03-15-2011 Minutes . . . -932- The regular monthly meeting otthe Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 15,2010, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Sandie Johnson, Karen Bonar, Brian Schmidt, Karma DeForest, Mary Bender, Sheldon Lilak and Mary Shaffer. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, DiannaWaite and Mike Wilson observer for the League of Women Voters. Sandie Johnson called the meeting to order. MINUTES: Sandie Johnson asked for any changes or additions to the January and February Board meeting minutes, 11-02 On a motion made by Mary Schaffer and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the January Board meeting as written.. Motion passed; P.932. 03/15/2011 11-03 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Karen Bonar it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the February Board meeting as corrected Motion passed. P.932. 03/15/2011 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends met last Tuesday. They have changed their meeting to the second Tuesday of the month at 5: 15 p.m. They did well on their book sale. They discussed moving their book dcmations to the front of the storage area downstairs and just having their sale in that area rather than moving everything from storage into the Prescott Room. ORIENTATION: Programming for Adults - Dianna Waite Dianna spoke to the Board about adult programming in the library. The Programming Committee tries to develop programming that fits with the library vision. They try to work with patrons and offer programs they would like to see. The committee also arranges for local writers come in and have book signings. The Library has applications online for artists to fill out if they wantto display their art work and also for musicians to apply to perform at Novel Notes. We bring in music once a month on Thursdays for our Novel Notes programs. Ongoing programs are: ,CLASS, Adult Summer Reading, Get Caught Reading at the River Festival, Novel Notes, the Poetry Series, NationalLibrary Week and any other opportunities that may fit within'our vision. Karen Bonar asked if the Library uses social media like Twitter and Facebook. We do have a library Facebook page. Karma DeForest also mentioned enjoying the Adult Summer Reading Program and how much she enjoys the Salina Journal ads promoting the Library. -933- DISCUSSION/ACTION: . Policy Update Circulation Limits - 1 st reading Discussion was held on this policy. 11-04 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karen Bonar it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Circulation Limits Policy changes upon 1st reading. Motion passed. P.933. 03/15/2011 Borrowing Limits - 1 st reading Discussion was held on this policy. 11-05 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Borrowing Limits Policy changes upon 1st reading. Motion passed. P.933. 03/15/2011 Nominating Committee Sandie Johnson asked for volunteers to assist her with the Nominating Committee. Sheldon Lilak and Mary Bender offered to be on the committee with her. Director's Evaluation Board evaluations of the Library Director were handed out. Sandie Johnson will collect the evaluations and they are due back to her by March 22nd. . FINANCIAL REPORT: The 2010 annual audit was handed out to the Board. STATISTICAL REPORT: Circulation is down this year from last. Meeting rooms, Information Services and Tech Center continue to have high use. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: There will be changes to the KPERS program in the future but we don't know what those will be yet. It will probably include a increase in the staff contribution rate. The PLA virtual symposium will be presented via web cast on March the 30th. The Kansas Library Association annual meeting will be held in Topeka this year OR April 6, 7 & 8th. The Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon will be held April 14th. The Poetry Series starts in April on Tuesday nights . The new Board members starting in May will be Sally Donatell and Christi Manley. Library staff has compiled a Person In Charge Manual to have at the Information Services Desk for the . . . . -934- Librarians to refer to in case of emergencies. Weare also going to work on an emergency management manual for the staff. Officer' Plank is going to come speak to employees about safety and security. Joe also handed out a departmental organizational chart for the Board to look at. NEW BUSINESS: 11-06 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Mary Shaffer it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees oftheSalina Public Library adjourn at 8:12 a.m Motion. passed. P. 934. 03/15/2011. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was ". .'. - .. adjourned at 812 a.m. ....~..._,. ", - ",. " . . . - , :,,'. ,:.:' ,". - ,^ ~.i{.. /. .........~.. . y'. Secretary/Treasurer Recorder, Sandra Wilcox Date 03/15/2011 . . . ~', ,'. '_'.. ;,,, ...:' ?".-" "e, r ~:-,~ '.:..:-....~,' .~t'..,' .-........~...-...'...... : ~ ~ _..: Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT MARCH 2011 1 2 3 4 5 March Jan-March Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305 . APPROPRIATIONS 95,073.48 1,139,635.62 2,029,368.00 -889,732.38 56.16% 310 . UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 193,893.00 -193,893.00 0.0% 315 . INTEREST INCOME 129.43 341.77 1,500.00 -1,158.23 22.79% 316 MISC. INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Total Income 95,202.91 1,139,977.39 2,224,761.00 . -1,084,783.61 51.24% Expense 410. SALARIES 112,131.86 323,380.10 1,437,761.00 -1,114,380.90 22.49% 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 1,714.79 1,798.79 28,000.00 -26,201.21 6.42% 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 8,538.09 10,417.20 47,000.00 -36,582.80 22.16% 05-415 INFORMATION SERVICES/CAMPBELL' 9S3.16 1,504.83 .10,000.00 -8,495.17 15.05% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 6,851.29 13,050.05 93,000.00 -79,949.95 14.03% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 16,342.54 24,972.08 150,000.00 -125,027.92 16.65% 416 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 354.99 3,454.99 28,000.00 -24,545.01 12.34% 417 . LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 7,598.03 16,030.96 106,000.00 -89,969.04 15.12% 420 . SUPPLIES 907.72 2,625.08 16,000.00 -13,374.92 16.41% 425. POSTAGE 668.89 12,000.00 -11,331.11 5.57% 430 . WATER 268.38 720.31 6,000.00 -5,279.69 12.01% 435, LIGHT & HEAT 7,682.20 23,435.01 100,000.00 -76,564.99 23.44% 440 . TELEPHONE .431.94 1,502.94 6,000.00 -4,497.06 25.05% .45 . REPAIRS & MAINT 7,859.37 11,164.80 42,000.00 -30,835.20 26.58% 50 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 506.00 4,542.00 6,000.00 -1,458.00 75.7% 460. STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 280.00 2,209.00 15,000.00 -12,791.00 14.73% 465 . ACCOUNTING 3,885.00 4,600.00 6,000.00 -1,400.00 76.67% 470 . INSURANCE 3,353.50 3,685.50 19,000.00 -15,314.50 19.4% 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 2,468.37 7,883.86 31,000.00 -23,116.14 25.43% 485 . AUTOMATION 3,877.02 19,973.93 71,000.00 -51,026.07 28.13% 505 . CONTINGENCY 222.31 1,432.25 25,000.00 -23,567.75 5.73% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 120,000.00 -120,000.00 0.0% Total Expense ~ '169,884'.02 " A,54,'Q80AS 2,224, 761"lJ.O . "1;7Z0;680.51 20',41 % -$74,681.11 $685,896.90 \ March . Jan-March Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305-2' APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 15,318.94 179,197.79 320,621.00 -141,423.21 55.89% 310-2 . UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 81,855.00 -81,855.00 0.0% Total Income Employee Benefit 15,318.94 179,197.79 402,476.00 -223,278.21 44.52% Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,447.59 22,741.14 109,979.00 -87,237.86 20.68% 765, KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 7,278.99 21,723.14 92,000.00 -70,276.86 23.61 % 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 97.02 296.06 1,437.00 -1,140.94 20.6% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,714.00 44,142.00 191,861.00 -147,719.00 23.01 % 780 . WORKERS COMPINSURANCE 1,543.00 1,543.00 7,200.00 . -5,657.00 21.43% Total Expense Employee Benefit 31,080.60 90,445.34 402,477.00 -312,031.66 22.47% . Page 1 of 1 . SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY Monthly Activity Report MARCH 201.1 IOlltre.~_~h;'~;i~:;' 1.,;;.:;:;"j:,"\". Activities: 9 Contacts: 2 Homebound: 21 .' I ..J" " ~. '~",^_. ,'I II~for~~ti()n ~erYi~~~. ';'~,~;;/~\:;\:3;.:':i:',,",\:<~f\. ." ~"c~;;,,;:',{~1 Chat: On-line Ask a Librarian Program Attendance: Info Services Question Interlibrary Loans: Irechnoio ""-:C-e;nti~'r~Z;;1 ".,'.' ,,,.,,..,..,,, gY..""""....,..,"...,,. Internet Users: 5,196 'Microsoft Office: 6 . Computer S,tudents: 54 Digital Design: 9 Y~IJ:~h;:~~6f,ic!~:~Q~'i>~i1:me'~l.~f':t:~!!~~0jS1~~!f; Program Attendance: 925 Game Computers & Software Use: 136 Pre-School Computers 1,085 Internet Users: 1,066 Total Group Visits: 2 Outreach: 1 q!t~JJ,".ii!i,9'n:iQfi!Y!~t~f!~.I.sif~$~!~:~:;':t~;;;~};;:.~~:;'~'~~<<:I\IIA~.~.I;:I;.1'1,;i.I\!lft.~,,~tt,1g,l[~l~ ;~;(f:t~F~;,~~2:!1;i~;li~(;~:~X',:JI.Q],~.t;~~i,I,~:XTl.?j:lj9);.i;~.~;~t~t:'i\':';;:~;; Adult Materials: 34,729 37,502 100,274 109,538 Adult Renewals: 3,458 3,434 10,185 10,110 Youth Services Materials: 17,944 17,779 48,672 47,483 Youth Services Renewals: 1,933 1,550 5,756 4,454 Total Circulated: 58,064 60,265 164,887 171,585 20 o 214 3,251 , 401 . 1~.b~~~,\;;:.~:~f~~";~"':~;;~1i~),;:;~;~~~;'~~~~~~;,t.i~~:\l:' I Sessions: 67 Participants: 1084 I ~JJ,~I!~J~~I~~i((n~',6.c:liV~~Je.~.:;>::!f;~:~"~"~ Press ReI/Articles/Ads/PSAs: 20 External Contacts: 16 Internal PR: 5 Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) 6,809 7,300 19,429 20,152 Child Borrowers: 1,238 1,480 3,318 3,778 New Library Cards: Adult: 258 212 694 644 Youth Services: 125 109 321 320 . Materials Reserved: IQolle~~ti9nManagehleti(;:',:' Items Processed Adult: Youth ServiCes: Total: Monthlv 699 419 1,118 :\' ,~" ,:;:'~~,;:~.~:t.:~:?;~:;:;J-:'1~ :~;~:~~;': " ,"'\,> 1,847 "..i";,;;:-;::I YTD 2,034 1,227 3,261 1,391 5,069 4,289 I Rji,eeting R:Qo,m Us~,:,;ij~':':;;~)!;~~i:j:\<',;S~~l;{;;,' Monthlv 60 39 16 51 Prescott Room: Small Conf Rm 1 & 2: Tech Center Cont Room Learning Center 1 & 2 .". 'I :,-j,;,;,\:;:!l, \:;1 YTD 156 69 62 136 e- e e Librarian's Report Spring is a long awaited season of renewal and growth and public libraries are poised for changes that may eventually be seen and experienced as a form of renewal. Growth does not always need to be defined as more. But, it does imply a movement or stretching towards a better or stronger form~ And, it is absolutely necessary for health and in the case of libraries for relevance and sustainability. At this time, we cannot quite envision our evolved role and what we wilI.Iook like. Currently, we are strong. In a 3-5 year window, we'll have to figure out digital rights management, e-books, sustained funding, the potential loss of media such as dvd's. We're working on these challenges. So, it's wonderful to see our world greening up, budding out and warming. It's been a long winter. The Kansas Library Association (KLA) Conference in T9peka had over 400 librarians talking about library stuff. I thought a sense of urgency was lacking, but I saw several good programs and heard good speakers, as well as had the chance to visit with many librarians. The Tech Center has hired a part time help desk employee to take the place of Dianna Gran Pre who resigned last month. The adult circulation desk is looking for a part time shelver to take over for a student who is leaving at the end of school.- Our new Information Services Librarian is still a month away as she is finishing up school. That department has really hung in there and will have worked short staffed for 5 months. I updated our Red Zone report which gives us a data snapshot of employees who are or will be eligible for KPERS retirement in the next 5 years. I don't expect them to all happen at once, but it's good to know in advance for budgeting purpo~es. Would you believe 50% of KPERS level employees will be eligible to retire in 5 years? VIi e have 6 people who are eligible today. The first week of the Poetry Series at Mokas attracted around 120 people, including 25-30 students from area schools and Wichita State. This is one of the premier cultural events in Salina. Both Youth and Inforlnation Services are working on Summer Reading programs. As you know, these are our most popular programs involving so many people in reading and library use. Kristi is also interviewing teens to be volunteers during the busy summer. These are students who have completed 6th grade and older. She sees many students return for a 2nd or 3rd summer. We'll hear a preview of summer at the May meeting. We have a glitch elevator today. W ehad the plumber 2 weeks ago, but otherwise the facility is doing ok. We outsourced window washing and theylook awesome. We had a query from a vendor of vending machines for the south lobby. We've had problems with the machines in the past. They can be a hassle for staff, and we have no strong clamor from users. Let me know if you haveAuestions. Note our location will be the Learning Center. Aprilis the last meeting for Sheldon and Brian: Joe McKenzie Library Director