zoning/master plan saline county 5/28/1953ZONING and MASTER PLAN RESQLUTION OF SALINE COUNTY, KANSAS am" to the tilee Be It resolved by the Comity Com. ' astute ters of Saline County, I{amse, as follows: ARTICLE 1. Purpose Isar the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, comfort and the general welfare, to conserve and maintain the value of buildings and existing development. to encourage the most appropriate use of land, this Zoning and Master Plan Reno. lution Is adopted. ARTICLE 11 Territory The territory to which this Reno. . lotion shall apply U all of the lands altuated In Saline County, Kansas, located outside of the corporate lim. Its of any Incorporated city of Saline County, K&nsas. with the exception of the town site of the City of Smo- ta% Kansas all now on record at the Register of Deeds office In Saline County, Kanans, and with the ex. ception of the town site of Mentor, Kansas, an now on record In the Reg - later of Deeds office In Saline Conn. ty, Kansan, and also with the ex - caption of all the lands of the Unit. al States Government. The territory included In this Rese. fallen shall Its classified Into nine - districts for the purpose of regulat. Ing, the use of land and buildings thereon an follows: A. First dwelling house district R. Second dwelling house district C. Apartment District D, Local business district H. General business district P. Light Industrial district G. Heavy Industrial district H. Agricultural district L Unrestricted district ARTIOLlt III (Reamed) ARTICLE Iv. DISTRICT "A" (First Dwelling House District). USI•) nEGULA. TIONS. In District "A" no building' etruc, lure, land or promises shall be used - and no' hulldh,g w' structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, re. constructed or Altered except for one or more of the following uses: 1. Dwellings. uno family I. Churches slid community build. Ings a. Pnbllu parka and playgrounds. ucuvu wa oprr. rtted Be a basbicsa), public rru- reallun building. and . Politic ma."Unal rrhn.ls. -lemenlnrY cud hlgh and Drivate schools with curriculum equlvatent to in of A nt school and Institutions of high. r hi er learning, Including stadiums and dormitories In con!attetlon, 1t located on the campus I. Public adminlolrative buildings, Public libraries, pollee stations and fire stations L Railroad right of ways, not Including railroad yards 1. Nurseries and truck gardens list 1 t e d to the propa ga. tion and cultivation of plants: provided no retail or wholesale business shall be conducted up. on the premises, and provided that 110 obnoxious fertilizer Is stored upon the premises, and no obnoxious Boll or fertiliser renovation IS conducted there. on. L Aeeaat y uses customarily In. cident to the &Love uses and lo. cated on the same lot therewith, not Involving the conduct of a retail business:_ (a) The tern accessory ' use shall include customary tons occupations such as the office of physician, den- tist, surgeon, dressmaker, munklan, or ariat, but not beautyPa..case snas or rlors, under the following restrictions: (1) That Such uses are la. used DY g eraan an his or her private reel. dens. (f) That no assistant oth. er than a member of 'the family household In emplo ed, and no window larlay sign, either laminated or more than one =ca foot In area Is used to advertise the same. (3) That no Dower other than electric and of not more than ono hares power Is used. (b) In any event, not more than one o[ witch mayy ba • trulk and no much truck shall have a rated capacity In excess of 0;100 pounds, one private stable for not MOM than one herep or mulefor each five thou.- and (5,000) square feet of res )nen three (0) feet any side lot line, and I case of corner lots not than the distance re. on rween property owners. A garage or servants quarters constructed as an Inteerai shall an 0 nib! ct Ito illsrig ulatlons affecting the main building. (d) Community garages ,nay be any be or t a one awr or elateen feet Mgh. o commercial ve- hicle shall be housed In any such community garage. (e) Temporary real estate sales offices, located on properly 'being SOW, and limited to period of sale, but not ea. leading two years without npsetaard/ permit from the i)o (f) There shall be Deruelled at an and servi use, recre- Or refectories and service b put,66•o or orlyo d Dubllc Dark or playground. ;HT AVD AREA REGULA. )NS: District "A" the height of build. the minimum dlmenatons of lots Ardx, and the minimum lot area !amllY permitted on any lot. be As follows: (For excels - see ARTICLE XII). Ail: ale building shall ex. thirty-five (05) feet or two and Alf stories. nt Vera.: Any bedldln" h...._ emeveu anmeamtely uwen nerd not ba nwro than iwentydiv ootwenty-five of the buildtAir. (f5) feet. (c) There shall be permitted slide Terdel There shall be a one private garage with aide �ard on each aide of a building 0110 motor ce for not for each of Rhos width soft the lot. Su12) ch rsale three thousand (O,00a) Yard Motif not he Icas than four N) Mstairs feat of lot ora, cud fret. and need not be mora than len will, spare for. not m .x. (lel feet. rrrd. Ihrr.• tnr cab gd.:e I:alllinrM ,_�______ ou rarn.r oda. Mh••r. Pass,. habit the erection of a one family dwelling. ARTICLE VI DISTRICT "C" (Apartment hones District). BSI: REGULATIONS. In Diablo "C" no building• struc- Inre, land or seem Iles shall be used, and no I1..Ild�O, or structure shall ba liveraftcr oreclod, constructed, re- construeted, or altered, except .for one or more of the following uses: I. An B'i• usePermitted In District 2. Apartment houses, flats, or mill- tlPle dwellings 3,Boarding and lodging houses 4, 1•ralernjty or maturity houses and- donnitorlem building or portion of a building hereafter erected or altered shall provide a Int areae of not loss titan one thousand (1.000) square feet per family. ARTICLE VI DISTItI(:T "D" (Local Business Diatrlct) USE IIEGULATIONS. In District "D" no building, atroc- lure, land or premixes shall be used and no bullding or structure %hit[) be hor¢a4tor *meted, constructed, re- constructed, or altered, except for one or more of the following uses: 1. Any use permitted In District C.. 2. Assembly Balla 3. Automobile parking lots Width of Lot: " The minimum S. Ilotnla or Apartment Ifolelm 4, Automobiles or trailer Sales width of an interior lot shall be 6. f(ospltals, elides, sanllarlums "mills or Yards, other than sixty (60) feet, and a corner tot Nov- or 1lomee for convalescent or Promisee where used vehiclm eat y (70) feet, Provided that where aged, other then for tie Iusa:te are dismantled or used parts ' a .lot has IcsA width than her¢lu tegqulcad, In Separate. ownership p or feeble minded 7. Private clubs or fraternal or. mid 6. Bakeries; employing not more ,at the time of the passage of this or- dere 8. 1'hilanlhmPlc - or eleemosynary than five persona on the prem. Isom it t1nia regulation will not pro- hlbll tiro erection of n one family hnstftutloa.. of her than penal Innlltutimm - S. Banks dweting. 0. Accessory ones customa[Ily In- T. Barber and ltoshulY Shops 8. Battery station", Lot Area per Family: Ever)' dtvellh+g hereafter erected or nlload cldnnt to arty o[ flu: above uses• located 0. II1cYole repair allops ' shall provide n lot area of not less :rod on lho same lot, ' - not Involving the ctinduct of a 10. Cleaning. VrcrslnS and dyeing ' establishments• employing than six thousand SO,Ouo) squat° feel per fauiily, provh ed that where retail business: not mato than five Pernmla on the -a .fol Las lees arca than heroin 'rc- (a) There Shall be Permitted premises, ProvlJad that only .qulrel In Separate owneranipm at the Such f:nclttleS as oro re- - non-nxPioelv0 cleaning tlultla time of the passage of this ordinance• qulred for the operation of shall be tlaad this regularol shall not prohibit the - a hotel or apartment hotel, 11. Islectric Substations erection of a one family dwelling• when conducted Ind enter- 12. trilling stations• provided all ed from within the build- atortge tanks for gasoline shall ARTICLE V - ". Ing Provided no w•hldow, or be below the murCace of the DISTRICT •'B" (Second Dwellll+g of Mr display or Nlgn ml the ro gund. Molise District). USE REG exterior of -the bullding 19 ` 13. Frozen food lockers for indl- ' TIONS. " used to advertise such use. vldual or family use, not in. latruc• In District. "8" no bulWUg, (D) In this district a private garage, accessory to a one '' chiding any proccasg of food m except cutting and wrapping .. - - tore. land or Promises shall bn used. and no building or structure shall be or two family dwelling,1/. Garages (Public) except that hereafter erected• constructed, recon- may provide apace for not in Public garages no repair (a- mtrUCted or nitored except toe one or mora than one motor ve. ellitlee or acltviUes shall be more of the following uses:. hicle for each seven bun- .,• maintained outside of the 1. Any use permitted In. District dred and fifty (760) asplare .. building or in the front portion " feet of tot area, and a star- of the first story of the build- 2. Two tamty dw ellinga, age garage may he permit- within thirty (30) Leet of the . 3. Accemsory uses sin Provided In led au an accessory use to "[font of the building and no District A'; except that In District an apartment house, apart- body or fender repairs or "8" a private garage may provide -- hunt hotel, hotel or duplex. blacksnllthing shall be con - space for not more than one motor No business occupation or doted on any premises adjacent vehicle for each two thousand (2000). service connected with mo_ at the side or rear to a Die - Square feet of lot area. for vehicles shall be per- lrilA", •U" or 'C" 1110611T AND AREA REGULA• muted. The same Provix- 16. Garogea (Storage) TIONS. Ion regarding community 16. Greenhouses (commemlal) • In District "13" the height of build- garages applies In this die- "A" 17. Ice delivery Stations for star- ago and vale of ice at retafl - Ings, the minimum dimensions or lots trlct as in District only • and )'arch and the ndnimunt lot area Per family upon lot IUSIGRT AND AREA REUULA- 'Timm 18, laundries employing n o t liennilted any shall be as foltowv: (For exceptions In District '•C" the height of more than live Persons on the ' See AItTICLL•• XII.) "A" buildings, the rulnilnum dimensions 10. �dQe flail. height Same as District Front Tarda:. Same as District of Iota and Yards and the minimum )et arm ler tamp permitted 20. afbuature golf courses "A" - "A". Y upon any lot mall be nm follows: (10or 21, Mortuaries 22. Offices - Side Yard.: Same as District Including regulations for corner lots- cxmpllons Nee AitTICI,It XII). ltelahtt No building smell exceed 23. Photographic Minting shopa _ adjacent to reversed frontage forty-five (45) feet or three (3) 21. Printing shopa• Provided the ,lis Sh tae, #teat Yards: Same au District stories. total w Power used in "A" Front Ynribs: Any building here- the operation of Stich printing WIdlh of Let: The minimum width after constructed Stoll provide for .rlaml shall not exceed five of A lot shell be fifty (60) feet, pro- - •vlded that where It hats less width a front Ym•d rho minimum depth. of which shall be at least twenty (20) lorxo power -26: studs and television shops of _ than herein required, in separate ownership at the time of the passage Percent of the depth of the lot, but the depth of Allen front yard need studios 26. Itcataurnntn cafes or caf¢lnr- of this resolution• this reguletlon shall not Prohibit We erection of a not be more than (20) feet. Fite )'tarda ,' Ins (excludrng dancing. enter- tahlment or Provision for sale , one family duelling. ..50.1110 as District "A", Including regulations for corner °r consumption to Of liquor)bus 29. School. stud as n business Let- Area Per Feeled )Seery' dwelling hereafter crncleJ or Ntemd luta adjacent to reversed frontage provided the width shall ha Incrrnsad air 29. Shoo repair xhoPa -- - shall Provide a lot ams of not less one hich for each toot of height of yp, Shops for custom work, or the nulnufactm'e of anotia to be than six thousand (6,001I) square building nbove thirty-five (36) (Oct. gold at retail on the premises, feet Per family for one fmally d%voll- hent Yards: The depth . of the provided that in such manufac- ingr, or three lhousano (3,000) square fe¢t per [x�nllY for two fool- tett yled shall Ue atlomat twenty- Ilvo 126) person[ of tlw depth of the hire the total mechanical pow, fly dwell ngs, provided [hot where a ' lot, tut each depth need not be more er shall not exceed five horse Power for the operation of any lot has less arra than I:urcin pro. II, twenty-five .(36) rant. one shop. and Provided tile, vided, In separate ownerablP at the Wham of Lot .borons se District 'D the span° occupied by the man- • time of the passage of til% results. ' ufacturing one permitted here. tion this regulation shall not pro- Lot Area yet Fam11yR Every - In shall nut exceed filly (60) I leareent of .the total floor area of the entire building or the Qulvalent of the ground floor area •thereof, and provided fur. ther that.. such ,manufacturing uao:Ismot anxious or offensive It y reason of vibration, nolse, agar, duet, smok. or gas 20. Signs (advertising) when the "same advertise only 'services. articles or ttroducts which urn offered within the building, .to which the sign in attaclitd. or on the{remits an which the sign ')s 1'OCated 31. Stores, shape and utarkets for retail trade 32. SLuUlon 33. Theatres or picture allows 34. Tire shops 36. Accessory lease customarily III- cldent to any of the above uses, Icelud ag leu and refrigerating plants purely Incidental to a main activity permitted on the premkwn,: mid when operated by ehictrlcity . MUHT AND ARLA RE(IULA- TIONS. Is District "D" the helaht of the .... ma may feat block. 0 lmnuy prmtttca tan any as follows: provided that ercetvd exclusively for rposes shall coniWY with a see AlVFICLE \ll). I No building shall exceed o (36) feel• or two and one Side Yarden No aide yard In re- Quired except that where a side Ilno of a lot In this district abut. open a lot in a District "A", "13" or "C', a side yard shall be 7arovlded an re rlulred 1n Ouch District 'A", 'U" or C". Hear Vardet The depth of the rear yard .hall be at least twenty (YO) percent of the depth of the tali but such e depth need not be Hre than twenty (20) feet• except that on it corner lot no rear yard is re - y" it within fifty ('aa) feet of a .Ido street, unless the rear line ad. Joint, A District "A""It", or "C'. .11?dth. at Lots _ The min6uni oral tamny or multiple family Ing.,except as provided In Dir - •t."' For other uses the width Le lees. t Aron Per Fnmllyn Every dig or portion ut a bulldhng face ere.ted, nitered or used I wether• Inupe,.':•• thall VntUde Page .Three a lot area ofnotlees thawarte thous- and (1000) square feet per family. ARTICLF, Yffl. DISTRICT'" B" ((letters) Business District). USL UEGU4&TLONS. In Dlatrict'L" no'building, sMe. Lure, land or premises shall be used, and no building or atrnchiro shall be .hereafteraret-ted• rnnstructed, constructed or aRared, except one or more of the follow lu . use.: 1. Anneuse permitted in District S. Armerles S. Meer Uardens. Bowline Alloys. Gent to soon use. 4. Billboards and ..Advertising Signa S. Hilliard halls e. Bus Stations 7. Dog and Cut Hospitals 3. Gymna"lunts (commercial) a. Nuw.paper publishing plants lb. Nude and television broad• c:lsting stations 31, taverns and nightclub eterlua, 12. Storage In bulk of, or were - LAI to 151110 or rales on ue plob..xea 13. Swimming Poole (tommerelal) 14. Wholesale Sahro offices and sample roams 15. Any retail business or use not Included In Districts "BF" and "C", provided that such use 'le not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration• noise, odor, dust, smoke or gas 16. Aveemory uses customarily In. cident to any of the above uses. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULA- TIONS. In District "E"' the height of build. Ings, the minimum dimensions of lots and yards and the minimum lot area per family permitted upon any lot eludl be all follows, provided that Monts 011e hundred (100) feet or eight later. its. Front Yardt No front yard In re• qulred, except that where a por[lou Of a District "I-V Ilea within the same block and front. upon the ann.c street with a portion of a District ••A••, •'B" "f"• or "D" And no int within .till] Dlstrict F'l' In ovt'upled by a hulliling with a front yard of Ions depth ilmn reqs lred hi that puritan rf a 14rl ctrl "1", "!t" 'ti" ur "1 r' udJ•.Inhu:, Ih,n lu roll r:,r.,; (tear Yardal No rear yard Is re- Quired. ,Vkltb of .Lott Sane oar District ,•D.. Lot Arm per Family; Same as District "D". ARTICLE IC DISTRICT "Y" (Light luduslrlal District.) USL REGULATIONS. In District '•F" no building. strut.' tore, land or prendses shall bo used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, constructed, re- constructed, or nitered, except for one or mora of the following uses; 1. Any use permitted In District Y. Bakeries 3. Rlacksmithor wagon shops 'B 4. works S. Baaus ba barrel 6. tortes tg and Dreeereing fac- torlpelej 7. Carpenter.nter, cablQel, or pattern - I Chops 8. Carpet cleaning establishments 0. Chemical Presig.laboratories 10. Cleaning, Dressing, and dyeing plants 11. Coldold storage plants 13. Cres ro-pla 13. Electro -plating w•orka U. Flour aims, feed mitis, and Rorg (halling 16. Freight (bund) I 18. 1•'reig to terminale (call, trunk, or water)) 17. Ga)(p works 19. GetaGarages (public) 30. Gaeta elevators 20. ICs Plants Y^. Lumber " . Lumber yards Y3. Machine strops Y4. 2daas: Artificial of products each as; Armes:nl flower", bags; era blacking; s; awnings: brags; par dues; nmali boxy; bone products: brooms, and erten• i ca: buttons and novel cAndlan; canvas products;; CO. ee• tarot Vroduct"1 chemic"1 (nod- oflmtdle_); cigars: cicaning or �)olishing Preparntlon.: .lath- nq, Coffee (roasting) : cn.mvt- ice: cotton seed, meanut nr rlur ler p .dnetn' drugs ur medl• cines: electric:,] shrns ; an[- traclu; -food laroduet.: 11 juices; gas or electric fixtures: i Instruments; paper product.; sausage; shell products; shoes evil boot.; hyfup; terra colts. or the handcraft products; textiles; toys; wooden ware 25, Milk bottling or distribution '1Nanta 26. Dlmtument or marble work. Y7. Moving, lransfor or storage Y0. Photo nl:nnts engraving planta 20. tq alliin Poultry 30. Poultry hlllinq or dressing for 3compl pur pose 31. Printing plants 3. Rocuce markets ( wholesale) 33. aIloud freight yards 94, faire, machinery, and yards for farm 1clit n d contractors' wellsup- plies scut and ell x'dl "up - nue. 36. Sign painting planta 38.: tables iDubllc) or wagon .ha•d.! 37. Stone cunig platin to 35. SL,r.r,tc h1 Ina:: o(. .r :"aR- N r, materials enumernt- >m 12 of time reg. dor District 'E" 1 materials aa: As - rick.; building . anter. :nt; coal; contractor's t: cotton: teed; fedi. aim: gravel: grease; ; lead; .lime; much. la ietals: ori; pster' rooting; rope: sand; or; tarred or creo- )ducts ; terra cotta; Weed, wool. (team, loading, or nonowis or miensnvo ny reason of vibration, .noise, odor, duel, smoito or gas 12. Accessory uses customarily In- cident to any of the above uses. HEIGHT AND AREA REGULA. owWhlg .ball exceed feet or four (1) No front yard is that whore a por- .TF Iles within the 1•age Four 0. Coal distillation and by-pro- ducts plants. 10. Coal hereto, pockets or trestles 11. Coke ovens 12. Concrete or ataphatt lalxlag planta 13. Cooperage works 11. Cotton ginning or''%ling works I'S. Dox 'Pounds 16. Enameling works 17. Flectrlc power plants 18. 10orges (power) 10. Foundarlcs (Iran, bras 0. bronze, aluminum) 20. Indra and skins (storage, cur- InF or tanning) YL JAI, nog works 22. Junk Yards. Including storage, sorting, baling, or processing of rags, paper or metal 23. Lumber mills 21. Machine shops 26. Manufacturing of such prod - acts as: Adding machines, ...le rrelxterx_ tvnewrihre.- al. same block and fronts upon the 26. IN name street with a portion of Dis. p - trlct "A", B" •'C" or "D'•, And no - 27. l got witbfn said District "1"1 is otxv- by u building;with n front Yenl of pled by a building with a front yard 28 C of less depth than required in that In portion of a District ' A", "I3"1 •'C" " or "D" adjoining, then blsuch ease or "D" adjoining, then In such case 31 39 the front lard requirements of such 31 S adjoining District "A", "B""C•' or 32. S D" shall likewise be applicable , to 33. S such portion of District 'F". 34 e Side'Tards.. Satre as District "D". 36.'1 Star Yordx: Tbc depth of a rear -36. Yard shall be at least ten (10) feel, 37, f - except that in a corner lot no rear c _ yard Is required within fifty (50) of a aide street the 38, v .feel ,unless rear tin adjoins A District 'A", "B" or 28. A "C". h 141th of Lot, Same as District S .,D.. n Lot Ares, I -or Family% Santa as 1i District "D". - 'e - AItTICLF. X e DISTRICT "G" (Ileavy Industrial a I USE REt:lding, p lei District Ie. District building, rue- Bused, - pr is Il ' fora, land nr Premises churl bb used, AitTtCLF. X1[ and on building structure shall ltelxht and Area Exceptions n. erected constructed, rccon- , The regulations And requirements herded olrinure or altered except for one as to height of buildings need area of or noire of the [ollox•Inguses: X 1. Aly use permitted In District Ings, front yards• side yards, rear .F.. yards and other regulatlona and re - - 2. Ammonia, bleaching powder, qulrements as established In the chemical planta '. 3. Assaying works (other than .11.11 b!•subject to the following ex - gold or silver) ceptions and additional resolutions. -, /. Auto wrecking yard Belght: 1. In Districts 'Ot", "D", ••C". D" And "F'•. public or semi. S. Blooming or rolling mills Cchiic buildings. each as hospitals, 6. Breweries or distilleries 1 totels• churcicu, sanitariums or schools• either public or terlvate. 7. Cider little 8. Coal car dumps Wholesale storage of lease. line 40. Accessory uses customarily in. cidont to any of the above uses HEIGHT AND AREA REGULA- TIONS In District "G" the height of bulldwngs, the minimum dimensions of Iota and yards and the minimum lot area her family lerntilled .pmt any lot shall be as in laws, provided, however, that buildings erected for dwelling purposes clechmivolY, shall comply with the front, side, and rear yard requirements of District "C". (hor pt 11e1gbt. No xbuiWisce ng shall ,exceed the height limitations prescribed by the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the United Stotca. Front Yonixt No front yard Is reeuwred except that where a par. fion of District "G" Iles within the balers; --boxes; -breeze; street with A portion of a District electric carbon battery: electric A", "Ir' "C', or •D", and no lot e; carona or Will, within Bald District "G" Is Occupied age or wagon parts; cellu- by u building;with n front Yenl of or shniber materials, clay, - less depth than required In that and glans products; cre. portion of a DistrictA", "B", "C'• cutlery or tools; drsin- or "D" adjoining, then blsuch ease fit. Insecticides; dyetl; the front yarel requirements of such deal machinery: furni. adjoining District A", • B'•. "C" or gas (from coal or pe- "D" shall likewise be applicable to um); glass; Iron and such portion of District "G". ' locomotives; motor cars; Side Vernal Same as District •'D•'. sen, airplanes; nuts, bolls, (tear Yards: Santa as District "F". ra. etc.; oil cloth, lino- width of Lots Same as District ' paint, Japan, lacquer, each, are provided. Lt no case shall urpcntine, varnish, enam- Lot Area per Family- Same ns le.; railway cars; rubber, District letic rubber; rubber prod. ARTICLE XI shoddy; soap: starch,ts; Ise, dextrin; tar products. DISTRICT "R" (Agricultural Dle- ,dextr aro (chewing); toots; vine- Wet). USE REGULATIONS. wino In lila Agricultural district the or [rah Packing or storage premises and any buildings thereon e shall be used for agricultural purpos. 1 stamping, shear 1 n g, to only, except that In the exploration for production of oil, gas or other ng works, ale. minerals such premiseN may be used compounding ropuunding and barrel- for any necessary or proper purpose ,]ants in connection therewith. Ing 111111. cad round houses or shops AitTtCLF. X1[ works ltelxht and Area Exceptions furnaces The regulations And requirements Iteral iron or Pipe works as to height of buildings need area of r refineries. lot which may be occupied by build. listlllatlon or manufacture Ings, front yards• side yards, rear or rod mills yards and other regulatlona and re - 1 ellstillatlon Planta (char. qulrements as established In the lar, turpentine, etc.) foregoing sections of this ordinance, scouring works .11.11 b!•subject to the following ex - other uses not now or fter prohibited by res'- ceptions and additional resolutions. I n[ the. County o[ Saline, Belght: 1. In Districts 'Ot", "D", ••C". D" And "F'•. public or semi. of Ransas, regulating. aces, except that the fel. Cchiic buildings. each as hospitals, tg uses well be permitted 1." ......."...t .,r u1. u.1...a 1 totels• churcicu, sanitariums or schools• either public or terlvate. t from rho County a height not exceedms soventy-five officer and County (76) feet. prodded that and% build. Commission; Ings shall be set back one additional manufacture foot on all sides for each additional toot that such buildings exceed the I. lime, gypsum or ter of parts nanufac. specUled height limit as established by the regulations of the district in Man babe which such bulidinge are situated. -of ire manufacteliro or, 2• Dwellings In District "A". •'B", tge... slid "W may be Increased in height _ tet mnnufacluro not exceeding ten (10) feet In addl- Anufarture thin to the ihnitatlons of two and le, offal or dead nal- one-half stories, or thirty-five (35) reduction, dumping, feet, As prescribed In such districts, slmal feeding provided that two side yards of not or pulp manufacture less than fifteen (15) feet In width, :um or Its products, each, are provided. Lt no case shall ning of) such dwellings, however, exceed ag of tin, copper, zinc three stories In height on area 2. Parapet walls and false mans. i manuniamn, culol slandPipes. and ne Appurtenances. WILL be Arrestedasto he with existing or regulations of the state of Kansan+ 4. On through one hundred or leas In ns tells Powers or authority I or regulate aviation+ the which exceeds the Inuits or recommended by nucl agency; provided that this Prohiblt rho ereatton of bu neldenml etru,Ueres to a thirtydlve (1G) feet or two hal[ (2yy) nlorbssa IS. Area per Family: building used Jointly for a "I the name arca or an air. Lily all. defined ed with control Ight of emitted federal Lail not Inge or Ight of id- one - ,r any ly shall be sertlon as the lehwse or In- to floor area it that floor loor of such luded in any envision. willing jolnt- lment house Tiespermit- tho lot area Nhall bo re- ,rtlon as the ed to hotel not bears to Died to both In Districts where lots t (40 %) or In the sonic two Ntreela I+ (excluding a developed frunt yards more than or the an official line ham been fur future widening or a street upon.W1,1 h a _---. . Pass Five lot abuts, then the width of a yard shall be measured trotn"auch off latest line to the nearest line of the bulld- ing. 10. Dwellings or apartments may be built In groups About a place or court with their rears adjacent to a side lot line, provided that: (a) The side yard Abell be Increas- ed by one (1) foot fur each dwelling abutting thereon or (1) fout for each apartment entraln'e or exit abutting thereon. (b) The width of the place or court shall not be lean than them (1) linea the width of the sideyard as required above,. and where a roadway Is provided In such place or court, the Width of such road - prey shall be In addition to that allowed above. (c) A minlnham of ten (10) feet yard low- ex - n of ;o a court nor into a Inches; and Provided further ihai canopies or open Porches having a roof area not exceeding sixty (Gu) nyuare foeFinay-project a alaximnnI of .lx (G) fart Into the required front or rear yard; open Paved ter- races may project not more than ten(10) feet Into a front or rear yard, and oxtsting open porches ex- tending Into the required yard shall not be enclosed. 12. An open fire escape may pro- ject Into a required aide yard not noes than half the width of ouch yard. Biro escapes, solid floored balronles and enclosed outside same. Ways may Project not more than four If) feet Into a rear yard. 11. In any district, nn accessory bullding, not exceeding eighteen (1S) feet ur ono find one-hnR storles In height, m' In any rase nut higher than the main building, may occupy not more than thirty (10) percent of a remdred rear yard, except that In District •'C•' to •'U•' Inclusive, It such building In not more than one story or sixteen (16) feet high. It may occupy forty (40) Percent of a required rear yard. U. Buildings In Ulstrlcts "1•:" to "U•' inclusive used wholly or par. llr11Y for hus�Pass or Industrial par. Post's, need not provide a aide yard, Provided that Portions of such Lulld- ings which are designed or used for dwelling p111 -Poses shall provide on say fluor, In addition to the front And rear yard reeuln+Unum For awaiting purls,... In the dletrlel in which such building Is eitmned Much open space may be hl the fonv of addltlo'•nl front or rear yards at Otte or more. court. opening to the street or rear yard: j,mvl.lyd that (a) No court shell have a width of leas than len(10) feet. not la than one-fourth (1f )'of Int nlgth; nor A width of lest than two and onchalf (215) Inch" for each foot of hcight of IIla cuurt. (b) That the wMill of nhY portion of A .required side yard as Provided in this ordinance may be considered a part of such court. 16. No rear yard shall be required In District E" to 'O'• Inclusive on any lot vied for business or Indil.- trinl purMlses, the rear line of which aelJulns n railway right of way or which has a rear railway track con- nection. 16. 1n Districts "D'• to "(y• Inclu- sive, In computing the depth of a rear yard for any building where such yard abuts an alley, one+half, Of each Alley rally be assumed to be a portion of the rear yard. 17. In any district where buildings - on Adjoining lots, need exclusively for dwelling purposes, do not con- form to the aide yard requirements of this ordinance, the hoard maty vary the side Yard requirements, prO- vlded that no building may be built nearer than three (1) feet to the side lot line and Provided that the width of the bullding allowable tin- der the regulations of this ordinance may not be increased. ARTICLE MIX Construction, Net -Back, and Park - Ina Regulations A. No building shall be erected. moved, enlarged or structurally al- tered for any purpose In stay zone, except farm buildings, Unless It be for w temporary or In- complete building shall be erected. malntalned or used for residence Purposes. No permit shall be con- nected with a sewer until the appll- cant shall present a certificate of Approval Issued by the Saline County I fealth Officer for the sewage dis- IosAl Plana proposed to be caed. B. The street, road, or highway front of any building In tiny district shall not be located closer than 11 fl. from the property line of au,v cit,, street. taaanahiP, pr county road And lint closer than 76 ft. front the prq,- arty line of any federal or state highway. C. In all districts, except the agrl- cultural, thapace between any building and the adjoining street, road, or highway snail not be ob- structed by any fixed object tem- porarily or permanently located thereln. or or all districts, except mars, lessees, or a I fronting on a air ;;rt onlatae Lor violation of this pro- . ARTICLE SIV Plumbing Regulations L BUN\IN . R'ATEB: For the purlmee of Promoting health+ tion and and g.mrral welfare, n„ •Ierriling Wilt hercaftnr call.:rueted &hall be Wilheut Nuffielcnt prut'Ision Lcing Vl v n a IE jp Q Zu 2i 'I zt. z Y U --- >.N U m m N 3 4 C W CC -i z 22OZ OR 0 t7 UO T N jcc I ►- g w .. no LLJ Li O N Z Z >r x oa Q �< w a a J J I made w running washing ---_.-......_...___ _ -__ _.. _.-..-..-__ �-1 _ ._..._ Pace Might_ unit for cooking, by law Or remolution, In Ovary exist. Ing building not already supplied and in every t.ulldlog •hereafter erect. ad. 'mail ml, no to prnlert the public health, where theta Is a eontnumlm omilliany or culploynl0nl there shall be at least one wat. r closet properly connected wllh a drdnage syslt•ul. If the unit Is fur more than one futility then there shall be at le:mt one wnlcr closet property t•onneeted with lhu drainage Myalaal for each faudly "ittuhncd therein. 3. XFt'TIC TANI-N: Septic Tuaks may be used to receive the dtachargo from the plumbing fixtures as a drainage system only when written pernunmion to that cffeet has been so. coma front the ndmintnrativo officer Unit the County health Uflicer. Cess whenIMOIK shall li used count,tion with axsep. tis took. AETICLIf XV special Classes of the following uses may be In any dlntria by special per. of the Bo;.rd under such ;ns its the Bu:tra may.ingnose, ter public h•otring, provided their Judgtilent such use will line of neighboring property, and will conform to the gercral intent and purpcse of this resolution And shall comply with the height and arca regulationa of the district In which they may be locuted: L Amusement yoke, commercial baseball or athletic fields, race tracks. circusts, carnivals, or fairgrounds 2. Aviation holds or ulrports 3. Cemeteries, LmtlMOleumN. or crematorles for the dimposal of the human dead (. Uolf driving anges, commer- Out or Il lundnated S. Uun ei lbs, skeet shoots or tar - the Insane or or penal lir car. T. .11 hit, W. r3.-ivo11111.11 raj• it... pnrlie.e `r I. ,, .. :,.I.. ,.d;::, of are, day', .ualc, g.itvel or anmllar materials, provided, however, that no lermlt shall IN? Issued omit ,n.� unless the Mlle location Mad plan of oper- ation, IAcllldhlg nevessary toxnetur0m hole. been "ubmdl- ted to mud approved In writing by the Board, whish permit Shull be for n monad period Of time not to exceed (h•o (5) years S. Radio and Television Towers uudrr sinal safeguards as the .Board ln;ty require 9. Itofu.• duulps 10. Itexervoirs, well,, lower., fit. ter Leda, or weer motility Vliuna 11. IUdlllg xtahles and track" 13. Sewn¢e, r. -fuse lir garbago dna• ryusal plants 13. T,,urlst cnbin or taller tramps 11. lhdldinR.0 of the use of prrm- Iscs for public utility pngmsen o:' P11LIIc mortice vorp rrntldns, e lli,h bnlldhl.:n .•r uses the I -: ... I liana" -;I.....ally her - .•.1"Y for pubic rumtm l.nvu .r. ravlfarv. ARTICLE XVI Trailer Camp Regulations 15-101. Definition" 16-103. Habitation and lltidntenance at Ilouse-Cllr Trailers lft•103. Troll Clump Lleenso 16•101. Location -and Arta Requtre- nlelltM I S•IOfi. Gudtnry Rs,,,drua,.,ssm In ale worn, "structure" and the word ^shall" Is mandatory and not direa• tory. For the purpose of thin chaptee certain words and terms are here- with defined as follows: IIOUSN-CAR TRAILMR In any structm•o Intended for Or so con• strutted that it will be primarily suitable for living or sleeping quar- tert or for office purposes, mounted upon wheels, or any other device upon which It play readily be trans- ported, either by its own power or Koine externally applied tractive ef- .forU provided, however, that this definition shall not apply to any ver hl:le lawfully ouerated upon fixed rails. TOWINO UNIT Is any vehicle fur• hlshing trictlon effort for a house car or troller. AREA UNIT Is nn area of ground x1stec set aside for the amonunoda. tion of one house -car trailer and towing unit. PERSON refers to any Individual, Item, partnership, association or cor- poratlun. TRAILER CAMP Is any plot of Mond where house -car trailers are Invited or Allowed to be located re- gardless of whether or not any ehnrge is made for the use of the plot of ground. PARKINO I.OT Is any plot of ground used for ten norary storage any recognized public 15.103...Ilnldlntlon and 5lu1n/ennnee of Monne-Cur Trailers. t. It "h:dl be unlawful for ally pl,rmdn t.t nrdotnin a houMl,-car Mill. or outside it trailer enmp whirl, 1s dilly liveused hereunder, except as Item -In specifically permitted. 3. It shall be permissible hereunder fur a Lona fide guest of the house- holder to park a house -car trailer. III the roar Yard of ally dwelling house for it period of tittle not to rxeeed fifteen (15) day,, Provided, however, Much house -car lraller may, Ile used only ter sleeping I... rposes during such fifteen (16) day perlod. 3. A hound -car trailer may, be Parked or stored regardless of it.., other prorlmlenn hereof Provided that It shall not bo used for living or sleePing purposes during burl tittle It In so stored or parked old Ilrovidod, moreover, dant it shall out 1m A nuLau•e and does not cunetl- lute a fire hazard. 1. No houme-vnr trailer shall Ile mnlntaimed nM It perula;wnt nfflre. So'+ dffkc ".a 11.4 M Voinpl.tihle with lid dentenslrntlml and sale of such arllelem or services as any Ile readily trtulmpor.ud In It house -car by a dbaibuto'a r lir snlesnul may Le per- nittvll to a hoo,o-eu• Irdler ,it w 1•n;ullp• I1m1-414 1'arlda.t lel for 'o I re lIt of thli: nut ezcecWl.g seven (7) days, provided such house -car trailer is not used for living or sleeping purposes during such time. 15.109, Trailer Camp license. 1. It shall bO unlawful for any person to establish, nmlntthl, or op- erate within Saline County, Kansas outside the corporate limits of an y1� Pity any trailer ealllp nn1ene Patch person shall flmt obtain a license therefor as hereinafter provided. f. Any person desiring to establish a lraller ealllp shall fill, with the Adndnlstnitivo Officer dans to show fully lila_ location of 110 camp and 3. The shall Issue I camp outfit comply with to erect or facilities as leteuce. of ouch be in- ve Gill. all re - Ion aro rtlfy to apliOcattuil ily file owner or les- see of such trailer camp stating the name and address of such Owner or lessee, the locution of the trailer }amp, the maximum number of S. Each application Ior ouch 11• cense shat. be accumponled by a It. an It area Bach June Ing. province oat original application. a. Such lievino mhalt be conspicu- ously posted on thepremises of the trailer camp at all times. 7. Any trailer camp license may be transferred upon the presentment to the County Zoning Board of a written application of the holder of such I icense approved by 'the Adminlalra- live Offleer. IA -101. Location and Area Iteaulre- ntenls. 1. Omhlg In this regulation shall Nbe cmislrued as authorizing a trailer ramp In any part of tine coun- tY contrary to the zunhig regular tions. e hS1t•h unit shall be at le;lal twen- ty (3l,) fret ,ly lhh'tY-111-0 (35) fent, ClvnrlY da•[Ined by appropriate mark- ers, olid shall be Net graded nal to provide adequate and proper drain. are. 3. No house -car trailer shall be Permitted to park closer than five (6) 41 -et to tho side Ilse of Its area null, nor Omit It b0 so purkrd that It 1:; closer th:ul len (le) feet to any ri puu'entents: (a) Ihlplrr, street" or 1r1, ,nulnot 11, 1., 'I_"+ \rein, rel nn' I , ut less som flint tx r Will be Sn is Oth limy eet Liu or in other nuanha Ili ang mrtv..px runt will anI,t. _.o_.-_ -. ._-..... ,,,..1•••. •••.•...•. - nation at nigh[. NO troller unit Ila to enmrce tale general Prove nous of lids article. i shall be farther than two hundred (200) feet from a toilet. The 1'm:e Nlpe the Dania width ;is r-ci:+tlog mac -ear tralieq or any build. led In the trailer ramp• Roard, that lite apph,,at .for n 11. cense him met the requlrmnvlb to for Ridernllon and artimn an+ trailer er ramp'shelf be located u u Ileorc, nlSo certify am to lire pro. plat or renist scall Ire if,, r register or derds R dislnmo of six hundred .et Of any Public park, Pub. vinionm undo by the npplicamt to beautify And surface the unle,:x It. s,l .: b;r:n endorsed on it the AP Irev,tl u: Um 1 tills• hospital, school or col- onn1p area. 1`Innnin);nerd. F f.charged fo every each sex for every ten 0) omits atilt t 16 R0. tlraile .ltegsimmrnla 11. All Plans, Plats or re W,ln of 1 ,hate ry ply of Irks tele supply of w wit• f. iledEvery trailer el Ill r nit l be t PI cU at i.l thugs with least lands \Vnothel' )aid VLl Ill bnlldh s lot., or not. 'n:d Uro xl I•rpt S, plfry:: a q of a quality Inkmeet ., of a l it pe of ;it opo lhro eAnd o' Portion, of the s:unp Intowl••,I to be dedicated for public the res I meet tits rrgalretnb`nt of tCd $pates III•P:11'tI11Cnl ole -hr ns ca Wt two turd uneJtel[Rullmm ('211/0 eb xu,.ltOf t yr of a talo typxr In use, or fir fir use 1 pu r or i of 1p- UI Ileto shall br good wulielY order at all Unrfr min :ale- fr,,ti thereon nr dj UI' tracts te, {INI [ meet umrt pito mrpdremcnU ro avert' Ytenl Oth Lrom [rcezhtg for sn11 ,.;al cent thcr'ed,, ,.:all by Su bmiltrd to to the ai camp. 0 alts (30), or fraWoo thereof. Planning i:oard for th.•'r all - neural or rejection. Urawlms of to only. u isorSupplied [roar r only PRucety or drinkbtt ra. bs so Y. Spot extin110 proposed phis mball rhow the Inl•a. of existing or approved located am to Ire not tnrfro !tiny no farther one hundred (100) feet from )>, x;Sy ❑urs, effects "used water .•.xlxling sew - 9 e" a not Iro further dr Is. cher IN Dian eighty (RO) feet [cert uuY area unit. r .1cx, (heir perilne,it , water ms s still malum end other perher t Wall. NO anntedn debts 16.107. Rerunl and F,nforrmirnl L It simll 110 the dui I, aUr 1',•r Or hiftile , d+gmlu`r \relit x Ilr, shill bo PrenUUcd• h trailer camp Pro cr, itis ngcut or c:tsMYkpr,tlto 11 rr t 1 Of Rd e:nm�s of taw t nn'.8 ......lyd uwuers Of nd)oluln• Moll shower baths, "fop. A resister •tad to record [horchr :Ill Of lrxntr Of hind. I'lalx "ball ho 6ses .•..oto lo...e .,..x... S. It, house -car tr:dlers and olr:una o,. cunforin to tum fuau:rina rr•Ru- bn a..,... puu'entents: (a) Ihlplrr, street" or 1r1, ,nulnot 11, 1., 'I_"+ \rein, rel nn' I , ut less som flint tx r Will be Sn is Oth limy eet Liu or in other nuanha Ili ang mrtv..px runt will anI,t. _.o_.-_ -. ._-..... ,,,..1•••. •••.•...•. - nation at nigh[. NO troller unit Ila to enmrce tale general Prove nous of lids article. num petn are rxrrsions nl ex. isting streolu they Shalt loc.of shall be farther than two hundred (200) feet from a toilet. The 3, If at any tittle a trailer camp is the Dania width ;is r-ci:+tlog r use of any chemical closet or any toilet In found to he ululating lite provisions of this Article, or otter pertinent streets or else provisions [or safe tra(tle be made. a Round -cur trailer shell no forbid- den while such house -ear trailer is Inure and regulations, any duly coll.(b) ldnt Lod for bnxhresx pun*u;r:+ located in a trailer Camp. "tituted officer or agent of any de- Shall not have leis than a :a (ea One shall be of rho County o nrtlhm charger with the duty to Inspect feat frontage. (c) Lots for f.charged fo every each sex for every ten 0) omits atilt Conoco camps shall notify the Ii -such se shale aea shall nil hate hal" have less orr or fraction thereof, Provided that provided cendit n[ such trailer came o[ snot that' than a 50 foot and tuns may be required for one. corrected. If lits violation not shall be not Jere than 6,000 s thalle tenth o[ the required number of to the satisfaction of the o square feet In area. showers. Ono wash basin shall tor department Department complaining, within a (d) alleys are not provided provlred for each sex for each five reasonable time after notification, iNV n In blocky or tracts, lhero (5) units or frat'tion thereof. Such the license for much tiller camp uhall bo n prevision that tho showers or beth tubs and wash bas- may be revoked by the County Zou- roar Ion ret of Iota or hist" Ina shalt be .located In buildings or Ing Board an the recommendation to said blocks nit;. it he deals- . structures In accordance with the of such department. noted as reservr•1 to the uno requirements of the County Health ARTICLIC XI'11 of the plobllc for lite purpose officer and of ouch material as shale Non-Conforndn of Inataling sever" :uol oth- - ermit Satisfactory cleaning. The f floors Ilia Provisions of this Bemotutfon er Itthtl.w. of each such building shall shall not IIPpi+u ly to existing flding" (e) AI) Dlala, rePlatx, addfr(lns or h 'm er concrete Or other non -porus 'material and lights for such build- or structures, nor to the existing use of any buildings or land at if,, lfnm aubdivtsfons, nihil prmlde. a Proper rc laUon ,f street area Ings shall at Such as provide am- PIS Illumination at right. of the adoption hereof, but eduI❑ t - to the arra o[ Pitted lots or g ply to any alteration Of a building traits so that Pumhasern of (c). Slop sinks shall be Provide( with or Its use for a purpose or In a um n- nci different nudt platted property Shill have use .running trltcr for every tier from the use [o which Proper of their pro r- (5) units, or fraction thereof. N, It Was Put before the altcrntion; ester -S an -1 easy accr.;r h•r pu�o- sink located within a hem,e-car trail. Provided, that nothing In this !toxo- Ifs thoroughfares; ;n+d tttev or shelf be used unless it discharge[ lution shall p.cvmtt the restoration - shelf further protide suffiriclbl. Into a drainage synten In nn aP Of a building R tannest not more open sn a, -es for tiatfi,.. uitlll-) Proved miner, or into an approve( �,' than fifty Per cent OI Its assessed plea, rtcce�s o[ [hs.((ght bre nD- tr,po container \which shall be fly t value, by fire, explosion, act of Cod or the pubpe Parahla, reerCbttell, light and air, for gilt and Secured from spilling. Suck containers must be emptied Into Slol enemy, or prevent the continuance of the Ilse of such build- and the avohi:mc• If congp"toi of oopuuulon and minks regularly ao as to prevent Spili• Ing' or )tart thereof, as such time ex- Injury to henith. age upon the ground, and In any toted at the time of such damage, - (f) )[ landn to ho platted came nn least Once in every twenty- A nonconforming use %tiny be J+roposed Ito with % threo littler of the four (l� hour period. M. il 1 changed to a more restricted use, and when SO changed It I'll -Si corporate limits of the +lit, of Sails,, Ube -S( S water and sewage from toilets,, Showers. bathtubs, wash Shall not again be changed to a less restricted )lint Shall .• submirlor to file Planning and basins slop sinks, and other plumb- use, When n non• conforming ume Zonis g Cnmminslon Of file ally Ing fixtures In the trailer camp itself hnx Weendiscontinued for atm of Salina find the rovernbtg shall be carried to a Proper drains So months, It sit 11 not be, re-estnhli:+hrd body of the City of bulina, a system; the utranm of treating sew- us and future e shall be In conformit y Hanmas. age Shell be provided ns may be PP • with the pro%loton" Of thin 1.7narl- (g) All Plans, s, Plate Or repea! roved by the Administrative Officer' molt, Ii thSturdr' ing the Dupose Shall bear the certithmthm or 1 and aha County Health Officer. far which the premises were erected a professlai:%] engin,r Ilernard (e). A tightly covered menti gar- or used. under lir tsars of the Stale bags can ahrtll be provided for each ARTICLE XVII[ of (tans: S. occupied area and such means of New Plate and Repblto ARTICLE XIX transferring garbage therefrom W lamer containers shall be pnrvldeU en s acceptable to p, All plans, plots or septals a[ lands-numerale, In this resolution Irannils still Certificates of Orcupnney the County Health OffM shall be submitted to the Pinnning A. No building or structure. M. K). The AdmintethRtllv0 Officer Board for Its consideration and ret- ennmendnUen and then to tum County obiter turn for agricultural purpOmes °hail • hereafter shall, In certifying to the Zoning Commissioners for their offldnl con- he en•eted, moved, of larg- Oil. rOM19trUcled or structurally ul- 0 tored except htcwrformlty to the regulations for the district In which the slime Is located. nor shall any Mork be started upon such building or atructuro until a permit for such Lta horn .Issued by the Adminlxtra- ' Ivo Officer. whlch,y.rmit shall state that fila 771roposed budding complies With all tele provlaloloof thinitcao- lution. D. mho fee '-for ''-a .pet•mtt for the construction, vooving in, reconstruc. than, or alteration of a building rohall be an follows: 1. For nn expendLLure of $1.000 or less• the slain of $2.00. All over 111,060, 15 craw per hundr(d dollars or fraction thvreot not exceeding $50.00. C. Tho application for a permit shall "he upon much forms and the u ppllcalt shalt (urnlsh such Infer- tnallnn as the County Planning Board shall require. U. Such fees as are required ht 'this Resolution shall be paid to the Administrative Officer who shot! deliver bane to the tlreanurer of Sicallne County to the Credit of the General hood. bl. No vneant bund shall be occu- pied or used. except for agricultural uses, pain in, butldigs. hereafter orect•. ed 'or structurally altered alkali be oecuplod or used until It Certificate . of be:up:ncY [hall have been Issued by the admmistrativa officer. t•erllfleale of Orenpaney for a hutdiotal Ccrilfleales at Occupancy far •R Crew building or the altermiall of tilete regula- c issuance of it it temporary cor- may be Issued he officer for a on, .six months, on of allerliona ra•e11naN`y of a I, cu•Ixoruen na In any way liner. Ing (he rasp•t11va raglan, 'dal lex or nbligntions of the Owners or of the counts, relating to the time or ve. cup:ux'y of ilia premise&, or ally other mallet- covered by this resolution, and much temporary certifiento Shall not be• Issued except under Such crouch tions and as will adequately lltsure' the safety of Ella Occupant". 1'erliflade or Oeeu money for Land: Cer!lfirntc of .Occupancy for file use Of vntant land or aha change in the ,-harnoter of file time of bond :Is here - aro any suen amu snail or used and it Certlfl- tpawY shill[ bo issued Page Ten tercet In the building affected. (No fee "hall be charged for a Certifl- Cate of Occupancy.) bu ldhP shalllobee Issued) before as, Pillation has .been made for Cerlifl- cats of Occupancy. AltTlel.R XX Administrative 9ff4ce Tiro County Comallsaloners &hall appoint an Adminintrntive O[Ocer S "hall have general "dmin)stra- tI C power for tha currying out of these regulations, who atet" receive all Ein ;all.. for Pen•m ltim Is&Ito I. herndts Provldcd for here, whop the name comely with then. I ula- tbms; collect it. Ices for such por- nllta, and who tlIta)1 enforce these rcgulatlena. ARTICLE XXI (b) Permit the reconstruction of or of If ea. alive of file non-confornung use. (c) requirel entsl where tthereyare Practical difficulties or an - necessary hardships In the carrying out of provisions of this Resolution, Provided such Variation will lot seriously ef- fect tiny adJolhhlg Property or the general welfare. (d) Authorize variations hl the strict application of the terms of this resolution if Such car- lutious are ho harmony with the general purpose and In- tent of the Resolution, but on) when Elle Board Is sells. ileal that tike grunting of such Let witiile tee (10) days after the all. les and a t e batt! and fit the battle I'l elm ifs aur ranwil Voll.^.dies Ireen nude, provided such •.: Is It Conformity with the lY be pre - routected. prtr: h;onlx u[ fosse reguhlllmm' Said Rmlrd of Zoning -lL•cupnncy Ad lout In hereby apaci• Q•. rlifleate o[shallticxily aulhurlmd to Ptral[ Mule that the bui101ng or Proposed additional or different uses of use of 11 Idnlding or land. col lilies lands :old or buildings for will, ::II the bllllding :line bealth laws nll{•II PII I'II(IbL•bi provided, Ilaw. old on. uud with the pro• ever• tech uo business shall be f lnLiu. if !bore rt'eninlbinA. A rue• pennlltvd w I I hen a 1:o- •.rd ��. ;oil valim-atts mho 11 be ke•llt diu11 of lhreo (7) tulles Ia lloa affw,t of Ilur mbuinin• of all term}ulallucd. lily In tem of l'..v 1' tied to elev :m:tl be IWnidenllal llinlrtct or l0 fit. 'Ino- -I Ie illy le -mm, srl�'ll ilea hlnll'Ict ..111. u;t r^t ti. -6n!' ..•. h.n:uvy lu• It,,: I!oa1'd elle: t.,nnult,A the governing body of any city .affected thereby and unless Ito has on file a writing showing that the recorded owners of two-thirds of all the realpprop- erty within one-half lila of the ground proposed to be used, do not object to the es• ttablishmont of such a business. (e) L•ermit variations In the size -wad location of buildings. Cx- ceVt that no Permit ahall re. duce the requirements call. tallied In Section L of Article XIII. (f) L•'very variation granted or do- nind by the Board nlkall be ac. eomgnnl.d by a written find. i3l"I. fact, based on testimony attd evldlnca and spcoiq•lklg [l10 reason far granting or de- nying the Variation. (g) Makerules and orders Inter - (h) pn1P- . and ARTICLE XXL Ilan lnuppllenble to Existing to •ami lexist[",Xusouuf &I,,,, Ibulldiugs but dull apply to any sllerutmla of R building to provide for It, use or Purpose or In a inner different Irmo the use to which it was put Le[oro oho alteration; provided, that thin resolution shall not Prevent the restoration of a building damaged not more than 60`70 of Jim a ... ssed valuation by fire, explosion, Act of God, or the public enmay, or prevent III- Continuance uildingr lct Iberc� f oma Suchor s uch b ,,, exlxtod at Ute little Of such danlalle, or prevent it change of much rxlMing use except under litnilallons provid. ed herein In relation to a•xisting building and premises. No deters t. n1lloll aur talo nor resolution shall be held to apply to the use of land for a'n'al tutu] qurpox.s, nor for aha orevtJ.,8 or maintenance of build- btg. Ihcreml for save. purp.xex mo long ten ouch )slid and buildings erected thelcon aro used for agri. cultural Ptorpuxea told no othcrwlmc: 1'rovkled, That no plat tier dedicn. Elan of any much ):end for pobllc purposva tray be luode without sub. nlnMun to the zoning -board :told the ❑pVroval of Ilk. euuul' ".seal+aeon• ens. Ih•uvld,gl, hoe arra that the proalo-nSl of inetes Is of Artich, r r XHI. shall be applicable to all strut. Yurra of any type. ARTICLE XXIII Procedure The.7amltg Board of-Snline Coun- ty .shall adopt rules of pracodura governing tiro administration of the seeing regulations here[,. provided, and maT} from llnm to time amend orr:"Poll the Paine without nonce of hearing: subject, however. to the ap- Proval of the Board of County Com- misaluners. ARTICLE XXIV Amendments Before .an notion .hail be taken 'pion any petition, the Party potl- tioning proposing, or necking a ekAnge.in these regulation. shall de - Posit with the Administrative OfR- cer the sum. of $lo.n0 to cover the coats e[ this Procedure and no part r o[ ..ch deposit shall theirea(ter be refunded. ARTICLE XXV Penalties The violation of Any regulallens, or of any ruin, decision, or order given under the terms of thin Zoning rider shalt be deemed a misdennenn- or and Punishable by a fine of not Is than ten dollars nor more then one hundred dollars for each offense and each day's vlolatlnn shall con.'stltute a separate offense. AUTlCLE XXVI Validity Should any section. clause Arturo. vision of this resolution he declared b7 any court of competent jurlsdic- tlan to be Invalid, 'the .nme nhall not affect the vRdiditY of thta Hoso- lution as a whole, or any Part there- of other than the part so declared to be invalid. ARTICLE XXVII Boundaries of Districts I. GREELEY TOWNSHIP (Being ofwnsthehi lith( PrincipalSoth A,e'di n)t Boundaries of Districts Therein. (al AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT H": (Note: All districts, residential, business and in- dustrial, may bo used for all agricultural Purposes,) i Palie hlnt•rn (c) APARTMENT HOUSE DIS- TRICT "C": The boundaries of Dbstrb, zones aro hereby estab- Ilshed as that portion of See- . tion 7 as Iles In the Southwest Quarter (SW%) west of the Smoky Hill River In Greeley Township in the County of Spline. State of Kansas. (dj LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DIS- TRICT `'P" (o) H17AVY INDUSTRIAL DIS- . TRICT "G": (b) RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT A" The boundaries of District touch. •md U.M. n' :n cf rald P 0 c t l o n Went 'It '-he Snmky I{0. ::Iv. er; all rd Seclinu 0 :w li.n South of It. S. I16;Lwa}' to ami the Snutlr.ve.t Quarter of tine 5oulhe'rst t;uarter (SW14) of the Snn,ln'..rl Quarter (SWy:) of anis s.c. line 4; Inc \nrllt One -inti -(N5:) of Serthm 7• lit;U.at Portion of Scelinn s North of the bsu linrl +;1 fie Rallnad Unrk. Ind ..t Of the Slaokv Hill River, ail the fault Iyhlg within it;" II -A ndarier of lines paralb-I to And 600 feet nn ellh,r nide Of tile. colter of the dlLsuur' PRelfic Railroad tra.•ka In SM(lous S. o, and 1G: and all In Greeley T,nu'nsl,lp, f"0 Y of Saline. state Of 3, SMOLAN TO\VNSIIIP (Being Township I6 South. It:nncc 0 \t'cs( of 1110 all, P.-blrl .al Idnridinn; Iletm- dories of l)hIr�,-la therein. (a) AGRICULTURAL DISTIllt.,t (Note• All distrlrto reddon- tlal, business And 6:1,slrinl. nay. ho uaod for Agi-hadturd . Purposes.) The beundarles of DinlrlOt "11" zone., are hercbv ewab- Ilshed its 5ecllons Z a, d, and 6, all In Sinaloa ifnw.'hip: County of $Ilb'r. Suitt of Kaunas, with the' ex'"Lion of that Partial] of -Aid .eetionn an are within the boundarles of the Smoky Hill Air ]ores Base. (b) Ri;SIDENTIAL DISTRICT or Section 12, 13, "t, 2 IG except for a strip M extending 500 feet on el side and parallel to the ter of the Union Pacific 1 road McPherson Branch track and that III, wilhout city limits of the town of ler as now Platted: and al the lands in ticcUOns 17. oinoam as .now platted; and . all In the Township of Smo- tan, County of '.;ethic. Slate. of Kansan. (c) APARTAIRNT 110115E 11I8- TRICT "C•': The boundaries of DhArict "C" are hereby (stnbllsbrd an All Of Section 7 in Smnina Township, Cnanty of Saline, State of Knnsaa. (d) HEAVY IN TRICT "G..DUSTRIAL UIS - 7. SMOKY HILL TO (Re- r . Page Twelve I, Township 11 South. Runge 3 , 4t sat of the';,thJ'Nncipnl Aforldlnn); Smoky Hill Township In the County of Saline, State officiallegalpaper of Saline Court- Boundaries o[ DistrictsURA Therein. of Kansas. Sys Xanene. (a) AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT (f) HP:AVY INDUSTRIAL DIS- The above and foregoing resolu- tion ' - TRICT 'G"; prepared and approved and submitted to the County Commis- (Note' All districts redden- tial, business and Industrial. The Boundaries of District eG" zones of Smoky Hill sinners of Saline County Kansan, on the 1st day of April, 1963. may be urea for all agricul- Township are hereby SHIP, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. tural purposes.) estab- limited as RAREFY ROSE, The boundaries of District "IL" all of the South- Ono -half (Slfs) of the South- Chairman. - A. F. BEhadver sones are hereby estab- test Quarter (80%) of Sec- Members lolled as .the. Southwest Quar- tion 1: all that portion of W, CARL JOIINSON, ler (SIV to of Section 26; ail of Sections 27. 28. 29, 22 olid Sections 2 and 11 ne, consists of the. strip of land extending MemA. 36; and all In Smoky Illi) 500 feet on either aide and - JACK CAMemb • Township In the County of -Saline. par- allel to the center of the Un-. Member. Attest: State of Kansas. (b) ItE.41DENTIAL DISTRICT lot, Pacific Railroad Plainville brunch line tracks; that Ralph Rleklela Jr., "A": por- tion of Sections 4, 6, and 6 es connlsts of the Secretary. Hat Everetq The boundaries of District strip of fail County Engineer limited lie all of Seel S. 20, 30, 31 and 36 of Sections 22, 29, 2 as Ifo without the e of Salina, I{anexis; a of Sections 2, 4, 6 6, 16, 11,18 and 14 r TI.—ind, m, �Inl Til. ' andtrll District "li" and all that kind of "6 as lies east and north of U. S. Ifighway 81: and so much of Section 14 as Iles Horth and west of Dry Creek ]liver; and all la Smoky 11111 Township In the County of Ualine. State of Kansas. (e) IIIISIDIGNTIAL DISTRICT D". of maid section and ex. mer Snbdivlslon and 2nd ::ubdivislon lo- sald section, In [fill Township In the of Saline, Stale of NT1AL DISTRICT John A. Crowther, Attorney dor Zoning Board The above and foregoing reso- lution adopted by the Board of County Commissioners at Its regu- lar meeting this 19th day of May, 1963. KEITH HUGHES, Chairman V. H. LINDEMAN, PHILIP NELSON er Attest: Member T. R. SHEDDEN, County Clerk (SEAL) '-C': i 4. GLENDALE TOWN-SliIP, Tee Jloundarles of District ......I`oa PLEASANT VALLEY TOWNSHIP, of Smoky 11111. ' ELM CREEK TOWNSHIP• CAbl. 1el'e hereby eslb Ir -; ;::s1 4111 of Lorne! Sub. RRIA T O W N S 111 P, DAYTON ol,-Won and Lamer's 2nd Sub- TOWNSIIIP, OIIIO TOWNSHIP, (lvlsinn, locate( he Section 26, rxcept so much of Lots 2, 3, 4 NORTH SPRING CREEK TOWN-. 7, K and 9 of Ilie 1, Uno and SRIF, SOLOMON TOWNSHIP. . J.otm 4, 6 and 6 of Bloclt 1\vo e.Ile R�Nu o! United to'Ay SOUTH SPRING CREEK TOWN- TOWN- li Number 81 In Amoky me y SHIP, WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. J11A '0 hi in the County WALNUT TOWNSHIP, EUREKA of Sclinc, Sln It of Kansue. TOWNSHIP, SUMMIT TOWNSHIP, (e) tatuf,r INDUSTRIAL DIS- FALUN TOWNSHIP, SMOKY VIEW TRICT "F"': TOWNSHIP, LIBERTY TOWN. The Boundaries of Diddet SHIP• AND GYPSUM TOWNSI7IP. shoes of Smoky Hill To•.r zone u f hereby es Hill a) UNRESTRICTED D I S T R I C T limited as all of t.etm 2 3, 4. 7 8 9 tula "1": sad Of Bloclt (Sae Lilo 6, and 6 of Block Two, Two. All of the abOVe tolVRanl)ls r Suadivrleh o! Section shall be unrestricted and the .6, 20, Ox so of said lot" premises or an,- structures I'sIl Ito ISO, Of of United Slate" thereon may of any of Nllilxwl Kl; y N of permitted the lihe9 1stri tied hl ell Of SkeLlo I Saetist 1 not zoned oe ]leery a _ the other dlHtrltm and for any Restrict "t7" here- ail other uses wthe 11: In: all O Sec'14,11 le an Iles "tale under laws of ils- laws o[ the f Konlh r.[ the Senn Fo Itnll- State of I{unHun . as I,rld t•aek lot '•lined as Uea- Public hearhlgH having .been held re lndwarlal 111strlet •'G"; In ae,"mdanre with law thim reahlu- ^t K,.[th.n IL 10"g Neth lion shall Leehlnn arfh4el, effective V. is. 1Rg11 n'a!' •pl;. nil III tide Andnlg Wwr publlmllloll III the ADVKN716U1.61111.SSALINA. KANSAS I '. l