sewer spec. 2/19/1987STATE OF ".<A --SAS DE?AR^N.E+' OS HE;,LTH ?YD ENVIRONMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENT AP?ROVAL OF PLANS ,;ND S?ECIFICATIONS A'ND ?ERMIT No. 18220 FOR EXTENSION 0: A SANITARY SEWER In accordance with the Provision of K.S.A. 65-165 and K.S.A. 65-166 as amended, the Division of Environrzent has granted approval* to the £or Seven Additions on City Project #85-725 and hereby grants permission to VIL VI Vp, niu---- (Name of Municipality, District, Institution, Corporation of person, and Mailing ress Salina, Kansas 67401 to discharge sewage from sewer extensions serving these seven additions on City Proi ct #85-725 (Sewer District, Subdivision or Other) _:.to City of Salina Main Wastewater Treatment Plant and thence treated into (Nm ae of Recei•.ng sewer Syscao) Lower Smoky Hill River in compliance with Kansas :rater ?ollutccn (;tame of Receiving stream or Lake) Control ?emit No. M-SH33-1001 a= -active May 1986 -subject to the following conditions and requirements: Ne have noted that the project references _??roved s?eci£ications currently on file with our office entitled: Standard Sanitary Sewer Specifications - City of Salina .;e are retu_--izc: continuous engineering observation of the construct'_on Of the proposed improvements, (observa- tioa o£ building sewer connections shall be the responsibility of the owner unless Ot er'dise s peci_ied is contract documents) shall be provided in accordance wits' Kansas De?arc�ent o£ gealt:-. and=nviron.•nent Regulation Ze-16-55 and as defined in Nater Quality Polic•! :1e.^..o:andun 92-78, e£:ec- tive January IS, 197e. Notification that the project has been ccm?leted in substantial accordance with the approved plans and specifications gust be reported to the Di•r_sion of Environment -with the attached ora. For the Secretary, Department of Health and Environment. Done at Topeka, this 19th day of February 19 87 Cndy 1 Munic pal Programs Section Bureau of Water Protection cc: North Central District