uprr sewer line crossingDEAN.BOYER. P.E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL 'Whete/1/atth CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 900 WEST ASN STREET P.O. BOK 746 SALINA. KANSAS 67401 November 12, T975 Union Pacific Railroad Company Transportation Division 201 South Fifth Street Kansas City, Kansas 66110 Attention: Mr. R. E. Orrick, Superintendent Dear Mr. Orrick: D. W. BASSETT ABBY. CITY ENGINEER RON TREMBLAY DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL Enclosed are two copies of a drawing showing the details of a proposed force main sewer line crossing your Salina - McPherson Branch, 4,160 feet south of your M.P. No. 4, in Section Thirty-six (36), Town- ship Fourteen (14) South, Range Three (3) West. Our department is completing final construction plans and specifica- tions for this project. This new sewer line will serve the Key Acres No. 2 and Bonnie Ridge Subdivisions located in the South -Half (S.1/2) of said Section Thirty-six (36). We propose to let a construction contract on this project in about three to four weeks, if the details of the proposed railroad crossing meet your requirements. The steel encasement pipe will be installed by boring from manhole "V to the west right-of-way line. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you have questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact this office. Sincerely, DH:MKP ENC: (2) Don Hoff, Design Engineer MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Ci O � n LLS J a'N 41 In N ocm m« =w�- a N W x N W, i Mia -T I a m [- 11 IIILL 3 w z 0 H w