; Maintains files in an orderly and efficient manner; Accounts for funds and deposits properly; Applies knowledge of English, spelling, and arithmetic; Applies knowledge of modern office practices, procedures and equipment; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other • employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Court Clerk ACCOUNTABLE TO: Judge of Municipal Court PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs • responsible legal clerical work in processing of cases before the court. Work varies, limited judgment is exercised within prescribed standards and procedures with some leeway for, discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Makes entries to and maintains court docket; records and files cases and appropriate information and disposition of cases; checks in defen- dants and witnesses; sets up court dates with defendants; maintains court files; receives, receipts and accounts for fines, bond forfei- tures and other department funds; screens phone and office calls pro- viding information and answers inquiries; submits to and receives from other departments records, reports and other appropriate data; col- lects fines and assessed fees; maintains financial records and depos- its money; prepares periodic reports and submits to the state and to others; prepares warrants and subpoenas; assists defendants in under- standing court procedures; trains new clerical employees; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares reports; initiates routine operation and unit records; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; uses cler- ical supplies and equipment; routinely handles and is responsible for funds of a small amount; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; hazards and discomforts are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Instructs new clerical employees only. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of general office work, preferably including some in a court or legal setting. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Court dockets are always up to date; Court files are maintained in an orderly and efficient manner; There are limited complaints from the public with which employee has had contact; All funds are received and accounted for properly; Confidentiality is maintained and information is held confidential and discretion and integrity are constantly exhibited and maintained; Maintains and upgrades knowledge of modern office practices, proced- ures and equipment; typing is performed accurately and at or above 50 • WPM; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, supervisors and public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Customer Accounts Clerk I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Customer Accounts Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision, performs first level bookkeeping, recording, and balancing of funds and serves as cashier; explains utility billing policies. Performs work that varies somewhat but is performed within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Answers phone; gives information to public; responds to inquiries by providing information; prepares and maintains utility billings; collects fees and issues receipts; verifies billings; serves at a counter and receives, accounts for, balances, and disburses funds; prepares data for entry into the computer system; maintains files on projects; prepares new accounts and closes out terminating accounts; receives complaints; types letters, reports, and documents; sorts mail; maintains files; issues licenses and permits; performs routine billing, posting, bookkeeping, and similar work; balances cash drawer; posts payments; operates a typewriter, calculating machine, and CRT terminal; searches for and verifies names and addresses; prepares and mails bills and notices; prepares daily and periodic compilations, statements, and routine reports; performs related work as required. Initiates routine and operational unit records; routinely handles moderate amounts of funds; contacts with public and employees is frequent; duties require limited movement, and hazards are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , including bookkeeping, typing, and business courses. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Provides the public adequate information and assistance in a courteous manner; Properly prepares and submits reports on time; Accounts for, balances, and disburses funds accurately; Types accurately and at or above the rate of 40 WPM; Applies knowledge of modern office procedures, equipment, bookkeeping principles and practices; Works in harmony with co-workers. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Customer Accounts Clerk II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Customer Accounts Supervisor .PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, explains depart- mental policies to customers; performs billing procedures and financial record keeping; serves as cashier in utility customer service unit. Work varies, exercises limited judgment within prescribed standards and procedures allowing for some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Explains departmental billing policies to customers and collects and accounts for payments; reconciles and balances cash drawer and mail pay- ments; adjusts, closes, and balances accounts; keeps records and checks for accuracy; computes utility charges and billings; maintains equipment records; sets up new customer or assessment accounts; verifies status of accounts and prepares transfers of accounts; prepares final bills; main- tains meter and control books and utility tap records; processes infor- mation to and from collection agencies; prepares departmental payroll and accounts payable; serves at a counter; answers phones and gives information to customers and the public; assists auditors as required; accounts for funds received; operates a typewriter, calculating machine, billing machine, or data entry terminal as an incidental part of the work; may perform asset accounting; performs related duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; uses clerical supplies and equipment; handles moderate amounts of funds; contact with employees and the public is frequent; duties require limited movement; hazards and • discomforts are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Normally none EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with courses in bookkeeping and business, and two years of experience in bookkeeping or customer accounts. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Prepares reports and records properly and accurately; Organizes work effectively and efficiently; adapts to changes in prac- tices and policy; Deals with the public in a manner that effectively promotes the image of the city; handles complaints and needs tactfully and effectively; Properly handles and accounts for funds assigned; Maintains current knowledge of modern office practices and equipment of accounting and bookkeeping principles; types from clear copy at or above 50 WPM; . Effectively trains new personnel; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees and officials. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Customer Service Representative ACCOUNTABLE TO: Customer Accounts Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, handles customer complaints, arranges payment extensions and generally attempts to resolve customer billing and payment problems. Works within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Hears customer complaints, confers with customers, attempts to resolve problems; arranges payment plans and extensions; explains city codes and policies; prepares final notices; prepares turn-off lists; maintains records; prepares summary reports; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; handles and uses clerical supplies and equipment not easily damaged; contacts with public are frequent involving communication of complex information; occasionally works with restrictive information; duties require limited movement, hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May occasionally fill in for Customer Accounts Supervisor. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience in retail sales, customer service or • utility services. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively deals with customer complaints and needs; Effectively and accurately prepares delinquent lists and final notices; Exercises sound judgment in decisions and interpretations; Prepares and maintains records and reports properly and in timely manner; Handles complaints tactfully and courteously; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, representatives of other organizations and agencies, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Data Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Unit Supervisor . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs com- plex clerical work in the operation of data entry terminal machines and auxiliary equipment. Work varies somewhat; procedures are well defined. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates a data input terminal in entering information in data pro- cessing system; creates and maintains files; identifies errors or omissions in data submitted; verifies input; operates auxiliary equipment; operates sorters, collators, verifiers, check signers, and typewriter; updates information; processes bills and reports; researches problems, reading and billing errors; makes corrections; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; handles clerical supplies and equip- ment; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; work requires substantial contact with fellow employees; work requires a moderate physical effort; work is performed in office with some exposure to noise. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school • and one year of experience, including computer and terminal operation. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of data entry and retrieval and methods utilized; Maintains records and procedures of a data processing system properly and efficiently; Effectively coordinates work with related departments; Maintains general knowledge of use of information processed; Types from clear copy at or above the rate of 50 WPM; Properly and effectively operates auxiliary equipment; Effectively analyzes and corrects operational' problems; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with superiors and other employees. • Salina/91 lI CLASS TITLE: Dispatcher ACCOUNTABLE TO: Communications supervisor as assigned. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs work in a 911 and central communications center and receives requests from the public via telephone for police, fire, and other emergency assis- tance, and transmits requests to appropriate responding agency via radio. Work is performed within prescribed procedures; interpretive judgment is required. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Receives telephone calls via a telephone and other messages requiring primarily emergency type aid or assistance and transmits such requests to the appropriate emergency service provider, including police, fire, sheriff, ambulance services, civil defense, and rural fire districts; uses standard operating procedures in transmitting and receiving radio and telephone messages; closely monitors all dispatched calls to in- sure security and safety of responding personnel; provides information and assistance to police and fire units at on-scene locations when requested; monitors fire and police and private alarm systems, and television in booking area; maintains location and status information on all mobile units; assist in maintaining those records relevant to the duties performed as an emergency services dispatcher; monitors incoming computer messages and information and NAWAS; trains new dispatchers on the job; processes reports received within dispatch; maintains manual and recorded radio logs for police, fire, and other dispatches; provides general assistance to the public via telephone, including the preparation of reports when necessary and referral to • appropriate health or social service agency; operates Teletypes, tape recorders, weather alert telephones and related equipment; maintains those records pertinent to dispatch duties, such as files on busi- nesses, want and warrant files, vehicle impoundment records, and other files/records required to accomplish dispatch duties; may be assigned leadworker responsibilities; occasionally fills in desk sergeant duties; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of activities; uses clerical equipment requiring normal servicing; processes information which is generally limited; position requires substantial contact with the public and fellow employees; duties are performed in surroundings where undesirable physical conditions and hazards are generally controllable; duties require limited movement. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None; may be assigned leadworker duties. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and one year of experience including one year of experience in a communi- cations and records center; certified by the State in NCIC operation.. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Receives and transmits messages properly, rapidly, efficiently, and effectively; Maintains those records required by dispatch effectively and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Dispatcher EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : I Maintains and exercises discretion and integrity at all times; Responds logically and quickly in emergency situations; Maintains and continually assists with upgrading of dispatching practices and procedures; Maintains and increases knowledge of FCC and NCIC rules and regu- lations; Understands police, fire, and related dispatch procedures and practices; speaks clearly and concisely; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of street locations, facilities, and related characteristics of the geographic area to insure proper and rapid response of emergency providers; Thinks clearly and reacts quickly with confidence in emergency situations; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 I ;1 CLASS TITLE: Parking Enforcement Checker ACCOUNTABLE TO: Traffic unit supervisor (Lt. ) or assigned supervisor. . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision, checks parking meters and time-limited zones for violations in an assigned area; issues citations for all parking violations. Procedures are well defined. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates a three-wheel vehicle in patrol of an assigned area to check for parking violations; issues citations; collects money from fine boxes; notes and reports damaged or malfunctioning parking meters; answers inquiries and gives assistance to public; performs routine office duties; carries mail, messages or money between the Police Department, municipal courts and City Hall; may microfilm, make copies and serve as a school crossing guard; performs other duties as assigned. Maintains records of own daily activities; uses clerical supplies and equipment not easily damaged; routinely handles funds in small amounts; contact with public and with employees is frequent and often requires tact and tolerant manner in stress situations; multitude of movements are required and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTSS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school; • possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively patrols assigned areas and finds parking violations; Effectively and accurately fills out citation forms and attaches them to vehicles; Courteously and tactfully responds to public inquiries and requests for information; Conducts self in public so as to gain and maintain respect for the department and to maintain positive image of the city parking enforcement program; Takes care in handling of money, citations, mail and other materials held in trust; Follows and demonstrates proper safety procedures at all times; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors and the public. Salina/91 1 • 1 CLASS TITLE: Patient Accounts Clerk ACCOUNTABLE TO: Emergency Medical Services Division Chief . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a var- iety of billing and bookkeeping work involving insurance claims and patient payments for emergency medical services; also performs recep- tionist and general office duties. Work varies and moderate individ- ual judgment is exercised within prescribed standards and procedures allowing for some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Checks validity of information provided to patients and insurance companies; prints claim forms and invoices from computer data; main- tains EMS billing detail files; maintains ledger of patient accounts; makes write-offs of accounts receivable when insurance or Medicaid assignment has been accepted; updates case information in computer; makes decisions on sending invoices for collection; prepares lists and reports; composes and types memoranda and correspondence; serves as receptionist and directs calls to staff; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records; works regularly with informa- tion which is limited; uses clerical supplies and equipment; handles funds of small amount; contacts with employees and public are frequent and involve communication of complex information; duties require limited movement, and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None • EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with courses in bookkeeping or business and three years of experience in billing and bookkeeping work, preferably in a hospital or medical environment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Initiates and maintains patient billing and accounts records accur- ately and with integrity; Produces billing statements, write-offs and cases for collection promptly and accurately and in accordance with predetermined schedules and criteria; Establishes and maintains effective relations with employees, public officials, representatives of medical and insurance organizations, and the public; Maintains knowledge of medical terminology, insurance and Medicaid practices and regulations, and applicable city and state laws, regu- lations and ordinances; Utilizes computer skillfully and effectively in accomplishment of work products and objectives; • Maintains spreadsheet and account detail effectively and in accordance with standard and prescribed bookkeeping practices. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Police Records Clerk I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Captain (Administration) • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision enters and accesses data in computerized police records; makes copies and performs a variety of related duties in the maintenance and utilization of police records; work is performed within prescribed standards with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Enters information on disposition of court cases, traffic citations, officers' activity sheets, accident reports and other documents and data; makes copies of reports and records; types letters, memoranda and other documents; compiles and performs some routine analyses of data; files materials in manual files; routes or mails copies of documents and records; accesses information from computerized records as required; shreds documents; microfilms records; answers telephone inquiries from officers, other agencies and individuals, transfers calls to appropriate officers; runs computer to produce requested print-outs; checks accuracy of reports; responds to public inquiries as assigned; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; works regularly with informa- tion that is generally restricted; uses clerical supplies and equip- ment; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; has substantial contact with employees and the public; duties require limited move- ment in an environment where hazards are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , including training in typing and data entry and use of computer equipment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Accurately enters information into computer files; Types at or above 40 WPM; Processes restricted information with integrity; Tactfully handles inquiries and complaints in securing and providing information; Maintains records, reports and documents in entering, filing, access- ing and correcting with skill and accuracy; Utilizes knowledge of law enforcement methods and procedures acquired on the job to improve work performance; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with em- • ployees and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Police Records Clerk II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Captain • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision serves as senior records clerk in entering, handling and utilizing data in police records for a variety of purposes. Work permits some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates computer to observe and control input and storage; distri- butes log sheets and checks for accuracy; enters cases into computer file; provides instruction and information to subordinate-level clerks; using word processor, types monthly and annual reports; com- piles and tabulates statistical data; files and classifies cases; shreds documents; completes reports required by Kansas and Federal Bureaus of Investigation; provides specific information, as author- ized, to insurance companies, courts, parole offices, correctional services and other law enforcement agencies; makes copies; types documents, reports and correspondence; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine and operational records; works regularly with restricted information; uses clerical supplies and equipment; occa- sionally handles funds of small amounts; has substantial contact with employees and the public; duties require limited movement in an envi- ronment where hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Assists and sometimes • leads other workers in routine work. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with courses in typing, data entry and use of computers and one year of office work experience in a law enforcement agency. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Properly and consistently interprets information and determines ac- tion required; Is knowledgeable of, and improves knowledge of law enforcement tech- niques, procedures, statutes and ordinances for listing and identify- ing stolen property and other information handled; Accurately enters information into computer files; Processes restricted information with integrity; Types at or above 50 WPM; Tactfully handles inquiries and complaints and securing and providing information; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with • employees and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Police Records Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Captain or other assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs tech- nical work in the central records and information operations of the department; coordinates automation of records and trains other work- ers to use internal records computer; serves as liaison to data processing. Work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Leads and trains other police records personnel in the use of inter- nal records system and computer including personal and main frame; serves as liaison to data processing division; maintains personnel files; prepares periodic reports including crime analysis, department activities, officer's activities, and UCR reports; enters information on disposition of cases, stolen guns, vehicles, articles of law en- forcement network, and environmental issues, using teletype and com- puter terminal; deletes recoveries; collects additional information when necessary; determines information to be entered, which not to be entered; follows NCIC operations manual in entries; installs alarm programs, information and bills for alarm services; processes re- quests for reports, wanted persons, record checks and related infor- mation; review printouts for items of local law enforcement interest and relays to personnel; answers phones, answers inquiries of public; types reports and bulletins; assists citizens in fingerprinting, fil- ing of accidents, theft, and complaint reports; handles some funds • and fines; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; works regularly with information which is generally limited; uses clerical supplies and equipment; routinely handles small amounts of funds; position requires substantial contact with employees and the public; duties require limited movement; work is performed in environment and hazards which are controllable or minor. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Trains and leads employees in records system procedures. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with courses in business, typing, and computer operations and two years of office work experience in a law enforcement agency and in data entry and retrieval in a data processing system; certification as a NCIC Terminal Operator. gXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Properly and consistently interprets information and determines action required; Is knowledgeable of, and improves knowledge of law enforcement, • techniques, procedures, statutes, and ordinances for listing and identifying information handled; Accurately inputs information into computer files; CLASS TITLE: Police Records Supervisor EXAMPLEa OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Skill in tactfully handling complaints and defendants in security and providing information; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with offi- cers, supervisors, and the public; Types at or above 50 WPM; Processes restricted information with integrity; Effectively trains other workers; Skill in computer operations and some program modification and imple- mentation; Establishes effective liaison with data processing and communicates department's needs. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Secretary I ACCOUNTABLE TO: . Head of small department or a principal division of a department. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a wide variety of journeyman-level secretarial duties for a unit or depart- ment head; takes dictation and assists in a department procedure in keeping financial, personnel , and operational records. Work varies, individual judgment is required within generally prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Composes and types routine correspondence; takes and transcribes shorthand and/or transcribes from a recording; may take and transcribe minutes of proceedings; maintains and accounts for materials and sup- plies; keeps and maintains department files; prepares reports as re- quired; trains new co-workers; screens office and phone calls furnish- ing information requested and making appointments; trains new clerical employees, prepares and mails bills and notices; types requisitions; maintains departmental time cards, payroll , financial , and operational records; schedules appointments and use of facilities; assists in interviewing prospective clerical employees; processes confidential information regarding personnel and proposed actions; posts and recon- ciles inventories; handles office mail , maintains and accounts for limited office funds; assists in preparation for meetings and hear- ings; may operate two-way radio; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates routine operational and unit records and prepares tabula- tions and summaries; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; is responsible for clerical supplies and equipment used; handles small amounts of funds or fees collected; requires substantial contact with public and/or fellow employees to perform work; hazards and discomforts are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May lead other workers. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school including courses in typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, and other clerical functions, and two years of progressively responsible clerical work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Types (60 WPM) and takes dictation accurately and rapidly; Accounts for materials, supplies, and funds and disburses properly; Appropriately represents the superior; Maintains integrity of confidential information; Prepares and directs schedules and assignments properly and effi- • ciently; Maintains files in an orderly and efficient manner; Applies knowledge of English, spelling, and arithmetic; CLASS TITLE: Secretary I EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Properly prepares reports and forms; Maintains and improves knowledge of office procedures, machine oper- ations, and policies; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, other employees, and officials, and exercises discretion and integrity. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Secretary II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Head of a large, multipurpose department PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs a wide • variety of complex and journeyman level secretarial duties for depart- ment head; takes dictation and assists in department procedures in keeping financial, personnel and operational records. Work varies, interpretive judgment is required within generally prescribed standards and procedures; has significant opportunity for discretion and inde- pendent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Composes and types correspondence; takes and transcribes shorthand and/or transcribes from a recording; maintains and accounts for mater- ials and supplies; keeps and maintains department files; does research and prepares special reports as required; processes agenda; takes and types minutes; issues official permits and licenses; may prepare pay estimates; screens office and phone calls; furnishes information re- quested; makes travel arrangements and reservations; makes and sched- ules appointments; takes requests and reserves scheduled dates; routes mail; handles office mail; maintains personnel files; prepares and mails bills and notices; types requisition cards, reports, and creates files; maintains departmental time cards, payroll, financial, and operational records; assists in preparation of budgets; processes con- fidential information regarding personnel, operations, and proposed actions; posts and reconciles inventories; maintains and accounts for limited office funds; may fill in for another similar or less skilled employee; may operate two-way radio; may notarize documents; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records and prepares tabulations and summaries; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; is responsible for clerical supplies and equipment used; may handle a moderate amount of funds or fees; contact with employees and public is frequent; duties require limited movements; hazards and dis- comforts are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May supervise other cler- ical positions. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school includ- ing courses in typing, shorthand, bookkeeping, computer, and other clerical functions, and four years of progressively responsible cler- ical work; some positions may require possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Types (65 WPM) and takes dictation accurately and rapidly; applies knowledge of English, spelling, and arithmetic; Accounts for materials, supplies, and funds and disburses properly; • Exhibits skill in operating office appliances, including word pro- cessors and computer terminals. CLASS TITLE: Secretary II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Appropriately represents the superior; maintains integrity of confi- dential information; Prepares and directs schedules and assignments properly and efficient- ly; Maintains files in an orderly and efficient manner; prepares reports and forms properly; Maintains and improves knowledge of office procedures, machine opera- tions, city operations, and policies; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, other employees, other agencies or organizations, and offi- cials. Salina/91 • • • LABOR , TRADES AND RELATED CLASSES Building Maintenance Mechanic Concrete Finisher Custodian I Custodian II Electrician/Mechanic Equipment Maintenance Technician Equipment Service Worker Landfill Attendant Landfill Operator Maintenance Worker I Maintenance Worker II Maintenance Worker III Mechanic Meter Reader Meter Service Technician Plant Maintenance Mechanic Sanitation Driver • Sanitation Worker Sanitation Worker/Driver Staging Coordinator/Mechanic Traffic Controls Technician Utilities Maintenance Worker I Utilities Maintenance Worker II Wastewater Plant Operator I Wastewater Plant Operator II Water Plant Operator I Water Plant Operator II • CLASS TITLE: Building Maintenance Mechanic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Building Maintenance Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs in the maintenance, repair, and remodelling of public buildings and installed facilities; makes building and equipment repairs; maintains grounds in parks and around buildings. Work varies somewhat, and limited judg- ment is exercised. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs carpentry, painting, plumbing, concrete work and maintenance of public buildings and installed equipment; builds and sets forms, mesh, and rebar; pours and finishes; frames buildings; installs sid- ing, sheathing, shingles, sheetrock, doors, and windows; lays carpet, tile and formica; lays stone; may build furniture; sets up and pre- pares rooms and facilities for use by groups; lays brick for catch basins; moves partitions; does some welding; repairs broken windows, bleachers, electrical switches and outlets; installs wiring, conduit, plugs and switches; maintains existing electrical system; maintains and services boilers; repairs plumbing fixtures and lines and installs new plumbing; sweeps, scrubs, strips, and waxes floors; dusts and polishes furniture and woodwork; washes windows and walls; assists in moving and arranging furniture and equipment; paints, stains, and varnishes; mows and maintains grounds around buildings; cleans shop area; removes snow; may work on flood control and storm drainage; performs related duties as assigned. • Posts prepared data and maintains records of activities; oversees equipment requiring occasional servicing; contact with others is incidental to performing duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; work requires occasional contact with temperature extremes; hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of carpentry, electrical , plumbing, and building mainten- ance experience; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Assigned tasks are performed properly, safely, and effectively; understands and follows written and oral instructions; Records and reports are prepared as required; Assigned equipment is maintained and repaired properly and efficiently; Effectively schedules and lays out own work and work of employees; Maintains knowledge of current methods, materials, and equipment common to the maintenance and cleaning of public buildings; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees and users of facilities. Salina/91 CLASS TITLJ: Concrete Finisher ACCOUNTABLE TO: Streets Maintenance Foreman or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, prepares ground, builds forms, places, pours and finishes concrete in construction, maintenance and repair of streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters; operates light equipment. Work varies and interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures is required. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Sets up safety equipment at work site, including signs, barricades, lights and barrels; operates tractor, backhoe, loaders to clean up area and to backfill holes; operates jackhammer, concrete saw if required to prepare area; grades ground; sets and interprets grade stakes; may perform general carpentry and plumbing repair work; pours, places and finishes concrete; builds and places forms; trowels wood- floats and brooms concrete; applies curing compound; takes air tests and slump tests; loads and hauls concrete in trucks; participates in special construction projects, snow removal and other street and storm sewer maintenance as assigned; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; uses equipment and mater- ials requiring care to assure against deterioration; contacts with others are incidental to work performance; work requires substantial . physical involvement; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions, requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May serve as lead or supervisor of maintenance workers or laborers. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of training and experience equivalent to completion of the eighth grade plus two years of progressively responsible work in construction main- tenance and repair of streets, including a year of work with concrete forms and structures. Possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Equipment and trucks are operated safely and effectively; Concrete structures are built effectively and efficiently and finished products are in keeping with high standards of workmanship; Assigned projects are performed properly and in a timely manner; Knowledge of materials, equipment and techniques of construction and maintenance is applied; Oral and written instructions are followed effectively; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees and superiors. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Custodian I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Supervisor as assigned. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision, keeps assigned build- ings clean and orderly; prepares rooms for meetings; makes minor repairs. Works within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Sweeps, scrubs, strips, and waxes floors; dusts and polishes furni- ture, sills, blinds, and wood work; replenishes supplies; empties and cleans waste receptacles; washes windows and walls; assists in moving and arranging furniture and equipment; turns out lights and locks and unlocks doors and windows; replaces light bulbs; maintains equipment and materials; cleans restrooms; cleans various municipal buildings; repairs doors, windows, and locks; performs minor carpentry work; does routine painting; vacuums and shampoos carpets; removes spots and stains; oils heater motors and pumps; sets up and cleans rooms for meetings; makes minor repairs to air conditioning and heater units; performs minor electrical and plumbing work; maintains grounds by per- forming watering, mowing, weeding, and trimming; cleans up grounds by picking up paper and trash; shovels snow; checks and records boiler pressure levels; makes minor repairs to and cleans boilers, hot water heaters, and compressors; performs other duties as assigned. Posts prepared data and minimal activity records; uses equipment requiring minimal servicing; contacts with others are incidental to performance of duties; duties require employee to perform a multitude • of movements; work requires occasional contact with undesirable working conditions. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade; some positions may require a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned areas are kept clean and maintained properly; Meeting rooms are properly set up and cleaned in timely manner; Air conditioners, hot water heaters, boilers, and other units assigned are repaired, maintained, and operated properly and efficiently; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of methods, materials, and equipment used in janitorial work; Maintains knowledge of simple hand tools; Maintains good physical condition; Follows oral and written instructions; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, supervisors, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Custodian II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Operations Supervisor or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, supervises and participates in work involved with keeping buildings and sur- rounding grounds clean and orderly and in setting up and tearing down special structures and features for special civic center events. Work varies somewhat, and limited judgment is exercised, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs and leads others in set-ups, tear-downs and staffing of events and housekeeping; maintains cleanliness of surrounding prem- ises of building; operates forklifts, power tools and a variety of maintenance tools and equipment; assists operations supervisor with inventory control and timesheets for part-time employees; promotes good public relations with clients and visitors; performs minor maintenance on tools and equipment; performs some minor repair and improvement work, including carpentry and painting; may weld; assists building maintenance mechanics as needed; performs other duties as assigned. Posts records of own activities; oversees equipment requiring ser- vicing; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require moderate physical involvement; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads crews of part- time employees in variety of work assignments. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and two years of experience in custodial or building maintenance work; trained to operate a forklift. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Set-ups and tear-downs for all special events are accomplished efficiently and effectively and in a timely manner; Assigned meeting rooms, corridors and other areas are kept clean and orderly; Schedules of cleaning, repair and events preparation are maintained; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of methods, materials and equipment used in custodial work; Establishes and maintains effective work climate for subordinates and effective working relationships with all other employees, superiors and the public. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Electrician/Mechanic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Operations Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs work of considerable difficulty; makes various types of electrical instal- lations, maintenance and repairs; performs preventive maintenance, service and repair work of the heating, cooling and ventilation sys- tems; performs a variety of technical and mechanical installations and repairs involving stationary and mobile equipment. Works within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Serves as building electrician; services and maintains electrical equipment; maintains, repairs, modifies and makes additions to elec- trical, lighting, heating, cooling and ventilation systems; services and repairs kitchen equipment such as stove, refrigerator, ice ma- chine, dishwasher, garbage disposal; repairs cupboards and counters; performs carpentry work on building; performs timely service and pre- ventive maintenance checks; maintains complete, accurate and detailed records of all maintenance, service and repairs; assists with budget preparation; tests and insures proper operation of fire and trouble alarm systems, sprinkler systems and emergency power supply systems; assists in the service and maintenance of internal combustion equip- ment as directed by the Operations Supervisor; services and repairs kitchen equipment; makes building modifications as required; acts as backup liaison between the building and I.A.T.S.E. ; acts as backup liaison on staging matters between clients and the building; operates • equipment such as trucks, tractors, forklifts, air compressors, jack hammers, and scrubbers; assists in setting up and moving out events; works in close cooperation with the Stage Manager/Mechanic; removes snow; trims weeds; assists in other structural and mechanical repairs as directed by the Operations Supervisor; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; oversees equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position requires substantial contact with fellow employees; duties require substantial physical involvement in surroundings where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of experience in electrical and maintenance work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND .OUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates a working knowledge of electrical wiring, installations repair, maintenance of electrical motors, air conditioning, and general mechanical work; • Demonstrates a working knowledge of staging, including sound and lighting; Operates medium and light equipment in a safe and expeditious fashion. CLASS TITLE: Electrician/Mechanic Performs preventive maintenance on equipment in a timely fashion; • Plans for and budgets for maintenance needs; Properly carries out verbal and written directions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with peers, superiors , subordinates and the general public. SPECIAL REOUIREMENTS: Is licensed as a journeyman electrician and is qualified to obtain an industrial electrician certification; possesses a valid driver's license. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Equipment Maintenance Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Designated supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a variety of mechanical and electrical repair work to automotive and power equipment; carries out a preventive maintenance program. Work varies, moderate individual judgment exercised within prescribed standards and procedures allowing for some leeway for discretion. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of mechanical repairs to automotive and power equipment, including mowers, trucks, sweepers and golf carts; repairs electrical wiring; repacks wheel bearings; repairs hydraulic systems; installs clutches; installs snow plow equipment; repairs chain saws and weed eaters; repairs electrical and hydraulic systems on sweepers; repairs electrical and mechanical systems on mowers and golf carts; assists in maintenance and repair work in streets, grounds and courses; works in snow removal; fabricates special equipment and attachments to equipment involving some acetylene and electrical welding; plans and carries out a preventive maintenance program on automotive equipment; conducts tests of equipment; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of own activities; uses equipment requiring service and accountability; contacts with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; work is occasionally performed in undesirable physical conditions. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years mechanical experience; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Assigned repair and maintenance projects are conducted and completed in an effective and efficient manner; Preventive maintenance programs are planned and conducted in such a manner as to minimize costly repairs and breakdowns; Welding work is performed properly and according to approved safety standards and procedures; Inventories are maintained and accounted for as required; Is able to diagnose and troubleshoot minor motor and mechanical problems; Organizes and maintains shop records effectively; Maintains current knowledge of tools, equipment, and procedures used in the repair and adjustment of automotive and power equipment; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, users and supervisors. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Equipment Service Worker ACCOUNTABLE TO: Shop Foreman or other assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under close supervision, performs un- skilled and semi-skilled work servicing automotive, trucks, and equipment, and tire changing; assists in repair and maintenance of automotive and truck equipment. Procedures are well defined. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Repairs and changes tires; changes oil; checks equipment and auto- motive batteries, coolants, filters, and lubricants; sweeps and cleans garage and removes snow from premises; moves vehicles and equipment from place to place; observes and reports defective parts or operation of equipment serviced; assists in repair, maintenance, and overhaul of gasoline engines, transmissions, differentials, brakes, chassis, front ends, and other components of equipment and vehicles; washes vehicles; may assist in storm, snow, and flood duties; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares and maintains minimal records of own activities; respon- sible for overseeing equipment requiring minimal servicing; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; work requires occasional contact with dust, noise, poor lighting, hot or cold temperature extremes; hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None • EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and one year of experience in servicing of autos or automotive equipment; completion of an auto mechanic's course is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and improves knowledge of automotive and equipment ser- vicing practices, procedures, and techniques; Follows oral and written instructions properly; Maintains assigned areas in the shop as required; Equipment and materials responsible for are maintained and accounted for properly and as required; Work is accomplished thoroughly and timely; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers and superiors. Salina/91 111 CLASS TITLE: Landfill Attendant ACCOUNTABLE TO: Landfill Supervisor or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under supervision, records customers, determines and collects charges, and directs the unloading of refuse and garbage at the landfill . Limited judgment is exercised; oppor- tunity for discretion is limited and procedures well defined. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs trucks and vehicles to location at the landfill for unload- ing; assists in planning unloading for ease of unloading and to permit efficient covering of unloaded materials; directs unloading to segregate normal garbage and trash from timber and logs, other large items and hazardous waste; monitors landfills for fires and assists in extinguishing; cleans gate building and surrounding grounds; records and collects charges for unloading and accounts for same; issues receipts as required; reads scale meters and records weights of refuse coming to the landfill; performs clerical duties at entrance to landfill; prepares monthly summaries; maintains landfill users reports; opens up and locks gates; may write cita- tions for unsecured loads and littering; performs other duties as assigned. Maintains records of own and landfill activities; uses clerical equipment; handles small amounts of funds; position requires sub- stantial contact with public to perform assigned work; moderate physical effort is required; requires contact with undesirable • physical conditions in which dust, mud, pollution, heat and cold are encountered; hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of the eighth grade and some experience in keeping of simple records. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of the principles and practices of landfill operations; Practices and exhibits common sense and established safety proced- ures in directing of traffic and unloading of refuse; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Collects and accounts for funds and fees properly and efficiently; Efficiently and properly directs trucks and vehicles in the unloading of refuse and garbage; Establishes and maintains effective working relations with drivers, equipment operators, the public, and superiors. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Landfill Operator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Landfill supervisor or other supervisor as assigned. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, operates medium and heavy construction and maintenance equipment and performs skilled and semi-skilled work in the maintenance, construction, and operation of sanitary landfill and public works facilities and programs; ser- vices and makes minor repairs to equipment. Determines a sequence of operations, scheduling and layout. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates compactors, dozers, blades, front-end loaders, self-propel- led scrapers, and similar equipment at the sanitary landfill and in various assignments; performs manual labor; services equipment oper- ated; assists in planning fill cells; moves, levels and covers refuse at landfill; looks for and prevents hazardous waste from entering into landfill; removes tires from refuse; counts tires; mows grounds; maintains landfill roads; may fight fires at landfill; checks tires, oil, lubricant, water levels, lights, and fuel; washes and makes minor repairs to equipment operated; performs other duties as assigned. - Prepares minimal records of own activities; uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown and deterioration; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require sub- stantial physical involvement; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions in which extreme noise, pollution, • heat or cold, and dampness is encountered. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORE OF OTHERS: Occasionally leads other workers. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and three years of progressively responsible construction and maintenance work operating light and medium equipment including one year of experience operating heavy equipment; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned operation, construction, and maintenance tasks are performed and completed properly and efficiently; Equipment is operated safely and efficiently; Equipment is maintained and repaired properly; Applies knowledge of materials, equipment, tools, and techniques of maintenance and operation of the sanitary landfill; Follows oral and written instructions; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with unloaders, fellow employees, and supervisor; achieves high level of compliance with disposal regulations. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Maintenance Worker I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Unit head, lead worker, or foreman • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under close supervision, performs a vari- ety of unskilled and semi-skilled manual labor in the construction and maintenance of streets, sewers, water lines, parks, golf course, buildings, and other municipal facilities; occasionally drives truck and operates light equipment. Opportunity for discretion is limited and procedures are well defined. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates various types of trucks and light equipment; performs manual labor in the maintenance, repair, and minor construction of streets, alleys, parks, street signs and markings, traffic signals, electrical loops, building maintenance, and related facilities; may perform jani- torial tasks around plants and other public facilities; lubricates assigned plant equipment; maintains grounds in parks, golf courses, and around public buildings, including mowing, watering, weed cutting, snow and ice removal, planting, spraying, and other related activ- ities; assists in the installation and maintenance of sprinkler systems; maintains, trims, and removes plants, trees, shrubs, and flowers; removes stumps; maintains park and recreational facilities, including swimming pools, ponds, ball fields, golf course, and similar facilities; applies pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; greases and maintains pumps; records water levels; maintains and repairs flood control gates; maintains flood control system, water and sewer lines; lays and rakes asphalt; operates plate vibrator and tampers; cleans • restrooms, walks and parking areas; performs and assists in carpentry, concrete work, painting, and minor welding; trims and removes trees; responds to weather and other emergencies; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; responsible for equipment requiring minimal servicing; contacts with others are incidental to performance of duties and require only common courtesy and relaying information; duties require substantial physical involvement; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions in extreme noise, pollution, heat and cold, and dampness. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May act as lead worker for seasonal or new employees. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and one year of experience in construction or maintenance work; possession of a valid driver's license; some positions may require Class B or commercial license; some positions may require a pesticide license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Trucks and equipment are operated safely and effectively; Assigned construction, maintenance, and repair projects are performed properly and efficiently; Applies knowledge of the materials, equipment, safety procedures, and techniques of maintenance and construction; CLASS TITLE: Maintenance Worker I EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Is able to perform a variety of skilled and semi-skilled tasks in repair and maintenance of various types of equipment, structures, and facilities; Follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers and superiors. Salina/91 • • • CLASS TITLE: Maintenance Worker II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Foreman, lead worker, or assigned supervisor PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a var- iety of skilled and semi-skilled tasks in the maintenance, construc- tion, and repair of public work, sanitation, utilities, parks, ceme- tery, traffic control , flood control , public buildings, and equipment; operates light and medium equipment, street sweepers and heavy duty trucks. Work varies, individual judgment within prescribed standards and procedures is required; may schedule own work within established guidelines. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled work in the operation, repair, and maintenance of buildings, equipment, streets, parks, and/ or flood control facilities; operates and maintains light and medium equipment, including tandem trucks and other trucks over 2 1/2 ton capacity; loads and hauls equipment, sand and gravel, asphalt, and other construction and maintenance materials; operates street sweep- ers, back hoes, front end loaders, triple head flail mower, rollers, boom trucks, and related equipment; uses a variety of hand and power tools; assists in installing and maintaining electrical wiring for lights and electrical switches; performs minor welding; services and maintains flood control gates and pumps; opens and closes graves; resets head stones; mows and trims trees, grass, weeds, and shrubbery; installs and maintains irrigation systems; may perform some concrete work; services and performs minor repairs to equipment used; patches • streets; performs snow removal; assists in the maintenance of park and recreation facilities and equipment; may make plumbing repairs; per- forms other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; uses equipment to assure against breakdown or deterioration; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions of extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, and dampness; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties, requiring only common courtesy and relaying information. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May act as lead worker. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of the eighth grade plus two years of progressively responsible work in the construction, maintenance, and repair of public facilities, or similar activities, including the use of small trucks and light equipment; some positions of this class may require a pesticide license; possession of a valid driver's license; a commercial license may be required for some posi- tions in this class. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Assigned construction and maintenance tasks are performed and complet- ed properly and efficiently; • Equipment and trucks are operated safely and effectively; Equipment and trucks are maintained and repaired properly; Follows oral and written instructions effectively and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Maintenance Worker II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively communicates assignments and instructions to employees responsible for as a lead worker; Applies knowledge of materials, equipment, tools, and techniques of maintenance and construction; Establishes and maintains effective working relations with superiors, other employees, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Maintenance Worker III ACCOUNTABLE TO: Public Works Foreman or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, operates heavy and medium construction and maintenance equipment and large trucks; performs skilled work in the maintenance, construction, and operation of public works; services and makes repairs to equipment. Work varies, interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and proced- ures is required; adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates motor graders, earth scrapers, dozers, rollers, large front- end loaders, snow plows, sanders, asphalt lay-down machines, and similar equipment in various assignments; operates dump trucks; plows snow; flushes and sweeps streets; digs and backfills ditches; builds bridges; demolishes buildings; lubricates equipment operated; assists in maintenance of plant equipment; maintains roads and alleys; checks tires, oil , lubricant, water levels, lights, and fuel; washes and makes minor repairs to equipment operated; may weld materials; per- forms other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown and deterioration; contacts with others are incidental to performance of duties; duties involve sub- stantial physical involvement; work is frequently performed in unde- sirable physical conditions of extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, and dampness. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May serve as lead worker or assist new employees in routine work procedures. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and more than three years of progressively responsible experience in the operation of light and medium trucks and equipment and in construc- tion, maintenance, or related activities; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Assigned construction and maintenance projects are performed and com- pleted properly and efficiently; Trucks and equipment are operated safely and effectively and maintain- ed and repaired properly; Effectively communicates assignments and instructions to employees responsible for as lead worker; Applies knowledge of materials, equipment, safety, and techniques of maintenance and construction; Follows oral and written instructions effectively and efficiently; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers and superiors. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Mechanic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Shop supervisor or other assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a vari- ety of skilled mechanical repair work to gas and diesel powered and automotive equipment; carries out a preventive maintenance program. Work varies, moderate individual judgment exercised within prescribed standards and procedures; adjusts work methods to most task require- ments. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of skilled journeyman mechanical repairs to automo- tive and power equipment, including grinding valves and rocker arms; repairs starters, generators, and distributors; repairs and/or replaces i electronic components and controls; installs bearings, brushes, and clutches; repairs hydraulic systems and electrical wiring; replaces points, condensers, and backing plates; overhauls engines, carburetors, I brake cylinders, differentials, transmissions, pumps, and apparatus; repacks wheel bearings; fabricates special equipment and attachments to equipment involving some acetylene and electrical welding; plans and carries out a preventive maintenance program on automotive equipment; may perform body and fender repair and painting work; maintains small mower and other related equipment; repairs tires, changes oil and fil- ters; performs routine maintenance; conducts tests of equipment; main- tains an inventory of parts, tools, equipment, apparatus, and supplies used in the shop; some positions of this class may operate medium and heavy equipment; some may perform irrigation repair and mow grass and • fairways; performs other duties as assigned. Posts records of own activities; uses equipment requiring service and accountability; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties requiring courtesy and cooperation; duties require substantial physical involvement; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Normally, none; may lead helpers or seasonal workers, or be in charge in absence of supervisor. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an approved apprenticeship and two years of actual progressive responsible mechanical experience; possession of a valid commercial driver's license. Some positions of this class may require certification in repair of special equipment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned repair and maintenance projects are conducted and completed in an effective and efficient manner; Preventive maintenance programs are conducted in such a manner as to minimize costly repairs and breakdowns; • Welding work is performed properly and according to approved safety standards and procedures; Inventories are maintained and accounted for as required; organizes and maintains shop records effectively; CLASS TITLE: Mechanic EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Is able to diagnose and troubleshoot motor and mechanical problems; returns for repeat repair are few; supervises and instructs assigned personnel properly and as required; Maintains current knowledge of tools, equipment, and procedures used in the overhaul , repair, and adjustment of automotive and power equipment; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, users, and supervisors. Salina/91 • 1 • CLASS TITLE: Meter Reader ACCOUNTABLE TO: Meter Service Supervisor PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, reads utility meters and records and reports readings; connects and disconnects service. Works within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Reads commercial and residential water meters on assigned routes; records meter readings utilizing an automated recording system; main- tains accurate record of meters checked and readings taken; visually checks meter operations and connections; reports tampering or damage; notes readings which appear high or low; enters residences and busi- nesses to read inside meters; answers customers' questions; occasion- ally assists in delivering notices and mail to post office; may assist in repairing services; turns services on and off; performs other duties as assigned. Posts prepared data; oversees equipment needing minimal servicing; position requires substantial contacts with the public; requires considerable walking and stooping and limited climbing to read meters; work involves moderate physical effort and is performed outdoors in various weather conditions; hazards such as dog attacks require constant alertness and care. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None. • EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Is accurate in reading and recording meter numbers and readings; Effectively carries out written and oral instructions; Makes arithmetic calculations rapidly and accurately; Works independently and completes assigned routes on schedule; Is knowledgeable or learns quickly of territory and meter locations; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public and co-workers. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Meter Service Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Foreman or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs tech- nical work in the installation, maintenance, and testing of water meters and special servicing of customer accounts. Works within prescribed standards and procedures, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs installation, change-outs, removal , maintenance, reading, and testing of water meters, remote readers, and in maintaining records of location, issuance, return, and inventory of meters; inventories and orders parts; tests and repairs meters; helps establish and implement a program of meter rotation, maintenance, and testing; records all water service calls daily; records meter changes. Designates new construction meter sizes and types; inspects meter settings; works with customer and Meter Readers to locate and solve problems with meter services; turns services on and off; may answer phone and radio in water plant; investigates customer complaints and recommends corrective action; may respond to emergency calls and as- sists with main breaks, service line and hydrant repair and installa- tion; may operate a back hoe and loader; may assist in water treatment plant; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; responsible for equipment • requiring minimal servicing; position requires substantial contact with fellow employees and the public; requires employee to perform a multitude of movements in which moderate physical effort is required; work requires occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and minor hazards. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of progressively responsible experience in water system maintenance and repair work; possession of a valid driver's license, and certified in cross connection control. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently assists in scheduling, supervising, and performance of meter installations, change-outs, removals, maintenance and testings; Maintains records and prepares routine reports in an orderly, accurate and efficient manner; Assists in conducting an efficient and effective preventive mainten- ance program; • Deals tactfully with customers and the public in providing requested information and handling complaints; Effectively handles all complaints received; CLASS TITLE: Meter Service Technician EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Enforces regulations and rules effectively and properly; Effectively repairs and replaces water mains, services lines and fire hydrants; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles, practices, and operation of metering and the current methods, equipment, mater- ials and tools used in testing, and the repair of water meters; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Plant Maintenance Mechanic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Water Plant Supervisor 411PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs and leads others in a variety of skilled and semi-skilled mechanical repair work to plant and power equipment and carries out a preventive maintenance program; performs plant operator's duties. Performs work of some complexity, determining a sequence of operations and scheduling. MJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs and leads others in journeyman level skilled and semi-skilled mechanical repairs to plant and power equipment, including pumps, tele- meters, motors, boosters, substations, river stations, pump stations, air compressors, filter buildings, boilers, gear boxes, heaters, chemi- cal feeders, mixers, screens, mowers, and other equipment and related apparatus; installs bearings and brushes; replaces bearings; maintains some laboratory equipment; maintains and replaces filters and valves; plans and lays out work assignments for assigned personnel; performs plumbing, pipefitting, carpentry, painting, and related duties; per- forms plant operator's duties; plans and carries out a preventive main- tenance program on equipment; handles and transports chemicals; requi- sitions, schedules, and assigns equipment to projects as required; reads and interprets manuals and blueprints; may fabricate special equipment and attachments to equipment, involving acetylene and elec- trical welding; uses and fabricates special tools; operates equipment as required to complete assigned project; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares records of own activities; supervises and uses materials and equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with other employees is incidental to performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of plant operators. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to completion of high school with vocational training and growth resulting in knowledge of plant equip- ment repair, plus two years of experience in plant mechanical repairs and maintenance; ability to obtain a State Class I Water Treatment Plant Operators Certificate within one year of appointment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned plant and related equipment are maintained and repaired properly and effectively; Maintains and conducts an effective and efficient preventive maintenance program; • Materials and equipment responsible for are properly maintained and accounted for; Maintains and improves knowledge of tools, equipment, and procedures used in the overhaul, repair, and adjustment of plant and power equipment; CLASS TITLE: Plant Maintenance Mechanic • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Follows oral and written instructions; Effectively fabricates, using lathe and other devices; accurately diagnoses motor, electronic and mechanical troubles; Effectively leads assigned personnel ; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers, superiors and subordinates. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Sanitation Driver ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sanitation Superintendent 41/ PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a vari- ety of skilled and semi-skilled manual labor in the proficient operation of sanitation collection equipment; operates light and medium equipment and heavy duty trucks, including one-person refuse packers on a regular basis. Work varies, limited judgment within prescribed standards and procedures is required; adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of skilled and semi-skilled work in the proficient operation of equipment used for refuse collection; operates rear load packers; may operate a brush truck and related equipment; drives and loads refuse collection trucks; loads and hauls refuse; performs minor repairs to equipment used; changes tires greases equipment; washes and cleans trucks; inspects for broken parts or cracked welds; replaces worn out bins; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; supervises and uses equip- ment or materials requiring care to assure against breakdown; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties, requiring common courtesy and relating information; duties involve substantial physical involvement; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions of extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, and dampness. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Acts as lead worker of • sanitation workers. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and two years of responsible experience in the operation of refuse packers or other medium equipment in construction, maintenance, or related activ- ities. Possession of a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned route and special pick ups are performed properly and effi- ciently; few call-backs for missed collections occur; Trucks and equipment are operated safely and effectively; Equipment and trucks are maintained and repaired properly; Effectively communicates assignments and instructions to employees responsible for as lead worker; Applies knowledge of safety to lifting and to driving; Follows oral and written instructions effectively and efficiently; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other • employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Sanitation Worker ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sanitation Superintendent or driver • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under close supervision, performs man- ual labor in the collection of solid waste. Follows instructions; procedures are well defined; may make suggestions for work improve- ment. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Loads sanitation trucks; dumps refuse carts; removes debris and trash from alley and streetways; maintains landfill sites; cleans and services trucks and equipment as required; repairs refuse carts; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; uses equipment that is not easily damaged; contact with others is incidental to perfor- mance of duties and requires only common courtesy and in relaying of information; duties involve difficult physical work requiring continuous lifting, frequently involving extreme weights (45 lbs. and up) ; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical con- ditions in extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, and dampness. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of the eighth grade and some experience in manual labor work. • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Equipment is cleaned, operated and maintained safely and effec- tively; Applies knowledge of safety in grasping and lifting; Is able to perform a variety of semi-skilled tasks in repair and maintenance of various types of equipment; Follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Sanitation Worker/Driver ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sanitation Superintendent or Driver • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs manual labor in the collection of refuse; operates medium equipment and heavy duty trucks, including refuse packers as a relief and fill-in driver when assigned. Work varies, limited judgment within prescribed stan- dards and procedures is required; adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of labor and semi-skilled work in refuse collection and disposal; operates and maintains light and medium equipment in- cluding refuse trucks and other trucks over 2 1/2 T. capacity; loads and hauls refuse on a route and for special pick ups; dumps refuse carts; lifts heavy cans of refuse; picks up brush with brush truck; makes special pick ups for discarded furniture and other refuse; keeps track of time for billing customers; checks oil; washes trucks; per- forms minor repairs to equipment used; cleans inside of garage; makes repairs to refuse carts; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares minimal records of own activities; supervises and uses equip- ment or materials requiring care to assure against breakdown; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties, requiring common courtesy and relating information; performs difficult physical work; work is frequently performed in undesirable physical conditions of extreme noise, pollution, heat or cold, and dampness. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May act as lead worker of seasonal employees or regular helper. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of eighth grade and one year of responsible experience as a sanitation worker or in the operation of small trucks and light equipment in construction, main- tenance, or related activities plus a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned route and special pick ups are performed properly and effi- ciently; call-backs for missed pick-ups are rare; Trucks and equipment are operated safely and effectively; Equipment and trucks are maintained and repaired properly; Effectively communicates assignments and instructions to employees responsible for when serving as lead worker; Applies knowledge of safety as applied to lifting and driving; • Follows oral and written instructions effectively and efficiently; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, customers, and the public. Salina/91 I I CLASS TITLg: Staging Coordinator/Mechanic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Operations Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, is responsible for the inventory, care, maintenance and operation of all production equipment including staging, sound, lighting and audiovisual; coordi- nates staging requirements between the building, clients and IATSE; performs a variety of technical and mechanical installations and repairs involving stationary and mobile equipment; serves as Assistant Electrician. Adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Maintains inventory and repairs staging and stage related equipment, including chair risers, portable staging, theatrical equipment and sup- plies, pianos, audiovisual equipment, public address systems and stage lighting; performs timely service and preventive maintenance checks; maintains complete, accurate and detailed records of all maintenance, service and repairs; assists with equipment move in; monitors events; implements safety procedures as required; acts as primary liaison be- tween building and International Association of Theatrical and Stage Employees; acts as primary liaison on staging matters between clients and the building; submits proposals for new equipment and for special projects; performs work on sound equipment, radios, controls, lighting, air conditioning, electrical outlets and other equipment; performs other technical, maintenance and event servicing as deemed necessary by the Operations Manager; assists with setting up for events; assists in the servicing and maintenance of internal combustion equipment as di- rected by the Operations Manager; works in close cooperation with the • Electrician/Mechanic; assists in other structure and mechanical repair as directed by the Operations Manager; performs or coordinates tele- phone installations, removal and maintenance including both permanent and temporary lines and instruments; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; oversees equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contacts with employees and the public is frequent; duties require substantial physical involvement where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience with entertainment sound and lighting. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Utilizes knowledge of sound, lighting, and stage equipment to diagnose malfunctions and to produce desired effects; meets clients/ sound, lighting and audio visual requirements as desired; Operates light and medium equipment in a safe and expeditious manner; Performs carpentry and mechanical repair and installation duties in a • timely and expeditious fashion; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with peers, superiors, subordinates and the general public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Traffic Controls Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Traffic Maintenance Supervisor . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs skilled and semi-skilled work in the construction, installation, maintenance, and repair of traffic control devices, transformers, switches, and related electronic control equipment as assigned; makes up and installs traffic control signs; inventories and accounts for damaged signs. Work varies, requiring individual judgment within prescribed standards and procedures, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists in the construction, installation, troubleshooting, mainten- ance, and the repair of traffic control and signal systems, including setting posts, poles and signs, painting markings and signs, instal- ling and repairing signal heads, controllers, telemetry systems, opti- coms, microprocessors, photoelectric systems, and related equipment; locates ground trouble in traffic signal systems; inspects signals, replaces burned-out lamps, broken cover plates, sign glass and reflec- tors; welds; investigates complaints of malfunctioning traffic control devices and other electrical equipment as assigned; paints cross-walks and curbs; operates light and medium equipment and trucks; may assist other sections or departments; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of own activities; uses equipment and materials requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; position • requires substantial contact with fellow employees and the public; duties require substantial physical involvement; work is occasionally performed in undesirable physical conditions and where proper use of safety equipment and procedures is required to prevent possible injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Acts as lead worker when helpers are assigned. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus three years of experience in related work; college-level course- work or vocational training in electronic work is desirable; valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS:. Installation, repair, and maintenance of traffic control signals, devices, markings, and street lights are performed effectively and efficiently; Troubleshoots electrical problems and remedies effectively and effi- ciently; Receives and handles complaints tactfully and effectively; • Repairs and maintains all assigned electrical equipment effectively and efficiently; Maintains and applies working knowledge of current construction and operations of traffic signal devices; it CLASS TITLE: Traffic Controls Technician • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and applies some knowledge of the current theories and prin- ciples of electronic and traffic control principles; Reads plans and specifications for new and existing electrical instal- lations accurately and properly; Assigned construction and maintenance tasks are performed and com- pleted properly and efficiently; Equipment and trucks are operated safely and effectively; Effectively communicates assignments and instructions to employees for whom responsible as lead worker; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with con- tractors, fellow employees, superiors, and the general public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Utilities Maintenance Worker I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Utilities Maintenance Worker II , Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor, or assigned supervisor. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs a vari- ety of semi-skilled and skilled labor in the maintenance and operation of wells, water plant, distribution and transmission, and the sewer system including repairs to booster and sewer lift stations; operates light and medium trucks. Work varies somewhat with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates a back hoe, pickup, jackhammer, pipe saw, front-end loader, tanker, tapping machine, and other equipment in tapping water lines, installing new and repairing existing water and sewer mains, manholes, hydrants and related work; operates sewer jet rodding machine and relat- ed equipment in cleaning and opening sewer lines; adjusts manhole and valve covers; takes water samples; maintains and repairs water pumps, motors, controls, and chlorinators; changes chlorine bottles; maintains and repairs lift and booster stations, including motors, pumps, controls and valves; performs minor electrical maintenance and repairs; performs minor automotive repairs; performs in the construction and maintenance of city buildings and facilities; assists in repairs to water and waste- water plant equipment as rotors, screw lifts, and clarifiers; performs minor plumbing repairs of city facilities; cleans, paints, mows and trims grass; cleans wetwells; will work some weekends, holidays, and responds to after hour calls; performs other duties as assigned. • Posts prepared data and records of own activities; uses and monitors equipment requiring servicing; contacts with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; work requires occasional contact with dust, hot and cold temperature extremes and odors; hazards require constant safety consideration. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of experience in water or sewer maintenance or related work; possession of a valid driver's or commercial license as required. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Trucks and equipment are operated safely and effectively; they are properly maintained; Assigned work and maintenance projects are performed properly and efficiently; follows oral and written instructions; Applies knowledge of the materials, equipment, and techniques of oper- ation and maintenance and of water and sewer operation; Meter, gauge, and similar readings and compilations are accurate; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLZ: Utilities Maintenance Worker II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Water Distribution or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs and leads other workers engaged in a wide variety of work involving the operation and maintenance of water systems, including wells, pumps, and storage facilities and services. Work varies requiring inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Schedules, assigns, leads and performs and inspects work on water mains, services and appurtenances; occasionally works on sewer force mains; investigates and repairs water leaks; inspects and greases pumps; changes packing as needed; changes charts at well houses; records chlorine usage; supervises and performs water turn-ons and turn-offs; installs, replaces, and repairs water mains, valves, meter boxes, hydrants, wells, and other appurtenances; locates lines and services for contractor; takes water samples for testing; checks flow; makes taps in water mains; maintains inventory of tools, equipment and supplies; protects meters from freezing; reads meters; changes and repairs meters; takes water samples; performs preventive and some corrective maintenance of backhoes and vehicles; prepares monthly and annual reports; removes snow; hauls materials; prevents hydrants from freezing; assists citizens with complaints; serves on-call duty on a rotating basis; performs other duties as required. Initiates operational and unit records; responsible for overseeing • materials or equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; contact with others is incidental to the performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; work is performed in occa- sional contact with undesirable physical conditions, hazards require safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Assists new employees and may lead other worker. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus three years of experience as a utilities maintenance worker and in light equipment operation in water facilities; certified as a Class I Water System Operator; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Assigned personnel are supervised and assigned work is performed effectively and efficiently; Follows instructions properly and in an orderly manner; Few complaints are received regarding work of staff supervised; Fairly and effectively evaluates performance of employees; • Establishes and enforces appropriate safety practices; Develops proper attitudes in employees, and motivates them to high productivity; CLASS TITLE: Utilities Maintenance Worker II drAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains knowledge of current methods and equipment common to labor and maintenance and construction of utilities and related activities; Maintains knowledge of the current operation and maintenance of light to medium equipment; Maintains knowledge of current practices and methods of work sched- uling; Operates and oversees light and medium equipment and trucks properly, safely, and efficiently; Maintains good working relationships with employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Operator I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Plant Supervisor or Chief Operator • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs semi- skilled work in the operation of wastewater pumping stations and treatment plant and related equipment and makes mechanical repairs and adjustments to equipment as required. Work varies, requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Works on a shift and inspects and operates electrical control boards, motors, pumps, meters, chemical feeders, and related equipment; cal- culates dosage and adds chemicals to system in accordance with pre- scribed standards of the laboratory; operates, lubricates, and ad- justs pumps and machinery; performs plant mechanical work; maintains pumps and bearings; regulates valves and observes flow dials; keeps daily log of shift operations; reads gauges and records information shown; draws samples for laboratory tests and analyses; conducts visual inspections of working apparatus and grounds performing pre- ventive maintenance on equipment; inspects and maintains pump sta- tions and sewerage system; operates trucks, loaders and backhoes; performs custodial work in the cleaning and maintenance of equipment and facilities; trains new operators; starts and stops pumps; re- ceives and handles complaints; changes chemical tanks; assists mechanics in maintenance programs; records weather conditions; makes routine chemical analyses of samples; conducts tours of visitors to the plant; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates routine operational and unit records and prepares tabula- tions and summaries; oversees and uses equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require substantial physical involvement; duties require work to be performed in undesirable physical conditions; hazards require care and use of proper safety equipment and procedure to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school; ability to obtain a State Class I Certification after one year of experience; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Chemical dosages are accurately calculated and added; exercises pro- per judgment in operating and chemical dosage decisions; Treated water or wastewater is produced at or above required levels; and to standards; Plant and related equipment are maintained and operated efficiently; • Records are prepared and maintained according to required procedures and standards; Reads meters and charts accurately and maintains legible routine records of shift operations; CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Operator I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing re- quirements of mechanical equipment and machinery, and of the treatment processes involved in the pumping and purification of water or waste- water including some chemical tests; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers and superiors. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Operator iI ACCOUNTABLE TO: Plant Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs skilled work in the operation of wastewater pumping stations and treatment plants and related equipment; makes minor repairs and adjustments to equipment as required. Work varies, requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Works on a shift and inspects and operates electrical control boards, motors, pumps, meters, clarifiers, and related equipment; calculates dosage and adjusts treatment in accordance with prescribed standards of the laboratory; operates, oils, and adjusts pumps and machinery; regulates valves and observes flow dials; keeps daily log of shift operations; reads gauges and records information shown; draws samples of water or wastewater for laboratory test and analysis; conducts visual inspections of working apparatus and grounds performing preven- tive maintenance on equipment; inspects and maintains pump stations and sewerage system; operates trucks, loaders and backhoes; performs custodial work in the cleaning and maintenance of equipment, facili- ties, and grounds; trains new operators; starts and stops pumps; receives and handles complaints; assists mechanics in maintenance programs; may perform welding; records weather conditions; makes routine chemical analyses of wastewater samples; cleans sludge beds; conducts tours of visitors to the plant; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates routine operational and unit records and prepares tabula- tions and summaries; oversees and uses equipment or material requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties, requires only common courtesy and relaying of information; employee performs a multitude of move- ments in which a moderate physical effort is required; occasionally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May lead Wastewater Plant Operators I, seasonal or new employees in routine work proced- ures. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , two years of experience with plant or pump operations and maintenance, including one year as a Wastewater Plant Operator I; possession of Class II Treatment Plant Operator's Certificate; possession of a valid driver's license. ,EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Chemical dosages are accurately calculated and added; 5 Treated water or wastewater is produced at or above required levels and to standards; Plant and related equipment are maintained and operated efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Operator II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Records are prepared and maintained according to required procedures and standards; Exercises proper judgment in operating and chemical dosage decisions; Reads meters and charts accurately and maintains legible routine records of shift operations; Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing re- quirements of mechanical equipment and machinery and of the treatment processes involved in the pumping and purification or treatment of water or wastewater, including some chemical tests; Understands and follows oral or written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees and superiors. Salina/91 S CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Operator I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Plant Supervisor or Chief Operator • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs semi- skilled work in the operation of water softening, purification, treatment plant and related equipment and makes minor repairs and adjustments to equipment as required. Work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Works on a shift and inspects and operates electrical control boards, motors, pumps, meters, chemical feeders, and related equipment; con- trols pressure and flow of water in the distribution systems from telemetering data; maintains steady pressure; calculates dosage and adds chemicals to system in accordance with prescribed standards of the laboratory; backwashes filters; operates, oils, and adjusts pumps and machinery; regulates valves and observes flow dials; keeps daily log of shift operations; reads gauges and records information shown; draws samples for laboratory test and analysis; conducts visual in- spections of working apparatus and grounds performing preventive maintenance on equipment; performs custodial work in the cleaning and maintenance of equipment and facilities; starts and stops pumps; receives and handles complaints; changes chemical tanks; assists mechanics in maintenance programs; makes routine chemical analyses of samples; conducts tours of visitors to the plant; can be called out to plant and for main breaks; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates routine operational and unit records; oversees and uses equipment or material requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties; position requires employee to perform a multitude of move- ments in which a moderate physical effort is required; occasionally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equip- ment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with coursework in chemistry and biology; must obtain Class I Water Plant Operator Certification within one year of appointment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Chemical dosages are accurately calculated and added; Treated water is produced at or above required levels and to stan- dards; Plant and related equipment are maintained and operated efficiently; • Records are prepared and maintained according to required procedures and standards; Reads meters and charts accurately and maintains legible routine records of shift operations; • CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Operator I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Exercises proper judgment in operating and chemical dosage decisions; Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing re- quirements of mechanical equipment and machinery and of the treatment processes involved in the pumping and purification of water, includ- ing some chemical tests; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow workers, superiors and the general public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Operator II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Plant Supervisor or Chief Operator • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs skilled work in the operation of a water purification treatment and pumping plant, and makes minor repairs and adjustments to equipment as required. Work varies, requires significant interpretative judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Works on a shift and inspects and operates electrical control boards, motors, pumps, meters, chemical feeders, and related equipment; observes pressure and flow in the collection or distribution system from telemetering data; maintains steady pressure; calculates dosage and adds chemicals to treatment system in accordance with prescribed standards of the laboratory; back washes filters; operates, oils, and adjusts pumps and machinery; regulates valves and observes flow dials; keeps daily log of shift operations; reads gauges and records informa- tion shown; draws samples of water for laboratory test and analysis; performs some laboratory tests, conducts visual inspections of working apparatus and grounds performing preventive maintenance on equipment; performs custodial work in the cleaning and maintenance of equipment, facilities, and grounds; trains new operators; starts and stops pumps; receives and handles complaints; changes chemical tanks; assists mechanics in maintenance programs; records weather conditions; makes routine chemical analyses of water samples; conducts tours of visitors to the plant; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates routine operational and unit records; oversees and uses equipment or material requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties, requiring common courtesy and relaying of information; per- forms a multitude of movements requiring moderate physical effort; occasionally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads Water Plant operators I in routine work procedures on a shift or as assigned. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , two years of experience with plant or pump operations and maintenance, including one year as a Water Plant Operator I; possession of Class III Water Plant Operator's certificate, and a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Chemical dosages are accurately calculated and added; Treated water is produced at or above required levels and to stan- dards; • Plant and related equipment are maintained and operated efficiently; Records are prepared and maintained according to required procedures and standards; CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Operator II 40 EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Exercises proper judgment in operating and chemical dosage decisions; Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing re- quirements of mechanical equipment and machinery and of the treatment processes involved in the pumping and purification of treatment of water, including some chemical tests; Reads meters and charts accurately and maintains legible routine records of shift operations; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors and subordinates. Salina/91 41, PUBLIC SAFETY AND RELATED CLASSES Firefighter/EMT Firefighter/EMTA Firefighter/Paramedic Fire Engineer/EMT Fire Lieutenant Fire Marshal Fire Division Chief Deputy Fire Chief Fire Inspector EMS Lieutenant Police Officer I Police Officer II Police Sergeant Police Lieutenant Police Captain • Assistant Police Chief • CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Lieutenant/Emergency Medical Technician or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, responds to fire alarms and other emergency calls to protect life and property; trains in firefighting and related subjects; gives basic life support care to sick or injured persons; participates in fire prevention programs, including inspections, station maintenance and training activities. Works within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Responds to alarms and assists in the suppression of fires, including rescue, entry, ventilation and salvage work; occasionally operates equipment as required and otherwise assists in the protection of lives and property; responds to hazardous materials incidents and performs duties required under operational-level training; attends training classes in firefighting, emergency medical services and handling of hazardous materials; operates resuscitators and administers first aid; assists paramedics; removes persons from danger; provides basic life support to ill or injured persons until relieved of responsibility by higher medical authority; assists in operating apparatus to suppress fire and conduct lifesaving and rescue activities; lays line and makes connection with hydrants; holds hoses and nozzles and directs fog or water streams; uses extinguishers, bars, hooks, lines and other equip- ment; raises and climbs ladders; ventilates buildings; participates in drills and exercises; maintains department apparatus and equipment, including routine maintenance of vehicles; participates in cleaning and • maintenance of stations and premises; participates in EMT and fire classes and drills; studies assigned materials and manuals; assists in training of new personnel; maintains good physical condition; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of own activities; occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses equipment re- quiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; position re- quires substantial contact with the public and fellow employees; duties occasionally require substantial physical effort; duties require occa- sional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requir- ing constant safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: No supervisory responsi- bility. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school; must pass a physical and other tests as required by the city; must be a certified Emergency Medical Technician in the State of Kansas or become one within the first year of employment; possession of a valid driver's license; must be able to become certified as a Firefigher I within six months and a Firefighter II within two years of appointment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: • Responds to alarms and fire promptly, efficiently and effectively; Performs proper and effective fire suppression and rescue work; CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Administers first aid, resuscitation and other emergency medical treat- ment properly and effectively, as required by circumstances and within boundaries of responsibility; Effectively maintains and tests equipment, apparatus, stations and vehicles as assigned; Maintains good physical condition and agility; Attends training sessions regularly and applies knowledge and skills gained in the field; makes progress towards prescribed firefighter, certification levels; Maintains and applies knowledge of current elementary physics, chemistry and mechanics; Gains, maintains and applies knowledge of current technical firefighting and emergency medical treatment; Understands and follows properly and efficiently oral and written in- structions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician-Ambulance ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Lieutenant, Paramedic or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs work of moderate difficulty in fire suppression, emergency medical services, fire prevention activities, hazardous materials, and does maintenance work on fire department property and equipment; is assigned to regularly respond on an ambulance to accident and injury scene; performs EMS duties in application and use of equipment. Works within prescribed standards and procedures; adjusts work methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Responds to alarms of fires and medical emergencies, hazardous material, and other emergencies with a pumper, ladder or rescue company or ambu- lance or haz-mat vehicle; serves in ambulance service for periods of time on a rotating basis; lays and connects hoses; holds nozzles and directs fog or water streams; raises and climbs ladders; uses chemical extinguishers, bars, hooks, lines and other equipment; ventilates burn- ing buildings by opening windows and skylights or by cutting holes in roofs, and by using Positive Pressure Ventilation; extricates victims and removes persons from danger; performs salvage operations such as throwing salvage covers, sweeping water and removing debris; performs EMS duties under varying degrees of supervision; is responsible for checking vehicles and equipment and for carrying out "Basic Life Sup- port" and assisting paramedics with "Advanced Life Support" therapies such as putting ECG monitor of patients; setting up IV supplies; res- ponds to a variety of calls of an emergency nature requiring the perfor- mance of light and heavy rescue activities and high angle rescue, water • rescue; auto extrication; administration of oxygen, CPR, and operating various equipment used in rescue operations; participates in fire drills and attends regular classes in firefighting, rescue, EMS, fire preven- tion, hazardous materials, first responder, apparatus maintenance and care, and related subjects; progresses in firefighting certification levels; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of own activities; occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; position requires substantial contact with the public and fellow employees; duties occasionally require substantial physical effort; duties require occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requiring constant safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and one year of experience as a firefighter/EMT; annually qualifies as a Kansas Certified Emergency Medical Technician; certified as a Firefighter I and II and carries other certifications as required by the department. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Responds to alarms and fire promptly, efficiently and effectively; Administers first aid and emergency medical treatment properly and effectively; effectively assists paramedics in advanced life support and fracture and spinal stabilization therapies; CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Emergency Medical Technician-Ambulance EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Performs proper and effective fire suppression and rescue work; Effectively maintains and tests equipment, apparatus, stations and vehicles as assigned; Maintains good physical conditioning and agility; Attends training sessions regularly and applies knowledge and skills gained in the field; makes progress toward prescribed firefighter certification levels; Maintains and applies knowledge of current elementary physics, chemistry and mechanics; Maintains and applies knowledge of current technical firefighting and emergency medical treatment; Understands and follows properly and efficiently oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, patients, superiors and the public. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Paramedic ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Lieutenant/Paramedic • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, provides advanced life support services and renders medical treatment in emergency situ- ations; engages in fire suppression and fire prevention activities to protect and safeguard lives and property. Work varies, requiring inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures with signif- icant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Responds to alarms of fire and EMS emergencies with a pumper, ambulance, ladder or rescue company; renders emergency care to the sick or injured, accompanying patient to hospital; performs appropriate assessment to include the establishment of immediate priorities of treatment for mul- tiple emergency victims, including history taking and physical examina- tion using inspection, palpation, auscultation, evaluation of neurologi- cal status, and gathering of vital signs; recognizes and gives appro- priate pre-hospital advanced life support intervention of medical and traumatic emergencies; checks all medications for clearness and to see if out of date; lays and connects hose, holds nozzles and directs fog or water streams; responds to hazardous material incidents; raises and climbs ladders; uses chemical extinguishers, bars, hooks, lines and other equipment; ventilates burning building; removes persons from danger; performs salvage operations; assists in training new paramedics; completes patient report and billing forms; responds to a variety of calls of an emergency nature requiring the performance of basic and advanced life support; performs light and heavy duty rescue activities using various equipment; participates in EMS and fire drills, attends regular classes in firefighting, EMT, MICT, rescue, fire prevention, equipment maintenance and related subjects; studies all assigned material; performs other duties as assigned. Posts prepared data and records of own activities; works regularly with information which is generally limited; uses equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; contact with employees and public is frequent and involves communication of complex information in stressful situations; work occasionally requires substantial physical effort; duties require occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requiring constant safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: No supervisory responsi- bility as a regular assignment; may temporarily supervise Emergency Medical Services Team while on emergency calls, as assigned. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school; must pass a physical examination, a physical agility test, a written test and other tests as required by the city; must complete all firefighter training and MICT programs, and two years of experience as a Fire- fighter; must maintain annual MICT certification. CLASS TITLE: Firefighter/Paramedic . BXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Responds to medical emergency calls promptly, efficiently, and effec- tively; Administers first aid, resuscitation and other emergency medical treat- ment properly and effectively; takes vital signs completely and accur- ately; completes patient reports fully and accurately; Responds to fire alarms promptly, efficiently and effectively, as assigned; Effectively maintains and tests equipment, apparatus and stations, as assigned; Maintains good physical condition and agility; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, hospital and medical workers and professionals, and other employees. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Fire Engineer/Emergency Medical Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Lieutenant/Emergency Medical Technician or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, drives emergency vehicles and operates all kinds of fire and emergency apparatus and equipment to protect lives and property; gives basic life support care to sick or injured persons; participates in fire prevention programs, including inspections, station maintenance and training activities. Works within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: As first responder, responds to alarms, medical emergencies, and hazar- dous material emergencies by driving a pumper, ladder or rescue truck to the scene; extricates victims; removes persons from danger; responds to hazardous materials incidents and performs duties required under opera- tional-level training; attends training classes in handling of hazardous materials; operates resuscitators and administers first aid; provides basic life support to ill or injured persons until relieved of responsi- bility by higher medical authority; operates apparatus and pumps water from a tank or hydrant into hose lines, sprinkler systems, standpipes or aerial ladders; monitors gauges and adjusts pressures as required; oper- ates apparatus to suppress fire and conduct lifesaving and rescue opera- tions; maintains department vehicles by checking the water, oil and fuel levels, the radio, tires, lights and other equipment; makes minor repairs on apparatus and equipment; operates aerial ladder trucks and related apparatus; participates in cleaning and maintaining stations and premises; performs assigned inspections of structures for compliance • with fire prevention ordinances; participates in EMT and fire and related classes and drills; may drive ambulances to transport patients; maintains good physical condition; assists in training of new personnel; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of own activities; at times works with information re- stricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses equipment requir- ing care to ensure against breakdown or deterioration; has substantial contact with fellow employees and public; duties occasionally require substantial physical effort; duties require occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requiring constant safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May lead firefighters under supervision or serve as company leader in absence of Fire Lieutenant/EMT. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years as a firefighter; completion of the EMT and required fire- fighter training programs; possession of a Class "B" driver's license; must be certified as a driver-engineer and maintain annual EMT certif- ication. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIF CATIONS: • Responds to fire alarms and medical emergencies promptly, efficiently and effectively; Performs proper and effective fire suppression and rescue work; CLASS TITLE: Fire Engineer/Emergency Medical Technician EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Performs proper and effective driving and operation of all vehicles, equipment and apparatus; Administers first aid, resuscitation and other emergency medical treatment properly and effectively, as required by circumstances and within boundaries of medical responsibility; Effectively maintains and tests equipment, apparatus, stations and vehicles as assigned; Maintains good physical condition and agility; Attends training sessions regularly and applies knowledge and skills gained in the field; i' it Maintains and applies knowledge of current elementary physics, chemistry and mechanics; Maintains and applies knowledge of current technical firefighting, emergency medical treatment and hazardous materials; Understands and follows properly and efficiently oral and written instructions; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Fire Lieutenant ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Division Chief or assigned supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, serves as a com- pany or station commander and administers assigned duties in fire pre- vention and suppression, emergency medical services, hazardous materials ' and first responder services. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs, supervises, reviews, and performs in activities of firefighter personnel performing fire inspections and prevention, fire fighting, first aid, rescue, and hazardous material response; directs fire fight- ing activities in absence from the scene of higher or command officer; recommends to superiors in matters of rules, budget, personnel , appa- ratus, equipment, and regulations; supervises tests of equipment hose and apparatus; refills extinguishers; inspects quarters, personnel, and equipment; checks apparatus and ambulances for condition and inventory of supplies and equipment; supervises a hazardous materials program; participates and instructs in training program; supervises the records and reporting system; attends meetings and drills and trains personnel; responds to hazardous materials incidents and supervises handling of incident under operational-level training; takes command until arrival of an officer of higher ranking; responds to emergency calls when off duty; receives and channels reports and communications to superiors; assumes responsibility for the fire fighting, training, or maintenance as assigned by superiors; performs fire inspection activities and pro- grams; provides basic life support to ill or injured persons until relieved of responsibility by higher medical authority; attends EMT and other training classes to update and maintain high level of knowledge and skill; makes presentations to groups; investigates fire scenes for causes and arson; assists in pre-fire and pre-hazardous materials spill planning; carries out special assignments; maintains physical strength and agility; may evaluate employee's performance; conducts tours of station; performs firefighter duties; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; occasionally works with informa- tion restricted to specific persons for a limited time; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or damage and to maintain accountability; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; position requires substantial physical involvement and occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requiring constant safety considerations. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of personnel on an assigned shift, station, or at scenes of emergencies. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of advanced in-service training and four years of progres- sively responsible firefighting experience; completion of EMT training and annual EMT certification; possession of a valid Class B driver's license; NFPA certified as a Fire Fighter III, as a fire officer within • one year of appointment, and in First Responder; an associate degree in fire science is desirable. CLASS TITLE: Fire Lieutenant • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs, and supervises the activ- ities of assigned station and shift; Effectively and properly directs fire fighting and haz mat activities at the scene as required; Properly and effectively performs and supervises testing and maintenance of apparatus, equipment, hose, hydrants, and buildings; Effectively conducts and administers inspection programs; Administers first aid, resuscitation and other emergency medical treat- ment properly and effectively; Conducts and supervises training sessions and drills effectively; Speaks clearly and concisely before groups; Conducts proper and effective investigations of fires and their causes; Effectively promotes physical fitness programs; Effectively prepares and recommends policy, rule and law changes, and proposals; • Prepares and maintains proper and accurate records and reports of activities; Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the current modern methods and principles of fire prevention, suppression, and administration; Maintains and applies knowledge of current equipment maintenance and drill procedures; Maintains and applies knowledge of current advanced first aid treatment techniques, equipment, and principles; Maintains and applies knowledge and ability to supervise, record, and analyze apparatus service tests; Maintains and applies knowledge of applicable current fire codes and laws; Establishes a working climate in which employees are encouraged to work to their full potential; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, superiors, and the public. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Fire Marshal ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction plans, organizes, and directs the fire inspection division involved in performing techni- cal work in inspecting buildings and other structures for fire and explosion hazards and conformity with the Uniform Fire Code and appli- cable fire safety ordinances; conducts arson investigations; provides public education; negotiates with building owners and managers for abatement of hazards. Work varies requiring interpretive judgment with- in prescribed standards and procedures; has significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes and directs the fire prevention division which reviews building and plot plans for conformity to fire and life safety codes; assigns and supervises the work of fire prevention inspector; performs inspections of residence and commercial buildings, including hospitals, office buildings, schools, day nurseries, and nursing homes for fire hazards in construction, heating and electrical systems, storage and inflammable supplies, and in cases for licensing; encourages owners or tenants to comply and seeks cooperation in making corrections; reviews and updates the fire prevention code; makes reinspections to ensure com- pliance with applicable codes; manages the fire education unit; inspects the scenes of fire to determine cause and if arson is involved; gathers and preserves evidence; takes photos, interviews witnesses; appears as expert witness; designs and carries out a fire prevention program; pro- motes fire prevention by speaking before groups; seeks compliance by . discussing problems with building owners and managers; receives and investigates complaints; evaluates the performance of fire prevention inspectors; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops, and implements records and reporting system; has access to restricted information; uses equipment and materials re- quiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; contacts are varied and continual; duties require employee to perform a multitude of movements; duties require work to be performed in undesirable physical conditions where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of personnel in office and field work. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and over five years of progressively responsible fire fighting experience, in- cluding three years in a supervisory capacity; completion of an asso- ciate degree in fire science is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. - EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Performs effective and proper home, commercial, and institutional inspections; • Effectively enforces pertinent codes and ordinances; Performs proper and effective investigations of fires and their causes; CLASS TITLE: Fire Marshal I I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Properly collects, prepares, preserves, and presents evidence from fire scenes; Gains cooperation of owners and tenants; Speaks clearly and precisely before groups; Effectively and tactfully handles complaints and citizen's requests; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential data; Always applies proper safety procedures; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles and practices of fire safety, explosives, and inflammable storage; Maintains and applies knowledge of current fire, building, electrical , and related codes and laws; Maintains and applies knowledge of current state regulations applicable to nursing homes, schools, hospitals, and other public buildings and to handling of flammable liquids; . Maintains and applies knowledge of the current modern methods and prin- ciples of fire prevention, suppression, and administration; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current techniques and equipment used in modern fire fighting; Maintains and applies knowledge of current equipment maintenance and drill procedures; Maintains and applies current knowledge and ability to supervise, record, and analyze apparatus service tests; Maintains and applies knowledge to organize and carry out current training programs and train firefighters; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, civic groups, businesses, and the general public. Salina/91 • d CLASS TITLE: Fire Division Chief ACCOUNTABLE TO: Deputy Fire Chief or Fire Chief • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, serves as commander of a shift platoon of firefighting companies; serves as the commander of the emergency medical service; assists in planning directing, organiz- ing, and controlling the work of the Fire Department, or sections of it, in the protection of life and property from losses due to fire, and in providing emergency medical services. Work varies requiring interpre- tive judgment allowing for some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, directs, supervises, assigns duties, and reviews activities of firefighting/EMT personnel on a shift of the department; directs fire- fighting and emergency medical services activities in the absence from the scene of the Fire Chief or Deputy Fire Chief; recommends to the Chief matters of budget, personnel, apparatus, equipment, protocol , rules, and regulations; supervises tests of equipment; participates in, conducts, and directs an adequate training program; coordinates activ- ities of the department with those of other departments and districts; responds to emergency calls when on and off duty; receives and channels reports and communications to the Chief; assigns equipment as needed; conducts and directs residential and commercial inspections and inspec- tions including hospitals, office buildings, schools, day nurseries, and nursing homes for fire hazards in construction, heating and electrical systems, storage of flammable supplies, and in cases for licensing; checks alarm system and means of egress; inspects the scene of fire to • determine cause and if arson is involved; promotes fire prevention by speaking before groups; maintains records of all inspections, investiga- tions, and complaints; assists in writing specifications for purchase of equipment; disciplines and evaluates performance of employees; performs in specific assignments as assigned by the Chief as in being responsible for programs in EMS training, communications, or fleet and facilities maintenance; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements; works regularly with information which is generally limited; supervises equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown where significant loss of money could result; contacts with employees and the public are frequent and involve communi- cation of complex information and considerable tact; position occasion- ally requires moderate physical effort; duties require occasional con- tact with physical conditions and hazards requiring care and use of proper safety procedures. ,SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for supervis- ion of employees as head of a shift of personnel assigned to programs. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of related college level coursework in business, management, applied science, MICT or similar subjects, and over five years of fire- fighting experience, including three years in a supervisory capacity as • a fire or EMS lieutenant; must possess a valid class B license; complet- ed advanced training particularly in supervision, administration, and first responder; EMT or MICT (if in charge of the emergency medical service) certified by the State. CLASS TITLE: Fire Division Chief • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs, and supervises the activ- ities of assigned companies or personnel; Effectively and properly directs firefighting activities as required; Makes sound recommendations for budget, personnel, equipment, rules, and policies; Properly and effectively performs and supervises testing and maintenance of apparatus, equipment, and buildings; Prepares and maintains proper and accurate records and reports; Establishes a working climate in which employees are encouraged to work to their full potential ; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current modern methods and principles of fire prevention, suppression, emergency medical service, and administration; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current techniques and equipment used in modern firefighting; • Maintains and applies knowledge of current equipment maintenance and drill procedures; Maintains and applies current knowledge and ability to supervise, record, and analyze apparatus service tests; Maintains and applies knowledge to organize and carry out a current training program and train firefighers; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Deputy Fire Chief ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Chief • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under the administrative direction of the Fire Chief, plans, schedules, directs, supervises and trains others in technical work in protecting life and property from fire; schedules personnel; purchases goods and services for the Department; acts as Fire Chief in the Chief's absence. Work varies requiring judgment in vari- ation from established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists the Fire Chief in planning, directing, supervising, carrying out and reviewing the activities of firefighting personnel in performing fire inspection, fire prevention activities, and firefighting; assists the Fire Chief in policy formulation; directs firefighting activities at major emergencies in absence of the Fire Chief; assists in the prepara- tion and administration of the departmental budget; prepares and reviews reports and records; assigns duties of Training Officer, Fire Marshal, and Division Chiefs; directs the maintenance of buildings and equipment; plans, schedules and directs testing program for recruits and for pro- motions; reviews requisitions for supplies, equipment, and personnel; assists in drafting specifications for such purchases; responds to emer- gency calls when off duty; receives and channels reports and communica- tions to the Chief; reviews disciplinary actions; conducts departmental safety program; assumes responsibility of Fire Chief at the discretion of the Fire Chief, or in the Chief's absence; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates plans, develops and implements records and report systems; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; super- vises equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown and deterioration; contacts with employees and the public are frequent and involve communication of complex information and require consider- able tact; position requires employee to perform a multitude of move- ments requiring moderate physical effort; duties require occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and the use of proper safe- ty equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for the supervision of many employees. EDUCATION TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of college level coursework or vocational training in fire science, public or business administration and eight years of experience in firefighting department, including two years as a Fire Marshal or Division Chief; certified as an Instructor II and as a Kansas EMT; possesses a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA D OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains a favorable level of discipline and a climate within the department which motivates personnel to work up to their full potential; • The program of inspections is respected by the community and reduces the number of fire occurrences and safety/health hazards; CLASS TITLE: Deputy Fire Chief EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the current principles and practices of modern fire prevention and firefighting; Effectively plans, directs, and evaluates the performance of assigned members of the department; Reacts calmly and decisively in emergency situations and makes sound decisions and provides strong leadership when needed; Develops and presents effective oral and written communication relative to the functioning of the Fire Department; Keeps informed on new developments in fire department management and operation; Speaks clearly and concisely before large groups; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Maintains proper and effective records and report systems and schedules; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when • handling confidential data; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Fire Inspector ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Marshal • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs techni- cal work in inspecting buildings and other structures for fire and explosion hazards and conformity with the fire safety ordinance; con- ducts arson investigations; may respond to medical emergencies. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with some leeway for discre- tion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists Fire Marshal by inspecting hospitals, office buildings, day nurseries, schools, and nursing homes for fire hazards in construction, in the heating and electrical systems, in the storage of inflammable supplies, and in cases for licensing; checks alarm systems and means of egress; makes reinspections to ensure compliance with applicable codes; inspects the scene of fire to determine cause and arson involvement; gathers and preserves evidence; prepares cases for prosecution and test- ifies and presents evidence; takes photos; interviews witnesses; appears as expert witness; promotes fire prevention by speaking before groups; seeks compliance by discussing problems with developers, builders, building owners, or manager; reviews permit applications and plans for conformity with codes and standards; responds to and investigates com- plaints; responds to fires as a firefighter and to medical emergencies; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; is responsible for tools and equipment re- quiring minimal servicing; contacts are varied and continual; ability to perform duties is directly affected through communication and rapport established; performs a multitude of movements; is occasionally in contact with erratic humans. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and over three years of experience in firefighting; certified as an EMT; certifi- cation by the ICBO in Uniform Fire Code in plan review, and as a Build- ing Code Inspector is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Exhibits thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of fire safety, explosives and flammables, fire prevention and investigations; Skill in conducting effective investigations and inspections; is successful in gaining compliance; Is effective in assisting in scheduling, monitoring, and supervising work of subordinates; effectively communicates in oral and written form; Reaches logical and sound conclusions when interpreting codes and • standards; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with develop- ers, building owners and occupants, public, employees, and supervisors. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: EMS Lieutenant ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Division Chief • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, serves as emer- gency medical services unit commander and administers assigned duties in the provision of life support and emergency medical treatment in re- sponse to emergency calls; serves as a firefighter/paramedic; also responds to fire suppression alarms and may perform fire prevention activities. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs, supervises, reviews and performs in activities of firefighter/ paramedic personnel performing emergency medical treatment, fire inspec- tions and prevention, firefighting, rescue and hazardous material re- sponse; takes command at the scene of a medical emergency; recommends to superiors in matters of protocol rules, budget, personnel , apparatus, equipment or regulations; supervises tests of equipment; checks ambu- lances and other apparatus and equipment for condition and inventory of supplies and equipment required; attends meetings and drills and trains personnel; carries out special assignments; evaluates performance of subordinate personnel; maintains physical condition and agility; per- forms other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; works regularly with information which is generally limited; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to ensure against breakdown or damage and to maintain accountability; contacts with employees and the public are frequent, involving tact, patience and tolerance in stressful situations; position requires substantial physical involvement and occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and hazards requiring constant safety considerations. - SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of emergency medical (firefighter/paramedic) personnel on an assigned shift, station, or at scenes of emergencies. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and com- pletion of advanced in-service training including certification as a Firefighter I and II and certified as a Mobile Intensive Care Technician (MICT) , plus four years of work experience as a qualified firefighter including two years as a certified paramedic. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs and supervises the activities of assigned paramedic unit; Effectively and properly directs firefighting and other activities as required; Properly and effectively performs and supervises testing and maintenance • of equipment, apparatus vehicles and buildings, as assigned; Maintains and increases knowledge and skills in emergency medical treatment; CLASS TITLE: EMS Lieutenant • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively trains and guides subordinate paramedics; Maintains physical condition and agility; Establishes and maintains a working climate in which employees are encouraged to work to their full potential; Effectively promotes physical fitness; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, medical professionals, and hospital workers, and other employees. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Police Officer I 1 ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Sergeant, Lieutenant or assigned supervisor 0 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, patrols an assigned beat and investigates incidents in the enforcement of law and order in the protection of life and property. Work varies requiring individual judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Operates an automobile in patrolling an assigned area for the prevention of crime and the enforcement of traffic laws and regulations; responds to radio and telephone dispatches and appears at scenes of disorder or crime; notes and reports traffic hazards; assists in controlling traffic at scenes of emergencies; investigates and prepares reports on offenses, accidents, and damages to property; gives directions and information; makes arrests; issues citations; occasionally serves at desk and dis- patch duties; serves warrants and subpoenas; gives warnings; prepares reports on arrests and property impounded; directs traffic; handles animal problems; inspects to assure property protection; inspects estab- lishments providing alcohol beverages and entertainment; intervenes in private or public disputes to protect the public and maintain order; appears in court as arresting officer; transports prisoners; performs initial and follow-up investigations of crimes involving adults and juveniles; investigates complaints; interrogates persons whose actions are suspicious; issues citations for parking and moving violations; assists fire department and ambulance personnel in rendering first aid; assists in haz-mat spills; speaks before school and civic groups as • required; serves in stake-outs and on surveillance; impounds and tags evidence; provides general assistance to the public; escorts parades and processions; trains in first aid CPR and emergency medical services; may operate a computer information terminal; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares reports of own activities and investigative and operational reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limit- ed; responsible for equipment and materials requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; contacts with the public and fellow em- ployees are frequent and in which considerable tact is required; posi- tion requires employee to perform a multitude of movements and occasion- ally requires substantial physical efforts; does work requiring occa- sional contact with undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moder- ate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Normally none. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus one year of work experience involving public contact or one year of college level coursework; valid driver's license; ability to obtain Kansas Police Officer certification within one year of appointment. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Effectively patrols assigned areas deterring and detecting crimes; Effectively and properly controls crime, traffic, or emergency scenes; CLASS TITLE: Police Officer I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Conducts investigations properly and effectively; Participates in scheduled and self-training in law enforcement, first aid and EMS; Effectively maintains peace and order in assigned areas; Effectively and properly interrogates suspects and prisoners; Speaks clearly and precisely before groups; Properly and completely prepares records and reports; Maintains and applies knowledge of current departmental policies, pro- cedures, rules, instruction, laws, regulations, and police literature; Analyzes situations and adopts a quick, effective, and reasonable course of action giving due regard to surrounding hazards and circumstances of each situation; Maintains good physical condition and agility; Maintains and applies knowledge of safe and proper use of firearms and • weapons; Deals tactfully and effectively with the public; Follows and demonstrates proper safety procedures at all times; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Police Officer II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Sergeant, Lieutenant or assigned supervisor '• PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs and serves as lead worker in a special section or on patrol, or special as- signments in the protection of life and property; may supervise others in the absence of the shift supervisor, in special assignments, or oper- ations, or in investigations. Work varies requiring interpretive judg- ment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs a variety of duties in patrolling, investigating, controlling traffic, communications, and other related duties; serves as lead worker of team or group or performs specialized work; directs traffic; escorts parades and processions; serves warrants and subpoenas; performs crowd control; carries out crime prevention program; may serve in the communi- cations section answering calls and transmitting information and dis- patching police, fire, ambulance, and other personnel; performs primary and follow-up investigations of crimes involving adults and juveniles; photographs crime scenes; lifts and analyzes fingerprints; processes photographs of crime scenes and prisoners; collects and preserves evi- dence; investigates traffic accidents and complaints; interviews and obtains statements from suspects, witnesses, and complainants; appears in court to present evidence; assists other departments as required; trains and instructs new police personnel in investigation and patrol duties; makes presentations to schools and civic groups; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares reports of own activities and investigative and operational reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limit- ed; uses and oversees materials and equipment requiring minimal servic- ing and occasional accountability; contact with fellow employees and the public is frequent and requires considerable tact; performs a multitude of movements and occasionally requires substantial physical efforts; work requires occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May serve as a lead worker of a team or group and in the absence of the assigned supervisor. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , plus two years of experience as a Police Officer, including advanced training and proven proficiency; two years college level coursework in law enforce- ment, police administration, or a related field is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license; must possess a current State Police Officer Certification. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively patrols assigned beat in the protection of life and property and maintains peace and order; • Properly and efficiently operates two-way radio dispatching personnel and providing information; CLASS TITLE: Police Officer II • Prepares complete and accurate reports and records; Maintains and oversees operations properly and effectively; Performs effective and proper investigations of crimes and traffic inci- dents, and collects, preserves, prepares, presents evidence from crime scenes, and interrogates suspects, witnesses, and prisoners; Effectively leads and trains new employees; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when hand- ling confidential data; Follows and demonstrates proper safety procedures; Deals tactfully and effectively with the public and speaks clearly and concisely before groups; Maintains and applies knowledge of current departmental policies, rules, procedures, instruction, laws, regulations, and police literature; Effectively and properly analyzes situations and adopts a quick, effec- tive, and reasonable course of action giving due regard to the hazard and circumstances of each situation; . Maintains good physical condition and agility; Maintains a keen observation and ability to remember names, faces, and details of incidents; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 S CLASS TITLE: Police Sergeant ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Lieutenant or assigned supervisor 0 PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, serves as sec- ondary supervisor of a group of station personnel , and patrol officers or investigative officers on an assigned shift. Work varies requiring [ individual judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Serves as a desk sergeant and supervises station personnel, including dispatchers, on an assigned shift, and serves as secondary supervisor of patrol personnel, under general supervision of a lieutenant; reviews and logs patrol reports; monitors booking procedures; answers telephone and walk-in inquiries from public; maintains records; safeguards evidence and money; conducts briefings; assists officers in report-writing; pro- vides informal training; writes affidavits; occasionally serves as dis- patcher; maintains inventory and checks equipment in and out to offi- cers; as an investigative sergeant, serves as secondary supervisor of investigative officers and as primary investigator, under general supervision of a lieutenant; Interviews witnesses; testifies in court; interrogates prisoners; examines evidence and crime scenes; writes reports and maintains records; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit reports; works regularly with restricted information; oversees materials and equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; routinely is respon- sible for funds of moderate amounts; contact with employees and public is frequent and involves considerable tact and tolerant manner in • stressful situations; performs a multitude of movements involving moder- ate physical effort; work requires occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises or leads a small group of employees in office or field work on a shift; supervision r is mostly secondary, under general supervision of a Lieutenant. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus three years of progressively responsible work in law enforcement, including basic and some advanced training in law enforcement techniques and supervision; two years of college-level coursework in law enforcement, police administration or a related field is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license; must possess current basic State Police Officer Certification or NCIC Certification. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and tactfully deals with complainants, witnesses, victims, suspects, and prisoners; Effectively supervises personnel; • Effectively instructs and trains subordinate personnel; Properly and effectively performs duties as Sergeant as assigned; Efficiently and effectively investigates crimes and accidents; CLASS TITLE: Police Sergeant • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Properly prepares, collects, preserves, and presents the evidence from crime scenes; Properly prepares reports and maintains records of own and some of the subordinate's activities; Effectively interrogates witnesses, suspects, and prisoners; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity when handling confiden- tial data; Maintains and applies knowledge of current criminal law, investigations, crime, preventive methods, and evidence; Effectively advises subordinates on technical police problems of inves- tigation and arrest; Effectively analyzes law enforcement problems and adopts effective action; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Police Lieutenant ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Captain or division head • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under direction, supervises and performs pa- trol, recordkeeping, and investigative work on an assigned shift. Work varies, requiring judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assigns and supervises the work of police officers engaged in patrolling an assigned area in the enforcement of law and the prevention of crime and disorder, and the investigation of traffic accidents and complaints; conducts briefings of officers going onto the shift; visits the scenes of crimes, emergencies, or accidents to assist and supervise the police officers; personally handles the more difficult complaints and problems; instructs subordinates in law enforcement activities; supervises the receiving and evaluation of complaints and reports; consults with super- ior officers to discuss effectiveness of policies and procedures, and to recommend necessary changes; assists in the analysis of beat organiza- tion and crime reports; briefs officers at beginning of shift; performs duties of shift commander; assists and advises dispatchers and other personnel as required; supervises traffic records; supervises and oper- ates breathalizer; assists in training subordinate personnel; as an investigation officer, performs and assigns detectives to perform inves- tigation of violations of laws; apprehends and arrests law violators; reviews officers' reports, files, and general police bulletins; makes reports of cases handled and action taken; interrogates witnesses and prisoners; appears in court to present evidence collected; prepares • necessary correspondence regarding cases assigned; investigates child abuse cases; codes all reports for offense and location; reviews reports of subordinates for completeness and clarity; may also be assigned to command a major department program, such as traffic, training and crime prevention; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit reports; works regularly with restricted information which is generally limited; oversees materials and equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; occasionally handles funds of a small amount; contact with employees and public is frequent and requires considerable tact; performs a multitude of movements involving moderate physical effort; work requires occasion- al contact with undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of employees in office or field work on a shift. EDUCATION._ TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus four years of progressively responsible work in law enforcement, including one year as a sergeant and with college level coursework and advanced training in law enforcement techniques and supervision; an associate degree in law enforcement, police administration, or related field is • desirable; possession of a valid driver's license; must possess current basic State Police Officer Certification. • CLASS TITLE: Police Lieutenant • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and tactfully deals with complainants, witnesses, victims, suspects, and prisoners; Effectively supervises personnel; Effectively instructs and trains subordinate personnel; Properly and effectively performs shift commander duties; Efficiently and effectively investigates crimes and accidents; Properly prepares, collects, preserves, and presents the evidence from crime scenes; Properly prepares reports and maintains records of own and some of the subordinate's activities; Effectively interrogates witnesses, suspects, and prisoners; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity when handling confidential data; Maintains and applies knowledge of current criminal law, investigations, crime, preventive methods, and evidence; • Effectively advises subordinates on technical police problems of investigation and arrest; Effectively analyzes law enforcement problems and adopts effective action; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Police Captain ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Chief • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under direction, serves as commander of the patrol , investigation, or administrative division directing and assign- ing law enforcement personnel in the protection of life and property; supervises and participates in the criminal investigation, patrolling, recordkeeping, communications, and other services of the department. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs duties as a division commander directing the assignment and activities of patrol; instructs personnel in the maintenance of law enforcement, crime prevention, and the protection of life and property; investigates complaints and takes command in the case of emergency or major law enforcement problems; commands administration of records, communications, liaison, policy, budget or related support functions; commands a detective or investigations division; transmits the policies of the department to subordinate personnel and suggestions of subordi- nates to superiors; confers with superiors on general department poli- cies and procedures and carries out such policies and procedures; analy- zes traffic and crime problems and recommends plans, assignment of per- sonnel and equipment, and training to meet such problems; participates in the investigative activities of the department; supervises the main- tenance of patrol records; reviews reports filed by officers; monitors communications systems and performs dispatch duties as required; re- ceives and handles complaints; investigates serious accidents and • crimes; evaluates performance of personnel; serves as liaison with other agencies and jurisdictions; assists in budget requests; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements; has access to information restricted to specific persons; oversees equipment and materials requiring care to ensure against breakdown and deterioration; occasionally handles funds of a small amount; contact with fellow employees and the public is frequent, requiring a high degree of tact, diplomacy and good judgment; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements; work requires occasional contact with undesirable conditions requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for supervision of patrol, administrative, or investigative personnel. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with college level coursework and advanced training, and over five years of progressively responsible experience in law enforcement work and admin- istration, including two years in a supervisory capacity; an associate degree in police science and administration, or a related field, is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license; State Police Officer basic and advanced certification. • CLASS TITLE: Police Captain • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Performs shift command duties effectively and efficiently; Effectively supervises and assigns personnel and equipment; Instructs and trains employees in law enforcement and crime prevention; Effectively and tactfully deals with complaints; Effectively investigates crimes and accidents; Effectively carries out department policies and procedures; Supervises and monitors assigned personnel effectively and efficiently; Prepares sound recommendations for policy and procedures; Effectively maintains departmental records and reports; Properly and accurately evaluates performance of subordinates and of unit or division; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when hand- ling confidential data; • Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the current use and care of firearms and weapons; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles of modern police administration and of accepted practices and procedures of police science; Maintains and applies knowledge of current criminal law with particular emphasis on the investigation, apprehension, arrest, and prosecution of law violators; Effectively analyzes and interprets police problems and criminal evi- dence; Maintains and applies knowledge of current proper investigative methods and principles; Establishes and maintains an effective work climate which encourages personnel to perform to their full potential; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Assistant Police Chief ACCOUNTABLE TO: Police Chief • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction of the Police Chief, assists in planning and directing the activities of the Police Depart- ment, and supervises field and support services in law enforcement and crime prevention activities; acts for the Chief in the absence or at the discretion of the Chief. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists the Police Chief in directing, supervising, planning, and coor- dinating the assignment, deployment, and activities of assigned law enforcement personnel, and the enforcement of departmental rules, regu- lations, and policies; recommends department goals and objectives; instructs members of the department in the maintenance of law enforce- ment, crime prevention, and the protection of life and property; inves- tigates complaints; maintains and supervises personnel, equipment, and vehicle records; maintains schedule for employee training and schooling; confers with unit or shift commanders and the Chief on departmental policies and procedures and carries out such policies and procedures; supervises analyses of traffic and crime problems and recommends plans, assignment of personnel and equipment, and training to meet such prob- lems; supervises the investigative activities of the department; pre- pares reports and assists in the preparation of the annual budget; eval- uates employee and organizational performance; investigates observed or alleged misconduct of department personnel; acts as Chief in the absence • or at the discretion of the Chief; speaks before groups; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops, and implements records and report systems and schedules; makes decisions in absence of clear cut procedures; has access to information restricted to specific persons which could result in embarrassment or consequent legal action if prematurely released; supervises equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; occasionally handles funds of a small amount; contact with employees and the public is frequent and involves communication of complex information and requires considerable tact; performs a multitude of movements requiring moderate physical efforts; duties are usually performed in surroundings where undesirable physical conditions and hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: As second in command, is responsible for departmental supervision of a number of field and office personnel. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supple- mented by two years of college level coursework in law enforcement, police administration, or related field, plus seven years of progres- sively responsible experience in law enforcement, including four years in a supervisory capacity; bachelor's degree is desirable; possession of • a valid driver's license; possess State Basic and Advanced Police Officer certifications. CLASS TITLE: Assistant Police Chief III EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Supervises, plans, directs, and coordinates the actions of the Police Department effectively and efficiently; Properly and effectively carries out and recommends changes to depart- ment rules, regulations, and policies; Effectively administers and recommends department goals and objectives; Properly maintains and prepares departmental records, reports, and statements; Handles complaints effectively and tactfully and citizens requests; Effectively analyzes departmental problems and moves properly and effectively to resolve; Effectively investigates allegations of department personnel misconduct; Makes sound budget recommendations; Speaks clearly and concisely before groups; Properly and effectively performs the duties of Chief as required; • Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential data; Establishes and maintains a working climate in which employees are encouraged to perform to their full potential; Maintains and applies knowledge of the principles of current modern police administration and of accepted practices and procedures of police science; Properly and effectively analyzes and interprets police problems and instructs and advises subordinates in all phases of law enforcement and procedure; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • TECHNICAL , SUPERVISORY AN O PROFESSIONAL CLASSES : Accounting Technician Arts Education Coordinator Arts Program Coordinator Assistant Director of Engineering & Utilities Assistant Food & Beverage Manager Assistant Park Superintendent Building Inspector I Building Inspector II Building Maintenance Supervisor Building Official Cemetery Sexton Center Operation Manager Center Operation Supervisor City Clerk City Forester City Planner Code Enforcement Officer Computer Operator Curator of Collections Curator of Exhibits Customer Accounts Supervisor Data Processing Manager Deputy City Clerk Development Program Coordinator Director of Golf Course Engineering Technician I Engineering Technician II Engineering Technician III Environmental Education Specialist a Event Coordinator/Marketing Specialist Fire Prevention Educator Flood Control Supervisor Food and Beverage Manager Food and Beverage Supervisor Oil T E C HN=CAL SUP ERV Z S ORY AND PROF'ESSSONAL CLASSES (cont. ) : Golf Course Superintendent Grounds Maintenance Supervisor Horticulturist Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator Human Relations Investigator Industrial Pretreatment Officer Laboratory Technician Landfill Supervisor Meter Service Supervisor Museum Director Park Superintendent Personnel Technician Programmer Programmer/Analyst Recreation Superintendent Recreation Supervisor Sanitation Superintendent • Shop Supervisor Special Recreation Supervisor Street Maintenance Foreman Street Superintendent Traffic Maintenance Foreman Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor Wastewater Plant Supervisor Wastewater Superintendent Water Distribution Supervisor Water Plant Supervisor Water Superintendent • CLASS TITLE: Accounting Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Finance Director • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, supervises and applies billing and bookkeeping principles to the keeping of specia- lized or complex accounts where transactions recorded are variable and subject to irregularities in method of disposition, keeping a complete payroll or bookkeeping system of moderate difficulty, together with the performance of related office functions. Work is of some complex- ity, varies, requiring interpretive judgment within established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Revises capital accounts based upon expenditures and assets retired; takes trial balances and prepares balance sheets and other financial statements from records kept; makes deposits; maintains cost accounts and prepares closing entries; maintains appropriation allotment ac- counts and voucher register; prepares reports comparing expenditures against budget; reconciles bank statements; audits tax reports and distributes taxes to funds; prepares general vouchers, subject to approval, to effect adjustments, transfers, or corrections; keeps records and checks for accuracy on all bonds and bond coupons which have been paid and cancelled; collects delinquent accounts; estab- lishes new accounts, such as special improvement districts and assess- ments; processes payroll and withholdings, and processes periodic pay- roll reports; maintains central personnel files and records; super- vises and prepares data for entry to computers; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares financial and operating statements, tabulations, and summar- ies; occasionally works with restricted information; handles clerical supplies and equipment; routinely handles funds of a moderate amount; position requires frequent contact with fellow employees and the public; duties require limited movement, and are performed in sur- roundings where undesirable physical conditions and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads other workers. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school including courses in bookkeeping, business, and related subjects, and four years of progressively responsible experience in bookkeeping or accounting and general office work, including experience in payroll and general ledger work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Posts to, maintains, and supervises books properly and according to established procedures and practices; works independently; Exercises and exhibits sound judgment in decisions and interpreta- tions; • Prepares trial balances, balance sheets, other statements , and funds accounting .accurately; CLASS TITLE: Accounting Technician EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Prepares and maintains reports and records properly, timely, and as required; Performs accurate and effective audits as required; Deals with the public in a manner that effectively promotes the image of the city and handles complaints tactfully and effectively; Effectively prepares and monitors preparation of information for data entry; Properly and accurately computes billings, charges, and claims; Maintains and exhibits discretion when handling confidential data; Maintains and applies working knowledge of current bookkeeping and accounting methods; communicates in same manner; Maintains working knowledge of current personnel and payroll records and practices; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, supervisors, vendors and the public. • Salina/91 , • CLASS TITLE: Arts Education Coordinator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Arts and Humanities PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, conducts an out- • reach program to promote and encourage the development of the arts through education, concerts, the Smoky Hill River Festival, poetry readings, a children's theater, information dissemination and other community based activities. Performs work of some complexity requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, coordinates and implements a balanced series of pro- grams designed to promote and enhance the community's art resources; raises funds; assists artists with educational opportunities; consults with teachers and administrators on curriculum development activities, and artists desiring educational opportunities; stays current with local , state and national trends; writes grants; contracts with artists and consultants; prepares and monitors budgets; coordinates outreach activities; recruits volunteers; evaluates programs; schedules perfor- mances and support services; prepares publicity; attends and evaluates activities; performs other duties as assigned. Plans and develops record and report systems; occasionally works with restricted information; uses clerical equipment; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contacts with the public are frequent; position requires moderate physical effort where surroundings are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a large number of volunteers and performing artists. • BDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the arts, art education, education or a related field and three years of experi- ence in arts, education, or related field, with some supervisory experience; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Conceptualizes, researches, plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and follows up on programs and festivals to enhance community arts development; evaluates results and makes modifications to programs; Researches and effectively prepares grants-in-aid; Demonstrates abilities to recruit, fund raise, and establish and main- tains effective working relationships with a broad cross section of the community; Effectively serves as a facilitator demonstrating communications skills both written and verbally with groups and with individuals; Provides effective leadership skills to accomplish desired results; takes initiative and acts in a timely manner; • Budgets to provide for a broad cross section of needs and monitors the budget to best assure the utilization of financial resources; Selects the most desirable options to achieve desired goals. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Arts Program Coordinator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Arts and Humanities PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, conducts an arts • festival and grants program designed to encourage the promotion of the arts in the area; works with groups and creates a climate of broad community support and participation to enhance the promotion of the arts in the region. Performs work of some complexity which involves determining a sequence of operations from a series of alternatives. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, and recruits volunteers; researches and implements programs involving obtaining grants in aid and conducting annual Smoky Hill River Festival; performs short-term and long-term planning and evaluates results; raises funds through the solicitation of individuals and businesses and through grants-in-aid; establishes tasks for and trains volunteers; coordinates committees; promotes programs by speak- ing before groups and through mass media; budgets and administers a budget; provides guidance and assistance to community-based, regional and national cultural organizations; performs other duties as assigned. Plans and develops record and report systems; occasionally works with restricted information; uses clerical equipment; routinely handles funds of a moderate amount; contacts with the public are frequent; position requires moderate physical effort where surroundings are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises one or more full time staff members and a large number of volunteers. • EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the arts, preferably in arts management, and three years of experience with com- munity arts, arts education, and arts institutions with some super- visory experience. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Conceptualizes, researches, plans, organizes, coordinates, directs and follows up on programs and festivals to enhance community arts development; evaluates results and makes modifications to programs; Researches and effectively prepares grants-in-aid; Demonstrates abilities to recruit, fund raise, and establish and main- tains effective working relationships with a broad cross section of the community; Effectively serves as a facilitator demonstrating communications skills both written and verbally with groups and with individuals; Provides effective leadership skills to accomplish desired results; takes initiative and acts in a timely manner; • Budgets to provide for a broad cross section of needs and monitors the budget to best assure the utilization of financial resources; Selects the most desirable options to achieve desired goals. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Engineering and Utilities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, organ- izes, and directs work of the department; performs complex engineer- ing and utility design work. Work varies requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: As assigned by the Director, plans, organizes, directs and reviews the work of engineering groups in the design and construction of public works and utilities projects; coordinates planning and design with other governmental agencies; prepares and reviews reports, research papers and studies; assists in direction and coordination of mapping, surveying, contract construction and contract review; super- vises maintenance of engineering records; supervises office engineer- ing work; coordinates field engineering with contractors; reviews maps, plats, and descriptions; writes legal descriptions for ease- ments, annexations and rights-of-way; serves as Director in the Director's absence; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements, research papers and reports, works regularly with some information that is generally limited; supervises equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contact with employees and public is continual; employee is required to perform multitude of movements; hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as assistant • director of a major department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from college with a degree in civil engineering or a closely related engineering field, and four years of progressively responsible experience in civil engi- neering; must be licensed to practice professional engineering in the State of Kansas. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Engineering and construction projects are planned, coordinated, and scheduled effectively and efficiently, and according to approved policy; time requirements are met; Inspections are scheduled and supervised effectively and efficiently and undesirable conditions are caught in time to correct; Maps and records are maintained up-to-date; Plans and specifications are appropriately reviewed and dealt with; City policies and standards are enforced and public needs are met; All confidential information is held in the strictest confidence; • Maintains extensive knowledge of municipal public works planning and designing; Prepares comprehensive reports properly and effectively; CLASS TITLE: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities . EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of the principles and practices of civil engineering; Plans and supervises the work of others effectively and efficiently; Employees are motivated to improve levels of knowledge and to high productivity; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, contractors, and other engineers. Salina/91 1 CLASS TITLE: Assistant Food and Beverage Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: Food and Beverage Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, assists the Food and Beverage Manager in all aspects of this phase of the Bicentennial operation. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with leeway for independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: In the absence of the Food/Beverage Manager or at his direction, the Assistant hires and trains part-time concessions personnel; plans menus with clients; oversees concessions operation; maintains inven- tory control of food/beverage and sundry items such as cups, table cloths, napkins, etc. ; orders food/beverage items; financial reports on revenue and expenses per event; oversees food/beverage part-time payroll; liaison between caterer and banquet planners; books meal functions; coordinates all food/beverage event set-ups including chair and table arrangements; may apply for liquor license and pro- vides liquor control and consumption policy enforcement responsibil- ity; sets up concession stands; prepares coffee and hors d'oeuvres as requested; responsible for cleanliness of all food/beverage areas including kitchen and concession stands; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; occasionally works with re- stricted information; oversees equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require moderate physical effort in • controllable surroundings. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of college level coursework or specialized training in business, food handling and preparation or restaurant management; and two years experience in a related field; certified in sanitation policies; possession of a valid Kansas driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Food is prepared tastefully and in a timely manner and is consis- tently good; Events are properly staffed by employees who are well trained; Accounting is performed accurately and reports are prepared in a timely fashion; As special problems arise, they are dealt with in an expeditious and satisfactory manner; • Establishes and maintains effective relationships with clients, employees, superiors, and the general public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Assistant Parks Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Parks Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs work of some complexity in supervising park construction and maintenance; work involves some responsibility for planning, scheduling, and super- vising the work of personnel engaged in the maintenance of grounds and buildings and the operation of facilities. Work has some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs work in the operation and maintenance of the city's parks; inspects facilities for vandalism and reports to police; work involves mowing grass, sodding, seeding, killing weeds, removing snow, caring for ice, watering and spraying; prepares chemical for use on plant materials; supervises the planting, maintenance and removal of trees, shrubs, and flowers; oversees maintenance of equipment including tractors, trucks, mowers, chain saws, and electrical tools; maintains time sheets; requisitions materials and supplies; maintains shelter reservations; takes annual inventories; trains employees and evaluates work performed; stresses safe procedures; schedules work for volun- teers; paints and repairs playground equipment; oversees maintenance of buildings involving painting, electrical work, plumbing, and con- crete work; removes trash and litter; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; works with information affecting internal relationships; supervises and uses equipment and materials requiring care; contacts with employees or public is sub- stantial; duties require substantial physical movement; work requires occasional contact with dust, noise, and temperature extremes; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Acts as foreman for one or more crews in parks facilities maintenance and construction; acts as Parks Superintendent in absence of the Superintendent. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented with college coursework or training in horticulture, agriculture or a related field; three years of experience in grounds, structural, and equipment maintenance, including a year in a lead or supervisory capacity; must possess a valid driver's license; must be able to become certified in pesticide application. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of principles, objec- tives, practices, and procedures of public park planning, construc- tion, and maintenance; and building and facilities maintenance; Possesses, maintains, and continually upgrades a working knowledge of the methods, equipment, materials, plants, and tools used in park operation, maintenance, repair, construction, and landscaping; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of fertilizers and insecticides; CLASS TITLE: Assistant Parks Superintendent EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively and efficiently plans, supervises, schedules, coordinates, and reviews the work of supervisors, skilled and semi-skilled employ- ees; Monitors operations to assure proper safety practices are exercised; Is able to read and interpret blueprints, plans, and specifications; Effectively develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • 41 CLASS TITLE: Building Inspector I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Building Official • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs work enforcing compliance with residential and some commercial building codes and ordinances, including structural , mechanical , plumbing and electrical codes; checks plans; computes building permit fees; provides information. Work varies within prescribed standards and procedures, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Reviews plans and building permit applications for compliance with building, zoning, and related codes and ordinances; computes fees for permits; issues and approves building permits; prepares variance requests; provides information to contractors, owners, and the gener- al public over a counter and phone; receives complaints of building code and ordinance violations, and investigates or passes on to appropriate individual for follow-up investigation; visits job sites during the process of construction to observe compliance, such as footings, foundations, and framing, and at completion; performs on- site inspection of plumbing and mechanical work; identifies violations of codes; obtains and prepares evidence, and prepares reports of same; issues notices of violations to contractors and owners, indicating compliance procedures; surveys existing buildings and housing to determine needs in order to conform and eliminate or reduce hazards; posts properties for variances, conditional uses, and zone changes • when required; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; uses clerical supplies and equipment; position requires frequent contact with fellow employ- ees and the public; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements requiring moderate physical efforts; work requires occa- sional contact with dust, hot and cold temperatures, and moderate hazards requiring use of safety precautions to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus five years of building construction experience, preferably at journeyman level, which includes plan reading and interpretation; possession of a valid driver's license; certification by the ICBO is desirable. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: All reports and records are prepared accurately, concisely, and on time; Plans and applications are reviewed thoroughly and issued properly and accurately; • Deals tactfully and fairly with contractors and the public when inspecting and supplying information; Handles complaints received effectively and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Building Inspector I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) Maintains and applies working knowledge of the current design, construction, and installation of buildings and appurtenances and of the building codes; Eliminates hazardous, unhealthy, and unsightly conditions effecting real estate property values; Reads plans and specifications for new constructions accurately and effectively; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with contractors, property owners, and the general public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Building Inspector II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Chief Building Official • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs inspectional work enforcing compliance with structural, plumbing, electrical , mechanical, and other building codes and ordinances; checks plans, computes building permit fees; provides information. Works within prescribed standards and procedures, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Reviews plans and reviews building applications for residential and commercial improvements for compliance with building and zoning codes and ordinances; computes fees for permits; issues and approves build- ing permits; prepares variance requests; provides information to con- tractors, architects, developers, and the general public over the counter and by phone; receives complaints of building code and ordi- nance violations and investigates or passes on to appropriate indi- vidual for follow-up investigation; inspects at job-site for compli- ance with building, electrical , plumbing, and related codes during the process of construction; visits job sites to determine compliance at stages from beginning to completion of construction; inspects for inclusion of safety fixtures; files copies of permits issued for future reference as construction progresses; works with fire depart- ment and performs special investigations, such as fire damage, unsafe buildings and structures, and buildings proposed to be moved; checks for compliance with life safety requirements; recommends action which will result in compliance; checks soil conditions for stability and • footings; works with other inspectors on final inspections, and sani- tarians in health features of construction; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses clerical supplies and equipment; position requires frequent con- tacts with fellow employees and the public; position requires employ- ee to perform a multitude of movements requiring moderate physical efforts; duties are usually performed in surroundings where dust and extreme temperatures are encountered and safety procedures exercised to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: May be lead worker over lower level inspector. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school or vocational training plus over five years of building construction trade and inspection experience which included plan reading and interpreting and some supervisory exposure; valid driver's license required; certification by the ICBO is desirable. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • All reports and records are prepared accurately, concisely, and on time; Plans, specifications, and applications are reviewed thoroughly, issued properly and accurately, and interpreted properly; CLASS TITLE: Building Inspector II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Deals tactfully and decisively with contractors, owners, representa- tives, and the public when supplying information and attaining com- pliance; Handles complaints received effectively and efficiently; Maintains and applies working knowledge of the current design, con- struction, installation of buildings and related codes; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with contractors, property owners, and the public. Salina/91 • • J CLASS TITLE: Buildings Maintenance Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs and supervises a crew of workers engaged in a variety of building, mechan- ical , heating, plumbing, air conditioning, electrical, and similar facilities maintenance and repair and custodial services. Performs work of some complexity, requiring determining sequence of operations, scheduling, and choosing from alternatives. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs and supervises a crew of custodians and maintenance workers in the maintenance of the exterior, interior, and systems of city buildings; organizes and assigns work of the members of the crew; maintains and repairs electrical, refrigeration, heating, and plumbing systems, and automatic doors; inspects plumbing, carpentry, and paint- ing in process and upon completion; tests, operates, and maintains boilers; tests smoke/fire alarms; prepares and submits requisitions for supplies, materials, and parts; observes buildings for custodial needs and performance; observes grounds for neatness and maintenance; maintains work and absence records; trains employees; recommends bud- get needs for buildings and controls budgetary expenditures; makes arrangement of and prepares rooms and facilities for use by special groups; evaluates performance and progress of subordinates; interviews employment applicants; arranges for, inspects, and supervises contract work in progress and upon completion; trains employees in and monitors the safety programs; coordinates work with other departments and agen- cies; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with re- stricted information; supervises and uses equipment and facilities requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; substan- tial contact is necessary with employees to perform assigned work; duties involve moderate physical involvement; work requires occasional contact with dust, temperature extremes, and other unfavorable condi- tions requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school sup- plemented by training in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning, or related building trades, and five years of progressively respon- sible experience in plant or buildings custodial and mechanical maintenance work; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and supervises the maintenance of assigned build- ing(s) and facilities; Physical plant and installed equipment are maintained and operated • efficiently and effectively; Employees are scheduled appropriately and are monitored to assure productivity; CLASS TITLE: Buildings Maintenance Supervisor EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Buildings and facilities are maintained at the desired level, and provide an attractive appearance; Deals tactfully and effectively with the public, officials, and employees; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current functions and servicing requirements of building and grounds, and installed equipment and facilities; Develops and maintains records of operations and maintenance, and presents data concisely and accurately; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to their full potential; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees and superiors. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Building Official ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Planning and Community Development • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs and supervises skilled inspections of building construction and repair work to assure compliance with building, plumbing, mechanical, elec- trical , housing, and zoning ordinances and codes; enforces refuse, abandoned vehicles, and hazardous structures and related ordinance regulations. Work is of some complexity and varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Inspects buildings and similar structures to see that construction, alterations, maintenance, structural work, plumbing, and mechanical work is being done in compliance with provisions of codes and ordi- nances; reviews plans for code and zoning compliance; checks to see that buildings and structures are constructed in safe manner and in accordance with approved plans and specifications; checks the quality of materials and methods; works with consultants on more complex plans and problems encountered; reviews plans and specifications and issues building, mechanical, and similar permits; reviews and issues contrac- tor licenses; enforces housing code and makes inspections of existing buildings to determine hazardous conditions, structural failures, or need for maintenance or repair; enforces nuisance ordinances; gives information to owners, builders, and contractors regarding require- ments of building and environmental codes and specifications and plans; prepares reports of inspections made and construction work completed; checks for hazardous structures; works with Fire Depart- ment; meets with Zoning Board of Appeals and Building Code Advisory and Appeals Board as the staff representative; assists with other citizens' boards; on occasion testifies in court proceedings; drafts amendments to codes; prepares a newsletter; assists with budget prep- aration; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works with information restricted to specific persons; oversees materials and equipment requiring minimal servicing; responsible for funds of a small amount; contacts are varied and continual; position requires employee to perform a multi- tude of movements requiring moderate physical effort; duties require occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in office and field work. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a Bachelor's Degree in architec- ture, engineering, or a related field, and five years of building trades or building inspection experience with two years being in a supervisory or lead capacity; ICBO certification in at least one of the major areas of code enforcement is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: • Performs the activities of the inspection division effectively and efficiently; Produces maximum utilization of man hours; CLASS TITLE: Building Official EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Conducts inspections properly and in a timely manner; Prepares reports and records accurately, concisely, and on time; Deals tactfully with contractors and the public when supplying infor- mation; Maintains discretion at all times when dealing with confidential information; Maintains a thorough knowledge of current building, plumbing, mechan- ical, housing, and zoning codes and ordinances; Maintains and applies knowledge of current and proper methods and materials of building construction and inspection; Interprets plans and specifications accurately and effectively; Effectively communicates oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, architects, contractors, property owners, superiors, and the public. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Cemetery Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs super- visory, operational , and maintenance work at the city cemetery. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with some leeway for dis- cretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the city cemetery; supervises laborers and maintenance workers in the opening and closing and maintenance of graves, mowing, seeding, and watering of cemetery grounds and flower beds, and in the general improvement of the ceme- tery grounds; shows and sells cemetery lots; keeps records concerning cemetery lots; installs head stones, surveys burial blocks; plows snow in winter; services and maintains small equipment; cleans mausoleum, restrooms, and shop; maintains payroll records; locates lots and works with and provides information to the public, funeral directors, and monument salesman concerning policies and operations of the cemetery; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; supervises and uses equipment and facilities requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterior- ation and to maintain accountability; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; requires frequent contact with the public, requiring tactful, patient, tolerant manner; position requires substantial physical involvement and working in extreme temperatures, requiring proper use of safety procedures to avoid injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads one or several employees in cemetery work procedures. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience in cemetery maintenance; possession of a valid driver's license, and Kansas pesticide certification. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Cemetery grounds and facilities are maintained at desired level and are attractive; Employees are scheduled effectively and are monitored to assure productivity; Maintains records of operation and maintenance, and of locations of interment; Maintains and applies knowledge of current functions in cemetery oper- ations, horticulture, and related subjects; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, bereaved, employees, and officials; exercises tact with • bereaved. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Center Operation Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: Manager of the Civic Center PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, organ- izes, directs and performs work involving preparing and maintaining a civic center building for a series of events; performs work of some complexity requiring determining a sequence of operations and choos- ing a course of action from alternatives. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, staffs, directs and performs work preparing for, conducting and tearing down after special events in a civic center; provides building and equipment maintenance; hires, trains and super- vises staff; manages crowd control and the safety of people in mass events; helps clients plan the event; orders equipment and supplies; coordinates events; may assist food and beverage manager; assists with budget preparation; works with other city departments; counsels and disciplines employees; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information affecting internal relationships; supervises and uses equipment and building requiring care to ensure against deterioration; responsible for a moderate amount of funds; contacts with employees and the public are frequent; duties require substan- tial physical involvement in an environment where hazards and serious injury can occur under crowded conditions. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a section • head in a large department. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a college degree in business administration, mechanical engineering or facility management, and five years of experience in a civic center type of facility, three of which involves supervision. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans, schedules, and supervises the maintenance of assigned buildings and facilities; Physical plant and installed equipment are maintained and operated efficiently and effectively; Details pertaining to each event are thoroughly planned and worked out with the client, and carried out through the staff; Employees are scheduled appropriately and are monitored to assure productivity; Buildings and facilities are maintained at the desired level and provide an attractive appearance; • Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing re- quirements of buildings and grounds, installed equipment, and facil- ities; CLASS TITLE: Center Operation Manager EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Develops and maintains records of operations and maintenance, and presents data concisely and accurately; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to their full potential ; Deals tactfully and effectively with the public, officials, and building users; Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Center Operation Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Center Operation Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs and supervises a crew of workers engaged in a variety of building, mechan- ical, heating, air conditioning, electrical, custodial services, and repair work in the operation of a civic center. Works within pre- scribed standards and procedures; has some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs, schedules and supervises custodial and maintenance workers in the maintenance of the exterior, interior, and systems of a civic center, and grounds; organizes and assigns work of maintenance, custo- dial and janitorial personnel; maintains and repairs electrical, refrigeration, heating, ventilating and plumbing systems; sets up and removes risers, chairs, tables, electric sound board, microphones and speakers; maintains inventory control; prepares operational cost records for each event; records staffing time; setting of spot lights and operation of electronic sound system; repairs seats; locks and unlocks buildings; strips, sands, finishes, waxes and buffs floors; cleans and prepares restrooms, locker rooms, and meeting rooms; sham- poos carpets; operates truck, forklift and tools, and light equipment; inspects plumbing, carpentry, and painting in process and upon comple- tion; tests, operates, and maintains boilers; prepares and submits requisitions for supplies, materials, and parts; observes buildings for custodial needs and performance; observes grounds for neatness and • maintenance; maintains work and absence records; trains employees; recommends budget needs for buildings and grounds, and controls budge- tary expenditures; may make arrangements for and prepares rooms and facilities for use by groups; evaluates performance and progress of subordinates; interviews employment applicants; writes bid specifica- tions for supplies and minor equipment; arranges for, inspects, and supervises contract work in progress and upon completion; trains employees in and monitors the safety programs; works with support groups; coordinates work with other departments and agencies; serves as house photographer; duties may necessitate working long and irreg- ular hours; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; occasionally works with re- stricted information; supervises and uses equipment and facilities requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; routinely responsible for funds of a moderate amount; contact with public and employees is frequent; duties involve substantial physical involve- ment; work requires occasional contact with unfavorable conditions requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of unskilled and semi-skilled workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to two years of college level coursework, with two years of management courses and four years of • progressively responsible experience in plant or buildings custodial and mechanical maintenance work including two years in a supervisory or lead capacity; supplemental training in heating, ventilating, and air conditioning is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. CLASS TITLE: Center Operation Supervisor EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: • Effectively plans, schedules, and supervises the maintenance of assigned buildings and facilities; Physical plant and installed equipment are maintained and operated efficiently and effectively; Employees are scheduled appropriately and are monitored to assure productivity; Buildings and facilities are maintained at the desired level and provide an attractive appearance; Maintains and applies knowledge of the functions and servicing requirements of buildings and grounds, installed equipment, and facilities; Develops and maintains records of operations and maintenance, and presents data concisely and accurately; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to their full potential; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with the public, officials, and building users; • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: City Clerk ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Finance and Administration • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, maintains, files, indexes, and preserves official city records; maintains City Seal ; is responsible for legal publications, petitions and contracts; issues licenses and permits; responsibility for a variety of other official documents and duties. Work requires interpretive judgment within generally prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Maintains and files all official records of the city; countersigns official documents; prepares agenda for City Commission, Planning Com- mission and Board of Zoning Appeals; opens bids at formal/public bid openings; maintains City Seal; prepares the official minutes of meet- ings; prepares, maintains and indexes ordinances and resolutions; issues licenses and permits; files and maintains legal publications, contracts, and petitions; maintains public official bonds and records of tax-exempt city-owned property; and performs other duties as assigned. Plans, develops and implements records and report systems; works regu- larly with information which is generally limited; handles and uses office equipment not easily damaged; routinely responsible for large amounts of funds; contacts with public are frequent and complex, requiring tact and courtesy; movement is limited, hazards minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in an office setting. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school, preferably with some coursework in government and municipal affairs, and five years of work experience in municipal government, including three years in the office of a City Clerk. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains a favorable and cooperative work relationship with all department heads and officials of city government; Accurately records minutes of public meetings; Accurately communicates, orally and in writing; Maintains a record system that is functional, with reasonable access and retrieval time; Follows detailed procedures in legal areas; Maintains a favorable working climate within the department so that employees are trained and motivated to work up to their full potential; • Maintains and applies knowledge of modern office practices and pro- cedures and of standard office and accounting equipment; CLASS TITLE: City Clerk EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the principles, methods, and practices of licensing, bond issuance and related matters; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: City Forester ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Parks and Recreation • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, organizes and supervises the planting, care and maintenance of trees on city streets, parks and other areas. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, assigns, and supervises the work of tree crews engaged in planting, maintenance, and removal of trees along city streets and in the park systems; inspects trees for arboreal disease or insect pests and uses technical judgment and knowledge in preservative, preventive, and curative treatment methods to guarantee proper growth and protec- tion from injury and blight; formulates and directs programs for the control of arboreal diseases; attends and speaks at public meetings; inspects and marks infected trees; serves on city's tree advisory board; offers advice to city officials, department heads, and the public on tree care, insect control, landscaping, and proper arbori- cultural practices; notifies property owners in the case of needed removal of dead or diseased trees; enforces contracts for tree removal and trimming; conducts classes in spraying, methods and materials and in the detection and care of tree diseases; submits reports of pro- grams in progress, work completed and needed for future programs; keeps records necessary to the efficient accomplishment of assigned duties; supervises irrigation construction and other construction projects within the park department; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require substantial physical involvement; work is often performed in undesir- able conditions requiring use of proper safety equipment and proced- ures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers on a regular basis in the field. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from college with a degree in forestry, horticulture, botany or a closely related field, and two years of progressively responsible experience in a government- al or private forestry program; certification from the State of Kansas Arborist Association. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently conducts a program of care and maintenance of city trees; Effectively and successfully conducts a program of arboreal disease control and eradication; • Effectively conducts a program of public and community relations relating to tree care and maintenance; Prepares accurate, timely and comprehensive unit records; CLASS TITLE: City Forester • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively conducts an enforcement program relating to laws and ordinances governing tree care and maintenance; Communicates clearly and effectively both orally and in writing; Establishes and maintains effective working climate that encourages employees to work to their full potential. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: City Planner ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Planning and Community Development . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs work of considerable difficulty in supervising the preparation and implementation of the city's planning and community development programs. Performs difficult and unusual work; requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Supervises, coordinates and performs work in preparation and implemen- tation of the city's planning and community development plans; pro- cesses subdivision, annexation and zoning requests including research- ing and analyzing applications for compliance and conformity with applicable rules and regulations; assists in the development and up- dating of codes and ordinances; confers with and advises officials and the public on technical aspects of zoning and planning, and supplies information to and cooperates with interested individuals and organi- zations; prepares comprehensive reports based upon careful research and study of planning and zoning problems; gathers, analyzes and presents data in the form of written, graphic or oral reports for use before boards, advisory committees and public hearings; plans, coordinates and participates in the preparation of community development plans, pro- grams and grant applications; acts as technical advisor to subordinate personnel and other departments in solving difficult problems, and in reviewing objectives, techniques of execution and resultant findings; • maintains and updates flood plain maps; administers flood plain poli- cies; keeps records; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; has access to information the ultimate release of which could cause embarrassment and consequent legal action; uses clerical equipment; contacts are varied and continual; ability to perform duties is directly affected through communications and rapport established; duties require limited movement in controllable surround- ings. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in the office. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a Master Degree in Urban or Region- al Planning and two years of experience. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATION$: Understands and applies the principles and practices of community planning, management and community relations; Maintains and demonstrates knowledge of current literature and recent developments in the field of community development; applies the prin- ciples and practices of landscape architecture, civil engineering and physical design; Analyzes and systematically compiles technical and statistical infor- mation in preparing meaningful technical reports; CLASS TITLE: City Planner EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Schedules and supervises the work of subordinate staff personnel to provide effective results; Adequately coordinates the work of various departments relating to community development; Properly determines community development program requirements; Develops and maintains effective working relationships with officials, other agencies, and the public. Salina/91 • • 0 CLASS TITLE: Code Enforcement Officer ACCOUNTABLE TO: Supervisor as assigned. • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, enforces weed and refuse regulations, abandoned vehicles, zoning, and other ordi- nances; checks for violations, tickets violators, appears in court, and answers inquiries of public. Work varies somewhat, within pre- scribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Tours the city and notes code violations and other problems; issues violation notices or notifies appropriate official to do so; enforces such codes dealing with weeds, storage of refuse, abandoned vehicles, signs, and other related matters; notifies violators and makes follow-up inspections to determine compliance; may prepare evidence and appear in court; recommends amendments to codes and ordinances; assists in budget preparation; answers public inquiries; performs related duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; oversees equipment requiring minimal servicing; occasionally works with information restricted to certain persons for a limited time; contact with public is frequent and involves communication in which considerable tact and tolerant manner is required; performs work in various weather condi- tions, requiring a moderate physical effort; work requires occasional contact with upset humans; hazards are moderate. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school , and two years of experience in code enforcement or building and zoning inspection or law enforcement; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and applies knowledge of legal provisions of municipal ordinances and regulations; Is accurate in gathering information and completing summons, com- plaints, and notices; Follows procedures and works with minimum supervision; Resolves conflicts and complaints properly and in timely manner; Effectively gains compliance with applicable codes; Communicates effectively, orally and in writing; Uses tact and judgment in dealing with the public. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Computer Operator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Data Processing Supervisor • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, monitors and controls mid-range computer and peripheral data processing equip- ment. Work procedures are defined; adjusts methods to meet task requirements. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Monitors and controls the operation of a mid-range computer; plans and schedules periodic job runs; checks input for job flow; reviews computer reports for accuracy; corrects malfunctions in operation and revises operating programs; operates readers, sorters, colla- tors, keypunchers, terminals, printers, and copy burster; assists computer users in problem solving of technical and operational dif- ficulties; maintains inventory of paper and supplies; performs some security administration; assists programmers with debugging new programs; backs up files; catalogues tapes; maintains communications and working relationships with user departments; prepares and runs user costs and other reports; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares tabulations and summaries; occasionally works with informa- tion which is restricted for a time; uses equipment which requires minimal servicing and occasional accountability; personal contacts are incidental to work performed; work requires a moderate physical effort and is performed in office where hazards are minor and • controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of work experience in IBM data processing equipment operation, or four years of diversified data processing equipment operation. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively analyzes and corrects operational problems; Maintains and improves knowledge of user departments' priorities and requirements; Schedules machine time to maximum efficiency; Confidential information is held with discretion; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with supervisors, co-workers, system users, and vendors. • Salina/91 It CLASS TITLE: Curator of Collections ACCOUNTABLE TO: Museum Director • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, researches, catalogues, and prepares artifacts for storage and exhibit; trains and supervises paid and volunteer staff; performs work of some com- plexity requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs research on artifacts; assists in the planning and develop- ment of exhibits; recruits and trains volunteers and paid staff; prepares departmental goals and standards of performance; writes procedures and policy manuals; prepares artifacts for exhibit and storage; constructs storage units; monitors climate control; prepares staff reports, newsletter articles, and press releases; researches local history and answers inquiries of the public and other museums; assists with budget preparation and implementation; purchases sup- plies and equipment; enters data; assists with installation of exhib- its; organizes and presents educational programs; conducts tours; answers correspondence; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; supervises materials to assure against deterioration. Position requires substantial contact with the public and fellow employees; moderate physical effort is required in surroundings where conditions are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small • group of workers in the museum. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in history or museum studies and three years of experience in museum collections or registrar work; a master degree is desirable. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates ability to organize and plan ways to catalogue and implement collection management programs; Cares for artifacts in a manner that preserves their condition and enables staff to understand their background; Recognizes artifacts that would strengthen the overall quality of the historical collections; Establishes and effectively achieves realistic goals and objectives; Communicates effectively orally and in writing; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with com- munity organizations, volunteers, museum staff and the general public. 411 Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Curator of Exhibits ACCOUNTABLE TO: Museum Director PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, researches, sched- • ules, designs, constructs and installs museum exhibits; assists with educational programs and museum publicity. Performs work of some com- plexity, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, researches, schedules, designs, and constructs major and tempor- ary exhibits in a museum; keeps work on schedule; prepares written information about exhibit; trains and supervises volunteers and subcon- tractors; purchases materials; maintains exhibits; schedules and over- sees public programs; assists in long-term planning and in annual bud- get preparation; provides publicity for programs and exhibits; writes articles for newsletter; conducts tours and talks before civic groups; plans programs for school children; attends planning meetings; may assist in cleaning, painting and repair of building; oversees the dark room; works with organizations on special projects; occasionally works after hours and/or on weekends; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; oversees equipment requiring minimal servicing; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position re- quires substantial contact with public and fellow employees to perform assigned work; position requires moderate physical effort under con- ditions requiring use of proper safety procedures and equipment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Periodically supervises a • group of volunteers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in graphic design, history, drafting, or a related field and three years of exper- ience in a museum or gallery involved with building and maintaining exhibits; possession of valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates abilities to plan and construct informative exhibits in a timely fashion; Demonstrates skills in researching and writing interesting text for exhibits, displays, newsletters, and programs; Demonstrates ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, with volunteers, staff, the public, committees and other museum offi- cials; demonstrates the ability to represent the museum to others in a professional, confident and self-motivated manner; Works well with power and hand tools and materials; Exhibits skills and abilities in the principles of artifact preserva- tion, photography, and carpentry; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, volunteers, the public and other officials. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Customer Accounts Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Finance Director PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction manages water • utility billing and collection division of the Department of Finance and Administration; responsible for meter reading, billing and collec- tion, and customer service. Work varies, requiring interpretive judg- ment within prescribed standards and procedures, with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs and supervises customer accounts unit of moderate size within Department of Finance and Administration; supervises customer service representative, a supervisor of meter readers and a number of counter clerks, account clerks and cashiers; trains employees and evaluates employee performance; confers with public officials, representatives of various organizations, and utility customers, as required; coordin- ates preparation of annual budget; conducts staff meetings and confers with employees; supervises purchasing for the unit; confers with con- tractors, engineering consultants and vendors; initiates and estab- lishes improvements in unit methods and procedures; maintains fixed asset accounts for the water and sewer utilities; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements and reports; works regu- larly with some information generally restricted; handles and uses clerical supplies and equipment; routinely responsible for large amounts of funds; contact with employees and public is frequent, requiring tactful , patient, pleasant, courteous and tolerant manner • under stressful situations; duties require limited movement in an office environment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as section head of a large department. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with coursework in business and five years of work experience in bookkeeping, billing or customer accounts services; two years of supervisory experience is desirable. EXAMP ES OF P RFORMANCE CRIT 'IA AND •UALIFICATIONS: Establishes and maintains work performance and quality standards effectively; supervises work of others, efficiently and effectively; Develops and revises work methods and procedures effectively; Establishes and maintains a productive and effective work environment for unit; reviews unit and individual performance effectively on a regular basis; Maintains current knowledge of technology, methods and procedures effective in this field; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, department heads, public officials, representatives of other organizations and utility customers. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Data Processing Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Finance and Administration • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, plans , develops, implements, and directs the data processing equipment, programs, and staff serving the city and county. Performs difficult work requiring significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, develops, organizes and directs the staff of the data process- ing unit in the administration of computer program development and production for city and county user agencies and departments; sched- ules and controls all production in the data processing division; pro- • vides technical assistance to staff, users, and administration about data processing and implementation and maintenance of the software systems; analyzes the needs and resources to select and plan effective data processing applications and related equipment; verifies that all programs meet predetermined requirements and functions properly; eval- uates the system or application performance and determines if the application meets the objectives of the user; provides planning for future requirements, either software or hardware and the resources needed to meet the objectives and goals of the plan; manages and maintains financial records for cost allocation, budgeting, billing users, for use in determining operating costs, and performance measurement for application development and solution; prepares the data processing fiscal budget and assures responsibility for the expenditure of funds; evaluates performance of the system and of employees; participates in screening, selection, and discipline of employees; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates plans, develops, and implements records and report systems, and schedules; has access to information restricted to specific persons and is aware to meaning and consequence of release; account- able for considerable equipment; routinely is responsible for funds of a moderate amount; contact with employees is frequent and involves communications of complex information; position requires employee to perform work of moderate physical effort in surroundings where hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for super- vision of employees of a section in a large department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business or a related field, including coursework in computer science, plus five years of programming and systems analysis and design, including super- visory experience. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assures that equipment is maintained and operated with minimal down time; • Directs maintenance of tape and disk files and libraries in a secure and reliable manner; CLASS TITLE: Data Processing Manager • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Insures that operating instructions are provided and adhered to by operational personnel, including data entry; Maintains and enforces data processing standards which include docu- mentation, development, operations, and production control; Monitors and purchases supplies as needed for data processing opera- tions; Meets predetermined production schedules; Users are satisfied with applications developed for them; reports meet user demands for decision making; Effectively leads assigned personnel; Reports and records are prepared accurately, effectively, and timely; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of the principles, practices, equipment, and materials used in current data processing and computer programming; Maintains and exhibits discretion at all times when handling • confidential data; Effectively communicates orally and in writing; Is effective in establishing and achieving goals and objectives of the organization; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, superiors, users, and the public. Salina/91 • H CLASS TITLE: Deputy City Clerk ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Clerk • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, assists the City. Clerk in maintaining, filing, indexing and preserving official city records; in maintaining the city Seal; filing and maintaining city contracts, bond issuances, petitions and legal publications; issues licenses and permits; participates in preparation of agenda; takes minutes of official meetings. Work requires limited judgment, with some leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists in preparation of agenda for public meetings; takes minutes of meetings and oversees their transcription and printing; partici- pates in maintenance of the City Seal; countersigns warrants and payroll checks; oversees publication and distribution of city budget document; issues licenses and permits; takes over duties of the City Clerk in City Clerk's absence; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; uses office equipment not easily damaged; routinely handles funds of moderate amounts; contacts with public are frequent and complex, requiring tact and courtesy; movement is limited; hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None • EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and three years of experience including some in a City Clerk's office. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively deals with the public in the issuance of licenses and permits and other matters; Accurately records minutes of public meetings; Accurately communicates orally and in writing; Effectively and accurately maintains, files, indexes and preserves official records, legal publications, petitions and contracts; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with em- ployees, officials, and the public. Salina/91 411 CLASS TITLE: Development Program Coordinator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Planning and Community Development PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, identifies funding • and grant sources and facilitates the gathering of information of necessity to properly prepare grant proposals and to assure their being administered in accordance with state or federal requirements. Work is of some complexity, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs funding and program research to determine potential sources and programs, and suggests programs which are needed by the city; works with all departments in coordinating grant proposals; prepares and drafts grant applications; monitors grants to insure compliance with regulations; performs bookkeeping and prepares financial reports; makes housing inspections; prepares and administers budgets; administers pro- jects and contractual agreements; takes bids; speaks at public hearings and before civic groups; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works regularly with information which is generally limited; uses clerical supplies and equipment; has author- ity to approve loans and is responsible for a moderate amount of funds; position requires substantial contact with public and other employees; duties require moderate physical effort in conditions where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads a Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator. • EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to two years of college in the build- ing trades, business or a related field; and one year of experience in grantmanship, plus two years experience in construction in community development; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively identifies and disseminates information on funding oppor- tunities to various city departments and to individual applicants; Obtains and accurately interprets information on departmental goals as they pertain to a specific funding opportunity; On an individual basis, writes grant applications adequately, reflect- ing the needs and objectives of the department; Achieves a high success rate in attracting new funds into city; main- tains a current knowledge of grant programs and funds available to the city; Accurately accounts for funds in accordance with approved bookkeeping methods; ■ Properly and thoroughly conducts housing inspections; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with super- visors, officials, fellow employees, clients, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Director of Golf Course ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director Parks and Recreation • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, directs, schedules and supervises the maintenance of a golf course and related facilities. Work varies, occasionally requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Oversees maintenance of fairways, greens, traps, water systems, water- ways, and other golf course grounds; supervises the operation of the pro shop and day to day play; promotes and schedules golf events such as tournaments, leagues and company outings; inspects all facilities under jurisdiction to determine effectiveness of programs and person- nel; acts upon patron complaints, requests, and suggestions; collects, accounts for and deposits receipts; trains new employees; requisitions supplies and equipment; contacts businesses and contractors in regard to equipment, materials, supplies, and services needed; assists in estimating and substantiating department budgetary requirements; deter- mines and approves the extent of and participates in repairs needed to maintain equipment in proper operating order; supervises the mainten- ance of golf course maintenance records; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial records, researches and prepares reports; occasion- ally works with information affecting internal relationships; super- vises and uses equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; routinely handles funds of a moderate • amount; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; position requires employee to perform a multitude of move- ments in which a moderate physical effort is required; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and proced- ures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises several em- ployees in the maintenance of golf courses and serves as a section head. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supplemented with college level coursework or training in golf course work and business, plus three years of progressively responsible experience in golf course and greens maintenance, including some experience as a supervisor; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Golf course and greens are adequately maintained and present a pleas- ing appearance; Is able to read and interpret blueprints, plans, and specifications; Ability to generate golfing activities and user revenues; • Effectively plans, schedules and directs the work of a variety of skilled and semi-skilled workers; Properly maintains inventory of equipment and supplies; CLASS TITLE: Director of Golf Course • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs effectively and efficiently; Maintains records in an orderly and efficient manner; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, golfers, and the public. Salina/91 • 110 CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician I ACCOUNTABLE TO: Assistant Director of Utilities and Engineering • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs tech- nical engineering drafting, design, and construction inspection work. Work varies somewhat with some leeway for discretion and independent judgment. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Prepares routine designs, plans, specifications, and bid documents for approval; makes preliminary estimates of work and material required; establishes grades for and designs streets, curbs and gutters, side- walks, alleys, or other paving projects, water and sewer lines, and similar public works projects subject to approval; prepares cost com- putations; acts as an inspector on construction jobs; surveys; reduces survey notes; plots profiles and cross sections; prepares as built drawings; prepares maps, and plans; maintains maps; performs drafting and design work to complete construction plans for a wide variety of engineering projects; prepares planning and zoning maps; advises de- velopers; builders, utility companies, and property owners in engi- neering matters; prepares special assessments for municipal projects; prepares and reviews property descriptions for annexations, zoning changes, and assessment districts; files and maintains tracings and other engineering records; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with infor- mation restricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses equip- ment requiring minimal servicing; position requires contact with the public and fellow employees; duties require multiple movements in surroundings where hazards occasionally require care and use of proper safety equipment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and some civil engineering or related coursework, and one year of experi- ence in engineering field work and drafting; possesses a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned work is performed effectively and efficiently and results in desired end products; Assigned inspection duties are carried out in a manner that achieves construction in accordance with plans, specifications, and recognized engineering standards; - Records and reports are prepared according to policies and acceptable standards; Knowledge of current, technical engineering techniques, practices, and policies is maintained and upgraded; Exercises and maintains skills in the use of engineering field and office equipment; CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician I • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Mathematics, note reductions, and similar procedures are accurate; Sketches, plans, and cross-sections are neat and accurate; Effectively communicates in oral and written form; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials, contractors, consulting engineerings, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician II ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Public Works or an Engineer • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs tech- nical engineering, design, construction inspection and traffic control work. Work varies; employee exercises interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Inspects the installation of storm and sanitary sewer, water mains, and street paving for compliance with approved plans and specifica- tions; makes preliminary or final estimates of work and material required; interprets construction plans to contractors; establishes grades for and designs streets, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, alleys, or other paving projects, water and sewer lines, and similar public works projects subject to approval; participates in traffic engineer- ing investigations, studies, and surveys to determine the need for and application of traffic control devices; assures that traffic control devices are properly installed at construction sites; prepares draw- ings and stakes for channelization, pavement markings, accident dia- grams, parking lots, and related functions; reviews subdivision lay- outs and building permit applications for engineering considerations; acts as an inspector on construction jobs; prepares periodic pay estimates for materials on hand and work completed; plots profiles; prepares maps and plans; maintains maps showing zoning, lots and utility lines, and city limits; advises developers, builders, utility companies, and property owners in engineering matters; investigates • complaints involving drainage, sidewalks and street repairing; files and maintains tracings and other engineering records; maintains street paving inventory; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operational statements and reports from new and raw data; occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons for a limited time; uses equipment requiring care to prevent breakdown; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position requires sub- stantial contact with the public and fellow employees; duties require multiple movements in surroundings where hazards require safety pre- cautions. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and some civil engineering or related coursework, and three years experi- ence in engineering field work and drafting; possession of a valid ,driver's license; certified Local Public Authority by the Kansas Department of Transportation. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned work is performed effectively and efficiently and results in desired end products; • Assigned inspection duties are carried out in a manner that achieves construction in accordance with plans, specifications, and recognized engineering standards; CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician II EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Records and reports are prepared according to policies and acceptable standards; Knowledge of current technical engineering techniques, practices, and policies is maintained and upgraded; Exercises and maintains skills in the use of engineering field and office equipment; Mathematics, note reductions, and similar procedures are accurate; Traffic controls and traffic engineering are functioning effectively; Sketches, plans, and cross-sections are neat and accurate; Effectively communicates in oral and written form. Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials, contractors, consulting engineerings, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician III ACCOUNTABLE TO: Assistant Director of Engineering and Utilities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs work supervising and participating in technical field and office engineer- ing work in traffic engineering and construction inspection; work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and proced- ures with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Reviews plans and specifications for public works projects for compli- ance with pertinent codes and accepted engineering practices; acts as the official land surveyor for the City; acts as chief of party in a field survey crew; personally uses the surveying instruments on more difficult projects and supervises subordinate personnel in the use of instruments in less exacting work; compiles topographical data and interprets same for engineering design projects; acts as traffic engi- neering technician for the city; conducts traffic engineering studies and prepares subsequent reports; coordinates traffic control improve- ments with other departments and contractors; responds to citizen concerns related to traffic issues; coordinates railroad crossing improvements with appropriate railroad companies; coordinates school zone traffic safety; accumulates and analyzes traffic accident data; inspects and directs the inspection of construction projects as resi- dent inspector; checks construction projects for compliance with plans, specifications and accepted good engineering practices; submits data • for state and federally funded projects and follows up; performs or authorizes field and laboratory testing of construction materials on City, State, and Federal projects; personally performs the more diffi- cult design work in the preparation of public works plans; estimates or compiles costs of utility line extensions, streets, alleys and other public improvements; purchases materials and equipment for the drafting and surveying sections; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; occasionally works with restricted information; uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; contacts with employees and others are frequent and involve communication of complex information; employee must perform a multitude of movements; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Occasionally leads other workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of college level coursework in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, drafting, surveying (land and construction) , and five years of experience in technical civil engineering work; must be a licensed land surveyor in the State of Kansas and be certified by K.D.O.T. to perform construction inspection on L.P.A. Federal Aid highway projects; possession of a • valid driver's license. CLASS TITLE: Engineering Technician III EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Considerable knowledge of the principles, practices and instruments used in land and construction surveying and in civil engineering drafting; Considerable knowledge of mathematics through trigonometry and its application to surveying and engineering computations; Considerable knowledge of construction specifications and plans, and of regulations relating to public works construction by contract; Considerable knowledge of construction materials testing in the field and laboratory; considerable knowledge of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and acceptable engineering practices; Considerable skill in the use of surveying and drafting instruments and related equipment; Considerable skill in performing difficult technical computations, estimates and tests, and in compiling engineering data and statistics; Considerable skill in determining adherence to engineering plans and specifications, and in communicating with contractors effectively in securing compliance with plans and specifications; • Good written and oral communication skills; Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with other engineering and surveying personnel, contractors and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Environmental Education Specialist ACCOUNTABLE TO: Recreation Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs profes- sional, supervisory and educational work in the development and main- tenance of a natural area and the development and supervision of wide-ranging environmental education programs in the community. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs, plans, implements and supervises the development and manage- ment of a natural area, including a lake, grassland, trail system and forest for the benefit of the community and the public; designs, coor- dinates and supervises environmental education programs for persons of all ages and abilities; conducts and supervises classes, workshops, lectures, tours and special events; provides information to clubs, organizations and agencies; supervises and assists in maintenance of a live annual collection; designs and develops displays; conducts seasonal wildlife surveys; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records, prepares tabulations; super- vises equipment requiring minimal servicing; contact with employees and public is frequent, and requires tact, courtesy and patience; requires a multitude of movements, and hazards are minor and control- lable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of naturalists, education assistants and maintenance workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in wild- life or natural resource management or a closely related field and three years of experience in education or wildlife management pro- grams; a teacher's certification is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license is required. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and directs the development, management and main- tenance of the natural area set aside for the public benefit; Effectively and efficiently designs and conducts a variety of envi- ronmental education programs; Communicates effectively, clearly and concisely both orally and in writing; Accurately and effectively conducts wildlife surveys; Establishes and maintains good working relationships with employees, participants , community organizations, and the public. 1110 Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Events Coordinator/Marketing Specialist ACCOUNTABLE TO: Manager of Bicentennial Center • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, books events and promotes activities of the Bicentennial Center; negotiates contracts with entertainment promoters; trains ticket sellers; accounts for revenues and expenditures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Works with entertainment promoters to work out details of scheduling events in Bicentennial Center; arranges food and beverage details; establishes ticket pricing and marketing strategies; advertises events and Bicentennial Center; gives talks to groups; provides tours; em- ploys, trains, and supervises ticket sellers and takers and ushers; administers accounting functions; accounts for receipts and expendi- tures; budgets; promotes conventions and tourism; solicits new clients; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements; occasionally works with restricted information; uses clerical supplies and equipment; rou- tinely responsible for large amounts of funds; contact with employees and the public is frequent; duties require limited movement in con- trollable surroundings. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers. • EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in busi- ness, arts administration, marketing or concert promotion, and four years of experience in marketing or box office work of which two years would be in a supervisory capacity. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively trains and supervises people; Effectively completes work assignments under severe time limitations; Accurately accounts for revenues and expenditures; Attracts concerts and programs of community interest; Negotiates contracts in the city's interest that will also attract good performers; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with clients, employees, superiors and the general public. Salina/91 110 CLASS TITLE: Fire Prevention Educator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Fire Marshal • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, develops, coordi- nates and conducts instructional programs to educate the public and school children in fire safety and prevention. Performs work of some complexity, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures with significant opportunity for discretion and indepen- dent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Designs and develops instructional programs for school children; teaches classes by special arrangement with schools; makes arrangements for and coordinates use of a fire safety house mobile simulator; designs and presents education programs for civic clubs, community groups and speci- al target organizations; designs and supervises construction of posters and visual aids; presents educational materials in radio talk shows, interviews and media contacts; researches and composes newsletter arti- cles; conducts station tours; assists Fire Marshal and Fire Chief with special assignments; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; uses equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; contacts with public are varied and continual, requiring a high degree of interpersonal skill , tact, diplomacy and good judgment; duties require limited movement; hazards are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: No supervisory respons- ibility. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to two years of college training and one year of teaching, training, public relations or public education activ- ities, preferably in the field of fire safety or prevention; a bachelor degree in elementary education is desirable; must possess a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Efficiently and effectively presents instruction in fire safety and pre- vention and related matters to school children, civic groups and others; Effectively designs and develops instructional programs in fire safety and prevention and related matters; Maintains knowledge of subject matter of instructional programs; main- tains catalogues and reading materials; Effectively represents the department in media contacts and interviews; Effectively develops and composes articles and news releases to further the public education program; • Establishes effective working relations with school officials and work- ers, leaders and members of civic, community and other organizations, fellow employees, superiors and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Flood Control Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs techni- • cal and supervisory work in maintenance of the flood dike system around the city. Works within prescribed standards and procedures, with leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: ' Supervises and participates in maintenance of the dike system; schedules work of crew; operates motor grader, backhoe and front-end loader to maintain shape and strength of dikes; meets with inspectors from Army Corps of Engineers at least twice a year; maintains records and logs as required by the Army Corps of Engineers; applies pesticide chemicals; supervises and participates in mowing and maintenance of ground cover, tree and brush control, in greasing, painting and repair of sluice gates, valves and flap gates, in spreading gravel on ramps and driving areas, in trimming and removing trees, painting signs, and maintaining fences; performs minor repairs on tractors, trucks and other equipment; develops and submits annual flood control budget; monitors and controls expendi- tures; writes equipment specifications, memoranda and reports; recommends hiring and firing of employees; performs other duties as assigned. Posts prepared data and records of own activities; occasionally works with information restricted to specific persons; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; position requires substantial contact with the public and fellow employ- ees; duties require substantial physical involvement; hazards are moder- ate and require use of proper safety equipment and procedures. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises small crew of flood control maintenance workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and five years of experience in public works construction and maintenance, in- cluding two years in flood control or related projects; possession of commercial driver's license and a Kansas pesticide applicator license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently supervises maintenance of flood control areas; Effectively operates heavy and light equipment in earth moving, grading, mowing and other activities in maintenance of dikes and ground cover; Effectively and efficiently maintains all parts and accessory elements of flood control areas, including gates, fences, valves, ramps, roads, signs, equipment, trees and grounds; Develops and submits budget in accurate, efficient and timely manner; Communicates effectively in oral communication and in writing of • reports, memoranda, records and specifications; Establishes and maintains effective working climate that encourages employees to work to full potential. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Food and Beverage Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: Manager of Bicentennial Center PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, organizes and directs all aspects of the food and beverage service provided by the Bicentennial Center. Work is of some complexity requiring inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes and directs food and beverage operations at the Bi- centennial Center and at other concession locations; provides staffing for each event; accounts for receipts and expenditures; inventories all items bought and sold; plans events with clients; works with caterers; purchases supplies; prepares a budget and administers it; prepares reports; handles and enforces liquor situations; hires and orients staff; prepares and explains written policies; stays current in food and beverage developments; maintains concession facilities; stocks concession stands; works with caterers; plans and prices menus; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements; occasionally works with restricted information; supervises equipment requiring care to ensure against breakdown; routinely handles funds of a moderate amount; con- tact with employees and public is frequent; position requires moderate physical effort, in surroundings where conditions are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group • of workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business or restaurant management with five years of experience in the food and beverage business, two of which are in a supervisory capacity; certi- fied in sanitation policies. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and organizes events requiring the serving of food and beverages; Effectively trains workers in food handling, service, and sanitary practices; Orders and maintains an appropriate inventory of food and supplies, and accounts for same; Demonstrates ability to operate and maintain kitchen equipment; Practices sanitary procedures in food service, storage, preparation and dispensing; Accurately accounts for revenues and expenditures; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with clients, employees, superiors and the general public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Food and Beverage Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Assistant Food and Beverage Manager PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, assists in the planning of menus, ordering of food and supplies, catering small and large groups of people, maintaining inventories and handling concession stands. Works within prescribed standards with leeway for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans menus, schedules and trains staff, orders food and supplies, assists in food preparation, setting up dining areas, and serving people; assures cleanliness of kitchen, dining area, and equipment; takes inventory; sets up and prepares concession stands; accounts for funds; works with group leaders to schedule and plan events; prepares daily and monthly reports; may serve as bartender; enters data; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; occasionally works with re- stricted information; supervises equipment to ensure against break- down; routinely handles funds of a moderate amount; position re- quires substantial contact with the public and fellow employees; duties require moderate physical effort in controllable surroundings. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers. •EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to completion of college level coursework in business, food handling or restaurant management, with some experience in a related field; certified in sanitation poli- cies; possession of a valid Kansas driver's license and certifica- tion in sanitary methods of food handling. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Properly trains subordinate personnel; Schedules and plans assignments to accomplish objectives in an effi- cient and effective manner; Maintains and orders an adequate amount of inventory; Keeps accurate and complete records; Demonstrates knowledge of state and local health laws pertaining to the handling, storage, dispensing and preparation of food and bever- ages; Skillfully operates and maintains equipment; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with . clients, employees, superiors, and the general public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Golf Course Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Golf Course Director or Director of Parks and Recreation • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, directs and supervises the maintenance of a golf course and related facili- ties. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, directs, supervises, and participates in turf maintenance and construction of fairways, greens, traps, water systems, waterways, and other golf course grounds; plans for and plants trees; constructs and maintains cart paths and tee boxes; maintains and performs repairs to golf course accessory buildings; inspects all facilities under juris- diction to determine effectiveness of programs and personnel; acts upon patron complaints, requests, and suggestions; applies fungicides, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers; requisitions supplies and equipment; contacts businesses and contractors in regard to equipment, materials, supplies, and services needed; assists in budgetary prepar- ation and monitoring; determines and approves the extent of and par- ticipates in repairs needed to maintain equipment in proper operating order; determines strength and mixture of fertilizers and chemicals used on a golf course; prepares golf course maintenance records; per- , forms other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with information affecting internal relationships; supervises and uses equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown or •. deterioration; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements in which a moderate physical effort is required; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and proced- ures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in the maintenance of a golf course. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of progressively responsible experience in golf course and greens maintenance; one year as a lead worker or supervisor; posses- sion of or ability to acquire EPA Pesticide Applicator's Permit; pos- session of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains and applies current knowledge of the planting, cultivating, pruning, and care of greens, shrubs, trees, and lawns; Maintains and applies current knowledge of fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides; Maintains and applies current knowledge of the methods of preparing soils for planting; Golf course and greens are adequately maintained and present a pleas- ing appearance; CLASS TITLE: Golf Course Superintendent • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and applies current knowledge of the maintenance of auto- motive equipment; properly and efficiently repairs and maintains assigned equipment; Is able to read and interpret blueprints, plans, and specifications; Effectively plans and directs the work of a variety of skilled and semi-skilled workers; Develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs effectively and efficiently; Properly maintains inventory of equipment and supplies; Maintains records in an orderly and efficient manner; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, players, and the public. Salina//91 • CLASS TITLE: Grounds Maintenance Foreman ACCOUNTABLE To: Recreation Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, supervises and performs work in ball fields, facilities, and park construction and maintenance; work involves responsibility for planning, scheduling, and supervising the work of personnel engaged in the maintenance of athletic grounds and facilities. Work has significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans operations; schedules equipment and personnel; performs work in the operation and maintenance of athletic fields and grounds; inspects facilities for vandalism and reports to police; work involves mowing grass, sodding, seeding, killing weeds, removing snow, caring for ice, watering, and spraying; prepares chemical for use on plant materials; supervises laying out and maintenance of athletic playing fields, courts and ground surfaces; oversees maintenance of equipment includ- ing tractors, mowers, backhoe, and other tools; maintains time sheets; requisitions materials and supplies; takes annual inventories; trains employees and evaluates work performed; stresses safe procedures; paints and repairs playground equipment; removes trash and litter; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; works with information affecting internal relationships; oversees equipment and materials requiring minimal servicing; position requires substantial contact • with employees and the public; duties require substantial physical involvement; work requires occasional contact with dust, noise, and temperature extremes; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in grounds maintenance. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school with three years of experience in grounds and recreational facilities main- tenance, including one year being in a lead capacity; must possess a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of principles, objec- tives, practices, and procedures of maintenance of athletic fields and grounds; Possesses, maintains, and continually upgrades a working knowledge of the methods, equipment, materials, plants, and tools used in park operation, maintenance, and landscaping; Maintains a current knowledge of tools and equipment used; • Effectively and efficiently plans, supervises, schedules, coordinates, and reviews the work of employees; Monitors operations to assure proper safety practices are exercised; CLASS TITLE: Grounds Maintenance Foreman EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Is able to read and interpret blueprints, plans, and specifications; Effectively develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, facilities users, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Horticulturist ACCOUNTABLE TO: Park Superintendent PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, supervises, • and performs horticultural activities involving landscape design, con- struction, and general grounds maintenance. Work is of some complexity requiring the determining of a sequence of operations, scheduling, lay- out and choosing a course of action from alternatives. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, details, and estimates the cost of a series of projects involv- ing beautification through the use of plant materials; plans and per- forms work in seeding, irrigation, fertilizing, planting, and maintain- ing trees, shrubs, plants, and grass; assists in budget preparation and selection and purchasing of materials and equipment; supervises work crews and maintains records of all activities and inventories; drives truck, tractor, and operates equipment; loads and unloads materials; applies water, fertilizers, nutrients, weed killers, and pesticides as required; recognizes plant diseases and takes appropriate action to counteract; works on special projects and assignments; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational records; supervises and uses equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterior- ation; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require substantial physical involvement with occa- sional contact with dust, noise, hot or cold temperature extremes; haz- ards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises small group of workers in field work as assigned. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in the field of horticulture or landscape design and two years of related experience; possession of a valid driver's license; ability to be licensed in pesticide application. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates, maintains, and updates knowledge of landscape design, beautification and development; Demonstrates and updates knowledge of selecting, planting, and main- taining trees, shrubs, flowers, plants, and grass; Demonstrates ability to train and supervise employees in proper horti- cultural and landscaping techniques; Is able to properly assign and use equipment relating to this field; Applies knowledge of native species of flora; Prepares and maintains data in a simple and neat format; follows oral • and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, the public, and nursery operators. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Development Program Administrator • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs tech- nical work in housing inspection and rehabilitation to bring existing buildings up to standards of the Housing Code. Work varies and requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Prepares, processes and audits rehabilitation projects; counsels applicants and assists them in preparing program applications; pre- pares financial summaries; makes housing inspections; surveys site and prepares a cost estimate and the bid specifications; consults with other service providers and public agencies; meets with contractor during bid letting and project construction; periodically inspects project sites and resolves any changes in scope of work or execution of contract; surveys property for contract compliance and homeowner satisfaction; insures all federal requirements and labor and material contracts have been satisfied; prepares reporting forms for federal government; compiles technical and statistical information; authorizes completion of project and payment to contractor; provides assistance in establishing standards, specifications, and informational material for the rehabilitation program; meets with various public groups, individuals and organizations; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works regularly with information which is generally limited; uses hand tools and clerical equipment; • occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contacts with others is frequent and involves communication of complex information; duties require moderate physical effort in conditions where work requires occasional contact with dust, poor lighting, extremely hot and cold weather, insects and animals, where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to two years of college in the building trades, management, or a related field and three years experience in building construction, including some in community development or housing rehabilitation. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Plans and carries out housing rehabilitation programs effectively and efficiently; Prepares and presents reports accurately, comprehensively and concise- ly; Reports show how the money was spent; Effectively and properly prepares, reviews and administers grants; • Effectively promotes and presents housing programs to owners, tenants, contractors and officials; Maintains, updates, and applies knowledge of grants administration; CLASS TITLE: Housing Rehabilitation Coordinator EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Owners are satisfied with the completed work; Establishes and maintains a level of discipline and a working climate which motivates contractors to perform up to their full potential; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with contractors, the public, tenants and officials. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Human Relations Investigator ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Human Relations • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, investigates complaints of alleged unlawful discriminatory practices and prepares cases for judicial or quasi-judicial review; assists parties in com- pliance with civil rights laws. Performs work of some complexity requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Following federal, state, and local laws, regulations, standards and guidelines, investigates and prepares cases involving housing, employ- ment, sexual and other discrimination; prepares documentation of facts for possible prosecution or conciliation of differences; interviews and applies laws to specific allegations; facilitates adjustments and settlements of disputes; schedules interviews and conferences; main- tains records; prepares and analyzes statistical data; prepares and administers grants in aid; conducts seminars and workshops; may serve in the absence of the director; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works regularly with information which is generally limited; uses clerical equipment; contact with employees and the public is frequent; duties require limited movement in an office setting. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Occasionally leads other • workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business, sociology, psychology, or a related field and two years experience in the field of human relations including experience in equal opportunity and affirmative action. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Understands and applies federal and state law and the city's ordi- nances pertaining to equal opportunity and affirmative action; Some knowledge of the Human Relations Commission and its purposes and functions, and the Kansas Act Against Discrimination; Some knowledge of the principles and methods of case investigation; Ability to elicit, compile, organize, analyze, evaluate, exchange and provide factual data in a meaningful manner; Ability to interview and deal effectively and in a professional manner with opposing parties or points of view, and to function with effi- ciency under pressure or stressful circumstances; Ability to achieve compliance; • Ability to contact, relate to and interact professionally with com- plainants and respondents, persons at all levels in other agencies, businesses and organizations, and many segments of the public; CLASS TITLE: Human Relations Investigator 0 EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Ability to maintain confidentiality and integrity; Ability to obtain a quantity of varied verbal , written, quantitative and behavioral information and to prepare it in case summary or report form; Establish and accomplish goals and meet deadlines; Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely in both oral and written form; Ability to develop and exercise deductive and inductive reasoning, persuasive, negotiating, decision making, advisory and interviewing skills; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, superiors and other agencies. Salina/91 • i CLASS TITLE: Industrial Pretreatment Officer ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Engineering and Utilities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs techni- cal work in the inspection, advisement and enforcement of regulations of the state and federal government and city ordinances pertaining to the industrial waste pretreatment program audits' impact on the city's wastewater plants and the environment. Work varies, requiring inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Inspects and investigates industrial waste control , pretreatment and treatment facilities in order to ensure industrial compliance with pretreatment program rules and regulations; visits and investigates new industrial and commercial firms to determine the nature of their business, their wastewater generating process and the magnitude, type and strength of wastes produced; collects samples for laboratory anal- ysis; measures flow from industrial wastewater discharges; evaluates the adequacy of pretreatment processes; and determines compliance with legal standards and requirements; discusses violations with management of industries, advises them and seeks corrections; prepares enforce- ment actions; writes reports, maintains records, advises and assists industries in preparation of permit applications and regulatory forms and documents; confers with superiors and with representatives of other government agencies regulating environmental standards; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares operating statements, researches and prepares reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; uses equipment requiring minimal servicing; contacts with the public are frequent and involves communication of complex information; employee must perform a multitude of movements; hazards are moderate, requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to an associate degree in biology, chemistry, environmental science or engineering technology and two years of experience in environmental quality control, engineering or industrial waste management; certified as a Wastewater Facility Oper- ator Class I, and as a Pretreatment Facility Inspector; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently investigates potential violations of laws, regulations and ordinances concerned with industrial waste; Advises industrial managers in matters of industrial waste with tact and courtesy; Pursues enforcement and correction of violations with efficiency and • integrity; Effectively collects samples for analysis; Accurately measures waste flow; CLASS TITLE: Industrial Pretreatment Officer 0 EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Communicates effectively, clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing; Accurately and effectively evaluates compliance with legal require- ments; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with indus- trial representatives, employees, other agency officials, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Laboratory Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Wastewater or Water Superintendent PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs tech- • nical work in a water or wastewater treatment laboratory involving standard chemical and bacteriological laboratory tests; on occasion operates the treatment plant. Works within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs standard chemical and bacteriological tests and procedures on samples taken before, during, and after treatment; prepares media, solutions, and stains for use ' in the laboratory; assists in the prep- aration of laboratory equipment and supplies for chemical and bacteri- ological analyses; maintains inventory of chemicals and laboratory equipment; assists in purchase of chemicals and equipment; prepares, sterilizes, and maintains equipment and samples; collects samples from all in-plant treatment processes; collects and analyzes samples from industrial users and at other remote locations; suggests modifications of treatment process operation; maintains a daily log of test results, observes operating gauges and records readings; may assume role of plant operator; may develop computer programs; conducts plant tours; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records and prepares tabulations and 'summaries; occasionally works with restricted information; responsible for overseeing materials or equipment requiring minimal servicing and/ or occasional accountability; contact with others is incidental to performance of duties; duties require a multitude of movements; work is performed in surroundings in which odors are occasionally encountered. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsibility for super- vision of others is limited to assisting new and seasonal employees. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of college level courses in chemistry, biology, or a related field; ability to become certified as a Class IV Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator or Class IV Water Plant Operator; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Laboratory tests performed are conducted according to proper proced- ures and practices; laboratory equipment is maintained properly; Tests are performed as required and results are logically interpreted; Calculations are accurate; Maintains a current knowledge of chemistry and bacteriology; chemicals are handled properly and safely, and properly accounted for; Reports and records are prepared and maintained properly; Possesses thorough knowledge of laboratory techniques, equipment, and • terminology; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees and superiors. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Landfill Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Sanitation Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs and supervises the activities of a small group of skilled and semi-skilled workers directing the unloading and disposal of refuse and maintaining la sanitary landfill; operates and makes minor repairs to heavy equip- ment. Works within prescribed standards and procedures with some lee- way for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Supervises and performs in the operation of a landfill involved with the disposal of refuse, brush, and appliances; establishes grade; plans and supervises filling to established grades and cover; plans unloading locations for ease of unloading and to permit efficient covering of unloaded material; directs and arranges the maintenance and repair of equipment; monitors volumes of refuse received; takes action to assure the site is clean, well-appearing, and litter is at a minimum; sprays noxious weeds; operates all equipment used at landfill and finishes work to grade; maintains roadways to disposal sites; performs other duties as assigned. Maintains minimal records of own activities; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown and deteriora- tion; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees to perform assigned work; duties require substantial physical involvement performed in undesirable physical conditions. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of workers in field work. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and five years of progressively responsible construction and maintenance work including three years operating heavy equipment; possession of a valid commercial driver's license; certified as a pesticide applicator and certified as a landfill operator. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Crew is supervised and assigned work is performed effectively and efficiently; Follows instructions properly and in an orderly manner; Few complaints are received regarding work of staff performed; Develops proper attitudes of employees and motivates them to high pro- ductivity; fairly and effectively evaluates performance of employees; Landfill site is well maintained and efficiently operated; Maintains a current knowledge of methods and equipment common to • maintenance and operation of sanitary landfills; Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of the operation and maintenance of medium and heavy equipment; operates and oversees equipment properly, safely and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Landfill Supervisor EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains a current knowledge of practices and methods of work sched- uling; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Meter Service Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TQ: Customer Accounts Manager PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, performs tech- nical and supervisory work in the reading of water meters; trouble- shoots and refers meters for service. Work varies, requires inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Schedules work; supervises and performs meter reading; handles cus- tomer complaints; trains new readers; investigates high and low consumption problems; checks for damaged meters and leaks; maintains equipment; supervises and performs shut-offs and turn-ons; investi- gates meter tampering; interviews and hires personnel; checks accur- acy of meters; checks time cards; maintains records on meters; occa- sionally reads meters; performs related duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; responsible for overseeing materials and equipment requiring servicing and accountability; position requires substantial contact with public, customers, and fellow employees; position requires moderate physical effort in occasional undesirable physical conditions. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of meter readers. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and two years of experience in meter reading; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates extensive knowledge of the principles, practices, and operation of water metering and the methods, equipment, materials, and tools used; Demonstrates ability to effectively organize work of self and others; Effectively resolves problems; Effectively enforces metering rules and regulations; Efficiently supervises the work of others; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with sub- ordinates, superiors, customers, and the general public. Salina/91 411 CLASS TITLE: Museum Director ACCOUNTABLE TO: Executive Director of the Salina Arts and Humanities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction is responsible for administering the affairs of the Smoky Hill Museum. Budgets, staffs, plans, supervises and accounts for and arranges objects in effective displays; promotes interest in museum by researching, giving lectures, writing articles, and arranging tours. Performs work of some complex- ity requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Administers the affairs of an educational museum that collects, pre- serves, researches, and interprets the artifacts of the community and region; creates programs, exhibits and activities to generate interest by the public; recommends policies on museum needs and proposals for implementation policies; prepares and monitors the budget; plans and carries out museum programs; provides direction of proper display of articles and in construction of exhibits; provides for supervision of exhibits to prevent damage or theft; works with other community organ- izations to plan and carry out projects; facilitates meetings; re- searches for programs and exhibits; applies for funding grants; speaks to individuals and groups; writes articles; conducts tours; corres- ponds with others; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates plans, develops and implements records; occasionally works with restricted information; supervises exhibits and collections to • assure against deterioration; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contacts with employees and public is frequent; moderate phys- ical effort is occasionally involved in surroundings where conditions are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a sectional head of a large department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a master's degree in museology, history or a related field and five years of museum experience includ- ing three years of administrative experience. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Understands and provides guidance in cataloguing, preservation, exhi- bition, interpretation and historical research; Develops and constructs exhibits in accordance with established themes; Plans and carries out programs and activities of community interest; - Demonstrates administrative skills involved in policy development, budget preparation, fund raising, grant writing, and continued museum development; • Effectively supervises a staff of paid and volunteer personnel; Ability to conceptualize, plan and organize museum programs and achieve goals; CLASS TITLE: Museum Director EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Demonstrates ability to communicate and work productively and crea- tively with volunteers, public officials, and other museum profession- als; Enthusiasm and respect for individual and community productivity and creativity. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Parks Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Parks and Recreation • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs super- visory work in the direction of skilled and semi-skilled workers in the operation and maintenance of city parks, including maintenance of neighborhood centers, pools and grounds and maintenance of mechanical equipment. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, directs, assigns and schedules staff in the construc- tion, development, repair and maintenance of park areas, trees and shrubs, grounds, buildings and facilities for which responsibility is assigned; inspects all areas and facilities under jurisdiction to determine effectiveness of programs and personnel; inspects work under way for compliance with development and construction plans; coordinates park plans and activities with other departments and agencies; partici- pates in development of department budget and monitors expenditures; develops and implements safety and training programs for park person- nel; supervises purchases of supplies, equipment and materials; per- forms other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements; works regularly with information generally limited; supervises equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position requires frequent contact with the public and fellow employees relaying complex information; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements in which a moderate physical effort is required; hazards require care and use of proper safety equipment. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for a number of employees and crews as a section head. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to two years of college level course work in parks and recreation, horticulture, landscape architecture, or related field, and five years of progressively responsible experience in park maintenance, construction, and development, including two years in supervision; a Bachelor of Science Degree in Park Management is desirable; must possess a State Pesticide Application Certificate; possession of a valid driver's license. gXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Possesses and maintains thorough knowledge of principles, objectives, practices and procedures of administration of parks and public grounds; Possesses and maintains a working knowledge of the current methods, equipment, materials, plants, and tools used in park operation, main- tenance, repair, construction, and landscaping; Maintains current knowledge of turf, plantings, fertilizers, herbi- • cides, pesticides, carpentry, electrical and plumbing repair and building maintenance; Effectively prepares and monitors annual budget; CLASS TITLE: Parks Superintendent • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively and efficiently plans, schedules, coordinates, supervises, and reviews work of employees; effectively develops work programs and evaluates their effectiveness; Properly and efficiently prepares comprehensive reports; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other departments, employees, superiors, facility users, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Personnel Technician ACCOUNTABLE TO: Personnel Director • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under direction, performs a wide variety of work in maintenance of the city's personnel program, including estab- lishment and maintenance of complex computer files, administration of tests, assistance to applicants and employees in relation to benefits, insurance and related matters, and preparation of complex reports. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within generally prescrib- ed standards and procedures with significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Initiates and maintains up-to-date confidential records of all employ- ees of the city; initiates and maintains master payroll records for all employees, as well as detailed benefit, tax and insurance records; utilizes computer for all records and enters changes prior to every semi-monthly payroll; prepares and processes timesheets; confers with employees regarding benefits, insurance, taxes and related matters; administers and scores tests for applicants; explains application and applicant processes; prepares complex periodic reports for government, insurance companies and other organizations; processes all personnel action forms; types correspondence and memoranda; performs other duties as assigned. Researches and prepares reports; works regularly with information which is generally limited; handles and uses clerical supplies and equipment; • handles funds of small amounts; contacts with employees and public are substantial; duties require limited movement, and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Leads a part-time worker on a regular basis. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of office work, including two years with responsibility for personnel, insurance, benefits or related matters. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Initiates and maintains computerized records of various personnel- related data with accuracy, discretion and integrity; Administers and scores application tests in strict accordance with rules and with accuracy and integrity; Safeguards confidential information in accordance with the city stan- dards and regulations; Prepares reports, memoranda and correspondence in accordance with high- est standards of accuracy, language and format, as required; • Establishes and maintains excellent working relationships with employ- ees, applicants, public officials and representatives of other organi- zations and agencies. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Programmer ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Data Processing • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs profes- sional work in programming by documenting various user work systems or processes; develops methodology to be used in adapting user systems to data processing and designs; writes, and tests program logic and codes for computer entry. Performs work of some complexity, chooses course of action from alternatives; requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Prepares flow charts; designs and evaluates application programs and systems; designs and writes computer programs; programs in RPGIII batch, or on-line programs from a list function to interactive files; tests and documents programs; coordinates with user in the design pro- gramming and output format; identifies and corrects programming errors; prepares and maintains material and instructions for users and opera- tions personnel; controls and monitors creation, use, and security of data files; transfers files to storage and maintains back-up or secur- ity files; recovers lost programs; prepares and maintains operations manuals and program documentation; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares program documentation from new or raw data; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; oversees equipment requiring minimal servicing; position requires substantial contact with fellow employees and users; duties require limited movement in sur- • roundings where hazards are minor and temperatures controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to an associate degree in computer science or data processing, including training in advanced programming. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with users and fellow employees; Performs accurate , timely, logical, and understandable programming assignments; Designs programs in which data and reports are effectively stored, retrieved, validated, and documented; Properly trains, instructs, and advises users; Effectively communicates in oral and written. forms; Is knowledgeable and continually upgrades in the current professional and technical aspects of programming. • Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Programmer/Analyst ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Data Processing PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs systems analysis and complex programming work; plans, directs, coordinates, advises and trains users, and participates in implementing complex data processing systems and practices. Performs work requiring choosing a course of action from alternatives requiring interpretive judgment; has significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Performs difficult and complex systems analysis and programming work; plans, organizes, and controls the preparation of computer programs; coordinates with user agency in the analysis and systems design of computer programs where little procedural precedent exists; identifies problems and uses innovative approaches to their solutions; evaluates and modifies existing programs; monitors users of system through the use of a security system; performs disk management; prepares system backup; answers users messages; assists users with errors or failures; locates new software or peripherals; prepares status reports on prospects and problem areas installs software; updates peripherals; designs and lays out new forms; writes and tests computer programs; develops user docu- mentation and instructional materials; trains personnel; maintains unit records and reports; estimates project and program costs; reviews work schedules and adjusts to meet user needs and objectives; operates com- puters; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops, and implements records and report systems; • works with information which is generally limited; uses equipment re- quiring care to assure against breakdown; contact with fellow employees and users is frequent and involves communication of complex information; duties require limited movement; work is performed in surroundings in which temperatures are controllable and hazards are minor. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to an Associate Degree in computer technical school, and more than five years of experience in advanced programming, systems design and analysis. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Maintains a high level of knowledge of current and advanced data pro- cessing equipment, systems, and procedures; Performs complex and advanced systems analyses in a timely and effective manner; effectively utilizes knowledge of data base design criteria; Performs accurate, timely, logical , and understandable analysis, solu- tions, documentation, and implementation of new or revised programs; Adequately trains, instructs, and advises users; effectively communi- cates in verbal and written forms; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees and system users. Salina/91 CLASS TITLg: Recreation Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Parks and Recreation • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs profes- sional recreation work of an administrative nature in the direction of the municipal recreation program involving responsibility for the effective use of a wide variety of recreation areas, facilities, and equipment. Performs difficult work; requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, and directs, within budget and facility limitations, the neighborhood center, recreational , swimming, and athletic programs; supervises and assists in the recruitment and training of permanent, part-time, and seasonal employees used in the operation of pools, play- grounds, centers, athletics, crafts, and other recreation facilities and programs; provides special recreation programs for the physically or mentally disadvantaged; performs promotional work in encouraging citizen participation, attendance, and interest in recreational activ- ities; plans, develops, and implements summer recreation program uti- lizing a variety of programs, personnel, and general public; partici- pates in the development of overall operational policies; inspects all facilities under jurisdiction to determine effectiveness of programs and personnel; acts upon citizen's complaints, requests, and sugges- tions; supervises and requisitions supplies, materials, and equipment; collects and accounts for user fees; develops budget for recreation division; reviews the reports and operating records, including activity • personnel and financial reports on the operation of various recreation- al areas and facilities; plans major special events and programs offer- ed; delivers lectures and talks before civic, private, and other organ- izations regarding the activities of the recreation division; meets with such groups to determine how the program may be improved; partici- pates in personnel procedures and evaluates performance of employees; serves in liaison with other agencies; performs other duties as assign- ed. Prepares operating statements, researches and prepares reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; supervises equipment and facilities requiring care to assure against deteriora- tion; is responsible for funds of a moderate amount; contact with employees and the public is frequent; duties require limited movement in surroundings that are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for super- vision of many skilled and semi-skilled employees. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in recreation, physical education, or a related field; and four years of experience in recreation programs, including two years with supervisory responsibil- ity. - EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of principles, objectives, practices, and procedures of administration of a public recreation program; CLASS TITLE: Recreation Superintendent 410MMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively and efficiently plans, schedules, coordinates, supervises, and reviews work of a staff of skilled and semi-skilled employees; Effectively develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs; Maintains and applies knowledge of current principles, methods, and techniques of planning, developing, and managing recreational projects; Maintains and applies knowledge of the facilities and equipment needed in a comprehensive recreation program; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, the public, and program participants. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Recreation Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Recreation Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, supervises and assists in directing and coordinating the public instructional, active and passive sports, and a variety of program activities of the munic- ipal recreation program for people of all ages. Work varies, requiring judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Develops, plans, organizes, and schedules athletic events for youth and adults; may conduct special events and tournaments, physical fitness programs, arts and crafts, dancing, and other recreational programs; schedules use of meeting rooms, special programs, seminars, and related activities; sets up facilities for activities and monitors use of facilities; supervises maintenance of recreation areas; may instruct classes and lead activities as necessary; participates in recruitment and hiring of full and part time personnel; plans and supervises activ- ities of coaches, instructors, and officials, and keeps accurate rec- ords on their operations; evaluates performance of employees and pro- grams; checks equipment and facilities for condition; conducts commun- ity relations programs to encourage community involvement; assists the Superintendent in budget preparation and plans and carries out special events; explains and enforces department policies; plans and supervises the organization and scheduling of sports and related classes; partici- pates in interviews and appointments of instructors and leaders; con- ducts registration of group events; supervises collection of receipts • for activities; coordinates paid and volunteer staff; attends and mon- itors activities under normal work hours; serves as liaison with par- ticipant groups and organizations; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates routine operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; oversees materials and equipment requiring minimal servicing and occasional accountability; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees to perform assigned work; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements involving a moderate phys- ical effort; work performed in surroundings in which hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a group of full and part-time workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in recreation, physical education, or a related field, plus two years of experience in formal recreation and leisure programs; certified as a Leisure Profes- sional; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of principles, objectives, practices, and procedures of recreation center activities and recrea- • tion programs; Effectively analyzes and determines community recreation needs and desires, and develops responsible programs; CLASS TITLE: Recreation Supervisor • '_ES •. P__ : • ;y,_ _ ; *IA D •UAL F_CATIONS cont. : Effectively and efficiently plans, organizes, schedules, coordinates, supervises, and reviews the work of employees; Ability to promote and maintain interest in leisure programs; Properly and efficiently prepares operational reports; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abili- ties; Communicates effectively both orally and in writing; Effectively develops work programs and evaluates the effectiveness of personnel and programs; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, community organizations, the public, and participants. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Sanitation Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director General Services • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs technical and supervisory work directing the activities of a variety of sanita- tion programs including refuse removal and disposal and landfill oper- ation, and in enforcing sanitation ordinances and regulations. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures; has significant opportunity for discretion and independent action. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, directs, and schedules the collection of refuse and garbage; supervises the operation of the sanitary landfill; schedules and super- vises trash hauling, garbage, junk cars, and other regulations relating to sanitation; assigns crews; reviews complaints regarding sanitation and takes appropriate action; reviews and purchases or recommends for purchase, kind and amount of equipment needed; reviews and recommends personnel needs; prepares budget requests for section; analyzes and interprets costs reports, work records, operating procedures, and institutes changes indicated; coordinates work of sanitation section with other sections, agencies, and departments; attends meetings with other jurisdictions, departments, local businesses, and institutions as required; supervises cleanup of street spills; continually reviews system and systems of other jurisdiction and on recycling to determine areas of improvement; prepares periodic operating reports; performs other duties as assigned. • Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with infor- mation affecting internal relationships; supervises equipment and mat- erials requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; position requires substantial contact with the public and fellow em- ployees; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements and exercise moderate physical effort; position requires occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and the use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a section head of a major department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and five years of progressively responsible experience in solid waste or related sanitation programs, including three years of supervisory experience; environmental college level coursework is desirable; pos- session of a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Plans, directs, and schedules collection and disposal of trash and garbage effectively and efficiently; Efficiently directs the landfill operation; • Effectively and tactfully handles customer's complaints; CLASS TITLE: Sanitation Superintendent EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Makes sound and responsible recommendations and suggestions for needed equipment, personnel , funds, budget, and changes; Effectively and efficiently coordinates programs both within and without the sanitation section; Prepares accurate, timely, and comprehensive records; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential data; Maintains and applies a working knowledge of current modern office methods, budget preparation, cost analysis and personnel practices; Effectively supervises, maintains, and applies a current thorough knowledge of equipment, materials, policies, practices, and regulations relative to refuse collection and disposal, and landfill operations; Follows oral and written directions; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with customers, employees, officials, other agencies, and the public. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Shop Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, directs, and supervises a central equipment maintenance and repair program. Performs work of some complexity requiring determining sequence of operations, scheduling and layout, and choosing a course of action from alternatives MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Directs, schedules, and supervises a central program of maintaining and repairing all automotive and power equipment; confers with and advises a superior on an equipment replacement program; develops and administers a preventive maintenance program; drafts specifications for the purchase of new automotive and shop equipment; inspects and diagnoses mechanical defects in automobiles, trucks, graders, rollers, mowers, and other mec- hanical equipment used in road, street, park, utility, and police activ- ities; diagnoses defects or approves diagnoses by subordinates; main- tains records of equipment history, maintenance, and servicing; requisi- tions parts, supplies and contract work; prepares annual budget esti- mates; trains, supervises, and evaluates performance of subordinate personnel; directs maintenance at shop building and surrounding grounds; directs the inventory and accounting of parts, fuel, oil, and equipment; directs billings for fuel charges; maintains liaison with users regard- ing equipment and repair needs; recommends vehicles and equipment to be replaced or sold; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements, reconciling from new or raw • data; occasionally works with information restricted to specific per- sons; accountable for considerable equipment where failure to provide continual attention could result in substantial damage and loss of time; contacts with fellow employees is frequent and involves communication of complex information; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements involving moderate physical effort; work requires occasion- al contact with undesirable physical conditions and the use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: As head of the central shop, supervises a small number of skilled and semi-skilled employees. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school supple- mented with trade school or college level work, plus five years of pro- gressively responsible automotive and equipment mechanical repair exper- ience; experience in a supervisory capacity is desirable; possession of a commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans, schedules, and supervises the central maintenance and repair programs and assigned personnel; Conducts an effective fleet replacement program; • Conducts an effective preventive maintenance program; Effectively inspects and diagnoses malfunctions of equipment; CLASS TITLE: Shop Supervisor EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Establishes and maintains an accurate and orderly record system and prepares accurate and timely statements; Prepares sound and accurate budget recommendations; Effectively and efficiently trains and supervises subordinates; Establishes a working climate in which employees are encouraged to work to their full potential; Maintains accurate and appropriate inventory of parts, supplies, tools, and equipment; Applies and maintains knowledge of the current methods, equipment, ma- terials, and tools used in the current automotive and equipment repair trade; Establishes and maintains effective liaison and working relationships with fellow employees, equipment users, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Special Recreation Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Recreation Superintendent . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, supervises and coordinates special recreation programs for special populations or constituencies in the community. Work varies and requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, coordinates and supervises recreational events and programs for people within the community who have special therapeutic recreational needs; assigns subordinate personnel in recreational lead- ership and instructional roles; evaluates work performance; analyzes and evaluates program achievements; interprets program to community groups and civic organizations; trains and motivates staff; records use of pro- gram vehicles and is accountable for their maintenance; publicizes pro- gram activities through newsletter; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with restricted information; oversees equipment requiring servicing and accountability; occasionally handles small amounts of funds; contacts with employees and public are frequent and involve communication of complex information; employee must perform multitude of movements in environment where hazards are minimal and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small group of professional and technical workers in office and field work. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation or a closely related field and two years of experience in therapeutic recreation with special populations; certification as a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) is desirable; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Possesses and maintains a thorough knowledge of the principles, prac- tices, procedures, methods and techniques of therapeutic recreation; Effectively analyzes and determines recreation needs of special populations in the community; Effectively plans, organizes, and develops therapeutic recreation programs, and supervises and conducts program activities; Effectively evaluates achievements of programs and work performance of subordinate employees; Communicates effectively, orally and in writing; Effectively promotes the program in the community; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, superiors, special populations, community organizations, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Street Maintenance Foreman ACCOUNTABLE TO: Street Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general supervision, plans, schedules, supervises and performs work involving activities of crews of workers engaged in a wide variety of unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled street construction, maintenance and repair programs. Works with prescribed standards; limited judgment is exercised with leeway for discretion and independent actions. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, schedules, supervises, and performs work and assigns crews and equipment to various facilities, construction, repair, and maintenance projects; inspects projects; receives and handles complaints; trains employees; responds to emergencies and determines corrective action; calls out emergency crews; sets out barricades and checks on traffic control devices; arranges for repair of equipment by shop; may perform some emergency repairs; supervises and performs grading, filling, com- paction, and placing of materials on streets and alleys; crack sealing; concrete work; removes snow and sands streets; opens drains; supervises and performs leaf collection, street painting and maintenance of street signs; works on bridge and building construction projects; may take elevation readings; figures material quantities; supervises repairing streets to established grades; occasionally checks elevations and sets grades; directs and arranges for maintenance and repair of equipment; assists in evaluating, promoting, and disciplinary actions regarding employees; conducts safety and other training; may sketch construction • drawings; directs activities in absence of supervisor as assigned; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares unit records own activities; works with information restricted to specific persons for limited time; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; position requires substan- tial contact with public and fellow employees; duties require substan- tial physical involvement; hazards and discomforts are moderate, requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Acts as foreman over one or more crews; a working foreman. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus five years of progressively responsible experience in street construc- tion, maintenance, and repair activities; possession of a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Assigned crews perform work effectively and efficiently; maintains crew schedules and assignments in an orderly and efficient manner; Assigned projects are performed and completed properly and efficiently; • Complaints received are handled and remedied to the reasonable satis- faction of all involved; Maintains and accounts for materials and equipment assigned; CLASS TITLE: Street Maintenance Foreman EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively communicates instructions; Maintains a thorough knowledge of methods, materials, and equipment used in construction and maintenance of road, storm drainage, and similar activities; Establishes and enforces appropriate safety procedures for workers and properly protects work site with warning signs and barricades; Establishes and maintains discipline and a working climate which motivates employees to their full potential; effectively and fairly evaluates performance of employees; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with superiors, other employees, agencies, and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Street Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, directs, super- vises, and performs in the maintenance, repair, and construction of roads, streets, curbs, sidewalks, storm sewers and drainage structures, markings and signs, and related duties. Work varies, requiring inter- pretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, and directs a program of street maintenance, super- vising the grading of roads and streets for paving, street sweeping and flushing, asphalt patching and overlays, chip sealing, filling cracks, curb and gutter replacement and installation; supervises the mainten- ance of storm sewers, drainage structures and bridges; installs and maintains markers and signs; reviews purchase and expenditure requisi- tions; purchases materials as required; inspects and supervises the construction and maintenance of curbs and driveways, excavations, and backfills of public utility work involving the cutting, backfill and patching of pavements; plans and supervises the snow removal and street cleaning programs; investigates complaints as to road conditions; pre- pares budget estimates, reports, and correspondence; receives and acts upon complaints; responds to emergency calls at any time; interviews potential employees; trains new employees; evaluates performance of and disciplines subordinates as necessary; performs other duties as assigned. . Initiates operational and unit records; works regularly with informa- tion which is generally limited; accountable for considerable equipment and materials where failure to provide continual attention could result in substantial damage, time loss, and confusion; responsible for funds of a small amount; contacts with fellow employees and the public are frequent and require considerable tact and communication of complex information; duties require a multitude of movements; work is normally performed in surroundings in which temperatures and hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a section head of a major department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school, plus over five years of progressively responsible street maintenance and construction experience, or a related field, including three years in a supervisor capacity; college level coursework or vocational training in engineering or related field is desirable; possession of a valid com- mercial driver's license, and a Kansas pesticide certificate. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans, organizes, and directs the city's street maintenance programs; • Effectively supervises and assigns equipment and personnel to jobs; Establishes and maintains an effective working climate that encourages employees to work to their full potential ; CLASS TITLE: Street Superintendent • .EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Conducts effective snow and ice removal program; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Maintains and prepares accurate records and appropriate reports and statements; Effectively prepares budget estimates; Properly and effectively trains and evaluates employees; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity when handling confi- dential data; Maintains and applies knowledge of current materials, equipment, pro- cedures, and practices employed in highway, road, bridge, and street construction and maintenance; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, and the public. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Traffic Maintenance Foreman ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of General Services PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, supervises and per- ilforms work in the maintenance and repair of traffic signs and signals, street painting, and related traffic structures and controls. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Supervises and participates in maintenance and repair of traffic sig- nals; repairs and maintains mechanical and solid state electronic traffic controls; supervises and performs work in installation, repair and fabricating of street signs and related structures; supervises street line painting; supervises and performs minor maintenance and repair of equipment used on the job; responds to public complaints; assists and maintains contact with other city departments and outside agencies and organizations as needed; develops unit budget; orders parts; prepares damage reports, maintains records; assists other sections of general services; subject to call out in case of emergen- cies; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements and reports; occasionally works with restricted information; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; position requires substantial contact with public and employees; position requires substantial physical involve- ment; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a small crew of maintenance workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and five years of experience in repair and maintenance of electronic and traffic control mechanisms, methods and procedures; possession of a valid driver's license, vocational training in electricity and/or electronics is desirable. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Traffic signals and control mechanisms are maintained and promptly repaired in an efficient and effective manner; Street signs are installed when needed and repaired promptly when damaged; lines are painted in streets with accuracy and care and are redone promptly when required; Damage reports, daily and monthly summaries and reports are prepared promptly and accurately; Communicates clearly, concisely and effectively in oral and written language; • Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, superiors and the public. Salina/91 CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Wastewater Superintendent . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs and di- rects the activities of a moderate sized group of workers engaged in a wide variety of work involving the operation and maintenance of a sewer- age system. Work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed stan- dards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, schedules, supervises and performs work of a crew related to sewerage collection facilities; reviews scheduled projects with the Superintendent; assures that assigned work is completed on schedule; monitors maintenance of plant, life stations, vehicles, and equipment, and makes repairs; installs, replaces, and repairs sewer lines, pumps, man holes, and other appurtenances; locates lines and services for con- tractor; raises manholes; operates backhoe, sewer jet, valve machine, jack hammer, TV inspection equipment; handles complaints and takes cor- rective action; makes taps in water and sewer mains; clears plugged sewers; maintains records of time, equipment, and materials used on each job; instructs and trains employees; may act as plant supervisor in absence of wastewater plant supervisor; conducts programs of safety and preventive maintenance; subject to being on call; performs other duties as assigned. Maintains records of own activities; occasionally works with restricted information; responsible for overseeing materials or equipment requiring . care to assure against breakdown; position requires substantial contact with public and employees; duties require substantial physical involve- ment; work requires contact with undesirable physical conditions, haz- ards require care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a group of maintenance workers. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus four years of progressively growing experience in maintenance of sewer facilities including some experience in plant operations; possession of a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Crews are supervised and assigned work is performed effectively and efficiently; Follows instructions properly and in an orderly manner; Few complaints are received regarding work of staff supervised; Fairly and effectively evaluates performance of employees; Establishes and enforces appropriate safety practices; • Develops proper attitudes of employees, and motivate them to high productivity; CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Maintenance Supervisor • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains current knowledge of methods and equipment common to labor and maintenance and construction of utilities and related activities; Maintains current knowledge of the operation and maintenance of light to medium equipment; Maintains current knowledge of practices and methods of work scheduling; Operates and oversees light and medium equipment and trucks properly, safely, and efficiently; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with subordinates, superiors, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Wastewater Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs supervis- ory and technical work in directing the operation of wastewater treat- ment facilities, lift stations, and related equipment. Work requires significant interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans and directs the operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment and related facilities; supervises the main plant and one at the air- port; prepares schedules of plant operation; monitors operation of com- plete range of treatment and maintenance procedures and tasks; maintains liaison with laboratory personnel and subordinate supervisors to assure treated wastewater is meeting established standards of quality; partici- pates in preparation of the department budget and administers the plant budget; approves purchases; prepares employee work and shift schedules; supervises preparation, analyzing, and filing of plant reports; super- vises and directs the training, safety, and energy conservation programs of the plant; investigates accidents and recommends preventive actions; participates in long-range planning of treatment facilities; receives and processes complaints; subject to being on call; responds to after hours emergencies; coordinates activities of plant with other divisions, departments, and agencies; arranges plant tours and makes technical presentations to groups; confers with local, state, and federal agencies and industrial consultant, and vendor representatives; acts as waste- • water maintenance supervisor in his absence; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates operational and unit records; occasionally works with restric- ted information; oversees equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; employee performs a multitude of movements; occasionally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises the work of plant operators and other personnel. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to two years of college level coursework in sanitary engineering, biology, or a related field, and four years of experience in sewage treatment plant operations, including two years in a supervisory or lead capacity; possession of or ability to obtain with- in one year of appointment, a class IV. Wastewater Plant Operator's Cer- tificate; possession of a valid commercial driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and directs the operation and maintenance of the treatment facilities; • Initiates effective actions to improve operations and efficiencies; Accurately interprets law and regulations relating to water quality; CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Plant Supervisor • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Treated water is produced at or above required levels and standards of quality; Plant and related equipment are well maintained and operated; Develops and maintains records of plant operations, and presents data clearly and concisely; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles and practices of treatment processes involved in the treatment and purification of wastewater, including some chemical testing; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to the best of their abilities; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, supervisors, the public, and other agencies. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Engineering and Utilities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs supervisory work in directing the operation of wastewater treatment plant, sewerage collection system, and related equipment. Work requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from established stan- dards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans and directs the operation and maintenance of the wastewater treat- ment plant, the sewerage collection system, and related facilities; pre- pares schedules of plant operation and system maintenance; monitors operation and maintenance procedures and tasks; maintains liaison with laboratory personnel and subordinate supervisors to assure treated water is meeting established standards of quality; participates in preparation of the department budget and administers the division budget; approves purchases; approves proposed employee work and shift schedules; super- vises preparation, analyzing, and filing of division reports; supervises and directs the training, safety, and energy conservation programs of the division; investigates accidents, and recommends preventive actions; participates in long range planning of treatment facilities; administers water quality control program; receives and processes complaints; re- sponds to after hours emergencies; coordinates activities of division with other divisions, departments, and agencies; arranges plant tours and makes technical presentations to groups; confers with local, state, and federal agencies and industrial, consultant, and vendor representa- • tives; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements; researches and prepares reports and rec- onciles from new and raw data; regularly works with generally limited information; accountable for equipment where failure to provide contin- ual attention could result in substantial damage; position requires sub- stantial contact with public and fellow employees; employee performs a multitude of movements; occasionally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable physical conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for supervi- sion of a number of plant and system maintenance personnel; serves as sectional head in a large department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to a bachelor degree in sanitary or civil engineering or a related field, and four years of experience in a supervisory capacity in sewage treatment plant operations; possession of a Class IV Wastewater Plant Operator Certificate; possession of a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and directs the operation and maintenance of the collection and treatment facilities; • Initiates effective actions to improve operations and efficiencies; Accurately interprets laws and regulations relating to water quality; CLASS TITLE: Wastewater Superintendent • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Treated water is produced at or above required levels and standards of quality; Plants and related equipment are well maintained and operated; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles and practices of treatment processes involved in the treatment and purification of wastewater, including some chemical testing; Develops and maintains records of plant operations, and presents data clearly and concisely; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to the best of their abilities; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, supervisors, customers, the public, and other agencies. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Water Distribution Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Water Superintendent • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, supervises and per- forms technical work in the installation, repair, maintenance, and oper- ation of a water distribution system; enforces applicable ordinances and regulations. Work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, supervises, and performs work involving the operation and main- tenance of a water distribution system; supervises employees in main- taining and operating water mains, valves, hydrants, wells, storage tanks and related equipment; reviews complaints and takes appropriate action; works with residents and contractors relative to services; in- spects water connections, main bedding, backfill; sizes up emergencies and takes appropriate corrective action; operates light equipment; makes water taps; locates leaks, requisitions parks and materials; assists in budget preparation and budgetary control; allocates equipment, personnel and materials to each job and accounts for same; prepares and maintains records and reports; prepares payroll data; evaluates performance; takes disciplinary action as required; responds to after hours emergencies; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares records of activities; occasionally works with restricted in- formation; supervises and uses equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown and deterioration; position requires substantial con- tact with the public and fellow employees; duties require substantial physical involvement and contact with temperature extremes; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and proced- ures. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Supervises a group of workers in the field. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of progressively responsible experience in water system work with some leadworker experience; possession of a valid driver's license; certified in cross connection control. $XAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Properly and effectively plans and supervises the activities of the water distribution systems; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Conducts and supervises effective and efficient maintenance and opera- tional programs; Maintains and prepares accurate and orderly records and reports; Coordinates activities with other departments and agencies effectively and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Water Distribution Supervisor • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CR TERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities; Maintains and applies working knowledge of current hazards inherent to water work and ditches, and precautions to be taken; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials, customers, other agencies, supervisors and public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Supervisor ACCOUNTABLE TO: Water Superintendent PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs supervi- sory work in directing the operation of water pumping, purification, storage, and treatment plant and related equipment. Work requires interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, schedules, directs and performs operation and maintenance of the water treatment plant and related facilities; works on a shift; monitors operation and maintenance procedures and tasks; maintains liaison with laboratory personnel and operators to assure treated water is meeting established standards of quality; evaluates employee performance; par- ticipates in preparation of the department budget and administers the plant budget; approves proposed employee work and shift schedules; supervises preparation, analyzing, and filing of plant reports; super- vises and directs the training, safety, and energy conservation programs of the plant; investigates accidents, and recommends preventive actions; participates in long-range planning of treatment facilities; oversees installation of new equipment; administers water quality control pro- gram; receives and processes complaints; responds to after hour emergen- cies; coordinates activities of plant with other divisions, departments, and agencies; arranges plant tours and makes technical presentations to groups; confers with local, state, and federal agencies and industrial, consultant, and vendor representatives; responds to after hours calls; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares records of activities; occasionally works with restricted in- formation; oversees equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown or deterioration; position requires substantial contact with public and fellow employees; employee performs a multitude of movements; occasion- ally requires contact with chemicals and undesirable conditions; hazards are moderate requiring care and use of proper safety equipment and pro- cedure to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for supervi- sion of a number of plant operators and maintenance personnel. $DUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of educa- tion and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and four years of experience in water treatment plant operations, including two years in a supervisor or lead capacity; possesses a Class IV Water Plant Operator's Certificate; possesses a valid driver's license. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively plans and directs the operation and maintenance of the treatment facilities; Initiates effective actions to improve operations and efficiencies; Treated water is produced at or above required levels and standards of • quality; Accurately interprets laws and regulations relating to water quality; CLASS TITLE: Water Plant Supervisor • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Plant and related equipment are well maintained and operated; Understands and follows oral and written instructions; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles and practices of treatment processes involved in the treatment and purification of water, including some biological and chemical testing; Develops and maintains records of plant operations, and presents data clearly and concisely; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Establishes and maintains effective discipline and work climate which motivates employees to work to the best of their abilities; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, supervisors, the public, and other agencies. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Water Superintendent ACCOUNTABLE TO: Director of Engineering and Utilities • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs technical, supervisory and administrative work directing the activities of workers in a variety of water treatment and distribution programs, including maintenance and operation; enforces applicable ordinances and regulations. Work requires interpretive judgment in variation from established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, schedules and directs the operations and maintenance of the systems involved in the treatment and distribution of water; supervises employees in system and plant facilities installation, maintenance, and operation; reviews complaints and takes appropriate action; inspects water connections and facilities; coordinates activities of the system with the development of long term expansion and reconstruction programs; works with engineers in development of long range plans; recommends kind and amount of equipment, material, and personnel needed for budgetary purposes; reviews purchase orders and expenditures; prepares payroll; prepares and maintains records and reports; analyzes and interprets cost reports, work records, and operating procedures and institutes changes indicated and approved; assists in drafting specifications for purchase of equipment and materials; assists in coordinating work and assignments with other agencies and departments; evaluates personnel performance as required; performs other duties as assigned. • Prepares financial and operating statements, reconciling from new or raw data; works with information which is generally limited; accountable for considerable equipment where failure to provide continual attention could result in substantial damage; contacts with employees and the pub- lic are frequent and involve communication of complex information and considerable tactfulness; position requires employee to perform a mult- itude of movements involving moderate physical efforts; work requires occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions and the use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for supervi- sion as a section head of a large department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's of science degree in civil or sanitary engineering, plus four years of progressively respon- sible experience in water treatment and distribution systems operations and maintenance, including two years experience in a supervisory situ- ation; possession of a Class IV Water Plant Operator's Certification. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Properly and effectively plans and directs the activities of the water purification treatment and distribution systems; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and • inquiries; Conducts and supervises effective and efficient maintenance and oper- ation programs; CLASS TITLE: Water Superintendent "' EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Maintains and prepares accurate and orderly records and reports; Makes sound and effective recommendations for equipment, personnel, policy changes, and related suggestions; Coordinates activities with other departments and agencies effectively and efficiently; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when hand- ling confidential data; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities; Maintains and applies knowledge of current equipment, materials, pol- icies, practices, and regulations relative to water operation and other appropriate activities; Maintains and applies working knowledge of current modern office meth- ods, budget preparations, cost analysis, and personnel practices; Maintains and applies working knowledge of current hazards inherent to water work and precautions to be taken; Maintains and applies knowledge of current inter-governmental relations as they affect utility operations; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials, customers, other agencies, supervisors, and the public. Salina/91 • EXECUTIVE CLASSES : Assistant City Manager Chief of Police Director of Arts and Humanities Director of Bicentennial Center Director of Engineering & Utilities Director of Finance & Administration Director of General Services Director of Human Relations Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Personnel Director of Planning & Community Development Fire Chief Public Information Officer Risk Management Officer • CLASS TITLE: Assistant City Manager ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general operating standards, has significant general administrative responsibilities for the operation of assigned municipal functions; performs administrative work in analyzing, controlling, recommending, and supervising the implementa- tion of policy concerning managerial, operational, and financial matters as assigned; assumes full operating authority and responsibil- ity when City Manager is absent. Work is difficult and requires sig- nificant interpretive judgment in variation from established proced- ures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Conducts studies and investigations; makes recommendations for im- provement of operations and productivity improvements; transmits and interprets instructions and policies to supervisors and employees; develops and institutes working procedures and methods; develops, reviews, and monitors departmental performance and financial trends; analyzes departments for efficiency and effectiveness; supervises assigned departments; assists in the preparation of the budget; re- views and revises formats of forms and reports; implements and moni- tors management by objectives; conducts cost benefit analysis on pro- jects or programs; monitors and follows up on citizens requests for service; appears before groups and organizations as city representa- tive to explain activities, programs, and policies; assists in developing personnel policies and in enhancing employee relations; attends meetings of the City Commission and other city boards as • required; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements records and report systems; possesses information restricted to specific persons; uses clerical supplies and office equipment; responsible for large amounts of funds; contacts are varied and continual; duties require limited movement and are usually performed in surroundings where undesirable conditions and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for overall supervision and direction of employees of several departments; serves as City Manager in Manager's absence. EDUCATION. TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a master's degree in public or business administration or related field and over five years of work experience; experience and knowledge of budgeting, accounting, and electronic data processing, and analytical and statistical skills are necessary. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Prepares and maintains accurate, well-organized and effective records, statements, and reports; • Effectively plans, organizes, coordinates, and evaluates assigned programs; Effectively develops and recommends sound public policy for municipal affairs; CLASS TITLE: Assistant City Manager EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively conducts studies and investigations; Makes sound and workable recommendations for changes and improvements; Properly and effectively analyzes departmental and general practices and procedures and seeks to correct any deficiencies found; Carries out an effective personnel program; Financial and statistical reports are prepared in complete, accurate, and timely manner; Keeps City Manager currently informed of findings and progress in assigned work; Effectively communicates orally and in writing; speaks clearly and concisely before groups; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential information; Maintains and applies knowledge of the principles, practices, and ethics of municipal finance and personnel administration; • Maintains and applies knowledge of modern office practices and procedures and of standard office, accounting, and data processing equipment; Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the approved principles and standard practices of budgetary concepts and required accounting methods; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Chief of Police ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and general operating standards, is responsible for planning, directing and super- vising the work of the Police Department. Work requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, and directs the maintenance of law and order, the protection of life and property, the regulation of traffic, the appre- hension, arrest, and detection of law violators, and the maintenance of police records; assigns duties and schedules personnel; coordinates activities of divisions of department; directs command personnel; determines departmental policies and major procedures; identifies law enforcement needs and problems in the community the determines revised policies and corrective action; establishes goals and objectives, de- fines alternatives, chooses course of action, and monitors achieve- ment; coordinates departmental functions, activities, and objectives with other local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies; assists in the development of ordinances and laws regarding public safety; analyzes budget and administers adopted budget; determines training requirements and directs development and implementation of the training program; evaluates impact of training; consults with division heads and advises on departmental problems; supervises studies and the preparation of comprehensive reports on crime and traffic incidents; investigates complaints against the department and • personnel; prepares and presents talks to civic and community groups; provides information to the media; screens, selects, and disciplines employees; evaluates performance of employees; monitors grant funds available; directs preparation of applications; administers acquired funds and programs; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements records and report systems and schedules; has access to and possesses information restricted to specific persons; accountable for considerable equipment; is respon- sible for funds of a moderate amount; contacts are varied and con- tinual; duties require limited movement in surroundings where hazards are moderate. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for depart- mental supervision of a large number of technical and clerical em- ployees. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in police or public administration, or a related field, plus six years of pro- gressively responsible law enforcement and police administration experience including three years in a command or administrative capacity; must possess or be able to obtain certification in Kansas Law Enforcement; possession of a valid driver's license. • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Maintains a favorable climate within the department which motivates personnel to work up to their potential; it CLASS TITLE: Chief of Police EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Develops and implements effective policies and training programs; Feedback indicates a high level of respect and cooperation on the part of the community toward the police department; Effectively plans, directs, and evaluates performance of staff performing varied services; Reacts calmly and decisively in emergency situations and makes sound decisions; provides strong leadership when needed; Develops and presents effective oral and written communications; Prepares sound and accurate budget, equipment, and personnel requests; Conducts effective and proper studies and investigations; develops effective records and report systems and schedules; Maintains and applies knowledge of the current principles and prac- tices of modern police administration and police methods; Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of current federal , state, • and local laws and ordinances which are enforced by the department; Is effective in handling and achieving goals and objectives of the organization; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, other criminal justice agencies, superiors, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of Arts and Humanities ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs difficult and complex work in direction and management of an Arts and Humanities Department which includes a City Museum and responsibility for community cultural development. Work varies and requires signifi- cant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes and directs community-wide program of promotion and guidance of cultural development and the advancement of the arts to the benefit of the city and surrounding region; receives guidance from the Arts and Humanities Commission; oversees management and operation of a museum, through subordinate personnel; supervises program and marketing directors; plans, develops and reviews schedules and assign- ments; raises funds; plans, develops and reviews budget; oversees and monitors departmental expenditures; organizes and chairs meetings; promotes community involvement; speaks to civic and cultural groups; conducts and directs long- and short-term planning for department; supervises ongoing activities; applies for and administers grants-in- aid; works with other state, regional, and federal agencies involved with similar programs; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements record and report systems and schedules; works regularly with some information that is generally restricted; accountable for considerable equipment and materials; • routinely responsible for large amounts of funds and has authority to release; contacts with the public are varied and continual; duties require limited movement in surroundings where hazards are control- lable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Directs a medium-sized department of city government. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in fine arts, arts management or a closely related field and five years of work experience in arts or museum management or cultural development pro- grams; a master's degree may be substituted for two years of experi- ence. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs and supervises activities of personnel in the Department; Effectively recruits and trains new employees; Effectively promotes and advances arts and cultural values through activities of the Department; • Deals effectively with groups and with the public; Establishes, maintains and reviews reports and records effectively and efficiently; CLASS TITLE: Director of Arts and Humanities EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Prepares sound budget requests and plans; Maintains and applies knowledge of principles, methods and techniques of management to direction of the Department; Communicates effectively and clearly in writing and orally; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, superiors, outside organizations and the public; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities. h Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Director of Bicentennial Center ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs difficult and complex work in direction and management of a multi- purpose civic center facility. Work varies and requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes and directs the overall operation of a multi-purpose facility providing a variety of events, exhibitions and special pro- grams for the civic benefit of the city and its residents and visi- tors; oversees management and maintenance of the facility; supervises events coordinator and operations manager; negotiates contracts, plans, develops and reviews schedules and assignments; oversees oper- ations of concessions, catering, parking, box-office and related functions; designs and develops advertising; provides for safety and security in and around the facility; plans and supervises budget prep- aration; oversees and monitors expenditures; promotes the facility through meetings, contacts with organizations and associations and talks to various groups; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements records and report systems and schedules; works regularly with some information that is generally restricted; accountable for considerable equipment and materials; responsible for extremely large amounts of money or negotiable instru- ments; contacts with employees and the public are varied and continual; duties require limited movement in surroundings where hazards are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Directs a medium-sized city department. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business administration, public administration or a closely related field, and five years of progressively responsible work in business administra- tion, management of events or exhibition centers, or public entertain- ment programs, including three years in a supervisory capacity. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs and supervises the activ- ities of employees in the Bicentennial Center; Effectively recruits and trains new employees; Effectively promotes the Bicentennial Center and its scheduled events at all times; Deals effectively and tactfully with organizations and the public; • Establishes, maintains and reviews reports and records effectively and efficiently; Prepares sound budget requests and plans; CLASS TITLE: Director of Bicentennial Center EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Maintains discretion and integrity at all times when handling confi- dential data; Maintains and applies knowledge of principles, methods and techniques of management of a civic events center; Communicates effectively, concisely and clearly in writing and orally; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, superiors, outside organizations and the public; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abili- ties. Salina/91 S CLASS TITLE: Director of Engineering and Utilities ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, plans, implements and directs a comprehensive program of water and sewer distribution and collection, wastewater treatment engineering, water treatment and storage programs, including maintenance and operation; enforces applicable ordinances and regulations. Work is difficult and requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from estab- lished procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, schedules, and supervises the operations and maintenance of the systems involved in the production and distribution of water and col- lection and treatment of sanitary sewage; maintains water wells and pumps, storage facilities, and water well field system; reviews plans for and oversees installation of new water and sewer facilities; man- ages an industrial pretreatment program; contacts contractors relative to services; directs engineering projects, mapping, surveying and drafting; directs employees in sewer and water main, pumps, valves, hydrants, meters, and facilities installation, maintenance, and oper- ation; reviews complaints and takes appropriate action; administers cross connection control program; inspects water and sewer connections and facilities; prepares and administers a budget; recommends kind and amount of equipment, materials, and personnel needed; reviews purchase orders and expenditures, prepares and maintains records and reports; analyzes and interprets cost reports, work records, and operating procedures and institutes changes indicated and approved; assists in drafting specifications for purchase of equipment and materials and facilities improvements; prepares technical reports and evaluations; assists in coordinating work and assignments with other agencies and departments; evaluates performance of personnel, reviews engineering plans and projects; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates plans and develops records and reporting systems; has access to highly restricted information; accountable for considerable equip- ment and materials where inattention could result in substantial damage; responsible for large amounts of funds; contacts are varied and continual; duties require limited movement; work requires occa- sional contact with undesirable physical conditions and the use of proper safety equipment and procedures to prevent injuries. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Directs a major depart- ment of city government; responsible for a large number of highly technical employees. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in civil engineering or a closely related engineering field, plus eight years of progressively responsible engineering and public works experience, including experience with water and wastewater systems, and including four years in a supervisory or administrative capacity; a master's degree may be substituted for some work experience; registered as a . Professional Engineer in Kansas. CLASS TITLE: Director of Engineering and Utilities EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Properly and effectively plans and directs the activities of the water production and distribution and sewer collection and treatment systems; Deals tactfully and effectively with citizens and their complaints and inquiries; Conducts and supervises effective and efficient maintenance and oper- ation programs; Conducts and supervises effective programs and projects of civil engi- neering; Maintains and prepares accurate and orderly records and reports; Makes sound and effective recommendations for equipment, personnel, policy changes, and related suggestions; Coordinates activities with other departments and agencies effectively and efficiently; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential data; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their • abilities; Maintains and applies knowledge of current equipment, materials, policies, practices, and regulations relative to sewer and water systems operations; Maintains and applies working knowledge of hazards inherent to water and sewer work and ditches and precautions to be taken; Maintains and applies knowledge of current inter-governmental rela- tions as they affect utility operations; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, officials, customers, other agencies, supervisors, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of Finance and Administration ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager . PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general operating standards, admin- isters, coordinates, supervises, and controls all financial and accounting activities for the city; maintains, files, indexes, and preserves official city records. Performs difficult work requiring significant interpretive judgment in variation from established pro- cedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Develops, implements, and supervises policies, plans, and programs for the financial, accounting, and record-keeping functions; develops and establishes controls necessary to assure the accuracy and security of all records and funds; insures completeness and timeliness of result- ing financial reports, records, and related documents; maintains con- trol of budget by reviewing all disbursements; notes variances from approved or authorized practice and initiates action to ensure estab- lished controls are maintained; prepares departmental budget; provides consultation and guidance to department heads as requested; supervises 1 issuance of licenses and warrants as required; trains and supervises accounting personnel; invests city funds; directs maintenance of ac- curate and up-to-date records of all revenues, disbursements, deposits and investments of the city; administers the following functions: accounting for and reporting city assets and liabilities, accounts payable, purchasing control, and office supply inventory; receipting and depositing of all city monies, utility billing and collections, • data processing, business licenses, parking tickets, and tax collec- tions; cash management; payment and recording of all city bonds and coupons; mail distribution and counter services; coordinator for city audit; grant applications and reimbursement which includes scheduling of time, reports, information, detail work on accounts, and setting up budgets for city accounting system; supervises the City Clerk function which prepares agenda and minutes for City Commission; prepares and publishes legal notices; oversees preparation of ordinances, resolu- tions, and proclamations; files and maintains official city records in accordance with law; prepares and carries out a records retention and disposal program; maintains such records as minutes of boards and commissions, ordinances, resolutions, contracts, deeds, assessments, easements, licenses, birth and death records; performs other duties as assigned. Plans, develops, and implements records and report systems; possesses information restricted to specific persons; supervises equipment requiring care to assure against breakdown; responsible for all city funds; contacts are varied and continual; duties require limited movement in surroundings which are controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Department head of a medium-sized department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in accounting, • business, or public administration, or a related field with emphasis on governmental financing and/or accounting, and over five years of progressively responsible experience in governmental financing and accounting, including two years in a supervisory capacity; must qual- ify to be bonded. CLASS TITLE: Director of Finance and Administration EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Accurately communicates, orally and in writing; Record system is functional with reasonable access and retrieval time; Follows detailed procedures in legal areas; Financial reports are being prepared in complete, accurate, and timely manner; Proven ability to establish sound priorities on work assignments so as to assure an orderly and timely flow through departments; Keeps abreast of new and improved accounting methods; Maintains a favorable working climate within the department so that employees are trained and motivated to work up to their full potential; Maintains and applies knowledge of current modern office practices and procedures and of standard office and accounting equipment; Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the current principles, methods, and practices of municipal financing; Maintains and applies thorough knowledge of the current approved • principles and standard practices of budgetary accounting, treasury management, revenue administration, data processing, records manage- ment, and budgeting; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employees, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of General Services ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and general operating standards, plans, implements, and directs a comprehensive public services program that will insure sound development, mainten- ance, and service to the public consistent with City Commission policy and with federal and state regulations; directs sanitation, streets construction and maintenance, flood control , traffic control, ceme- tery, central garages, landfill , building maintenance, and related functions. Performs difficult work requiring significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, directs, and coordinates a comprehensive public works program designed and implemented to assure the services are being provided at the highest quality level; establishes and recommends overall goals for the department; participates with the City Manager and other city officials in determining overall policy and direction for the city affected by the public works program; recommends and initiates depart- mental policy; administers and supervises functions including: flood control, solid waste collection and disposal , traffic control, ceme- tery, street maintenance and construction, building maintenance and equipment maintenance; provides counsel to the City Manager, Commis- sion, and the Planning Department on projects, programs, and develop- ments; develops sound and innovative programs with alternatives; directs the organization to assure effective use is being made of all available personnel and equipment; establishes priorities for short • and long range projects and coordinates implementation as may be required; develops, prepares, and recommends a comprehensive budget program and supporting data, covering all areas of public works; func- tions as a liaison and advisor for the city with consulting engineers, government agencies, developers, and others; recommends equipment purchases of new and replacement items; establishes a departmental line of communications and authority; applies for and administers grants received for public works projects; conducts special studies as required; receives and answers citizen's complaints and inquiries; administers personnel matters in the department, including screening, appointment, discipline, evaluation of performance, and related matters; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops, and implements records and report systems; has access to and possesses information restricted to specific persons which could result in embarrassment or consequent legal action if untimely released; accountable for considerable equipment; routinely responsible for large amounts of funds or authority to release them; contacts are varied and continual in which ability to perform duties is directly affected through communications and rapport established; duties require limited movement; hazards are moderate, requiring care. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Directs a major depart- ment in city government; responsible for overall supervision and direction of a large number of technical employees. • EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to bachelor's degree in civil engi- neering or a related field, plus eight years of progressively respon- sible engineering and public works experience, including four years in CLASS TITLE: Director of General Services a supervisory or administrative capacity; a master's degree may be substituted for some work experience; registration as Professional Engineer in the state of Kansas is desirable. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Sound organization and administrative policies are being initiated and followed; personnel and resources are being effectively utilized; Long and short-term goals, objectives, and priorities set by and for the department are appropriately being accomplished as planned; Operating costs of the department are controlled within the' limita- tions of the budget; A favorable climate exists which motivates personnel to work up to their full potential; effectively selects and trains personnel; Keeps City Manager promptly informed of all matters of major importance and initiates or recommends actions with respect to such matters; Feedback indicates a positive and favorable reputation for the depart- ment is being maintained; Effectively and properly represents the city at all times in contacts with public, employees, other city officials, and outside units of government; • Develops effective channels of communication within the department to insure a clear understanding and interpretation of departmental policies, practices, and standards; Maintains and applies extensive knowledge of current modern principles and practices of public works administration as applied to the design, construction, and maintenance of streets, alleys, sanitation, storm drainage, and related public works facilities and structures; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors,. other officials, and the public. Salina/91 411 CLASS TITLE: Director of Human Relations ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and in accordance with federal and state law, performs work of considerable difficulty in the prevention and elimination of discriminatory prac- tices in housing, employment and public accommodations; administers local Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action and related ordinances; requires significant interpretive judgment in variance from established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, organizes, supervises, performs, and follows through on programs and activities designed to improve human relations; formulates, coordi- nates and carries out the policies, goals, objectives, and activities of a small staff; stays current with federal and state related programs and advises the Human Relations Commission and City Manager; assists with the promotion of civic and human rights; assists and reviews the Affirmative Action plans of suppliers, vendors and contractors doing business with the city to ensure that their plans meet city code requirements; develops and implements City's Affirmative Plan; coordin- I ates affirmative action data; develops programs to achieve underutili- zation of minority and women in the City of Salina's work force; applies for grants; prepares and administers the departmental budget; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, and develops records and reporting systems; possesses • information requiring the highest degree of discretion and integrity; oversees equipment requiring minimal servicing; responsible for admin- istering a small budget; contacts are varied and continual, requiring a high degree of tact, diplomacy and good judgment; duties require limit- ed movement in surroundings where temperature, contaminants and noise are generally controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a department head of a small department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business or public relations; a master's degree and some related experience is pre- ferred, and over five years of experience in the field of human rela- tions, including experience with equal opportunity and affirmative action. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Understands and applies federal and state law to the city's ordinances pertaining to equal opportunity and affirmative action; Understands and applies knowledge of other pertinent state and federal laws; Completes thorough investigations of complaints; Adequately resolves disputes; Presents information in a professional and convincing manner; it CLASS TITLE: Director of Human Relations EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Works effectively with city administrators and the general public; Gains cooperation of employers, employees, landlords and tenants and works effectively with employees, supervisors and the general public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of Parks and Recreation ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and general operating standards, performs difficult work involving land, facili- ties, materials, and personnel required in developing, maintaining, and operating a forestry program, park system, golf course, pools, neighborhood centers and recreation programs. Exercises significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, directs, and supervises, in general terms and within budget and facility limitations, and with the assistance of subordinates, the city's park programs; supervises and assists in the recruitment and training of seasonal employees used in the operation of parks, pools, playgrounds, and related facilities; reviews the reports and operating records, including activity reports, personnel reports, and financial reports on the operation of various park and recreational areas and facilities; creates and implements recreational programs and activ- ities for a broad spectrum of age groups and citizens of various abilities; reviews requisitions for materials and equipment; plans in some detail major special events and programs offered; makes periodic field inspections of operations and facilities to ensure that adequate standards are being adhered to in the operation of the programs and in the physical maintenance of facilities; delivers lectures and talks before civic, private, and other organizations regarding the activ- ities of the department; meets with such groups to determine how the • program may be improved and in what way these groups might cooperate and supplement municipal activities; establishes and maintains ade- quate operating records and reports on departmental activities; pre- pares and submits annual budget requests and long-range plans and programs; directs the acquisition of land and capital improvements for park development; periodically evaluates department personnel and programs; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements record and report systems and schedules; occasionally works with restricted information; super- vises equipment and materials requiring care to assure against break- down or deterioration; routinely responsible for large amounts of funds and has authority to release; contacts with employees and the public are varied and continual; position requires employee to perform limited movement; work is performed in surroundings where undesirable physical conditions and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OFJOTHERS: Directs a major city department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in Parks and Recreation administration, horticulture, forestry, landscape architec- ture, or related field; and more than five years of progressively responsible work in parks management or planning, including three • years in a supervisory capacity; possession of a valid driver's license; certification as a Leisure Professional by the National Recreation and Park Association is desired. CLASS TITLE: Director of Parks and Recreation • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently plans, directs, and supervises the activ- ities of parks and recreation department; Effectively recruits and trains new employees; Effectively promotes the parks and recreation programs at all times; Deals effectively and tactfully with groups and the public; Establishes, maintains and reviews reports and records effectively and efficiently; Maintains an adequate inventory of tools, materials, and equipment used in park and recreation activities and maintenance; Prepares sound budget request and plans; Maintains discretion and integrity at all times when handling confi- dential data; Maintains and applies knowledge of principles, methods, and techniques of planning, developing, and managing park systems and recreational programs, and continually upgrades; Maintains and applies knowledge of the facilities and equipment needed in a comprehensive recreation and parks program; Communicates effectively, concisely and clearly in writing and orally; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform the best of their abilities; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with employ- ees, superiors, community groups, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of Personnel • ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and gener- al operating standards, develops, administers , and directs a sound program of personnel administration, employee, and public relations; recruits, tests, selects, and maintains records of employees; plans and carries out employee development programs; monitors and services employee benefits. Work requires significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans, develops, and recommends new or improved personnel policies and practices; communicates and coordinates the administration of personnel policies, rules, and procedures throughout the various departments of the city; administers and updates city's employment procedures, wage and salary programs including benefits, and related programs; reviews and recommends changes and adjustments in salary and benefit structures as may' be justified; counsels with division/ department heads in the review of the organization, including staff- ing, transfers, promotions, terminations and other personnel matters; advises on changes in job/structure duties; may administer an employ- ee service award program; recruits candidates, tests, interviews, and prepares lists of certified candidates; administers and presents training and orientation programs; directs the personnel records and payroll systems; maintains overall administration of and assists • department heads and supervisors with classification of positions; coordinates administration of the performance review program; moni- tors, processes, and services employee benefits; maintains the city in compliance with state and federal regulations relating to person- nel administration; develops effective communication system with employees for the purpose of relating personnel matters; provides consulting guidance to departmental/division heads; counsels employ- ees; prepares budget for functions directed; keeps city administra- tion promptly informed of all significant personnel matters; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements records and report systems; has access and possesses information restricted to specific persons; handles office equipment requiring minimal servicing; routinely responsible for a small departmental budget; contacts with employees and public are varied and continual requiring a high degree of tact and diplomacy; duties require limited movement and are usually performed in surroundings where undesirable physical conditions and hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Department head of a small department. EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in public • or business administration, personnel , industrial relations, or a related field, and over five years of progressively responsible experience in personnel management. CLASS TITLE: Director of Personnel • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS: Personnel programs are implemented in a timely, effective, fair, and consistent manner, in compliance with policy and legal requirements; Participates in and effectively recommends the selection of qualified personnel and properly directs their orientation and training; Promptly recognizes and identifies personnel and/or organizational problems within city government and develops or recommends an effec- tive, corrective course of action; develops new ideas and concepts; Conducts effective performance reviews and recommends salary adjust- ments, promotions, transfers, or terminations based upon demonstrated work performance; Develops and maintains a level of discipline and working climate in which personnel are motivated to perform to the best of their abilities; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times when handling confidential information; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with em- ployees, supervisors, officials, and the public. • Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Development ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction, performs work of considerable difficulty directing the city's planning and community development programs, code enforcement, historical preser- vation, capital improvement programs and related activities. Per- forms difficult work requiring significant interpretive judgment in variation from established procedures and standards. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Assists the City Manager, Planning Commission, and City Commission as chief advisor on matters relating to physical development of the City; plans, organizes, and directs the completion of special studies, revises city planning and zoning ordinances to ensure compliance with state and federal statutes; reviews documents concerning the city's land use plan or proposed subdivisions for compliance with local, state and federal regulations; plans, organizes and directs the code enforcement division; administers the historical preservation program; coordinates and prepares the city's five year capital improvement program; prepares the transportation plan and highway project grant applications; prepares economic development loan applications; assists in analysis of tax exempt requests; prepares annual department budget; represents the department at public hearings, meetings, various local government meetings and private groups; prepares the Federal Community Development Block Grant including conducting, analyzing and summariz- ing public hearings for official presentation; prepares various • reports and plans; may assist in the determination of public facility locations; supervises the work of subordinate personnel engaged in the preparation and implementation of the city's planning and community development plans; performs other duties as assigned. Initiates, plans, develops and implements records and report systems; has access to restricted information that requires the highest degree of discretion and integrity; oversees equipment requiring minimal servicing; is responsible for administration of funds of a moderate amount; contacts are varied and continual; duties require limited movement in surroundings where hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Serves as a department head of a small department. EDUCATION. TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a master's degree in city or regional planning or a related field and over five years of experi- ence in planning or community development, two of which have been in a supervisory capacity. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of public administration, planning and community development; • Applies a knowledge of economics, engineering, finance, sociology and other related subjects as applied to community development; Analyzes and systematically compiles technical and statistical infor- mation, and prepares meaningful technical reports; CLASS TITLE: Director of Planning and Community Development • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : Effectively plans, schedules and evaluates the work of subordinate staff; Coordinates the work of various departments relating to community development and the capital improvement program; Presents technical information clearly, concisely and meaningfully to lay groups, city officials and the public; Plans and prepares meaningful community development programs and budgets; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with city officials, other government agencies, and the public. Salina/91 • • CLASS TITLE: Fire Chief ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under administrative direction and gen- eral operating standards, directs, plans , and coordinates the admin- istration of programs involving fire prevention, suppression, and emergency medical services and hazardous materials. Interpretive judgment in variation from standards and procedures is required. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Plans and directs the organization, allocation of manpower, training, and functioning of the department to assure an effective and efficient program of fire suppression, prevention, rescue and emergency medical services and dealing with hazardous materials; maintains department in a continual state of readiness to effectively deal with emergency situations; oversees the enforcement of laws, ordinances, and rules relating to life safety in buildings; directs the development and maintenance of pre-fire plans for commercial , industrial, and multi- family buildings; investigates causes of fires; visits fire stations for purpose of inspecting equipment, coordinating day-to-day activ- ities and meeting with subordinates; directs the maintenance of records on fire occurrences, department equipment, personnel , training and related records; develops a sound budget for the department with supporting data, and administers approved budget; reviews and approves purchase orders and requisitions; maintains liaison with code enforce- ment and utilities personnel; responds and personally directs fire- !, fighting as incident commander at major fires and emergencies; reviews and evaluates department operations and staff training and development programs as a basis for developing improved organization, methods, and policies; makes recommendations for revisions of fire code, ordinances and new equipment; develops specifications for purchase of equipment and apparatus; meets with rural fire district boards; meets with and speaks to civic and concerned groups; evaluates performance of person- nel; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares operating statements, researches and prepares reports; works regularly with some information which is generally limited; account- able for considerable equipment and materials requiring care to assure against breakdown and deterioration; responsible for funds of a moder- ate amount; contact with fellow employees and the public is frequent and involves communication of complex information; position requires employee to perform a multitude of movements; is in occasional contact with undesirable physical conditions requiring the use of proper safe- ty equipment and procedures to prevent injury. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: Responsible for depart- mental supervision of a large number of employees. EDUCATION, TRAINING. AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in public administration, fire science or a related field, and over six years of progressively responsible firefighting and administrative experience • including four years in a command or administrative capacity; certifi- ed as a Fire Officer II and an EMT; possesses a valid driver's license. CLASS TITLE: Fire Chief • EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Maintains a favorable level of discipline and climate which motivates personnel; The program of fire prevention is respected by the community and reduces numbers of fire occurrences and safety/health hazards; Maintains and applies a thorough knowledge of the current and new principles and practices of modern fire prevention and suppression; Effectively plans, directs, trains, and evaluates performance of per- sonnel; Reacts calmly and decisively in emergency situations; Develops and presents effective oral and written communications; Maintains effective liaison with state and other local agencies con- cerned with firefighting; Proposes and administers the budget effectively; Recommends sound proposals to improve fire protection services; • Develops and maintains proper and effective records and report systems and schedules; Is effective in establishing and achieving goals and objectives of the organization; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with fellow employees, superiors, officials, and the public. Salina/91 • CLASS TITLE: Public Information Officer ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, performs com- plex work in press and public relations, writing, editing and pro- duction of written materials and other special projects as assigned. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within prescribed standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Writes, edits and produces employee newsletter; represents manager's office with press and news media; edits and proofreads reports and official documents; writes, edits and produces citywide newsletter; writes columns; reviews ordinances for appropriate language; partic- ipates in city negotiations, as assigned; participates in official meetings as assigned; writes bulletins and memoranda; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares statements, researches and prepares reports; possesses in- formation restricted to specific persons requiring the highest de- gree of discretion and integrity; uses clerical supplies and equip- ment; contacts are varied and continual, requiring a high degree of tact, diplomacy and good judgment; duties require limited movement; hazards are minor and controllable. SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None • EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in Eng- lish, communications, business or public administration, or a closely related field, and 3 years of experience in public rela- tions, press relations, journalism or media communications work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Effectively and efficiently produces newsletters and other documents that are written in clear, concise language, in keeping with high standards of English usage; Deals with media representatives with tact, diplomacy, good humor, discretion and integrity; Accepts and carries out special assignments effectively and effi- ciently; Is effective in use of English language in both oral and written communication; Establishes and maintains excellent working relationships with employees, representatives of outside organizations and the media, superiors and the public. • Salina/91 il CLASS TITLE: Risk Management Officer ACCOUNTABLE TO: City Manager • PRIMARY OBJECTIVE OF POSITION: Under general direction, plans, organizes, and carries out a comprehensive citywide risk management program. Work varies, requiring interpretive judgment within established standards and procedures. MAJOR AREAS OF ACCOUNTABILITY AND PERFORMANCE: Recommends policy and procedures for risk management program; drafts guidelines to carry out and control all risk and insurance matters; contacts insurance agencies, citizens, and employees regarding claims, accidents, and related matters; researches and analyzes a variety of, risk exposures; recommends levels of risk assumptions; prepares insur- ance bids and specifications; serves as citywide insurance contact point; follow-up with adverse public relations; determines follow-up on individual claims and accidents; performs other duties as assigned. Prepares financial and operating statements, reconciles from new or raw data; possesses information restricted to specific persons; handles clerical supplies and equipment which relatively are not easily damaged; routinely handles or is responsible for funds of moderate amounts; contacts with employees and public is frequent and involves communication of complex information and in which consider- able tactful , patient, pleasant, courteous, and tolerant manner in stress situations is required; duties require limited movement, normally performed in sitting position and performed in surroundings in which hazards are minor and controllable. • SUPERVISION - RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORK OF OTHERS: None EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE REOUIREMENTS: Any combination of edu- cation and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in business administration, public administration, sociology, industrial psycho- logy or a related field, plus two years experience in insurance- related work. EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND OUALIFICATIONS: Compiles statistics accurately and timely; Prepares and presents assigned reports and records properly, timely, and accurately; Communicates effectively, orally and in writing; Maintains and exhibits discretion and integrity at all times with regard to confidential material handled; Possesses knowledge of statistics and is able to make basic statis- tical computations; Effectively and appropriately researches, identifies, and analyzes • risk exposures; Prepares safety reports, analyzes accident trends, recommends safety precautions, develops and conducts training programs effectively; CLASS TITLE: Risk Management Officer EXAMPLES OF PERFORMANCE CRITERIA AND QUALIFICATIONS (cont. ) : • Maintains and continually upgrades knowledge of factors of risk and potential liabilities; Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with other employees, department heads, officials, superiors, and the general public. Salina/91 • • 0 • APPEND=X A PAY S URN E Y SCHEDULE S • SCHEDULE A 0 BENEFITS SOURCES PERCENTAGE SOURCES PERCENTAGE CITIES OTHER GOVERNMENTS KANSAS Saline County 42.70 Emporia 25.92 State of Kansas 38.56 Garden City 37. 27 PS&O REA 44. 37 Hutchinson 29.76 Lawrence 33 .39 j,OCAL SURVEYS Lenexa 44.00 # 1 29. 34 Manhattan 36.34 # 2 31.65 Olathe 36.03 # 3 18.76 Overland Park 38.71 # 4 31.22 Shawnee 37. 33 # 6 51.62 Topeka 28.93 # 7 25.49 Wichita 44.84 # 16 47 .86 OKLAHOMA # 17 32.58 Enid 32.94 # 18 24 .95 MISSOURI # 19 29.62 Independence 47.34 # 20 27.86 Joplin 25.17 # 21 23. 09 NEBRASKA # 22 28 . 32 Grand Island 35.71 # 23 33 .66 # 24 26. 10 # 25 28.75 # 27 33 .07 MEDIAN 32.94 PRESENT SALINA 44. 00 • SCHEDULE B Comparative Wage Data III ACCOUNT CLERK II CLERK TYPIST DISPATCHER SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1217 1459 1635 1004 1143 1282 1221 1389 1558 Hutchinson 1377 1574 1795 1094 1213 1345 1275 1459 1790 Lawrence 1437 1667 1841 1180 1369 1511 1511 1751 1934 Lenexa -- -- -- 1414 1715 2016 1804 2189 2574 Manhattan 1061 1326 1392 995 1245 1307 -- -- -- Olathe 1829 2405 2893 1309 1591 1874 1829 2405 2893 Overland Park 1470 1875 2279 1164 1485 1805 1558 1987 2415 Shawnee 1534 1688 2035 1158 1274 1534 1693 1868 2252 Topeka 1340 -- 1910 1264 -- 1806 1264 -- 1922 Wichita 1604 1892 2113 1196 1393 1543 1675 1981 2215 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1261 1458 1768 1088 1261 1530 1322 1530 1859 Enid -- -- -- 1030 1130 1465 1030 1130 1465 MISSOURI Independence 1506 1730 1900 1045 1198 1312 1577 1813 1989 Joplin 1307 -- 1503 997 -- 1146 1416 -- 1629 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1013 1161 1406 850 968 1110 1065 1225 1475 OTHER GOVERNMENT Saline County 1076 1246 1444 976 1130 1308 -- -- -- . Saline U.S.D. #305 -- -- -- 927 1118 1387 -- -- -- State of Kansas 1431 1576 2012 1175 1296 1654 1501 1654 2112 PS&O REA -- 1820 -- 867 1231 1473 -- -- -- Riley County LEA -- -- -- 1085 1173 1270 1222 1323 1436 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 881 1243 1361 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 3 1083 1408 1733 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 4 1518 1898 2279 925 1090 1253 -- -- -- # 5 -- 1000 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 6 1183 1483 1783 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 7 1567 1900 1900 1000 1025 1025 -- -- -- # 8 -- -- -- 737 825 -- -- -- -- # 14 1127 1430 1430 780 1083 1083 -- -- -- # 15 -- 1213 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 16 1023 1387 1387 979 1309 1309 -- -- -- # 17 1563 -- 2291 1473 -- 2227 -- -- -- # 18 1040 1127 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 19 1217 1482 1751 1033 1232 1449 -- -- -- # 21 1200 1500 2000 737 823 910 -- -- -- # 22 919 1040 1161 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 23 946 1163 1359 803 1023 1225 -- -- -- # 24 -- -- -- 867 -- 1387 -- -- -- # 25 -- -- -- 953 -- 1040 -- -- -- # 26 1083 -- 1387 1083 -- 1300 -- -- -- • # 27 -- -- -- 953 1300 1647 -- -- -- MEDIAN 1217 1471 1776 1004 1213 1366 1459 1703 1928 LOCAL 1105 1751 953 1308 SCHEDULE C Comparative Wage Data • DATA ENTRY/ EXECUTIVE COMPUTER OPERATOR SECRETARY SECRETARY II SOURCES min. Mid Max. Mme. . Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1004 1175 1346 1483 1724 1965 1221 1389 1558 Hutchinson -- -- -- 1573 1750 1954 1288 1449 1632 Lawrence 1181 1369 1511 1751 2031 2243 1437 1667 1841 Lenexa -- -- -- 1804 2189 2574 1635 1984 2334 Manhattan 1141 1425 1496 1647 2057 2468 1222 1527 1603 Olathe 1309 1591 1874 1829 2405 2893 1718 2137 2557 Overland Park 1470 1875 2279 1652 2106 2561 1558 1987 2415 Shawnee -- -- -- 1688 1851 2231 1534 1688 2035 Topeka 1416 -- 2023 1784 -- 2538 1586 -- 2264 Wichita -- -- -- 1675 1981 2215 1601 1892 2113 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1261 1458 1768 1608 1859 2260 1458 1686 2052 Enid 1085 1200 1535 1385 1535 1960 1325 1465 1860 MISSOURI Independence 1651 1900 2085 1651 1900 2085 1312 1506 1651 Joplin 1307 -- 1503 1307 -- 1503 1196 -- 1376 NEBRASKA Grand Island -- -- -- 1473 1702 2052 1276 1473 1783 OTHER GOVERNMENTS "' Saline County 1076 1246 1444 1374 1593 1844 1024 1187 1374 Saline U.S.D. #305 -- -- -- 1167 1583 950 1118 1319 State of Kansas -- -- -- 1431 1576 2012 1296 1431 1824 PS&O REA -- -- -- -- -- -- 1040 1473 1820 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 903 1213 1388 1213 1560 2253 -- -- -- # 4 1089 1362 1636 1151 1437 1726 985 1158 1333 # 6 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1517 1900 2275 # 7 958 1017 1035 1167 1195 1195 867 1083 1130 # 16 1170 1560 1560 -- -- -- 1023 1387 1387 # 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1473 -- 2562 # 19 -- -- -- 1217 1482 1751 1033 1232 1449 # 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1005 1127 1248 # 23 -- -- -- 1080 1458 1723 -- -- -- # 26 1127 -- 1473 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 27 1127 1473 1647 1388 1958 2555 -- -- -- MEDIAN 1141 1397 1511 1478 1750 2069 1292 1473 1802 LOCAL 1089 1473 1213 1751 1024 1387 • SCHEDULE D • Comparative Wage Data POLICE METER READER RECORDS CLERK LABORER SOURCES Mill. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Dodge City 1151 1246 1462 -- -- -- 1166 1227 1290 Emporia 1282 1459 1635 1055 1200 1346 1055 1200 1346 Hutchinson 1353 1503 1672 1186 1319 1470 1186 1319 1470 Lawrence 1369 1586 1751 -- -- -- 1241 1437 1586. Lenexa -- -- -- 1558 1890 2222 1414 1715 2016 Manhattan -- -- -- -- -- -- 939 1175 1234 Olathe 1240 1500 1760 1458 1790 2121 1240 1500 1760 Overland Park -- -- -- 1234 1574 1913 1234 1574 1913 Shawnee -- -- -- 1274 1395 1688 1378 1510 1823 Topeka 1494 -- 1647 1179 -- 1782 1264 -- 1806 Wichita 1469 1729 1926 1350 1582 1760 1296 1517 1673 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1088 1261 1530 1088 1261 1530 1140 1322 1608 Enid 1130 1260 1615 1030 1130 1465 1085 1200 1535 MISSOURI Independence 1861 -- 2175 1144 1312 1437 1936 -- 2035 Joplin -- -- -- 1094 -- 1260 1094 -- 1260 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1301 1485 1694 -- -- -- 1131 1305 1507 •OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- -- -- -- 1076 1246 1444 State of Kansas -- -- -- 1296 1431 1824 967 1066 1363 PS&O REA -- 1733 -- -- -- -- -- 1560 -- Riley County LEA -- -- -- 1222 1323 1436 -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1014 1317 1666 # 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 792 919 1043 # 18 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1106 -- # 25 -- -- -- -- -- -- 953 1040 1213 MEDIAN 1301 1500 1672 1204 1359 1609 1140 1311 1535 LOCAL 967 1363 SCHEDULE E • Comparative Wage Data TRUCK DRIVER/ EQUIPMENT LABORER OPERATOR (HEAVY) MECHANIC I SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Dodge City 1196 1294 1519 1400 1515 1778 1400 1515 1778 Emporia 1221 1389 1558 1414 1622 1832 1414 1622 1832 Hutchinson 1241 1378 1537 1481 1647 1836 1415 1572 1749 Lawrence 1437 1667 1841 1511 1751 1934 1667 1934 2135 Lenexa -- -- -- -- -- -- 1635 1984 2334 Manhattan 1141 1425 1496 1222 1527 1603 1442 1803 1893 Olathe 1112 1333 1554 1458 1790 2121 1718 2137 2557 Overland Park 1387 1768 2150 1751 2232 2714 1470 1875 2279 Shawnee 1510 1654 2002 1577 1738 2096 1738 1905 2297 Topeka 1427 -- 1936 1515 -- 2257 1340 -- 1910 Wichita 1469 1729 1926 1534 1851 2017 1675 1981 2215 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- -- -- 1686 1955 2375 1768 2052 2492 Enid 1130 1260 1615 1385 1535 1960 1325 1465 1860 MISSOURI Independence -- -- -- 1437 1651 1813 1651 1900 2085 Joplin 1196 -- 1376 1416 -- 1629 1536 -- 1766 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1208 1395 1610 1449 1673 1932 1449 1673 1932 • OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County 1187 1374 1593 1308 1516 1756 1374 1593 1844 State of Kansas 1363 1501 1915 1654 1824 2328 1501 1654 2112 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 -- 2338 -- -- -- -- 1440 1692 1995 # 3 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1560 -- 2080 # 5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 2253 -- 2427 # 14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1993 -- # 16 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1309 1829 -- # 18 -- 1300 -- 1392 -- 1589 -- 1735 -- # 20 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1664 1907 2080 # 21 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1000 1300 1700 # 25 1040 1127 1257 1473 1560 2167 1473 1733 1907 MEDIAN 1215 1392 1602 1458 1662 1934 1473 1803 2038 LOCAL 1473 2037 • SCHEDULE F • Comparative Wage Data BUILDING PARKS/CEMETERY METER REPAIRMAN MAINTENANCE WORKER MAINTENANCE WORKER SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid MAX. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Dodge City -- -- -- 1346 1456 1709 1196 1294 1519 Emporia -- -- -- 1055 1200 1346 1107 1260 1414 Lawrence 1667 1934 2135 1437 1667 1841 1437 1667 1841 Lenexa -- -- -- 1414 1715 2016 -- -- -- Manhattan - -- -- -- 1141 1425 1496 1141 1425 1496 Olathe -- -- -- 1240 1500 1760 1458 1790 2121 I Overland Park -- -- -- 1558 1987 2415 1387 1768 2150 Shawnee -- -- -- -- -- -- 1378 1510 1823 Topeka 1494 -- 1647 1416 -- 2023 1128 -- 1610 Wichita 1469 1729 1926 1601 1892 2113 1350 1582 1760 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1322 1530 1859 -- -- -- 1322 1530 1859 Enid 1260 1385 1780 1325 1465 1860 1085 1200 1535 MISSOURI Independence 2117 -- 2175 -- -- -- 1094 1254 1373 Joplin -- -- -- 1475 -- 1699 1307 -- 1503 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1552 1771 2021 -- -- -- 1065 1221 1473 •OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- 1130 1308 1516 1130 1308 1516 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 -- -- -- 1388 1605 1877 -- -- -- # 2 -- -- -- 962 1116 1269 -- -- -- # 4 -- -- -- 1161 1366 1572 -- -- -- # 6 -- -- -- 2335 2456 2614 -- -- -- # 7 -- -- -- 1233 1325 1342 -- -- -- # 15 -- -- -- 1213 -- 1560 -- -- -- # 26 -- -- -- 1406 -- 2155 1387 -- 1820 MEDIAN 1494 1729 1926 1346 1465 1760 1252 1425 1573 LOCAL 1223 1566 • SCHEDULE G • Comparative Wage Data UTILITIES SANITATION WASTEWATER TREATMENT MAINT. WORKER I DRIVER PLANT OPERATOR II SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. 'Tin. timid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1107 1261 1414 1221 1389 1558 1282 1459 1635 Garden City -- -- -- 1294 1400 1643 -- -- -- Hutchinson 1353 1503 1672 -- -- -- -- -- Lawrence 1437 1667 1841 1667 1934 2135 1667 1934 2135 Manhattan 1061 1326 1392 -- -- -- -- -- -- Olathe 1240 1500 1760 1458 1790 2121 1627 2015 2403 Topeka 1430 -- 1572 -- -- -- 1557 -- 1728 Wichita 1534 1851 2017 -- -- -- 1675 1981 2215 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1322 1530 1859 1530 1768 2154 -- -- -- Enid 1260 1385 1780 1260 1385 1780 1325 1465 1860 MISSOURI Independence 2195 -- 2264 -- -- -- 1730 1989 2186 Joplin 1418 -- 1629 -- -- -- 1362 -- 1567 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1360 1552 1771 -- -- -- -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 18 -- -- -- -- 1303 -- -- -- -- • MEDIAN 1357 1503 1766 1376 1584 1951 1592 1958 1998 • SCHEDULE H Comparative Wage Data CHIEF WASTEWATER CONCRETE PLANT OPERATOR FINISHER CUSTODIAN SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid MAX. Min. Mid Mx. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1483 1724 1965 -- -- -- 956 1088 1221 Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 -- -- -- 1123 1302 1437 Lenexa -- -- -- -- -- -- 1107 1342 1578 Manhattan -- -- -- -- -- -- 995 1245 1307 Olathe 1718 2137 2557 -- -- -- 1053 1257 1458 Topeka 1855 -- 2063 -- -- -- 1066 -- 1524 Wichita 2213 2639 2971 -- -- -- 1350 1582 1760 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- -- -- 1608 1859 2260 1088 1261 1530 Enid 1615 1780 2270 1325 1465 1860 1030 1130 1465 MISSOURI Independence 1989 2290 2518 -- -- -- 1045 1198 1312 Joplin 1536 -- 1766 -- -- -- 1142 -- 1314 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1869 2155 2605 -- -- -- 1140 1301 1485 OTHER GOVERNMENTS Salina U.S.D. #305 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1316 1395 1676 State of Kansas -- -- -- -- -- -- 1066 1175 1501 Riley County LEA -- -- -- -- -- -- 1129 1222 1323 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 -- -- -- -- -- -- 780 1134 1362 # 2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 792 919 1043 # 7 -- -- -- -- -- -- 867 1035 1042 # 17 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1349 -- 2128 # 18 -- -- -- -- 1770 -- -- -- -- # 19 -- -- -- -- -- -- 858 1033 1199 # 22 -- -- -- -- -- -- 919 1040 1161 # 25 -- -- -- 1733 1820 1993 -- -- -- # 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1213 -- 1560 MEDIAN 1855 2155 2475 1608 1795 1993 1066 1110 1448 Limited Data LOCAL, 992 1342 • SCHEDULE I Comparative Wage Data III FOOD ELECTRICIAN I COOK/STEWARD SERVICE WORKER SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 -- -- -- -- -- - Manhattan 1633 2040 2449 -- -- -- -- -- -- Topeka 1993 -- 2844 -- -- -- -- -- -- Wichita 1601 1892 2113 -- -- -- -- -- - OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1768 2052 2492 -- -- -- -- -- --- Enid 1465 1780 2055 -- -- -- -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 1730 1989 2186 -- -- -- -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline U.S.D. #305 -- -- -- 919 1005 1196 919 971 1040 State of Kansas 1738 1915 2444 -- -- -- -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 -- -- -- 1125 1368 1619 893 1137 1293 # 2 -- -- -- 1012 1173 1331 792 919 1043 # 4 1326 1657 1990 1115 1310 1506 830 922 1014 # 6 2335 2456 2614 -- -- -- -- -- -- • # 8 -- -- -- 737 867 1023 737 780 -- # 9 -- -- -- 867 1040 -- 737 867 -- # 10 -- -- -- 867 1040 -- 867 1040 -- # 11 -- -- -- 910 1040 -- 823 910 -- # 12 -- -- -- 780 867 -- -- -- -- # 13 -- -- -- 823 971 971 780 910 -- # 15 -- -- -- 953 -- 1387 693 -- 1040 # 16 1267 1777 1777 919 1239 -- -- -- -- # 17 1931 -- 2659 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 18 -- 2253 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 1734 1989 2447 915 1040 1331 808 919 1040 LOCAL 1738 2444 • SCHEDULE J • Comparative Wage Data FLEET TRAFFIC WATER PLANT SERVICE WORKER TECHNICIAN OPERATOR II SOURCES Min. Mica Max. Min. Mid MAX. Min. Mid Mme. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1107 1260 1414 -- -- -- 1282 1459 1635 Lawrence -- -- -- 2135 2475 2733 1667 1934 2135 Lenexa -- -- -- 1804 2189 2574 -- -- -- Manhattan -- -- -- 1141 1425 1496 -- -- -- Olathe 2024 2551 3079 1627 2015 2403 1627 2015 2403 Overland Park -- -- -- 1387 1768 2150 -- -- -- Topeka 1128 -- 1610 1340 -- 1910 1699 -- 1882 Wichita 1296 1515 1673 2011 2395 2689 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1391 1608 1955 -- -- -- 1391 1608 1955 Enid 1085 1200 1535 1385 1535 1960 1325 1465 1860 MISSOURI Independence -- -- -- 1730 1989 2186 2193 -- 2264 Joplin 1362 -- 1567 1536 -- 1766 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County 1246 1444 1672 -- -- -- -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS • # 1 991 1199 1380 -- -- -- -- -- __ # 3 867 997 997 # 5 .737 1040 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 14 823 997 997 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 16 1161 1447 1447 -- -- -- -- -- -- #. 18 -- 1586 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 21 1000 1100 1200 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 25 1083 1170 1343 -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 1107 1230 1491 1582 2002 2168 1627 1608 1955 LOCAL 995 1343 I • SCHEDULE K 0 Comparative Wage Data CHIEF WATER PLANT OPERATOR POLICE OFFICER POLICE SERGEANT SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Ma Max. Min. Sid MAK. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1483 1724 1965 1558 1789 2019 1894 2204 2515 Hutchinson -- -- -- 1574 1755 1948 1801 2063 2338 Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 1848 2144 2366 2486 2882 3182 Lenexa -- -- -- 1988 2412 2837 2662 3231 3800 Manhattan 1726 2158 2590 -- -- -- -- -- -- Olathe 1718 2137 2557 1829 2405 2893 2325 2958 3589 Overland Park -- -- -- 2024 2581 3138 2480 3162 3843 Shawnee -- -- -- 1832 2040 2716 2584 2794 3177 Topeka 1933 -- 2137 1737 -- 2388 2732 -- 2801 Wichita 2499 3003 3394 1825 2165 2425 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- -- -- 1532 1773 2155 1768 2052 2492 Enid -- -- -- 1465 1615 2055 1700 1860 2375 MISSOURI Independence 2323 -- 2372 1761 2026 2225 2225 2565 2817 Joplin -- -- -- 1582 -- 1820 1848 -- 2125 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1869 2155 2605 1585 1809 2065 1891 2158 2462 • -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County 1374 1593 1844 1478 1712 1982 State of Kansas -- -- -- 2012 2218 2829 2444 2695 3440 Riley County LEA -- -- -- 1563 1695 1846 1920 2037 2154 MEDIAN 1901 2157 2516 1737 2026 2225 2072 2384 2658 • SCHEDULE L • Comparative Wage Data POLICE CAPTAIN FIREFIGHTER DETECTIVE SOURCES Min. Mid_ Max. Min. Mid Max. min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 2191 2715 3238 1467 1604 1741 1894 2204 2515 Hutchinson 2295 2617 2995 1583 1735 1848 1801 2063 2338 Lawrence 2744 3182 3513 1764 2044 2258 2144 2486 2744 Lenexa 3081 3739 4397 1804 2189 2574 1988 2635 3282 Manhattan -- -- -- 1313 1643 -- -- -- -- Olathe 2995 3859 4724 1814 2267 2720 2325 2958 3589 Shawnee 3344 3468 3895 1732 1931 2567 1832 2040 2716 Topeka 2501 -- 4007 -- 1730 -- 2562 -- 2697 Wichita 2366 2830 3188 1744 2065 2312 1911 2271 2546 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 2375 2750 3342 1933 1933 1933 1608 1859 2260 Enid 2020 2240 2840 1385 1535 1960 1700 1860 2375 MISSOURI Independence 2688 3098 3409 1522 -- 2217 1846 2124 2333 Joplin 2324 -- 2617 1043 -- 1227 1712 -- 1969 NEBRASKA Grand Island 2052 2367 2869 1495 1731 2004* -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County 1798 2081 2409 -- -- -- 1374 1593 1844 •State of Kansas -- -- -- -- -- -- 2444 2695 3440 Riley County LEA 2763 2880 2997 1563 1695 1846 MEDIAN 2375 2830 3238 1583 1833 2110 1846 2124 2515 * Firefighter/EMT. • SCHEDULE M • Comparative Wage Data BATTALION CHIEF FIRE MARSHAL PARAMEDIC SOURCES Miter . Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1988 2441 2894 1988 2441 2894 -- -- -- Hutchinson 2345 2559 2917 -- -- -- -- -- -- Lawrence 2839 3295 3635 2038 2366 2609 -- -- -- Lenexa 2662 3231 3800 -- -- -- -- -- -- Manhattan 1944 2430 2916 2063 2577 3092 -- -- -- Olathe 2529 3231 3933 2529 3231 3933 -- -- -- Shawnee 2674 2886 3272 2674 2886 3272 -- -- -- Topeka 2501 -- 4007 2501 -- 4007 -- -- -- Wichita 2366 2830 3188 3214 4018 4822 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- 2711 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Enid 2190 2410 3100 2355 2595 3320 -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 2328 -- 2971 2518 -- 3188 -- -- -- Joplin 1385 -- 1629 1385 -- 1629 -- -- -- MEDIAN 2355 2770 3144 2428 2595 3230 -- -- -- • • SCHEDULE N • Comparative Wage Data BUILDING INSP. DRAFTING TECH. ENGINEERING TECH. ] SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid MAK. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1635 1911 2186 -- -- -- 1804 2088 2372 Hutchinson 1834 2093 2391 1415 1572 1749 1616 1848 2114 Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 1586 1841 2031 1369 1586 1751 Lenexa 1804 2189 2574 -- -- -- 1988 2412 2837 Manhattan 1442 1803 1893 1061 1326 1392 1368 1659 1742 Olathe 1829 2405 2893 1814 2267 2720 1627 2015 2403' Overland Park 1652 2106 2561 1558 1987 2415 1652 2106 2561 Shawnee 2002 2191 2652 1851 2035 2449 2333 2570 3115 Topeka -- 1808 -- 1499 -- 2141 1499 -- 2141 Wichita 1751 2076 2323 -- -- -- 1833 2176 2438 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1686 1955 2375 1686 1955 2375 1768 2052 2492 Enid 1535 1700 2150 1385 1535 1960 1700 1860 2375 MISSOURI Independence 1989 2290 2518 -- -- -- 2290 2639 2899 Joplin 1662 -- 1912 1475 -- 1699 1662 -- 1912 NEBRASKA, Grand Island 1547 1783 2155 -- -- -- -- -- -- • OTHER GOVERNMENTS -- -- -- Saline County 1308 1516 1756 1374 1593 1844 State of Kansas 1915 2112 2695 1296 1431 1824 1501 1654 2112 • LOCAL SURVEYS # 17 -- -- 2291 -- 2836 -- -- -- MEDIAN 1751 2093 2391 1499 1706 2031 1657 2033 2373 • SCHEDULE 0 • Comparative Wage Data FOREMAN I FOREMAN II LABORATORY TECH. I SOURCES min. mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1346 1532 1718 1483 1726 1969 -- -- -- Hutchinson 1616 1848 2114 1806 2070 2373 -- -- -- Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 2135 2475 2733 1667 1934 2135 Lenexa -- -- -- -- -- -- 1635 1984 2334 Manhattan 1605 2007 2409 1678 2097 2517 1222 1527 1603 Olathe 1814 2267 2720 2137 2707 3274 1814 2267 2720 Overland Park 2085 2658 3232 -- -- -- -- -- -- Shawnee 1905 2096 2527 -- -- -- -- -- -- Topeka 1784 -- 2538 2110 -- 3011 1499 -- 2141 Wichita 1751 2076 2323 1833 2176 2438 1534 1851 2017 OKLAHOMA, Bartlesville -- -- -- 1768 2052 2492 1458 1686 2052 Enid 1465 1615 2055 1615 1780 2270 1385 1535 1960 MISSOURI Independence 1651 1900 2085 1900 2186 2401 1651 1900 2085 Joplin 1536 -- 1766 1941 -- 2232 1362 -- 1567 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1547 1783 2155 1621 1869 2258 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS • Saline County 1478 1712 1982 -- -- -- -- -- __ State of Kansas 1363 1501 1915 LOCAL SURVEYS # 1 1440 1692 1995 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 18 2123 2167 2600 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 25 1647 1733 1820 1820 2080 2427 -- -- -- # 27 -- -- -- 1688 2169 2631 -- -- -- MEDIAN 1631 1874 2134 1813 2088 2432 1516 1876 2068 • SCHEDULE P • Comparative Wage Data CEMETERY GOLF COURSE PARKS SUPERVISOR/SEXTON SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT SOURCES Mill• Mid, Max. Min. Mis' Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia -- -- -- 1988 2441 2894 -- -- -- Hutchinson -- -- -- 1899 2200 2546 2565 2829 3118 Lawrence 2135 2475 2733 -- -- -- 2356 2733 3016 Lenexa -- -- -- -- -- -- 2300 2791 3282 Manhattan 1328 1659 1742 -- -- -- 1933 2416 2900 Olathe 1175 1413 1653 -- -- -- 2752 3532 4310 Overland Park -- -- -- 2723 3482 4242 2723 3482 4242 Topeka -- -- -- 2110 -- 3011 2501 -- 4007. OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 1608 1859 2260 2052 2375 2886 2260 2618 3183 Enid -- -- -- 1780 1960 2495 2020 . 2240 2840 MISSOURI Independence 1730 1989 2186 -- -- -- 2518 2899 3188 Joplin 1536 -- 1766 1728 -- 1988 1794 -- 2063 NEBRASKA Grand Island 1869 2155 2605 -- -- -- 1961 2258 2733 OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- -- -- -- 1630 1888 2185 • MEDIAN 1608 1924 2186 1988 2375 2886 2300 2733 3118 L.D. • SCHEDULE Q Comparative Wage Data • (Solid Waste) WASTEWATER STREET SUPT. SANITATION SUPT. PLANT SUPRVR. SOURCES Min. Mid Mme. Min. Mid MAK. Miter . Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1804 2159 2515 1804 2159 2515 1988 2441 2894 Hutchinson 2169 2482 2850 2087 2386 2740 -- -- -- Lawrence 2600 3016 3331 2475 2870 3170 2243 2600 2870 Lenexa 2300 2791 3282 -- -- -- 2300 2791 3282 Manhattan 1799 2248 2697 -- -- -- -- -- -- Olathe 2995 3859 4724 2995 3859 4724 -- -- -- Overland Park 3302 4267 5231 -- -- -- -- -- -- Shawnee 2096 2297 2789 -- -- -- -- -- -- Topeka 2590 -- 4226 -- -- -- 2501 -- 4007 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 2260 2618 3183 2260 2618 3183 -- -- -- Enid 2020 2240 2840 2020 2240 2840 2020 2240 2840 MISSOURI Independence 2518 2899 3188 -- -- -- -- -- -- Joplin 2182 -- 2510 -- -- -- 2272 -- 2614 NEBRASKA Grand Island 2258 2605 3161 -- -- -- 1869 2155 2605 OTHER GOVERNMENTS • Saline County 2081 2409 2788 -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 2258 2605 3161 2173 2502 3005 2243 2441 2870 Limited Data Limited Data • SCHEDULE R • Comparative Wage Data BUILDINGS MAINTENANCE SUPV. CITY PLANNER CITY FORESTER SOURCES Mira. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1804 2159 2515 -- -- -- -- -- -- Lawrence 2031 2356 2600 2135 2475 2733 2356 2733 3016 Lenexa 2300 2791 3282 2662 3251 3800 -- -- -- Manhattan 1328 1659 1742 1726 2158 2590 1678 2097 2517 Olathe 2022 2551 3079 2325 2958 3589 2022 2551 3079 Overland Park 2210 2818 3426 2553 3255 3957 2085 2658 3232 Shawnee -- -- -- 2829 3115 3799 -- -- -- Topeka 2110 -- 3011 2732 -- 4456 2109 -- 3011 Wichita -- -- -- -- -- -- 1833 2176 2438 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 2052 2375 2886 -- -- -- 1686 1955 2375 Enid 2020 2240 2840 -- -- -- -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 2290 2639 2899 3750 -- 4833 2085 2401 2639 Joplin 1794 -- 2063 1941 -- 2232 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- 2081 2409 2788 -- -- -- Salina USD #305 1858 -- 2044 -- -- -- -- -- -- 4/1LOCAL SURVEYS # 7 2500 2525 2525 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 27 1208 1332 1441 -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 2026 2375 2720 2439 2958 3694 2053 2401 2825 • f SCHEDULE S • Comparative Wage Data CLERICAL DATA PROCESSING RECREATION SUPERVISOR SUPERVISOR DIRECTOR SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Mme. Mid Mac. CITIES KANSAS Emporia -- -- -- 2538 3185 3833 -- -- -- Lawrence 1934 2243 2475 2870 3331 3676 2356 2733 3016 Lenexa -- -- -- 2935 3562 4190 2537 3078 3620 Manhattan -- -- -- 1744 2180 2617 2040 2550 3092 Olathe 2137 2707 3274 2137 2707 3274 2752 3532 4310 Overland Park -- -- -- -- -- -- 2723 3482 4242 Shawnee -- -- -- 2132 2333 2829 -- -- -- Topeka 1572 -- 2399 -- -- -- 2362 -- 3373 Wichita -- -- -- -- -- -- 2323 2774 3125 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- -- -- 1768 2092 2492 -- -- -- Enid 1385 1535 1960 2530 2805 3595 -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 1254 1437 1577 3750 -- 4833 2518 2899 3188 Joplin 2101 -- 2414 -- -- -- 1307 -- 1503 NEBRASKA Grand Island -- -- -- -- -- -- 1221 1406 1702 OTHER GOVERNMENTS •Saline County 1187 1374 1593 -- -- -- -- -- __ Salina U.S.D.#305 1333 1500 1600 State of Kansas -- -- -- 1915 2112 2695 1654 1824 2328 PS&O REA -- 2833 -- -- -- . -- -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 2 -- -- -- 1492 1730 1967 -- -- -- # 4 -- -- -- 1347 1683 2019 -- -- -- # 19 1458 1783 2108 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 25 1560 1820 2080 -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 1560 1801 2108 2132 2256 2829 2356 2774 3125 • SCHEDULE T • Comparative Wage Data PROGRAMMER/ TRAFFIC SHOP SUPERVISOR ANALYST FACILITIES SUPV. SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1804 2159 2515 -- -- -- -- -- -- Lawrence 2475 2870 3170 1934 2243 2475 2135 2475 2733 Lenexa -- -- -- 2300 2791 3282 -- -- -- Manhattan -- -- -- 1442 1803 1893 1678 2097 2517 Olathe 2325 2958 3589 2137 2707 3274 2752 3532 4310 Overland Park -- -- -- 1974 2483 2993 3522 4565 5607 Shawnee 1905 2096 2527 -- -- -- -- -- -- Topeka -- -- -- 2109 -- 3011 1884 -- 2687 Wichita 1833 2176 2438 -- -- -- -- -- -- OKLAHOMA 1 Bartlesville 1955 2260 2750 -- -- -- 1955 2260 2750 Enid 2020 2240 2840 2190 2410 3100 2020 2240 2840 MISSOURI Independence 1989 2290 2518 2290 2639 2899 -- 2871 -- Joplin 1794 -- 2063 -- -- -- -- -- -- NEBRASKA Grand Island 1547 1783 2155 -- -- -- -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS • Saline County 1798 2081 2408 -- -- -- -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 3 -- 1367 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 5 -- 2200 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 14 -- 1550 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 20 1664 -- 2167 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 21 1500 1800 2300 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 23 -- -- -- 1860 2314 2758 -- -- -- # 24 -- -- -- 1907 -- 2297 -- -- -- # 25 1387 1560 1733 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 26 2080 -- 3120 1733 -- 3467 -- -- -- # 27 -- -- -- 1333 1948 2971 -- -- -- MEDIAN 1833 2159 2515 1954 2410 2982 2020 2475 2750 • SCHEDULE U • Comparative Wage Data DIRECTOR OF CURATOR MUSEUM DIRECTOR ARTS & HUMANITIES SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Mme. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Wichita* 2323 2774 3125 -- -- -- 3994 4993 5992 MISSOURI Independence 1651 1900 2085 3750 -- 4833 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Tulsa 1993 2491 2989 4281 5351 6421 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS KS Museum of Hist. 1915 2112 2695 2695 2971 3793 -- -- -- I KS Vally Arts Cou. . -- -- -- -- -- -- 2333 2833 2917 Lawrence Arts Cen. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3167 -- Reno Co. Hist. Soc. (Hutchinson) -- 1375 -- -- 2875 -- -- -- -- Denver Nat. Hist 2805 -- 4400 -- -- -- -- -- -- Mesa County, CO 1833 -- 2667 2833 - 3667 -- -- -- State of Colorado 2529 -- 3388 -- -- -- Littleton, Co. Hist. Museum 2573 2891 3209 -- 4519 -- -- -- -- Stuhr Museum Gr. Island, NE 1375 -- 1500 -- -- -- -- -- -- • High Point Hist. Soc. , Inc. NC 1500 -- -- -- 1833 2250 2917 1583 2250 MEDIAN 1954 2301 2842 2833 3745 3793 Insufficient Data L.D. * Art Museum. • SCHEDULE V Comparative Wage Data • CHIEF OF POLICE FIRE CHIEF CITY ENGINEER SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Micj Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 2538 3185 3833 2538 3185 3833 -- -- -- Hutchinson 2633 3043 3512 2633 3043 3512 2916 3214 3716 Lawrence 3912 -- 5304 3912 -- 5304 3016 3500 3862 Lenexa 3861 4826 5792 3722 4652 5583 2796 3392 3988 Manhattan -- -- -- 2785 3482 4179 2934 3668 4401 Olathe 3545 4607 5671 3545 4607 5671 3257 4217 5175 Overland Park 4294 5368 6441 -- -- -- 3522 4565 5607 Shawnee 3802 -- 5332 3802 -- 5332 3802 -- 5332 Topeka 3564 -- 5813 3564 -- 5813 2881 -- 4699 OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 2886 3342 4063 2750 3181 3870 3181 3686 4479 Enid 3155 3495 4470 3155 3495 4470 3155 3495 4470 MISSOURI Independence 3750 -- 4833 3750 -- 4833 3750 ,-- 4833 Joplin -- 3217 -- -- 3217 -- 2182 -- 2510 NEBRASKA Grand Island 2787 -- 3900 2743 -- 3839 3573 -- 5000 OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- -- -- -- 2409 2788 3227 • LOCAL SURVEYS # 26 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 3659 -* MEDIAN 3554 3418 5068 3350 3349 4651 3085 3579 4474 * Plant Engineer. • SCHEDULE W Comparative Wage Data CITY CLERK/ CITY CLERK FINANCE DIRECTOR FINANCE DIRECTOR SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 2238 2738 3238 2538 3185 3833 -- -- -- Hutchinson -- -- -- 2565 2829 3276 -- -- -- Lawrence 3427 -- 4754 3728 -- 5025 -- -- -- Lenexa -- -- -- -- -- -- 3556 4444 5333 Manhattan 1664 2080 2482 3328 4160 4992 -- -- -- Olathe 2995 3859 4724 3545 4607 5671 -- -- -- Overland Park -- -- -- -- -- -- 4052 5064 6077 Shawnee -- -- -- 3456 -- 4847 -- -- -- Topeka 2456 -- 3571 3697 -- 6030 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Bartlesville -- -- -- -- -- -- 3181 3686 4479 Enid 2190 2410 3100 2955 3265 4165 -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 3750 -- 4833 3750 -- 4833 -- -- -- Joplin -- 2168 -- -- 3708 -- -- -- -- NEBRASKA Grand Island -- -- -- 2648 -- 3943 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS * Saline County -- -- -- -- -- 4164 -- -- -- LOCAL SURVEYS # 4 -- -- -- 2562 3203 3844 -- -- -- # 26 -- -- -- -- 3856 -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 2456 2410 3571 3328 3486 4499 3556 4444 5333 L.D. Insufficient Data SCHEDULE X Comparative Wage Data DIRECTOR DIR. OF PLANNING DIRECTOR OF OF PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY DEVEL. PARKS & RECREATION SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Mme. Mid MAX. Ini . Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia -- -- -- 2538 3185 3833 2538 3185 3833 Hutchinson 2565 2829 3118 2633 3043 3512 -- -- -- Lawrence 3427 -- 4754 3728 -- 5025 3427 -- 4754 Lenexa 2537 3078 3620 3722 4652 5583 3556 4444 5333 Manhattan 2610 3262 3914 3130 3912 '4294 3130 3912 4694 Olathe 2995 3859 4724 3545 4607 5671 3545 4607 5671 Overland Park 4052 5064 6077 -- -- -- 3757 4884 6011 Shawnee -- -- -- 3456 -- 4847 2915 -- 3644 Topeka 2732 -- 4456 3564 -- 5813 3564 -- 5813 OKLAHOMA • Bartlesville 2154 2492 3029 2492 2886 3508 -- -- -- Enid 2740 3025 3855 2955 3265 4165 -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 3750 -- 4833 3750 -- 4833 3750 -- 4833 Joplin -- 2333 -- -- 3924 -- -- 2333 -- NEBRASKA Grand Island 2718 -- 3803 2548 -- 3637 2638 -- 3692 OTHER GOVERNMENTS imiSaline County 1888 2185 2529 II/ Salina USD #305 -- -- 4164 -- -- -- -- -- -- State of Kansas 2829 3120 3983 -- -- -- -- -- -- Z.00AL SURVEYS # 2 2158 2650 3250 -- -- -- -- -- -- # 4 2123 2654 3184 1423 1778 2134 -- -- -- # 24 -- 2750 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- # 26 -- 3856 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MEDIAN 2718 2927 3884 3130 3225 4294 3486 4444 4793 L.D. • • SCHEDULE Y Comparative Wage Data • WASTEWATER WATER WASTEWATER & SUPERINTENDENT SUPERINTENDENT WATER SUPT. SOURCES min. Mid Max. Min. Mid Max. Min. mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia 1988 2441 2894 1988 2441 2894 -- -- -- Hutchinson 2169 2482 2850 2169 2482 2850 -- -- -- Lawrence -- -- -- -- -- -- 2870 3331 3676 Olathe 2752 3532 4310 2995 3859 4724 -- -- -- Topeka 2732 -- 4456 2732 -- 4456 -- -- -- OKLAHOMA Enid 2020 2240 2840 2020 2240 2840 -- -- -- MISSOURI Independence 2518 2888 3188 3042 3509 3858 -- -- -- Joplin 2272 -- 2614 -- -- -- -- -- -- NEBRASKA Grand Island 2481 -- 3478 2052 -- 2869 -- -- -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS State of Kansas -- -- -- 2112 2328 2971 -- -- -- • MEDIAN 2376 2482 3042 2140 2461 2932 -- -- -- Ij 411 SCHEDULE Z Comparative Wage Data • DIRECTOR/ CHIEF PUBLIC MANAGER UTILITIES BUILDING OFF. WORKS DIRECTOR SOURCES Min. Mid Max. Min. Mid MAX. Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Emporia -- -- -- -- -- -- 2538 3185 3833 Hutchinson -- -- -- 2633 2900 3193 3374 3904 4523 Lawrence 3912 -- 5304 2600 3016 3331 3912 -- 5304 Lenexa -- -- -- 2415 2931 3447 3861 4826 5792 Manhattan 2196 2746 3295 1647 2057 2468 3328 4160 4992 Olathe 3257 4217 5175 3545 4607 5671 3545 4607 5671 Overland Park -- -- -- -- -- -- 4825 6032 7238 Shawnee -- -- -- 2922 3222 3926 -- -- -- Topeka -- -- -- 2595 -- 4226 3564 -- 5813 OKLAHOMA Enid 2020 2240 2840 2020 2240 2840 3155 3495 4470 J4ISSOURZ Independence -- -- -- 2518 2899 3188 -- -- -- Joplin -- -- -- 1794 -- 2063 -- 4127 -- OTHER GOVERNMENTS Saline County -- -- -- -- -- -- 3557 4118 4767 • MEDIAN 2726 -- 4235 2556 2915 3262 3551 4127 5148 L.D. • SCHEDULE AA Comparative Wage Data • DIRECTOR OF CIVIC CENTER SOURCES Min. Mid Max. CITIES KANSAS Wichita 3456 4321 5183 OKLAHOMA Enid 2190 2410 3100 MEDIAN Limited Data • • • :a<. 4 SCHEDULE BB • Comparative Wage Data EMT PARAMEDIC SOURCES ENTRY MID MAX. RNTRY MID MAX. Douglas County 1671 1777 2168 2021 2149 2622 Sedgwick County 1434 1571 1886 2052* -- 2919 Johnson Co. (MEDAC) 1636 1924 2213 1883 2354 2825 Kansas City, KS -- -- -- 2281 2540 2841 Newton, KS** 1603 1920 2011 1677 1920 2106 Leavenworth, KS 1291 1426 1827 1576 1738 2281 MEDVAC of Topeka 1375 1531 2000 1917 2073 2542 MEDIAN 1518 1674 2005 1917 2111 2622 * Anticipated for 1992. ** FF/EMT & FF/Paramedic. • • • APP ENDS X B PO S NT EVALUAM SON RESULT S FOR EACH C LA S • • H . U) H U) EA I EEZCOO 0 V' C If/ 1/40 V' d' NM ILO H U) H tO N M VD H H H N H H N 0 oa a 04 `� cis N Pi El la PI • a pxy a. NM en NN H N N H H w W w o ao U U) H U) OZZCOO 0 '.D to V' NMNM N EA H 030 0 d' v to 10 'II 'II NM to COEAH W N•I V' 0, r'i HNM d' riN d' HOLD V' M 10ri HriNrlrit4 N M Zzw as • t0) a w E w OO aNM V MN HMM MHH NH M NN HNNHH H ICC 7 -i0 C.) 41 a o . U ri H H 0 Co aHH ZNO O V' d' to V' N V' NM tD zCn Z c00 o d' tO to 10 V' V' t` M N QNHH ION M 1OH HNMHHN N OHH O CO V' N 10 rHHNHHN t'01 0a u) DI Cl) Ew a �C w en na' 0n IZNH N NH HNNHHH cnU0NM M N N HMM ri riH � i*NNO CC U 0C] NU O CI Cli HH H D L"' co O V 10 ton Tr Nen tO H >4ZNO 0 COO LC) wr V' Nen 0 0a Ua1p W M 10 HNNH HN M EI Ha HH M 01M HHMriHN u) 14 0 rHHHW� w Q 7y Zw HUN FG '�7 a' N N en N rV rl M N ri ri '-i - M d M M .4' H N M rV ri H UN H CO J 0 0 I H 4 4 a w 0 c o itt1 i i a) C 'C 'O ?t oWO4ft .CwW 44 t >, 01-10 $.4 ro CwN1) W 74-) .0 (-1 O E N N s C w 71) C H O Z w4- CO in -H 4J H ra 4-I 4J 0 w O h-ri 4.) •ri ri Q-t 1) O w O MI Z - w•ri ro w U S4 •ri Z H Wit w 0 Si -el 04 o 'O •'i Z AG •r+ >t ro 41 •H O 'O •rt E W •rl >. al 4a-ri 4J E H C A N 1) 4 1) aJ O 7-H H C A W 1) 1) 1) 1) O 7 •-I H MZ E ro •ri W w C-'i C C tP'O 1) E as •,i +) w H C •'i C C b"O tro W 1) ri 0) HI w O C W C W '� W Si al 0H O O C C C4J 0 O W >, CSi >, roV -HE OOaO .4 O ] w >rCO >14J 'O •rie UOaOw 3 q C o 1) O o o 4J -ri A C4 W --I ow 3 C U 1) O C). 0 C •,i A 04W -el QM as o C -ri a a•rl C 4.4 •.i •ri 'O H CO H ro 4 O C -H a W 'el a) 44 •-4-r, 'o H W H 3.1 H w > •r♦ W X W WH w C W 7 C ro•H al O'Z w > •rt W X W Sirs Z C co 7 C ro •r1 ro t' ro m • 0 N 4) •ri w 0 S4 0 Z O C O' C > O C ro i r a a 001411140W -1-1••-1 ).4 o w l • O W 0 o C t 7 : > o C al Si (-t a a U O w w O Si •ri ••t al U) H O O D. 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W -H U 1 3 G O41OQOC -HA al U) •H Li i4 O O •H 04 R.•H C 44 -H -H 'O •-1 th r-I ro IIIC o C -H 01 41 •mil 0 4-4•H -H •0 rl in H 0 w > -H0XN Ell H0C00Cro •HrotoE w > -4 0 X in 14 H M o EA 000 -40toE co • 0 W +1 •HOOPDXO0O C > OC 0 W1� •H41N 0 OGO' OC > UG \ Rd 11 H a P. 0041P401-4 -1-1 ,-1 )-1 ro 1i rya a u o w w O 1d•H •H >a R Ul E U 41 0. R. N 41 N X 0 UJ H U N 0. 0. N 41 N X 0 C w Z 7 WE • • • (n • • $4 Ch $4 -0 W ZOR. E • m • • )4Ai >. SaS] •H H 'OX0 0 A U0R40 .COro 4 1-145 >400 A 00) 14 .00) 14 .04104041 H owwu a ama3a OWWU a w (nw3a it C.) a 0 0 z G4 ZZ100 0 CO N 000d' NU N N H ZZN0 0 1010 OW Od' IM 10 H• • H H H d' NN 10 N In Md' H 'Z, O HH0 en 0) M If) r•I 1-4 CV 111 d' 3P4 POOH HCUnW W ] W U) C4 d' d' d' d' M d' HNd' NN QaM N Cr) MH N rid' H HH 4 3 WQ H w 0 w <n 1n • H a' •JH NO O 10d' LO CO d' M V1N d', HH10O 0 CON 0 C I` N111 N 0 W a H 0 10 en 1r H d' N d' M d' 0 a H M 10 d' N N l0 M 111 M d' Cl P3 El O OO H H lD J Oa H H H N En a ID IA• E-1 aw O co M d Cl MN M riNMNN 01 04 d' 0, en ‘1, 4-1 MC NN fal PI a c p4 � O IT : CO N p4 > ZZ, Ipo O 10 d' 111 C O d' MNO O. r• z COO 0 10 d' 111 CO d' M V1n O. 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