water main break I-70/us. 81 10/16/80 (2)KANSAS DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION aTATZ OYPICB BUILDWO-rOMMA. KANSAS 66612 JOHN B. KEEP. Secretary of Transportation JOHN CARLIN, Governor P. 0. Box 857 Salina, Kansas 67401 October 21, 1980 File: 2705-85 US -81 Alt. Salina, Kansas Permit No. 2-5604 City of Salina P. 0. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 ATTENTION: Don Hoff, Assistant City Engineer Dear Nr. Hoff: We are enclosing approved copy of Highway Permit No. 2-5604, to repair an 8 -inch C.I.P. water main located in the west ditch of US -81 Alt. Please notify Irvin D. Spillman, Area Superintendent at Ellsworth, when this work has been completed. Very truly yours, R. L. ANDERSON, P.E. District Engineer E. ALBERT GRAHAM District Office Coordinator :pm Enc. cc: Irvin D. Spillman, Area Supt: Department of Transportation P. 0. Box 147 Ellsworth, Kansas 67439 E. L. Fulton, P.E., Area Engr. Department of Transportation P. 0. Box 123 Ellsworth, Kansas 67439 Fe, P-5 4 p 'to 5% rt4q VIV-1 in i�U4 11SWY, X hT 0% U � 06 MW �W_ f A . . . . . . . . . tit of the'�ata of KaNutiereimftet red MUNA• X ,tu�'�UN�pk t� I1M." - a N i, teatWelY ns she :7, t AA, -the. 11. within us SlaiW way con or -11041' anal < T rM t 8� OUR It b oves, It Is Wthe interest or the Citizinl1s of the'msteqt2riniii to permit ciiiiiir4or �orprotects t 0o %V'. 4z y.,;.i'be Performed 'n to[fights-Of77a�enq 6 or, sndlnr �r�,Axontr. -requests ihnintsii" d 4 o.-ta pat V.�t;m theSoijejurf to- r Pat .7- - M5, X r* TT ter twin located n the:,West ditch attached jocatlon'driajdhg) u Ar 'M Q -4� U � , - i - Q,',�Xnl � . S 040o�,R," - 24 4 involving State'llighway fight-4f"'"y In, upon or along State in 'S. I W t -,(Direction) (SH5 of Junction) 3 M &"story has delegated full and complete authority to the District Engineers of the Kansas Do tion to execute ffigIrvay Permit"Agrienteirts, herdnafier referred toss'' for and on the Secretary's behalf Now -THEREFORE, in consideration �ir`.the' 'pftmisdi grsutid haieundei by, , the Secretory to'4tiiiZo State Highway rlghta-oY- , _r dweribedeboV6,the Pefitic�ati'a'omi��the following .i'ermmdcondiiom:. way in the mama 14'. -;,,-PLANS:j,'Pvtftlonei shsifuralsb� flvc:S) lits of comprehensive plan arrskgrtchiti;a�i,i-�i,i,i4.i.riiri a escripit f - k inititliatior"ust include a d DI p . the, size, type, and,mothod 'of Installation for ties- to be the loc�it6z�of the proposed e propoud 'r 6cal located �Wttbin hvnij�iIjh"f-mj.;and 9464nate'sketches3o'bidicate MPG" to:the traveled ivay6ft6,uhighvvzyj16! rights_-�'of-'vva-y Una and, where ajPliiisble, the control of access knee ,.. for for the proposed initallation,and's descriptionofthe "-.' Y. location of the eatran";surfacing material and provisions for drainage 'Structures ' �'tMATJiRIAL AND METHOD! ?AVt*quww_to, 'paAorm vrwiln.'uposs or slong-State, Highway rlghtsi_of_way �Usiboip proved by, the-104stilct"ingircer ...... . Th , - , , r 1 1 11 . , "inti,`,. ---pA �. faril" on,material, -,;2:1' a Petitioner uWAork and pay all costs for the ur6rk described on this peirsit, 0 g An utility4nstaiiiii6ni shall' 61uply,withilso.'.6 'udh Ras. and ,rcquhi69n1s,or ifiel"Titimi -Accommodation 1blicy for the Mento TjA,nsportat!oa,�',,c!�,a,o-qtedition.'D. - --Au entreats.Instalisti6m shati-pniply wit& the e6uat on"ir' b""I" dad Pit=' d requirements o t and Reguletlons h Kansas 'r Tnnsporiition.l.projiusets for'commeiciat ant current vditida, is established; by 1 a was partment o_ MuM musi ;;,De roviawed 6Y a Urban HI Ways Department are Subject tii-review and� be determined.by the iPaltimi ar,but s drequirements. iStdet Engineer +'� •,.. %-s y 2S Commercial EetnACea ishan -'be Surfaced with it eral-tygic-land thickness as the adjacem highvjiy ortal[of.thessmijen `�4 A' 'Ad materials'"d coistiveticilmethods used on ir6kk Within the limits ofthe 'right'�'f-vmy shaleboequal toorbetter than that required by the, Standard Specifications for State Road and 1hidge0onstruction, current edition. 3ro.- OBSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC*. Petitioner agrees that Itlib"y. traffic will'be tree of interference specifically pro- +' tided for as a part.oUthis Permit. 'froffic: pictoctionshall be,fil accordance with the Manual on Uniform -Traffic Control Devices,current edition 4' Petit onec agrees to restoi 41GHT�OP�WAYV-, I rosaid flXht-`of7v`ay't0the i6fidftIon existing ortoapproval ofthe - 0 prior 6. A. P h 'F approval Dy. the -6described on this Permit., �4.1 -Wny i6j'j'shrubs oitree "destroyed by this when be replaced as directed by the District E . ngin car. t 4 -,:Tlav flobt­ofm -y shag be kept f6e from parWS, advertising signsor any.otiteicommercial 4ctIVAity;. MAINTENANCE:lAli utility installations shell be maintained or caused to be maintained by the Ownerg - A'r'.fc ,Z --Row. 1' 90 4 15 emitted by law - GfI"YAMPI ,,ntmt dons or upon w bij6w, # any and. aH damage Ci injury't 'evfployea -withdu A work 6i, v. so -W MD66VUUM Z -s- Permit NO.' White—Maintenance Yellow—Petitioner Pink—District Blue—Area KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION or Maintenance Department q00 �el Iri go Vir HIGHWAY PERMIT WORK ACCEPTANCE NOTICE District Serial No. 2.4951 Route OS -81 Alt, County Saline To:City of Salina Petitioner 300 Heat Ash St, Address This is to advise that work performed upon State Highway right-of-way at the location and under the provisions and authority of the above referenced permit serial number has been inspected by Kansas Department of Transportation representatives. It further certifies that the work has been performed in a satisfactory manner and that all provisions of the referenced permit have been met. In accordance with the above we are releasing your bond in the amount of None dollars, $ 0.00 Recommended:/4E{ parties to this agreement are en Area Su p nuendent' on notice a3 to the doctrine of gov- Approved: . � � ernmental immunity as set forth 17 District Engineer -T in K.S.A. 46-901 and 46-902. Rev. 3-76 491-r D. O. T. Foam No. 304-A