capitol subdivisin 4/11/1975DEAN BOYER. P.E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL Mr. Keith Rawlings Director of Planning 300 West Ash Street Salina, Kansas 67401 CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P.O. BOK Tae SALINA. KANSAS STAOI April 11, 1975 Re: Capitol Subdivision Right-of-way Requirements Dear Keith: D.W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER RON TREMBLAY DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL I fear that I may have been negligent in explaining the facts behind my statement that an additional forty feet (40') of right-of-way was adequate, on the Capitol Subdivision Plat, for frontage road purposes. I would point out first that the existing right-of-way on the west side of South Ninth Street is not a uniform width. We would not jog a frontage road in and out to match the existing right-of-way alignment regardless of the total right-of-way width. I feel the fifty foot (50') requirement for frontage road in the Subdivision Regulations is predicated on a uniform one hundred foot (100') right-of-way on the arterial street. This regulation then calls for one hundred feet (100') of right-of-way from the center line to accommodate street, medians, frontage road and utilities., This width would only require an additional seventeen feet (17') in the case of Capitol Subdivision. However, part of this right-of-way is used for open ditch storm drainage so the minimum of seventeen feet (17') is not adequate. In this section of South Ninth Street,we would need one hundred twenty- two feet (122') of right-of-way for construction and maintenance operations. As this one hundred twenty-two feet (122') needed is in excess of the minimum one hundred foot (100') total right-of-way required in the Subdivision Regulations, we fail to see any justification in taking the additional ten feet (10') of private property out of production. DB:MKP Respectfully submitted, �ean yer �' MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES - NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES