Salina Fire Dept Standard Operating Procedures 1/1/88 r A� CITY OF SALINA 14." � ` 14 1 nli �'1 or 1� �� k�,F.AIIICjLI.I .y�,t „{�; FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS FIRE CHIEF 222 WEST ELM DAVE ROBERTSON SAUNA.KANSAS 62101 AREA CODE 913$220411 DUAL RESPONSE STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES SALINA FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMBER . . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES PURPOSE OF DUAL RESPONSE : To provide basic life support in life threatening situations with reduced response times by using strategically located Engine and rescue companies. Upon arrival of an advanced life support unit, the original First Responders will assist as required to maximize the life saving potential . The Fire First Responder is not intended to distract from citizen aid or from police response, but to add to this manpower and training. RESPONSE AREAS: Dual response areas will be based on the pre-established fire run areas of the Salina Fire Department. Automatic Fire Department dual response is only within the city limits. COMPANY RESPONSE from STATION #3 - STATION #4: ; Shall be initiated up the initial reception of the alarm. COMPANY RESPONSE from STATION #1 - STATION #2: There will be no automatic dual response provided the following condi- tions are met: 1. The paramedic unit is available in its station assignment area. 2. There is a paramedic on the unit. 3. There is a third Fire Department member or Ambulance reservist on the unit. DETERMINATION OF A FIRE COMPANY/PARAMEDIC RESPONSE : The determination of a dual response alarm will be based upon the dispatcher's (900) description of the emergency situation. A dual response will be initiated based on the following life threatening situations: 1. Chest Pain 5. D.O.A. • 2. Difficult Breathing 6. Drowning 3. Subject Down/Not Responding 7. Electrical Shock 4. Choking FIRST RESPONDER Page #2 Although there are other life threatening situations such as conditions unknown, auto accidents, and shootings, there will be only dual response on those listed. Station Lieutenants will have to use their discretion on proper discrimination. The shift supervisor may initiate or cancel a dual response. DISREGARDING A DUAL RESPONSE IN ROUTE : Once a dual response has begun, only the paramedic of the responding unit, the shift supervisor, Captain of E.M.S. , or superior Fire Officer in chain of command may release the unit. FIRE EMERGENCY OCCURRING DURING A DUAL RESPONSE - - Same Fire Assignment Area: The shift supervisor will alter the run assignments based on information available and weighting of factors involved. The shift supervisor shall con- sider life threatening E.M.S. calls of equal stature of fire calls. 7 FIRE EMERGENCY OCCURRING DURING A DURAL RESPONSE - - Assignment Area Other Than E .M.S. Call : The shift supervisor will alter the run assignments as required. A SECOND E.M.S. EMERGENCY OCCURRING REQUIRING DUAL RESPONSE - - Same Assignment Area: The initial fire responding unit will continue to the first E.M.S. emergency and the First Responding E.M.S. unit will respond to the second E.M.S. call . A second E.M.S. unit will be dispatched to the first E.M.S. call . OTHER SITUATIONS : Discretion of the shift supervisor. • FIRST RESPONDER Page #3 FIRE UNIT PROTOCOL AT AN E.M.S. DUAL RESPONSE : 1. The fire unit shall respond with both visual and audible warning. When conditions allow, audible warning equipment shall be termi- nated approximately two blocks from the emergency. 2. The fire Lieutenant and one other fire member, taking with them the oxygen unit and jump kit, shall leave the unit and go directly to the scene. 3. The fire Lieutenant shall make proper identification to residents , family members, etc. , and ascertain correctness of the address and general information about the incident. 4. The highest medically trained person will do a primary patient survey. 5. The fire Lieutenant and other fire department member shall administer necessary aid. 6. The fire Lieutenant shall initiate communication to the responding E.M.S. unit providing the following information: a. Patient Condition b. Treatment Begun 7. If practical , the fire Lieutenant shall gather other vital informa- tion, as possible, including but not limited to: (NOT to be transmitted on radio unless requested] a. Patient Name e. Medication b. Age f. Doctor's Name c. Medical History g. Hospital Preference d. Information About Incident 8. The driver of the fire unit will position the fire unit out of the way of other responding units. 9. Fire Lieutenant or other fire member shall stay with the patient continuously until the arrival of the E.M.S. unit. I1 10. The fire Lieutenant and other fire member shall continue the aid to the patient after the arrival of the E.M.S. unit until so directed by the Paramedic to discontinue. FIRST RESPONDER Page #4 11. The fire Lieutenant shall make himself and his crew available to the Paramedic to assist in the care of the patient and the handling of equipment. 12. The fire Lieutenant shall stay aware of the crowding factor at the scene and shall make what effort is required to limit this problem. 13. The fire Lieutenant and Paramedic shall make every effort possible to keep the fire unit available. The Lieutenant shall notify dis- patch as soon as possible that they are available, even though they may remain at the scene. 14. If required by the Paramedic, the fire Lieutenant shall relinquish one of his fire members to the E.M.S. unit to drive the unit or assist with the patient enroute to the hospital . DUAL RESPONSE REPORT: Any fire company involved in a dual response shall complete a KFIRS report indicating the type of response. E. M. S. MANNING LIST 1 / 01 / 88 Div . Chief Joe Knott , Director of Service S H I F T I E.M.S. I - Station //1 Marvin Van Blaricon, M. I .C.T. , 1/C, (Shift Supervisor) Mike Duffy, M. I .C.T. E.M.S. II - Station #2 Steve Moody, M.I .C.T. , E.M.T. E.M.S. III - Station #3 Terry Gourley; M. I .C.T. E.M.T. SHIFT II E.M.S. I - Station #1 Joe Dickinson, M. I .C.T. , (Shift Supervisor) Greg Compton, M. I .C.T. , 1/C E.M.S. II - Station #2 Calvin Kelsey, M.I .C.T. , E.M.T. E.M.S. III - Station #3 Chuck Donmyer, M. I .C.T. , E.M.T. S H I F T III E.M.S. I - Station #1 Kerry Mousley, M. I .C.T. , 1/C, (Shift Supervisor) Kelly Parrson , M.I .C.T. E.M.S. .II - Station #2 Jane Steen, M. I .C.T. , E.M.T. E.M.S. III - Station #3 Tom Cunningham, M. I .C.T. E.M.T.