12-21-2010 Minutes " , -925- . The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a"m" on Tuesday, December 21,2010, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Karma DeForest, Sheldon Lilak, Karen Bonar, Mary Bender and Mary Shaffer. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox and Mike Wilson, observer from the League of Women Voters. Mary Shaffer called the meeting to order MINUTES: Mary Shaffer asked for any changes or l!dditions to the November Board meeting minutes. 10-51 On a motion made by SheldonLilak and Mary Bender seconded by it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the November Board meeting as written. Motion passed. P.925. 12/2112010 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY . The friends gave us a $25,000 check in support of the remodel project and also gave gift certificates to the stafffor Christmas. The Board would like to thank the Friends for all their support. Karma DeForest offered to write a thank you note to the Friends on behalf of the Library Board. DISCUSSION: Policy Updates 2nd Reading Relationship of the friends to the Library - 2nd reading Discussion was held on this policy. 10-52 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Mary Bender it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Relationship of the friends to the Library policy changes upon 2nd reading as amended. Motion passed. P.925. 12/21/ 2010 Display and Distribution of Community Information - 2nd reading . Discussion was held on this policy. 10-53 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Display and Distribution of Community Information policy upon 2nd reading as amended. Motion passed. P.925. 12/21/2010 ., -926- . REMODEL PROJECT UPDATE: We are still working on the remodel project. They are re-painting the wall going down the stairway. The photos are on order and Jim Turner will mount and hang them. Joe passed around a handout showing the photo that will hang on the stairway area. The computer tables are expected to arrive tomorrow. The fabric waves are being worked on to give them a more finished appearance. Still working on the signage project. The Board would like the sign design, fabrication and installation to be sent out for bid. TRANSFER TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Discussion was held on the Capital Improvement transfer. i . I 10-54 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by ~heldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves to transfer into the Capital Improvement Fund an amount up to $100.000 onc1e all the 2010 bills have been accounted for and paid. Motion passed. P.926. 12/21/2010 ! FINANCIAL REPORT: Revenue and Expenditures are on track for the year. STATISTICAL REPORT: November was a slightly slower month. Overall circulation is up just over 16% this year over last. . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Trent Rose has turned in his resignation. He is going to work for ACCK as their computer trainer. Randy Merrill will be assuming Trent's current position. We have two new part time people starting in Youth Services. Karen Lewis will be moving in April and leaving her position at the Library. We will conduct a nationwide search for that Librarian position. From January through April Library staff is going to try to de-accelerate and take a time out from new major projects to allow time to reflect and look at current programs and processes to identify some of our dead horses and or sacred cows to possibly allow us to free up time for future projects.. Joe passed around samples of possible designs or ideas for a wrap for the Ford Transit Connect. The new CLASS catalog will come out the first part of January. The Library was broken into Friday night, December 3rd. They took a small amount of cash. Weare looking at some other options to our security. system and possibly some lighting options so we can see information from the security cameras better. NEW BUSINESS: Karen Bonar handed out information about buffing devices for DVD's. The Library has a buffing device that we use when we get complaints about damaged DVD's. We have also started sending damaged disks to CKLS for repair. Turn around time for ihose sent out seems to typically be about a I week. She asked if we have some type of maintenance sc~edule for DVD repair. Joe said that we don't have any type of schedule due to time and staffing issues. We do repair as we receive information from patrons that disks are damaged. . . . . I " \ -927- 10-55 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOL YED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8: 17 a.m Motion passed. P. 926. 12/21//2010. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was ~.A.~ adjourned. Recorder, Sandra Wilcox Date 12/21/2010 . . ....,.... . "._',' '.' ,<,<'J'. . ',"'_ '_- .. ... .-';. '..+ _. ,. ~..' ~".' H" .,~, ~. e.' _ '""i, : - .;,; \J , , Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT DECEMBER 2010 1 2 3 4 5 December Jan-Dec 2010 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305, APPROPRIATIONS 0.00 1,931,633.60 1,988,344.00 -56,710.40 97.15% 310. UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 300,005,00 167,306.00 132,699.00 179,32% 315. INTEREST INCOME 51.46 1,309.90 2,000.00 -690.10 65.5% 316 MISC. INCOME 0.00 434.52 0.00 434.52 100.0% Total Income 51.46 2,233,383.02 2,157,650,00 75,733.02 103,51% Expense 410. SALARIES 116,432.65 1,333,486.08 1,430,650.00 -97,163,92 93,21% 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 1,754.14 24,610.39 30,000.00 -5,389,61 82.04% 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 8,650.03 45,693.98 45,000,00 693.98 101,54% 05-415 INFORMATION SERVICES/CAMPBELL 2,264.85 8,193,59 10,00000 -1,806.41 81,94% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 9,586.39 84,855,33 88,000.00 -3,144.67 96.43% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 20,501,27 138,742,90 143,000.00 -4,257,10 97.02% 416. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 0,00 25,02986 27,000.00 -1,970.14 92,7% 417. LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 9,780,39 87,327,34 100,000.00 -12,672.66 87.33% 420 . SUPPLIES 523,92 10,889.44 16,000.00 -5,110.56 68.06% 425' POSTAGE 14,60 4,328,62 16,000.00 -11,671.38 27.05% 430, WATER 441,68 6,816.48 6,000.00 816.48 113,61% 435. LIGHT & HEAT 7,803,88 92,59802 96,000.00 -3,401,98 96.46% 440 . TELEPHONE 530.13 5,358,64 6,000.00 -641.36 89.31% .45 . REPAIRS & MAINT 6,901.33 47,612,07 42,000.00 5,612.07 113.36% 50 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 159.00 8,569,38 7,000.00 1,569.38 122.42% 460. STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 741,28 14,377.48 18,000.00 -3,622.52 79.88% 465 . ACCOUNTING 0,00 5,762,00 6,000.00 -238.00 96.03% 470 . INSURANCE 5,040,50 21,138.12 26,000.00 -4,861.88 81,3% , 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 1,801.67 29,769.20 30,000.00 -230,80 99,23% 485, AUTOMATION 7,042.43 65,807.36 72,000.00 -6,192,64 91.4% 505 . CONTINGENCY 868,56 3,983.31 36,000.00 -32,016,69 11.07% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 60,000,00 60,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 120.0% Total Expense - 240,337.43 1,986,206,69 .2;1~~,65000 "'!1[7;1,~,,3:3,1: ''W,,>7< 92.05% -$240,285,97 $247,176.33 , December Jan-Dec 2010 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305-2' APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 0.00 359,23983 367,083,00 -7,843.17 97.86% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 91,927.00 36,859,00 55,068.00 249.4% Total Income Employee Benefit 451,16683 403,942,00 47,224.83 111.69% Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,087.37 91,306.25 109,460.00 -18,153.75 83.42% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 6,870.09 79,601.47 84,755.00 -5,153.53 93.92% 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 103.48 1,201.75 1,430.00 -228.25 84.04% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,620.00 177,220.50 201,997.00 -24,776.50 87.73% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 0.00 4,896.00 6,300.00 -1,404.00 77.71% Total Expense Employee Benefit 28,680.94 354,225.97 403,942.00 -49,716.03 87,69% . Page 1 of 1 . SAUNA PUBLIC LIBRARY Monthly Activity Report DECEMBER 2010 IIr1fQrTIi'atiQi1'5etvjce~}<';:'uf ,,/;,..,~ ",' ':;":;;'c.";(!i/:"'l Chat: On-line Ask a Librarian Program Attendance: Info Services Question Interlibrary Loans: Irectinolo' . '.center'''!:1 . ". ..,---.- gy.... . .....". Internet Users: 4,857 Microsoft Office: 15 Computer Students: 0 Digital Design: 9 Yc}@li~e)'S!icesJ~~paJ:tro~hl";;~:B;{~;.~~' Program Attendance: 1,044 Game Computers & Software Use: 116 Internet Use: 996 Total Group Visits: 2 Outreach: 3 C;ircii'a1i9nj)f:Mii1~l:l~Is.:,~:{\~!";5t}"z:t;i;:;;;, pEe) l!.~'J;)I:~::"0!l:l;;:,4i?;:i(iL~ ",:':fiI[).,\tl!'~~,lff,;rD,09 :i';;l: ,;-;'-'1 Adult Materials: 30,962 33,214 420,948 344,758 Adult Renewals: 3,259 3,554 39,761 25,263 Youth Services Materials: 13,957 12,984209,334 201,126 Youth Services Renewals: 1,846 1,776 19,262 13,114 WebCat Renewals: 18,684 Total Circulated: 50,024 51,528 689,305 602,945 20 o 50 2,123 217 . Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) Child Borrowers: New Library Cards:' Adult: Youth Services . Materials Reserved: IColhlctiOI1' Management":: !:~,' j;',r:,;:,; -..;; Items Processed Monthly A~~ ~8 Youth Services: 650 Total: 1,108 I()~treach ~;.,;?J5v'i7?,;5~ I',. ,:.:;>';.1 Activities: 3 Contacts: 2 Homebound: 21 ICLA' 55"\" - ,.:..c......".:....'. .,.......'1 ,'.. ", c, .",-"'"'<'.F:~.''''''""", .,~,.,;;," 0;.., - .~--"M'.~' ,,.: . __ < _ _ _ _ . ._.",!,,' ~ ',,-~c' ':-tf...~'\- -~'Y'._' ,,'j~,.,.~; "~,_,,-J,,, -,,,-~.,~ ""-,,. Sessions: 9 Participants: 115 F'&~I.@,R~la~!~ifll'Actiit!1ies'};;~~ Press ReI!Articles/Ads/PSAs 19 . External Contacts: 7 Internal PRo 8 5,819 1,087 3,748 578 77,891 16,188 62,974 14,900 180 67 159 84 ' 2,604 1,410 3,240 1,472 1,317 ,.\ f '_.~ )- YTD 8,745 5,563 14,308 1,196 17,696 I Meethig RoomU.sll.: .: "' 23,336 -, C""'':-'e:._''. d" "","'{.~i:t""yk-)C,'~." Prescott Room: Small Conference Rm: Tech Center Conf Rm: Learning Center: Monthlv 28 27 15 16 :'~,:5'i;'f ~,k*,}>1 YTD 480 326 285 559 . , . . . -. . Librarian's Report We moved into a new year and day to day business has been steady, though we can be affected by the weather. People stay warm here and readers grab an extra book in case they can't get back soon_ Sandy will close out the books on last year with an accountant from our audit firm and she has the audit lined up for late this month. Security: This remains a top priority and issue. We are changing out some security door codes. We are waiting for a quote on costs per hour for security guards in an expanded schedule and carrying or not carrying pepper spray. We'll see how that comes in, but we will continue to be vulnerable as a staff when guards are not present. Staffing: Angela has put together a great job ad for our Information Services Librarian opening. That will be released this week and we should see a strong level of interest. We hope to do some phone and Skype interviews in mid-February before we invite any fmalists to Salina for interviews. We always approach job openings as an opportunity to strengthen our staff and library by fmding an outstanding individual. Our timetable had been to get someone new in here by April. We haven't had to interview for an MLS Librarian position for over 8 years. Pre-school storytime starts this week in Youth Services. We'll see how the icy cold weather affects attendance. This is such an important program to bririg children and families in on a regular basis. Dianna Waite and Kristi Hansen have been trying new strategies to clean dvd's and cd's. They had been wiping down smudged ones as they checked them in. Now, they have signs up asking patrons to report problem discs. They were sending bad discs out weekly for cleaning and they'll increase that number. We may also find a volunteer to clean dis~s in house. The collections of discs exceed 15,000 and time is such a factor, but they've been working on it. CLASS enrollment is rolling along, slightly ahead oflast January's pace. At least half a dozen classes filled up to closing in the first week. They also have a couple of between semester intersession classes continuing. Students did not want to stop. Did I mention that the fall catalog was featured again as a good example in the national learning organization LERN's recent newsletter? They liked Kristi Northcutt's design. Kristi had to do some last-minute cutting to the current catalog due to staffing changes. But, the spring catalog came out great. Just a few details left on the remodeling project, but it's nice to not have the daily noise, dust and questions. The photos are being prepared and should be installed in late January. Kristi was able to get another bid on the van graphics job. It was out of town and $500 less expensive, but they want half down before the design starts. We're closed on Monday, the 17th for Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. But, we'll open the doors for you on the 18th before 7 am. Thanks for your help. Never hesitate to contact me with questions or comments. Joe McKenzie Library Director