sewage discharge 311 s. 3rd 12/2/1981SALINA-SALINE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH - GOVERNMENT CENTER • SALINA,KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE 913/827-9376 December 2, 1981 Daniel Hebert Assistant City Attorney Planters Bank Arcade Salina, KS 67401 Dear Sir: Subject: Sewerage being discharged to the surface creating an unhealthful condition at 311 South Third This property is owned by Jack Sheahon and Scott M. Price. A notice was sent to them November 3, 1981 in regard to this problem. Mr.. Price contacted this office on November 13, 1981 stating that the problem would be corrected that weekend or next and asked for the time. It was granted. He also stated he would contact us for.approval. To this date no contact has been made. It is the Health Department's feeling that there has been sufficient time for the project to be cc-nle+--d and I am forwarding this to you for whatever action you would feel necessary to bring the problem to a close. A copy of the complaint along with a copy of the receipt of registered mail is enclosed.. If you have questions, please call. Sincerely Warren Griffin Supervising Sanitarian Enclosures cc: Building Inspection Don Hoff, City Engineering 0 -i wan: " � <orexauna.sNau TO: Warren Griffin Ronald R. Tremblay Ch ef Building and Zoning CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMO ...... DATE. 311 South 3rd October 29. 1981 In August of 1981, at the request of Imler Plumbing, I inspected 311 South 3rd to try to determine where the sewage was going.. Test shows that it is draining directly into the river channel.. A ® SENDER: CompNN hems I, 2. and 3.Add - fd1 te.vm, addled m Wa 711RN "REl0-o apace on I' 7,1 � wjn6 x^'ke is requested (cheek doe;) . Show to whom and date ddivmed.:.:........ g O Show to whom, date and address of . �ively'...�q O RESTRICTED DELIVERY Q L L a t n Show to whom and date delivered........,. C O RESTRICTED.DELNERY, Show to whom, date, and address of ddivery.f__ . (CONSULT POSMASTER FOR FEET) RTICLE ADDRESSED TO: 3. RTICLE DESCRIpTiON: RSG13iea EO NO, CERTIptED Np,` { INSURED NO. (AiwaYs obtain s:gnMft of addeess&& or &Dant) . I have received the Will, described ,bove. -' s1DNATLiRE OAdd,w pAuthed:d . Ee1JY /" "0 ...GC ,4 4 e ADDRESS IC ,,, en ',�-) a. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: C , KS INITIA 1f aTa. ` SALINA-SALINE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH - GOVERNMENT CENTER • SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE 913/827-9376 November 3, 1981 Jack Sheahon & Scott M. Price 1226 East {Wayne Salina, KS 67401 Dear Sirs: Subject: Sewerage being discharged to the surface creating an unhealthful condition Legal Description: S115' L 9 Plat J It has been brought to our attention that.sewerage is being discharged into the river from 311 S. Third creating an unhealthful condition. A survey of the property was made by the city plumbing inspector, city engineer, and City Sewer Department. The complaint was found to be valid. Tou are hereby notified that under Chapter 15. Article I Section 15-7 the property at 311 S. Third is to be hooked to the city sewer.system to remove this unhealthful condition. .Under Chapter 15 Section 15-3 this problem is to.be corrected within ten (10) days from date of notice. We would appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, Warren Griffin Supervising Sanitarian WG:la L. 0. BENOTSON, CITY ATTORNEY DANIEL L. HEBERT, ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY PLANTERS BANK ARCADE. SUITE C 114 EAST IRON AREA LoDE 9138 55482 P O Box 903 AREA CODE 913 8232244 December 3, 1981' '' Mr. Sco t Price F Mr. J ck Sheahon 122 East Wayne Sa ina, Kansas 67401 "Re: Sewerage Discharge at 311 S. 3rd, Salina, KS Dear Scott and Jack: I have been requested by Warren Griffin of the Community Health Department to follow up on their previous correspondence with you regarding the above situation. I realize that you have been involved in some potential litigation regarding this situation, but it does appear that Mr. Griffin is correct in asserting that a violation of City Code Chapter 15, Article I, Section 15-7, is occurring. please do whatever is necessary to correct this situation or advise me of the situation of your litigation; otherwise, some injunction proceedings will probably have to be instituted to secure compliance. DLH:bhh cc: Aarren Griffin L. O.. Bengston, very/.fxx�ly yours, Daniel L. Hebert, Assistant City Attorney City Attorney MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES C 0 P Y SALINA-SALINE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH - GOVERNMENT CENTER • SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE 913/827-9376 December 17, 1 Daniel L. Hebert Assistant City Attorney Planters Bank Arcade, Suite L Salina, Ks 67401. Re: Sewerage discharge at 311 S. 3rd, Salina, Kansas Dear Dan: An inspection of the above residence was made on December 17, 1981 by Warren Griffin of this department. He has informed me that no effort has been made to correct the problem. Pursuant to Salina City Code Chapter 15, Article I,. Section 15-3, 15-7 and 15-8, I request you proceed as outlined. The Owners of Record have had more than ample time to eliminate the violation. Ver truly` our, P UL J. RICHARDSON, M.S.P.H. Director cc:Rufus L. -Nye, City Manager L.O. Bengston, City Attorney ellon Hoff, Assistant City Engineer PJR:ejs r