eastborough addition-water agreementC. W. EURCH(1869-19{5) IL L UTOWICH(188119/9) LARUE ROYCE (18914951) E. S. HAMPTON H. H. DUNHAM, h. JOHN O. ROYCE HOWARD ENGLEMAN C. STANLEY NELSON JACK N. STEWART TOM W. HAMPTON LAW OMCES HAMPTON, DUNHAM, ROYCE a ENGLEMAN NINTH ROOK UNITED BWLDING SAUNA, KANSAS February 4, 1964 Telephone TAYIor 7-7251 Ronald Webster Director of Utilities, City of Salina 412 East Ash Salina, Kansas Re: Water Line Agreement of September 27, 1955„ regarding Lots in Eastborougb Addition, a Sub -division of Greeley Township, Saline O County, Kansas. Dear Mr. Webster: We represent Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Garrison, the owners of the South -half of Lot Seven in Eastborough Addition. We enclose herewith the statement executed by Ernest Oshlert, Bennett E. Olsson and Robert L. Marietta, parties to the above agreement, acknowledging that Mr. and Mrs. Garrison have paid the charge dus for connecting to the private water line, and authorizing them to connect to said water line. We are sending a copy of this letter and enclosed statement to tbs City Clerk. Very truly yours, HAMPTON DUNHAM, ROYCE & ENGLEMAN Jack N. Stewart/jh By Enclosure cc: Mr. H. S. Paterson City Clerk City Hall Salina, Kansas; Nr. and Its. Robert E. Garrison 665 South 12th Salina, Kansas ROBERT Be GARRISON The undersigned. Robert L. Marietta, for and on behalf of Ernest Oahlert, Sennett B. Oleson, and Robert L. Marietta, hereby acknowledge that the charge due for connecting to the private water line owned by the undersigned, all pur- suant to the agreement of September 27, 1995 with the City of Selina, Kansas is fully paid as to the South ONe-Half of Lot Seven. You are now authorised to tap said line for Your private use on the 8%02 Lot Seven, Eastborough Addition, a sub- division of Greeley Townebip. Saline County, Kansas. SANEST OEH38RT BENNETT Be OLSSON ROBERT L. MARIETTA �—Robert L. Marietta 91 z' A G R E E I,I E N T ThI5 AGREErY NT, made the 27th day of September, 1955, between Ernest Oehlert, Bennett E. Olsson and Robert L. Liarietta, of the first part, and the City of Salina, Kansas, of the second part: WhEREAS; first parties desire to construct a private water line in the easement granted for that purpose by the County Commissioners of Saline County, Kansas in Eas$borough Addition, a sub -division, in Greeley Township, Saline County, Kansas; 4ERERS, the City of Salina is willing to urnis1 watier through said private water line; WhEREAS, first parties desire to protect themselves in tl,e financing, cost and construction of said private water line against any adjoining land owner failing to pay,a proper charge before using water frori said line; �iow, it is hereby agreed as follows: First parties plan to construct and pay for a six incl"; water line to be placed in the easement granted for this purpose by the County Conpissioners of Saline County, Kansas in Eastborouah Addition, a sub -division, in Greeley Town- ship, Saline County, Kansas, said construction to be in accordance to existing or provided specifications of the City of Salina., C...Ra.Y„ 0"VL 2Q The second party will supply water at all times^to and r through said private water line, make all taps into said line and provide separate meters for all users, Ho taps will be made and. no water supplied by second party into said private water line for the use and benefit of anyone riot a party to this agreement unless the party requesting service shall have a written approval therefor from first parties, first parties will not refuse such approval if the following charges are paid; to be paid pro rata for differentials between one half and a full lot. The charge for connecting to said private water line shall be $450.00 for each one half lot or $900.00 for each full lot plus interest at the rate of six per cent (6;6) per annum from Noveraber 1, 1955 up to the time payment is made to connect to said private water line. All payments, hereunder shall be made to first parties or their successors or assigns. If at any time it is ascertained that water is being supp- lied to any property for which the cnarge for connection has not been paid, the second party will irmiediately discontinue such service upon being notified ti;ereof, Rates established uy ordinance by second party frog„ tine to ti;:.ie for tapping or service will be paid by the separate owners severally and rates prescribed for rural consui::ers shall apply until the area, if ever, is incorpor- ated in the City of Salina, Kansas, -1- If the said Eastborough Addition is ever incorporated within the corporate limits of the City of Salina, it is understood and agreed that the said six inch water line will then become the sole property of the City of Salina and shall be subject to such use as the City desires except that no new connections will be made into said line for properties now next adjacent thereto except in accordance with the terms of this agreement and the charges aforesaid shall not apply in the event the line is at any time extended from the terminus contemplated by this agreement in so far as such additional property is concerned. This agreement shall bind the parties hereto, their respective heirs, administrators, executors, -successors and, assigns. IN WI NESS 'Mr.FREOF, the first parties hereto have set their hanct the day and year first above written. The second party has hereunto caused the common seal of the City of Salina to be affixed on the day and year first above written. kLtn �_ FIRST PARTIES By order of tlne Board of Co_miss overs of the City of Salina, Kansas the foregoing agreement is hereby approved this 27th day of September, 1955. CHAIR;w%N OF THE BOARD OF CO4�JviIS5IOHERS 1:TTEST: -2-