fema flood map 1986Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 JUN 3 1986 Donald E. Hoff, P.E. Assistant City Engineer Engineering Department P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Mr. Hoff: This will acknowledge receipt of your May 27, 1986 letter concerning a revision to the Salina, Kansas Flood Insurance Rate Map. By copy of this letter, we are forwarding your request to our National Office. They will review your request and make a final determination. If any additional data is required, you will be contacted directly. If we can be of any additional assistance, please contact this office at (816) 374-2161. Sincerely, Albert L. Schulz, Regions Lrologist Natural & Technological Hazards Division cc: Charles Lindsey yI'TY , 3 F LIINI A _:ri::: r..G :C .. t'SS C, 54LPtA C'+�uc4R4C-c Mr. Tom Hogan Federal Emergency Region VII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, i•10 Dear Tom: Management Agency 64106 July 8, 1986 This letter is written in follow up to our telephone conversation of today regarding my question as to FEMA's preference in determining the actual location of the floodwav boundary as shown on the floodwav man - I posed to you the question of which method was mining the location of the floodway boundary. that a scaling or projection -type of method be Floodway Map, or would the information included of the Flood Insurance Study be preferable. It conclusionof our telephone conversation that upon consultation that you made with Mr. Al Schi floodway data table is "not the way to go". you indicated that the Floodway Map supersede floodway data table and that a scaling and/or we currently use in Salina is acceptable. preferable to use in deter - That is, woulo FEMA prefer used, utilizing the actual in the floodway data table, is my understanding, at the you indicated to me, based ilz of your office, that the It is my understanding that s the data included on the projection process, such as You indicated that whichever method has been used in the past (scaling or projection) should probably be continued in the future for consistency purposes and that careful projection of the 1" = 1,000' Floodway Maps onto the city's 1" = 200' quarter -section maps is acceptable to FEMA. If your understanding of our this letter, nothing further i discrepancy in my understanding me as soon as possible. KFR/lb telephone conversation is in agreement with s necessary. However, if there should be a of our telephone conversation, please advise Sincerely Keith F. Rawlings Director -of Planning and Community Development MEMBER .. KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES NATIQNAL LE.=C,.,E -- .-�- _`. Federal Emergency Management Agency Region VII 911 Walnut Street Kansas City, Missouri 64106 Keith F. Rawlings, Director Planning and Community Development City -County Building, Room 205 P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402 Dear Mr. Rawlings: This is in response to your July 8, 1986 letter to Mr. Tom Hogan concerning the location of the floodway boundary on a map. The observations you made in your letter are essentially correct. However, we would like to offer a clarifying statement concerning the usage of the floodway data table. The reason we do not recommend the use of this information in locating floodway boundaries is because we cannot be certain that the cross-section location shown in the table and on the map is where the cross-section was actually taken, or is along the exact alignment shown on the map. However, the rest of the information shown such as cross-section area or velocity is important and very usable data. We hope that this will help you understand our reasons for recommending either projecting or scaling from known features. Sincerely, Albert L. Schulz, P.E. Natural & Technological Hazards Division . L _ i 1986 Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington, D.C. 20472 The Honorable Joe Ritter Mayor, City of Salina City Hall P.O. Box 736 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Dear Mayor Ritter: IN REPLY REFER TO: IA -RA -RS (121) July 17, 1986 F RE JUL 21 1986 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE This is in response to a Flood Insurance Rate Map inquiry as noted below: Inquirer: Mr. J. Neil Jednoralski of Bucher, Willis & Ratliff for the City of Salina Community: City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas We are reviewing the data used to prepare the map, and our consulting engineers will be contacting you to discuss flooding problems. Please make available to them any technical flood or topographic information you may have, and let them know about information that you believe may be available from other sources. After all technical data have been received and analyzed, the map will be revised, if necessary. If we can be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, J L. Matticks A ng Chief, Risk Studies Division Federal Insurance Administration F O° Federal Emergency Management Agency w4a Washington, D.C. 20472 CERTIFIED MAIL IA -RA -RS (102A) RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Community: City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas Im 15 1986 The Honorable Merle A. Hodges Map Panel Number: 200319 0015B Mayor, City of Salina P.O. Box 736 Effective Date: IL 15 M6 Salina, Kansas 67402-0736 Dear Mayor Hodges: This is in response to a letter dated May 27, 1986, from Mr. Donald E. Hoff, P.E., Assistant City Engineer, City of Salina, to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) regarding the Flood Insurance Study (FIS) for City of Salina, Saline County, Kansas. Mr. Hoff requested that FEMA revise the currently effective FIS to reflect the new channel alignment of Dry Creek Tributary No. 1. To support his request, Mr. Hoff submitted an annotated copy of a portion of a map entitled, "Official City Map of Southwest Quarter, Sec. 17 T. 14S. R.2W.," showing the boundary of Zone A as it appears on the effective Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Panel 0015B, dated February 5, 1986; a set of plans entitled, "Drainage Channel, Georgetown Addition," dated November 1983, prepared by White, Hunsley & Associates; and estimated base flood elevations at the upstream and downstream boundaries of the new channel as shown on sheet 3 of the above-mentioned drainage channel plans. With this letter, we are revising the FIRM panel listed above. The designation of the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) for Dry Creek Tributary No. 1 from the corporate limits in the vicinity of Applewood Lane and Seitz Drive upstream to Crawford Street has been changed from Zone A to Zone B. This revision is based on our review of the above-mentioned information and the fact that the contributing drainage area for the above-mentioned area is less than 1 square mile. FEMA generally considers that drainage areas less than 1 square mile should be addressed as a local drainage problem and need not be included in a SFRA. This Letter of Map Revision amends the currently effective FIRM Panel 0015B dated February 5, 1986. Due to present funding constraints, FEMA must limit the number of map revisions processed. Consequently, FEMA will not republish these panels to reflect this revision. However, an annotated copy of FIRM Panel 00158 is enclosed to show this revision. If the FIS is republished in the future, this revision will be incorporated into the new FIS. This revision to the FIRM affects the SFHA within the community. Since this revision will not be printed and distributed 'to users, such as insurance agents and lenders, the community will serve as a repository for the new data. We encourage you to supplement this Letter of Map Revision by preparing a news article for publication in the community newspaper. The article should e Map Yen _. It describe the changes that have been made and assistance the community can offer in providing data and interpreting the maps. This Letter of Map Revision is based on minimum criteria established by FEMA for floodplain management regulation. Community officials, in response to local conditions and in the interest of human safety, may set higher standards for construction in the floodplain than the minimum criteria established by FEMA. If the State of Kansas or the City of Salina has adopted more restrictive and comprehensive floodplain management criteria, these criteria take precedence over the minimum Federal criteria for the purpose of regulating development in the floodplain. This policy is set forth in Section 60.1(d) of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations. This modification has been made pursuant to Section 206 of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-234) and is in accordance with the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended (Title XIII of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, P.L. 90-488) 42 D.S.C. 4001-4128 and 44 CFR Part 65. The revised zone designation is effective as of the date of this letter. However, a review of the revised zone designation and any requests for changes should be made within 30 days. Any request for reconsideration must be based on scientific or technical data. Should you have any questions regarding the new zone designation, please contact the Chief, Natural and Technological Hazards Division of FEMA, in Kansas City, Missouri, at (816) 374-2161 or Mr. Daniel Cotter of our Central office staff in Washington, D.C., at (202) 646-2757. Sincerely, L. Matticks g Chief, Risk Studies Division al Insurance Administration Enclosure cc: Mr. Donald E. Hoff, P.E. Assistant City Engineer 'V ZONE MRL S DR ZONE B r STREET_ ,I �._ YKfORM HEICKU TERRACE UTIONAL FLOOD INSUANU PROOIAN FIRM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP CITY OF I 'I SALINA, x KANSAS :z SALINE COUNTY PANEL 15 OF 20 IA12 A.. ...«R.a.RR.y.� w .....R COMMUNITI'-PANEL NUMBER 200319 0015 B EFFECTIVE DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 1966 B Dr. ('we T,;i.„I,,,, y,, i ZONE C HipTrihururr Na. 2 JE A w ZONE B o \01. ZONE C ZONE CSL 23q 0 \ nI* APPROXIMATE SCALE 1000 0 1000 FEET P06MM FAW W rr M...E. f A� 1230 1231 I \ N F L 'THIS AREA PROTECTED FROM THE ONE PERCENT J ANNUAL CHANCE (100 YEARI FLOOD BY LEVEE, DIKE. OR OTHER STRUCTURES SUBJECT TO POSSIBLE FAILURE OR OVERTOPPING DURING LARGER FLOODS.” I ZONE B j, i! p. OZONE C ZONE C