centennial park soil inv. 10/18/1977s 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 87401 October 18, 1977 City of Salina Engineering Dept. 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Attention: Mr. Dean Boyer Dear Sir: Enclosed are two copies of our Foundation Soil Investigation Report for the Centennial Park Com- munity Center in Salina, Kansas. We are also sending two copies directly to Mr. Bob Moss of The Shaver Partnership. If you should need additional copies, we could have them printed for you. Very truly yours, SALINA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. HL:dt Enclosures cc: Mr. Bob Moss - The Shaver Partnership (913) 8278832 City of Salina Engineering Dept: 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 1977 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SAUNA, KANSAS 67401 , TA 7-6532 .-Elmo MINIMUM a■I■■I■�■ — i i :. �■I� :►ice■ ice.,.__. . _ :.... _!!!r.���■I�l.� Imo': .�� .�■■I■■I ...... INNOMEMS �.I�■I�■ u ■I■■I�■ I ■■I�■Ir■ I�M .. ..Drilling. ■I�■!�■ ' � � :. I� : li n Date Im■I� .: I� �■I■■ice■ �I� �■lO■I�■ �I� �■I■■Ir■ �■■� �■ice■i■�i■■i A s REPORT OF FOUNDATION SOIL INVESTIGATION CENTENNIAL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Salina, Kansas 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 913 827-6832 REPORT OF FOUNDATION SOIL INVESTIGATION CENTENNIAL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER SALINA, KANSAS SHAVER PARTNERSHIP Architects Prepared for CITY OF SALINA Laboratory No. D77-447 October 1977 Made by SALINA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. 139 South Fourth Street Salina, Kansas 9 SCOPE FOUNDATION SOIL INVESTIGATION CENTENNIAL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Salina, Kansas This report covers the investigation of the types of soils, their existing condition, the presence of ground water, the re- sults of field tests, a plot plan of the buildings in the area, and our recommendations regarding the foundations for the pro- posed building. PROPOSED SITE The proposed site is on the west side of Commanche Drive be- tween Hemlock and Cypress Drives, and is at the location of an existing picnic shelter house in Centennial Park in the west part of Salina, Kansas. This block was formerly the site of a number of small houses, and it is likely that one or more old sewer and gas and water lines are in the building area. SUB -SURFACE INVESTIGATION Test holes were drilled at each of the four main corners of the building. The locations are shown on Figure No. 1. The holes were all drilled about 15 feet deep. The test holes reveal a variety of soil types between holes as is quite often the case in alluvial deposited soils. The soil in the upper 10 feet in the two east holes is relatively dry and hard, whereas the upper 3 to 4 feet of soil in the two westerly holes is quite moist and soft. Detailed logs of each test hole are at the back of this report, and all four holes are shown in graphic form on Figure No. 2. GROUND WATER Ground water was not encountered to the depth drilled, al- though there seemed to be some thin fairly moist soil layers es- pecially in the most westerly hole. Based on test drilling done previously by this laboratory in nearby areas, we believe the ground water level to be about 22 to 25 feet deep. FIELD TESTS Standard Penetration Tests per ASTM Method D 1586 were made in the field in each of the test holes. Results of the tests are listed on both the detailed boring logs and the graphic logs. Blow counts ranged up to 29 blows per foot in the dry silty clay and down to only 31,� blows in the quite moist upper silty clay of Hole No. 3. Hand Penetrometer Tests were also run in the field on each of the recovered samples. Results are listed on the detailed boring logs. RECOMMENDATIONS Due to the soft, weak upper soils in the west and south ar- eas of the site and the hard, dry soils in the northeast areas, we recommend setting all footings at a depth of about four feet (elevation 1227) or lower. Footings set as above may be designed using a maximum presumptive bearing value of 2,000 pounds per square foot. The samples of the soils as shown on the boring logs have been placed in sealed glass jars and will be retained for a time. If there are questions concerning the report or if any ad- ditional testing is desired, we will be available for consul- tation. Respectfully submitted, SALINA TESTING LABORATORY, INC. Harold- Lear (�zz Carl R. Haas, P.E. Existing Concrete S1 LOCATDDN OF TEST HOLES CENTENNIAL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Existing _ Shelter House #4 / 21 i y \ 1.211 / hines #3 22JAt PROPOSED \ Elm >, COMMUNITY # is \%\ CENTER / ir�i o o' 7 Existing Restrooms Bench Mark Top of Curb at WNW Return Elevation 1230,06 Figure No. 1 N o R T H Scale: 1" = 401 /2 30.7s 7. C. O t % go �` n Existing Centennial Community Center i 14 C Elev, Hole 3 141 VA 11 GRAPHIC LOGS OF TEST HOLES CENTENNIAL PARK COMMUNITY CENTER Salina, Kansas Hole 2 Sof t 3,7 ' 7 1.1 Hole 4 3 1�' 27 2,7 4 1 16 5 21 Hole 1 ,� 5 25 KE 14,4 LA 16 14,5 "13 1�vl � 11 14, 9 14.8 l_'�4M'A`J NOTE: No ground water encountered to depth drilled, See Figure A-1 for legend of soil symbols and explanation of test symbols, Figure No, 2 Salta ?Weaq .C'44Wo uy Date +C'c'ro A&r /977 Lab No. a 77- 44 BORING LOG 139 South Fourth Street SALINA, KANSAS Phone TAylor 76532 Project P.rr.t Co...,..u..,t„ C—&wAr,J.ocation So/i-.,. �prrsws Description r Hole No. _L Hole Location _Eost �o r..Cr o>! Pr o�orod Br i�r r..so e o 'M Color Consist- ency m a (A c 0. p Basic Soil Type Minor Soil Type and Remarks Description Spoon Z ti B vdi w m ,�a+ m O H c p p a M e o 'M Color Consist- ency Moist- I 0 0 Ground Surface Elevation = /2 J/. S /W 'Jr 0 c 47„ 7/rF .s' C/or / F�/// O '.eo. 5W?. 2 Si ff 2 C /o % V"7 oe.t 'ore,.,., 3 3 4 5 �//rir sour grew., Ir Grey /.%rowti JCA t.4 4 � a z / 2 2 rq.r 6 490100- 6 7 7 S//+y C/O� / yrs . iilr/ D r� B .Qr.wp f 9 29 B Ce /rer carr orr.ye 10 Orewn OYwr 1 tY�eA/ed 12 t_ 19 tf, ff M..rt 1 15 / J5 9 /6 4 2.) /6 16 17 17 8 8 to zo De th to Water — Date ri a /o -s _ » Hours after Drillingl Drilling Foreman Ger/ R. //o..s Sae" %d" .G,44Weuy Date Ocfvyai / 9 77 Lab No. 077-.Qa7 BORING LOG Project Ccaszr.rn/a/ Pwr.E 139 South Fourth Street SALINA, KANSAS Phone TAylor7.6332 Location Sp�.ip�,�w.fJol Hole No. 2 Hole Location ,5`o,t.7ely Cointr of 1,1 P -p cd Bri//dne Basic Minor Soil Type Description Spoon z a m c Soil and Remarks.c tdi w m H p„ Type Color Consist- Moist- p, w 0 8 .0 y y p en cy ure q E: r~A v1 N 0 0 Ground Surface Elevation = /23/.0 0 49. T/SF' 1 De�4 Fina 1 f��. 2 r / Qrer.r 2 � F..... 3 t3 Sotr 4 1 7 ' 4 Z Gr.r AN 7 / 5 C/Oy / �9rewn ,{4e.Jf 5M41 I Z.S 6 G 6 7 .e.., 7 8 9 9 2._ /0 Y./a.. F.r... 8 2 2 to 3 ? 3 �•B Y 5 1.5 6 16 7 17 8 18 19 1 20 z0 Depth to Water Date Drilled /o -,a-7 7 Hours after Drilling Drilling Foreman C.R..//. Salina %a" Z44I ratauy Date Oclvbsi /977 Lab No. O 77- 447 BORING LOG 139 South Fourth Street SALINA, KANSAS' Phone TAylor 7-6532 Project Cew1b� Location So/i.rw . f'o�sos Hole No. Hole Location Basic Minor Soil Type Description Spoon Z ff4- d a to F p, O Soil Type and Remarks tia ii cM0 N Color Consist- envy Moist- ure 0 0 Ground Surface Elevation = /1 3/./ Ow..E /3.....,y Film M..tt' 0 L l z J Qr '>•/,fF N• r. O 7 1 2 1 SOf/ le Merrt 2 V� S', 17' ld �e,..n 3 3 q `�1/ 4 Si/f� Cley Me.e G(arwj. Ow.•E Gr.y t 5 B/nw 5 7 2.L 6 6 7 7 8 Fi�..r Mwiflf 9 /0 / / L.9tir /3rewn sy.,� w.r /p', VII 9 1 z 4 /O 3 1.S 12 / 4 15 .f' 15 L. •At ♦ o. .w ..r 16 16 7 17 18 I8 1 1 o to Depth to Water Date Drilled /o- s - 77 Hours after Drillingi Drilling Foreman G. R. 1Y. Sala %a" .C'44Wa4# Date _ Oc / 9 7 7 Lab No, o 77- -574 BORING LOG 139 South Fourth Street SALINA, KANSAS Phone TAylor 76332 Project Le..Ta�sr,rsi/ Pv�k Ce .r .s..�,T.. Ctrlrr Location Sp/�.,o- Cvnrol Hole No. Hole Location /Vmr i>!i Corner of Piojoored OWi/i):.ro Basic Minor Soil Type Description Spoon Z m A Soil and Remarks 4)p m ay A. Type Color 9 cw m p eny ure V) N 0 0 Ground Surface Elevation = Z17/.. f O/Jror-rr O PJ., • Si%r`r C/oy Fri.rr Mo.,t 1 ! 1 2 27 C/q� Oa k f q.r 7, Z7' Jd2 /3ra n 3 3 Co/celse.r GryAt /ty C/47 / 4si / / S •c.f /ed P X'o eeF//t 4 7 /G z Oo.E 9 �O s Da ./y - 5 6 6 7 ;r 7 8 Y'r w 3 ffff 9 91/ c%ray ro74. r Z t4. r 1 l2 12 t t 13 Lr,Irf Qv r •te .fi /fr O.e.., y Frr+t M..ft � .G 7 9 /7 MI/� L/i a /.giewn 5 15 9.8 '� Qo1�f'i.y of i✓o% G� /4G' /6 16 17 17 B g /9 1 zozo Depth to Water ate Dri a io -` _ 77 Hours after Drilling Drilling Foreman SYMEOLS AND TERMS. USED ON BORING LOOS SOIL TYPE SYMBOLS (Predominant Type is Stated last) Gravel :,�; Silty Sand iij L--"q Clayey Silt Sand SaA4y'Silt Silty Clay ff Silt WClayey Sand � ��` Topsoil or Fill ® Clay Sandy Clay b Rubble BEDROCK SYMBOLS ff Shale ® LiMeatoae ® Coal Limey Shale Sandstone ❑ COWR ABBREVIATIONS (Predominant color is stated last) Ek a Black Gr = Green P a Pink Bl = Blue Gy a Gray R = Rea Br a Brown L a Light T = Tan D a Dark Or a Orange Y a Yellow C = Cream 01 a Olive W a White TEST SYMBOLS Rectangles alongside boring log drawings representc.Standard Penetration 1"te made with'a 2 -inch outside diameter split sampling spoom driven by a 140 pound weight dropped 3D -inches. The number to the right of the square represent the number of blows required to drive the sampler 12 inches. 'The abbreviation "Ref" represents refusal of 100 or more blows per foot. :The his to'the left of the logs indicate the depths from the surface of the holes to changes of soils, colors or to water levels. The symbol represents'the ground water level. On the detailed boring logs the abbreviation "NP" represents Nand Penetrometer Tests corresponding to Unconfined Campression Tests (U in tans / square foot. The abbreviation "TV" represents Torvane Shear Tests with results converted to (CAI) in tons. per square foot. SALINA .3ESTING LABORATORY Figure No. A-1