10-19-2010 Minutes . . . .. -919- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 19,2010, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Brian Schmidt, Karma DeForest, Sheldon Lilak, Karen Bonar and Mary Shaffer. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox and Mike Wilson, observer from the League of Women Voters. Mary Shaffer called the meeting to order MINUTES: Mary Shaffer asked for any changes or additions to the September Board meeting minutes. 10-39 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes ofthe September Board meeting as written. Motion passed. P.919. 10/1912010 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY The Friends meet today. They made about $2,000.00 from the booksale and $1,000.00 in advance sales. GAAP Waiver: WHEREAS the Salina Public Library, Salina, Kansas, has determined that the financial statements and financial reports for the year ended 2010 to be prepared in conformity with the requirements ofK.S.A. 75-1120a(a) are not relevant to the requirements ofthe cash basis and budget laws of this state and are of no significant value to the Library Board or the members of the general public of the Salina, Kansas and WHEREAS there are no revenue bond ordinances or resolutions or other ordinances or resolutions of the municipality which require financial statements and [mancial reports to be prepared in conformity with. K.S.A. 75-1120a(a) for the year ended 2010. 10-40 On a motion made Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library waives the requirements ofK.S.A. 75-1120a(a) as they apply to the Salina Public Library for the year ended 2010 and that the Library Board shall cause the financial statements and financial reports of the Salina Public Library to be prepared on the basis of cash receipts and disbursements as adjusted to show compliance with the cash basis and budget laws of this state. Motion passed. P.919. 10/19/2010 ... -920- NEW VAN PROPOSAL Discussion was held on the purchase of a new library vehicle. 10-41 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the purchase of a Ford Transit Connect to replace the 1996 Ford Windstar. Motion passed. P.920. 10/19/2010 DISCUSSION: Policy Updates 2nd Reading Payroll Hours Policy - 2nd reading Discussion was held on this policy. 10-42 On a motiQn made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Payroll Hours Policy changes with corrections upon 2nd reading. Motion passed. P.920. 10/19/2010 KPERS Tier 2 - 2nd reading Discussion was held on this policy 10-43 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the KPERS Tier 2.Policy changes with corrections upon 2nd reading. Motion passed. P.920. 10/19/2010 Funding Policy - 2nd reading Discussion was held on this policy 10-44 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Funding Policy changes upon 2nd reading. Motion passed. P.920 10/19/2010 Vacation Policy - 2nd reading Discussion was held on this policy. 10-45 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Brian Schmidt it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Vacation Policy changes with corrections upon 2nd reading. Motion passed. P.920. 10/19/2010 - . . . ... -921- RESULTS OF USER SURVEY Joe handed out the results of a recent user survey that was taken at the library. Discussion was held on several different points. FINANCIAL REPORT: In November the Board will start to look at how much money to carryover into 2011 and how much to transfer into the Capital Improvement Fund at the end of the year. The Majority of funds needed for the Adult Remodel Project will be taken from the Capital Improvement Fund. STATISTICAL REPORT: September was an average month for activity at the library. We had a good all around diverse level of activity. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: We will be hosting a Interlibrary Loan meeting here tomorrow. A staff meeting is scheduled for Wednesday morning to discuss the User Survey results and keep staff updated on the remodel project. Joe will attend the KLA council meeting in Topeka later this week. The library will be closed on November 11th for ASIST Day. The level of security incidents was down somewhat from last month. We are into our fourth week of construction in the remodel project. It seems to be going welL The electrician has been here running conduit for the new electrical and the construction workers have separated the micro film room into the three different rooms and installed sheetrock along the upper part of the main area. Joe also showed the Board Members paint, upholstery and carpet samples. NEW BUSINESS: Karen Bonar shared some information about herself with the Board. 10-46 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Karma DeForest it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8:18 a.m Motion passed. P .921. 10/19/2010." . ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. ~A.~ Secretary, Brian Schmidt Date 10/19/2010 - Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT 1 2 3 4 5 October Jan-Oct 2010 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305 . APPROPRIATIONS 34,090.27 1,931,633.60 1,988,344.00 -56,710.40 97.15% 310. UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REVYR 300,005.00 167,306.00 132,699.00 179.32% 315 . INTEREST INCOME 94.59 1,185.00 2,000.00 -815.00 59.25% 316 MISC. INCOME 0.00 434.52 0.00 434.52 100.0% Totallncome 34,184.86 2,233,258.12 2,157,650.00 75,608.12 103.5% Expense 410. SALARIES 110,760.98 1,108,306.90 1,430,650.00 -322,343.10 77.47% 412' PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 137.00 21,773.67 30,000.00 -8,226.33 72.58% 415' UBRARY MATERIALS 02-415' YOUTH SERVICES 1,928.43 28,156.06 45,000.00 -16,843.94 62.57% Qfi-415 INFORMATION SERVICES/CAMPBELL 198.30 5,411.04 10,000.00 -4:588.96 54.11 % 08-415' ADULT COLLECTION 5,097.58 67,036.41 88,000.00 -20,963.59 76.18% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 7,224.31 100,603.51 143,000.00 -42,396.49 70.35% 416 -INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY -1,760.53 25,029.86 27,000.00 -1,970.14 92.7% 417' LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 5,824.00 60,286.73 100,000.00 -39,713.27 60.29% 420 . SUPPLIES 1,517.65 9,595.16 16,000.00 -6,404.84 59.97% 425' POSTAGE 0.00 3,862.15 16,000.00 -12,137.85 24.14% 430.WATER 750.49 5,452.64 6,000.00 -547.36 90.88% 435 . LIGHT & HEAT 7,532.81 78,980.99 96,000.00 -17,019.01 82.27% 440 . TELEPHONE 431.44 4,397.38 6,000.00 -1,602.62 73.29% .5' REPAIRS & MAl NT 6,000.41 35,883.50 42,000.00 -6,116.50 85.44% o . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 2,672.48 7,660.10 7,000.00 660.10 109.43% 460 . STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 429.72 10,907.26 18,000.00 -7,092.74 60.6% 465 . ACCOUNTING 0.00 5,762.00 6,000.00 -238.00 96.03% ' 470 . INSURANCE 450.50 15,889.12 26,000.00 -10,110.88 61.11 % 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 3,851.12 25,382.77 30,000.00 -4,617.23 84.61 % 485 . AUTOMATION 9,962.35 50,788.99 72,000.00 -21,211.01 70.54% 505 - CONTINGENCY 450.24 2,271.11 36,000.00 -33,728.89 6.31% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.0% Total Expense 2,1f>7,f315OlPO , , ,," '''',''' -$122,050.11 $660,424.28 October Jan-Oct 2010 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305-2' APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 6,215.51 359,239.83 367,083.00 -7,843.17 97.86% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 91,927.00 36,859.00 55,068.00 249.4% Total Income Employee Benefit 451,166.83 403,942.00 47,224.83 111.69% Expense 760 . SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,659.07 76,707.50 109,460.00 -32,752.50 70.08% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 6,857.66 65,858.20 84,755.00 -18,896.80 77.7% 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 99.88 1,000.32 1,430.00 -429.68 69.95% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 15,254.00 147,346.50 201,997.00 -54,650.50 72.95% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 0.00 4,896.00 6,300.00 -1,404.00 77.71% Total Expense Employee Benefit 29,870.61 295,808.52 403,942.00 -108,133.48 73.23% OCTOBER 2010 . Page 1 of 1 . SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY Monthly Activity Report OCTOBER 2010 I I loutreach .. .. Activities: 4 Contacts: 9 Homebound: 21 . 'In.forl'l'la~ion~.e..yices . Chat: On-line Ask a Librarian Program Attendance: Info Services Question. Interlibrary Loans: [Techflqtogj.(;~~,er .... Internet Users: Microsoft Office: Computer Students: Digital Design: l*plitti~~~i~.~~..p~p~l'tm~nt Program Attendance: Game Computers & Software Use: Internet Use: Total Group Visits: Outreach: 14 4 63 2,540 344 5,937 24 42 221 I 1,293 67 611 2 2 Adult Materials: Adult Renewals: Youth Services Materials: Youth Services Renewals: WebCat Renewals: Total Circulated: Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) Child Borrowers: New Library Cards: Adult: Youth Services . Materials Reserved: lCollectiOI1.Managernent Items Processed Adult: Youth Services: Total: Monthlv 507 301 808 lCL:AS$ Sessions: 79 Participants: 1328 JPMbliCR-fi!j!tic:iP!i:~~'iYitie~ ... Press Rei! Articles! Ads!PSAS External Contacts: Internal PR: 357,854 33,324 180,637 15,911 33,768 34,333 3,281 3,242 15,750 15,210 1,529 1,544 54,328 54,329 6,586 6,322 1,196 1,216 243 254 97 104 587,726 65,695 14,044 2,214 1,259 1,545 I YIQ 7,685 4,441 12,126 2,027 . 15,005 I MeetingR()()rIlJJSC:l Prescott Room: Small Conference Rm: Tech Center Conf Rm: Learning Center: 1 1 21 5 8 278,850 18,575 172,663 9,861 18,684 498,633 55,141 13,778 2,859 1,307 19,552 Monthlv 53 18 34 60 I YIQ 412 279 239 498 - . . . Librarian's Report Between the construction project and preparing for our staff in-service day, my days are full, so this report may be a little short on content. Remodel: This morning they erected the banners in the non-fiction area. They will work well with the overall decor and add a touch of color. The sheetrock crew continues to smooth out the new walls and everyone is getting excited about the paint. The paint should happen next week. Our Tech Center staff has been steadily stringing wire throughout the west side of the building. It is a multi-step process, but they are making progress, working around their regular duties. At this point, there are days when few of the general crew are on hand. The electrician has also reached a stopping point. Furniture trickles in and it appears that once the contractors are through, we'll still be waiting on a few items, including the new signage. Overall, the project is ahead of schedule and there are few problems. Boiler: The boiler was fixed on Monday, Nov. 8 and became operational on Tuesday. It was cool for a few mornings in part of the library, but we seem to be ready for winter. American Boiler did the job. From diagnosis to price quote to ordering parts and doing the work, it always takes longer than we want. Asist day: Our Annual staffin-service training (ASIST) day is on Thursday, Nov. 11. We'll close the library. Tech staff will stay behind to run wires. Th~y'll join us for lunch. Our morning speaker is Toni Boyles. She is a high energy trainer who uses a lot of audience interaction. I think the staff will appreciate her ability to make them think and have fun at the same time. In the afternoon, I'll present an introduction to the concept of taking a break from the acceleration trap. With our budget and staff size flat and a future that includes changes to new and improved services, something has to give. We'll begin to discuss ways to be more efficient and activities that may have become dead horses. We'll follow this up over the next 6 months. What's Right: We had an exploratory meeting with a few key people to see if and how we might initiate a community action (is that a bad word?) that helps move the conversation in Salina toward lOt more positive and uplifting tone. It was a supportive meeting. Lori Berezovsky and I will try to keep the ball rolling. There are so many good people and projects in our city and we think it might help to turn the light in their direction on a more regular and natural basis. Budget: I'm still working on an informational sheet so you can have the best information to make a good decision on how much to transfer into the Capital Improvement Fund at the end of the year. The other side of that equation is being comfortable with our carry-over dollars. That cash in hand money has the potential to limit any increases to a future general fund mill levy. That's about it. It does feel like general business has slowed somewhat. The weather and construction can be factors that affect that. Call or e-mail anytime you have questions, suggestions or comments. Thanks for your help. Joe McKenzie Library Director