mobil oil pipeline excavation backfill w.side ohio 4/14/1981t Date 14 April 1981 Job No. 513-8-201 Lab No. D181 thru D188 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES OF KANSAS, INC. TEST REPORT fats) 827-9381 M south Fanth SUM Seem rams 674M Test Made for Mobil Pipeline Co. Project Pipeline Repair Location Salina, Kansas Contractor Architect or Engineer Sample of Recompacted Backfill Source Ditch Excavation Sec. 13 T15S R3W Sampled at West Side Ohio Street Road Dace Received 9 April 1981 For Moisture -Density Curve see Lab Report A 079 TEST RESULTS - FIELD DENSITY & COMPACTION TEST (Volumeasure Method) Test No. 4 5 6 7* 8 9 10 11 Vent Pipe Measured from West West West West West West West West Distance N or S 32' S 2' N 1' N 1!z' S 01-2' N 2' S 2' N W S Distance E or W 3' W 0:' W 2:' W 2Y W 3%2' E 1' W 2' W 1;' W Depth below Top Ground 6.5' 5' 4.3' 4.3' 3.2' 2.3' 1.9' 1.0' Field Moisture, % 17.3 17.0 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.0 15.0 21.5 Field Dry Density, Lb./Cu.Ft. 99.8 96.5 89.3 107.3 105.5 101.7 97.2 92.5 Optimum Moisture, % 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 Maximum Dry Density, Lb./Cu.Ft. 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2 Compaction, % 97 93 87 104 102 99 94 90 Specified Compaction = 90% of Maximum Dry Density. REMARKS: * Test #7 is retest of lift at Test #6 after paction. area was given additional com- All depths measured from top of ground at about 1' higher than at vent pipe. west side of excavation which is CC - Mobil Pipeline Co. I/�j/ 1 - City Engineer �j ,J� I\V �V Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES OF KANSAS, INC. By , File: 1 1) : Date Job No, Lab No. 55191133 December 1980 D1148thlru 116 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES OF KANSAS, INC. TEST REPORT (917) 9779777 179 South Fouts Sired Sa9na, Kanas 97401 Test Made for Mobil Pipeline Co. Project Pipeline Repair Location Salina, Kansas Contractor Architect or Engineer Sample of Compacted Backfill Source Ditch Excavation Sec. 13, T15S, R3W Sampled at West Side Ohio Street Road Date Received 18 December 1980 For Moisture -Density Curve see Lab Report A 079 TEST RESULTS FIELD DENSITY & COMPACTION TEST (3" O.D. Shelby Tubes) Test No. 1 2 3 Vent Pipe Measured from West West West Distance N or S 1.5' S 1.5' S 1.5' S Distance E or W 2' E 2' E 2' E Depth below top ground 0'-1.5' 1.5'-3.0' 3.0'-4.5' Depth below exist, fill 0'-1.5' 1.5'-3.0' 3.0'-4.5' Field Moisture, % 19.1 12.9 15.7 Field Dry Density, Lb./Cu.Ft. 87.2 91.0 78.8 Optimum Moisture, % 17.3 17.3 17.3 Maximum Dry Density, Lb./Cu.Ft. 103.2 103.2 103.2 Compaction, % 85 88 76 Specified Compaction = 90% of Maximum Dry Density. REMARKS: Excavation is just east of toe of dike. RespectMly submitted, cc: 2 - Mobil Pipeline Co. GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES 1 - City Engineer OF KANSAS, INC. ,p File: 1 , GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES OF KANSAS, INC. 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET • SALINA, KANSAS 67001 • 19131 827-9381 AFFILIATED OFFICES IN OMAHA AND LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Date 8 December 1980 Lab No. A 019 TEST REPORT Job No. 513-8-201 Made for MobilTest Project Pipeline Repair Mobil,Contractor Architect or Engineer .- Sample of Fill Soil Source Site Sec. 13, T15S, RU� 'Test Method AASHO .. Received 1 December 1980 'Soil Description = Mixed Brown Silty Clays (RoxburyDate .. 9 . 71 9 I• 9 EfL1Z�flSaaN■N■S■■■■■N■■ ■NONE N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ MEN ■SEEN ■MOON ■■■■� ■MOON M■n 1■�MOO■ ■■■MMM=MO MEMO MOON ■ M■Mz�■■MEEMEMEM■ SNN■■■■■■■ ■M©■URIE■■■■ iiiiiiN■■'0 MEN ilM RS'■1 MENo M NEMzOEEM ..■■■.��� ■■MONSIMMIMEN nM■■■■ ■M■aM■ ■■M■■■■■■■ i■■M■MM■■■OM ..■■■■■�� .■ENEM N■■■■■■■■■. � ................ iNii0 1i■��101■■■■■■■■.■.=�=■!!_■■■■■■ ■ENE■OM■■OO■MWIMM MEN ■06 MOMEMEME NENE■EME�EEENN■ENE■N■_�■■E■N■ EEM■ON■ - ■MMEM■■�■M■1■■■■■i■■■■N■m•NEEN ■■■MMME■■■■■■■N■■■ ■EI%■NE■ ■N■E■�%MMMM■ MEN NINE ■■REEN EMEM■■■S■MME■■M■■■ MMON■■NN■■■ MEN ■E■NNN■n■NNNN■ ONE ■NEE■EM■■ .E...:oaaImaMN : M .1 ■■MSM■NE■ NO■■■ 9 . „ , ■MM■■MMN NONE■ .: n■■■■■■ ■NO■■■ No ONES MM■OMNMO■■MO■