09-20-2011 Minutes-948- . The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Christi Manley, Karen Bonar, Mary Shaffer Sally Donatell, Sandie Johnson and Mary Bender. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox and Mike Wilson, observer from the League of Women Voters. Mary Shaffer called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Mary Shaffer asked for any changes or additions to the July and August Board meeting minutes. 11 -27 On a motion made by Karen Bonar and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the July and August Board meeting as written. Motion passed. P.948. 09/20/ 2011 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY IS No report ORIENTATION: Intellectual Freedom- Nancy Jo Leachman Nancy Jo was not in attendance so Joe McKenzie spoke to the Board about Intellectual Freedom and planned to reschedule Nancy Jo's presentation until next month. ACTION: Policy Updates - First Reading Employee Responsibility This policy was reviewed by the Board 11 -28 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Karen Bonar it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the changes to the Employee Responsibility policy upon 1st reading as amended. Motion passed. P.948. 09/20/2011 Part-Time Regular definition: This policy was reviewed by the Board. -949- 11-29 On a motion made by Mary Bonar and seconded by Sally Donatell it was • RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Part-Time Regular Policy definition upon 1st reading as written. Motion passed. P.949. 09/20/2011 Home Delivery Policy: This policy was reviewed by the Board 11 -30 On a motion made by Karen Bonar and seconded by Christi Manley it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Home Delivery Policy upon 1st reading as corrected. Motion passed. P.949. 09/20/2011 Checkout of Materials Prior to Closing Time: This policy was reviewed by the Board. 11 -31 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Karen Bonar it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Home Delivery Policy upon 1st reading as amended. Motion passed. P.949. 09/20/201 Deleting the Fax Service Policy Discussion was held on these policies 11 -32 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Christi Manley it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves a • motion to table discussion on this policy until a later time. Motion passed. P.949. 09/20/11 Deleting the Audiotape Circulation Policy Discussion was held 11 -33 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded Karen Bonar it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the deletion of audio tape circulation policy upon 1st reading. Motion passed. .949. 09/20/11 FINANCIAL REPORT: August was a busy financial month. The Board asked several questions on line items. STATISTICAL REPORT: August is traditionally a slower month, but we continued to stay busy. We processed 1730 items in August. CLASS Fall semester has begun. We've had average enrollment in CLASS for this semester. • • L J • -950- LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Angela Allen, Melanie Hedgespeth and Joe McKenzie have been meeting with vendors that provide e- reader services to libraries. In the past we contributed to the State collection of e- books. The State Library dropped the services of Overdrive. They had to get permission from individual publishers to retain rights to the titles they had purchased through Overdrive. The state is now beta testing 3M e- reader services through the Johnson County Library. We would like to have a stand alone collection of e- reader materials. Discussion was held on this topic. NEW BUSINESS/BOARD COMMENTS THE BOARD ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 11 -34 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Karen Bonar it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn into executive session at 8:15 a.m. for five minutes. Motion passed. P. 950. 09/20/2011 Discussion was held on the Director's salary. 11 -35 On a motion made by Karen Bonar and seconded by Sally Donatell it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library raise the Director'salary by 1% in 2012. Motion passed. P.950. 09/20/2011 11 -36 On a motion made Sally Donatell and seconded Christi Manley it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8:21 a.m Motion passed. P950. 09/20/11. Secretary/Treasurer, Mary Bender Date 09/20/2011 Recorder: Sandra Wilcox Salina Public Library REVENUE /EXPENDITURE REPORT SEPTEMBER 2011 1 2 3 4 5 September Jan-Sept 2011 Budget $ Over Budget % of Bud et Income 305 • APPROPRIATIONS 161,393.01 2,021,520.51 2,029,368.00 - 7,847.49 99.61% 310 • UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 247,177.00 193,89100 53,284.00 127.48% 315 • INTEREST INCOME 47.51 986.02 1,500.00 - 513.98 65.74% 316 MISC. INCOME 417.95 0.00 417.95 100.0% Total Income 161,440.52 2,270,101.48 2,224,761.00 45,340.48 102.04% Expense 410 - SALARIES 114,005.35 1,011,806.88 1,437,761.00 - 425,954.12 70.37% 412 • PERIODICALS - REFERENCE 451.16 10,394.52 28,000.00 - 17,605.48 37.12% 415 • LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415 • YOUTH SERVICES 1,480.71 28,871.21 47,000.00 - 18,128.79 61.43% 05415 INFORMATION SERVICES /CAMPBELL 161.04 3,671.42 10,000.00 - 6,328.58 36.71% 08415 • ADULT COLLECTION 14,912.94 56,420.35 93,000.00 - 36,579.65 60.67% Total 415 • LIBRARY MATERIALS 16,554.69 88,962.98 150,000.00 - 61,037.02 59.31% 416 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 17,778.20 28,000.00 - 10,221.80 63.49% 417 • LIBRARY MAT Audio - Visuals 6,118.02 61,289.67 106,000.00 - 44,710.33 57.82% 420 • SUPPLIES 961.08 6,976.45 16,000.00 - 9,023.55 43.6% 425-POSTAGE 5.15 3,157.46 12,000.00 - 8,842.54 26.31% 430 • WATER 1,128.55 6,008.24 6,000.00 8.24 100.14% 435 • LIGHT & HEAT 8,840.80 75,110.33 100,000.00 - 24,889.67 75.11% 440 • TELEPHONE 431.67 4,098.50 6,000.00 - 1,901.50 68.31% 05 • REPAIRS & MAINT 8,375.07 44,285.33 42,000.00 2,285.33 105.44% 450 - FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 6,949.08 6,000.00 949.08 115.82% 460 • STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 202.48 6,577.78 15,000.00 - 8,422.22 43.85% 465 • ACCOUNTING 0.00 5,472.33 6,000.00 - 527.67 91.21% 470 • INSURANCE 5,828.10 15,651.72 19,000.00 - 3,348.28 82.38% 475 • PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 1,800.75 27,401.99 31,000.00 - 3,598.01 88.39% 485 • AUTOMATION 3,512.33 43,596.37 71,000.00 - 27,40163 61.4% 505 • CONTINGENCY 1,122.27 4,075.72 25,000.00 - 20,924.28 16.3% 510 • CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 120,000.00 - 120,000.00 0.0% Total Expense 169,337.47 1,439,593.55 2,224,761.00 - 785,167.45 64.71% - $7,896.95 $830,507.93 September Jan-Sept 2011 Budget 5 Over Budget % of Budget Income 305 -2 • APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 27,628.70 320,551.63 320,621.00 -69.37 99.98% 310 -2 • UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 96,731.00 81,855.00 14,876.00 118.17% Total Income Employee Benefit 27,628.70 417,282.63 402,476.00 14,806.63 103.68% Expense 760 • SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,768.00 69,503.90 109,979.00 -40,475.10 63.2% 765 • KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 7,693.08 63,321.16 92,000.00 - 28,678.84 68.83% 770 • UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 101.19 905.27 1,437.00 - 531.73 63.0% 775 • HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 15,455.00 134,301.00 191,861.00 - 57,560.00 70.0% 780 • WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 1,470.25 4,555.25 7,200.00 - 2,644.75 63.27% Total Expense Employee Benefit 32,487.52 272,586.58 402,477.00 129,890.42 67.73% • Page 1 of 1 �. \LI \:1 Pt'RLI� L1BR.IPT Monthly Activity Report SEPTEMBER 2011 Outreach Information Services Activities: Chat: 32 On -line Ask a Librarian 2 Program Attendance: 48 Info Services Question 2,563 Interlibrary Loans: 408 28,880 Technology Center Youth Services Materials: 15,666 Internet Users: 4,554 Microsoft Office: 8 Computer Students: 89 Digital Design: 14 Total Circulated: Youth Services Department 54,449 530,321 Program Attendance: 670 Computers & Software Use: 32 •Game Pre - School Computers 1,200 Internet Users: 766 Total Group Visits: 0 Outreach: 0 Monthly Activity Report SEPTEMBER 2011 Outreach SEPT 11 Activities: 6 Contacts: 20 Homebound: 24 Adult Program: 43 CLASS Sessions: 51 Participants: 593 Public Relations Activities Press Rel /Articles /Ads /PSAS: 25 External Contacts: 15 Internal PR: 4 Circulation of Materials SEPT 11 SEPT 10 YTD 11 YTD 10 Adult Materials: 35,054 33,518 318,637 324,086 Adult Renewals: 3,117 3,269 28,880 30,043 Youth Services Materials: 15,666 16,222 166,499 164,887 Youth Services Renewals: 1,686 1,440 16,305 14,382 Total Circulated: 55,523 54,449 530,321 533,398 Adult Borrowers: (includes Y.S.) 6,229 6,284 57,997 59,109 Child Borrowers: 939 1,133 11,367 12,848 New Library Cards: Adult: 230 230 2,124 1,971 Youth Services: 91 93 1,080 1,162 Materials Reserved: 13,460 1,797 Collection Management Items Processed Monthly YTD Adult: 909 7,372 • Youth Services: 643 4,777 Total: 1,552 12,149 1,436 15,825 13,460 Meeting Room Use Monthly YTD Prescott Room: 47 383 Small Conf Rm 1 & 2: 18 185 Tech Center Conf Room 30 199 Learning Center 1 & 2 41 281 • Librarian's Report Not much has changed since my last report. I read the stats wrong. I looked at the wrong month from last year for comparison purposes. Circulation was up slightly for September over last year. September was a balanced month as the weather moderated, CLASS and Storytime started, tech classes and outreach were active. Outreach will experience some turnover later this year. Shelly is retiring from her part time position with CLASS. She has been a steady and cooperative rock for that popular program, very flexible in her working hours. It will be hard to replace that flexibility and personality. Also, Kristi Northcutt announced her family will be moving out of town. That's a major position to fill. Kristi has been super versatile and fully professional in her approach to marketing the services and programs of the library. She has a great feel for the community and media outlets. She has excellent taste and creativity in addition to being a good writer /designer. That's a lot of energy to fill. We don't have a timetable for Kristi's departure as it's a big move. Lori will be challenged to find the right people. I haven't heard on the facilities grant from CKLS. I should know something by next week's meeting. I will also be able to show you what we were looking at for the improvement. Our employee appreciation breakfast is this week. We'll have 30+ people come in to eat together. And, just to have them get a chance to relax and be together with other staff is nice. We • don't have that many opportunities for get togethers like this, but people like it, and we need it to strengthen our bonds. Last Friday, we wore pink shirts and took a photo. Lots of laughs. Our tech staff is always busy, with multiple projects and assignments. They are currently teaching Koha refresher classes to staff. That's our automation system. Melanie and Lola are also working with our vendor to migrate to a different version. We had a meeting with KWU and a conference call to discuss the potential improvement. Randy teaches our Tech classes and still does videoconference tech classes for other libraries across Kansas. The 3M rep had a conflict last week and was unable to meet with us to give us further details on a possible future project to convert our self - checks and security gates to a radio frequency system. Watch for Friends of the Library Week next week, They'll have banners and a membership drive and a chance to win a Kindle, ending the week with another great book sale. Last week at the Schwann's Health Fair, I had a woman tell me the library played a big part in helping her achieve and maintain sobriety. She used our recorded books heavily and got through some tough times. We never know how we are impacting lives. This week I'll speak to a ladies civic club, Noon Network Ambucs. Look forward to a productive meeting with you next week. Let us know if you are unable to attend. • Joe McKenzie Library Director