inquiry about lietz level 8/5/19814WINSTRUMENT COMPANY August 5, 1981 Salina Engr. Dept. 300 W Ash St Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Attn: Don Hoff, P.E. Dear Sir: 8000 East 23rd Street ° Kansas City, Mo. 64129 TELEPHONE (816) 483-3187 Thank you for your inquiry of July 30th for a Lietz Model B-1 Automatic Level. It is currently listed at $1695.00 and our firm would quote you $1330.00 for the unit, F.O.B. delivered. Delivery could be accomplished in about 10 days after receipt of order. Very truly yours, BRZN I STRUME OMPANY Larry A. Smith Sales Department LAS/rh cc Dave Gossey 200 S. SANTA FE SALINA, KANSAS 07001 FOene 017 021.0102 August 5, 1981 City of Salina Engineeringg Department P.O. Box 746, Salina, Kansas 67401 Attn: Don Hoff Ref: Price Quotation for Leitz Automatic Level B-1 Dear Don: Following price is for your purchase of Automatic Level B-1........ $1,495.00. Thank you for giving a local firm the opportunity to bid. Very Truly �yours, �Riwe'w- w• - Calvin W. err CWS/ad OFFICE FURNITURE DIRECT (Diazo) PRINTS PHOTOCOPY MACHINES OFFSET PRINTING ARCHITECTS — ENGINEERS & REPRODUCTION SUPPLIES SPECIFICATIONS 1. TELESCOPE �y 10.4 inches (265mm). Erect image. 32 X magnification resolving {VV/ to 3 seconds of arc. Objective aperture 1.77 inches (45 mm). Field of view 1020' (23 feet at 1000 feet). Two speed focus mechanism (fast movement for coarse focusing, slow for precise focusing). Minimum focus 8.0 feet (2.4m). Telescope pointing by optical peep sight collimator. All lens surfaces coated. 2. RETICLE Glass, etched cross and stadia lines (Type B) with stadia ratio 1:100. 0 stadia constant. Reticle adjusting screws accessible under collar at eyepiece end of telescope. 3. COMPENSATOR First surface mirror suspended by four special alloy wires which automatically level the line of sight. Magnetic self -damping, unaffected by extreme temperatures or external magnetic forces. Compensating range ± 10 minutes. Setting accuracy ± 0.3 seconds. 4. LEVELING ACCURACY Attainable accuracy in 1.6 km (5280 feet) of double run leveling is +1.0 mm (.003 feet). 5. LEVEL VIAL One circular vial. Sensitivity 10 minutes per 2 mm. Viewed by prism at eye height. 6. CONSTRUCTION Three replaceable leveling screws, fully enclosed with dust -protected covers. Instrument base plate of design to accept standard 5/8 X 11 thread flat head tripods. Horizontal instrument rotation against friction brake. Endless tan- gent screw movement can be operated by either right or left hand. Externally -adjustable friction breaking action. Gray enamel finish. 7. EQUIPMENT Hermetically sealed case with molded foam inserts. Complete with adjusting pin, screwdriver, dust cap, plastic rain cover and inst- ruction manual. 8. WEIGHT Instrument only -- 6.5 lbs. (2.9 kg). Case -- 3.5 lbs. (1.5 kg). �,r,,,,s �3�uE PRiNrCo INc 1 ♦ CIIY MAVS f NEPPODUCiION SEINICES .OIL MAPS 6 FDPMS f . i '\ . AFCNn ECTS AND e. NcwECHs surrllEs TO: City of Salina Engineering Dept. 300 W. Ash Street Salina, Ks. 67401 YOUR INQUIRY: Don Hoff, P.E. QUOTATION DATE August 5, 1981 QUANTITY UNIT CAT. NO. DESCRIPTION AND SIZE UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 1 Ea. 7372-50 Lietz B-1 Auto Level 1:100 Stadia 1270.00 1270.00 (See Enclosed Literature) TERMS: Net 30 Days THIS QUOTATION 15 GUARANTEED FOR 15 DAYS FROM ABOVE DATE. BY 10011 J STREET, OMAHA. NEBRASKA ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING AI �, e• c. •nor.. ice. TO City of Salina DATE August 6, 1981 Engineering Department P. 0. Box 746 Salina, KS 67401 ATTN.OF Don Hoff, P.E. INQUIRY REFERENCE Your ltr. 7/30/81 DESCRIPTION PRICE UNIT TOTAL (1 ea.) Lietz B-1 Automatic Level $1,271.00 ea. $1,271.00 (1 ea.) Lietz 7512-52 Tripod $ 146.00 ea. $ 146.00 PRICES QUOTED ABOVE ARE FIRM FOR 30 DAYS. TOTAL TERMS Net 30 days RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED F.O.B. POINT Omaha, Nebraska DELIVERY At once o er K t Dir ctor of Marketin s.' x a s �,f e•j 3 y ... 1 r 1 , '.� .4F- �e Y z.,r• T i— n k G( a e �3 S±i �v Y' J �ti 3 •z t � �. -� �t� Y. . .'C •,. t �- 1 � } Y is J T .`^_]y .i.�Zi i )�_`l'] �r, 1 �� 5 � ,�" 1' ^ � i.�,- / -- Z T�',O E p.� m, T... 0D O a m Y -'v -4 m -go w OL CA cn N G d N y D Gc i. W �x I O' Rt ft ' Ncm �c.m Co � '.cam `(M - c+ oo v. 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