req. for rainfall atlas 2/2/1979IF11 CI'ry ®F' SALINA �� � i DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ,OB WEST ASN STREET P. O. BOX TAS SAUNA. KANSAS E7101 AREA CODE SIS 0219181 February 2, 1979 Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Dear Sirs: D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER D Please send to us a copy of the.°Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States", Technical Paper No. 40, U.S. Department of Commerce, May 1961. This should be billed to the Engineering Department of the City of Salina - 300 West Ash Street -.Salina, Kansas 67401. MKP Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Don Hoff, P.E. Design Engineer MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES be eceived in lieulOf 5 ', In el public documents. onlyby�the SUP, teWont. Df Documents VA. 9mnnnr-10 Bence. JJ�-i--F 75 3 0 32 A 1SC� 0.'+ To Superintendent Doau- ntenfs,GovernmentPrint- FOR use OF SUPT. on aoce. ing Office, Washington, D.C. 40404 .............-- Enclosed ------------------- To be mailed sDate-------------JQLY__$......... _.......-------- • 19.75- ---------------- later -------------------- L`--BOYER---------------------•--------------------------- ........ Subscription - = Street address_ 300__ WEST_ ASHSTREET Refund ..................... City --------------SAL I NA -------------------------------------------- Coupon Refund-'-{--v- State. —KANSAS 67401 ------ AN Postage -------------------- - ----------------------•--- Zip Code ------ CATALOG NO. ( DESIRED TITLE OF PUBLICATION V( �' . �' VRICE COY TOTAL -------------------------- ------ -gDERAL_AID HIGHWAY_ ACT_ OF 197411 40 _ ------40 -------------------------- -- ------------ ---------- - - - - - :- , Pti_41-------------------`----------------------------- �.I-.., ---------------=------------------------------ ---------- ----------- ------ 31 CZ.A�� 4 --............................. ------------------------------ --•- - -- ----------- ----------------------- - ---- � - ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -•------- ------------ ------ -------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------- 'P -------------------------- ---------- - -�'i_�`--�----------------------------------------------------- ----------- --- FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE ATTACH ANOTHER SHEET. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED-- $----------4Q GPO: 1991 O - 55&997 IMPORTANT - Please Include your ZIP CODE when filling out the mailing label below. 0.1- US. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID PUBLIC DOCUMENTS U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 37$ SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS RATE OFFICIAL BUSINESS BOOK Name-------------- DEAN L. BOYER .............................................. Street address 300 WEST ASH STREET SALINA KANSAS .......... ZIP Code -67401 City and State . —s 4 '•v UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE s�w�nneauiss`DP°e,mu WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 Thank you for your order which is enclosed for your files. If your shipment is not correct please return your original order along with your request for adjustment. Do not return publications until notified. The following symbols are used to explain how your order was handled: Circle ............................ indicates publication(s) enclosed. D .................................. indicates publications are being printed and will be mailed as soon as we receive stock. Cost has been included in charges of this order. E .................................. indicates that our stock of the publication is exhausted and it is no longer available. Perhaps you can refer to a copy at your local library. A ................................. indicates that the publication is not available at this Office. You may be able to obtain a copy by applying directly to the issuing agency, which is indicated on your order. N ................................. indicates a new publication not yet printed or priced. Please reorder in 60 to 90 days. P .................................. indicates Publications Reference Slip(s) relating to your area of interest are enclosed. If you wish to order, please fill out the enclosed order form, remit proper payment and attach the corresponding Slip(s) for prompt handling of your order. C .................................. indicates that we are unable to identify the publication from the infor- mation furnished. S .................................. indicates the specific publication requested is not available, but we have indicated on your order another publication which supersedes or contains similar information. Your remittance was insufficient to cover the full cost of the publications ordered, but to expedite the handling of your order, we have mailed all available publications. Please remit the amount due $ in the accompanying envelope so we can close your account. A discount of 25 percent is allowed to bookdealers when the publications are mailed to the dealer's normal place of business. A discount of 25 percent is allowed for quantity purchases (100 or more copies of a single publi- cation) when mailed to a single address. No discount will be allowed when publication is mailed to a third party (unless in quantities of 100 or more). Superintendent of Documents CPO eizm4) Resp Freedom in Your Future With U.S. Savings Bonds e To Superintendent of Docu-ments, Govfive, ashi gtPrint- Ing Office, Washington, OD.C. 20402 Date ............. ALI.R.............................. :,19 7.5 Name........ AEAN..LA-. MP ............ —............... _............-----............ Street address -300 _WESTASH_STREET_______________•____________________________. City............... SAUNA _---•-----..._----------------------------------•-•......--------•-- State ............. KANSAS ....... ----..................... Zip Code ..... 67401...... PON use OF SUPT. OF Does. ................ Enclosed .................. To be mailed later ................... ......... _..... Subscription ......... Refund.......,-••-•-•--•-. Coupon Refund ........... Postage.................... CATALOG NO. UAN• VI ID DES_-__--___••_____ TITLE OF PUBLICATION PRICE PERI TOTAL ___ 1_____ .-"FEDERAL-AID HIGHWAY 40 _ _40 FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE ATTACH ANOTHER SHEET. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED.- S__..--__ -_4Q CPO: 1971 0.556-197 - U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE POSTAGE AND FEES PAID PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. U3. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 373 OFFICIAL BUSINESS SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS RATE BOOK Name............ DEAN - L. BOYER ....._.._.................................. 300 WEST ASH STREET Street address .......... -• ....... City and State ........ SALINA, KANSAS___....____, ZIP Code . 67401 To Superintendent of Doeu- erBlank menti Ice, ashl iM in9 CSffice, Waehingron, D.C. 40404 iii „-iu-i Date --------- MARCH_ 17------------------------------ 1975 N me- EAN_L. BOYER Street address City ------------- State - ---------- WEST ASH STREET KANSAS ----------- --------------------- Zip Code ___67401 ------ `POB USEOF suPr. OF Docs. -------------- Enclosed ----------------- ii 5 D fo hkM.IT;d 0.'' O -------------- laser -------------------- ________—____ SubaipNon _____._______ ReFund --------- -�--�- --- Coupon Reiuntl �_____ Poaage -------------------- CATALOG NO. DESIRED TITLE OF PUBLICATION CER TOTAL GS511._11QJ3L87_---- ----- 1- ----- --"Federal_-AidHi ghway_Actof._1973------------------ ---- 40--- s_________40 -------------------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ------ ------------ ---------- ------------ ------ ------------------------------- -----------f -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------ FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE ATTACH ANOTHER SHEET. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED-- S -------- -_4Q IMPORTANT GPO: 9974 0 - 558-997 Please include your ZIP CODE whenfillingour the mailing label below. r U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE PUBLIC DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 375 SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS RATE BOOR Name ------------ 0ean__Boygr,__Ci_ty_,Engineer Street address . -300 -Wes t -Ash--Street---------------------------------------- City and StateE- ZIP Code'-6_F4D-17" Cr Uo"L 0.4n THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS PURCHASE ORDER F Supt. of Documents TO: Govermsent Printing Office L Uaabingtoa, D. C. 20402 7 J ORDER NO. 15661 CHECK NO. 11565 DATE PAID 3-16-75 DATE 3-18-75 FUND CHARGE Engineer CODE AMOUNT QUANTITY /J/ /j ,p DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT C 1 8ederal-,Aid ldl&vay Act of 1973 .40 G554,110193/87 CID CLERK'S COPY -TO BE MAILED WITH CP& 7 `/ Anistsnt Publle Printer Superintendent of Documents UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 Thank you for your order which is enclosed for your files. If your shipment is not correct please return your original order along with your request for adjustment. Do not return publications until notified. The following symbols are used to explain how your order was handled: Circle... ......................... indicates publication(s) enclosed. D .................................. indicates publications are being printed and will be mailed as soon as we receive stock. Cost has been included in charges of this order. E .................................. indicates that our stock of the publication is exhausted and it is no longer available. Perhaps you can refer to a copy at your local library. A ................................. indicates that the publication is not available at this Office. You may be able to obtain a copy by applying directly to the issuing agency, which is indicated on your order. N .................................. indicates a new publication not yet printed or priced. Please reorder in 60 to 90 days. P .................................. indicates Publications Reference Slip(s) relating to your area of interest are enclosed. If you wish to order, please fill out the enclosed order form, remit proper payment and attach the corresponding Slip(s) for prompt handling of your order. C .................................. indicates that we are unable to identify the publication from the infor- mation furnished. S ..:................. .............. indicates the specific publication requested is not available, but we have indicated on your order another publication which supersedes or contains similar information. Your remittance was insufficient to cover the full cost of the publications ordered, but to expedite the handling of your order, we have mailed all available publications. Please remit the amount due $ in the accompanying envelope so we can close your account. A discount of 25 percent is allowed to bookdealers when the publications are mailed to the dealer's normal place of business. A discount of 25 percent is allowed for quantity purchases (100 or more copies of a single publi- cation) when mailed to a single address. No discount will be allowed when publication is mailed to a third party (unless in quantities of 100 or more). Superintendent of Documents ePa Form 3376 (12-74) Keep Freedom in Your Future With U.S. Savings Bonds DEAN BOYER, P. E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL MKP 'lOhcze/Irvztls CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOX 146 SALINA. KANSAS 61401 January 7, 1975 SEPX C14ED Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington D C 20402 D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER SOPE'(ROJL TREMBLAY OF' gEPUTY SOLp�ICFFICIAL JA A, z : 1975 Dear Sirs: Please send to us a copy of the "Federal -Aid Highway Act of 1973" as it relates to the Federal - Aid Urban System. 61'S' WO ' 9310 This should be billed to the Engineering Department of the City of Salina - 300 West Ash Street - Salina, Kansas 67401. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sinceeely, zyiTd i MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES �M To Superintendent of Docu- r e r ingots, Government Print- ing Office, Washington, UD.C. 40404 Date......................................--................ 19 ------ Name ..-------. Street address City _._--------- State ------------ Zip Code FOR USE OF $DPT. OP DOC$. ---------------- Enclosed --------- To be mailed ---------------- later ............ .�.............. Subscription ...... Refund ............ Coupon Refund Postage CATALOG NO. IAN- ITY DESIRED TITLE OF PUBLICATION PRICE PER COPY TOTAL -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ..._.._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----------------- ------------------------------- ---­-------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- '----------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------------------------------------- ------ FOR ADDITIONAL SPACE ATTACH ANOTHER SHEET. TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED-- S -------- ------ IMPORTANT CPO: 1974 0 - 55:-:97 Please Include your ZIP CODE when filling out the mailing label below. U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE PUBLIC DOCUMENTS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Name ........... Street address . City and State POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 373 SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS RATE BOOK ZIP Code SPECIAL ORDERING INFORMATION FOR SCHOOLS, BOARDS OF EDUCATION, AND OTHER STATE AND LOCAL AGENCIES As the official sales agency for Government publications, the regulations under which we must operate require remittance in advance of shipment of publications. In order to accom- modate the orders of State, county, and municipal agencies and institutions, which in them- selves are prevented from sending remittances without delivery of goods, or some formal presentation of the charges, we have evolved several ordering plans that have worked satis- factorily for many years. They are as follows: I Purchase order with attached State claim voucher A formal purchase order is submitted by the State agency, listing the publications desired. Attached to the purchase order is a State claim or voucher which we prepare, listing the publications that can be furnished and the cost. The claim or voucher is certified as correct by an official of this Office and notarized if necessary. The purchase order and claim -voucher is mailed back to the requisitioning agency for presentation to their paying authority and the drawing of the check. The purchase order is resubmitted with check to this Office and shipment of publications is immediately accomplished. II Purchase order requiring our pro forma forms A formal purchase order is submitted without a claim or voucher attached and we prepare and submit a pro forma invoice in as many copies as desired, as our formal presentation of the publications we can furnish and the charges. The purchase order and our pro forma invoices are returned to the requisitioning agency for their procedures in procuring a check. III Purchase order with remittance attached, requiring certified invoices or paid receipts , Many of the agencies, either from special funds, or by an agreement with their disbursing officials, are able to send their remittances with their purchase orders. They request on the order a certified invoice or paid receipt, which we provide in the number of copies desired. The purchase order and the receipts are returned with the shipment of publications, and the receipts are introduced into their procedures at this time to support the disbursement. This method expedites shipment to the ordering agency, since there is only one submission of the purchase order. IV Purchase of coupons for ordering publications Many State agencies place orders for our coupons, sold in denominations of 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents and good until used, for purchasing publications sold by this Office. As remittance is required in advance of the shipment of coupons, a check would be procured in the same manner as described in one of the methods above. Coupons attached to any order from a State agency wpuld be honored as cash for the purchase of our publications, thereby eliminating preparation of claim -vouchers, pro forma invoices, and drawing of checks for each order. V Depositors' accounts We maintain depositors' accounts providing a convenience for State agencies enabling them to avoid the necessity of obtaining quotations, sending individual remittances and the preparation of a claim -voucher for each order. A check, procured in a manner as described before, would be sent to this Office as a deposit, in an amount sufficient to cover all charges for publications to be ordered for a period of several months and may be for $50 or more. An individual account number is assigned and a supply of special depositors' order blanks forwarded to the new depositor. As orders are received, publications are mailed and notations made on the order blank to explain the status of any items which cannot be furnished. This copy of the order is returned to the State agency and will also show the amount charged against the account and credit balance remaining on hand. When the credit balance becomes low an additional deposit is required and if the account is over- drawn, the State agency is notified. This method greatly simplifies the problems of State agencies in the process- ing of fewer vouchers and checks and eliminates the issuance of formal purchase orders. These methods of ordering publications represent the scope of our procedures of the various ways our customers may remit with each order, or pay in advance for publications, as our regulations require. Although we have no statistics on the matter, we can logically assume that from the thousands of orders received, from State agencies and institutions of all the 50 States, at least one of these methods of remitting has proven practical enough for integration into their purchasing and disbursing regulations and procedures. CPO Form 9974 6-74) SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS M: 993.571