us 81 frontage roadROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor State Highway Commission of Kansas JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways WALTER JOHNSON, State Highway Engineer Mr. Norris D, Olson City Manager City of Salina Fifth and Ash Streets Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Manager Olson: STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 July 20, 1967 Mrs, Ethyle Ballard, informational writer of this depart. ment, will present your Special Accident Records Award in Class B (population 109001 to 75,000) in the 1966 Kansas Traffic Safety Program on August 71s 1967 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Commisas sion.meeting. We would suggest that you have a photographer and a news. paper reporter present for the presentation. This is Indeed an honor you deserve for your accomplishments in traffic safety. However, I am sure each of us realize that if we don't produce a more concentrated effort in traffic safety, fatalities will continue to rise. us, Make every effort to upgrade your traffic safety program now. When and if we can be of furrher.assistance. please notify very truly yours, CLAUD R. MCCAMMENT Director of Safety Kansa Highway Commission lH ROLD PfiLLEGR 0 Asst. Director of Safety HP:ms cc: Mrs. Ethyle Ballard, Informational writer HARRY (BUD)TIMBERLAKE roy` Laavcnumrth, Kaneaa yapp BOB KENT Salina. Kansas y C J. REX DUWE Luca, Kansa, KANSAS KARL A. BRUECK Paola. Kansas E. W. PETE ARMSTRONG Wichita, Kansas LOUIS KAMPSCHRORDER Garden City. Kansas STATE OFFICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 July 20, 1967 Mrs, Ethyle Ballard, informational writer of this depart. ment, will present your Special Accident Records Award in Class B (population 109001 to 75,000) in the 1966 Kansas Traffic Safety Program on August 71s 1967 at 4:00 p.m. at the City Commisas sion.meeting. We would suggest that you have a photographer and a news. paper reporter present for the presentation. This is Indeed an honor you deserve for your accomplishments in traffic safety. However, I am sure each of us realize that if we don't produce a more concentrated effort in traffic safety, fatalities will continue to rise. us, Make every effort to upgrade your traffic safety program now. When and if we can be of furrher.assistance. please notify very truly yours, CLAUD R. MCCAMMENT Director of Safety Kansa Highway Commission lH ROLD PfiLLEGR 0 Asst. Director of Safety HP:ms cc: Mrs. Ethyle Ballard, Informational writer January 30, 1970 US -81 Frontage Road M. of Salina Saline County S.S. 2.170-4 MEMORANDUM TO: MR. J. 0. ADAMS, P. E., ASSISTANT STATE HIGHWAY ENGIiEER We are transmitting herewith a certified copy of a resolution to establish a 35 MPH speed limit for 0.33 mile on the US -81 East Frontage Road north of Diamond Drive, at the north edge of Salina, Kansas. This resolution was adopted by the State Highway Commission at Its mating on January 28, 1970. Recently added signing on this frontage road was accomplished under S.S. 2-1169-11. At that time, speed zone signing was also discussed and It was determined with the Division that two (2) 241x30", 112-1 SPEED LIMIT 35 signs facing teaffic in each direction, would be sufficient to post this zone at intermediate points on the length since STOP control and STOP AHEAD signs control the two ends of the frontage road. This information and the resolution copy are for your use In trans- mitting your request to Mr. R. M. Wall, Division Engineer so that this speed limitation can be properly posted for the motoring public. This Department certainly will appreciate a clearance letter from the Division when these signs have been erected. W. M. Ogan, P. E. Engineer of Urban Highways A. J. Basile, P. E. Urban Traffic Engineer AJB:ka Attachment cc: Mr. Robert A. Kent, State Highway Commissioner Col. William L. Albott, Supt., Highway Patrol Mr. D. L. Harrison, City Clerk, Salina Mr. LaRue Delp, Engineer of Maintenance Mr. R. W. Wali, Division Engineer NEW SPEED ZONE S.S. -170-4 URBAN SPEED ZONE - US -81 - FRONTAGE ROAD SALINE COUNTY KANSAS. On motion of Mr. Kent , seconded by Mr. Hagen the Commission adopted—tTie tollowing resolution: WHEREAS, the traffic conditions on the East frontage Road, paralleling US -81, in Saline County, Kansas, beginning, 0.03 mile north from the inter- section of the one-half section line common to the north one-half and the south one-half of Section 36, T -13-S, R -3-W, and the centerline of US -81 and extending north 0.33 mile, more or less, are deemed hazardous at certain speeds, and WHEREAS, a competent engineering and traffic investigation has been made at the direction of the Commission, pursuant to the provisions of K.S.A. 1967 Supp. 8-532, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that in the interest of public safety and for the preservation of life and property, and having full regard for the traffic conditions upon said frontage road, the Commission hereby declares that the reasonable speed limit upon said frontage road, under the conditions found to exist as the result of the traffic investigation shall not exceed 35 miles per hour, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there be erected suitable traffic signs as approved in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices prepared by the National Joint Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials and adopted by the State Highway Commission on March 28, 1962, which shall give notice to the traveling, public of the speed limitation as above set forth, said signs to be erected and maintained as directed by the Urban Highways Department. i. Pauline L. Blair, secretary to the state Highway cc:s+ission of Kansas, hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of a reso- lution which was adopted by the state Righway Comauiasion at its meeting Janu- ary 28. 1970. PAUL= L. BXArR secretary ROBERT B. DOCKING, Governor ROBERT P. HAGBN rryyr' BOB KUn Kass" Kamas State Highway Commission of Kansas k HENRSalinaY SCHwALLER Hays. Ken"a JOHN D. MONTGOMERY, Director of Highways RANSAS KARL A. BRUECK Aoa, Kaon" R. L. PEYTON, Assistant State Highway Director GALE Moss JOHN D. MCNEAL, State Highway Engineer H D.&. ram" LOUIS KAMPSCHROEDER Garden Qty. Kana" STATE OPPICE BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS 66612 August 18, 1971 Mr. Robert C. Caldwell Mayor 300 West Ash P.O. Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Mayor Caldwell: Mr. Harold Holtz of this department will present your city with the Traffic Safety Award on August 23, 1971 at 7:00 p.m. at the city hall. Would you please have a photographer and a news reporter present for this presentation. As Governor Docking stated, if we are to accept the challenge and reduce fatalities every city official must continue to do their part in promoting traffic safety in their city. We urge you to continue to up grade your safety activities. If and when this department can be of further assistance, please let us know. Very truly yours, CLAUD R. McCAMMENT Director of Highway Safety Kansas Highway Commission AROLD PELLEGRINO 1�� Asst. Director of Highway Safety HP:css cc: Harold Holtz, safety specialist John Woody, Chief of Police whEte/1/ottlz DEAN BOYER. P. E. CITY ENGINEER BUILDING OFFICIAL CITY -COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASN STREET P.O. BOX Tab SALINA. KANSAS STAOI February 23, 1971 Mr. John S. Schafer Right of Way Engineer State Hiahwav Commission of Kansas State Office Building Topeka, Kansas 66612 and wEst Re: Right of Way - Saline County 81-85 AF 043-1 (1) Dear Mr. Schafer: D. W. BASSETT ASST. CITY ENGINEER RON TREMBLAY DEPUTY BUILDING OFFICIAL We have completed meetings with the City Commission of Salina, Salina City Planning Commission and the property owners on the west side of U.S. 81, City Route between Otto Avenue - Station 51+00 and Magnolia Road - Station 76+00. Our recommendation in regard to the access control on U.S. 81, City Route is as follows: 1. In general, it would be the City's recommendation that the entire route be controlled by the use of frontage roads with designated access points. 2. The distance between breaks in the access control and median, which would allow a vehicle entering the highway to make a left turn, be a minimum of 1,000 feet from any other break in the median. 3. The distance between breaks in the access control, to allow ingress and egress by right hand turns only, would be a minimum of 500 feet from any other break in the access control. 4. Street platting that would allow access to the highway, shall coincide with or create the median breaks. 5. Where streets are not platted, an entrance onto a frontage road would be allowed on both sides of the highway in line with a median break. MEMBER . . KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITILS - NATIONAL LEAGUk{ OF CIT!FS Mr. John S. Schafer Page 2 February 23, 1971 That existing private entrances, being an access point for the use of the abutting property for residential and farming uses only, will never be allowed to be used for commercial or public purposes except when they coincide with the above minimum distances for breaks in the access control and/or median. . In regard to the specific request for a break in the access on the north property line, of the property which is being developed by the Willard Investment Company (approximately Station 68+77 Rt.), we would recommend the maximum that should be allowed at this location would be a break in the access for a two way entrance centered on the property line but without a break in the median. This would be a no left turn entrance. We would further recommend that the only median break allowed between Otto Avenue and Magnolia Road be located approximately at the location of the existing private entrance at Station 62+78. Pertaining to the request made by Paul Adrian, south of Magnolia Road on the east side of the highway, we would recommend allowing this entrance at the same location as Mid -State Mall's since the median is already broken at this location. A frontage road is already paved from this point south to Belmont Boulevard on the east side of U.S. 81, City Route. Thank you for your consideration in this very important matter. DLB:MKP Very truly yours, Dean L. Boyer City Engineer