levee analysis 3/4/1986GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 827-9361 March 4, 1986 Mr. Don Hoff City of Salina Engineering Department 300 W. Ash Salina, KS 67401 Re: Salina Levee Auger pile Curtain Flow net analysis Dear Don: You and I have been discussing some engineering work that may be needed" to satisfy,the-Corps of Engineers that the proposed auger'pile'curtairn wi`LLprovide the needed protection for the Salina,.",Levee. near, 'the/ Holinquist addition. This project would involve "Isrving,as;a-',consultant to the city in meetings with-the,,Corps and then ;�_;after it is determined what they wanit-to know,,togprovide.the'answers to their, questions. At this time it is not.,Iclear-dust what will have to be done to inswer the Corps'questions. I.t is, consequently impossible' to; make arty estimate of what the cost will be and it is even difficult ,to-say%for sure whether _or riot we have the needed- skills. We do have the ability­tol-7perform all necessary .sampling and testing required to determine permeabilit,ies of the soils and so forth but I doubt that much additional' work -1 'of - this type will be needed. I have had experience._ with two-dimensional flow nets in seepage analysis of earthfill dams using manual -graphical methods. These methods may be all that is needed for this pro,lect. It .''.G I±'1N' If,the Corps of Engineers needs more detailed answers than we can provide with these methods, we have contacts with university professors who can be called in to consult with us to perform finite element analysis or any other high tech evaluations of the problem. In any case, I have a M. S. degree in Geological Engineering, with considerable training in groundwater engineering. Though I have not been doing a lot of this type of work for the past three years, I am sure that I have the knowledge and experience to meet with the Corps and understand what they want and what is needed to provide it for them. OFFICES IN: AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN, AND GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA G E O T E C H N I C A L 5 E R V I C E 5 I N C Mr. Don Hoff -2- March 4, 19a6 I am looking forward to working with you on this matter. If you have any questions, please call. WCV/wv Sincerely, GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. Walter C. VonDerafange, G.E. CITY OF SAIL41NA DEAN BOYER, P.E. CITY ENGINEER March 7, 1986 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 736 SALINA, KANSAS 67402-0736 AREA CODE 913 827-9481 Mr. Walter C. VonDemfange, P.E. Geotechnical Services, Inc. 139 South Fourth Street Salina, Kansas 67401 Re: Flow Net Analysis Holmquist Addition Dear Walter: DONALD E. HOFF, P.E. ASST. CITY ENGINEER D.W. BASSETT TRAFFIC ENGINEER We have completed our selection process which evaluated the qualifica- tions of various firms to perform an engineering design of an auger pile curtain for the above referenced addition. We appreciate your interest in submitting a response to our inquiry regarding your firm's qualifications to perform this engineering design work, but we must inform you that Bucher -Willis -Ratliff Engineers have been selected for this project. If, however, additional sampling and testing is deemed necessary by Bucher -Willis -Ratliff Engineers, we certainly would recommend that your firm be retained to perform these services for us. Thank you again for your interest and assistance. Sincerely, ./�/ ,/ Don Ho DH:mp MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES . § q \ 2 2 a cr JD K a 2 7 0 e 2 CD k§ e & .� } 2 \ {� [ ( | @ ) &. FL 4 � ( � 2 � z m § ; � _E . 2 � 0 0 G E us C J m (cr ro m -1 2 2 0 k ( ® 0 ®! M ; ` � \ co Mr. Don Hoff City of Salina 300 West Ash Salina, Kansas 1984 fzateelvaed Setae'ew, 766. Engineering Dept. I*01 it 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 87401 (913) 827-9381 Net 30 Days, unpaid subject to a service 1.5% per month (18% Rate) accruing from statement. r: balance is charge of Annual Nominal the date of Pay Last Amount in Batance Column I�M F Subsoil Investigation for the Pro- I�Mposed Planter's Bank Parking lot - located at 9th & Iron in Wina, Laboratory TestimL--- I- Standard Proctor 1 @ $100.00/Ea. Engineering Report Pay Last Amount in Batance Column I 1 (eING INGDRILLINGGEOLOGY TESTING FIELD INSPECTION / 1 LJ o I y GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS G E O T E C H N C A L S E R V I C E S I N C REPORT OF THE SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE CITY OF SALINA PLANTERS BANK PARKING LOT 9TH STREET AND IRON AVENUE SALINA, KANSAS GS JOB NO. 82AS12 AUGUST 31, 1984 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 139 SOUTH FOURTH STREET SALINA, KANSAS 67401 TELEPHONE (913) 827-9381 REPORT OF THE SUBSOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE CITY OF SALINA PLANTERS BANK PARKING LOT 9TH STREET AND IRON AVENUE SALINA, KANSAS GS JOB.,NO. 88AS12,' AUGUST 31, i98y4 , INTRODUCTION [This, report covers,the subsoil/'investigation performed on the 'I Planters' -,'Bank .and Trust CoZparking,;,lot which is` located between 8th and 9th `streetasCand-south of Iron .Avenue, in .,Salina, Saline County,,Kansas. This, subsoi:b!Giinvesti'gation for -the proposed parking lot rehabi'iitat-ion',project was authorized by Mr. Don Hoff of,the City of Salina., The scope of our study wasSt( CCfii2&lude/an in-depth investigation of :the suitability of this_ site for the use intended, along with making recommendations for subgrade preparation and pavement thicknesses. Our investigation was to include all necessary drilling and sampling, and laboratory testing as required to obtain the information necessary for fulfilling these requirements. AOFFICES IN: AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN, AND GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA G E O T E C H N C A L S E R V I C E S I N C This report was written by an E.I.T. registered in the State of Nebraska under the supervision of a professional engineer registered in the State of Kansas. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the City of Salina, Kansas for specific application to the proposed project. This study has been performed in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Proposed construction is to consist of the renovation of the approximately 28,000 square foot existing Planters Bank and Trust Co. parking lot. This parking facility will serve an average daily traffic volume of: Passenger Cars and Vans. . . . . . . . . . 500-2000/day Medium Size Trucks (Maximum Load of 20 kips). . . 5/day These average traffic volumes are estimates of anticipated daily traffic volumes for a parking area of this size. All designs and recommendations are based .on these estimates. Maximum vehicle loads were obtained from Mr. Hoff of the City of Sal ina. FIELD WORK The field investigative and exploratory program for this site was conducted on July 11, 1984. The exploratory program consisted of eleven test borings located as shown on the Boring Location Plan (Appendix A). Test borings were located in plan with reference to an aerial survey furnished by the City of Salina. 2 G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S N C These shallow test borings were advanced to depths ranging from 3.0 to 11.0 ft. (0.98 to 3.61 meters, m) below existing grade with a Mobile B-47 motorised drill rig. Borings were advanced and cleaned out using 4.0 in. (101.6 millimeter, mm) diameter continuous flight augers. Samples were obtained at intervals as noted on the Boring Logs (Appendix B). Undisturbed "U" samples were sampled with 2.85 inch (72.4 mm) inside diameter thin-walled tube samplers using test procedures presented in ASTM D1587-749 "Standard Method of Thin -Walled Tube Sampling of Soils". These undisturbed samples were then placed in sealed plastic containers and returned to the laboratory for additional visual classification and laboratory testing. In addition, disturbed auger cutting samples (SS -samples) were obtained as noted on the boring logs. LABORATORY TESTING Undisturbed and disturbed samples were obtained to provide the samples necessary in determining the physical properties of the cohesive subsoils and to provide information necessary in determining the extent and composition of the site soils. Recovered samples were selected for testing with the objective of providing sufficient test data to determine the average engineering properties, thickness and relative homogeneous nature of the underlying soil strata. Specifically, the following tests were performed: Moisture content determinations, density determinations, California Bearing Ratio tests, moisture -density tests and Atterberg limits. 3 G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N C The moisture content determinations were used to help determine any potential soft areas which may exist in the subgrade beneath the existing asphalt pavement. The density determinations were used to evaluate the quality of the existing fill materials. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) was used to determine the relative bearing capacities of the subgrade materials. The Atterberg limits were used to determine the expansive potential of the subsoils as well as to classify these subsoils in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Based on the results of this testing program, the field logs were revised and supplemented as presented in Appendix B. These final logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the results of the laboratory observations and tests of the field samples. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types and the transition may be gradual. SITE CONDITIONS EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS. During our investigation, a man-made fill was encountered in all of the drill holes in the locations and to the depths investigated. Approximately 4 to 6 inches of gravel is found on the surface throughout most of the site. This parking area was formerly the site of the old City Library and .the YMCA building and addition. It was our understanding that these structures had 1/2 of their lower story located below ground. In addition, the YMCA building and addition each had swimming pools located in their basements. 0 G E O T E C H N C A L S E R V I C E S I N C In our investigation, we tried to establish the locations and depths of these old basements and swimming pools, as well as to determine the quality of the fill material used in these old excavations. Our boring program was to include 6 borings with DH -1 and DH -2 to be located in the vicinity of the old YMCA building pool area. DH -3 and DH -4 were to be located in the YMCA addition pool area. DH -5 and DH -6 were to be located in the vicinity of the old City Library building. Locations of drill holes were determined using old aerial photos of the site. These six borings revealed that the basement floors, pool bottoms and foundation elements were not removed during demolition of these structures. Concrete floor slabs were encountered at a depth of 3 ft. in DH's 1 and 2; 11 ft. in DH -3; 10 ft. in DH -4 and 5 ft. in DH's 5 and 6. Since the old YMCA pool was not encountered in DH's 1 and 2 as anticipated, an additional 5 borings (DH's 7-11) were drilled in an attempt to locate this old pool. These borings however failed to locate this pool area, and drilling was discontinued at this time. Consequently, the exact location of the old YMCA pool has not been determined at this time. It is possible that DH -31 which was thought to be located in the YMCA addition pool area, actually may have been drilled in the extreme south edge of the old YMCA pool area instead. This could possibly explain why the pool was not located as anticipated in the area of DH's 1 and 2. The fill materials encountered varies in consistency throughout the site. The top 3 to 5 feet of material consisted of dark grayish brown to a brown silty clay containing small G amounts of sand and dunk brick and concrete. This top fill E Tmaterial had the following insitu characteristics: moisture E C contents ranging between 12.8 and 29.1 percent and dry densities H N I between 91.4 and 108.9 pounds per cubic foot (1.46 and 1.74 C A gm/cu.cm.). These materials classify as moderately to highly L S plastic silty clays. E R At a depth of 6 feet below existing grade in DH -3, an old V I saturated alluvial -type fill was encountered. This deposit had an C E S insitu moisture content of 31.6 percent and a dry density of 88.8 1 pounds per cubic foot (1.42 gm/cu.cm.). N C The bottom 4 feet of fill found in the old YMCA addition pool area (DH -4) consisted primarily of dunk fill. This material was made up primarily of bricks, concrete blocks and a sand fill. No free ground water was encountered in any of the drill holes at the time of drilling, however, it must be noted that fluctuations in the level of the ground water may occur due to variations in rainfall, temperature and other factors at the time measurements are made. ' Test results of the individual samples are shown on the Boring Logs (Appendix B), CBR Test Report (Appendix C), Moisture - Density Test Report (Appendix D) and the Summary of Soil Tests 1 (Appendix E). CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS tSITE GRADING. Due to the inconsistency of the existing fill soils encountered on this site, we would recommend that a minimum of 18 inches of compacted fill be provided beneath areas to be ' paved. 6 1 G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N C Based on all information gathered for this site, I would recommend removal and stockpiling the existing crushed rock and sand and gravel found on the surface. This granular material may be reused as fill material for this site. However, we would recommend using it as the top layer of fill placing it in a uniformly thick layer across the site. This material should not be considered as part of the crushed rock base course if one is to be used in the pavement design for this project. Any soft areas which appear in the resultant subgrade at this time should also be removed. This subgrade should then be scarified to a depth of 12 inches, allowed to air dry (if necessary) and recompacted with suitable equipment until it is firm and unyielding. At this time, any areas which prove to be unstable under construction equipment should be cored out and replaced with compacted silty clay fill material, or stabilized using other approved conventional construction techniques. It is recommended that this subgrade and all subsequent fill required to raise this site to final elevations be compacted to a minimum dry density of 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D698-78 (Standard Proctor). Fill material for site grading should be a clean, cohesive soil with a liquid limit less than 40 and a plasticity index less than 20. This fill material should be compacted with suitable equipment in thin lift thicknesses. Loose lift thicknesses should be limited to a maximum of 8.0 inches (203 mm). The only way to be assured that the above compaction recommendations are being met is to have the subgrade and fill materials inspected and tested by a geotechnical engineering firm 7 G E O T E C H N C A L S E R V I C E S N C during placement. Due to the underlying subsoil conditions, we would recommend that Geotechnical Services, Inc. be provided the opportunity to inspect the site prior to any fill being placed in order to insure proper quality control and swift resolution of any problems which may become apparent at that time. PAVEMENT THICKNESS RECOMMENDATIONS. If the above recommendations are followed, then the following asphalt pavement designs may be used: Full Depth Asphalt Surface Asphalt Crushed Rock Base 5 Year Design Period 3.5" 10 Year Design Period 4.0" 20 Year Design Period 4.5" 4" Asphalt 30 Year Design Period 5.0" 4" Crushed Rock These design thickness requirements were calculated using the Asphalt Institute design method. These calculations are based on the following information: A) Laboratory tested soaked CBR of 1.0 and unsoaked CBR of 20.3. B) A daily traffic volume of 500-2000 vehicles per day. C) A maximum of 5 heavy trucks per day. D) A maximum vehicle load of 20 kips. E) A maximum axle loading of 18 kips. F) A zero percent annual growth rate. 8 G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N C If the Site Grading recommendations are not followed, then the following asphalt pavement designs may be used: Full Depth Asphalt Surface Asphalt Crushed Rock Base 4" Asphalt 5 Year Design Period 8.0 " 8" Crushed Rock 4" Asphalt 10 Year Design Period 9.25" 10" Crushed Rock 5" Asphalt 20 Year Design Period 10.50" 10" Crushed Rock 6" Asphalt 30 Year Design Period 11.25" 10" Crushed Rock In the event that 450 psi flexural strength Portland Cement concrete is considered for this project, a 6 -inch pavement thickness is recommended. OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS. In addition to the above recommendations, these are some general recommendations when installing an asphalt pavement. Damage to pavement occurs mostly because of excess water in the subgrade directly below the slab. Providing adequate drainage and reducing voids in the subgrade in which free water can collect are the best ways to reduce pavement failure. Check downspouts and areas around the pavement edge to insure that moisture can not gain access to the subgrade or rock base which would soften the subgrade. The new asphalt should be lined to distinguish driving lanes from parking lanes to help insure that any particular area will not become excessively loaded. Apply a tack coat to any vertical faces to help insure a good bond between any existing asphalt pavement and the new 9 G E O T E C H N C A L S E R V I C E S N C asphalt. In the event that a crushed rock base course is used in the pavement design, a minimum asphalt surface coat of 4 inches will be required. Provide a curing time after the asphalt pavement has been laid. Traffic should be prohibited from use for a minimum of 4 hours after the asphalt has been laid. During placement of the asphalt pavement, I would recommend that the compaction be controlled by an engineer from Geotechnical Services, Inc. to insure that proper construction practices and compaction requirements are being met. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of this project are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified or verified in writing. It is recommended that the soil and foundation engineer be provided the opportunity for a general review of final design and specifications in order to assure that earthwork and paving recommendations have been properly interpreted and implemented in the design and specifications. The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based in part upon data obtained from the eleven test borings. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may not become evident until construction. If variations then F[, G E O T E C H N I C A L S E R V I C E S I N C appear evident, it will be necessary to reevaluate recommendations of this report. Respectfully submitted, GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. Ta m fn 1 ul;X)A /L Jim Musilek, E.I.T. Nebraska E.I.T. #4496 REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY: GEOTE�C•H--NICAL SERVICES, INC. Melvin R. Cerny, P. . Kansas Reg. #E-8244 11 the 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I A P P E N D I X A W Q O 10a,AlS 4-4 Q 4aa.A4S 44 6 w o J M V I I N r-1 A P P E N D I X E ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT - Parking Lot CONSULTINGGEOTECHNICALENGINEERSANDGEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; ' OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan .a '! ORIII XOlE NO. JOBNO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM - DRILLER INSPECTOR DH-1 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPEOFSURFACE BRILL RIG Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WHILE - END OF 24 HOURS DRILLING .' DRILLING. . AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH tN.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Fli ht Au ers 3.01 SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA GEOLOGIC MOISTURE BASIC DESCRIPTIO NCOLOR Wfz- e _nQ & OTHERTYPE 3 rzn REMARKS Wo " tDark Gray Moist Med. Silty FILL U-1 Brown Stiff Clay Some Brick & 24.0 96.7 Concrete ' Concrete 5 s tBottom f Hole @ 3.01 ' ID to ' IS IS 1 ' 20 20 ' 25 25 30 30 [35 35 Otllllog Lop OL -1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS Parking Lot pSAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; ��b OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DRILL HOLE NO. JOB NO.. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -2 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WHILE,. ,- ..'SEND OF.' 24 HOURS DRILLING'. " ':- DRILLING, . '. AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 3.0' SAMPLE DATA - SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA C! C, x �'.. �a z BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION « D s m COLOR MOISTURE �+ SOIL TYPE AOTHEA 61— ��+ o wi o y z e $ REMARKSegate 0 y _ Mottled Moist Med. Silty FILL, Chunks of — U-1 85 Stiff Clay Concrete, Some 25.2 92.2 — Sand Concrete - 5 5 — Bottom f Hole @ 3.0' 10 10 - 15 15- -20 20- -25 25 -30 30- 135, 35 Dr1lllnp Lop DLI GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SALINA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; LOCATION Salina, Kansas OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBIIASKA LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE v See Boring Location Plan DRILL HOLE NO. JOBNO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH -3 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink ' WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG I,.••WNILF';,5 '.^;�ENBOF,,:: �`.�-.:exouss ., Gravel Parking Lot B-47 �. DRILLING '•'..T,'. DRILLING.' ` •"AFTER DRILLING I_HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH ' N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 11.01 SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA 1 all BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION W`s ► b 3 COLOR MOISTURE � SOIL TYPE., AOTHER REMARKS Medium Moist Med. Silty FILL U-1 100 Brown Stiff Clay 23.9 93.7 ' 7w/ calcium, some sand, root hai s 5 U-2 85 Brown 23.1 97.0 5 ' Mottled Alluvial type 31.6 88.8 -80 Dark Gray Fill Material 'L L Brown L 10 ' L Concrete F ' 7 Bottom f Hole @ 11. 15 'r L I 25 30 30 '351 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 Drilling Log DL -1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS LOCATION p SALINA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; IWVv/,�,1 OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan I; ORIII HOLE MO. -JOB NO. GATE ELEVATION DATUM GRILLER INSPECTOR -- DH-4 82AS12 7/11/84 1 Freeman Brink WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG - WHILE..,', ' •;`.ENO OF •;-24 HOURS Gravel Parking Lot B-47 �. • ' GRILLING ,,•,` = a GRILLING ," :: AFTER DRILLING . _HOURS GRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 10.01 is '.• SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA : COLOR MOISTURE w v BASIC SOIL TYPE GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION & OTHER REMARKS •¢9M3 " jRd' MTiE me Medium Moist Med. Clay FILL U-1 50 Brown Stiff w/ calcium streak some sand 25.8 94.5 r 5 ' 29.1 91.4 5 U-2 90 Brown Stiff Dense Sand Junk Fill, Bricks 'G Concrete, Blocks, Sand 14. ID SS -1 Dry ' l_ Bottom f Hole @ 10. ' ' 20 20 1 ' 25 2s 1 30 30 '1 135 'Drilling Log 041 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SALINA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; p LOCATION Salina, Kansas �'l OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE v See Boring Location Plan 1 DRILL HOLE NO. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR DH-5 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink 1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TY PF OF SURFACE DRILL RIG- " WNILE'4'"• END OF' " 24 HOURS Gravel Parking Lot B-47 "DRILLING .,`DRILLING. .AFTER DNLLINB _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 5.01 ' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA 11 "z s d R .�. ��,• COLOR MOISTURE z M BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION 6 OTHER 3 o n $ ¢ E TSOIL YPE REMARKS :. 1�SS-1 12. Brown Moist Med. Clay FILL 19. 108. U-1 90 Stiff w/calcium, rust, Stiff- 1 & some sand �s - Sa-n fill with BricK& Concrete 17 s U_2 Damp 1 10 Bottom f Hole @ 5.01 Io 1� C 1 15 Is 1 20 20 C —?5 25- 5L L30 30 SO 1` 35 1 35 D,IIIing Lop OL -I GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNIC CONSULTING GEOTECHN u SALINA, 'p OMAHA, LINCOL ' BRILLHOLENO. .... . JOBNO. DH -6 82AS12 WATER LEVELORSERVATH ' : , WHILE ' .--", ENO OF i '� ' " 24 HOU �—DRILLING` ;';.ORILLINO::;' `,AfTERORI 'I N. E. N. E. ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR SAMPLE DATA Freeman Brink d ¢ 4'' Gravel Parking Lot 1 Rs LLINB _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH CROR 4" Continuous Flight Au ers 5.01 m LABORATORY DATA ' ' z BASIC GEOLOGIC z MOISTURE 1- rn SOIL ' Red W e¢ U-185 = W Brown z u TYPE' REMARKS ' a Brown s U-2 100 U' 1 108.9 Moist Med. 'Bottom FILL Stiff Clay w/calcium, some v. to fine sand, and I5 old concrete 1 1 20 1 5 f Hole @ 5.01 25 1 1 ID 30 15 1 'B5 Drilling Log DLI ;AL SERVICES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL PROJECT Parking Lot CAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS LOCATION KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; Salina, Kansas N & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 7/11/84 Freeman Brink iNS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIO Gravel Parking Lot B-47 Rs LLINB _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH 4" Continuous Flight Au ers 5.01 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA ' z BASIC GEOLOGIC z MOISTURE 1- rn SOIL ' DESCRIPTION S OTHER W e¢ $`>° = W z u TYPE' REMARKS 3$ a o 3 U' 20.3 108.9 Moist Med. Silty FILL Stiff Clay w/calcium, some v. fine sand, and old concrete 18.5 5 f Hole @ 5.01 ID 15 20- 25 30- 035 35— GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. 1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; 4 W �wro OMAHA, UNCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan 1 DRILL HOLE NO. JOBNO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 7 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink 1 WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIO Gravel Parking Lot B-47 "" - WHILE END Of21NOURS DRILUND. " ,DRILLING •. -RAFTER OBILLINB ." _HOURS - DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH 1 N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 3.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA • • .' COLOR MOISTURE a BASIC SOIL GEO1�'� - OESCR PTIION z M s' e TYPE &OTHER REMARKS IiKc i 1 Aqqreqate Dark Gray Moist Med. Silty FILL w/Some Brick, — Brown Stiff Clay Concrete & Sand 1 Concrete 1- S Bottom of Hole @ 3.0 5 1 r 710 IO 1 7 1f'IS 15 Ic Ix_20 20 L 1� 1� 25 1� t 30 30 11�-- 1851 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 135 Drilling Log DLA OEOTECNN ICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE v Boring Location Plan 'See DRILLHOLE NO. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 8 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink ' WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WHILE ," ENO OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING •-AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH ' N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 3.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA i s W d d � x z Mm BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION a' W i •• ► n 3 J die �+ COLOR MOISTURE w SOIL 6OTHER a m p m W o TYPE REMARKS 3 o y m Aggregate C Dark Gray Hoist tied. Silty FILL w/Some Brick r Brown Stiff Clay Concrete & Sand ' Concrete r ' Bottom of Hole @ 3.0' S 10 Io ' IS IB 1 20 20 ' 2s 2s 30 30 1 ' 35 35 0,111ing lop OL4 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot J CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SALINA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; LOCATION Salina, Kansas OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE v Boring Location Plan 'See DRILL HOLE NO. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 9 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPEOFSURFACE DRILL RIG '. Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WHILE ENO OF 24 HOURS DRILUNG DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH ' N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 1 3.01 SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA ' t; ASIC B8 GEOLOGIC f _ SL '' . • 8 rz d aaj COLOR MOISTURE « IL ' DESCRIPTION s W -TYPE .' & OTHER REMARKSAggregate Dark Gray Moist Pled. Silty FILL w/Some Brick, - = Brown Stiff Clay Concrete & Sand ' —Concrete =5 Bottom of Hole @ 3.0' 5 �0 10 r ' F�5 15 r �F r 'r 20 ' 25 25 1 30 3$ 1 ' 35 35 Drilling Log DL -I GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. ' GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; ' LOCATION Salina, Kansas OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE v Boring Location Plan 'See DRILL HOLE NO. JOBNO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 10 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink ' WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPE OF SURFACE DRILL RIG Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WHILE ENO OF 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL DEPTH N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 1 3.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA z BASIC GEOLOGIC DESCRIPTION WF > n ss COLOR MOISTURE F y TSOIL & OTHER : 3z �c 'e = o YPE REMARKS $ We w '!— Aqqrpqatp Dark Gray Moist Pled Silty FILL w/Some Brick, — Brown Stiff Clay Concrete & Sand ' — Concrete r 5 5 ' I— Bottom of Hole @ 3.01 ' LD ID i- r �s Is r 1� 210 20 'L 25 -30 30 ' ' 35 Drilling Lop DLA GEOTECHNICALSERVICES, INC. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. PROJECT Parking Lot JJJ CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS p SAUNA, KANSAS; AMES, IOWA; u ti OMAHA, LINCOLN & GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA LOCATION Salina, Kansas LOCATION OF DRILL HOLE See Boring Location Plan DRILL HOLE NO. JOB NO. DATE ELEVATION DATUM DRILLER INSPECTOR 11 82AS12 7/11/84 Freeman Brink WATER LEVEL OBSERVATIONS TYPEOFSURFACE DRILL RIG Gravel Parking Lot B-47 WNA.EENO OF . 24 HOURS DRILLING DRILLING ; AFTER DRILLING _HOURS DRILLING METHOD TOTAL OEPTN N.E. N.E. 4" Continuous Flight Augers 3.0' SAMPLE DATA SAMPLE DESCRIPTION LABORATORY DATA d{ 6. f.•. ,. IC BSOIL GEOLOGIC f 8 m d Q dC COLOR MOISTURE h DESCRIPTION � W TYPE A OTHER REMARKS H ;Aggregate eq a $« u u Dark Gray Moist Pled. Silty FILL w/Some Brick, Brown Stiff Clay Concrete & Sand E Concrete Bottom of Hole @ 3.0' 5 p 10 10 15 15 20 20- -25 25- -30 30 135, 35 Grilling Log l)L-I GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, INC. A P P E N D I X C N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln CD Lf) o Ln M M N N �iya-) ado a o L z N , K Q 6 U) N z6 m Y s as o z z o a o M Z Z � r J U S r N it J1 Zit 2 0 PM° LO N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln CD Lf) o Ln M M N N �iya-) ado a 1 A P P E N D I X D ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t ` 1 Soil and Foundation Consultants '_.V/ OMAHA, LINCOLN 6 GRAND ISLAND. NEBRASKA \-'•- SALIM& KANSAS MOISTURE — DENSITY RELATIONSHIP REPORT TYPE OF TEST OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY (pcf) OPTIMUM WATER CONTENT (9) ASTM -D698 Method 'A' 99.6 21.3 OB N0. LAB NO. DATE TESTED SUBMITTED BY: 82AS12 7/25/84 LOCATION SAMPLED SAMPLE NO. SAMPLE -Dl PTH SOIL DESCRIPTION ATTERBERG LIMITS SOIL CLASSIFICATION LL 45 PL 26 Pi 19 CL Planter's Bank Parking Area LOCATION OF PROJECT OWNER Salina, Kansas City of Salina A P P E N D I X E t I � 1 i i ; ! I , � 1 y I " 1 J. 1 i E i i E i t ! i i i ; ' � � 1 1 ,= h N r-1 c7 to i Ol % M t0 1 3, CA 00 I co CO i W Cn i O Ol 1. O) t Ol i <�. h co CO 1- (n h ; W O O! O O! O t O O O i O i I h N h O CO Ln : d' t0 ' 'm 1 i m m Ol Ol! COI Ol 01 ! O O{ i t CY 1 CO CO cn Ch N ! 1 1 Ol Lo l t0 CA t l0 { CO h pl N N f j N{ r Q H O N Ol •--r t0 CO rl h co to N Mra rl ` Ln (n N cn h O ! CO ? i N (\I N N M N N u� co W { Lcz Cl i i I Ln Ln G `fir -. CO = i CO y ; Mm=i N N R N 1 g NN NN1_I Ln co ll') e-1 NN 'N IN N E N 1 I 1 �N M ti M 41 i rl N N M to N M W O N i i r E 'r { ro M N 1 I" .-1 N •--r N N epi O O i O{ O! O I O r O N N I O I` > 1` > i 1 O i C) ��+r{{ Sy •--r N'. M d' Ln ! E i t0 ! 1 • • E W . 2 2 t 2 S 2 r 2! ? O O 1 O i in { O r O G E O T E C H N I C A L 5 E R V I C E S I N C CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 FIELD WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LABORATORY TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SUBSOIL CONDITIONS EXISTING SUBGRADE CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS SITEGRADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 PAVEMENT THICKNESS RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . 6 OTHER RECOMMENDATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 APPENDICES A - BORING LOCATION PLAN B - BORING LOGS C - CBR TEST REPORT D - MOISTURE -DENSITY TEST REPORT E - SUMMARY OF SOIL TESTS