02-15-2011 Minutes -930- . The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Tnlstees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 15,2010, in the Tech Center Conference Room. . . The following Board members were present: Sandie Johnson, Karen Bonar, Brian Schmidt, and Mary Shaffer. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Angela Allen, Nick Berezovsky and Mike Wilson observer for the League of Women Voters. Sandie Johnson called the meeting to order MINUTES: PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends did not meet last week. They will meet this Wednesday at 5:15. They have a book sale scheduled for the first weekend in March. ORIENTATION: Collection Development - Angela Allen and Nick Berezovsky Angela spoke to the Board about the Infonnation Services Librarians taking on the collection development for adult materials after Nancy Reese retired. A large part of collection development is driven by patron request and the use of professional journals to help select books. They really try to have a well rounded collection. They also have the responsibility of weeding the collection of books that are dated or do not circulate well. Each librarian in the department has a different type of item to purchase, videos, audio books, CD's, DVD's and video games but they do collaborate also. When the items have been selected the orders go back to the Acquisitions and Cataloging Department to be ordered and processed. Acquisitions and Cataloging also handle donations, and withdrawing books from the library catalog. Cataloging is deciding where the materials go in the collection, having a accurate description in our catalog and the physical process of getting the' book ready for the shelves. They process approximately 14,000 new items per year. Kristi Hansen does the collection development and weeding for the Youth Services Department. Angela also mentioned that many items we used to have in our reference collection are now accessible online. . DISCUSSION: FINANCIAL REPORT: Joe answered questions about certain line.items. We have about $475,000 in the Capital Improvement and Fines and Misc. accounts combined. This is a really good balance considering the Adult Services Remodel and the purchase of a new Library van last year. ST A TlSTICAL REPORT: LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: . Most of the Kansas landscape pictures are installed. They are hoping to install the large piece in the' stairwell next~eek sometime. We had a paJnin fall asleep last'week and get locked in the library at closing. Hecalled the police and the police,called Joe to come back down and let him out. We are still working on ideas for the vat:! wrap. Improvements are being made to some of the lighting around the building. Brighter lights in the south patio area and updated parking lot lighting. We purchased 10 radios through Ka-Comm for better communication with the security guard. Karen asked if it would be possible to have the security guard over at the Learning Center when evening classes are let out. Joe and Angela are beginning interviews for the Librarian position this week. Candidates are coming in from Denver, Andover, Texas and Rhode Island. We are hoping to have someone hired before the next Board meeting. New Board members will be starting their term in May. .' ." j I..;.. .<. ,. .~ ....r'. ',_, '_"'0"" ,'. NEW BUSINESS: Mary Shaffer asked how training was going in the Tech Center since Trent Rose left the Library.. Joe said that Randy Merrell was now starting to offer classes. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 a.m. '"', .~ . ...'~:;{.~ Secretary/Treasurer Recorder, Sandra Wilcox Date 02/15/20 I 0 <.".-~_'-_"~",.~v.-. ..:.,...- .'. _ ---:.._~._ .~"._. )',>'" -:-, ....: ... ~ J~ n ...J '{ . Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT FEBRUARY 2011 1 2 3 4 5 February Jan-Feb Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305. APPROPRIATIONS 0.00 1,044,562.14 2,029,368.00 -984,805.86 51.47% 310' UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 193,893.00 -193,893.00 0.0% 315. INTEREST INCOME 134.21 212.34 1,500.00 -1,287.66 14.16% 316 MISC. INCOME 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% Total Income 134.21 1,044,774.48 2,224,761.00 -1,179,986.52 46.96% Expense 410' SALARIES 105,332.25 211,248.24 1,437,761.00 -1,226,512.76 14.69% 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 30.00 84.00 28,000.00 -27,916.00 0.3% 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 1,368.82 1,879.11 47,000.00 -45,120.89 4.0% 05-415 INFORMATION SERVICES/CAMPBELL 491.02 551.67 !10,000.00 -9,448.33 5.52% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 4,590.59 6,198.76 93,000.00 -86,801.24 6.67% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 6,450.43 8,629.54 150,000.00 -141,370.46 5.75% 416. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0.00 3,100.00 28,000.00 -24,900.00 11.07% 417 . LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 6,425.55 8,432.93 106,000.00 -97,567.07 7.96% 420 . SUPPLIES 774.62 1,717.36 16,000.00 -14,282.64 10.73% 425. POSTAGE 447.00 668.89 12,000.00 -11,331.11 5.57% 430, WATER 254.85 451.93 6,000.00 -5,548.07 7.53% 435, LIGHT & HEAT 7,732.82 15,752.81 100,000.00 -84,247.19 15.75% 440 . TELEPHONE 434.98 1,071.00 6,000.00 -4.929.00 17.85% .45 . REPAIRS & MAl NT 960.47 3,305.43 42,000.00 -38,694.57 7.87% 50 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 2,341.00 4,036.00 6,000.00 -1.964.00 67.27% 460, STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 185.00 1,929.00 15,000.00 -13,071.00 12.86% 465 . ACCOUNTING 0.00 715.00 6,000.00 -5,285.00 11.92% 470 . INSURANCE 167.50 332.00 19.000.00 -18,668.00 1.75% 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 2,396.51 5,415.49 31,000.00 -25,584.51 17.47% 485, AUTOMATION 9,562.43 16,096.91 71,000.00 -54,903.09 22.67% 505 . CONTINGENCY 613.20 1,209.94 25,000.00 -23,790.06 4.84% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 120,000.00 -120,000.00 0.0% Total Expense "1';{1!l~;108.t3,l 284,196.47 2,224,761.00 -lj940,564;53 - 12.77% -$143,974.40 $760,578.01 February Jan-Feb Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income . " 305-2' APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 0.00 163,878.85 320,621.00 -156,742.15 51.11% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 81,855.00 -81,855.00 0.0% Total Income Employee Benefit 0.00 163,878.85 402,476.00 -238,597.15 40.72% Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,272.67 15,293.55 109,979.00 -94,685.45 13.91% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 7,218.74 14,444.15 92,000.00 -77,555.85 15.7% 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 94.72 199.04 1,437.00 -1,237.96 13.85% 775, HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,714.00 29,428.00 191,861.00 -162,433.00 15.34% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 7,200.00 -7,200.00 0.0% Total Expense Employee Benefit 29,300.13 59,364.74 402,477.00 -343.112,26 14.75% . Page 1 of 1 . SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY 17 5 38 2,767 447 4,318 12 . Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) Child Borrowers: New Library Cards: Adult: Youth Services . Materials Reserved: ICollection Managemenf,;'> Items Processed Adult: Youth Services: Total: Monthlv 703 231 934 '-il"le. ,,'- " Monthly Activity Report -.1 FEBRUARY 2011 IOutreach. .;; , . '" "< Activities: Contacts: Homebound: Adult Programming: q 6 3 19 25 .~,~,~1 O};~I'~}'~',~~';~~ '(::;\':,)~~~l{~YTLl~t1"tW~{YTD\tO;",<;~;}~i~~gY~~!f~~~~:: 6,046 975 203 87 ',-. 1,561 '''''''1 ",' .~", YTD 1,335 808 2,143 Ilnformation' Seivio;:es";';";'" 'j .. '. Chat: On-line Ask a Librarian Program Attendance: Info Services Question Interlibrary Loans: ITet:,l1\:lc:l@Y:~Il,~tilf'\1 Internet Users: Microsoft Office: Computer Students: Digital Design: 1 l'Yi?u~h~ervi"es D~partro~!lt;0':.iJ:;';;:,,1 Program Attendance; 424 Game Computers & Software Use: 164 Internet Use: 1,118 Total Group Visits: 1 Pre-School Computers 1,080 Outreach: 2 Gjrcu latian, of l\IIa~etial!i5(;t-::,'t;r.::;:~,"'~i:k',~FEB11f Adult Materials: 30,497 Adult Renewals: 3,401 Youth Services Materials: 14,921 Youth Services Renewals: 1,993 Total Circulated: 50,812 "',t~> '_:',i'C-:; ii:t,;~~\',,~t~\;~: ,'~~: t IC,LASS,>;, Sessions: Participants: 53 800 II111bIiC. Rlllitti()l1s ,jl.cJivitieli" " Press ReI/Articles/Ads/PSAs: External Contacts: Internal PR: 34,271 3,214 15,067 1,642 54,194 65,545 6,727 30,728 3,823 106,823 6,667 1,157 12,620 2,080 193 96 436 196 ~I . ",-"<t , 0" 20 11 7 72,036 6,676 29,704 2,904 111,320 12,852 2,298 432 211 1,133 3,222 2,898 IMeeting Room Usei','J':>,;;i",i{",j" Monthlv 50 16 21 57 Prescott Room: Small Cont Rm 1 & 2: Tech Center Cont Room Learning Center 1 & 2 ... I ',<\~.',,~' ."".."~'"' YTD 96 30 46 85 . . . Librarian'5 Report This seems to be a busy week of activity. I thought I was set to attend a webinar Melanie set up this afternoon on Mobile Services, but I'll need to get this mailing out today - Wednesday. It looks like we have at least 6 staff sitting in on the webinar. I lost some time yesterday with a conference call meeting and follow-up for the Kansas Library Association - Education Foundation Board. That is a good group oflibrmlans from every comer of the State and we raise money for CE for librarians. Then, we give the money back in the fonn of small grants and scholarships. We're reviewing applications now for next month's KLA Conference in Topeka. On the agenda this month, we have one policy reading. This grew out of patron requests and our review of dead horses. The intent is to increase the check out periods and limits. Libraries are all across the board on this, but few would still have our old current policy of a 3 day check out on dvd's. We established the limit of3 when the collections were just beginning and were small. So our intent is to open things up a bit by aliowing patrons more time with materials. Many new materials are not in-demand and on reserve, so we'll not automatically make all new books 14 days - just those popular and bestseller items. Most patrons self limit by how much they think they can read, view or carry. They will like some ofthese expanded limits, especially the entertainment movies. The Department Head group was also hoping to simplify the look of the policy with this update. Eventually, with whatever you pass as policy, we'll update the informational User's Card that we give to new patrons. Poetry Series: Weco-sponsor a series of poetry readings on Tuesday evenings at Mokas. We , average close to 100 people which is huge for poetry. That audience has grown over the 25+ years of the series because of the quality ofthe writing and performances. This year all poets are from Kansas. Costs continue to grow, especially for award winning national level of poets. The headliner this year is Albert Goldbalih, from Wichita State. You might want to try it. We're pushing ahead for another year with the River Festival. We'll do the Get Caught Reading activity again. It's a nice awareness m1d a promotion of not just the library, but also for reading. Festival goers do not have to be reading a library book, or even a traditional book. We are also sponsoring an award winning Storyteller Bill Harley. He's won 2 Grammy's and a slew of other awards. He'll be on Stage 2 and probably the Children's Stage. We are in the process of background checks on our new Librarian hire. She can't start until May. I know the circulation total is down, but I don't know why anymore than I knew why it went up for sure. Maybe, the economy really is improving. I asked Dept. Heads if they've noticed less people and the answer was no. It will take a regular and substantial drop before we notice thcre are many more slow days. Remcmber last month we did not have a quorum. Hope the Tuesday morning meeting is on your calendar. Sandy will send a reminder e-mail. Let me know if you have questions or suggestions. Joe McKenzie Library Director