mprr specs/const. of industrial trackageSPr' =ICATICNS FQR CCNSTR=.Lm cr nujsTRIP.L Tpkm I !"SSaJRI RkCi ZC RULRDAD CWPAYY nMSTRIrL DEV-PIORENT :.; I. TRACK DE.SIO a. Curvatr=e b. Turnouts II. ROADMD a. Width b. Slopes C. Subballast d. ,Side Ditches III. TRACK MATEMATTS a. Rail b. Fastenings c. Ties d. Ballast N. CL: -RAN r RF ZJIR �' S a. Horizontal b. vex -tical — -� — V. TRACK CCNSTZ}CTIO4 _R IILZ " QTS a. Track laying & R rfacing VI. R=MaP.D CCNITRACIORS VII. =- JTBITS a. Typical Roadbed Section b. Clearance Diagram c. Ta rout Standards d. Pipeline Soeci`ications e. industrial Track Ac=-e�--.e-*:t (Sa=le Copy) I. TRACK DESIGN a. Curvature Horizontal - Curvature not in excess of 100401. In instances where curvature in excess of 10040' is necessary, each situation is checked carefully to explore the possibility of reducing the curvature to the minimum possible. A tangent distance of at least a car length (50' min.) between reverse curves is required. Vertical - The maximum reasonable length of vertical curve is recommended. Each extreme condition is carefuly checked to insure development of the best possible situation. b. Turnouts No. 10 turnout required out of main track. No. 8-1/2 turnout recommended for inside or industry track other than out of main track. No. 7 turnout considered where site conditions warrant. In instances where this smaller turnout is unavoidable, each situation is carefully investigated and industry advised that the track cannot be used for delivery of large or jumbo type cars. II. ROADBED a. Width 22 ft, average 24 ft. for unit train operation b. Slopes Fills - 2:1 unless conditions warrant flatter slopes. Cuts - Not less than'l-1/2:1 in common with 2:1 slopes recommended; 1/4:1 in sound rock. c. Subballast Cap entire width of roadbed with a minimum of 9" compacted depth of crushed limestone screenings or equivalent sub -base material. (3/4" minus limestone Keith no more than 7% passing through 200 sieve.) In locations of highly plastic soil, normally the top 6" underlying the sub -ballast is lime stabilized on the basis of field tests by qualified soil laboratory. d. Side Ditches Flow line at least 2 ft. belO'v: fi iis.`led subVrade. Flora line width at least two feet, or more, as conditions warrant. III. TR%Cx M 7-UUA a. Rail Under light to average traffic conditions, Good 90:.E relay rail recmrr--nded. in3er hewn traffic conditio,^.s, good 112", Class "C", ccntrol cooled relay rail, c heavier. b. Fastenings Angle,Bars, secondhand, to ratwh rail. Tie Plates, secondhand, to be largest size available Z or the rail weight with provi=_ion -for double shouldered plates in all curves above six degrees. Track to be fully plated. Track Softs, new, to appropriate size for the bolt holes in the rail section with length s;fficient for a full nut and heavv duty nutlock (nevi). Track Spikes, new 5/8" x 6" installed pe-- FRA standards. Rail Anchors, new to be installed at an ez.:ivale.r rate Of 24 per 39 --foot rail panel. c. Ties New, creosoted hardvriod No. 2s or 3s, 6" x 8" x 8'6" or 7" x 8" x 8'6", recammnded for all tra-ffic conditions spaced 19-1/2" center to mater of tie. Lareer ties reocman5ed for heavy traffic. New creosoted s:'ltch ties tO acC u. to NO. t -- –boat Used. �4 d. Ballast Under light tra-ffic, crushed rock scree_nincs or equivalent m3terlal. Under heaVJ traffic, crushed rock ballast, n in line cualit;!, : �Ez class 5 gradation %-*techallcr4a:n e w�ea- based on the los knaeles Ahr-asion Test, li:Lted to 30%. de=^ h 12" betweertco C -f F:}b-- —ea7d too Cf tie. Tie full ballast section e>:t ads 9" beycnd ends 0-f tie and thence to suix ade On not less th n 3:1 slope. IV. CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS a. Horizontal Various Structures - 8.5 ft. minimum centerline track to nearest obstruction on tangent track. On curved track add 1 inch per degree of curvature. Freight Platform - 51911, 610" or 810" (Kansas -6'2" or 81011) Max. 4' above T/R from centerline of track to edge of (one side of track platform on tangent track. 8'6" minimum only) clearance must be provided on opposite side of track. On curved track, add 1 inch per degree of curvature. b. Vertical All Structures - 23 ft. minimum above top of rail. Overhead Wires - 27 ft. minimum above top of rail. Note: Power lines must comply with NESC Code Requirements. Underground Pipelines - 5'6" minimum below base of rail of main track to top of pipelines and/or casing. 06" minimum below base of rail of industry track to top of pipelines and or casing. V. TRACK CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS a. Track Laying and Surfacing 1. Track laying and surfacing shall be performed by foreman and laborers experienced in railroad track construction. 2. No track shall be laid and no track materials shall be placed on the roadbed until the finished subgrade has been inspected by Missouri Pacific's Engineer. 3. For all traffic conditions, 24 cross ties shall be installed in each 39 -ft, panel of track and shall be uniformly spaced 19-1/2" center to center of tie. They shall be laid at right angles to the rail. Only New Ties Recommended. 4. Ties will be pre -bored. Pre -bored holes must be used for spikes. 5. When handling or spacing ties, care shall be taken not to damage them with picks or hammers. Pulling ties into position with picks or shovels will not be permitted. Tie tongs shall be used for this purpose. e 6. The pulling of spikes, once drive:, shall be avoided insofar as possible. bnen spies are a lied, the holes shall b= plugged with crecsoted tie plugs of the proper size to co.:�1epeI_v, ana tight11- fill the hole. 7. Tne bottcr. of the rel, t'7e tie plate and the wepring surface of the tie shall be cleaned before the rail is laid. 8. Tie plates shall be applied in a war vranlike manner at the tine t -p_ rail is laid to avoid u _necessa-*v soikinc. They n st be so placed that the sh7alde-r is aaaLl^st tee outside base of the rail for the e Lire length- of the shoulder. 9. Rails shall be. unloaded, stored or distributed along t�_ roadbed in such rre-nner a_nd by use of such e supra: t as will prevent in jury to then. The method and ecaint used by the Cont- actor will be subject to the a`proval Of Missouri Pacific's '—Engineer. 10. Rails shall be so laid that the joints on one side w-:1'_ not van, mre than 18 inches in either direction from the center of the opoos to rail. 11. Rails of rrisceilaneel_S lenctin=, less than 39 feet shal_I be used at suitable intervals for the prOx` stagger of joints on caves. ?iscellaneous short lencths it excess of the narbar re aired for the sore na*red gsrposes shall be laid togethe-r in `�ancent sack using due care to maintain proa=r staggered joints. 12. Rails less than 18 ft. lona shall not be used except. for te:raorary closures. 13. Rails shall be laid one at a time, and to insane cos adjustm-nt, the rail ends *crust be broucap sc, zrely together against expansion shims of the thic',rnessrhere. inafter spec_ -_.e^ and -:hall be belted befcre spiking. 14. tension sri7s of soft w or f -,.,--e = all h,:- _; rn, by the Contractor of T i6messes as prescribe for varioas terroeratures in the t_abalaticn below: Thickness of s_ :Lm rec. =ed Range of Te-_ratures30'-=4' rails 35'-39' rails 6 - 25 Decrees _ 3/16 inch 1/4 inch 26 - 45 1/8 11 3/16 46 - 65 111/8 " 1/8 66 - 85 1/16 ,./i6 over 85 N=e None 15. Rails shall be cut s:uzm--re and clea-+ by Mal- or rail sans. Holes for cmnlete bolting of cat rails s: all be drilled by an approved type of rail drill. Under no circtr;rstanca shall new ;tiles be dri lied between. two holes Al eadv drilled. CUttinc rails or drilling holes in cut rails by r-c-,ans of acetylene or electric toren will not be pe-^ztted. 16. A total of 12 rail anchors shall be applied in an approved canner to each 39 -Foot rail and proportionate nsnbe--- to the shorter rails. 17. The a=mp--iate number of bolts shall be applied acoording to the rail joint used. 7'ne nuts of all bolts sj-all alternate miformIly inside and outside of each joint. All tack bolt=_ shall be installed women the rail is laid and nuts turned up snug, after crilch all bolts shall be tightened three tiros; first after track has been brought to aboroairrately true alignnent; second, after it has leen given the first raise of rock ball -last; and finally, Lmm--iately before the co:=leticn and acceptance of the work. Each bolt shall be ecui-pen with a spring, Dasher of size required to fit ire dia�te_r of the bolts used. For the final tightening a w—iencn not under 36 inches and not over 42 inches in, length shall be used by men of average strength Or bO1t tighteners adjusted to bolts tightened by hand, as described above. 18. Lhe right hand rail going in the direction cf the track stationing or the outside rail on carves small first be spiked in position in its proaer relation to the lined errd of ties. i e ooaosite rail shall then be spiked to true gage -by using -a tested and arc^roved tack cage and caging track at every third tie, according to the folla„-inc. Degree of Carve Gage 61 any under 4 8°-01' to 100 e' - 8-3/4" 100-01' to 120 4' - 8-7/8" 120-01' to 140 c' - 9" 19. 7A- spikes, one on the cage side, and one on the field s_de of the base cf rail, shall be used to fasten each rail to the tie on tangents and OUIVe-- except vdt.in the lin"its Of Curves Of 6° Cr 'STcre vme_re ti+D sp i':es vill 5e used on the gace side and one sO_ .iKe will b` Used on the field side. 20. Spikes shall be stagg`-ed so that the outside spi::es shall be on the saw side of the tie and the amside spikes on the opppsite side, except where e>tra s? "es are used in curves of 60 or core. C�tside spike=_ szor;ic be placed o n side of tie to•.,a-d 0100 ~cinee ng C.airace Station. y 21. Rail shall not be struck with raul or hea-,,c• tool unen spiking, gaging cr lining. 22. Spikes shall be s`,.axted vertically and square. They shall be driver, straight with full bearir against the base of the rail. Straightening with maul of spikes started crooked will not be p=-mtted. Spikes started crooked shall be pulled, the holes plugged, and spikes redriven. Spikes shall be driven so as to `law 1/8" to 3/16" space betwee^.'the v_nderside of the head of the spikes and the top of the base of the rail. Imzediately after c=pletion cf track s rfaci.;g, spikes shall 1p " settled in place with the underside of the head of the spike contacting the top of base with a rinirum of D-ess�re. 23. Crushed rock ballast or crushed rock screenings or approved equivalent raterials shall be used to surface track. 24. In raising the track, not less than: G jaC S s'l be used s1'iLl.ltaneo`—,sly; per _r-fO'Jt rail o_` 8 jacks Der 39 -foot panel with Jacks space.- .i t2-jr the panel. No jackshall be placed nea er tha^. 12 inches from the end of any joint bar. .11 jacks shall be set plumb and both rails shall be raised at the sane: tiTTe and as nearly uni`o_rnly as posy;^le. The use of powered ;sack Jacks for making sack raises will be acceptable to the Carrier.1Jot Jess than 3 lifts will be made to raise track to grade. 25. Ties shall be tamped from 15 inches= inside either rail to the ends of the ties by use of apprmved mechanical taming equigrent. 26. Wbm the track has bean raised to with r. 2 inches of final grade and prepe_-1v cYz:r.,acter, the final iift sha11 be made by jacking the track up to the exact elevation provided for by the grade of stake-. 'ane ballast shall then be applied under the ties for their ent_e lenh: The space extended from 15 inches in=_ice either rail to the ends of the ties s':all be thora,2c_.l: taxa. L" -less otherwise authorize -d, tris ficial 1-_t S:,all Y:it', tp-7=1i 1c ra S, ta=I ,inn pic.vs Or by approved .,?'*,.:`., )g_ rachines. Care shall b_ exercised tO =i'_I the space Linder the center c= each tie with Willa= -t. :n mscinc the finishing lift, the spot board a^- level baa,. -},all be used with care and the track breu_�.t to a t. -Lie s,Irfaoe and reo ired elevation. 27. After track has bee*,rout tc t-ue su=ace, elevation aad trade, it spallgiveL a aminal li. a and 'acea Ln true aligmnt coa or nine to the established t~acr.. 28. T Tnollts 5. >l i Je COnst_,Icte d accord_ng to the Dlcls. I CON'?'RACTlORS `J? "��'� USTR.T_A:. 'T•��{S �1 Com— 11 Cc= tructim Caro—a 1812 r e:�e J Texas 77547 (713) 0674-8477 George -adce Contractors P. O. Box 3098 Pasade_-a, Texas 77501 (713) 946-0183 A. -. Gaebler -nginee-ring & Const_ruc`don Co C.,i--.-: Sta*tion Railding 501 Cra ecru S . eet ric_stc-, Texas 77002 (713) 227-9829 ^�. G. C. Wilhr'..s, Jr., Presiaent aint-- ance & Construction, Inc. Box L33 Tr."in,, Texas 75060 (214) 254-41/7 Mr. De'-xrt Mack Fez--" -,a„• Serrices, In--. 910 Collier S=eet - Suite 205 Fc- ` i -rth, Texas 76102 (817) 332-6106 E. S. Size -pre & Son P. O. 5= 48856 Teas 78408 (512) 241-4244 4;.-;. A. Sri Cc.srrac`ion Co. 6060 Soal=_co:-:, Tl-xas 77020 (713) 672-0568 Trac -won, „ nn-. P. O. Box 54043 Souston, Texas 77018 (713) 681-0586 Paul T.. ?r0assa_•'d end rssoci-= — Saite 401 - Z._cr. S`„tion S.:_ildi_jc 501 C_aw ord Street r ha�lszozn, Texas 77002 (713) 227-9735 nL . D.=-1 Railco 5210 No ,h ?ain avt7.+_., 77521 (713) 428-1531 Mr. C. C. ratc*irson Neosho Construction Co., ?nc. Box 156 Council Grov?:a_n e, sa=- 66846 (316) 767-5184 Vessels, inc. Ala:-, W. `owl2-.a_-ie_v ?. 0. B --x 15921 Tulsa, 0.• i rTc 7:112 (915) 663-2699 J S-sth-Miller Co- -s act; -1 on Caraany Atten'rionn t. Dick C:--t'o.rter P. 0. Box 448 Pleasant-^., K ^.sas 66075 (913) 352-6138 Iongwili-Scott, Inc. Box 115 Mitchell, Illinois 62040 (618) 797-6953 GrOSshars - Petersen, Inc. R. F. 53, Box 350 N.=~ysville, K� isas 66508 Aatl as lack Constric-;.ion Came, 9825 Ciavois -Ttad P. 0. Box 4396 St. Louis, N sscrL=i 63123 (314) 636-0960 Herzog, Contracting Ca7=y tiandV Pocganille-r, v.P. & G.M. 1900 Ga --field Avenue St. Joseph,__Nisscr=- ,i__ 64503 (816) 233-9001 Neosho Const -ruction Co., Inc. P. 0. Box 8 Council Grove, zrsas 66846 (316)' 767-5184 Kelly R--iLroad Ccntrac-�ors, L -1c. 6420 Prescott Avenue St. lcuis, ":isscr=i 63147 (314) 261-6716 :'' . Dar? P--ca-n R=ico I`'l L Cons=Licticn, Ln--. 5210 Nbrth mai^, Ea%ta�m,sxas 77521 (71.33) 428-1531 TRA=lt M=I n P TTS CaSi--, J.`TIOJ SfiPT i CY7 Z`7 TO �aSSO'JRI PAC=IC'S CCTRR�II' SMM _RDS MID P_�^? =S FOP =JS'_�:P_T, S JR 7W—KS AND SUR=E;.'^ TO i?_ R7T_vL By n::SSg�md PACIFIC'S Gum` E2\,-- •= OR T ETUR ATUMO —1, =E FEPR.S'EYT_ATIVE. vil. DZEMITS 11� oI tY .1 r� TY P'aal Rsa[6.f Sa cT:an a Whan va..�wAf. 1.,. .1a►:1iaaT:.w 2L1� G: RTiIIa IAT NO INSTAL S✓M.L AITY OBSTM=ION OF ANY KIM BE CO'STR1XMD =iM THIS 17' x 23' AREA, EXCEPT AS N= BEI. 1. II I 81-61 i I J MINMEN. CSSARA-M DIAGRAM FOR TANGENT TRACK (Curved Track - Increase Horiz. Distance 1" Per Degree Each Side of Centerline) Note: F -eight Platforms with maximrn height of 4 ft. above top of rail ray be constructed 519", 610" or 810" from centerline of tangent track to edge of platform. (Nothing in between.) On curved track increase'horizontal distance 1" per degree. Platform can be constructed on one side of track only. : C \I6-tNIMIp �IWIWfNINi� 0,o!�I.>aCo•nlo e.j�lmlp +p nn ^ LON 61 � <•,, lai DIS j 711, f o �f GI y t I I'tY Dw!�'nfM N I � i • � \I•F 1{f i �� '10 !a I; O O {Ill df l,:f t•1�O�of (µA��ft11s' 1 � �A 1 I 1 � c �'r11a'v 11 �m i a!� n \b j A `��'T101btlp�lr�`iGN�IG10 \Iti `Io I, iI nI4I�IJ � �� nl •I `) •I •I .1 1• i i `'r i n P a^ - O 4°'•^° y a •ti' I v eln • C'`IWI WININI61� A,jNO Y : C \I6-tNIMIp �IWIWfNINi� 0,o!�I.>aCo•nlo e.j�lmlp +p nn ^ � IG�OIWIyI�ININ�N.\I�I� > Taj: � ' I jam! ilfl�l� \ j 711, f o �f GI y t I I'tY Dw!�'nfM N I � i • � \I•F 1{f i �� '10 !a I; O O {Ill df l,:f t•1�O�of (µA��ft11s' 1 � �A 1 I 1 � c e 1 Y �t\ lk `��'T101btlp�lr�`iGN�IG10 no•3 ,i � �� nl •I `) •I •I .1 1• i i `'r � P !II!iIIII c•a -' , ' i 1 1�', I 13 : i:xW�G!.gfGitw�sly !i•I-ili ' I jam! ilfl�l� \ j 711, f o �f GI y t I I'tY Dw!�'nfM N I � i • � \I•F 1{f i �� '10 !a I; O O {Ill df l,:f t•1�O�of (µA��ft11s' 1 � �A 1 I 1 � c c I 1 In W N I � i • � \I•F 1{f i �� '10 !a I; O �A 1 ls... •\ c �t\ lk no•3 ,i rorK' � im �• P a^ - O 4°'•^° y a •ti' I i\I\ � \Inl ?•.I. n \ G:IY.INIGII�WIW NIN•\r1 n � •: a I l l f i i ♦t � ^ I } ~ SOIvIWj, o@i�''tn:�iYilolm'iG�6+'i0!v7^��-AI � ia••Y=uli'1�Y`.'4��� A A � I�'�4 1Y.1�1 * •I 'I i I •i �I •I � ♦i ♦�� I O 4 Ilill'i ill?e s : 'ro:+���1 iYei-Y`y, e` -b1 t^ .e Y• r�i`C'I I IN:\i �� i� •.. � lo•o F�� ♦`i i&J O ININ O♦ W:V:n1 .. +qlq O i\I\ � \Inl ?•.I. n \ G:IY.INIGII�WIW NIN•\r1 n � •: a I l l f i i ♦t � ^ I } ~ SOIvIWj, o@i�''tn:�iYilolm'iG�6+'i0!v7^��-AI � ia••Y=uli'1�Y`.'4��� A A � I�'�4 1Y.1�1 * •I 'I i I •i �I •I � ♦i ♦�� I O 4 Ilill'i ill?e s : 'ro:+���1 iYei-Y`y, e` -b1 t^ .e Y• r�i`C'I i I !: 1 Vii! i� i l l i l wRN�mA•6�� Ilii'tl 1 it6�: illf0 NININlA�Ou u n V Z - ='n W n I -Ifs O i •y.I: IW�SarIN,N1NI \'x!11,1 � C .ca .a n.aC •r g�g ! O:.r•N.-VI�,\,V-�ViMO, 1,1 NL ?� _r 'd: �1r,� "fir ,a-� •I I -Ifs C .ca .a n.aC •r g�g ! Aj> N V• • n. � i \!K KI 'G,e? I I C ?� � i I I •n�'n '+i �'R.1 vri v R, ;t vim." i i • �a:6 ai I<iM�OJI �I�NI6i�� Is.�a.Iu�il y 0 ON.W �:�• o0`,n la , ;Gia�C:O ro.Wl •-Nlnl •. ••y ro a � V"� fI i � I •:` G .2 . » IV�a�l�l �'��, M�IIJI � • � Wt.,lq O;p � n M N I i i n Y i 4ip Wlvl>;•n'� a ro °j0� �o�io�i�}e, y:CYrs o� o # 7p �' i ice$ •?� y o ij 1I/i� aa•»a 1 �CIv: V,v:w.pela:: �?a-a,'a a _AqI o n .•Ow r Ij�, itlli4 �i! ?a��a S p �3 �olat�:►ir ais7:.illni4�:.,l;w.�a;'O ,Ai O ? Ai? -+:�aFi a.. fir..: r"•'li+d':R* � 1! 0 p � O.p •I I� •I Y h }+ I lyl u ' ! I y � V n.y V 1 •1 � (� N. I• R O l � N —r 3 w a Z i alfl+... ay' y r— N na' • ��a � � ?�' � ._. _"__ � �o '-_i��-ice: I �� 'c:°.� � nii �°ba \•^ 1 :-= jf av 7 . 1 1 1 I1. 4nKnly \bv�� ]; t nOT AIa1V 4.v �lfjl �` n o A 't0 aill :n1p41an:q'O ti3Ola G r{ I Qp� �OImJp II n yl O�a�O�tTlp� � il. y 1 -v �j joji•!y��Nlsl!,!Isg;a \ I ? �1 I{III�1111 •ate Qp� �OImJp II n yl O�a�O�tTlp� � il. y 1 -v �j joji•!y��Nlsl!,!Isg;a \ A ? I •ate I.I.p+1�II111j4:<jetia�o.nln{� 1 . pala..nlMl�w �I�,W: NN.\In1 Y Z f O Ip111 �11N1p�On1�:O•�.,�1 '1�♦I 'I 11'1i77, I IY�I:li i ;nl a^ a t ` - tel• •. {� N O n p q �• C O \ C ». p Cob A it 1 J• Qp� �OImJp II n yl O�a�O�tTlp� � il. y 1 �j joji•!y��Nlsl!,!Isg;a \ A V_. VIVIVIViVl0:O:O.O.4.DI. ,� lO I.I.p+1�II111j4:<jetia�o.nln{� 1''c pala..nlMl�w �I�,W: NN.\In1 Y Z f O Ip111 �11N1p�On1�:O•�.,�1 '1�♦I 'I 11'1i77, I IY�I:li i ;nl n 7 \ i I I I ac 1^ 1N:Yi�` lO I.I.p+1�II111j4:<jetia�o.nln{� 1''c Inl w` 1. f O Ip111 �11N1p�On1�:O•�.,�1 I Yry si lj l'N:N;Oiq'..f:4. A',1, IY�I:li i ;nl n 7 \ •V � 'Y • w` 1. L n O •V � 'Y • w` 1. L N '1, a^ a x y . ^ ti N O n p q �• C O \ C ». p r A it O 'Y • w` 1. L N '1, t O . ^ ti q �• C \ r A it w I r 1 I + as i� oY epi y ti �z o z I -v • �� V::� �1 Y 1 1 VIVi � .L... _ II' � •� I �' 1 w = 0 r w I r 1 I + as i� oY epi y ti �z o z I -v • �� V::� �1 Y .L... _ = 0 r w I r SA I i. COPY �A T T3bD2 2/b! INDUSTRIAL TRACK AGREEMENT THIS AGR£EMEl:T, executed in duplicate 19 copartner, The undersigned Shipper ( ) to be addressed at (indhidcal, eoDanerr or corp. & zcau a�bere incoryosated) shall be served by certain ick, feet long, more or less, and appurtenances, herein called Switch. Switch is located at or near (Place) (county or v. -sib) approximately where shown by line, on the undersigned Carrier's (araye) attached print, map number dated at (Place) ' (MU) ' (month) ' (pax) ' 19 "Switch" also means, except as respects cost; ownership and maintenance, any addition to or extension of Switch. "Connection" means 2. Carrier may use Switch when not unnecessa•-i;y detrimental to Shipper. Carrier shall maintain Connection at Ca, -tier's cost. Remainder of Switch on right of way shall be maintained by Carrier at Shipper's cos.. Shipper, at Shipper's cost; shall maintain that section of Switch off right of way. Shipper. at Shipper's cost; shat provide anything requited by law for protection or benefit of owners of land adjacent to Switch. Shipper, at Shipper's cost, shall adjust Switch to any additional tracks'installed by or for Shipper or by reason of changes desired by Shipper for the benefit or convenience of Shipper. If any adjustment of Switch is made necessary by public improvement work required by governmental authority Shipper shall bear the cost of adjusting that section of Switch the maintenance of which is assed by Shipper. Carrier on Shipper's written request may, as agent of Shipper. furnish or do am-thirg recut umed of Shipper :hereunder; and Shipper on request shall deposit with Carrier in advance estimated cost thereof. If any deposit under this agreement be less than Carrier's cost, Shipper shall pay difference; if more. Carrier shall repay difference. Shipper shall pay Carrier's cus`wman, charges for labor. materials; equipment and supplies, and for handling, accounting and supervision. 3. Shipper shall not erect or maintain, or allow to be erected or maintained, any building, structure or fixture, or place or store, or allow to be placed or stored, material, equipment or obstruction of any kind, over or adjacent to Switch at distances less than those prescribed by competent public authority; and in no event shall any such building, structure, _`ietu e, material, equipment or obstruction be erected, maintained, placed or stored at a height less than twenty-three feet above nearer rail, or at a distance less than eight and one -hof feet from the center line, of Switch: provided: (i) the overhead minimum clearance of wires shall be in accordance with specifications of the current National Electrical Safety Code, and in no. event less than twenty -sever. `feet atove nearer :ail of Switch, (ii) the horizontal rninimum clearance with respect to curved tracks shall be in:reased one inch for each degree of curvature, and (iii) loading platform of car floor height may be constructed with a horizontal mearanCe -which is not prohibited under clearance Iegulanons established by competent pllbilC authority and w rich Shall .ave the approval of Carrier's Chief Engineer. Shipper a_ssurnes full responsibility for, and s^all defend, indemnify and .eve :.2.. le5c the Carrier from and against, any and all hability. sults. claims. damages, Costs (l.^,cl•1d'nc attorneys' fees). tosses. GSL:ayF and expenses In any manner caused by, ansSng olli of or ConnecteC P,athe ° i',:re o. Tef :: Sa'. of Shipper cc=.—!%- v,a.':, obsen'e oI perform any of the prorisions of this Paragraph S.anY Possiblenegligence vrhether Foie. concurrent or othen'ir, sel on the paof Carrier, its agents or employes, ` Farr 1 FORV, ;3002 216E A. ;:aL c:iGe: S:.00d that movement of railroad locomotives involves some nsk of fire and. uInless solely caused by ine' nEZI"Ance cf Carrier, which Shipper shathave the burden den of p oviag,Shipper assumes all responsibility for and agrees to 'S.dE.^__-�°Z' Carle: 2.gnlrlst IOSs 07 darnage t0 pro pe. Of Shipper or to property Upon SP.ippe:'S premises arising f;o^ L -e caused by locomotives operated by Ca. -Tier on Switch, or in its vicinity, for purpose Of se %-Lng Shipper or Shipper's L-nan;, i zr}', except to s , p premises o. Cattier and to rolling stock belonging to Carrier or to others and to shii.me.^.:s in course Of transportation. Shipper also agrees to Lndernriify and hold harmless Carrier for loss. damage or inju_: frc= a.^.y act or Omission of Shipper, Shipper's employes or agents, to the person or property of the pa.-:ies hereto and :he employes and to the person or property of any other person or corporation. x•hile on or about Snitch; and. except as otherwise provided in his agreement, if any claim or liability shall arise from join,-, or concur_ ng negligence of both pales hereto, it shad be borne by them equally. 5. Term hereof shall be concluded (a) by either party sewing on the other part), 30 days' written notice of such being ; e intention, (b) by Siupper failing for 20 days to cure any default after written noticethereof. or (c) at Carriers election without notice by Shipper's non -user of Snitch for six consecutive months. Any notice of Carrier shall be deemed sen -ed when deposited, postage prepaid, in U. S. mail addressed to Shipper 2< aforesaid. Any of Switch on Carrier's premises Shall belong tO Carrier, who may remove same upon conclusion of this agreement. "Carrier's premises" includes any public highway within Car lens right of nay produced. Covenants herein shall inure to or bind each penis's heirs, legal representatives, s.:ccessors and assigns; provided: no right of Shipper shall be transferred or Pssigned, either voluntarily or iryol �_ntarily, except by agreement acceptable to Carrier. Carrier or Shipper may waive any default of the other without affect rg, or impairing any right arising from, any subsequent default. Knowledge of or notice to Carrier of any default by Shipper hereunder and Carriers continued operation over Switch thereafter shall not be a waiver by Carrier Of any such defaul: or of any covenant. WITNESSES ........................................................................ ........................................................................ .`,... ATTEST: ....................................................................... (Affix sus. secretary Page By.................................................................. As Curie:, fist Parr Lexis As SLippet. seeont Darty herein.