955 Construction of Certain Sidewalks 1 --*ICITY OFFICERS. -A.A.W.GODFREY,City Clerk. C. R. UNDERWOOD, MAYOR. , -y ettilcil f (I-) ,, , J.01 WIL,;-4,City Attorney. Te ,,,, MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. * H.C.TUBBY,Police Judge. e ? TAYLOR MILLER, — -- --- 1 • C.EBERHARDT,City Treasurer, J.C.LILL, 1V. J. HA.GLEE, 0.P.HAMILTON,City Burveyor. M.E, QUINCY, --0Fr'-2C= OF, C. D. CRAWFORD, J.A.GILBERT,City Marshal. E. L.WILDER, H.S.BENJAMIN,Street Commissioner AUG. W.KRAUSE, C I r1-1-Y- C I, IA LL-Z K. "-- -- B. F. BROWN. ,ir _ /6 9) :,,-• ,"k"' I,.l't cry-re,h ortifkift440, y t 4 4,' r { e 4 1 5 o, it 1 .4?Pleie. ,./tiltfir 6/i-, L1 ,.. I ifc t y i r r a re- 004444, ee./(11# AN Olt OtAANA 4 e\\\, . .' ' ,. . k\ fli, cbativtdto j(Lit.wvavext i .,-, ic 0-T4141A I - --- v 4 ,/ i: 1-i''1, 1-44evtwati Olyea:6 , k . tot\ 44, a . fzetruitit„ tr , g..A.,,...._ -- icv D,Latitii,,,,, Awl 40 mpv", ce--014,4 04,7040. - nii,1 , (6"1 A'S''. artAti "OTC" 4(1e-f".TV'Lk qt."'leitetel4 h " --4,4112. 441,044-- a ,n- cs &(44 , 6- re-14 , evt, 0, f II• ,,,,V, 0 ^ oCezii tr w i--- xtevtA r -e-c,** irrieo ir ' Ptet ric1144" tWid i eto 44,e-06141,,,t,rzi i* (),,,v1 a _ 1-1.-: . ortt, 444444 griig 0, ili'l 1; CA'A 14V\ V flivANA-t\ aArlf he .'N'''IP.C41014 4 I ton". aAA\ t "wenertliv"A'W TrOfetot,o, '• '' ; \- l''''' • “ a 1,N, t tvoN 0a414,4440 % - ,,,,,, 0144' VO AN,, xaital,: ettittA. 6 liA B1114/V4a ( ,.. I „ictokl. vr ct,„0(,,,%. t/tA, ) , ..- ,....13 ,704„ Itk Ova,- ,(4., i1AC(4- 1eN, <,, itoe i , .----- CITY OFFICERS------ ■ e II n i 1 .1. ci4 , C. R. UNDERWOOD, MAYOR. A.W.GapFREY,City Clerk. fp C 6 aii2hico J.6.WILSON,City Attorney. It MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. * H.C.TOBEY,Poliee Judge. V-17.• TAYLOR MILLER, C.EBERHARDT,City Treasurer, W. J. HAGLER, J.C.LILL, 0.P.HAMILTON,City Surveyor. ,—oz^z.2c= om"\-, C. D. CRAWFORD,M.E, Qu"Ivi ' J.A.GILBERT,City Marshal. E. L.WILDER, IL S.BENJAMIN,Street Commissioner A TIC. W.KRAUSE,B. F. BROWN. CITY C1, 1-1_,RK --- -,)''co,-s----' . -- -- 2/42 sz. ...„2. ..4..,71....a,, EPC42.41,42.r-- — .( ..:_j.:-...--.......- r 11,11A---74.ert.47t h .1.... ‘,..f,--1.-t't4-,.1 i 41, C-z-t:- -,fi4 - 1 o , - 1 oti k-krvit,,,c re' rifetie-vg, i ti ., ,,„, , o--riekt4 1141# -. At-41C 144 0 tl-k,Ce 414 4101 C e I"1.1 d 0,,,,,e4 4,041,14 011 , n 144 c,7 , 0.444,' "0-. ekryll --kr-c 4,-.7city ig , ,v i 9.140 irdfr , gi. A.,4tevt,t, . „ ,_ - -tx kli4 271-41 . ,- i -4 t 1 lif '61,--1- if r , (t& ' ri‘aditt, ,- of ,i ...,,,,,0 6010, CV4 1/4;el eyk.r 4 pl:thl.,-1--r 4 01,1W A. ,,-44, i ti, 'Osier- (1.2 en,tr Ms, _ 4 , ei ,44, fr„4 i A f n, r ,i14x liectiA04:% 1 (2. ,,,:riS mat rvc , -.:11, 900relate4 e 044,,,040 1 li ivi' l,4frei' . 1te,...A.. k a, ,. „,.., , ,,,,,,e. tel 4:4440t. ' - C O. 0, 'erl I / 111 ay, ' , ,.- ,ot,,-4 ts, (404ml / Ce Clovidooke OP-4v k‘ 11...ce .., et-c, lir' ' 64,464-17,0-tetio 1 irt-- 4,...,, . ,, 4 epteeW A k 41 ol,S ..„-c„,4 V . ' i CITY OFFICERS. 1 1 ��c 1 1 , i C. R. UNDERWOOD, MAYOR. A.W.GODFJIEY,City Clerk. J� L L 1 J.O.WILSON,City Attorney. �r .0-2 b(y-� I7 MEMBERS OF COUNCIL. r H.C.TOBEY,Police Judge. C TAYLOR MILLER, •C.EBERHARDT,City Treasurer, J.C.LILL, 0.P.HAMILTON,City Surveyor. li'.J. HAGLER, M.E. QUINCY, ,-0=Ic= OF-- C. D. CRA7VFORD, J.A.GILBERT,City Marshal. E. L.WILDER, H.S.BENJAMIN,Street Commissioner. AUC. W. KRAUSE, CITY CL H;R, K. B. F, BROWN. scp 1 ..dQ.iC,.2ii2.2c.. l.0 --2LiYL.i2. — ---- ...------—-J )— C, I Vr Ck'ilrCIV 1-29)°'' '''' tft t'r 4) 00(2i'.' Clellf iti 42it- c' 1 ,, 'SRI �„. i],a _ ,r l `I,9` (4)- 1/116' "91444e 4":r'141414 41 krt,,,h, A ' ?r6t-4440, ettrtete f P„I-i /1---ov,goiti' le/4.--4-104 MT? I-44-7-,:c1 irk-- et.,., astit.„1-01444,,,to Atmo. gc,, 000 04 41 ty d.,4„,z. 4,,,,t IAA, 1 fl,,,t.v, 4100-- de"tl-altileitoSt' ,torti4.04 4414e410.1 kJ-666A ( ;. 6,4011.40/61,4-dati}e4 it 64... gr)114, ,tete,,Aketer,,esd,..- 541204 Zfrie,e 014771 g707.7 lit �.,,--c- . ,, ' : - 07-4,444, to �., f4': i ,r7z 41-707-4, fry- , - , - 4-- t 41 i IQ 14::1*14 4"ti'k i, 5e - 6.1 tin il. , s.'i - H, ..:, -,,,i0Zef*: ki.toteek„ . Ql.,c,o6C,q-y--vtdtk 41, eat/ qa.,---Aor 4 - .: .14.100 t „or"efet„,w, - %, Jeop, e ail<')il ILff:41-1'"f"4.9 ' 92#‘1T1146°'' i''':.7' -' '' :-, . tr414 2./ ' ell ci."._ akci J aft-ac ell J 49.# AI t.,1 'air), er,,,,,oik .rok- 014 y .," N frk /3 1 ,. A, '. 6, - .:„ . , c , -. . � d " . i r ,,44,6t . r ow\ 4,te.,, 44,l''' 6* ..x.e, er - R t I p � t t ::, , 1, ,i ., ... — act4it LA*41100.,,,1 wt‘Ng' Nit41 1 416 (4 i t I N'. \ 1 k Z11{\‘t, 1 4 , 1 ' 4 ,\1 , 1 . (:,\" 71. - -, - , , ‘, >,,it‘ IL;.ok ‘ ,, \1 ,41 r \ \ t\\ : L. „ ‘ , cl\ f \ c_ ' _ ‘\, 1 ‘ . \\ 11., \: z, -. 4 b4,\ \ N\.,\ ',- ,kk,, \ \,I '\ \\ h t 1 lib \ , & .1 ,1 k 46' t -)%\ ‘ ' \ \ ( 1 1 ,___ t A: 1 . \ " , ' ; ,, 4 Ordinance No. An ordinance prohibiting and restrainin{. riding upon} the side walks of the city of Salina. Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the City of Salina , Kansas. , Sec. 1 . That it shall. be unlawful for any person to ride any r ve-16.i't-44*,ibicycl , Wheel br other; vehicle upon any side walk: along and upon Santa -�'e Ave. between Ash street to Walnut street and upon Iron Ave between Fourth street and Ninth street. Sec. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride any v .. }, ,,., bicycle or other vehicle upon or over any side walk in the City of Salina at a rate of speed faster than seven miles an hour. poL Sec . 3. Any person in the city of Salina who shall while riding a wheJ.. Capon, any side walk in said city run against., upon or over an person orp.ersonss.Upon, said side walk shall re deemed guilty of a misderneanor- Sec . 4. r..cny p .son violating any of the prov:t'.sions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon . c∎'?nvic t ion therefor in the police court shall he fined any su m not exceeding 310. Sec. 5. This ordinance sa all :tak_en ettfrect and be in force from and after its publication in the Salina nailyRepublican Journal. 41 I • V 4, , I , , ! 4 , f . to4-6*-p------ ---f1'Y'1 RA/ti ,;;��•k Y, , •5a..L �'tE}T( )�, �, l j , ,. . . - .....•L :tea I ` i i ,, : n /T '_ w i or r:F, V.Jn,i'1 i_i:3 .. Ft. . .. . . ., t 'S ere o. L. or tr z . L -, `^rS'iasf.,`.1.1 c",. i ', i _ .. rf L i b Ro t h e r oo.,-1. or l h- + -o V cO _ - ti of C,a , 5 ii. i cl'i c v ',, 3 i,C.Ve`aP;e, 0,.-r 1St11bi 1O"" 1:1-- _„c T 1- .n ) .. J •^'c°oc i..' tir j ",'«v means t 1 i '.::rtc— ',-;oil or assist o._. - s ..._ R r r.: i or i.4•'. !_ i.r= any i , . .. n rs,,, i c;,.`i 1 , - cot ..='hal 1 , : ,. i; . . , i y 1.:,-1 s`. L.c.) L ,-t.1 ;-s! C '1A.Air4---/, ate:4ff.±: _ - ,. - ,-, , 'places by taking 1_r:''u>6!y i 1 m t .. .. ,. _ 1 Bars,, T.,Q l3tlos1 ' -_ . -. !r - 'i." . ani ,.ten -> - _...' !., "�-� .1. j _ i ... po c:s C itS10-f.. 0 Sha 11. .. _ - _ _.. .- z i„'. ;.3 x"— ' ' .'' ,) t.• Cyf,/•.t. n .. ..�. _ ,�.}...r.. .. 9r�ee '-i•-Z f'?� nnz- f.% .:a., S. .. ,. m.-._ o kl of �t.iiCe �itlrf't,�`7.t, _iyy :wJ�p f '? { 1'1 :i, i..s i. a a ra'1 'i ,. ;-F in .? t_!f rra_:: s 1'J.'�. '..i:",t Ci'•. ._`1 4v ' _..i E.i i df t,J d li,t ."y ler. to .x r. .• ... Zrc r Via; .. �, ,. �. }'i '�:/f 6 c:" (,so :, i. j 11 r S to e hes with t { er ri" ^ j, tT 4Atsc=, tt cZE2 ✓�.iL.ic G'~ 'i.t,� fOGLZi!/ I. 1„ , �••�*•,.•,r3 r-. .�• r-•F)CTS 1,-,.-1 {7th ,s i- �� ? (o `<v y; -. ,A 'h •y, r rwn - yd�hV%j a w.par �. .. t. 'L+. -}i•, ^a+nf''(• f . '!'fy 5-a id` U'_"_ ,`^%'t.+'r.. _ vi :± .`'b 1 _ .ci `� L •r�. .. .... . y. o m l- Cif . not tai __ VV• 6,14„1,444:1.44-4-4 r• T) T 4 , =,-, Lc !•;.-:::„ Li:, • 1i flii 1,1t1 3 L • I; -,•• 1.„crr1 't t I. 740ction /. The thRt 'person -,-).:,0:,;r3c7itc.9 71i1 jil-2r this oriin3,ncr r0.74..y 4_7 OT i tc SttOS Int I c 1 i • T.-0 r 1-72 r;•-itira, • • - C TV ree ,1,11 ;:;:;- "-; C' ,•-:;•,-v.)r."1 Ic t. to De-r-sc,r, Y1O tifl, - 1y ti T .L`,"7, til, C.33 Crr11:1‘.11100 f-j .'111 i2 '1,CCC4 67111 of qrnr-f .; con7rici1:16n 1)C 11-27...01 siln no% To Li On-Crt, ir . o 1 t cr C, "; ,y- r i • 0 f 7.0 t 1 4 < 41444,a.GF Ea.GGi r/Qa s<sr�s-ksr s 774:ya-� 1 - ` a c• rsG w u�G..�•1 <""�f L u�u�uiO Gtr "°``` i. ;1�. 4; r ,;),,li j 11 4 \\\., 1 , 1-- \\,\I‘ \ ‘ \ ,,, N,,, VV , \ \)‘°A ,k Is.\ 1 ,,::\,,,,, \ t� ` ,..,,N__, . .. ,, � � , % t \'N' N \' 10 A , , % Ordinance No. An ordinance to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors an'. relating- to common nuisances anN. 4 for the abatement of the same. r c it or'.aincd by the Mayor and. Councilmen of the City of Salina: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Salina, 'Kansas, to sell or barter any intoxicating liquors; ani any shift or ieTTiCC by which any intoxicating .liquor is partei with for a consiierstion shall be deemei 9:cld held to be a sale within the mean of this o'-.Inafce. Section P. 7.vory -person who shall iirectly or indirectly yr t -"-. it keep or maintain by himself or by assist_.; -nti_1 uc, .cMs, or who shall in any manner aid, assist or abet in keeping or maintain- ing' any Club Room or other place in the City of Salina in which intoxicating liquor is receive' or Sept for the purpose of sale barter, sale . as a beverage, or for rlistri bution along the mem- bers of any Club or Association by any means whatever ani every Person who shall barter, sell or assist or abet another in bar- tering or selling or iistr?Luting any intoxicating liquors so received or kept shall be deemen guilty of a violation of this or- inanc e. Section 3. All places in the City of Salina where intox- icating liquors are sold, barterer or given away in violation of any of the provisions of this oriina nce, or where persons are per- mittcn to resort for the purpose of nri_!ing intoxicating liquors r „ r where intoxicating liquors are kept for sale, ' .,� a �iEzr�_a G, o.. err - t t _ - . 1'_ v in violation of this o'd.inance, are hereby lie- claren to be co Amon nuisances, awl upon the junl rent of the ?olioe Juige findin such places to be a nuisance u-nier this ordnance the City Marshall shall be directcn to shut up and abate such . r Places by taking possession thereof and by taking Possession of all such intoxicating liquors together with all Signs, Screens, Bars, Bottles, Glasses and other personal property used in keeping and maintaining such nuisance and such personal property so taken possession of shall be forthwith publicly destroyed by such of- ficer and the owner or keeper thereof shall upon conviction be adjudged guilty of maintaining a common nuisance. Section 4.11pon a filing of a complaint in writing and under oath charging any person with a violation of any of the pre- visions of this ordinance the Police Judge shall issue a Warrant and in said Warrant shall direct and command the City Marshall to search the premises described in the complaint and to seize all intoxicating liquors and all vessels, bottles containing the same, together with all Screens, Signs, Bars, Bottles, Glasses a4smet 41.A.:etdast.4.- tzsc - and other personal proper 41 and arrest the keeper or keepers 1 thereof; and said person or persons when arraigned before the Po- lice Judge shall plead to his or their real name or names, and shall be tried upon. saii complaint and if found guilty shall be Punished asA=2:4;77;rovided; ani. the Police Judge shall also order all the property seizedjfrhc----- as aforesaid to be pub licly destroyed; Provided, said Police Judge shall also find and adjudgc such property was being nsci by the defendant or de- fendants at the time of said search and seizure for the purpose of ay unlawful=tering intoxicating liquors. section 5. In -,)roseeltions under this ordinance it shall not be necessary to state the kind of liquor soli said shall not be necessary to A!.escribe the place where soli, except in pros- ecutions for keeping and maintaining a common nuisance, and it shall not be necessary to statethe name of the Person to whom wold, and it shall not be necessary in the first instance for the r J• Ordinance No. An ordinance to -c,rohibit the sale of intoxicatin liq77ors and relatin to common nuisances anr', , '- i for the abatalent of the same. Be it ordained by /4 the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Salina: Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any -person in the City of Salina, Xansas, to sell or barter any intoxicating liquors; 2,nd any shift or device by Thich any intoxicating liquor is parted with for a consideration shall be deemed and held to be a sale within the mean of this ordinance. .ection 2. Tory Person who shall directly or indirectly e-go-44-1.1,-:-.4L+.1_ keep or maintain by himself or by assistins'Awith ot ers, or wtho shall in any manner aid, assist or abet in keepin or maintain- in any Club Room or other place in the City of Salina in which intoxicating liquor: is received or Iktept for the purpose of sat% barter, sale as a beverage, or for distribution avciong the hlom- hers of any Club or Association by any means whatever and every Person who shall barter, sell or assist or abet another in bar- tering or selling or distributing any intoxicatin liquors so received or kept shall be deemed guilty of ri violation of this or- dinance. Section 3. All places in the City of Salina where intox- icating liquors are sold, bartered or given away in violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, or where persons are per- mitted to resort for the purpose of drinkin intoxicatias liquors as a bevera,;e, or where intoxicatin liquors are kept for sale, ict,t-teito-r . : .!.° • — ?7_ 1* in violation of this ordinance, are hereby de- clarei to be comon nuisancos, and upon the ,indgment of the Police 41ds'e finding such - laces to be a nnisance 7inder this oriinance , the City Marshall shall be directed to shut up and abate such ... . . -n- Places by taking possession thereof and by taking possession of all such intoxicating liquors together with all Signs, Screens, Bars, Bottles, Glasses and other personal property used in keeping and maintaining such nuisance and such personal property so taken possession of shall be forthwith publicly destroyed by such of- , ficer and the owner or keeper thereof shall upon conviction be I adjudged. guilty of maintaining a common nuisance. Section 4. Upon a filing of a complaint in writing and under oath charging any person with a violation of any of the Pre- visions of this ordinance the Police Judge shall issue a War7.7ant and in said. Warrant shall direct anti command the City biarshall to search the prerlises described in the com-Aaint and to seize all oa-s- intoxicating liallors and all vessols,g.444 bottles containing the same, together with all Screens, Signs, Bars, Bottles, Glasses "4,41.4d. Z.4... AUL:et da-41--t,"4-4.1WL and other personal propertA .y and arrest the keeper or keepers thereof; and said person or persons when arraigned before the Po- lice einric shall Plead to his or their real name or names, and shall be tried upon said complaint and if found guilty shall be Dlnishei provided; and the Police Judge shall also t=2:e A' 11Z,zofpeAL order all the property seized,f7eting as aforesaid to be pub licly destroyed; provided, said Police Judge shall also find and arinige such property was being used by the defendant or de- fendants at the time of said search and seizure for the purpose of AP-elL4:4167. unlawfullyApla ering intoxicating liquors. section 5. in prosecutions under this ordinance it shall not be necessary to state the kind of liquor soli 7.zi shall not be necessary to describe the place whe-e soli, except in pros- ecutions for keeping and maintaining a COMMOn nuisance, 51-Id. it shall' not be necessary to state the name of the Person to whom 'soli, and it shall not be necessary in the first instance for the D city to prove that the i?r{ V' charge'!. not have a Permit to sell l intoxicating liquor for the except;, _urP.)ses ani in all cases the person or ;persons to whom said intoxicating liquor, shall have boon sold in violation of this ordinance shall be competent ,tnesses to prove such fact or any other fact tending thereto; and the members, shareholders or assistants in any Club or Association shall be competent witnesses to prove any violation of the provisions of this ordinance. No person shall be excused from testifying touch- in, any 'offense comittted by another against any of the pro- visions of this ordinance by reason of his testimony tendinN; to off ee hi.l'riself, ( the witness, ) but the testinony given by snc ri ;cr- son shall in no case be used aginst him. Section P;. , Whiskey, Wine, Brandy, Beer, Rum, Gin, Iop Tea, :IOU Tea Tonic, Pale Malt and any flue..1 or fluid mixture of any kind. 7,by whatever name called 1 that intoxica- tion shall be deemed and held to be intoxicating liquor within the meaning of this ordinance. ection ?.The fact that any person prosecuted under this ordinance may have in his possession or displayed.. a United States a li!�lyd s�IQ.Q Internal Hevenue license to sell intoxicating liquors, orA license tax receipt for that business shall be prima facie ev- idence that said person is en gaged in the sale of intoxicating 1 ia'lor. Section 8. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than F �� nor more than One Hundred i:o tlars, or by impris- H i�{'t.v 1)ollars a.y arS :.�0 rlo�, .uuE/� �� on,`.ent, in the City4. : 71 not les(than ten days, nor more than thirty days or by both such fine 2,fd imprisonment for the first offense; and by a fine of not less than One Hundred 1)ollars nor r -4- A07!"C than Three j,11Mrei :Dollars ani by imprisonment in the City 4,;:7ot icss thin thirty flays nor rare than flinty 'lays upon con- idetion of every subsequent o tfonse after the ( ect on 9. Or,l.i7ance 4• 921 is hereby repealeflIsave except 6,s to pcniin prosecutions, with reference to which it shall continue full force and_ effect. Section 10. Thisoriinance shall take effect ann be in force from aM fter its publication once in the official City Paper. ,. , J\ i- c\ . , i CN) I ,, ,, — - ,. G -I , ,/ v , a (9_,G�� ,,,,,,, i ' i)---,---7_, ___ iti v i j j--1 / , / , / -/-ifti (-7176‘',-(-/ — 1� /a J l ey- J- . 0 49---c-- -0L-e--,,,,,..s,. ,5‘ f ticc:LZTlfjah,e-f---e-alecaSe-6ai j r g -at- vt (} Y6a6 61, wr,ci i , : - -- ji r a/<r , - s,-,1 .' V?Iji - "\A 1 ----aal 11 CWIA‘'(-(j6f 1 7/.02,1AZi-- fr #.016 (19 IAA---r/,.., i l Cf fi , -' < u- z- , "--,,,_,-- ,- c..„:„}t , ,67 fr=v4,4-e--4-0 i--7- 7z-e-7 !/r cYn , , (�'----e- Lz,c1 7ve-r -i-t,s, (-/ 1 /yva- ' / ,i,G 7--A - , a�-c-(-c�f ,,,-- (-6,c760-e- , - 1--7 /- -r (1-ti i(\ d96 y (-1 04171;4 a/" 117f'' d.p, 2y J, / ._ __, , ..,„_ ,_:„._ ' 0 /2,-,-",- , c � k y1- , 4 l ,,4, ,/o o, (1-;,--.)oa *, • • -... • • .. ...___..___....-._.__ _..,.-:_..,. .max--:.�e. to\;4% 1. P'\"' \‘ \ ` q ./ i\ < ;I■ . Air '' )//)d4//0 (7;a4 ) 14 rj)441 .-/p41- � -40/ V �- a e h/ y � An Ordiance ordinance No , 76E; of tho city of Sali!,a, Kan.sa it ordained by the iviayor and councilmen of the city t!wohommisohii, 01 Salina Kansas , Section lxt That or'linanc No of •'ne city of be and tile same is hereby repealed, save as to pending prosecu- tions , I-efnce to wbic'h saris Snail be and remain of full force and effect , Section This ordinance shall take effect and be in torce r-rom after its publication once in tbe Salina Daily Republican journal kporoved of Salina, IT. -1?-isas , Attest City Clerk tt 4- fy4 r kN \ k r• ‘44