green lantern iron and ohio driveway 6/8/1988Engineering Department 300 West Ash Street P.O. Box 736 Salina, KS 67402-0736 Telephone (913) 827-9481 CITY ENGINEER DEAN BOYER, P.E. ASSISTANT CITY ENGINEER DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. June 8, 1988 Mr. James C. Maes Vice -President Green Lantern, Inc. Box 856 Salina, Kansas 67402-0856 Re: Driveway Locations Southwest Corner of Iron & Ohio Dear Jim: In response to your letter, dated June 3, 1988, requesting verification of future access points along the north and east sides of your property located at the southwest quadrant of Iron Avenue and Ohio Street, we offer the following: (a) The City of Salina shall issue a permit to construct a' 20 ft. wide driveway on Iron Avenue at the northwest corner of your tract. (b) The City of Salina shall also issue a permit to construct a driveway on Ohio Street to serve your tract, providing the north side of the proposed driveway is at least 150 ft. south of the £ of Iron Avenue. (c) These driveway approach permits would be issued when your plans for the development of this vacant tract have been finalized. If you have any questions concerning the above statements, please contact me. Sincerely, //ZDon Hoff, P.E. DH/mp MEMBER... KANSAS LEAGUE OFMUNICiPALIIIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CRIES June 3, 1988 Mr. Don Hoff City Engineer 300 W. Ash Salina, RS 67401 RE: Southwest Quadrant of Ohio & Iron Dear Don: As we discussed by phone regarding our land at the southwest quadrant of Ohio & Iron, my main concern is to insure that by selling the City a portion of the site, I am not affecting its development potential. I would request that the City verify in writing that the lots will remain buildable and accessible after the granting of easements and the sale are completed. Of major concern is accessibility from Iron St. My discussions with Jim Swedlund have been centered around the City insuring that we will have a minimum of a 20' access at the northwest corner of our site from Iron St. He felt this was no problem. I would also like verification of the access along Ohio remaining open. Because we do not at this time have a development plan, I do not expect the City to construct any curb cuts along this site during their road construction. Sincerely, James C. Maes Vice -President JM:kdk