specs for concrete work/driveway 1989SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK SALINA, KANSAS (REVISED JANUARY - 1989) CONCRETE Cement content Water, maximum Aggregate Strength, minimum Thickness Finish Curing time Reinforcing DRIVEWAY APPROACHES - 6.5 sacks/cubic yard - 5.8 gallon/sack - 27% crushed rock - 73% sand - 4,000 p.s.i. in 28 days - 6 inches - Belt or broom finish - 7 days - 6" x 6" - 10/10 welded steel fabric wire All driveway approach construction shall be subject to City inspection at all times by the City Engineer or his representative. Before depositing concrete, the subgrade shall be thoroughly moistened. Concrete may not be deposited on frozen or muddy subgrade or when the ambient temperature is 400 F. or less without adequate frost protection. Concrete shall then be deposited between the forms in its full course and in one continuous operation. It shall then be thoroughly consolidated between the forms by mans of vibrating screeds, internal vibrators, or hand tamping, after which it shall be struck off and given an approved _finish. All edges and expansion joints shall be edged with an edging tool. The use of a "Jitterbug" or similar device shall be prohibited. Preformed expansion joint material, one-half inch thickness, shall be placed wherever new work joins existing work; at the ends of all driveway, alley, and street returns where returns met existing construction; and at intervals of not to exceed fifty (50) feet for all "straight runs." Expansion joint material shall be placed prior to placing of concrete and shall not protrude above finished grade. The driveway approach shall be protected from premature drying for a period of at least seven (7) days by means of damp mats or burlap, or use of an approved (white pigmented) curing compound. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineering office at least four (4) hours prior to placing any concrete for a driveway approach. SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK JANUARY - 1989 DRIVEWAY APPROACHES Not more than one (1) driveway approach shall be constructed on an arterial street for a tract with frontage less than 125 feet. Not more than two (2) driveway approaches for a single tract shall be constructed on an arterial street. No driveway serving a commercial or industrial tract shall be permitted which necessitates backing of a vehicle onto the street. Acceleration and deceleration lanes may be required at driveway locations for some developments which generate high traffic volumes. Driveways shall be constructed at right angles to the street. When circumstances are encountered which make the strict application of the City of Salina's driveway standards/specifications impractical or impossible, the City Engineer will consider alternate proposals submitted by the owner/developer of a tract. Refer to Page 13 of these specifications regarding locations of multiple driveways and to Page 14 of these specifications regarding location of driveways near intersections. WAS SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK SALINA, KANSAS (REVISED JANUARY - 1989) CONCRETE Cement content Water, maximum Aggregate Strength, minimum Thickness Finish Curing time SIDEWALKS - 6.5 sacks/cubic yard - 5.8 gallon/sack - 27% crushed rock - 73% sand - 4,000 p.s.i. in 28 days - 4" walk areas, 6" drive areas - Trowel and broom - 3 days for pedestrian traffic 7 days for vehicular traffic All sidewalk construction shall be subject to City inspection at all times by the City Engineer or his representative. All sidewalks shall be four (4) inches in thickness except through driveways where the thickness shall be increased to six (6) inches. The sidewalk sections shall be constructed true to line and grade as described by the Engineer. The sidewalk sections shall slope toward the top of the curb at the rate of one-quarter (1/4) inch per foot. All sidewalk sections that are six (6) inches in thickness, shall be reinforced with wire welded fabric. The wire fabric shall be No. 10 wire in a size six (6) by six (6) inch pattern weighing 21 pounds per hundred (100) square feet. Before depositing concrete, the Concrete may not be deposited on ambient temperature is 400 F. or Concrete shall then be deposited and in one continuous operation. dated between the forms by means vibrators, or hand tamping, afte given an approved finish. All e edged with an edging tool. The shall be prohibited. subgrade shall be thoroughly moistened. frozen or muddy subgrade or when the less without adequate frost protection. between the forms in its full course It shall then be thoroughly consoli- of vibrating screeds, internal r which it shall be struck off and dges and expansion joints shall be use of a "Jitterbug" or similar device -3- SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK JANUARY - 1989 SIDEWALKS Expansion joints one-half (1/2) inch in thickness shall be placed at each side of each driveway; and at approximately equal distances, not to exceed fifty (50) feet, between; also where new work adjoins old sidewalk, or other rigid structures of any kind. Contraction joints shall be formed at intervals not to exceed five (5) feet. The contraction joints shall be formed by cutting entirely through the fresh concrete with a trowel after the initial set. All contraction, construction, and expansion joints shall be rounded with an edging tool. Any sidewalk that abuts and is parallel with a driveway approach must be constructed with a curb or other barrier to effectively separate the sidewalk from the driveway approach. The sidewalk shall be protected from premature drying for a period of at least three (3) days (pedestrian traffic) and at least seven (7) days (vehicular traffic) by means of damp mats or burlap, or use of an approved (white pigmented) curing compound. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineering office at least four (4) hours prior to placing any concrete for sidewalks. All sidewalk construction located on public right-of-way shall be accessi- ble to the physically handicapped. Refer to pages 15 thru 18 of these specifications for construction details involving sidewalk ramps. -4- SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK SALINA, KANSAS (REVISED JANUARY - 1989) CONCRETE Cement content Water, maximum Aggregate Strength, minimum Thickness Finish Curing time CURB AND GUTTER 6.5 sacks/cubic yard - 5.8 gallon/sack - 27% crushed rock - 73% sand - 4,000 p.s.i. in 28 days - 6 inches - Trowel and Broom - 7 days All curb and gutter construction shall be subject to City inspection at all times by the City Engineer or his representative. Before depositing concrete, the subgrade shall be thoroughly moistened. Concrete may not be deposited on frozen or muddy subgrade or when the ambient temperature is 400 F. or less without adequate frost protection. Concrete shall then be deposited between the forms in its full course and in one continuous operation. It shall then be thoroughly consoli- dated between the forms by means of vibrating screeds, internal vibrators, or hand tamping, after which it shall be struck off and given an approved finish. All edges and expansion joints shall be edged with an edging tool. The use of a "Jitterbig" or similar device shall be prohibited. Preformed expansion joint material, one-half inch thickness, shall be placed wherever new work joins existing work; at the ends of all drive- way, alley, and street returns where returns meet existing construction; and at intervals of not to exceed fifty (50) feet for all "straight runs." Expansion joint material shall be placed prior to placing of concrete and shall not protrude above finished grade. The curb and gutter shall be protected from premature drying for a period of at least seven (7) days by means of damp mats of burlap, or use of an approved (white pigmented) curing compound. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineering office at least four (4) hours prior to placing any concrete for curb and gutter. All curb and/or curb and gutter work located on public right-of-way at street intersections, driveways, etc. adjacent to a public sidewalk shall be constructed to provide an accessible route for the physically handicapped. Refer to pages 15 thru 18 of these specifications for sidewalk ramp details. -5- SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE WORK SALINA, KANSAS (REVISED JANUARY - 1989) CONCRETE Cement, content Water, maximum Aggregate Strength, minimum Thickness, minimum Finish Curing time Reinforcing STREET REPAIRS - 6.5 sacks/cubic yard - 5.8 gallon/sack - 27% crushed rock - 73% sand - 4,000 p.s.i. in 28 days - 6 inches - Float, if topped with asphalt Belt, if surface flush - 7 days - #4 re -bars, 12" center to center, both ways All street repair construction shall be subject to City inspection at all times by the City Engineer or his representative. The minimum dimensions of the street repair shall be determined by the City Engineer. All street repairs shall be thoroughly consolidated by means of internal vibrators or hand tamping. For repair of concrete pavement, the repair shall be the same thickness as the existing pavement (minimum six (6) inches). For repair of asphalt surface street, the concrete shall be six (6) inches thick with the top two (2) inches below surface. The repair area shall then be covered with two (2) inches of compacted hot mix asphaltic concrete rolled to form a smooth surface. Concrete shall not be mixed or placed at ambient temperature of 400 F. or less without adequate frost protection. The Contractor shall notify the City Engineering office at least four (4) hours prior to placing any concrete for street repairs. 10 i i I a COntrOCM00 Joints g' S, 91t 4" SIDEWALK CONCRETE see* of Curb 6" Reinforced Concrete (6"x6"-/O//O)lhru Dr"voy Section CITY OFSWMA ENGINEER/NG OSPT STANDARD STANDARD DETAILS FOR MW SIDEWALK CURB SIDEWALK DEAN L BOYER CITY DWINEER - 7 _ a4N 1989 rS1/2//2"EXPI4NS/OiVqNTLK 4"COM: S/LEWALK d'CO/1 m-/O//O W/REM y 8' M/N. 30 MAX. s. ass 6" REINF FD 2-pq CONCRETE o, EXPANSION JO/NT j SAW 8 REMOVE CURBS GUTTER SECT/AN L---- --IT 4.75' REPLACE Gr177 N SEL"T�1/ A 6"RE1NF0RCED COW CURB msu �a� S TMON A A *S /gae of //4"per ft.(Mhtl is meosared from lop of cta►b fo inside sddewo/k /ins C/TY OF SALA14 ENMEER/NO DEPT. STANDARD ORNEWAY STANDARD DRIVEWAY R7R MONOL12NIC MVC PAVING DEAN L BOYER Cly EM/NEER -8- ✓AN. 1989 EXPANSION X/NT " 4" CONCRETE 6 REIN. COX SIDEWALK r '/O//O MESH 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE 1/2" 84CK OF CURB 6"x6"/0/10 W/RE MESH SECTION A -A Slope Of l/4"per ft(Mh.) is measured frdn �• AV of curb to beide Mew* 11fa DEAN L. CITY ENGIN STANDARD DRIVEWAY FOR EXISTING CURB CUTS JAN. 1989 -9- r -.w -d L -w -A 6 - RE/NFORGED CONCRETE(6 "x 6"- /0//0) SECT/ON A -A *Slope of //4 ,ver, f/.(M/n.) is meosured flan top of curb /o as/de sidewda ///a DRIVEWAY DETAILS DRIVEWAY DM/LS FOR DEAN L.. BOYER ROLLEDCURB C/TY ENGINEER -10- ✓AN. 1989 t4' S/DWALK-, V2" EXPAtoAt JT. �4' S/DE �4" C NC., Ge ern r _ DIMINISH CURB TO DR/ VEWAY GRADE 4 AT TH/S POINT -..o OF Z OF GUTTER rh A JT. EX/ST. CURB Slope of 114 "par ft (Mhz) is measured froml top of curb to inside sxbwd* liner 4"CONC. SECT/ON A -A STANDARD DRIVEWAY FOR EX/STING alRB CUTS DETAILS DEAN -BOY'ER I CITY ENG/NEER 44'S/D WALK ,1,14- cc NC. -1 DIMINISH CURB TO DRIVEWAY GRADE AT THIS PO/NT 8' to A ✓T. r I 4'S/DE LK7 4" CO C.) CURBS L -WA 6" REINFORCED CONCRETE REPLACE G7/TTER SECTION A -A Skpe of 1/4"per. ft(Mia) ra moosLmd from tOP of curb to insidb sidawm* line. t Sow existing arb B guNer sectavn or construct to on existing =7$&W*bn joint in the curb @ g~ section. STANDARD DRIVEWAY FOR CURB 9 GUTTER -12- CURB ENGINEERING DEPT. STANDARD DRIVEWAY DEAN L: BOYER CITY ENG/NEER, JA 1999 8' Min. 33' Minimum 30' Max. 12° 4' Sidewalk Back of Curb Z STREET SIE 5.5' Minimum without written consent from adjacent property owner. 8' Min. NOTE All driveway approaches shall be constructed in accordance with City of Salina Engineering Dept. Standards. MUMPLE DRIVEWAY APPROACHES -13- CITY OF SALINA MULTIPLE DRIVE- WAY APPROACHES JAN. 1989 Arterial Street Classification Collector Street Classification ;9 Residential Street Classification Public !C ui., on, Street R=2d Min.—R N to R Id e f a CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEP 3 DRIVEWAY a' LOCATIONS DRIVEWAY LOCATIONS NEAR INTERSECTIONS -14- JAN. 1989 11 ALL RAMPS SHOWN ARE TYPE i TYPE X TYPE I RAMP C POSSIBLE SIDEWALK COMBINATIONS TYPICAL INTERSECTION WE S/W TJ EXP JT, CONSTR. ITS I/2" EXP. JT. ---------------------- --------------------- - ALL RAMPS SHOWN ARE TYPE = I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I _TYPICAL INTERSECTION WICURS Sly rc I ET. I I 5/WXISI II I I I I 111 I Ili � I/2° EXP. JL SIDEWALK DETAIL: -15- '�nR ♦ti � � � �, •AIy �Y , PLACE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT AT BC. MAXIMUM SLOPE OF RAMP - 1112. TYPE I RAMP PLACE 1/2° EXPANSION JOINT AT B/C, MAXIMUM SLOPE OF RAMP - 1-12 TYPE II RAMP vyM riq.. J'1il iI/a, i \��/T�--��1� � EXIS7 OBSTRUC710N Y J 3 W O N SDEWALK PLACE 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT AT B/C. ap MAXIMUM SLOPE OF RAMP -1:12 TO BE USED WITH CURB SIDEWALK OR ADJACENT TO A WALKING SURFACE. TYPE III RAMP CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPT. RAMP DETAILS I JUL. 1992 1 EXIST. SKEET PAVEMENT i �TL3i Ifi DETAIL °A° DETAIL °8° SURFACE CE SECTION A -A EXIST. CONCRETE SIDEWALK CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPT. RAMP DETAILS JUL. 1992 i RAMP LENGTH WILL BE DETERMINED BY SLOPE GRADE RAMP B CURB TRANSITION WILL BE DETERMINEI BY SLOPE GRADE EXISTING CURB SIDEWALK COMBINED CBG TYPE I RAMP TYPE II RAMP 00d� 000 00cI4, Y' -1 - ognc� rn B4C, 0: -URe CJMBINEC '.6EJ � `\ TYPE III RAMP -10-- CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPT. RAMP DETAILS JUL. 1992