land sale 1983CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BIDS RECEIVED 1/20/83 PROJECT NO. LAND SALE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PROJECT PLANS TAKEN OAT OF OFFICE PROJECT N0. DATE OF LETTING: COST: NAME OF CONTRACTOR DATE NO. OF SPEC. NO. OF PLAN SIGNATURE 1.114 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. G i l � c r l AL = /4 /a o —--- _ Coo CITY OF SALINA REQUEST FOR COMMISSION ACTION DATE TIME 1/1n/R3 e AGENDA SECTION: ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: APPROVED FOR NO. AGENDA: Engineering ITEM NO. BY: Dean Boyer BY: Petition No. 3844 - filed by Gary Ward, requesting the vacation of the East ten (10) feet of right-of-way on North Seventh Street, adjacent to Lots 3 - 7, Block 9, Calkins Addition to the City of Salina. Seventh Street was platted in this addition as an eighty (80) foot wide street and is currently classified as a local street. Local streets require only a sixty (60) foot right-of-way and thus the vacation of the requested ten (10) feet would still meet the minimum right-of-way requirements for a local street. The utility companies (Kansas Power & Light Co.; Salina Cable Television Service; and Southwestern Bell Co.) state they have no need to retain the East ten (10) feet of right-of-way on Seventh Street. There are no existing public sanitary, sewer lines or watermains in the request area. In order to eliminate the creation of a mid -block offset in the right-of- way line, we contacted the owner of Lots 1 & 2, said Block 9, to determine if he would have any objection to expanding Petition No. 3844 to include a ten (10) foot vacation adjacent to his two lots. He agreed to this suggestion. We, therefore, recommend the vacation of the East ten (10) feet of Seventh Street, adjacent to Lots 1 - 7, Block 9, Calkins Addition to the City of Salina be granted to allow the petitioner more flexability in developing this commercial site. COMMISSION ACTION MOTION BY SECOND BY 70: PETITION NUMBER jb 1^I Date Filed «z.���. pi. 19i2 - TO: The Governing Body, City of Salina, Kansas. We, the undersigned, being residents and property owners in the City of Salina, Kansas, do hereby petition your honorable body for _\/A <jis T I C F (EAt�T fC q�F rZ MT-cF-�/ANf _- C"•N 1`niLT 1I �cti"=ISI rl'd )i(�L�Ti. Hi7J�1 i h1T_ --r_�' L1 Respectfully submitted by: Telephone Number: " •:<_7. e. 7 NAME ADDRESS fir. !)i./K� S��S /K. �IvCJ I. UJ �/'NN G �• C J N Scale I"= 200 *2 LINCOLN .O Petition Number- 3844 Request Area- Y M' I b ` z Z N r a b ] Y • b �] b u f b 10 31 • 7• ]3 n ]. .a a i v . ]a .O Petition Number- 3844 Request Area- Y M' I b ` z Z N �. 3a H L �] 10 �♦ l0 10 31 ]3 i LIQ i' W I i 3 CITY OF SALINA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT BIDS RECEIVED 1/20/83 PROJECT NO. LAND SALE NAME OF BIDDER TOTAL BID e e SOU � �O LAND BID FORM a bid of $ 1#200.00 for the following M. A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the:l ity Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more Parti lar described as follows: submits land: Y Beginning at a Point -that is the northwes� rn ' of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leave rth.., Addition; thence northeasterly along the north' ne said .Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of,:s Lo Ten (10); thence north along the wait line of Ni (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a sta e of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west ng line parallel�to the South right-of-way line o niv ; sity Place to the east right-of-way line of B ay,:i Boulevard; thence south along the east right -o . ay ':a' line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two I red l twenty-five feet (225').to the point of beginn ' }_ Said tract contains 0.44 acres. more or 1' 1 Enclosed is 3 300.00 t5xlbf my bid. 5Gi I understand that, should my bid be accepted b 'the C1'y Commission at its regular meeting on January 24, 1983, the bala` a w,, j be payable upon tender of quit claim deed. Failure to pay bal' e u tender of quit claim deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of Aid deposit. However, if my bid is rejected, then I will receive ref of my deposit. 511 i 111, I understand that the City Commission reserves: a -rt t to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive Jr.... ularities therein. REMOLD PROPERTIES INC. Name of Individual or Company tint Signature Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, (SEAL) ATTISa : D.L. Harrison, City Clerk 1-19-83 rVail.I VU i r .f this 24th dai of•JInuary, 1983. .: ayor SURPLUS PROPERTY LAND BID FORM James H. Wiesendanoer hereby submits a bid of $ 5.600.00 for the following tract of land: A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of Univer- sity Place, to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. Enclosed is $ 1.400.00 , which is 25% of my bid. I understand that, should my bid be accepted by the City Commission at its regular meeting on January 24, 1983, the balance will be payable upon tender of quit claim deed. Failure to pay balance upon tender of quit claim deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. However, if my bid is rejected, then I will receive a refundof my deposit. I understand that the City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. James H. Wiesendanger January 19, 1983 Name of Individual or Company Print Date Signature Position Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, this 24th day of January, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: D.L. Harrison, City Clerk Mayor SURPLUS PROPERTY LAND BID FORM l hereby submits a bid of for the following tract of land: A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of Univer- sity Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. Enclosed is $ C which is 25% of my bid. I understand that, should my bid be accepted by the City Commission at its regular meeting on January 24, 1983, the balance will be payable upon tender of quit claim deed. Failure to pay balance upon tender of quit claim deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. However, if my bid is rejected, then I will receive a refund of my deposit. I understand that the City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. Date Position Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, this 24th day of January, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: D.L. Harrison, City Clerk Mayor SURPLUS PROPERTY LAND BID FORM L. VJ,A-'z0 hereby submits cc a bid of $ �� ICC _ for the following tract of land: A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of Univer- sity Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway. Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. cr• Enclosed is $ Z. C 2,5 , which is 25% of my bid. I understand that,'should my bid be accepted by the City Commission at its regular meeting on January 24, 1983, the balance will be payable upon tender of quit claim deed. Failure to pay balance upon tender of quit claim deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. However, if my bid is rejected, then I will receive a refund of my deposit. I understand that the City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. Name of Individual or Company Print r,�Lz L� S i gn�ufe Date Position Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, this 24th day of January, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: D.L. Harrison, City Clerk Mayor INFORMATION TO BIDDERS 1. The City of Salina, Kansas, shall furnish a quit claim deed, subject only to easements and restrictions of record. 2. Bids shall be sealed, the outside of the envelope marked "Bid on Land", and addressed to the City of Salina, Kansas. Bids received at the City Clerk's office, Room 206, City -County Building, 300 West Ash Street, Salina, Kansas, after 10:00 a.m. on January 20, 1983 will be returned, unopened, to the bidder. 3. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or a certified check in the amount of 25% of the bid. The entire balance will be payable within 10 days from the awarding of the bid to the successful bidder. Failure to pay balance due will void bid'and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. Should the bid not be accepted, then the bidder is entitled to a refund of the deposit money. 4. Upon receipt of the balance of the bid, the City of Salina shall convey a quit claim deed for the property to the bidder. 5. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregular- ities therein. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY (PARK NO. 5) A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County,.,Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of University Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty- five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. a bid of SURPLUS PROPERTY LAND BID FORM hereby submits for the following tract of land: A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of Univer- sity Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. Enclosed is $ , which is 25% of my bid. I understand that, should my bid be accepted by the City Commission at its regular meeting on January 24, 1983, the balance will be payable upon tender of quit claim deed. Failure to pay balance upon tender of quit claim deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. However, if my bid is rejected, then I will receive a refund of my deposit. I understand that the City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. Name of Individual or Company Print Signature Date Position Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, this 24th day of January, 1983. (SEAL) ATTEST: D.L. Harrison, City Clerk h Mayor LOCATION MAP (First Published in The Salina Journal NOTICE.TO LAND BIDDERS 1983 Sealed bids, addressed to the City of Salina, Kansas, and endorsed "Bid on Land" will be received at the City -County Building, City of Salina, Kansas, Room 206, by D.L. Harrison, City Clerk of Salina, Kansas, up to 10:00 a.m. January 20, 1983, at which time the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud. Bids received later than this hour and date will be returned unopened. The City Commission will award or reject bids at the City Commission meeting on January 24, 1983, at 4:00 p.m. Bid packets can be obtained on the following described land by contacting the City Engineer: LEGAL DESCRIPTION A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of Univer- sity Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boul- evard a distance of two hundred twenty-five feet (225') to the point of beginning. - Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. D.L. Harrison City Clerk I I LEGAL DESCRIPTION Gh SURPLUS PROPERTY (PARK NO. 5) A tract of land in Leavenworth Addition to the City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas being.more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point that is the northwest corner of Lot Ten (10), Block Twelve (12), said Leavenworth Addition; thence northeasterly along the north line of said Lot Ten (10) to the northeast corner of said Lot Ten (10); thence north along the west line of Lot Nine (9) and Lot One (1), said Block Twelve (12), a distance of one hundred sixty feet (160'); thence west along a line parallel to the south right-of-way line of University Place to the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard; thence south along the east right-of-way line of Broadway Boulevard a distance of two hundred twenty- five feet (225') to the point of beginning. Said tract contains 0.44 acres, more or less. 0 LOCATION MAP (first Published in The Salina Journal , 9 NOTICE TO LAND BIDDERS jgsl, ZP'i )9�� Sealed bids, addressed to the Cityalina, Kansas, and endorsed "Bid on Land" will be received a4cat ty-County Building, City of Salina, Kansas, Room 206, by D. Lon, City Clerk of Salina, Kansas, up to 10:00 a.m.-�p�l� which time and pdaee the bids will be opened publc-1y and read aloud. Bids received later than this hour and date will be returned unopened. The City Commission will award or reject bids at the City Commission meeting on H1 227?, , at 4:00 p.m. 'eo'4' dd/paok s can be obtain by contacting the City on the following described Land F — �' Aact of land in Block Ei t (8), dale Addition to t City of Salina, Saline Cou Kansas, being more p ticularly described asW lows: The eastarty feet (30' f Lot Two (2), Block Eight (8) said Elmda Addition. AZstforty din ck Eight (8), Elmdale Addition tSalina, Saline County, Kansas, being U mrly descr ed as follows: Tfeet (40') o Lot Nine (9), Block Eaid Elmdale Ad 'tion. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. D. L. Harrison City Clerk L INFORMATION TO BIDDERS �a/ 1. The City of Salina, Kansas, shall furnish)aa-ewneris wee, subject only to easements and restrictions of record. ✓� Bids shall be sealed, the outside of the envelope marked "Bid on Land", and addressed to the City of Salina, Kansas. Bids received at the City Clerk's office, Room 206, City -County Building, 300 West. Ash Street, Salina, Kansas, after 10:00 a.m. on ri1 23- will be returned, unopened, to the bid er. l ✓3. Each bid shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or a certified check in the amount of 25% of the bid. The entire balance will be payable within 10 days from the awarding of the bid to the successful bidder.. Failure to pay balance due will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. Should the bid not be accepted, then . the bidder is entitled to a refund of,the de osit money. 4. Upon receipt of the glance of the bid, the City of Salina shall convey eed asd=t4tie 4nsvraftfte=pG44qy for . the property to the bidder. - 5. The City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregular- ities therein. ��Yj�/�"5 /�raP �✓�y LAND BID FORM hereby submits a bid of $ for the following tract of land: A tract of land in Block Eight (8), Elmdale Addition to the City sof Salina, Saline County, Kansas, being more particularly described as follows: i The east thirty feet (30') of Lot Two (2), Block Eight (8) in said Elmdale Addition. Enclosed is $ 4 which is 25% of my bid. /41f,-1 l�� t at its \ tender I understand th should my bid be accepted by the City Commission regular meeting on 17198 the balance will be payable upon ofsdeed. Failure to pay balance upon of.deed will void bid and result in forfeiture of bid deposit. , if my bid is rejected, then I will receive a refund of my deposit. I understand that the City Commission reserves the right to reject any or all bids with or without cause and to waive any irregularities therein. Name of Ind vi ua or Company (Print) Signature Accepted by the City of Salina, Kansas, (SEAL) ATTEST: D. L. Harrison, City Clerk Date Position �-� this 27 day o"�pr�-r, Mayor Xo�.manta , Agent e, Group Fe 67401 Re: City of Salina Park No. S Dear Mr. Johnson: This office received your letter inquiring as t he a la- bility of Park No. S. We have checked with our Right f ay our a and also w the City of Salina Engineer's office. I has e n establishe that the City of Salina has jurisdicti o h ract known as Park No. S. Should you desire ue is atter t City of Salina COAL t P. O..Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 the agen Very R. ly yours, . ERSON, P. E. at ct Engineer B. ALBERT GRAHAM District Office Coordinator CITY OF SAUXNA L. O. BENGTbON. CITY ATTORNEY - RON BARTA; ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY 114 EAST IRON III% NORTH SANTA FE P. O. BO% W2 F. O. b% 259 AREA CODE SIS 222.2244 AREA CODE 912 U2 5212 January 23, 1979 "CEIVED J JAN 2, 1979 Mr. Bill Harris City� if C!�!G'?PACFR�OFFICE ty-comg Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Sale of Park Tend Dear Bill: In my letter to you of January 16th I indicated to you that the abstractor was unable to determine the status of the City's title to the following parks: (1) . Tract No. 2 (Ex. F) (2). Park No. 1 (Ex. G) (3) . Park No. 5 (EX. H) In researching the files in the Clerk of the District Court I find that on the 27th day of October, 1937, the City of Salina, Kansas, adopted Resolution No. 708 determining it necessary to acquire certain property to widen portions of Olive Street; that thereafter and on November 8, 1937, the City Commission adopted Resolution No. 714 whereby they determined it was necessary to acquire Tract No. 2 for this purpose and directed the land be acquired. This real estate was acquired pursuant to G.S. 1935, 13-1023 which authorizes cities of the first class to acquire private property by condemnation for street and other public purposes. The condemnation proceedings were held pursuant to G.S. 1935, 26-201 to 26-210, inclusive. Section 26-204 provides in part as follows: "The title to land condamned by any city for parks, parkways or boulevards shall vest in such city upon publication of the resolution of the governing body condemning the same. Upon the recording of a copy of said report so certified in the office of the Register of Deeds of the county the right to possession of lands condemned shall vest in the city and the city shall have the right to forthwith take possession of, occupy, use and improvement said lands for the purposes specified in the resolution appropriating the same." MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mr. Bill Harris January 23, 1979 Page 2 Our courts have consistently held that eminent domain statutes will be construed to authorize only the taking of an easement on or title to land sufficient for the public use intended rather than the fee title, unless the statute clearly so provides, either expressly or by necessary implication. In the case of Sutton v. Frazier, 183 Kansas 33, the court held that "In an eminent domain proceeding unless the statute authorizes the condemning authority to take the title to the real estate in fee simile, it is clear that no language in the record of such proceeding can enlarge or extend the power of the con- demning authority beyond the limits prescribed by law'. In the case of Skelly Oil Co. v. Kelly, 134 Kansas 176, the court held that a city condemning land for park purposes under the provisions of RS 26-204 acquired fee simple title; however, the court in that case stated "The legislature, however, deemed it im- portant to insert a special provision relating to vesting of title in case of condemnation for parks, parkways and boulevards. This vesting of title is unqualified. The provision is not that on publication of the condemmation resolution title shall vest for parks, parkways and boulevard purposes. The provision is that, when land is condemned for parks, parkways and boulevards title vests on the publication of the resolution. There is no conatation that title shall vest while or so long as the land is used for park purposes and the court hold that in this instance the city acquired a fee simple without so called possibility of reverting to former owners." In view of statutes under which Tract No. 2 was acquired and the above court decisions I am of the opinion that in the above men- tioned condemnation proceeding the City of Salina acquired an ease- ment in this property for road purposes and does not have the fee title so as to be able to convey merchantable title to this property. In regards to Park No. 1 and Park No. 5, the records in the office of the Clerk of the District Court of Saline County, Kansas, indicate that the State Highway Commission, of the.State of Kansas in Case No. 14,784 condemned these tracts for highway purposes. RS 68- 413, 1933 Supp. authorizes the State Highway Ccnmission, the name of the state, to acquire title by purchase, donation or dedication or the exercise of the right of eminent domain for road purposes. The statute further provides that "the State Highway Commission may dispose of any real estate or any right, title or degree or variety of interest therein as it may deem expedient or necessary whenever the commission determines that such real estate or interest therein is no longer needed or used for highway purposes and may exchange the right -of -Fray to be abandoned for new and other right-of-way; provided, that when any road on the State Highway system is vacated the land or interests or rights therein acquired by the State Highway Commission for the right-of-way under the provisions of this section, unless disposed of as above provided, shall revert to the present owners of the land of which it was originally a part." It would appear frau the above mentioned language that under that . statute the State Highway Commission of Kansas would acquire a fee title Mr. Bill Harris January 23, 1979 Page 3 to the property and would be able to dispose of that portion of the real estate not needed for road purposes. Mr. Robert Frederick, President of Lynn Abstract Company, advises me that he finds nothing in the records which would indicate that the State of Kansas haG ever divested itself of title or has ever made any conveyance of this property to the City of Salina, Kansas. In view of this, apparently the title to this property is still vested in the State of Kansas and the City of Salina would have no right to sell the same. It appears that the City of Salina has been using these properties. for approximately the last forty years for park purposes under some color of title. I would assume that the City could, by resolution, determine that these tracts were no longer necessary for park purposes and sell whatever interest it may own in these properties. If this is done it should be clearly understood that the City would make no war- ranty as to title and that any conveyance of this interest would be made by quit claim deed to the purchaser, which would convey only the in- terest the City actually had in the property. If you desire that I do anything further in the above matter, please advise. very truly yours, L. O. Bengtson City Attorney November 2, 1982 MEMO TO: L.O. Bengtson, City Attorney FROM: Don Hoff, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: Disposal of Surplus Park Land Attached is a copy of the legal description of Park No. 5. Please prepare the necessary resolutions to declare this prop- erty as surplus property, so that additional steps can be taken to sell this tract. The City acquired the property by condemnation proceedure in 1936 for the widening of U.S. Highway 81 (Broadway Blvd.). It is our understanding that the City can grant a quit claim deed for this property. The Kansas Department of Transportation has indicated they have no jurisdiction in any claim to this tract. Farmers Insurance Group OPCOMPAN168 DICK JOHNSON, AG&T 311-4 So. Santa Fe' Salina, Kansas 67401 . Bus: (913) 827-3915 Res (913) 825-8454 October 15, 1982 City of Salina RECEIVED OCT 18 1982 CIT' M„M.:,CETS OFFICE City Manager,. Rufus Nye P.O. Box 476 Salina. KS 67401 Deas Sirl I,have been inquiring about purchasing the land on the corner of Broadway and,Universityp better known ,to you: as city park #5 I spoke with Asst.,City,Engineer Don Hoffl and I have also sent a letter to the_K.D.O.T. Attached you will find an answerto my letter from E. Albert Graham, District Office Coordinator. I would like to know .from you if.the city would be•interested in selling that land to me. I would like to purchase this ground to put my insurance office on it. If you are interested in selling this property I would like to know how much you want for it. A quick response would be greatly appreciated. jincereyick Johnson. df FAST, FAIR FRIENDLY SERVICE i a „ KANSAS DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION' JOHN B. RMR, 8epatM of TeaasportWon JOHN CARLIN, Govemor P. 0. Box 857 Salina, Kansas 67401 October 5, 1982 Mr. Dick Johnson, Agent Farmers Insurance Group' .311-A So. Santa Fe Salina,. Kansas. 67401 Re: City of Salina Park No. 5 Dear Mr. Johnson: This office received your letter inquiring.as to the availa- bility of Park No. 5.. We have checked with our.Right.of Way.Bureau and also with the City of Salina.Engineer's office. It, has been established` that the City of Salina has jurisdiction of the tract known as 'Park No -S. Should you desire to pursue this matter, the City of Salina Engineer's office would be the agency to contact. . Very truly yours, R. L. ANDERSON, P.E. District Engineer .. E. ALBERT GRAHAM District Office Coordinator EAG:pm cc: Mr. Don Hoff Asst. City Engineer P.. O.. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401. 0 COLUMBIAN NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE OF SALINA, INC. Su/%ue `�� 3GG-¢�� Mari` F. LtJre3en 4'4nq ei Tomes �`23C r)�C4n9 G/' r?ary /iza6efS/Zac E7, m 'v L, Y4 444 ii 9 �7¢a rtlrSfreet, Salina, Kansas, 67401, 913/823-6337