mccord tire 423 s. santafe 3/21/1980_ H l'Jt —Ai in CITY OF SALINA ` ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 300 WEST ASN STREET DONALD E. HOPP. P. E. DEAN BOYER. P. E. P. O, BOX 746 ASST. GTY ENGINEER CRY ENGINEER SAUNA KANSAS 07401 AREA CODE 9138274491 D. TRAAFFBABBETT IW. IC ENGINEER March 21, 1980 The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Real Estate Department 1144 E. Market Street Akron, Ohio 44316 Attention: Mr. K. W. Lockwood Dear Sir: Due to the drainage problem that exists along the rear lot line of the property occupied by the McCord Tire Co., 423 S. Santa Fe, the City of Salina would not object to the proposed installation of a sump pump system near the southeast corner of said lot. The discharge from this sump pump would be piped to drain into Santa Fe Avenue. None of this piping would be permitted upon public right-of=way. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, Don Hoff, P.E. Assistant City Engineer DH:mlp cc: McCord Tire Co. c/o LeRoy Loader MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES