ksng nickell barracks sand trap plan 4/8/1982STATE OF KANSAS THE ADJUTANT GENERAL MILITARY DIVISION TOPEKA, KANSAS 66601 City Engineers ATTN: Mr Don Hoff P.O. Box 746 Salina, KS 67401 Dear Mr. Hoff: 8 April 1982 Inclosed is a plan for the Gibson Sand and Oil Trap which I discussed with you on the telephone. This is a pre -cast trap that meets with most cities require- ments for a wash rack. If this meets with your specifications, please advise and I will start to work on building a wash rack at Nickell Barracks Training Centerat the Salina Airport. If you have any questions, I can be reached at the following number, (913) 233- 7560, ext 114. ,�S..i--ncceperely, Incl ELDO`El;NSON as LTC, GSWT, KSARNG Facilities Management Officer DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER State of Kansas The Adjutant General P.O. Box C-300 Topeka, KS 66601 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOK 748 SAUNA. KANSAS 87401 AREA CODE 813 827.9481 April 12, 1982 Attention: LTC Eldon E. Johnson Dear Sir: DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D. W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER We have reviewed your submittal regarding the present Gibson Sand and Oil Trap to be installed at Nickell Barracks Training Center. This concrete trap, as shown, meets our requirements for wash rack pits. It should be noted, however, that the outlet piping be in- stalled to meet the requirements of the Pl.umbing Inspector. Basic- ally, these piping requirements include a cleanout located outside the wash pit and a submerged outlet pipe. These items are shown on the enclosed revised drawing. If you need additional information, please contact me, Sincerely, Don Hoff, P.E. DH:jp Enclosure (1) MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES M M -i r» N i N :3 N b tV th H C a m t a N ra F - f+ $ .:C u O a 0 0 0 V F c z o ¢ N .O Q �+ z w M M -i r» M i