union cemetary sewer/water 9/17/1981i • • • $1 t. tp it t: i '� � � ill'c I /aJ� , ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASN STREET DONALD E. HOFF. P. E. DEAN BOVER. P. E. P. O. SOX 748 AM. CITY ENGINEER CRY ENGINEER SAUNA, KANSAS 67401 SSETT AREA CODE 813 627.8481 D. RA B ENGINES 7ilAFFIC ENGINEER September 17, 1981 Mr. James A. Frobenius, President Union Cemeteries Association, Inc. 1920 East Crawford Avenue Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: At the request of Mr. Robert F. Frobenius, Sr., our department has reviewed the availability of sanitary sewer and water facilities to serve Lot Seven (7), Block One (1), Replat of the Union Cemetery Addition, Salina, Kansas. Our utility records indicate adequate sanitary sewer and water facilities are presently available in Crawford Street to serve the above property. The Engineering Department is currently completing final plans for improvements on East Crawford Street. This work will involve the widening of the present two lanes to a four lane roadway. No additional right-of-way will be required adjacent to the above Lot Seven (7). The date to receive bids for this construction has been scheduled for the fall of 1982 and completion during 1983. If yov need any additional information, please contact our office. DH:MKP Sincerely, Don Hoff, P. MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES