johnson, raymond train�_�; r ♦, A'-.. � I✓m�kylt llf6z �II H1 1. ""rj ��s��lll"AI� �,fit�i —��'�` . DAN S. GEIS, MAYOR ROY W.ALLEN KEITH G. DUCKERS KAREN M. GRAVES MERLE A. HODGES Mr..Raymond H. Johnson Box 160 Wakefield, Kansas 67487 Dear Mr. Johnson: CITY - COUNTY BUILDING 300 WEST ASH STREET P. O. BOX 746 SALINA, KANSAS 67401 June 19, 1980 CITY MANAGER RUFUS L. NYE AREA CODE 913 5232277 This letter will acknowledge receipt of your written notifi- cation dated June 17, 1980, of your decision to remove the minia- ture train from Kenwood Park. You have provided the children of this area with a great deal of entertainment over the years and we regret your decision to not operate the train in the future. As I pointed out when we visited in my office, planning and preparation for the Smoky Hill River Festival requires a great deal of time and involves many, many people. It simply would not have been fair to them to ask that the plans be changed after the Festival was in fact underway, particularly since a great deal of effort had gone into printing maps and publicizing the location and time of all the various events. As I suggested, with adequate notice, I am sure the Festival could be planned in future years to permit the operation of the train at the present location. Should you by chance change your mind on removing the train, we will be very happy to work with you on developing another agreement. Sincerely yours, Rufus L. Nye City Manager BY: Bill Harris Assistant City Manager RLN::bh cc: Uity Clerk Dir. of Com. Services MEMBER ... KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES • NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES RECEIVED JUN 18 1980 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE City Manager 300 west Ash Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: Box 16o Wakefield, Kansas 67487 June 17, 1980 In compliance with item vigil in the agreement with the City of Salina, you are hereby given 30 days notice after receipt of this letter that the operation of t1a miniature Steam Train on the tracks now located in Kenwood Parke shall be terminated. This action is taken because we were at first denied the privilege, then given a "take -it -or -leave -it" very restrictive offer to operate the train during the Smoky Hill River Festival. After nearly 40 years of operation of this same train in the same location, it had become sort of a tradition to operate this train for the benefit of the people of the area. I was remiss in ray duty in that I did not realize that the train operation had to be approved by Martha Rhea, Director of Salina Arts Commission. After nearly 40 years in the same location, one would assume that some sort of prior rights had been established. tdobody from any organization had contacted me about the operation or non operation of the train during the festival. The train was operated for the bicentennial celebration and a representative from the bicentennial committee was most appreciative to have the train in operation for the occasion. Due to personal commitments I was unable to provide the service during the following festivals. However, I made special arrangements to have additional qualified personnel and equipment on hand to accommodate the large number of prospective riders for this year's festival. on Friday, June 13, after getting the train operational, I was summoned to Martha Rheats office in the park and told that we could not operate the train. on learning that I had a contract with the city, she telephoned Bill Harris to verify. Part of the Agreement includes It. . . to continue operations on Sundays and holidays. . ." over the years, the train has been operated at times other then Sundays and holidays for special events and situations when personal commitments and equipment permitted. Since there has never been any previous problem or disagreement relative to -the operation of the train that anyone was aware of, Bill Harris suggested that some agreement might be work out. The "take -it - or -leave -it" solution provided by Martha Rhea was that we could operate the train in the mornings, discontinue operation from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m:, operate from 4.p.m. to 6 p.m., and discontinue operations after 6 p.m. I City Manager Page 2 June 17, 1980 After consultation with those who were to assist in the operation of the train, it was decided that the restrictive offer was unacceptable because of the attention and time required in keeping the locomotives steamed up and attended to; and that except for the two hours between k p.m. and 6 p.m. there would be relatively few people available to ride the train --and the train was for the people to use. The train has been operated during my 13 years of ownership without benefit of federal, state, or other tax aid; no revenue sharing; no donations or sponsorship by private firms. A32 expenses, maintenance, insurance, upkeep, labor and travel has been supplied personally from revenues generated from the small price of a ride, which was currently twenty-five cents. It is now evident that the city has little or no interest in having this train service in their park. I regret that the discontinuance of the train will deprive so many of the second generation the opportunity to ride the very same train that their parents rode as a child. It has been interesting and fascinating to provide the train service to the many patrons and faithful riders during the past. The train has already been removed from the park. The remaining structures, rail and ties shall be removed within the next 30 days. ?llheze/lrorthaizdfoutlz ;__.� c/KeetL`�astandYUest D. Ll L. HARRISON ` �) .W GTT CLERKS OFFICE ABBOT M. E. ABBOTT L` "- ; f ` AREA CODE 913 TA3-9534 FIFTH AND ASH STREETS P.O. BOX 746 17, c-SaLuza, xansas 67goi April 15, 1969 Mr. Raymond H. Johnson Box 160 Wakefield, Kansas Dear Mr. Johnson: I am enclosing the agreement between the City of Salina and yourself for the operation of the miniature train in Kenwood Park.. The City Commissioners have authorized the City Manager to sign this agreement after you have signed. When you have signed the agreement, please return it to me and we will send you a completed copy for your file. Sincerely, D. L. Harrison City Clerk DLH/jbs enclosure MEMBER KANSAS LEAGUE OF MUNIGIPALI TIES - NA7I0t4AL LEA,;�F OF CITIES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of April, 1969, by and between the CITY -OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal cor- poration, hereinafter referred to as the "City", and RAYMOND H. JOHNSON, Box 160, Wakefield, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as "Johnson", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City to provide clean and wholesome entertainment for children using its park system and Johnson desires to operate al miniature steam train in Kenwood 5 Park. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in;'consideration of the mutual cov- enants and agreements by and between the parties as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: (1). City hereby grants unto Johnson the privilege and right to maintain and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train on the tracks now located in Kenwood Park. (2). In consideration for the right and privilege to oper- ate said train for the term specified, Johnson to pay the City a sum of money equal to five percent (5%) of the gross revenue and receipts, less.federal tax and state tax, growing out of the oper- ation of said miniature steam train at the place and for the period of time designated. (3). Johnson agrees that he will immediately begin operations of an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train consisting of an engine, ten- der and a minimum of three passenger coaches, and to continue oper- ations on Sundays and holidays during the 1969 season until October 1, 1969. City agrees that in the event the Ottaway Miniature Steam Train becomes inoperative due to any breakdown or repairs being made, a substitute train, either steam powered or motor driven, may be temporarily substituted. (4). City agrees that Johnson may construct or provide at his own expense a suitable storage structure or facility for the purpose of storing the entire train when the train is not in service; provided,however,.that prior to construction of any such facility, the structure must be approved in writing by the City Manager. m (5). Johnson agrees that said facilities will be maintained at all times in a manner not to.detract from the beauty of the surroundings and that the said ,location be kept clean and free of all trash and rubbish. (6). Johnson agrees to charge no more than Fifteen Cents (15 cents) per person per ride,'on said miniature steam train and to keep an account of all ticket sales and money received therefrom that shall be open for inspection by the City at all reasonable hours. It is agreed that the five percent (5%) of the gross re- ceipts, less federal and state tax, payable to the City hereunder shall be paid,n a manner and At times required by the City. (7). Johnson agrees to pay all electricity necessary to properly light and operate the facilities and grounds in question. (8). Johnson agrees to file with the City Clerk and keep in force at all times a public liability insurance policy covering his operations of the train which will provide Johnson with indem- nifying liability insurance of $15,000.00 for any one person and $50,000.00 for any one accident as a condition precedent to oper- ation of said steam train." (9). This lease may be terminated by either party on 30 days written notice. (10). Johnson is hereby granted an option to extend this leasecunder like terms and conditions for the 1970 season from April 1, 1970, to October 1, 1970, and for the 1971 season from April 1, 1971, to October 1, 1971. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year, first above mentioned. AP'P' JROVyED :: j City Attorney City of Salina, Kansas By�.��_ City Manager Party of the First Part rty of the Se nd Part MOD S,1N39V NOVO NO (S)1N3W3SHOON3 OW (S)ltlyd 3SV83AOO H3VJly 3Md a-009—vo 'OH WHOd 69.91-Z VS skgqueswdaa pozuogllly lg J� :pauH!weluno,l :upueq pelels aspivayyo ssalun hepunwaq Pablo Imp al Iel!wis 'pwnsul paweu alp of panssj'eousmsul pa9aouea seq lauWul ou weal awgl !sed 9% BuunO •q tuall 000.I2Z S 006tZZ t MOM t AtwaAluuV PuZ llasleeluuy 111T 43110 11AO39H3 :uo algeled sl wmwwd Iquowllqsul ul pled eq 4 sl wmwald aql pue seal On uegl wow 21 polled lapod eq{ H 00*£99 4 'lwpld s!ql lol wnlwald eoueAPV 1401 = - Onss! 311 pegaepe'(s))led 02waA03 uo palelue asogl uegl »qlo 'siuswaslopue ;o weqwnu uuol 9i = eauelnsul A!1!gen 1114aamoo !i muwnsul leumed eelsuagwdwo3 - = = eouwnsul 11!1!gen Iwaueg en!suagaldwoO 4 eouwnsul A!llqun ganpaid Put suogelad0 PalaldwO3 S = : eauelnsul AO!gvn sladawlwOlS S 90uwnsul sluawlad lealPOW sgslwald = 00uwnsul sls!l4oW pwnsuryg gsule8y uogaalo/d _ - e0uwnsul 4g!ge.1 lwlul leuosiad 00 £99 3 efi0t9 e0uelnsul A!I!ge!'I MUNI pug ,2plolpuwl ',sleuMO S souwnsul eewtO = eauelnsu! 4lllg11n allgowolny es!suagaldwo0 S souwnsul 4111qun angaelwd su40eAuaO Pug alauu0 3 S eouelnsul A!1!gell xolawryoO put ,slaimovinupw ; (laelq-uON) sauwnsul alleweO 111a!algd ollgowolny = aouwnsul sjuawlad lea!papl slauue3 ; (apewolny;aoll) aouemsul elva to leorAgd epgow4ny = souwnsul leuoslad aelsu9gaudwo0 s,leuut3 S eauelnsu! sluewled 11131paW ,ssaloldw3lultdput $1ggell,sj9Aojduguuei = (si4laa0) 00uemsul OBewtO leap:6gd ellgowolny = aauenlsul UOMI rl l4ane13 = aauwnsul sluawled IW!peW el!gowgny swnlwwd em.MR •MON Ned "aAo3 (e)Ned aBweAo3 swn!waid on"" •($)ON Ned aHwaAo3 (e)Ntd 88w4A4'� 'faIlod rql 10 Ned a Suluuol put 4 pogoegt put (s)a8lega wnlwald o9laads lq P4ewpul (s)Ned eHeisA* Bulmollo) cull 4 pedsw qlW Quo sl paploge o0uenlsul 9q1. 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NOSNW r 'H 0N0NAVd :ssalppv Pug pwnsul peweN 'T wall ragwnN to le#auog 699N£t£ 170 A, L V T Z 5£_ 111'�N 31180WO1nV — A11118VI1 1V�J3N3O aaag s;uatuasaopua pus s;.Pea oseaanoo gauiw URBOT) zzva IMUR S P $=O-v aanmg of Pvnomv PoaPWY W PUM ngmux mPala )o PWV 3�N3IZI3dX3 s�vso,� neymvd me"mm MOZ ) Ou""g10 PIa Po N I vti aUod P"i »m 3ON3IMMdX3 SAOIA32Id aaag s;uatuasaopua pus s;.Pea oseaanoo gauiw parol •uols!A!p leluawulanoa a 01 414081!p sl!wal pue well aleiedas a se 54301103 Palnsul poweu 941 43!4M sasei uegl J8410'sasei sapnl3ul pue'saln;3!d uo!low Lo Hugse3pealq'Eugse3olal wol; sid!am uegi La4yo s!seq sid!a3a1 a u0 paleu ale se pouad Ao!lod aq; auunp slagio Aq Lo painsui pewau aqi Aq suogeiodo gins Lol pamsul pameu 843 Aq P88*3 Aauow;o lunowe ssoia ayl sueaw ,Sld!0003„ 'Z sassed Lo slallo!l hopow!idwoo 'slapq uo!ss!wpe pled uo i84484m sosiwaid painsul 94; uo poonpum sivase of Lo paunsui luaea aql o; pauppe'pamsu! pameu ayl ;o saaloldwe vagi Laq;o 'suosuad ;o Lagwnu lelol 043 sueaw „suolsslmpe„ '1 :s!seq wn!wald a se pasn LJOW wnlwwd a3ueApy 10101 00£99 6tf-Do se ansa! is pegoaiie siuowosiopus ye siogwnu wind swnlwa3d -0•d pue -1.8 ooueAPV 18101 S a30r MUN CM3A0a 3NON (seslmeld la JogwnN) slopAell pamsul +agwnm Lo1eAa13 Lad nwn a sldwaa ra3l 081 S Llaadd suosslwptl o � suolsslwpv lod Lealaos 00 o go IP Cid s! ea,tl lel ea,tl {u •id •as 00 Lad e 00•f09 UMINO+d 1189A MJU Aluo usdp114o Ilsms .lo+ peu61sep - 91PPIN - spew jje J eie4elulh sf090 00069 Not 00.101 ts� soft 0014 lmaulUlWl Jed lenuuy suo!laued0 - soslwwd .ON spieee8 yo uo!ldu3sa0 ePo9 $8388 wmwaid '0'd '1'8 oaawe8 AyLodoAd NnIul Mpol 38438 smnlwead aouaApy A!I!ge!1 olowe0 Alladmd-8 S Ammen Amful AI!po8—tl . s S000000*CZ S saae3aw� 03ualln330 Pea uoslad 4388 Ai!8ge!l yo quill 'olalagi a3u9l8;al Eo!ney Ao!lod sig ;o swlal a43 Ile of loolgns 'walaq pa;els se eq Ilegs 83MAo0 Wns 4388 1su!eae Al!I!ge!I s,Auedwoo oyl ;o i!w!l 841 •saZjego io able43 wnpoid 3y!3ads Aq polempui ale se SOZOJDA03 HupeoBo; ao ;o ons of loadsal yi!M Aluo si paploge nuensu! 841 31 TOMS (..ol]a Y]LNY, pomsul poweu Aq pa!dn000 filed L0410 ❑ 1NYN2 1 ❑ 41441 1 1 -2— ❑ YiNMo O (N..l]. YJ]Na) ommaid Peunsul u! pansul pameu yo Isaialul OWN PeUNO /410 U1 P42*01) sesuaN 691311eS (iNOl1YYYlJ]O 101 Ni11 NI NMON.4]4.00. iY NOILYJOI 1MYi II ..1NYi.. YILNiI soslweid pamsul yo uo!leool SNOIIVHV1330 1VN011100V -Aa!lod p!es a;aldwoo o1 ' ELPIML VTON 410A of ina11143814e Jol N0I1110W30 ONV NOIMUSN03 MM 'SN011tli1311V as -e v3l ivan1on81S NVH1 83H10 MINN NI SNOHIUMMO 031n38 ONV S3SIW38d 031VNSIS30 801 35VH3AO3 REO 191 30NvanSNl A11118tl11 .SLNVN31 ONV ,S108010Ntl1 ',S83NMO 18tld 39tl83A09 1. COVERAGE A—BODILY INJURY LIABILITY COVERAGE B—PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY The company will pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of A. bodily injury or B. property damage to which this insurance applies, caused by an occurrence and arising our of the ownership, maintenance or use of the insured premises and all operations neces- sary or incidental thereto, andthecompany shall have the right and duty to defend any or against the insured seeking damages pn account of such bodily Injury property damage, even if any of the allegations of the suit are groundless, false or fraudulent, and may make such investigation and settlement of any claim or suit as it deems expedient, but the company shall not be obligated to pay any claim or judgment or to defend any suit after the applicable limit of the company's liability has been exhausted by payment of judgments or settlements. Exclusions This insurance does not apply: (a) to liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement except an incidental contract; but with respect to bodily injury or property damage occurring while work performed by the named insured is in progress, this exclusion does not apply to a warranty that such work will be done in a workmanlike manner; (b) to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, use, loading or unloading of (1) any automobile or aircraft owned or operated by or rented or loaned to the named insured, or (2) any other automobile or aircraft operated by any person in the course of his employment by the named insured; but this exclusion does not apply to the parking of an automobile on Insured premises, if such automobile is not owned by or rented or loaned to the named Ensured; (cl to bodily Injury or property damage arising out of and in the course of the transportation of mobile equipment by an automobile owned or operated by or rented or loaned to the named insured; (d) to bodily injury or property damage arising out of the ownership, maintenance, operation, use, loading or unloading of any watercraft, if the bodily injury or property damage occurs away from the insured premises, but this exclusion does not apply to liability assumed by the insured under an incidental contract; (e) to bodily iajuq or property damage due to war, whether or not declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing, with respect to (1) liability assumed by the Insured under an Incidental contract, or (2) expenses for first aid under the Supplementary Payments provision; (O to bodily imju.y or property damage for which the insured or his indemnitee may be held liable, as a person or organization ergaged in the business of manufacturing, distributing, selling or serving alcoholic beverages or as an owner or lessor of premises used for such purposes, by.reason of the selling, serving or giving of any alcoholic beverage (1) in violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation, (2) to a minor, (3) to a person under the influence of alcohol, or (4) which causes or contributes to the intoxication of any person; (g) to any obligation for which the insured or any carrier as his insurer may be held liable under any workmen's compensation, unemployment compensation or disability benefits law, or under any similar law; Od to bodily injury to any employee of the Insured arising out of and in the course of his employment by the insured; but this exclusion does not apply to liability assumed by the insured under an incidental contract; W to property damage to (1) property owned or occupied by or rented to the insured, (2) property used by the Insured, or (3) propertyin the care, custody or control of the insured or as to which the i insured s for any purpose exercising physical control; - but parts (2) and (3) of this exclusion do not aTyply with respect to liability under a written sidetrack agreement and part (3l of this axe usbon does not apply with respect to property damage (other than to elevators) arising out of the use of an elevator at the Insured premises; Ill to property damage to premises alienated by the named Insured arising out of such premises or any part thereof; (k) to property damage to the named insured's products arising out of such prod- ucts or any part of such products; (1) to property damage to work performed by or on behalf of the named insured arising out of the work or any portion thereof, or out of materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection therewith; AUTHENTI (m) to bodily injury or property damage included within the completed operations hazard or the products hazard; (n) to bodily injury or property damage arising out of operations on or from premises (other than the insured premises) owned by, rented to or controlled by the named insured, or to liability assumed by the lowered under any con. tract or agreement relating to such premises; (o) to bodily injury or property damage arising out of structural alterations which involve changing the size of or moving buildings or other structures, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the named insured. II. PERSONS INSURED Each of the following is an insured under this insurance to the extent set forth below: (a) if the named insured is designated in the declarations as an individual, the person so designated but only with respect to the conduct of a business of which he is the sole proprietor; Ib) if the named insured is designated in the declarations as a partnership or joint venture, the partnership or joint venture so designated and any partner or member thereof but only with respect to his liability as such; (cl if the named insured is designated in the declarations as other than an in- dividual, partnership or joint venture, the organization so designated and any executive officer, director or stockholder thereof while acting within the scope of his duties as such; (d) any person (other than an employee of the named insmaid) or organization while acting as real estate manager for the named Insured; and (e) with respect to the operation, for thepurpose of locomotion upon a public highway, of mobile equipment registered under any motor vehicle registration law, 0) an employee of the named insured while operating any such equipment in the course of his employment, and 00 any other person while operating with the permission of the named insured any such equipment registered in the name of the named insured and any person or organization legally responsible for such operation, but only if there is no other valid and collectible insurance available, either on a primary or excess basis, to such person or organization; provided that no person or organization shall be an insured under this para- graph (e) with respect to: (1) bodily Iola ry to any fellow employee of such person injured in the course of his employment, or (2) property damage to property owned by, rented to, in charge of or occupied by the named insured or the employer of any person described in sub. paragraph (iii. This insurance does not appply to bodily Injury or property damage arising out of the conduct of any partners hi or Joint venture of which the favored is a partner or member and which is not designated in this policy as a named insured. III. LIMITS OF LIABILITY Regardless of the number of (l) insureds under this polioyy, (2) persons or organi- zations who sustain bodily injuuryry or property damage, or (3) claims made or suits brought on account of bodily 1131 ry or property damage, the company's liability is limited as follows: Coverage A—The limit of bodily injury liability stated in the schedule as applicable to "each person" is the limit of the company's liability for all damages because of bodily injury sustained by one person as the result of any one occur- rence; but subject to the above provision respecting "each person", the total liability of the company for all damages because of bodiy injury sustained by two or more persons as the result of any one occurrence shall not exceed the limit of bodily Injory liability stated in the schedule as applicable to "each occurrence". Coverage B—The total liability of the company for all damages because of all anizations as the result oroany �� one Occuurrrence shallll not exceed the lione or more mit of properns or rtty damage liability stated in the schedule as applicable to "each occurrence". Coverages A and B—For the purpose of determining the limit of the company's liability, all bodily injury and property damage arising out of continuous or re- peated exposure to substantially the same general conditions shall be considered as arising out of one occurrence. IV. ADDITIONAL DEFINITION When used in reference to this insurance (including endorsements forming a part of the policy): "banned premises" means (1) the premises designated in the declarations, (2) premises alienated by the named insured (other thanpremises constructed for sale by the named insured), if possession has been relinquished to others, and (3) premises as to which the named insured acquires ownership or central and reports his intention to insure such premises under this policy and no other within 30 days after such acquisition; and includes the ways immediately ad- joining such premises on land. V. POLICY PERIOD; TERRITORY This insurance applies only to bodily Injury or property damage which occurs during the policy period within the palmy ternary. �uxaxinv ,adoge poleuHlsop uollezlue6io io uosjad aql;o;legaq uo jo Aq pawo;iad suo!leiado uon!lowep jo uolaanilsum Mau 'suo!laialle lemlonils of 'Z !sas!waid p!es ui lueual a aq of saseao pa3nsui paweu aql ial;e aoeld sagel golgM aouann000 due of 'I :Aldde loo scop aaueinsu! aq1 :suo!snlaxa leuollippe HulMollo; op of laalgns pue'pasnsu! paweu aql 01 paseal anoge paleu6!sop sas!waid 041 to lied 1041 jo asn io a oueualu!ew'd!gsiaum6 941 }o lno Bu!s!ie Al!I!ge!I of laadsei Um A(uo Inq'anoge pa;eullsap uo!lenue3jo jo uosiad 941 pamsu! ue se apnloul of popuawe s! uo!s!Awd „ oinsul suosiad„ aql Al paal20 s! 11 A8uU1M OW aP lae3 Aq pejeledo pewllea einlelulk Aq peldn000 sled sesueM aeulleS #o 410 IedlolunW #o uol"od 4941 00'CP !pamsu( leuolllppv) (pamsul paweN o; paseal Wd) d4!Ilge!1 Al!I!Ie!1 u0lle:lue3u0 Jo u0sied;0 aweN saslwaad 10 u0!1eu3!sa0 Olowea Asn ul 4ADdDJd Alms swn!waid 31 OM$ aAnalussa,daa pa:i,ogtny .......................................................................................................................... ANVd WO AiINW30N1 NV01213WV Aq NOSNHOP OH ONOWAVV 0l pan's! (awn paepu`W a i SL61lS£ Vl 'ON Ao!Iod ;0 lied a swig� 6961 401 jjjdV an0ome Iuawasvopua sg 30NVURSNI S.63d33MUO1S 30NVHnSNI Allll6Vll .SiNVN3L ONV ,S09010NV1 '.S63NM0 30NVSnSNI A11116V11 .56013HIN06ONV .SH39ni3vjRNVW 30NVMnSNI A11116VI1 1V63N39 3AISN3H3MdW00 941 of Hwle!oA Ao!lod a4110 SaoISIAWd 841 Aq papm0e s! se aouemsu! gdn'sag!pow luawasmpua s141 (pamsul paweN 04104 paseal saslwaid) 0380SNI 1VN011100V (99K T3) 6016 60161 u1116V11 (•Aanod 041 10 uonejedaid of luanbasgns ponssl sl juawasiopue sial uagr Aluu palaldwoa aq paau asnela aulgoeuv agy ....AL'_ JYII A ;e M F Ray Box mond H. Johnson /F Wakeekms Kfield, Kansas 67487 Maroh 6, 1969 The City Manager Box 746 Salina, Kansas 67401 Dear Sir: The agreement for operating the minature steam train in Kenviood park is up for renewal. Mr. Earl J. McKinney sold the train to me in July, 1967 and I've operated it since then. If the City of Salina desires to continue the agreement for another three-year period, I am willing to do so. However, would want'the following two items included in the agreement: IN T_ E EVENT TM OTTXJAY '.AI11_AT' RE STEAd TRAIN IS INOPERATIVE DLA TO MEAYDO'iX OR REPAIRS F.`EING i:ADE, A SUBSTITUTE TRAIY, EIT:-TR STEA''1 PO';:EP,ED OR '.,.OTOR DRIVEN MAY BE USED. PAtTY OF T'•IE SECOb:D PART LAY -0.7STRUCT Oct PROVIDE, AT HIS (YIN EXPENSE, A SUITAME STORA:.E STR'"CTURE 03 FACILITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF STORING THE LNTIRE TRAIN'ilk?; = TRAIN IS NOT IN SERVICE. The locomoti•re is presently dismantled and the boiler is at Hoff's Me.ohine shop for re-fluing. Should it not be ready for operation at the beginning of the season, I would like to use a substitute train, if one is available. Reason for the other request is to provide a "vandal proof" structure or facility of some sort during the time the train is not being used. You may notify me at the above address as to your derision. ASSIGNMENT OF INTEREST ENDORSEMENT The AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY of Galveston, Texas, does hereby consent to the assignment of the policy to which this endorsement is attached, subject to all its agreements, conditions and limitations as therein expressed, to Noun '1u qN/ I;;h siP BOX 3.6o, wAKEFim, Kam Interest In Part Occupied by PROVIDED:—The assignee named herein, upon the acceptance of this endorsement, warrants that he is in lawful possession of the policy and is legally entitled to an assignment of the Interests of the Insured therein named, and said assignee agrees to accept such policy and assume all the obligations therein expressed. Nothing herein contained shall be held to waive, alter, vary or extend any of the terms or provisions of this policy, except as herein stated. This endorsement forme a part of Polity No aT.T _issued to EARL J _ MC Knuamt ET AL (Symbol—Number-) by AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY of Galveston, Texas, and is effective fro JULY 17, 1967 12:01 A. M. Standard Time. Countersigned aBy 3 t 3AL2NA� KANSA3 � „ (Authorized Rapye antative)/ Vice -Pres. Sec. G17 (Ed. 7-66) -12-63. C&C AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st day of April, 1966 by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part; and Earl J. McKinney, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the party of the first part to provide clean and wholesome entertainment for the children of its City in its Park system and the party of the second part is desirous of operating a miniature steam train within the limits of said City, SO NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements by and between the parties as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Party of the first part hereby grants unto the party of the second part the authority and right to construct and m tain and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train within the City park known asakdale and onp such location as approved by the Park Superintendent and City Manager. , 2. In consideration for the right and privilege to locate and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train at the approved location for the term specified, party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part a sum of money equal to five percent (5%) of the gross revenue and receipts, less federal tax and state tax, growing out of the operation of said miniature steam train at the place and for the period of time designated. 3. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREES that on or before the 13th day of April, 1966, he will cause to be laid and constructed in a workmanlike manner at his sole expense at the location designated a minimum of 500 feet of track, a water tower, and other simulated items of railroad equipment,.adequate lighting facilities, a ticket selling and taking booth and will begin operation on said track an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train consisting of an engine, tender and a minimum of three (3) passenger coaches, and continue operation for the season of 1966 beginning on April 1, 1966 to October 1, 1966, on Sundays and Holidays. Party of the second part agrees that said facilities will be constructed, and maintained at all times in a manner not to detract from the beauty of the surroundings and that said location will be kept clean and free of all debris and rubbish. Architecture of buildings shall meet with the approval of the City Manager. 4. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREES to charge no more than Fifteen Cents (150) per person per ride, on said miniature steam train and to keep an account of all ticket sales and money received therefrom that shall be open for inspection by the party of the first part at all reasonable hours. It is agreed that the five percent (5%) of the gross receipts, less federal and state tax, payable to the party of the first part hereunder shall be paid in a manner and at times requested by the party of the first part. 5. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AGREES to furnish at no cost to the party of the second part the water necessary to operate said miniature train. The party of the second part agrees to pay all electricity necessary to properly light and operate the facilities and grounds in question. 6. It is understood and lessee agrees to file a public liability insurance policy with the City and the lessee as the insured whereby indemnifying insurance will exist limited to $15,000.00 for any one person and $50,000.00 for any one accident in the Office of the City Clerk of said City as a condition precedent to operation of said steam train and covering such operations and that lessee will timely pay the premium thereon. 7. This lease may be terminated by either party on 30 days written notice. 8. Second party is hereby granted an option to extend this lease under like terms and conditions for the season of April 1, 1967 to October 1, 1967, and for the season of April 1, 1968 to October 1, 1968. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above mentioned. Attest: City Attorney CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS b City ManagerT Party of the First Part �/'f the Si6cond Ll SM:4-80 (Rev. 6-1.08) 0k0�9589 OWNERS'. LANDLORDS' AND TENANPS' LIABILITY POLICY O L T 3134669 AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY 2115 Winnie . GALVEffM. TEEAS c Ne OLT 9123149 DECLABAaONa Item 1. Name dinsure - EARL T MC KIM- ET AL (,ME 'jMDORSDSNT) Addree 1271 n+lcack,�alinas Kansas (No. str6et, town, ninety. stab) Interest of named Insured 1n the prr+ntisee ("Owner" "GPart occupied by named "General Lessee" or 'TmanY7 Budaeee of the named )mined is The named Insured r. Nem L Polior Period: PSD April 10. 1966 to Amari lel 0, l 969 tlndivldud. Commauan er Pte ) 1201 A. 114 standard time at the address d flee named fosured are stated Ladn hem d. The Insurance afforded is only with respect to each and so many of the following coverages and divisions th ...ader as are indicated by specific premium charge or chargee. The limit of the companYs liability agalmt each such coverage and division thereunder ObA he m stated herein. sublaet to all of the teems of this MUCY having reference thereto. 20.00 ermmor aumDen m enamrsemenn manmg A&G-66la I 'aPr m,em 1 8 221.00 a Dart of the policy oar !b eilaetiw date: H Policy Period more than one year. Grow Premium It Discount $ Not Premium $ 663.00 Premium is payahle: On effective date of Policy S 221.00 let Amiversarr $ 221.00 'hd Anniversary 8 221.00 u..,. a_ rah. r..tl. n,. A aAc n n A. nff n rd the hmrmAa n which the Adam,ae Premiums for this Doliw have bean contacted The Bq!ipq Classifications under the Dela! flan of Hazards do not m the exclusions, coverages and other terms of this Llmite d Llabflity DIVISIONS imaLm>mti Premtg Advance Premlmss A Bodily War Liabml, 8 $509000.00 252000.00 each person products ��d 1. Premises—Operations 8 201.15 S 201.00 2 Elwniors 8 $ S. structural, Alterations 8 $ 4. Products 8 i B Propmty Damage Liability $ 8 sant mate for dlvldons 1. S and 4 1. Premises--Operauwe 8 8 2 !levators 8 $ S. Structural Alterations $ It 4 Products 8 8 C Medical Payments 8 8 each person each accident 1. Premises— opwatiom 8 8 2 Elevators $ $ D Contractual Liability—of a $ $ each person each accident Bodily Injury Liabilitr 8 8 Specified Type It each accident Property Damage Liability $ 8 20.00 ermmor aumDen m enamrsemenn manmg A&G-66la I 'aPr m,em 1 8 221.00 a Dart of the policy oar !b eilaetiw date: H Policy Period more than one year. Grow Premium It Discount $ Not Premium $ 663.00 Premium is payahle: On effective date of Policy S 221.00 let Amiversarr $ 221.00 'hd Anniversary 8 221.00 u..,. a_ rah. r..tl. n,. A aAc n n A. nff n rd the hmrmAa n which the Adam,ae Premiums for this Doliw have bean contacted The Bq!ipq Classifications under the Dela! flan of Hazards do not m the exclusions, condition and other terms of this DMmlpllmn of Nmards Code No, Premism Borer m mtp arms B. L P. D. sesta. in]" pro" Own" 1' aria ar Ft.) domdflo�auwmoeePe W) Frontage Salina, Kansas (Located in City O9med Park) (c) Remuneration Per Annual Miniature Railroads ..Kiddie = Reoei ts_ 100. ., Minimum designed for small children only, 0403s 9000" 201.00 ' 2.82 (It additional span L required, aEach wemsion schedule form G 24) L Slevam s Classification and Location Number Lrsured Pee Elevator NONE COVERED HEREUNDER L Btrnet rd Alteradone—New Caes4ogtlon .. (a) Eemunwcmm (b) Cosi NONE COVERED HEREUNDER 4. Products --Completed Operation salse NONE COVERED HEREUNDER L Contractual 9)c� NONE COVERED HEREUNDER Dem L During the pmt three vaare Aa..ln mex_hae canceled any similar insurance issued to the named insured exgspt an herein stated: tiVlVV April 10, la 66 baJana$—Mnsas At d.- Ism m wpngmm Vb 'else qons oez4 banljuw estmedw Em of '0 e6nmeoa septa ebameaq onogcop) Em ;o em m noTtngWAM 'RW 'elm eql at bnTap Md ea®ulPsS m sln;ole Em jo scenes Eq'sesodmd gene Sol p9mm s9"=;0 xoceai mmumm'm w xo •vebm"eq osogwp buPngWelp xo buMoo 'bu;mpn;n=u jo swuwK eqj q ps6obw uopmi=bso m uowed n sit 'eeaumspul Ew m pens atj u0dn p000dm; lmpgatl of 'a Pty a 'V wawa- mpm pit 10 ebxe mpm= m (E) (g1 R iusuuwby bugmaal aepm seined ae 0 m jaemaesba m pn4u- Em mean p-nmq sT Eq Pewits® AtMgaa (1) 01 pods- IpTA1 •bulobem; sit jo E= 0I lmappul WTITpa- m ;m Em of m °aopn;oew m SoTaOW 'ao;loaunea; 'max IIsp pwolosp jou m mgisq- 'ma. of enp wnannsep m gMep 'eweM 'ssewpla 'A-pq w (b) lolemgj Ejmd n ;ou nosmd n Eq twmwjbD w m pn4u- n uo uoliao = q elgna plaq eq A= pemsa; sip go)ggA1 Sol sonobngo Em (p m 'slonpoxd m spoob p E;uozjDAA D (1) o; 'A twmewbV batxnsu; mPm pw a ebxxcem0a zepan 0) :spnpajd m eP00b pl A=MMM, a Asoze memewbn xo IwAaw Em mpm pamsaj a* All pe—m AIMV l q 'spmmH to WRMM aT p t WpIA;p mpm (e) tlaemew6n m lwAuoa Em zePm pesnea{ exp Eq pemneen ATRggI of 'oPmmH p wANRea eqj I° E P®Z 'I euolalejp jGPM (p) •pe-sm po=m eq; Eq psaoz; .a- m ol pejaw 'Eq peon= oro goTgxA 'peugell so uugj za*o 'segmexd mos; m w soopmaodo (6) ao VM=H smnmedo po)OldMO0—slonP0jd eqt (A 'Sco;oo4uoogns jiegj xo s-;wAma am m pamaq pe=g OT Eq •saollnxedo uonaoulep - uononno= mina 'sei�;Sn.ge seq;o xo sbulpUnq bnlsom m ;0 ez;s eqj bu;b=qo ee;oAtq gait w suonnrella P114=49 (1) of '0 e6o3eem seem Pao 'epmmH )o ooRMOa OT ;0 1 UOMAIP tap= (o) 1smwAele Ol 'OPmsaH Io wRTglea eq; P 1 mj1gATp mPml (Co 4p=p (Z) so 'elgooaddoat eq of gwnzxm1o?p ett aT Points ei wlsnlace s;g; 10 ;rod SM SD miomT ;deaze 'segmwd eqt omq Enmco a-000 luepp= eql R 'jlSS=MxS& - Pion of eslP=vl gojgAl usu; BelojgSA '1RWAletl eon m; oepm" 's(nmim STppDe so RwP (Z) 'wsimud BT W04 Azx D mz p juopFD= aqt R seRgomotm (1);0 bun=Tun so ba;pwl 'em 'wnnxedo 'eamuaiuiDm 'djgweu eqt of 10 ebD .vo mPm pm 'e3010041a- 411epuedepuT Eq pemxoged smTP-do 201 ;deaze (; aol91ATP mpm Pty 'apm=H IO v0nR4jaa wD 10 1 mTRATP zap= (a) xd;dmo jou mop Eopod s;qj, SHOlSn7m MPDu0O IS 'saolseeesod m selsoiluel sty '—ixemy ;o "PPS pe)Tan eqj URTm Polled EgTOd sqt bu jmp m tpiq A alusplaoo of ETao seaddo Eosod ejU 11101m= '(10md EOI7od aA 'lona- jo tgf4s Em saq pwnmg pawnu em i pTq& soma m pexnsal pemou aq; Eq elms -; polonalmoo wspaejd of Ejddn loa eeop jwmewbD bajmsq sjgl —egto of ;owegj mloseseod Pege;nbuaw mq pejneuj pe=u sip xej;a sm000 jueppm wp R Pems -q pemou eqi Eq pep—T(o seapnexd q seaddo %=ZDH ;0 wpMea sqi 10 1 mISTA1P mpm Eosod eqj Eq Pepxono oT w so=-so; tong 4moDuad c=vxm7v Ts 'E PM Z 'I ewlelAfp jo ew E= So; mopD.mloap eqi al peinls or, ATRgoTl ;o oilmTl lsegbTq sql eq sags tuemee;bD bupnsm aM of ejq—addo ARlgoa ;o 84Tm1 eqt 'seaddo spjDznl.I 10 voR;a(;ea eqj ;0 mlgATp 0110 =q; a -m 'jaemewbn bapnogl OR 01 Pedow Tim ';I 'eluemees6n Bons sepm pemnseo AlRgna m EjddD jou op (f) P= (Z) (0) '(0) ouoTsnj0xa ';wmeelfw aeu;alexd jo asoel dw (p) So lwmeexbo wax uelulam joioT—se ro mlamele Am (o) 'Anodpjunm eql mi ]j-- type mnaemw ul jdaoza 'ea=mp- IDdpTmm Eq pe4nbw juemeexbn Em (cp 'f)gn= epDjb paoxanx n Tw vopoea -am al jdsaze quemewbn }wmeene Em (n) :sesjmwd eq; of bupDlw sjusmew6n wnlzx. jo wd14 bupmosoj eq; of Ejddo lou seop (P) volenloz3 81Nm[gmaaOv NMLU9A 7VENHa10H1 A 'monamloep sip ul pelnle jTm.q ,;uepl=D gone„ e1p 01 bulpuodsesxo0 jDn=m aE;mdaup eqj aj iTmq epbwbbD atamMm egj eq RDto ;pall eMbwbbD eq; 'peln;s os g JTMT[ ejnbelbbn elq—Rddo ou n int mopnmToep sip ul Paints ATRgaR N eRtan sqt w ;oefgns seaddD wq; pw eauamsq spmnn EpDa.go Eosod sial qaR A m; 096019-- et; japan Ejw waddo jueaxeejbD butmso; elgl •souamoul elgtpoj(oa Pm PRaA SOgp wq pexnom pemoa att golgm tsoTobo enol Em o; (q) 'AlddD of eawxns q eqi wgol- eq g01q- o; Pmmg lanoTlTPpn tons tow jo jwmeawmmos eqj segp SAap AIAgj 11Ttlir. E=dmoo exp cannon pexneo; pemnu ail sselun (o) :AlddD you oeop ;uem—abn bapnsui spU •oegmejd quits JD seaddD 8 110191ATP jepm PepmpD eq u- m of w wunxneuT tong -sesTmwd SOTO gang ;n 9101Dme1e of pw oeo{mexd Sqt 1n penDjoai ETmea 9301DJAge of waddo 0 eb-"oo japan pm y wls;AtP mean powono eq =a so g so w—ow ganS 7owegl M000 m dTqueaxO oSslnl= pWnSM Peama 6tj R TJOS OF eelp=tazem tpMm 11mq eelo{geA Pm 'gjjMexegj em -; 0010ROA 's(nmpm elppm so )pUp 'wsimwd of seaddD 0 sbmOA japan Pw oPro H 10 WTITmI1Sa Sg; )o i UOPRAIP xepm Pap10;p eg =0 So g eo ea wx; gong SaRVM MMO (MV SaOLVAM '&BSlPlmad ammbov inhum aoa mOHv6aSH1 Al ,gone m ATRgoa sjq Oi loedew.gtT& Eluo Inq 14wetj jeutmd Em aepulaq oo(D ,psm9m,, pw A pogTpnb= otg 'dTgmeujmd a al peznmg pe=x etl ;I 'pemmq pemou slit So; juemebD=m ejoioe U— of loads � gij1A mlelxdoat m mnozimb- Em pm 'gone m sannp OR p edOOs 019 appje. baron OR & ;oemgt aeplotplools - joloejlp 'jeaTHO "Time" E= cepaloal osjo Pm Pemsu; Pe=z eqi "Pnloul „pemaul„ PwAx Pmmnbm 0* a Pm a 'V wbwamoa mpm eovomauT eq; of pedow t A aaansta ao HOUINma III A1RgaR ;o 41-gelgmadm eq; of voRTPpa a; Euodmou ecp Eq eTgoEnd em 'limo p= ompp jo gwmelpes ldeuze Veumu; 09 simo®e p;ro gsenbez a,Evodmw eqt in pe;I 'sbulame 10 ssol wtt SOTO 'wmedxe elgowsnes lla -1 pe-oal egj ewngmiej (6) :;uepjaaD etl ;o emit sip to emll-edm; eq 1poge w =expo of ioilex 1=1funs p= Imlpem elDq-u m; qons mj pe-mj eq; Eq peasnam sasuedze And (g) 1¢0eaegl Aragnn s,J.uodta- eqj F0 Jima egl Peeaze ;ou soap w ju"nf Bons jo ;md Bans tmoo ul pallsodep m peaepuel So plod ant Evodmoo eqj jam jaembpn(;o EAve mj;o buTwan jSwelul Ila p= ITne guns Em al peamuj eq; leupfm pemt s;soo Ila 'Euodmoa eqi Eq peSSnauT seouedze p And (Z) ;spuoq qons E= gSlwnj m m; Ejddn of uonnbago Em jnoq;T.v, Inq line pepuelep tons E= ul pognbez spuoq ryeddo vo —Iva izd Tia 'EaRod o;qj jo ARTgaR W tlogl elq—llddD ett ;o sse0ze ul jou ;moms w -; s;ueurgaogo esuelex of apaoq u0 smnlmwd I[n EDd (1) (g) 1;uelpedze sweep t; w ung m mPDp Em 10 memelues pw sopnpo6eu 'mnDbpsemq tons e:jnm EDm Emdmoo eq; Inq tlueTnpni g So Sola; •sselpmoxb sl 13ns qow R ueme 'joejegl jm000a w sabDump bup(ees p= m10n4sep m esneslp 'ssemplo 'Empq Bons bta6eRD pemsq stj )sumbn tTns Em pualep (o) :TIDge A=dta- eql 'Aalgaa ebo0mp Ajedoxd Sol p= ARTgDTi A -JUT AUpoq -1 EOsod Opp Eq pep-jp si — w—maul gone of ;nedsw gjlM &UZD Vd EHYLN3PMddnS 'IN3Nj't**mss 2SN3Ma 11 •E;T(ndnlmm eql -; Spa- ippn uopoe=on q ea=ulpm ladpjanm Eq pagnbw jwmeesba = (g) lbulssom epazb pDwpnx D gj1A•' w;4De11am ul luemewbo juamsoos w (Z) 4119m003bn 3aD4SpTO D (1) ` :SLN3Vmma'Jv 10 SmdEE wopp= Eq peen— 'plexegt em ;o enol eq; bajpnloai 'Elxedojd ;o uoTpngsep m 01 Emir)-4mqM Obx=a Euedwd Z miswa 7uapT=D Eq peen— puD =wed "Ew Eq peuplono =ojjexegt banns- amp E_ m gmep Bujpnjoaj •esoesip So sseagals 'E-f11j E(TPoq—'E11RgnR A -M AM-il R Mpr[ATa go.een-eq wf-mmp w And Oj polnbRgo Ellobel eoxooeq lings 'su0Wmjoep eq; W 1, meij q pegi=wp ;T Pw buT&I— ul p 'e;ue—eibn jo wdA bujmoso; etj jo Em -pun agg Eq pewits® A1ITgnll eq; jo uosoex Eq 'pe-mq eql gp;tm ouma RD p-SUT eq; jo Rogeq — Eod of mdEl a3ld=d8 V a0 E1r1MV)7 7v=V1UHO0--a m9vamAOD 'olwegi lo;uoploui So Emsseoea suopwedo m 'seep and eqj ;o Sart m wmueiuizm 'dplexeu eqj jo lw bup;jm pw tueppm Eq peon— 'esoeelp So ooeagojs 'Ainful Elipoq sup lone oqM uomed q=e -; xo 0t 'seoWao laSeun; p= bu(ema IDwjmjwd 'IDITdooq 'ea=Ingmo Amoseaeu p= 'seOlnep anetpwd ba; .pniou; Im;mjas julusp P= 1—;b-o'1-Tpem Ewes—jo; taeploao;o Stop eqj owg SxmA em urMTm paumaj sasuedza elgnaomw nD EDd of SSlTl UVd WOI MI -0 20VIMAOD 'euopDmdo qons ul pamjomuT em s;onp0jd m epoob jou m jaq;egxm 'wGgmege - seopuexd eqt uo poxnaaj peurou eq;;0 Rnget uo - Eli peaty; -zed ampmedo ttTA po"tuzoo u; uoloepm 40 jan E= sepnloui PSH MM—do pejeldmo0-spnpoxd eqj al Peon m , OuoRWedo,, pm- et" •eaopaxedo peleldumo sepnloai Ell-ip0ode eaoll—pop eqj I° 6 mall 10 T—10lAlp ul Pohle tap—jnssnp aql gojgx W; suoWwado (p) p= o(n;se;nm pe=rm m pe=pTSgn p= juemcipbe pellajsu;m 'stool jo wuelgze eq; (o) Vemsal eq; ;o jpgeq uj zo Eq peon zo pe11 o sepTgaA 10 eauoue;u;am eqt (co 'ma pnwjpu n oluo m moi) id— 'A—T[op - do -fold (D) :gdmb=md app;o bn(mom egl appim „mopn:edo„ eq of poo p eq jou Rngs bulmwno; sip'mgpni PoplAwd 4wmeejbn w of juonemd pagnbw eq Aum mopwem Segpnj - mneq - pew -ped El—pejep jo Eljedwdml eenaoeq e;eldnmaul pou—p aq ;ou TIDgs ovopnxado VOPTAwd g�ou; pe=a sip Eq peRoAu- m pelaw'peamo seelu axd mag Eo" em000 pm pawpmto So pejejdmoa ueeq SAvq suopaxedo gone Saila onuoo jwpjmD Otp p 'mopaxedo (Z) 1plm jou ;nq wegto jo em m; pelDaol m of petuw 'jeoroj= gone =qj Setjo 'Epedoid Am m eujganm bulpuem d= spnTou( lou nDge Inq 'elop;em n uDgj mglo ';owegi Seum4um Em epnlaa; of Pemeep eq llage apnpojd m aj00b tans 'PaplA-d :bulobemj aq1 10 l -d Em sapnl0xe 0000--l-p Otp ;0 6 Well P 1—ISTATp 11j PolDle uopmtjssop eql goygm -; wapaaxd m - pemsal pemoa eqj Eq pesaA11 m pejusa •psu sommawd max; Ax j em000 ;uepTo= Bons j; p= emnu OR xep= Bulpn4 wegjo Eq So pemmq pe=u sip Eq aret;0 of patignbuRw useq wq spnpwd - op -b tans ;o wjsesawd m;jo samao twp;= Stu R 'e=u sjq lop= bulpng amtjo Eq m pe-mjj pe—u Stj Eq pe ngjRsTp xo Pelp=q 'Pioo •p—j=jnunm ajonpojd m spOOD (1) °eaopnzedo poleldmo0—sspnpoxd It mloW(I •sm;oDAuoagns jpnD So ecopngum OR - pexnm; pewou eti Eq sesjmwd 0* ID saopwedo tans jo esxnoa etI u; ax a ;uepp= eqj p 'aopaomep - wpon4saw "u 'sem onAa Segjo m sburFmq jo ezlo aql buTbmgo eAlomal toTt x saopnmtjD Inmjon.4S 'aOnanASuoO "M 'saOnamlly (a-paAS 'B aojs;ATa 'oaopampep eT uT petDubisep -MAele E_ ;o eon m e0aouelulom 'djgaxou etl mOW"13 'Z uolsTAla nlemtt Injueppq m E.maseoea swnnjedo RD p= 'sea(mexd Otp ;o eon m ea=uinia;aac 'djgoteamo etl 'saa;lomd�segw-d '1 uopfATa Wugep jej)nujweq spmmq etl p lm bujo;m pw tuepp— Eq pesn— ';owed eon ;o a" eql buipnioui �d a oanuoo�Iea +P so ol Emig Io m—eq wmamp so And o; peMi5TTgo Alpbej emmeq IlDgs pemum etj %prgM amps no pwnsm eqj 10;TDgeq w Eod 01 ESCnavi7 m'JVKVa Elllmdoad--a 30va3AOO 'paunep jel;Dalexeq spmmq ' eqj jo jm bgsim pm iuepp ao Eq Peon— 'crossed E= Eq peujolono 'magwegj banTww Stan E= ID Mwep buTpnjaq 'esDasip m smomp a 'Azqul Elipoq ;o aen—eg wbn—p an EDd Ot pelobTlgo Enabel emooeq npRo pemmq eqj RcggA smite Rn pama11; eqt ;o RDgeq w End of Ell'IIav17 EII M E7mOa—v aslvi m oo I UNDEMOV ONiansm Wood app ;o smml -t;o pw awpTpa- '—Tonpze 'ARlgaa M allagl Stt 0; pefgw p= moRDmpep ett uT sla lmff agj sodn ea=Rel q pm MTmwd wit jo ;wmdnd 0* ;o wnojeppmon aT 'j0eseq pod n epnm awnnmloep eqt uT po=z Tamem eqj gjTa oeat6V (Emdmoo eqt poem ixTemq E=dmoo wmmml q,ojS V) J INVdKC)K) 4IMMICKI NVOrd3NV - orl Nova - ._� (09) DVD 69-9 391 (19-L 'P3) 9999 D •e,97aiaa8 ^ YeaPl�d^T+IA �f�//////�� . //� V (e 4i aaeaz Pvsl,e4i9V) A e 'eu,ly pmpuDIS "W,v 10:Zl y ' IDO J ANWWOD UINW2CJNI NV3IN3WV Aq 996T OT 11 UC1 V D,) 9A1{OB�e B( pnD '6nxe n0166A D (,agmnx—l7v is Ixawx e9mR8) ,J 7mj pan9aj 99 T ZZ� ON Aogod jo jmd D suuol Iueuies,opue slgy •pelols ulweg sD Ideoxe 'A311od sjgl jo suolslAwd m sm,61 egj 10 AUD puejxe 10 'AMA ',ellD 'eA)Dm of plot[ eq Hogs peulnluw u)e,eq buRION A1111CUDri e6DmDQ Agedwd oo•oz Aj1llgori Amluj Aljpog emnlmeld sasuvx 'aunes 3o .4T0 Pw ml IDuojllpPV 10 MOON TM03HOS deuuTx ox or Tzad Sq pe,4saedo paozTTag eaugisTM Sq peTdn000 Kasd TadToTErnK 3o uopaod p3iu (pemsui pe®N 01 PesDei lmd) seslmwd P UOTI-51906 'luemae160 seglmwd 10 emel Arm (y) 10 'jDemew6D eaUDUe1U1Dm 1OIDID39e 10 JO1DAe(e AUD (e) '1I11Ddjolunm egl ,o) Imm gIM3 uojlaeuuoa U! ldwxe 'eauDut.pio ludlaiunm Aq pellnbw IuemeeibD Aim (g) '6ulsso,a epwb pmllTw u gilm uopoeuuw ur ldwxe 'juemew6D lueme6De AUD (1) :sesjmwd egl 01 6upnlw sluemee,bn uellum 10 sedAl 6ul •mopoj eql of AjddD lou seop uolsnloxe sjgl lnq 'luemew6D so pD,luw Alm ,apun uollDzl=f io ,o uomed pias Aq pe=99D A11QgD9 oy :uojlnzjuOf= ,o uomed plus of pep,ojp eauu,nsul egj of laedsel qnv bulmollol egi Aq pwnldw e1 lompoo Aq peumssn ApjjgDlj of 6ullnlw Ao11od egl ul uoisnpxe eqy -uollozjwfuo M uoued p1m ,ol 10 Aq pem,ojled suojlDledo uollgomep 10 uollomleuoo mau 'suoT.Imello lmnlamla 01 (Z) :seslmwd plDs ul luouel D eq 01 sesuea pamsuj pemuu egl ,el1D mono ,blitm slueploon 01 (1) :AjddD lou seop eouwnsul eqy :suolslAold jDUo)llppD bulmollol eql of laejgns 'pemstil pe=u eg1 o1 uoljnzn-fao 10 uosled pps Aq pasnel moleq pelnubisep saslmeld egl So jmd jDgi l0 esn ,o eauauaimnm 'dlgmeumo eql 10 Ino buts[- 11111gDR of laedsw gllm Aluo Inq 'pemsuT sD 'mojeq pelou6lsap uollDzjfmmo ,o uomed egl 01 sellddD A1gIgD1'j 96D=(j Apedold 1oj pm 1111lgDrj Am(uj A11Po8 ,ol ADjlod egI Aq pep,ojjD s! SD eounmsul gang IDg) pew6D 51 11 1091 D90 59-01 F(9 (69-01 'P3) 9199 DTV 'eaRaoaaB'jeaPlauda+alA l (aA;iRsaeaaaa8 axµoy tl) uCdv'N� afiNI'IVS D Pauolaieluno'J amly PmP®IS ITV 10V 996,E BE 'II'Hdtl 0'1 annoel;e 91 pm 'Mxey 'uoleaAlOO Io I.NV MOD AAANMGNI NV3In3l^IV Aq (+agmnN—iaguU9) 1' `IM of ponsel 9 ,E ZZD ON A011od to Imd D smaol luamewopue on(y -pelDle u;weq an ldwze 'AD;Iod ajgl m suolejnoid 10 smiel alp ;0 Am puelze io AMA '1e1ID •en;DM 01 pleq eq linga Peu;Dlum ulweg bunlION 'A ledad jo vojlDu;mDlvOa ennonojpw jo emo7 Ila sepnjauF „vaPowlsaP.. za , a+Mul.. Pions eyI 'Apedwd jo aonoialsep 40 01 Am(uj of loedsei g1IM :IDpelDm elgnuolseq ;0 BMW jDanpa n u;olum 01 io mnoow umga 6u;poddn9-jjes D u: uo;sslj melon ujnlens of peen io peublsep snl.mddo Am smem , aopow mepnu,. :®ell -Diedo qme tot peen aeelmwd Un pun ells g0ns no pepnpum wollmedo 11D 'polDw[ ol b[gobwol Bill Io AUD gojym uo elle eqj sepn(oul pun 'ejaDx jo IDeiada!p io e6Dm1e By ioj peon io pemdwd wDld 40 ees!mwd 'vopnnwxe 'uiwq •emlonge Am (p) •S6Z mnlmm jo 9=b pqZ mgl wom io 'jowegl uonnujgmw Am m eeZ mnmoin io mnluolnld I0 sumib SZ mgt wom sulDluw 10 10 elajsao0 pep=l el wjnep 30 juemdlnbe tions eietien ses;mwd egj ID pemsul eqj ;0 Apolom G41 ul lopemm qme 10 jmosm IDlol eqj 0-9 Aun in 11 JOlieiOm melon jDjoeds 10 bulA0110 io bugDo;xgD; 'bujsseowd eql ml peen aojnep io luemdjnbe Am (o) 'ej®m bujbDll=d io btipasaoid 'bu;jpuoy (g) io •jeig jueds bu;znpn io buleseooid (Z) •mnmoinid 10 mnmDm jo sedoloe; stir bupomdes (1) 301 peen 10 peubjeep w)nep m luemdmbe Am (q) 1101m ei melon Am (0) suoem Ammol : mmu. :lmiegi (q) io (n) gdni6nind iapun Aj;lpDj melanu jo uo;lpq;ep e,p unpim papnloui Alnpoj melanu Am jo mnnzjun6m in uoeied Am Aq mpomdo etil moil bulljnsex (Z) pun IDjiapm pnpD dAq bumjDlmo (1) ID;ielam elaum Am suaem .,Baur„ %ioj D melon D u; uollnlpw 01 pesodxe io peen ueeq anti gaigm 'p)nbg + pnos 'jueuodmoo lenj io juemele lenj Am smem _Ion; )weds,. :j0eiegj Amlapue>m mol Am ul in 6561 10 IoV Abieu3 ojmOIV eqj uj meyl uenjb sbumDem eql envy „pWelnm pnpwdAg„ pm •jopowas me;mv In oods..-.,lopalem szmas,. gDpolom lonpoidAq in jo;ielDai melanu joloeds 'Imielom e0 nos sunem .INWWm mor:mum. !se1i!edold eA;soldze in alxol 'ennanolpw epnjoul „sewodosd anopmmq„ quemewopae Bjtil u; peen BY 'Al '11II1mI melons tion In Alzedwd jo uonaniieep io of Am(ul 0l Aluo sellddD (a) uo;snlaxe s;gl 'npDUDo io suolosessod io seponuel oil 'wpemy I0 selDIS pellufl eqj u;gjw. pomoj 81 Alq!onj tions P. Inq 'AIM—j melon Ann I0 eon io uoilwedo 'wmuejujum 'uolpn.!leuw 'bull mId eqj y11Ai uOpoomma uj memdmbe m ejmd •ejDpBnm 'sealnies In pemeul an Aq 6u;tielvinj eyl In jm ceejin uotpniloep m yjOep 'eanee;p 'eaemjols 'Amjuj Big (o) m :pemsaj On jo 1lDgeq no io Aq jo pesodelp m peliodemij 'peiols 'possewid 'peon. 'pegpmti 'pesseseod sero Am In ejwn m len; lueds u; peu;nlum sj IoPejnm melena eql (q) :uuulwegl pemedslp 40 pebmgoslp uoeq wq (Z) m pwnmq On 'jo RDgaq no m Aq pelwedo m 'Aq psumo Ajjj;on; melanu Am In el (p lopojDm melon egl (D) 11 'I0;ie1Om melon jo sejpedozd snopmmq eql m0ij buulnsw mpowlsep in glnep 'eenwjp •sseu:jo;s 'Am;ul 01 'ebnzenoo Anijgoyl Am iapujl •m ,wpozlmbm m rowed Am Aq Anlpol melon n ;o mnniedo eip In inn bu;ejm pm 1upeivm melanu ;0 aBpedwd anopmmq etp moq bunlnsw gjoop 10 eausslp 'eaeugole 'Amju1 Allpoq 01 loadew glpA peumu; sesuedze of 'lejjei lnotbme io jmjpem BjD;pemml 01 bu;lnjw uolslAOid sluemAnd AOlvemelddnS Am xepm m 'ebw"oC) eluemADd lwipeyj Am aepun -11 •mpnzpmbm m uomed Am tvim •;meq) Aauebo Am m 'mpemV jo same Palmn eqi Aq oltq pwelae luem -ewba Am mpmn 'j0wegl Ameba Am in 'oopeu!V jo eelnlS pelma eyl mwj Aljumepul 0l poliilue 'eq pjno� penso; ueaq jou Aoqod enp PDq m 'e[ PwnM Bqj (y) In ';Oemgj AminjmemD ADI Am 10 'bS6i 10 pV Abieu3 olmo;v etil of jmnumd uojlaelwa l0)omulj ujDlu;nm of pwinbei e; mllazim6m m vowed Am (1) qM- 01 bedew g1lm pm p3polnm melanu ;o eepiedwd anopmwq eqj mwj Bujilnow (q) m :Anngol[ 1n l)mg all ;o uopanngxe Mdn v09Dujmiel WI ioj inq AonOd gone Am iapm pemsuj m eq PIDOM to 'DPOmO 10 vo;IDPOasV 00 anml melanN 10 W8Ip uepun AjgjcpM Abiea3 o;mo1V IDnjnyj 'uopalmorV eow=sul AlnjgoYl A6iou3 melonN Aq pens) /pjjod Ailllgnll A6meue melon D ispun pwnsw m o6[D sl AOgod eq1 zap= peineal m yajgA of bedew qpm (D) uopsngsep In gloep •emos;p 'sseu [a;e 'Am(u[ B 'ebmenoo AnngD;•I Am lepu;l 11 :AjddD jou ewp Aallod etil roti) peeibD sj II ('Anljgu;1 loa0szed 0eiavege24103 efemmA In Paneled enjsaegezdmon mq1 xeglo sbmaeon AllllgB7 IDIOU'v pm;1O'mm eepjlod RD B pun •obomnoo Ajl vt7 e6=0 m engomolnV pi010 go;gr 'AOnad SIM-ejny All®d ST 14e0ze 'sejanod no B Pagm11D eq 01) �E '-`T0,77,"a, i110= WIN jp)ueawm dw gg aqq Aq peelecu w ecea0zd egtD m caommte 'eupoa 'p®meP dmea dvDdmw eql o; PmAijq dt�eD��elq�nl� )o Puo Pe pq 9* jo seW exppD p 4 sf rou So � Inapp= eqt p� eeao� Pw g IT �d 'OWR ql baappoedme =p rot eons m esvma ammpl e)gnupAo AlgDwa0w cop pw p0answ asp AMwPS Dl iaetol;ins =VWR.md Up34= llogo WI;Ou guns •01gOoparud w moos w quobo pwpog;m gT p Am m Amdmc0 eq; W pamsu{ eq; p pngeq ISO m Aq wAT6 eq Uz;W eopou uepla x a roOo iveppao w wq& twp;00V p aapON V 'A;FRgOp s wdmoa eg1 io elinin eV awswunF of opmedo lou IIDgs pounw; am wgy snip p ulalaq uOWnrju; sq; lnq '-Iq"PGUW 10v pw AHneeea Peen q „polnou; egl., mem eqL (I pus E 'V se6weAco gswemt p Armomee8 IS gaeppoD em Am ;o Ilnew eqt eD =01plem bopmm TROP bv;pnl0vi 'eso0rp a aeem101s 'dm(n< AMxq vT 4me oqA moeled ezom m oA; p jpwq ISO m Aq paunam samedze TP 1?3 14MOA s,Amdmou ag; p ;;mH Mq alp 'waxed gaoe bugoedsel tp;gnold eeogD eq; o; pefgns 'ei dueppoo gave„ W elgwHddn m o0oADm" e;[i IS; powis A;IRgOA g0no p ;;mil etit Iuoppw em Am ;o sines eq; w M04wegt buTiMsel tuz P bmpnpv; •emeclp m hemp p 'dmfo; AMq oulD;sne OqA waled gave ;0 3Ngeq no a Aq primum[ seaaedze lln e1 A;IRgDg g dtnndupo eta p ;logl aq; e; „Wszod gave„ of elq-Mddo ® saop=rl p eql IS; pope sluemdDd puTpem SO; A1AI40A p iFmFI eqy O G6weAeD AMMVI p s;ImPI •L *J0111"P qme 01 6Tetnmdea MddD apmzOH.p WgPgie4 alp p Z ao;eleTp lop= doRod GM Aq pepmpD WawnsnT eu pesmu G* Aq Pw;0ba0 m pemdeld gmlpold So gpoeb ;o pi sno ew 3o mono bpm se6n� Angs era am ePm bvlPng leglom Aq lo pernsin url P Ip ge�H p AmAOQ 0q1 p i o01gAFp P A 'gems g i1mA Pie tpTgA e3 •ebwenou eq1 ell= pm 'cpmmq p wFOWiP eqt m; d1AtgDH e,Apdvtoo eq; p ;imF[ lO;W 0qt g „e obarbbo., w awpnml0ep ev OF p0;0;o 'Aw p 'A;AIgOA p ;.Taa1 DID 'jII0ppoo quoo„ of pedcea zPTA A;TAgOA p ;I0g1 egt o; moefgnS a Pw v a6nSesoD AllagoI7 is sim7 I •lueppm e= dun p ;(noel eqt eu ';oeegl can p seol otp bulpnlau; 'amp oz;pbm m swaed'smm m ono p A;edoSd Un p uoW%Lnwp m of dmful ;o Iw bms;m sebnmDp Ip SO; .4URDH s,Amdutoo eq; p ;FmFI TOM ev R ,dwPio00 q—., of eiq=nddo to euopOmioeP ogt a; Pe>me 14MCPIT ebum0p Atedold In ;ROA eqL Q Pw a 9BbD19AGD 41WF'l p JM7 •8 7miPloao em Am p tmow etp so mtoeled emm m orµ Aq peuplsns 'mo4az0gt bappsel emg dm ID gmep bvipnjzui emmV SO osau:M 'Amit AAPOq p Ino bms;m '5e0;elea p s00)'Pm emu 10; sabDvmP b1XTpnl0m 'eebntmP IID mj Amwn s,dmdmoo aq; p wun pioi ev 'uosled goOe bupoedow misfAold GAOgD eqt ora pofgm •g ,.Iuepp= Taus„ of elgwpddO m avopolu"p ev u; poiDis 4mgDTI q-ns p imp oT ;tepp— em Am ;o Imew etp so uowed ew Aq pouppno 'mapeSetp buginm emp Am p gpep buypnlo al 'aenegp m assupp 'drop{ Aapoq p ino balelm 'aealeee p soot pw wno m; sobnIoup bmpni- q 'gabuumP 1p m; AtMgon s A=dmou etp 10 ISM a* q .ougusd ga0s.. 0; ggwnd4v w mopnmpap oqt ul Pepto AFFR DU 610;x; Amxq ;o ;Fora eg,L Q P® V so6oee0D 4plgo(t 10 1IM7 7 p nonoolM eta p m Aq pepTmmoo asel= lueppao w Peu—p eq 1pgs ASeWOq Pw It00aw ' ee6nleeoa w rasa eqt •Aemgmm buf DIp HOA m tuemd;nbe bump" m ba;Aouda •bupvep uux m So a P6u y Am p 'debbT P In So I (p) 'peogg m eunlo lemod dm 'ed/4 eiAwrma" 10 p :egoeg;o ;on Inq 'wAomo-o aFdb qeq ou A pm ' su 34 ;0 sesaddmd m; d)gog PGUM eAogn = oW:p%u0Im w w m A 1103 Al"le[0s P p eq T qeq u[ pnlmdamat p peTlmu Aq peAo; eT;q •Iigomolm p Pam0eP eq l[Og0 iwmdplbe pegTneep bv(mo11o3 0q,L (W IOU tnemdTnbe etpo Am 'mpnAs;ba1 oppmA imam o; pefgna moa p Pm lM p0 AHnuo; Sd can laaftm sop q 5 Am edf4I"j; (Z) m Pglfoads 10 wqt Savo AMM GPM= Am uo;am; 614-mm Am llebb m m � SO - leawd 'm P= dw :ed$ * oto -0 p - lo, -mp you ;nq Vogp-aep us pa epgomomo w w pop= SO 1P g00err A ejTgo q oqe yang dm 'edA1,zeT op b eqt p p eqA) 6q pes S of Agomoim io pemeep eq m , ugou m v, peq& of bvtlgo=; eqy o) gieajAvq w Apemn m Selpm SO;olgee mpm p peon, a spam , elln So All„ Ppm OIL ro lOj AIG TS (o) '1007 moa bmpeaozo ;m ;gbFOq Iveo4mdmoa a bv;eDq pm A;tedwd Daf6an� e3 AlmTsnpu pep a;pAgmnp n m 'dpedwd baTAzmu m; dleeTsnp -ze Paan SuA.eevoO PevHaa; p m 'WOpwado ppHOatep m uOPn4=0O 'wpo10111) m Pace Mott MISSIDut m p0q D 10 VIPA butPHnq o; peg-no I= p m emod IDOTuOjPom ;wgtTA p balppnq D repigno mm;m(d D ttunpm igoq n epniaq jou aeOp „m;DAGII„ 'Aleulganm pm ;uemdTnbe emOd 'Aomuw llrusx D;e 'AD-V4" •;Pnla 'umpgd 'SDs Am bulpnptq 70wag; MtwnddD )ID pw 'eaTe m m g eOTAGP gone pa m eglogA •elneele eq; pquOO m UPtt[ = 'Gpedo pa, soup pm butppnq arp p mord D AIM gO.gvw m quat 'eamO pa.msm pemou etp nelm ",um; penia etp Aq PenOgwO m Pquw PGUAo sealmeld eV ID abgpml m azaoa pauuoa q e01Aep bmlea,01 10 bupspq A= apem „mpea)G,, Pm au low"{ (q) P=l w bmup( -tor Appmoutuq gAm%I oq; gappa; Pw avopnmlDOP eq; vF POPM619eP ngmwd sip mmam ,Mgmwd,, imoA pgppnb= OU vw mead (D) suomo60m •8 •eJw.mBOi 9M p jouvat loefgns eq; m sawg mnlmald eqt of epiw Aegt W m; to •AOHOd gip PD wROalmae; pap eq; MUD aped Go1gt aiglTA Pm peregt Wpue;ze AM pm Poled AOHOd Gqt bump own Am In ap30083 pm qwq opwas0; ogt 1FPm Pw ettinmze 0; Pw ampeeta Pw WORDledo 'seep0eld PeSnevl eg; podgm oI pettTaued eq Ipgs Awdmvo eqy 11PoV pw Dopae" 'i MOMATP pluemueeob n q ADw4p times pw =IT ep=dog D so pelpo oetp0 Bons pm pexnoul pem0u exp gpgA sem; =qt Seq;o Yezam sapnioul Pw 'Spdw m 6UPIA o %ORD plum m; pO;1ed AMOd sq; buimp pebmgO pw pa;Sed Aonod eta bulxnp pO;ngl4gFP So plot spnpwd Pm apmb Hn m; emou gq lepw buRzon azegp Aq 10 p miM povam eq; Aq pebmgo Aevom p luno= ccOSb eqi soap „Gems„ PMA ori (S) .Amduras eq1 .(q can m g=°act eT q;T& w=pao0an m elg0-nddo spa wpwe=mw In uopoiFmR m obwazOe etagmto Am o; pefgne 'suopnledo eql ul pobDbve pamcq pevuut eqi 10 see.(oldmo Ip Aq polled AonOd egl bvTanp peame wpwe=mw elpue eV einem , wpwe=me;, plots stp (4) IUOMATP plaevmeeob D of ApO01Tp c;imw pm pep epmdes D m SPDRW pemeq peumu stp tpTgA ceml mq; legp •ceml sepnTO at Pw •oem OFd WTI— m burse—pmxq 'bapemele; MOS; gdTe-e1 wtp eqp spoq gdTeoel n no peps em so poped AaHod eql bump wegj0 Aq m pelnevl pemu eq; Aq suopaledo gens Sol pe—M Pomoa eq; Aq po&zrnp Aewm p lnwtw soozb et[( gmem „galeael.. PmA eq1 (E) :mp a PTDd 'epnm saopstarnoo m semuoq low= -rAoUD 'see; HD bulpnpnl 'mpnwongns a lopolicoo 'lea luI era Aq peggwtq eglegA SIM& gone p wtln0eze eq; m am So; PezeAHeP SO Peen 'peggrmnq ;uemdinbe Pm gnpepm 'egOl An ;0 yaw eta bulPniou; 'pa;oSd onpeds gape ipT& vopaewoo m M-gno SO ;eT :110A IID p 'Q ebweeoO ePm GGIF-Dim Am q e •epmzDH 10 aORMUGa atp p 8 wigATp wpm peznsu; pemnu eql of ;aa p;ol eq; svnem .,iso-„ plu, , eql (Z) :sessud m gezT,p ASnlueuMdumu 'gwTop wFogmpo plod w etpegA 'segmeid eqt uO popnp= gwee 0; So pang mese eq; of PepTmlm "Mom Paama etp;0 seedoldme mqt mgto 'mcNed p zegmna pmol eq; suOem ,moWsrwpn,, ploA eqj (1) :epDq mnFmwd n so peen wgAk ® potted A3gOd eqt bupnp comp tpno p pm polled AoHod a pug e m duudo OO o 's Ip Ano Amdmoo era pop eq; UT pelDlc g e w ndutoo nm m p P 41 ll g ; gmdw gave p p JOI t pees Ipgs pw jumT UlOu enq Qr wpm (mend 10; Am inq p nuct al oP ; eg; p j[DggUPIDOSep too etp owl IT 'Au 103 ommpm Hngc PemsAF Panora etTy Pemem qon A9 PIOd wT;1od pevSDe= eql pemgq pe�v era of azzgw HDga Amdum- eq; •eseT p :Attodum- eq; o; eee-ze etp And Hage pemeq peau agl 'PTud =Tutead e-mepv pepmpse egg opeeoze pelndumo mtp omTmeSd paume alp H •eD O nm I grit o; eTgoonddo S=Tmwd mnmp;m Pm scald bup i .sept 'nmx s,Azmdmw eta gl;A eampl—D m pe;ndmoa eq ADgc spmmq asegl So; =Tmwd peuloo etp 'ADHOd OR p uORDv;mte; UOdn Pm Amweelvm xpDe SeIjV 'APO su nTmeld petnmpoe am „gran„ 10 .AdTGOeS„ ', suolseTmpn,, w pamis g gm q =Tmezd eqt gOTgA 101 I wFgATP m mopwiposOlo gOns 101 Pw gw H i0 vORTOFIeCl eql i0 4 Pw E ev019TAIP m; saopamleP 0g1 m PGID;s S=Tmwa eqy •Amdmoo eq; Aq ears m gonmm egi vDlrn e-mpaooao ul sjgwT[ddD eeogl am pegpomp w moa spmmg 1% aepI Pw seaoq mnimwd •meegl Pepla em guglnmlosp etp uT P0gWs0P sPmmq etp m; saw, pw gemq wymead eqy m01m0Sd ; 'sePvsalegl Pg0a e06weAu- as e6aeA0O erp oI Alm AWS s—pnP eqp OU 'e6DeeoO 1p at Aiddo IL Pw 0Z '8I 181 161 '8 '8 'Z 't s00p(Poo9 $HOWQH(7D •9eOTA1n genu OPTAOSd of pe ni q p0mou eqt 0; pnquoo epun wpxW=bm So uovaed Am m 'poustp "Aoldme Am PGmmtl Pe®a eq1 Aq seOTA .zec So; esuedza Am (Z) So 'popnpm w mOUDSu ep eql m paln;e of wOpeale mI quemADd Imipem soeiun 'spiDeele (1) 01 'D ebru"W lepra (u) UT bupDdpp.md m buponysq •6uppanzd vowed Am m :a Wgu;Um m Allnlpn OA=SorqtO 'Mode '6 POUIq IStp ;0 d Am (S) 'P10 UOF Pemba eqt q pa;vel ueimwd p ease) e G m ptrowe A m(1 eta'A song dw m; a pemoq pe®a exp m; eaopwedo vopanSleuo- Aeu So wpnomep 'wpbs;p '�mugupm m pe6nbve eTigA cawed Am (p) m 'ADI ¢op -nsuedmoo e,uem{SOA Aw spun pepTeozd eq o; pwTnbw 10 elgDAnd Segpe pod uT a epgA m em m;eletp gpeueq p iuemAoldme gg p esmoo etp III Pw 10 ;w btgspD waxed Aux, (8) m 'twuej logy q-ns In polnw aegtmwd gang p ;md pq; w 'g1FAaSegl ;uemAOldure qq ;o esmoa eq; m pw p ino bnTeTm ;wag Segp go00 p esAoIdme Am So 'seaFmexd gone p ;wuel eglo Aw (Z) m •tpTmwetp ;ueuxA01dtua sTq In esmoo eg; q puO p iw bmalm vosxed SOTO m ;wwl 'peSOSOf q-ne p aeAoldme Am m Pwnaul P—u am o; pe;uw So Aq you ao sesFmwd w bulpTew AlmTnbel vowed eglo m ;wuel Aw 'gwegl eufmd Am 'peanw; pe=u OT (1) ;0 giOap m ORDSM 'esea;OFa m 01 d+ufm AITPOq o; '0 ebDeeo- "Pun (m) •ezopOSluw luepuedepq Aq pamoped suopoledo o; SO sxoppOea 30 SJOIDAGIG p Gen eq; 01 'exp o; enp ssol 01 A;ddD lou seop uOTan(oxe SRI Inq :e1040 1TIUGA SO emosuD4 'ggbTIA:[e •aAopuTA 'poop eep-e;ep So undo SO 'bupnode SO axepoel •s;ow eepoopp gbnwtp mpgm buTpHnq etp o; Alpeurp PG41MPD AOus m mw (g) xo 'sme;s.(e zeIjtgzds -Ipm01m 10 ;rad D mm; ipTgA ;owegl spoddns SO stmd ;umodmoo eq; SO "=I ;o IID; m esdDHoo eq; (Z) 'smgsAs xe(STupds olpmolnn xuaij e-wiegns A= SO 'seauonddo opsmtop SO piRsnpm xo 'esoq wp So; eadldpw;e 'amelsAS bquopFPuO-,tm 10 bulpxebp;eS 'bmpeg 'bmgtwld mo.g =018 x0 lope ;o AOlpeeO 10 ebDgDg 'ebmgOgp eta (().:Peznsq Peumu eqt o; peluw 10 Aq pmo sesTmaxd utog So no sSnoao emno gang p 'oosnDO buTA0110; eta 10 AM ;O Ino bmsT.m 'bupin000 SeewegA 'uFwegi Apedoxd m sbuTplTnq ;o uOTIonzleap So of Amfm of 'H ebwaew lop= (1) :aespD ;wpT= tpTq& 3O Ica T—inz; pe=v em SO; SO Aq pe;eldupa ;loA m PemouT pemou eta Aq pop aelp sesimesd m po;ngplgp So pelPwq 'ploo 'palm—inmm pwetp sleupluoo SO spnpold 'spoob A= (y) a •To4uw Inaledgd bule;azexe of Good ,rad Aw m; peanom etp ipTgm of so Apedosd m pemsq eq; p )oz;um m Apolon- •elm at[; uT Alledoad 'szop p p am egl m s;uemew6D 4=4 .eplo gang Sepw A4FRgOA 01 Pedsw gITA Ideoze (Z) So Pemsm eip Aq Paan AtedOSd 'AOHod vM Aq pweno- sluoul"ibD ioOgepls lop= Ap(IgOn q podseS qll o ide-ze (Z) So 'PwOsm egt 01 pe;uw a Aq poTan000 So psuAo Alledold (1) ;o w;pTL4wp SO of Amfa1 q 'Q pw a eebweam wpm (30 *p0JnffW e as q ;0 awwit III p nwI PIca bggm Pwngol etp 10 eeA0ldme dm p gpep So amajgp 'mpT 'maple m 0a AmAM3oq o; 'y ebnzaeoD SIR ep= (0 :ADI mUMP dm Sap= so 'ADT sigmeq A)Tllcp= P a uOpDouadvaco ;uemAOldmean 'wpnoaed ata0 a wagioA Am Sepun 0Ig0A pteq eq Avm eanv4 BR so SognuO Am m pwnmq eq; q-FgA SO; uopnbHgo Am o; •Q pm y wbweew lop= (0 trmnm 03) SHOW= �' 3lT�i Sbt�13SHOQl13 ki'.1VS,i,1i ' • PA= FM IL AWataoce and Cooperation of Poe Iissmed Coverages A. 8 and D The insured shall cooperate with the Company and, upon"companfs M quest shall attend hearings and trials and shall assist in effecting settlements, securing card giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of will. nessm and in the conduct of suite. The insured shall not except at his own cost, voluntarily make any payment, assume Croy obligation rr incur any expense other than for such immediate medical and surgical relief to others as shall be imperative at the time of accident It Medical Reporter Prod and Payment of Claim Coverage C As sow as practicable the injured person or someone on his behalf shall give to the company written proof of claim, under oath if required, andshall, after each request from the company, executte authorization to enable the corer Party to obtain medical reperts and copies of records. The injured person shall submit to physical examination by Physicians selected by the nom. pang when and ns often as the company may reasonably require. - The Company may pay the injured person or any person or organization rendering the services and such payment shall reduce the amount payable hereunder for such injury. Payment hereunder shall not constitute admission of llabiMy of the insured or, .except hereunderOf the company. IL Action Against Company Caverages A. 8 cod D No .action shall He against the company unless, as a condition precedent thereto, the insured shall have fully complied with all the terms of this policy, nar until the amount of the treured's obligation to pay shall have been finally deter mined either by judgment against the insm'ed cher actual mal or by written agreement if the trheuued, the claimant and the Company. Any person or mganlxation or the legal representative thereof who has secured such judgment or written agreement shall thereafter be en- titled to recover and this policy to the extent of the insurance afforded by this policy. Nothing contained in this policy shall give any Pmsmt ar organization my right to join the company as a codefendant in any action -against the insured to determine the tumned's liability. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the Insured at of the Insured's estate shall not relieve the company of any of its obligahow hereunder. 14. Action Against Company Coverage C No action shall Ito against the company unless, as a condition precedent thereto, there shall have been full compliance with all the terms of this policy, nor until thirty days after the required proofs of Claim have been filed with the company. I& Other Insurance Coverages A. 8 and D If the insured has other Insurance against a lose covered by this policy the company shall not be liable under this Polley for a greater proportion of such loss than the applicable limit of liability stated in the declarations bears to the total applicable limit of of all Iand to I!. obmgatlw Caveram liability . 8 and valid the event any payment order -this policy, the company shall be subrogated to all the insred's rights of recovery therefor against any person or organisation and the insured shall execute and deliver instruments and papers and do whatever else in necessary to sears such rights The insured shall do nothing after loss to preludiee such rights. 17. Throe Year Policy A policy period of three years is comprised of three oomecutive annual periods. Computation and adjustment of earned premium shall be made at the end of each annual period. Aggregate limits of liability as stated in this policy shall apply espraately to each annual period. IL Change& Notice to any agent ac knowledge possessed by any agent or by any other person shall net affect a waiver or a change In any part of this policy or estop the Company from asserttag any right under the were of this policy. not shall the terms of this policy be waived or charged except by endorsement issued to form a part of this policy. IL Asdgmrent. Assignment of Interest under this Policy shall net bind the company until its consent is endorsed hereon. 4 however, the named in- sured shall die, this policy shall cover the named inshred's legal representative an named insured. providedthat notice of oamcelation addressed to the insured named in the decimations and mailed to the address shown in this policy shall be sufficient notice to effect oancelation of this policy. SL Caneslatlw. This policy may be canceled by fire named insured by mailing to the company written notice stating when thereafter the cancela, tion shall be effective. This policy may be canceled by the company by maillnq to. the nomad insured at the address shown in this policy written notice sfatinq when net less than fen days thereafter such cmmelation shall be, effective. The matlfag of notice as aforesaid WwU be sufficient proof of notice. The effective date and hour of oancelatloa stated in the notice shall become the and of the policy period Delivery of such written notice either by the named insured ar by the campany shall be equivalent to malliaq. If the named insured camels, earned premium shall be computed in, accrndance with the customary short rate table and procedure. If the company c®ceLearned premium shall be computed pro rata. Premium adjustment may be made either at the time cancelaHon is effected or as sow as practicable atter ooncolation becomes effective, but payment or tender of unearned premium L net a condition of cmmelatian. 21. Dee1maHons. By acceptance d this policy the named insured agrees that the statements to the decimations are his agreements and rspreeerto- Home, that this policy is issued in reliance upon the truth of such representations and that this policy embodies all aansments existing between binseif cud the company or any of its is relating to this insurance. IN Wl7NMS WIiMMF, the AMMUCAN INDEIGIITY OOUPANY has caused this policy to be signed by its president and a secretary at Galveston, Texas, and Countersigned on the declinations page by a duly authorised agent of the company. J...""' L Secretary' President 0 9 rel U ]F �I L a C O r re Ii O C. H � N � y O V e � AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made .and entered into this 1st day of April, -1963 by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part; and Earl J. McKinney, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part: P.�FY4`�-= WHEREAS, _it is the desire of the party of the first part to provide clean and wholesome entertainme`'nt for the children of -its -city -in its=pdrk system and the party of the second part is desirous of operating a miniature steam train within the limits of said city, SO NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration.of the mutual covenants and agreements by and between the parties as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Party of the first part hereby grants unto the party of the second part the authority and right to construct and maintain and operate'an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train within the city park known as Oakdale, and on such location as approved by the Park Superintendent and City Manager. 2. In consideration for the right and privilege to locate and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train at the approved location for the term specified, party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part a sum of money equal to five per cent (5%) of the gross revenue and receipts, less federal tax and state tax, growing out of the operation of said miniature steam train at the place and for the period of time,deaignated. 3. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREES that on or before the 13th day of April, 1963; he will cause to be laid and constructed in a workmanlike manner at his sole expense at the location designated a minimum of 500 feet of track, a water tower, and tither simulated:itemstof•railroad equipment, adequate lighting facilities, a ticket _ selling and taking booth and will.begin operation of said track on Ottaway Miniature Steam Train consisting of an engine, tender and a minimum of three (3)' passenger, coaches, and continue operation for the seadon•of 1963 beginning on April,l, 1961, to October 1,496', on Sundays and Holidays. Party of'the second part agrees that said facilities will be constructed, and maintained,at all times in a manner not to detract from the beauty of the surroundings and that said location will be kept clean and free of all debris and rubbish. Architecture of buildings shall meet with the approval of the City Manager. 4. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREES to charge no more than twelve cents (12Q) per person per ride, on said miniature steam train and to keep an account of all ticket sales and money received there from that shall be open for inspection by the party of the first part at all reasonable hours. It is agreed that the five per . cent (5%) of the gross receipts, less federal and state tax, payable to the party of the first part hereunder shall be paid in a manner and at times requested by the party of the first part. 5., PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AGREES to furnish at no cost to the party of the second part the water necessary to operate said miniature train. The party of the second part agrees to pay all electricity necessary to properly light and operate the facilities and grounds in question. 6. It is understood and lessee agrees to file a public liability insurance policy with the city and the leassee as the insured whereby indemnifying insurance will exist limited to $15,000,00 for any one person and $50,000,00 for any one accident in the Office of the City Clerk of said city as a condition precedent to operation of said steam train and covering such operations and that lessee will timely pay the premium thereon, 7. This lease may be terminated by either party on 30 days written notice. S: Second party is hereby granted an option to extend this lease under like terms and conditions for the season of April 1, 1-964 to October 1, 1964, and for the season of April 1, 2965 to October 1, 1-965. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and .year first above mentioned, Attest: IJ✓- CITY OF�S/L NA, KANSAS $y�/' f//,CCL City Manager Party of the First Part v � Part of the Se .o d Part LI 0M-1-01 (Rev. e-20-07) J0101 OWNERS', LANDLORDS' AND TENANTS' LIABILITY POLICY 0 L T 3123149 AMERICAN INDEMNITY COMPANY Renewing IN. New DHCLASATtONS Item I. Name of insured nn J. McKINNEY, ET AL, (See Endorsement) mares- 1213 Stacks Salina. Kansas (Na street, town, county, state) Interest of named insured in the premise. The Business of named insured t, Item L Policy Period: pram A11111L 1U. 1903 to APM. 10 s 1 f 66 14:01 A. M., standard time at the addreec of the named insured as stated herein Item 4. The insurance afforded is only with respect to such and so many of the following coverages and divisions thereunder as are indicated bt specific premium charge or charges. The limit of the company's liability against each such coverage and division thereunder shall be as stated herein, subject to all of the terms of this Bcy homing reference thereto. Coverages Limits a[ Liability DIVIKONS Manimum. Premiums I Advance Premiums 1. Premises—operauone $ 201,15 $ A Bodily a 2,5, 000.00 each person 2. IIevarote $ $ Infury Liability $ 509000,00 each accident aggregate products S. Structural Alterations $ $ $ of pulley on arpan the tie dot etfectlw cannons an Omer Ienms or ale pallay. 4. Products S $ B Property Damage Liability i i each accident aggregate Tor divisions 1, 9 and 4 1. Promises --Operations$ P.R $ 2. Elevators $ $ 3. Structural Alterations $ $ -4. Prodacts $ $ C Medical Payments $ i each person each occident 1. Premleer-OpelaHons $ $ 2. Elevators $ $ D Contractual Liability --of a $ i each person each accident 'Bodily lydury liability $ $ Specified Tvpe i each accident Property Damage Lability $ $ w461 a I "W-99" Is 221-s7 If Policy Period more than one year: Gross Premium $ Discount At Net Premium $ 663,.81 Premium Is payable: On effective date of Policy $ 221.27 let Anniversary $ 221 a 27 2nd Anniversary $221.27 Item C The following discloses a description of the hazards upon which the Advance Premiums for this policy have been computed ann nuwiy yla9elLLGaoans unmet meye9 puou w nazora l no, nor mcany ule eacmiaone cannons an Omer Ienms or ale pallay. DtrcrlPtion of Amends A Premiums &L P.R b.sY ssb bm&P I. or (a) Pct em�-pe t Salina, Kansas WRemuneratien (Located In City Owned Park) Per Annual Miniature Railroads - Kiddie - Receints MOO. Minimum designed for small children only 403s 40000. 2.82 201.15 L Ebvalae Classification and LocaUm. NONE ODVl4M HEREt'T11DER Number Insured Per Elevator 7. Structural AResadons—New Construction ta) R.munera0an (b) Cost NONE COVERED IMEMIDER — 4. Produele--ComyiNed operations Sales NO S. contractual(.1 NNumber (b) ER rlem 0. uuang me past Mrse years no Insurer has Countersigned: AMU 10. 16.2 At Salina, Kansas issued to the named Insured, except as herein stated (amaeDa(w :esn m wpngptsvp WA •alas qons em4 bupl-aax 09G-I= .111Dg •O obovmw npm 'pw ebom"q .nogoOlo Aw ;o can m wpnglgslp 'Wb '*Fmext.q ba;ul-lnd WWUWW m gnwls Aw ;o xmmw Aq 'seaedmd q= m; Peen easlmecd;o mess[ m "a w so m Isebweeeq oF[ogD p bupngP{gp m bulges •bulmwo)nwm . p soetgmq eql q poWbae agmgwbm m uo-d n m 'ee;l-mepg Am m pentsq ext wdn pwodml 4p14oT[ 0I 'a pm S 'y sebweew "Pan (to :O ebg j aepm m (S) (4) II luemewby bupnmq aepm segued -m (O m laemeez6n m pi4= Am aepm pamsui ext Aq pemnnm 4Fp4oll (I) of i.edsej glTm 'bgobaml eqg 10 Aw of illePlool wpFPuw m PD Am q m vopnioew m wMogw 'wFpwaLow ' ➢Ap Temr Bp mu m .tetpegA •mA q enp uolpTigoop m g=ap 'eeceaip 'ssem(ole 'Amit g (b) ' :o;wetq Almd o mu wend o'Aq luemeejbm m m pxqu= n ao wpw w uT el4oll pleq eq Aum Pwt M e T Iqq w m; =TtDbngo Aw (Z) m 'g npotd m sPwb ;0 4111 i o (1) g 'A ivemeajby bumlmq "Pm Pw a ebmnemo aepm S) . mpupold m qMb 10 4wmA+ a idem iaemeolbn m PO A= Aw mpmt pwnaq eq) Aq pe-m 4nlgmn g 'gp=mH l- mf;mea Ov 10 4 UOPOIP "Pea (e) .- 4uoumolbD m ;.oguw Aw j Pau Psmsut eq; Aq poggm m AiTucpT( o; 'ffp�H N wilmea exp l- S pw Z 'I i migAIP 3OPm (P) *p-m pemau eqt Aq Pen04 goo m q peluw 'Aq peasw am gDTgAi peunap m wq ieglo loagmwd mog m w eaopwedo (S) m "mH mopo"do Pele[dmoo--epnpoid 9% (Z) 'ampmgao.gng jl@qt m ampmgaw siq m pe"aq peau egg Aq Imopmiedo wpilomep m wlpn4e — •sempngs "qpo m al5uWrynq bgeom m 10 egg Gill bulbwgo GAl-eg "A sw)lwelto Mnuange (1) q 'O ebmjeeoo aepm Pw 'BPM=H W mpTugea etp l- I uowTp wpm hI :gmmesie of 'gP�H ;0 mliiupsa Glp 10 I mT9TATP "Pau (N ipmmjm (S) m 'eigwliddoal eq q suolmjopsP eq) g parols g wTwir z sial N tmd sM m m;osq Id-9 'gsg{msjd eql moo .tomo sjno.o MOW= etp Tl 'smm"mjA .m pm of egpmga m ggqro mw; setOFgOA 'glTmwegi em m; eat.Tq" 'Glom m eunme m 1PuP (Z) Voffpmwd w% mot An A wawo ;ueppoo egg TI sgigo=l= (1) ;o buippolm m buFpzq Igen 'wpmndo 'w=wMp- Idllweww ego of •D ebwGA m j6P1211 Pw 'sml.m4uw Taepuedepq Aq pemmopW ampwedo m; idem S w1g1ATP sepun pw 'OPmmH 10 =PWM egl l- I mtgATP jePm (m) sdlddo lou scop Aoil0d sm smoma7= MPOUEO m 'ewFgceseod m ggjMtzz% sM 'm pomil 10 gem1S Pe11u11 sip ggpx. poped Aoilod OV boPOP moon gaRA° ogwpp= 0) Alm aepddo Agnod gg[. AHOAIMM 'aOWd A9nOd DA -Iogu= ;o igbp Am wq psmsq pamou -eT goFgA neo m psmsq pe=a 9T Aq sloe m1 pepwlswD oGRM04 g Alddo mu imp lmimesiba bupmmn spa 'meq+o of )De-tp wlssG9wd' pegelnbunw " peMuM pe®u egg "no amo0o ;usppgm egl 11 pe=a -w peo=n eqt Aq pemaelry gaeFmwd 0l sanddm GpwMH ;o mllTunea OV 10 1 mFWATp aepm Agnod egg Aq poWono g w w—sm gonS .. GISBURd cmzvmm7Y !A I - 'S Pm.Z 'I =WTP ;o ew Am m; evopomi0gp egg q Pemis m 4184op:10. 911ui9 Iaegbig. eg1 eq I[ogs luem9atb0 buFmmi sM 0; elgmilddo StMgnT[;o gmF[ 1eqi wnddo sP=mH jo wi;"a egg ;o aggATp aw —T amm jmkzwwb0 bulineul gM of pedsai ',pl. 'n 'gwggg wg m gone aepm pemnsm 4Mg-ri % gddo mu op N pw (Z) (0) 'l-) mo;mi0zg 7aemeajbm MaTmejd 10 0" Aw (P) m '413Vme91613 wwuelaiom mmlwse m m;mna[e AM (0) '4pudpimm egg m; A— xpljA wp.sww q Ideoze 'a0waipm lodpTonm Aq pagnbw Immeejbm Aw (in 'buys— apoib p=rrw m 11t- mlpeu ..-uw ul ida.ze 'luemeazba memeaoa Aw (m) :sesime>rd agt of bap31w guemeejbm ue11PjA;O.eOd4`b"T10l ext of Atddm lou Swp (P) mlgnloj3 SINMC IDV IMLIM& 7YAS3aiOM A •smpompsp 911 q petMe ;Tug( ,t=pp= g0me., eql of bn)paods l-nwm a Awdmw eqt q ITUM tgmbejbbm amml-im eqT eq I[mge Tirol[ embwbbm eql 'Pe=w oo By ITmTI embWbbo elgnopddo oa p 'lnq gwpo=pep etp ui pemis 4ingmn p gu=ru 'eqt of pe[gns sanddo wtp pm wg,m x) SploAo Apmagm d.nod an goTgA jq Wbweew elp npm Atm senddo iwmewcm bulanag spU •w. m Gigpoenw P® PTP1A "x10 m1 P-11M POTMU eft gOTIM ;gal-bo ami Aw of (ii) :Alddo ol e. m egg wq" eg qmm of pomg IouoTliPPo gong qwe W iwmeaaemmos eqt nUo stop AMM UMT- Awdmw egg wTMoa pamaq pe=u etp ssgm (D) :Alddm log oWp tuemae160 bupn q 8M •segmejd tons In senddm S WISTATP JOPm POPIOpa eq uw m g w aoawnsg tons. •agsitgwd jetpo tong m womAels (4 pim aGW=d Gip m Pepolml Al-ell SMV)Aeie 01 sanddo O abonew npun pw Z wialelP aepm PsPmpO sq aw m Of W 9ow=gq gonS ';Deng) 104aw m dFgs"uan0 esjinb= psmsq pamou eqt )I 'PIM g Ggpuog0xem I.p[jA =04 WIDT"A Pm 'MTA•.siegt esu 40; "M" 'gOogi= 9[ppO8 m t)ojp 'wsimwd of WTIddo O ebweew "part Pm ffp�H ;o WTImuea gl) 10 1 m1gATP aepm popmuo eq = m g m W0 gg q=s SMVM MW MY smOAYAM '839DUU aMaOOY JLWK mOA mOHYmaSM Al •gone m 4TlT4on gq 04 padsw g1Tm dim Inq gwetp "uMd Aw sepq.q oxo „Pwnmq,. PmA pompnbm Gg) 'gl[R-u and m g penuml peumo egg A ?P sm pau=a eqt m; lwanbmwm emise 1- of ;Delo -W TTA jgGpdwd m wpngwbio Aw pm 'Ions m sepnp sig )o ed= n uMT& bup= apq x jwngt j"loq .ole m jopwgp 'jeop;o "T;-" Atm "Pnr-m ogm Pw pemww peuma 4 wpnpq „Pe gw,. pg t pem mnbm eta a Pw S 'y sebanew japan wm-mq sip o1 load- lum . amDDew d0 NOUDDdda . •A.pod gt8 10 Amon 10 ITma •lgoomdxb' eqt q mpTppo q Aamdtnw 9T Aq eigndmd s= •elpts pw sogoio ;o gueamlo" ;d=e TW=a) os %ammo eq) pw gaenbw s.Awdmw oqt m pauwq_'ebapms 10 s j wql ngp •essaedw a[gOaomej no jot pang) sgt ae=gmiw (y) iiuepTwD stp T° amp QV m "W-dug eq IIogg m wetpo of lenw PwTW s pw l-gpem GVDMDtuq Ions jot pwnsui eq1 Aq paamai wmedze God (S) womxetp 4MWTl s dwdmw eq1 10 1Tmn Ggl pee ton 8e0p w taembpnF qrS 10 Um1I gong W= g psjj Ddep m pwapag m plod mq Atmdmw egt Ipm ;asmbpni ;o Ague "l1m bupuaw ;senlq il- pw ;Fns qons Aw uT pemeui etp pupbm Pwug gem 1l- 'Aamdum0 egg Aq pg j w semedze ll- Amd (Z) igpwq gone Aw gganq m ml 4ddo ol wlmb)[go Am inogpim Inq lTm popue;sp Mina Atm ul pwpobw spaoq l-eddo w a T°: -old Il- 'Aoi[od 9M 10 41114=1[ ;o limp elgawnddm oq4 jo si;=re ul pu tm0xw w m; gueag0g10 a Iar q gpuoq w sm pxmgd ll- Amd (1) (q iiaaipedze s=eep p m Ane m mm(. dm ;o luemeplea pw wimpobea vopmbpaeeq Ions e3mm Aom Awdm= etp int gasinpnnq " egmi -Ipunoib g tvm gone b a 9' 7oomtp , )mww w sebomop bggees pm wpongsep - m-GSIP 'sgew(oig 'A noq gone bulb.OM p--4 egl lsambo Ilns dm pue;ep (o) :IpV $wd� eq) 14nigon ebo®p Aljedoul m; pw 4p140m Anqui AMq ml Aonod sR Aq pepm;l- g m e.wx M gone of ped- tulm SLl13IEYd AHYASmCr7d ng 'LUDULLM 'mSNWCE D `4t[odto)unm eqg ") ;joie tpTm wTl.evuw g wm-q = l-dicq-w Aq pw;nbw iwmewft w (S) :bap" epom powlmj o qtl- wpoeww ul {tismimffim lwansme w (Z) guemwjbo 11004epp m'(I) isLMMMOY d0 MAX ' 7usppw Aq pe=w 7owe11 sen 10 oml etp bulpni0q 'Ap"dwd ;o aolp"wp m o; Am(q-,d Mpn 06amta Alred-d Z mlgMta . *4wppon Aq Paan= pw nosed Am Aq pouplimo 'moj;weq; bu%Vww eat[ Aw in qp ep buFpniouF 'emosFp m wmwtow 'Am)ul Appoq-4F Wn AmM AuM '1 -Wia :;o egng 0 q oebummp m Aod' 0l pembngo Atl-bel emo0 q, nogg vaopompsP eqt To f mil g Peq[mep IT Pm bung- uF 11 'gaemeejbn ;o sedAl bulmol[ol exp 1D Aw "pm mlq Aq pem = 41[F4on agt 1° aomw Aq 'pemm eqi plgm smug Iia pemgol eT Fo ;lvgoq w Arad .1 mdu am1mom Y 30 AAt71m= 7YDL7Y=o3O a mOYmmAOO rolwel<'l-iapa{ m Atmeseoau eaopmndo m 'segimeid egg jo em m g.wwitgnm 'dlggje exp m ino bnigm pw pepF. 1•q P,esnm0 •agmeglp:" sgeuxloie. • (q , Appoq sopjyms oqj maxed tpoe jot m o) '9e0WM Pre" pyo bulsmu l-wp ;wd 'UnTdmq 'e0wptgmo Am 0-tr pw '9e0ieep 0petp-ld -bnF . -Pniotq gwww l-luep pw lwtbm'pont m-AmsseOea jq 1--pp- jo emP 941 mo$ Mo A em oppTm pe UT gemedze ajgmog po Aod oy .. 8„L1Sa VA MICIZK--D 2DIrE A00.._ •swpmndo peMdamo sapgoq All-oppeft suq+nmimp stp )0 t sn11;o I polg{ATP ul pemla uopm8lmml0 stp tpTq A, jq mopnjedo (P) Fun slutjemg pmmm m pompmgm pgm•luemdpobe petl-isupm 'x1001^Id Wuggize eqj. (o) 'pwmmn eTjo;[ogeq ul jo Aq pem m pe-o sgo "J6 wwugul-m eqi (co '= pnoz mj o qw m m0g idem 'AneneP m do-fold (0) :gdDib,amd app;o buiwem et; UMTx ..gaopmjedo., eq of pemeep eq lou nmgo bu wmo; etD MgtU4 PsPtAwd i;aemsexbo w of iwnsmd pwTnbei eq nom mopwedo "qmq eaw.eq m pejlsd AleepOgep" Alndwdml "n-eq epldmwul pemeep eq mu l ogg imp-wdo Ipepp wd Twnew pampa eqi Aq peaojluw m peia •pet segmesd mw1 Am ejnD.o pw pewpt=gm m pete[dmw uaeq enol saopxuado g0ns "1I0 lg 0 lueppom etp TT 'mopajedo (Z) 'pim tog mq sxeglo Fo em m; pepml io m peluaj 'ngmlaw gone wtp nglo 'Agedold Aw m euTq-m bulpaae Aw spnloq jou nogg ;nq •gOiq" m w41 jegp •)owe11 jouol= Aw epn[oq of pemeep eq tl-go apnpwd m spwb Ions 'pePTAom ibupbam; egg ;O !rod AM sepn[m swp0=[0 P all 10 6 mstI ;o I uOiaieip q perms u R=msm[o egg goWm m; swrtgmtd uo m pe=ep pe®a all Aq pgl-alum m pe;uw 'pea segimwd moi; Aww wn0.0 luapp= gone R pw emma gI mpm bu(pn4 welpo Aq m pe=at petwa egg Aq wegp of pelgnbupw usaq ml spnpwd m gpwb gong ;o WIMnod jello sjn..D ;uepp00 eq1 1F 'e=mu siq aepm buFpoq angio Aq m pwngq pe®a ext Aq PeingpugP m PelPwq 'P[os •peag0mpxwm spnpojd m 9poaJ (1) 'MW=do ps;s)dmw3'-%:mpwd. 'f mIMIa •aml.n.gaoo qne .11911 m wopojmw g)4 m pe ,;M pemmu eqt Aq segmwd eip m awpwedo xpns ;o estnw eq; g sm000 Implwm egl;i •aopTiomep m w4014aaw "u 'sejn;owis "qpo m sbulpnnq ;o azig atp bulbmtp eAloeq gop[m awpm"1l- lo=[mgS 'mAOMsnoo moM wosujenY loznpm8 'S migAia 'mopm=[.ep eq1 q pemabtsep mmeele Aw. 10 em m .wmaelapmm •digaxeamo egy wmmeap 'Z mig1AM vtmtp Imlaeppui m Ajoga u gaopmndo [Ia pw '"simald eq ;o em( m e0wggaimm 'djgweamo Gly 'I mP[Ala spm=H io =)upgpa •peunep jepogweq opmzoq ell ;o tno bggm pw luopp= Aq poem' ';Den1g esti ;o =I ext bgpnpq '4jedwd ;o wlpwls ap m al Amis; l- om=eq iiebmmflp w nod of peinbngo AI(obsl smo0 q il=ls pemsu) gip gnWm a=rts Il- pe=mq egi ;o pDgeq uo And of XMISYl'L movxv(t Aimidoad-S ROWMACJ . 'peupep mpDtq-ieq %=Wl stilt ;o lm bgsim pm ;ue)p.o Aq pesm. vomed Aw Aq psgoisns Imogejaq; bupinm amp Am m gmep bu(pnloa( 'eamesFp m meuqolo 'AmM AITPo4 ;o eanmeq mbmmmp w Aad q Pembl[go Ail-bel emcmq Ilmgg po mm a% goFgjA sings nn pemsq stp ;o jpgeq uo Aod of A.L17lam AYDi1D 'MaO8-Y ROYSSAOD 1 :Aonod gm ;o smmt jello pw swpipuo.,'ew[mtm 14mcpDTi l- gu=ff ext % peigns pw aoopo=psp stp uT gaememts exp uodn wm)lej g pw g=Fm d ext to IwtaAmd Gilt p odpglwppzgw u( 'loemq lmd o apomswjpmpgp s11 ul pemmuu VeMM l egi 'pl- sswby (Awdmoo eqt pall-. genq A=d=o wwjnmi TO IS Y) ,&NVc IMOD AlIN a(INI NVDIH3I qV - - . OIAi sDYd 'DVD '18-9-3QI (L9 -i 'P3) 889'J •AmleaveS -ivepfosad�viA (engn veeeadaez,aoglntl) OF A vdH SESUE E g pevb{waivno0 'omF.1 PmPMS 'M T IOM 9 o ` =oa; eepoe)le 91 p® 'sDxey 'uolv"Vl J ;° INVMOD LummQN; NVORmV dq OTC (aegmnN—IvgmLS) 49 ` yZ`yIO mry -palDle uleaeq 9D Ideoxe 'dopod s;ql ;o suo,s,Awd ao svnel eyl )o dun pualxe m 'dmA 9ello 'eAIDm of piey aq ;lDys pou;nluoo uleaay bU[ylojl Sq p le wdo PeoJIM 3 L 0 o sesueg ' eutteg JO ATO e mgeTuTK Aq poTdu000 xaed it,dioT=X jo uoT-4aod o4mU 4plgM 4A;gDP! Ps Sui (Pemma; ebomoa 4aedwd Ain;u; dppog ;Duon;PPV io o®N Po®N 01 Pas 'l lmd e Tmeid sealmwd;o UopoUbleea H';;laaHoS •IuemeeaBD m pm4dun aepun wlmzpmbao m uo d plus dq pevmeso 4;;;gnR of (o) :aollnaim bm m vowed ppie m; m dq po=oped euopD do uopgom p Pw wlpn4=w Aeu Imopwelln Pamlon4o of (co :eesRwd Peas UT JW—j D eq 01 90s Pemsal POMU eql IGIM (D) dlddo jou seop wv SM eqy •g •olwegl Pa7ueppu; m daneseoev mogmedo pw 'Imprnlaobm m =mod guns ;o emov egl e;lsoddo pamublsep 91 toplm pe mq pemou 8T of pesml sesimwd eq; ;o I.md IDip ;o em io eom -w)upm 'dlgmeu wry o1 bedew glpA dryo Inq 'onoleq pe;Dublsep uollozpmbio ao uosied eql s pn;ou; oslo .,pemmg„ Pao^ poWnbm eqy -1 :-OMAoad bUlLnollo) sq; of mfgns 'sellddo 4TIMI l eBDUWa 4maoad Lo; P® 4p,gDn dmful Ammo m; dopod oql dq pepiopD el so wUDmsu1 tort° Intl peesbo el 1; aossm — a msru 7vxoxsaaa (09) '073 '39 -t -HOT (69 -OT '63) 9199 f)*V SaDleaeg- lnep{eLtd eaTA (ennntneawde. ez!aotpnV) SBS L.31 V`V VUTTUS P�le:as 'em!y PSDPm13 "AIV TOM C96` 00t IT,%Sy ewpoepe al P® 'snzey 'tmiseem to A"ImOO A.LIHI^ Gm NY318 ''IV Aq awmnx-Hw�) *TV ie ISGUMORr STS 1 ps enasT—>_ - S ON Aepod p land D smmy 1 --op— eVU petals sleaeq so Ideoze •Aogod spp to smTaTAoad m 9=91 sip to Am puetze m A=A 'm1ID '"pt of pleq eq ling, peamuw ulesq buppoN 'Apx[Wd )o uoTIDUTumlua0 enpanoTpw 3° emtol Ho sepnioul ,uopmLgwp. So ..jmML. PaOM et1 '.I!aedoad yo uoTWnalsep m of AHOT w pedsw IPTM 'pixemm elgOuot9ep p emna PSoll{m D up;= o1 m mumw uTDtp bullaoddns-)(ea D uT volsoU majanu uTD!ene 01 pan ao peabtseP MIDmddD A= swam "aoWDw n*pnu_ te¢op --do gone ml peen sagulem 110 pm elle gone m pe!onpuw suopuaedo llo 'peMool et butobwoy att P Am tpigm m 9119 etp sepnioul Pm 'eisom p losodmp So ebDmis eql ml peen SD pwodead weld m aestmead 'uopunmze 'u!saq ',inion!, Am (p) 'SZz mnTman yo samab OSZ mtp emm m joeaeq!-;jvmgmoo Am SO EEZ mnTuDm m mntuolnTd to atmaB SZ mtt ea0m eolDla00 m )o 14STMW PelDool sl WIAep m tuemdTnbe guns wegm sesTmem sip m pemmq etp In Apolaw etp ul ptaetom tons 1° luno® IDloi eq1 emp Am W H InTaelDm SDelonu bloods yo buTAonD So bunwugDl 'bu!sseootd eqt ml peen wlAep m luemdTnbe Amt (o) ,G)M . buTbD;oDd m buisseowd 'buppmt (6) So 'lent luede bugmin m btgeseooad (Z) 'mnTwlnld m mnTaom p sedolosT eq; bupomdes (t) Sol peen m peubleep wwp m Iaetedinbe Am (to 'mpoeS mapna Azm (o) ,mem ATPD; Snelonu.. :pwegl (til So (n) tdMbamd Sepun AITIcoDI melon yo uollTtagep 9T mtlpa. pepniouT AnIT=; -,toms Am TO uopnz!®Bao m uosSed d® Aq aonDSedo eq! mol; 6upinm (Z) pn ID!aelnm pnpwdAq butuTolum (I) Ingopm elan Atm =mem „e!sor„ :m1oDw melon D uq mpDTpw of pmodze m peen ueoq soq go1gS^ 'pinb!l So pilo, limmodumo len) m !uemete tent Am samem ..len{ Tuads„ 'I 6561 )D pV AWeua Dimo1V etp ut megt aeATb ® ebulem eql enuq -ppo om paponUq.. pm •jolmomm) u Mposeam S.w( Am ut m aaSelm Toped IDW1Dm eamoc„ !IDTSetDm pnpomdq m lotaelnm mepna inpwa 'IDpemm eoanos smem „1DWwm llwpn0.. !WRIodwd "PRdze m opcol '"naooTpw epnloul , Mgndozd aoopmmq„ :)ueme,Sopae epp UI Pean 9V 'At 'Alnpnl SDeiOnu tons 1D ATtedoad to wq=49ep m of ASnfM 01 Aluo sanddD (a) nopmloze OR 'q==0 m suopootood m sePo)gzal ati Impatoy p eemig penun am atglTM pelwot 91 A MoD; tons H {nq 'A4gpn) SDepnu Aun )o eon m uolmiedo 'edmuelupm 'mtpatpsuw '6ur=ld etu tip'° mTpemoa ut tuemdTnbe m sjwd 'slnpajom 'seoWas 10 pemeuT m Aq bulgelum) eq1 To ino sealm uolpn.psep S0 g1Dep 'esnesm 'seeu;ole 'Anqu! eqt (o) So :pemsuT un to nnteq ao ..0 Aq in pesodsTp m pelmdeaaxl 'Peao!e 'peasawSd peen pelpmg 'peaseesod ourp Ann, 10 O;mm m tent lueds uT peutoluoo sl•IDlaelnm .meionu etl (co tmogeaetl pewedaip 10 pebmgoepS aeeq wq (Z) So pemeul m 'To nDgeq uo m Aq pelDmdo m 'Aq pemn0 14MooT SDetonu Am to e1 (1) InpolDm Sneionu exp (D) p 'IDTSe!om melon+ )o seTTzedoad snop.mzoq eq1 mog bugInsw mponpsep So tMep 'esnesTp 'sseuTp 'Am(al of 'ebnmeoO 14lpgDT7 Am Seputl =pDzT®bao m mmed Am Aq AtppDy melon D jo uopuaedo eqt )o In Balstm pm IDIMDm melon )o sepaedold snopS tj eqt mol) BupMsw tlnep m owesip 'ssempw 'An4ul AITpoq W pedsw tpTta paunanf senedze of 'lenw IwTbma m IwTpem elDTpemmT 01 bultzleS aaTsTnoad sluemAnd A.mluemelddnS Am aepun ao 'ebwenoo etuemAnd p=Weyj Am Sepun •mpazTmbm So uosled Am tT!Sn ')owegl AouebD Am m 'wlaemV p se1DIS pelTaf) egt Aq oluT pwelm tuemewbD Am lop= ')oeaetl ADuebo Am So 'DouemV )o saIn1S pe!Nf) etp moll agtamepv{ of peppue 'eq pinoen penes{ aeeq lou Aapod SM pDq So 'et pemeq egl (Z) m 'y megl ASolDpuemn enol Am m '6561 10 1aV Abletq olmolV etI of Imnsmd mpaepad IDT—up u)DIaIDm 0) pegnbw sT mpazitmbao m mored Am (I) golgm of pedsw gtpn pm InpetDm Soslanu p seTWdom snopm=1 eqj mat blMpi S (q) So U4MgDTI TO limp sit P mnsmgate uodn mTtnutmael ell 10) lnq Aanod Bons Am Sepun pemsuT m eq ptnoan So 'DpD-0 to mTlnposeV soun.maul SoelanN So weltammpun 44MCVOTi Abast9 oTm01V tnnlnyl 'aopnposaV GO—M AltltgDrl Abaeug mepnx Aq Pena{ 1a110d Al!agon Abaeue melon D Sepm punt m coin sl AoTlod eq1 Sepan pemeul m gaTg& of toedaw gjVA (D) aopangsep m gwep 'eaoss{p 'eseuxop 'Angtq of 'eboieeoO Appgnpt Am Sepafl :ATddD loa scop Aanod sqt 1Dg1 peaabo el II (•Amqu}y Toaewed sAT9uegeadmon s,Semmd m p)nowed enpuegeadaaaoo amgl Segto ebDSeeoo AtmgDT4 lDaanev Plano R*M^ eepRod OD 01 POD 'e3DS9G0J AgpgM ebom'J So epgomgnV Pae)ID tppjm 'Aollod engooaolnV AHemd eql Id—'eepllod no e1 laegoolW eq eS) F] .S (IAM0a avoug) .tMM i3sHoam3 Noismon ALTHnM xJuam H=nH FA V « PI rye -'ix r8 r8' . EXCLUSIONS (CON'IUMM) 0) under coverages A and D, to any obligation far which the insured or any carrier as his insurer may be held liable under any workmen's com- pensation, unemployment compensation or disability benefits law, or under any dmllar law: W under coverage A, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease or death of any employee of the insured arising out of and in the comae of his em- ployment by the insured I = (W =der coverages B and D. to injury to or detstructim of (1) property owned or occupied by or rented to the inured, or (2) except with respect to liability under sidetrack agreements covered by this policy, property used by the Inured, or (3) except with respect to liability under such std« track agreements ar the use of elevators, property in the care, custody or control of the insured or properly m to which the inured for any pur- pose Is exercising physical control, or (4) any goods, products or containers thereof manulactured, sold handled or distributed or Premises calm, ated by the named insured or work campleled by or far the named inured, out of which accident arises; N =der coverage B. with respect to division 1 of the Definition of Hazards, and =der division 3 except with respect to operation performed by independent contractors, and under coverage D, to my of the following insofar as my of them occma on or from promises owned by or rented to the named inured and injure or destroy buildings or property therein and are not due to fire: (1) the discharge, leakage or overflow of water or steam from plumbing, heating, refrigerating or alrconditicning systems. standpipes far Bre hoes, or Industrial ar domestic appliances, or my substance from automatic sprinkler systems. (2) the collapse or fall of tanks or the component parts or supports thereof which farm a port of automatic sprinkler systems, ar (3) rain or snow admitted directly to the building interior through defective roofs, leaders or spouting, or open or defective doors, windows, skylights, transoms or ventilators; (m) under coverage C, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease or death of (1) the named inured, my partner therein, any tenant or other person regularly residing an premises owned by or rented to the named inured or my employee of such inured tenant ar other person arising out of and in the course of his employment therewith, ar (2) my other tent of such premises, or any employee of such other tenant arising out of and in the course of his employment therewith, an that part of such premises rented to such other tenant, or (3) any person arising out of and in the course of his employment B benefits therefor are in whole or in part either payable or required to be provided under any workmen's coupenso- B= law, or (4) any person while engaged In maintenance, alteration, demolition or new construction operations for the named insured ar for any lessee of the named insured or my lessor of premises rented to the named inured ar (5) my pan= practicing, instructing or participating in my physical training, apart, athletic activity or canteeh (d =der coverage C. to (1) elevators, unless medical payments far elevators L stated in the declaration an included or (2) any expense for ser, vim by the named Inured, my employee thereof, or any person or oremlurtlm under contract to the named insured to provide such services. CONDITIONS Conditions L L L S. 17, 19, 19, 10 and 21 apply to s.0 coverages. The other conditions apply only to the coverage or eeverags noted thereunder. 1. Premium The premium bases and renes far the hazards described in the declarations are stated therein. Premium bases and rales for hazards not so described aro those applicable in accordance with the manuals In use by the company. The premiums stated in the declarations for division 3 and 4 of the Definition of Hazards and far such classification in division I far which the premium basis is staled m "admission", "receipts" or "units" are estimated premiums only. After each anniversary and upon termination of this policy, the earned premium far these hazards shall be computed in accordance with the company', rules, rats, rating plan and minimum premiums applicable to this insurance. H the earned premium thus computed exceeds the estimated advance premium paid the named Insured shall pay the excess to the company; B less, the company shall return to the named. Inured the unnamed portion paid by such Inured. The named Inured shall maintain far the aforesaid hazards records of the Information necessary far premium computation an the basis stated in the declarations, and shall send copies of such reports to the company at the end of the policy period and at such times during the policy period os the company may direct. . When used out a premium basis: (1) the word "admission" memo the total number of persons, other than employees of the named Inured, admitted to the event inured ar to events conducted an the Promises, whether an paid admission tickets, complimentary tickets or passes: (2) the word "cost" memo the total cast to the named inured under division 3 of the Definition of Hazards, or to any indemnitee under coverage D, of all work let or sublet in connectim with each speciNc•projrw% including the cost of all labor, materials and equipment furnished used or delivered for use in the execution of such work, whether furnished by the owner, contractor or subcontractor, including all fees. allow- acea, bonuses or commission made, paid or due; (3) the word "receipts" meats the gross amount of money charged by the named inured far such operation by the named inured or by others during the policy period as aro rated on a receipts basis other than receipts from telecasting, broadcasting or motion pictures, and in- cludes taxes, other than taxes which the named inured collects ce, a separate item and remits directly to a governmental division; (4) the word "remuneration" meas the entire remuneration earned during the policy period by all employees of the named inured engaged In the operation, subject to my overtime earnings or limitation of remuneration Wile applicable in accordance with the manuals in use by the comPmy; - ... - (5) the word 'bales" mean the gross amount of money charged by the named Insured or by others trading =der his name far all goods and products sold or distributed during the policy period and charged during the policy period far installation, servicing or repair, and includes taxes, other than taxes which the named Inured and such others collect as a separate Item and remit directly to a governmental division. L Inspection and Audit The company shall be permitted to inspect the Inured promisee, operation and elevators and to examine and audit the insured's books and records at any time during the policy period and any extension thereof and within three years after the final termination of . this policy, as far a they relate to the premium bases or the subject matter of this insurance. 9. Definitions (a) Promisee. The unqualified word "premised' mese the premises designated in the declaration and includes the ways immediately ad - Joining on land (b) Elevator. The word "elevator' means my hoisting or lowering device to connect floors or landings at the promises owned, rented or controlled by the named inured unless the named Inured own, rents ar controls only a part of the building and does not operate, maintain or control the elevator, whether ar not such device is in service. and all appBmces thereof, including my car, platform, shag hoistway, stairway, runway, power equipment and machinery. "]levator" does not include a hoist without a platform outside a building if without mechanical power or if not attached to building walls, or a hod or material hoist used in alteration, construction or demolition operation, or an inclined conveyor used ex- clusively far carrying property, or a dumbwaiter used exclusively for carrying property and having a compartment height not exceeding tour feet. (c) Automobile, The word "automobiW' means a land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, provided: a) The following described equipment shall be deemed an automobile while towed by or carried an an automobile not so described, but not other- wise: if of the crawler type, my tractor, power crane or shovel, ditch or trench digger; any fan -type tractor; my concrete mixer other than of the mix-in-traeit type; any grader, scraper, roller or farm implement, and, B not subject to motor vehicle registration, any other equipment not specified In (2) below, which is designed far use principally off public roads. (2) The following described equipment shall be deemed an automobile while towed by or carried an an automobile as above defined solely for purposes of transportation or while being operated solely for locomotion, but not otherwise: B of the mmcrawler type, my power ormme or shovel, ditch or trench digger; and any ah compressing, building or vacuum cleaning, spraying or welding equipment or well drilling machinery. (d) Assault and Battery. Under coverages A and B, assault and battery shall be deemed an accident unless committed by or at the direction of the Insured- 4. nsured4 Limits of Liability Coverages A and D The limit of bodily Injury liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each person' is the limit of the company's liability tar all damages, including damages far care and loss of services, arising out of bodily injury, sickness or disease, in, cluding death at my time resulting therefrom, sustained by me person as the result of my one accident the limit of such liability stated in the declaration an applicable to "each accident" is, subject to the above provision respecting each person, the total limit of the company's liability for all damages, including damages for care and loss of services, arising out of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by two or more person m the result of any one accident. 5. Limit of Liability Coverages B and D The limit of property damage Lability stated in the declaration as applicable to "each accident" is the total limit of the company's liability for oil damages arising art of injury to or destruction of all properly of me or more person ar organtz time. Including the lose of use thereof, as the result of my one accident. 6. Limits of Liability Coverage A and B Subleci to the limit of liability with respect to "each accident', the limit of liability, If my, stated in the declaration as "aggregate' is the total limit of the company's liability far the division of hazards, and under the coverage, for which said limit is stated Under division 4 of the Definition of Hazards all damages arising out of =e Id of goods ar products prepared or acquired by the named insured or by mother trading under his name shall be considered as arising out of me accident. The insurance afforded by this policy under division 2 of the Definition of Hazards applies separately to each elevator. !. Limits of Liability Coverage C The limit of liability far medical payments stated in the declaration as applicable to "each person' to the limit of the company a liability far all expenses incurred by or on behalf of each person who sustain bodily injury, sickness aur disease, including death resulting therefrom, as the result of any me accident; the limit of such liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each accident" is, subject to the above provision respecting each person, the total limit of the company's liability far all expenses incurred by or an behalf of two or more persons who sustain bodily Injury, sickness or disease, including death resulting therefrom, as the result of my me accident. a SeverablBty of Interests Coverages 1t. B and D The term "the Insured" Is used severally and not collectively, but the inclusion herein of more than one inured shall not operate to increase the limits of the company's liability. 9. Notice of Accident When an accident occur written notice shall be given by or an behalf of the insured to the company or my of its authorized agents as soon as practicable. Such notice shall contain particulars sufficient to identify the insured and also reasonably obtainable informa- tion respecting the time, place and circumstances of the accident, the names and addresses of the injured and of available witnesses. 20.7iotico of Calm or Suit Coverages A. B and D B claim to made or suit is brought against the Inured the Inured shall immediately forward to the company every demand notice, summon or other process received by him or hie representative. PAGE yl1HB6 IOsPisua ��7 •Lmiemea _ 'L� IDp® OT to lueba pezPogtm drip o Aq ebad saopoeP etp no peubis";unon Poo ' .t 'wiseaM ps Amm ;ees n pm ;oeppwd e;; Aq peu6is eq of AORod OR Peau¢ s0q ANVdpl00 ALINMCW NVOnMW egi 'd03i)3t1M 893N.LIM M 'eamsnsq sig; Ol bulWlw e;mbo ell FO duo m Atmdmoo eq; P® Resurm UaOMleq bupaize smusee bm no se;pogme AoRod err iogl Pon avopmiues wdw tions p qi^a eql uodn eamRw ul pence{ el Aollod 9M Imp •snap -0;ueewdw pm eluemewbo s14 eco eUORnmloeP eq; of goetoepps eq; W* sewbo pemeq pe®u GV Aollod on in eamldavn A3 moop ornea 'I: •uopmleama ;o nap;puoo m iou e{ ton;m and pevmeun ;o sepve; m iaemdod inq 'enpoege semooeq mpmleatma selp elq=Tpwd so coos so m PePVO sF mpoleaaoo essp egi W segile epmm eq doss iuemien{Pn mnTIwd •m1w old pe;nduwo eq aDgs mnruwd peume 'eleomo duodmoo OW 11 'emipoowd puo elgol elm logs Amuso3mUM eql gllm eampmaoa q peinduv* eq Boge t MF—d pavme 'slenmio pez"UT petmu egi ;l •bunwm 04 I—ToAmbe eq lloge dumduvw egi Aq m pemmq pe®u eq; Ag iegile eapou ueppm Rona p AseeRea Toiled dopod stp ;o pus eqt emooeq Untie eWRov egi UT Pelule uopnlwuno ;o nog Pm slop enpaege etU •eapov p ;orad pepWo eq 1pgo pWswops sa eapou ;o buMom wU •oATpepe eq flogs napoleomo tone segowegl sdnp uei mtp esel lou vegm builole eopou UIUPM AOIIod err ul umogs sawppn etp W pen sw pemou eq; W bttppm Aq Amdum m eqi Aq pelsotmo eq Anal doRod spu-"goeAe eq lungs nap =117,01=1=m": IsOUOO egi sel;oesegl vegM bgpga eopoa ueppM Amduloo eql of buRWm Aq pe -mm possum etp Aq peleouo , eq ADM AORod sigd, vopaleamp 'Lig •A0R0d slgi p mpoleaumo loe;;e of eopoa IueWTpne eq Rngs Aollod srp ui umogs nwppu etp of pspnm pm =Ttooml,,p eq1 q Pa®u pemcq eg1 as PaeewpPo WAVISama;0 eapoU Wqi Peppmsd Vemsm PeIUDv w eeTlmiveswdw lobes a,pesnsul pevxou eq; seeoo flags Aopod err 'sip Roqs pens a{ pennon egi 'seeemog .R :uoweg Pesmpus si luesnoo ell spm Avodssoo eg1 puiq lou Boge Aopod err -pun tseseiul io lusumbleey TwwoblarY 'BI 'Pe600g0 s0 Peel0m eq .taTlOd efgi in emtel a sou :da od •luRod on ;o imd 0 so" 0; Penal iuemeuopue Aq ideaze p pad Am eb a m sen 4i �9° R OM p atone; eq; mpm Igbp Am bupaes® moll Amdmuo egi doles so dapod OR III yoga pm a 40000 loo Roge vowed regio Am Aq m ;uebm Am Aq peesessod ebpejm u:i m ;mbo An, of eaTpN we6mt0 Yt gone oi Alepomdes Alddo nobs AOFIod GM u; peWis so AFRigoR W e1Fmi[ elobesbb poised pnvm tl ',,lied ,nom tTame p Ptte exit W spam eq Ruga GOxU reams ;o iveogen;pa pm aopaindmo0 'sPOTse0 rym nveeptueauw eesp q; pespdalw p s; woad eesgl Polled AOROO tl A01lod meJL A eeatLt 'LI •e11169 [Ona ea;Pnlesd of saol ieip buMou op Rage Pwusul eq,L •sigbP tone esnaae o1 Aweaeoeu s; esis senelogm op pm wedod Pum siueanvisui s Tjgp pm e;tUMeze Rmge Pemmq etp Pm vopmz;mbso m named Am pupbo m;ezegi Aleeoow p Wgbis a pesusu; 0V Ifo W POID60 7M eq Rage Amdmoo Oy 'AoRod OR °pun ;namdnd Am In ;uene etp ul Q Pm 9 'V sebnsaeu0 WPDb q '9I FOIq eqi OI sme4 evo ae a 'BBOT IPM Isu;mbo sovomsa; elgROeUm. Puo PRUA llo ;o AiRiquF[ in ;TmH elgm mass Rawl P qi q Petals A3RfgUR p 3FmII elquORddm eq; mq1 eaol Rana ;o napmdwd selDBfb a m; .SORod ang sepm elgog eq WU Rage Amdmoa Gill AoTlod sop Aq pweeoa cool a isupbn eomsneu; regio soq pwneq eql i1 a Pm 8 'V sebuseeo0 eam+nsul segi0 '9I 'Amduvau egi R3W Pena useq eenq ugop N s;oosd Pemba, sip sego coop Atxm Ipm mu 'AORod sop ;o nue; egi no III,& eamgdutoo Rn; OIN oenq Notia esetp'mlesetp;uepeaesd mpTpmo n ®'saelan Amdvuzl egi Isgobm eR Ilmgs oopao ON 0 eb=AOO Aoodmoo wapbV mROV 1I •sepunweq =p0bRgO ell In dm ;o Atmdalou eq; eeeRw ;on Rnge emm s,penmq etp p 30 Penmq sip 10 Aaveelomq m AMdngmq •l.;iMgoq e,pemsm etp ev;mte;ep of pesnmq stp ;eupba uopm Am q lmpue;epoo n m Amdmoa exit vloi of igbg Am napnaTmbm m mowed dm ae;b nobs do;lod BM U{ PeUIDWOO bUWN •AaROd e;R; Aq pepmpa sour mso{ alp p ;ueize eq; o; AoROd srp sepal seeoaw q PeRR �• eq 1 Unemtp Rogs luenr6esbm UMIJA m lnambpn; Rana Pemaee my oqm ;oeseg; eepo;uesevtw pbe; eV m aop0zimbm m unclad Any •Aundmw egi pm imUgop e* Vaumo; eqi p loemewbn °e1IMM Aq m Imo pnpn iei;o Pes0e0{ sip pupba luembpn{ Aq aetple PeaW aeiep ARoU9 veeq eemq Rags dad 0; UORa6R40 s,PWngM etp io IUnO® sqi Ipm mu 'AaRod srp ;o smtei •ql no TVA pepdmoo ARui eemq Rmga Pe+u•UF efi '01e1e111 iuepeOwd mpTp= 0 m 'eee;un Auoduwo egF leu oba on Rogs uopm ON a Pm 9 'V pbasesoo Amdmoo PUW6V UO9OV '9I eql 10 'WpUneseq ;dsaze •m pemeul egi in AIRIgoR In m;egmpa ships uo lov a se mole •daWmoo ejqDADd (me= sql WUPW IPM WOULAnd toils Pm 6ea;ema OR; bu;wPuw WDM=bso " UOwed Am so memd d 'iia{ ADd Auto Aumdmoo etLL *wTnbw Algnuosm , dnm dtmd�e * m um;o so pm mgm Au d moa 0% Aq pepeles empptAgd Aq uo;Wu{mnze lma;adtri of Itssgns Ipgs unwed pwnpq sq, •ep OO a ;0 se;d0o pm a{sodw WoMem uplgo o; Avod •moo OT elgaae Ot UORMPORIm einoeze 'Aumdtom eqi moq ;eenbes Rome m;p 'Rings pm pwinbw R Rico ispun '0z,oiO To pold UepTsm Auoduto0 GV 01 "Ib Rags RoReq epi no eaoemos m vowed pesn(u{ sip elgwU=d so u0oa sy 0 ebaseeo0 mpo p ;aemdod Pm POsd sslmdn io01 mm St IUOPPOO in amp eq; W "Moxeduq eq Boge so wegio of IeTlw p»;bsna Pm lua;Pem eWipealoq gone m; mip seglo eaaedze dm MUMU{ m mpabRW Am arms® 7uemdnd Am 63mm Ap Eguni" gsoa Malo s;q W idsoze 'lou ROga pwn m eU 'e11ne 10 WuPnw eq; OF pm sesseu iW 10 eomPuom sip buppggo 'WaePtne bgeTb pm btgmoes 'e;uemelues bapaege ul Imm Fogs Pm 8MM pm sbupoeq pnapn Rugs lamb s srtmdow ell; mdn 'Pm Aumdt¢m etP q1W Olwed000 Rmge pamgq mU a ?m 9i Y. se6nsaeOO pgMwq eql p UOROsedoOO Pm eOmislssV 'II owl I=& M o� M o z IOsPisua ��7 •Lmiemea _ 'L� IDp® OT to lueba pezPogtm drip o Aq ebad saopoeP etp no peubis";unon Poo ' .t 'wiseaM ps Amm ;ees n pm ;oeppwd e;; Aq peu6is eq of AORod OR Peau¢ s0q ANVdpl00 ALINMCW NVOnMW egi 'd03i)3t1M 893N.LIM M 'eamsnsq sig; Ol bulWlw e;mbo ell FO duo m Atmdmoo eq; P® Resurm UaOMleq bupaize smusee bm no se;pogme AoRod err iogl Pon avopmiues wdw tions p qi^a eql uodn eamRw ul pence{ el Aollod 9M Imp •snap -0;ueewdw pm eluemewbo s14 eco eUORnmloeP eq; of goetoepps eq; W* sewbo pemeq pe®u GV Aollod on in eamldavn A3 moop ornea 'I: •uopmleama ;o nap;puoo m iou e{ ton;m and pevmeun ;o sepve; m iaemdod inq 'enpoege semooeq mpmleatma selp elq=Tpwd so coos so m PePVO sF mpoleaaoo essp egi W segile epmm eq doss iuemien{Pn mnTIwd •m1w old pe;nduwo eq aDgs mnruwd peume 'eleomo duodmoo OW 11 'emipoowd puo elgol elm logs Amuso3mUM eql gllm eampmaoa q peinduv* eq Boge t MF—d pavme 'slenmio pez"UT petmu egi ;l •bunwm 04 I—ToAmbe eq lloge dumduvw egi Aq m pemmq pe®u eq; Ag iegile eapou ueppm Rona p AseeRea Toiled dopod stp ;o pus eqt emooeq Untie eWRov egi UT Pelule uopnlwuno ;o nog Pm slop enpaege etU •eapov p ;orad pepWo eq 1pgo pWswops sa eapou ;o buMom wU •oATpepe eq flogs napoleomo tone segowegl sdnp uei mtp esel lou vegm builole eopou UIUPM AOIIod err ul umogs sawppn etp W pen sw pemou eq; W bttppm Aq Amdum m eqi Aq pelsotmo eq Anal doRod spu-"goeAe eq lungs nap =117,01=1=m": IsOUOO egi sel;oesegl vegM bgpga eopoa ueppM Amduloo eql of buRWm Aq pe -mm possum etp Aq peleouo , eq ADM AORod sigd, vopaleamp 'Lig •A0R0d slgi p mpoleaumo loe;;e of eopoa IueWTpne eq Rngs Aollod srp ui umogs nwppu etp of pspnm pm =Ttooml,,p eq1 q Pa®u pemcq eg1 as PaeewpPo WAVISama;0 eapoU Wqi Peppmsd Vemsm PeIUDv w eeTlmiveswdw lobes a,pesnsul pevxou eq; seeoo flags Aopod err 'sip Roqs pens a{ pennon egi 'seeemog .R :uoweg Pesmpus si luesnoo ell spm Avodssoo eg1 puiq lou Boge Aopod err -pun tseseiul io lusumbleey TwwoblarY 'BI 'Pe600g0 s0 Peel0m eq .taTlOd efgi in emtel a sou :da od •luRod on ;o imd 0 so" 0; Penal iuemeuopue Aq ideaze p pad Am eb a m sen 4i �9° R OM p atone; eq; mpm Igbp Am bupaes® moll Amdmuo egi doles so dapod OR III yoga pm a 40000 loo Roge vowed regio Am Aq m ;uebm Am Aq peesessod ebpejm u:i m ;mbo An, of eaTpN we6mt0 Yt gone oi Alepomdes Alddo nobs AOFIod GM u; peWis so AFRigoR W e1Fmi[ elobesbb poised pnvm tl ',,lied ,nom tTame p Ptte exit W spam eq Ruga GOxU reams ;o iveogen;pa pm aopaindmo0 'sPOTse0 rym nveeptueauw eesp q; pespdalw p s; woad eesgl Polled AOROO tl A01lod meJL A eeatLt 'LI •e11169 [Ona ea;Pnlesd of saol ieip buMou op Rage Pwusul eq,L •sigbP tone esnaae o1 Aweaeoeu s; esis senelogm op pm wedod Pum siueanvisui s Tjgp pm e;tUMeze Rmge Pemmq etp Pm vopmz;mbso m named Am pupbo m;ezegi Aleeoow p Wgbis a pesusu; 0V Ifo W POID60 7M eq Rage Amdmoo Oy 'AoRod OR °pun ;namdnd Am In ;uene etp ul Q Pm 9 'V sebnsaeu0 WPDb q '9I FOIq eqi OI sme4 evo ae a 'BBOT IPM Isu;mbo sovomsa; elgROeUm. Puo PRUA llo ;o AiRiquF[ in ;TmH elgm mass Rawl P qi q Petals A3RfgUR p 3FmII elquORddm eq; mq1 eaol Rana ;o napmdwd selDBfb a m; .SORod ang sepm elgog eq WU Rage Amdmoa Gill AoTlod sop Aq pweeoa cool a isupbn eomsneu; regio soq pwneq eql i1 a Pm 8 'V sebuseeo0 eam+nsul segi0 '9I 'Amduvau egi R3W Pena useq eenq ugop N s;oosd Pemba, sip sego coop Atxm Ipm mu 'AORod sop ;o nue; egi no III,& eamgdutoo Rn; OIN oenq Notia esetp'mlesetp;uepeaesd mpTpmo n ®'saelan Amdvuzl egi Isgobm eR Ilmgs oopao ON 0 eb=AOO Aoodmoo wapbV mROV 1I •sepunweq =p0bRgO ell In dm ;o Atmdalou eq; eeeRw ;on Rnge emm s,penmq etp p 30 Penmq sip 10 Aaveelomq m AMdngmq •l.;iMgoq e,pemsm etp ev;mte;ep of pesnmq stp ;eupba uopm Am q lmpue;epoo n m Amdmoa exit vloi of igbg Am napnaTmbm m mowed dm ae;b nobs do;lod BM U{ PeUIDWOO bUWN •AaROd e;R; Aq pepmpa sour mso{ alp p ;ueize eq; o; AoROd srp sepal seeoaw q PeRR �• eq 1 Unemtp Rogs luenr6esbm UMIJA m lnambpn; Rana Pemaee my oqm ;oeseg; eepo;uesevtw pbe; eV m aop0zimbm m unclad Any •Aundmw egi pm imUgop e* Vaumo; eqi p loemewbn °e1IMM Aq m Imo pnpn iei;o Pes0e0{ sip pupba luembpn{ Aq aetple PeaW aeiep ARoU9 veeq eemq Rags dad 0; UORa6R40 s,PWngM etp io IUnO® sqi Ipm mu 'AaRod srp ;o smtei •ql no TVA pepdmoo ARui eemq Rmga Pe+u•UF efi '01e1e111 iuepeOwd mpTp= 0 m 'eee;un Auoduwo egF leu oba on Rogs uopm ON a Pm 9 'V pbasesoo Amdmoo PUW6V UO9OV '9I eql 10 'WpUneseq ;dsaze •m pemeul egi in AIRIgoR In m;egmpa ships uo lov a se mole •daWmoo ejqDADd (me= sql WUPW IPM WOULAnd toils Pm 6ea;ema OR; bu;wPuw WDM=bso " UOwed Am so memd d 'iia{ ADd Auto Aumdmoo etLL *wTnbw Algnuosm , dnm dtmd�e * m um;o so pm mgm Au d moa 0% Aq pepeles empptAgd Aq uo;Wu{mnze lma;adtri of Itssgns Ipgs unwed pwnpq sq, •ep OO a ;0 se;d0o pm a{sodw WoMem uplgo o; Avod •moo OT elgaae Ot UORMPORIm einoeze 'Aumdtom eqi moq ;eenbes Rome m;p 'Rings pm pwinbw R Rico ispun '0z,oiO To pold UepTsm Auoduto0 GV 01 "Ib Rags RoReq epi no eaoemos m vowed pesn(u{ sip elgwU=d so u0oa sy 0 ebaseeo0 mpo p ;aemdod Pm POsd sslmdn io01 mm St IUOPPOO in amp eq; W "Moxeduq eq Boge so wegio of IeTlw p»;bsna Pm lua;Pem eWipealoq gone m; mip seglo eaaedze dm MUMU{ m mpabRW Am arms® 7uemdnd Am 63mm Ap Eguni" gsoa Malo s;q W idsoze 'lou ROga pwn m eU 'e11ne 10 WuPnw eq; OF pm sesseu iW 10 eomPuom sip buppggo 'WaePtne bgeTb pm btgmoes 'e;uemelues bapaege ul Imm Fogs Pm 8MM pm sbupoeq pnapn Rugs lamb s srtmdow ell; mdn 'Pm Aumdt¢m etP q1W Olwed000 Rmge pamgq mU a ?m 9i Y. se6nsaeOO pgMwq eql p UOROsedoOO Pm eOmislssV 'II owl I=& d AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 1st day of April, 1961 by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as party of the first partt and Earl J. McKinney, hereinafter referred to as party of the second part: WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is the desire of the party of the first part to provide clean and wholesome entertainment for the children of its city in its park system and the party of the second part is desirous of operating a miniature steam train within the limits of said city, SO NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreemAnts by and between the parties as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Party of the first part hereby grants unto the party of the second part the authority and right to construct and maintain and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train within the city park known as Oakdale, and on such location as approved by the Park Superintendent and City Manager. 2. In consideration for the right and privilege to locate and operate an Ottawa Miniature Steam Train at the approved location for the term specified, party of the second part agrees to pay the party of the first part a sum of money equal to five percent (5%) df the gross revenue and receipts, less federal tax and state tax, growing out of the operation of said miniature steam train at the place and for the period of time designated. ��(�3 3., PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREED that on or before the 13th day of April, 1961, he will cause to be laid and constructed in a workmanlike manner at his sole expense at the location designated a minimum of 500 feet of track, a water tower, and other simulated items of railroad equipment, adequate lighting facilities, a ticket selling and taking booth and will begin operation of said track an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train consisting of an engine, tender and a minimum ohree (3) passenger coaches, and !f4 d, continue operatio for the season of 1961 beginning on April 1, 1961;'to October 1, 19614600n Sundays and Holidays. Party of the second part agrees that said facilities will be constructed, and maintained at all times in a manner not to detract from the beauty of the surroundings and that said location will be kept clean and free of all debris and rubbish. Architecture of buildings shall meet with the approval of the City Manager. 4. PARTY OF THE SECOND PART AGREES TO charge no more than twelve cents (120) per person per ride, on said miniature steam train and to keep an account of all ticket sales and money received therex'from that shall be open for inspection by the party of the first part at all reasonable hours,, It is agreed that the five per cent (5%) of the gross receipts, less federal and state tax,, payable to the party of the first part hereunder shall be paid in a manner and at times requested by the party of the first part. 5. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AGREES TO furnish at no cost to the party of the second part the water necessary to operate said miniature train. The party of the second part agrees to pay all electricity necessary to properly light and operate the facilities and grounds in question. 6. It is understood and lessee agrees to file a public liability insurance policy with the city and the lessee as the insured whereby indemnifying insurance will exist limited to $15,000.00 for any one person and $50,000.00 for any one accident in the Office of the City Clerk of said city as a condition precedent to operation of said steam train and covering such operations and that lessee will timely pay the premium thereon. 7. This lease may be terminated by either party on 30 days written notice. 8. Second party is hereby granted an option to extend this lease under like terms and conditions for the season of April 1, 1962 to October I, 19621C.A S..yRw �ti¢ Q../r f��J-1-7&t-�. 14Y� IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above mentioned. CITY OF SALINA KANSAS By City Mandger, Party of the First Part v Part of the S c nd Part Attest: Citf Attorney s OWNERS', LANDLORDS' AND TENANTS' LIABILITY POLICY Na. OLT 19139 ' OLT-21308 ' R� RENEWAL OF NUMBER NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY OMAHA, NEBRASKA IA Stock Insurance Company Hereinafter DECLARATIONS Item 1. Named Insured and Address: (No., Street, Town, County, state) a Earl J. McKinney S City of Salina, Kansas 1213 Stack Salina, Kansas Item 2. Policy Period: (Mo. Day Yr.) From April , 1962 to April i8, 1963 12:01 A.M.,standa-M time at the address of the named insured as stated herein. Location of premises Kenwood Park, Salina, Kansas (Enter "same" if same location as above address) Interest of named insured in premises Part occupied by (Enter "Owner," "General Lessee" or "Tenant") named insured The named insured is Individual - (N�(ideft,eR deeNoaeARYNEB.N(r Business of the named insured is Item 3. The insurance afforded is only with respect to such and so many of the following coverages and divisions thereunder as are indicated by specific premium charge or charges. The limit of the company's liability against each such coverage and division shall be as stated herein, subject to all the terms of this policy having reference thereto. COVERAGES LIMITS OF LIABILITY DIVISIONS PREMIUMS A Bodily Injury Liability $25,000,00 each person $505000.00 each accident $ NIL aggregate (Aggregate applies to Div. 4 only) I. Premises -Operations $ 193-50 2. Elevators $ 3. Structural Alterations $ 4. Products—Completed Operations $ B Property Damage Liability $ NIL each accident $ NIL aggregate (Aggregate applies to Divs. 3 G 4) I. Premises—Operations $ 2. Elevators $ 3. Structural Alterations $ 4. Products—Completed Operations $ C Medical Payments $ each person 1. Premises—Operations $ $ each accident 2. Elevators $ D Contractual Liability of a Specified Type $ each person $ each accident 1 . Bodily Injury Liability $ $ each accident 12. Property Damage Liability $ NUCLEAR ENERGY END. #GU8583 ATTACHED TO POLICY ii,, r„ If Policy Period more than one year: Gross Premium $ Discount $ Net Premium $ Premium is payable: On effective date of Policy $ 1st Anniversary $ 2nd Anniversary $ Item 4. The declarations are completed on attached schedules designated ht 6973a Item 5. During the past three years no insurer has canceled insurance, issued to the named insured, similar to that afforded hereunder, unless otherwise stated herein: No Exceptions Salina, Kansas Countersigned: 3-6-62 met By OTP6168-0-H Authorized Representatiot (Rev. 9-30-57) NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY Ia � OMAHA, NEBRASKA (A stock insurance company, herein tolled the company) Agrees with the insured, named in the declarations made a part hereof, in consideration of the payment of the premium and in reliance upon the statements in the declarations and subject to the limits of liability, exclusions, conditions and other terms of this policy: INSURING AGREEMENTS I. Coverage A—Bodily Injury Liability: To pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person, caused by accident and arising out of the hazards hereinafter defined. Coverage B—Property Damage Liability: To pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as - damages because of injury to or destruction of property, including the loss of use thereof, caused by accident and arising out of the hazards hereinafter defined. DEFINITION OF HAZARDS Division 1—Premises—Operations: The ownership, main- tenance or use of the premises, and all operations necessary or incidental thereto. Division 2—Elevators: The ownership, maintenance or use of any elevator designated in the declarations. Division 3 -Structural Alterations, New Construction, Dem- olition: Structural alterations which involve changing the size of buildings or other structures, new construction and dem- olition, if the accident occurs in the course of such operations at the premises by the named insured or his contractors or their subcontractors. Division 4—ProducK—Completed Operations: (1) Goods or products manufactured, sold, handled or distributed by the named insured or by others trading under his name, if the accident occurs after possession of such goods or products has been re- linquished to others by the named insured or by others trading under his name and if such accident occurs away from premises owned, rented or controlled by the named insured or on prem- ises for which the classification stated in division 1 of Item 4 of the declarations excludes any part of the foregoing; provided, such goods or products shall be deemed to include any container thereof, other than a vehicle, but shall not include any vending machine or any property, other than such container, rented to or located for use of others but not sold; (2) operations, if the accident occurs after such operations have been completed or abandoned and occurs away from prem- ises owned, rented or controlled by the named insured; provided, operations shall not be deemed incomplete because improperly or defectively performed or because further operations may be required pursuant to an agreement; provided further, the fol- lowing shall not be deemed to be "operations" within the mean- ing of this paragraph: (a) pick-up or delivery, except from or onto a railroad car, (b) the maintenance of vehicles owned or used by or in behalf of the insured, (c) the existence of tools, uninstalled equipment and abandoned or unused materials and (d) operations for whictrthe classification stated in division 1 of Item 4 of the declarations specifically includes completed operations. Coverage C—Medical Payments: To pay all reasonable expenses in- curred within one year from the date of accident for necessary medical, surgical and dental services, including prosthetic devices, and neces- sary ambulance, hospital, professional nursing and funeral services, to or for each person who sustains bodily injury, sickness or disease, caused by accident and arising out of the ownership, maintenance or useof the premises, or operations necessary or incidental thereto. Coverage D—Contractual Liability of a Specified Type: To pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured, by reason of the liability., assumed by him under any of the following types of agreements,�Win- writing and if described in Item 4 of the declarations, shall become legally obligated to pay as damages because of: Division 1. Bodily Injury Liability—bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person and caused by accident. Division 2. Property Damage Liability—injury to or destruction of property, including the loss of use thereof, caused by accident. Types of Agreements: (1) a sidetrack agreement; (2) an easement agreement in connection with a railroad grade crossing; (3) an agreement required by municipal ordinance in connection with work for the municipality. If. Defense, Settlement, Supplementary Payments: With respect to such insurance as is afforded by this policy for bodily injury liability and for property damage -Inability, the company shall:' (a) defend any suit against the insured alleging such injury, sick- ness, disease or destruction andseeking damages on account thereof, even if such suit is groundless, false or fraudulent; but cthe company may make such investigation, negotiation and set- tlement of any claim or suit as it deems expedient; (b)(1)pay all premiums on bonds to release attachments for an amount not in excess of the applicable limit of liability of this policy, all premiums on appeal bonds required in any such defended suit,. but without any obligation to apply for or furnish any -.. , .- such Gonds; ...... (2)pay all expenses incurred by the company, all costs taxed against the insured in any such suit and all interest accruing after entry of judgment until the company has paid or tendered or deposited in court such part of such judgment as does not exceed the limit.of thq company's liability thereon; (3)pay expenses incurred by the insured for such immediate med- ical and- surgical relief to others as shall be imperative at the time of the accident; (4)reimburse the insured for all reasonable expenses, other than loss of earnings, incurred at the company's request; and the amounts so incurred, except settlements of claims and suits, are payable by the company in addition to the applicable limit of liability of this policy. III. Definition of Insured: With respect to the insurance under cover- ages A, B and Q the unqualified word "insured" includes the named insured and also includes any executive officer, director or stockholder thereof while acting within the scope of his duties as such, and any organization or (proprietor with respect to real estate management for the named insured. If the named insured is a partnership, the unquali- fied word "insured" also includes any partner therein but only with respect to his liability as such. IV. Insurance for Newly Acquired Premises, Elevators and Other Hazards: Such insurance as is afforded under division 1 of the Defi- nition of Hazards and under coverage C applies to premises, draft or saddle animals, vehicles for use therewith, and vehicles from which merchandise is said, if the named insured acquires ownership or control thereof. Such insurance as is or can be afforded under division 2 and under coverage C applies to elevators newly installed at the premises and to elevators at such other premises. Such insurance as is or can be afforded underdivision 3, including demolition operations,. applies at such premises.i_ This insuring agreement does not apply: (a) unless the named in- sured notifies the company within thirty days after the commencement of each such additional hazard to which he wishes the insurance to apply; (b) to any loss against which the named insured has other valid and collectible insurance. This insuring agreement applies only under the coverages for which this policy already affords insurance and then applies subject to the limits of liability stated in the declarations but, if no applicable aggre- gate limit is so stated, the aggregate limit shall be the minimum aggregate limit in the company's manual corresponding to the "each accident" limit stated in the declarations. V. Incidental Written Agreements: Exclusion (d) does not apply to the following types of written agreements relating to the premises: (a) any easement agreement, except in connection with a railroad grade crossing, (b) any agreement required by municipal ordinance, except in connection with work for the municipality, (c) any elevator or escalator maintenance agreement or (d) any lease of premises agreement. Exclusions (a), (c) -(21 -and (j) dont apply to liability assumed under such agreeme`nts:''If;'whh"respect to this insuring agreement, more thart one division of the •Defihition of Hazards applies, the limits of liability applicable to this insuring agreement shall be the highest limits of liability as stated in the declarations for any one of divisions 1, 2 and 3. VI. Alienated Premises: Such insurance as is afforded by this policy named insured or over which the named insured has any right of control. under division I of the Definition of Hazards applies to premises alienated by the named insured, if the accident occurs after the named VII. Policy Period, Territory: This policy applies only to accidents insured has relinquished possession thereof to others. This insuring which occur during the policy period within the United States of agreement does not apply to premises constructed for sale by the America, its territories or possessions, or Canada. EXCLUSIONS This policy does not apply: (a) under division 1 of the Definition of Hazards, and under divi- sion 3 except for operations performed by independent contractors, and under coverage C, to the ownership, maintenance, operation, use, load- ing or unloading of (1) automobiles if the accident occurs away from the premises, (2) draft or saddle animals, vehicles for use therewith, vehicles from which merchandise is sold or watercraft, if the accident occurs away from the premises, except insofar as this part of this ex- clusion is stated in the declarations to be inapplicable, or (3) aircraft; (b) under division I of the Definition of Hazards, to elevators; (c) under division 1 of the Definition of Hazards, and under cov- erage C, to (1) structural alterations which involve changing the size of or moving buildings or other structures, new construction or demo- lition operations, by the named insured or his contractors or their subcontractors, (2) the Products -Completed Operations Hazard, or (3) operations on or from premises, other than as defined, which are owned by, rented to or controlled by the named insured; (d) under divisions 1, 2 and 3 of the Definition of Hazards, to liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement; (e) under division 4 of the Definition of Hazards, to liability as- sumed by the insured under any contract or agreement except a war- ranty of goods or products; (f) under coverage D and under Insuring Agreement V, to (1) a warranty of goods or products, or (2) any obligation for which the insured may be held liable in an action on a contract or an agreement by a person not a party thereto; (g) to injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction due to war, whether or not declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or revolution, or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing, with re- spect to (1) liability assumed by the insured under any contract or agreement or (2) expenses under Insuring Agreement II(b) (3) or under coverage C; (h) under coverages A, B and D, to liability imposed upon the in- sured or any indemnitee, as a person or organization engaged in the business of manufacturing, selling or distributing alcoholic beverages, or as an owner or lessor of premises used for such purposes, by reason of any statute or ordinance pertaining to the sale, gift, distribution or use of any alcoholic beverage and, under coverage C, to any expense resulting from such sale, gift, distribution or use; - (i) under coverages A and D; to any obligation for which the in- sured or any carrier as his insurer may be held liable under any work- men's compensation, unemployment compensation or disability benefits law, or under any similar law; (j) under coverage A, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease or death of any employee of the insured arising out of and in the course of his employment by the insured; (k) under coverages B and D, to injury to or destruction of (1) property owned or occupied by or rented to the insured, or (2) except with respect to liability under sidetrack agreements covered by this policy, property used by the insured, or (3) except with respect to liability under such sidetrack agreements or the use of elevators, prop- erty in the care, custody or control of the insured or property as to which the insured for any purpose is exercising physical control, or (4) any goods, products or containers thereof manufactured, sold, handled or distributed or premises alienated by the named insured, or work completed by or for the named insured, out of which the acci- dent arises, (1) under coverage B, with respect to division 1 of the Definition of Hazards, and under division 3 except with respect to operations performed by independent contractors, and under coverage D, to any of the following insofar as any of them occur on or from premises owned by or rented to the named insured and injure or destroy build- ings or property therein and are not due to fire: (1) the discharge, leakage or overflow of water or steam from plumbing, heating, refrig- erating or air-conditioning systems, standpipes for fire hose, or indus- trial or domestic appliances, or any substance from -automatic sprinkler systems, (2) the collapse or fall of tanks or the component parts or supports thereof which form a part of automatic sprinkler systems, or (3) rain or snow admitted directly to the building interior through defective roofs, leaders or spouting, or open or defective doors, win- dows, skylights, transoms or ventilators; (m) under coverage C, to bodily injury to or sickness, disease or death of (1) the named insured, any partner therein, any tenant or other person regularly residing on premises owned by or rented to the named insured, or any employee of such insured, tenant or other per- son arising out of and in the course of his employment therewith, or (2) any other tenant of such premises, or any employee of such other tenant arising out of and in the course of his employment therewith, on that part of such premises rented to such other tenant, or (3) any person arising out of and in the course of his employment if benefits therefor are in whole or in part either payable or required to be pro- vided under any workmen's compensation law, or (4) any person while engaged in maintenance, alteration, demolition or new construction operations for the named insured or for any lessee of the named in- sured or any lessor of premises rented to the named insured, or (5) any person practicing, instructing or participating in any physical train- ing, sport, athletic activity or contest; (n) under coverage C, to (1) elevators, unless medical payments for elevators is stated in the declarations as included, or (2) any ex- pense for services by the named insured, any employee thereof, or any person or organization under contract to the named insured to provide such services. CONDITIONS 1. Premium: The premium bases and rates for the hazards described in the declarations are stated therein. Premium bases and rates for hazards not so described are those applicable in accordance with the manuals in use by the company. The premium stated in the declarations for divisions 3 and 4 of the Definition of Hazards, and for such classifications in division 1 for which the premium basis is stated as "admissions," "receipts" or "units" are estimated premiums only. Upon termination of this policy, the earned premium for these hazards shall be computed in accordance with the company's rules, rates, rating plans, premiums and minimum premiums applicable to this insurance. If the earned premium thus computed exceeds the estimated advance premium paid, the named insured shall pay the excess to the company; if less, the company shall return to the named insured the unearned portion paid by such in- sured. The named insured shall maintain for the aforesaid hazards records of the information necessary for premium computation on the basis stated in the declarations and shall send copies of such records to the company at the end of the policy period and at such times during the policy period as the company may direct. When used as a premium basis: (1) the word "admissions" means the total number of persons, other than employees of the named insured, admitted to the event in- sured or to events conducted on the premises whether on paid admission tickets, complimentary tickets or passes; (2) the word "cost" means the total cost to the named insured under division 3 of the Definition of Hazards, or to any indemnitee under coverage D, of all work let or sub -let in connection with each specific project, including the cost of all labor, materials and equipment furnished, used or delivered for use in the execution of such work, whether furnished by the owner, contractor or sub- contractor, including all fees, allowances, bonuses or commissions made, paid or due; (3) the word "receipts" means the gross amount of money charged by the named insured for such operations by the named insured or by others during the policy period as are rated on a receipts basis other than receipts from telecasting, broadcasting or motion pic- tures, and includes taxes, other than taxes which the named in- sured collects as a separate item and remits directly to a govern- mental division; (4) the word "remuneration" means the entire remuneration earned during the policy period by all employees of the named insured engaged in the operations, subject to any overtime earnings or limitation of remuneration rule applicable in accordance with the manuals in use by the company; (5) the word "sales" means the gross amount of money charged by the named insured or by others trading under his name for all goods and products sold or distributed during the policy period and charged during the policy period for installation, servicing or repair, and includes taxes, other than taxes which the named in- sured and such others collect as a separate item and remit directly to a governmental division. 2. Inspection and Audit: The company shall be permitted to inspect the insured premises, operations and elevators and to examine and audit the insured's books and records at any time during thepolicy period and any extension thereof and within three years after the final termination of this policy, as far as they relate to the premium bases or the subject matter of this insurance. 3. Definitions: (a) Premises. The unqualified word "premises" means the premises designated in the declarations and includes the ways immediately adjoining on land. (b) Elevator. The word "elevator" means any hoisting or lowering device to connect floors or landings at the premises, unless the named insured owns, rents or controls only a part of the building and does not operate, maintain or control the elevator, whether or not such device is in service, and all appliances thereof, includ- ing any car, platform, shaft, hoistway, stairway, runway, power equipment and machinery. "Elevator" does not include a hoist without a platform outside a building if without mechanical power or if not attached to building walls, or a hod or material hoist used in alteration, construction or demolition operations, or an inclined conveyor used exclusively for carrying property, or a dumbwaiter used exclusively for carrying property and having a compartment height not exceeding four feet. (c) Automobile. The word "automobile" means a land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer, provided: (1) The following described equipment. shall be deemed an automobile while towed by or carried on an automobile not so described, but not otherwise: if of the crawler -type, any tractor, power crane or shovel, ditch or trench digger; any farm -type tractor; any concrete mixer other than of the mix - in -transit type; any grader, scraper, roller or farm implement; and, if not subject to motor vehicle registration, any other equipment not specified in (2) below, which is designed for use principally off public roads. (2) The following described equipment shall be deemed an automobile while towed by or carried on an automobile as above defined solely for purposes of transportation or while being operated solely for locomotion, but not otherwise: if of the non -crawler type, any power crane or shovel, ditch or trench digger; and any air -compressing, building or vacuum cleaning, spraying or welding equipment or well drilling machinery. (d) Assault and Battery. Under coverages A and B, assault and bat- tery shall be deemed an accident unless committed by or at the direction of the insured. 4. Limits of Liability -Coverages A and D: The limit of bodily injury liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each person" is the limit of the company's liability for all damages, including damages for care and loss of services, arising out of bodily injury, sickness or disease, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by one person as the result of any one accident; the limit of such liability stated in the declarations as applicable to "each accident" is, subject to the above provision respecting each person, the total limit of the company's liability for all damages, including damages for care and �uap:sa'd 5L%%� rumaw"y 4w l/ tq Auodwoo a44 ;o angoluasaidej pazu044n0 Alnp o Aq pau6!va4unoo ssalun p!IoA aq lou pot's Ao!lod s!44 4nq 'pa45044n puo pe4n3axe aq 03 Aopod s!44 pasnoo soy Auedwoo 044 '400494M ssau4!M Of •aouemsut s!y! o4 Bugelaj s3ua6e s1! ;o Aue jo Auedwoo ail pue ;Iasw!y uaam;aq 6u14s!xa s4uawaaj6e pe sa!pogwa Aallod s!y3 4ey1 pue suo!4eluasajdaj ions ;o 43nj; By uodn aoueyaj w panss! s! Ao!lod my leyl 'suogewasajdai pue s4uawaaj6e s!y we suogejeloap ay; u1 s4uawa4e3s ayi 4eyy sao16e pamsul paweu ay; AoIlod s!y; ;o awe4daaoe AS :suo4eJe!2ad 19 'uo14elaDue3 ;o uo14!puoo a lou si wn!wojd paujeaun ;o japua3 jo luawAed ;nq 'ang0a;;a sawooaq uopelaweo jai;e algeagoejd se uo0s se jo pa4oa;la s! uogeleoueo awi4 ayi !e jai3!a spew aq Aew wawisnlpe wn!waid 'e4w wd palndwoo aq 11e4s wn!waid pawea 'slaweD Auedwoo ail if ainpaDoid pue alge; aye. ljoys Ajewo4sna ay3 y3!m awepj000e ui palndwoo aq pet's wn!wajd pawea 'sleDueo pamsui paweu ail if ,6u!pew 04 JualeAmba aq pet's Auedwoo ay3 Aq jo painsu! paweu ail Aq jay4!a a314ou u644!jm ions ;o AjaA!la4 •po!jad ADyOd ay3 ;o pue ay awooaq pet's a3!4ou ay3 u, pa4e4s uo!;elaoueo;o moy,puB 94ep aepaa;;a ail jo japuanns ay3 ;o aw!3 ail 'ao!lou ;o ;oojd 4uap!;;ns aq lleys p!esajo;e se aoi;ou ;o Bu!pew ail 'aAlloa;;a aq !Ieys uo!;elaweo flans ia4;ewaq; sAep UNueyl ssal you uaym 6uge;s aogou ua34um Aa!Iod s!yl ut umoys ssaippe ail le painsui paweu ay; o4 Bu!I!ew Aq Aued -woo ay; Aq paloweo aq Aew Aa!lod s14-L'ang3a;;a aq !Ieys uogelaoueo ay; ja44eaja43 uaym 5u!4e4s aollou ua44!jm Auedwoo By of 6u!l!ew Aq jo s3ua6e pezuoyyne s;! ;o Aue jo Auedwoo ail 04 ;oajayi japuaiins Aq pamsui paweu ay4 Aq palaweo aq Aew A3ilod s!yl :uo!4e!aaue0 -OZ 'Ao!Iod s!q4 ;o uogelaaueo 4oa;;a o; a3!4ou wap!;;ns aq lleys A3ilod s!y1 ui umoys ssajppe ay 04 pal!ew pue suogejepap ay; ui paweu painsui By o; passajppe uo!4e -!aweD ;o ao14ou 4ey4 pap!Awd 'pamsui paweu se angeivasajdaj 1e6a1 s,painsui paweu ail janoo Ieys Ao!Iod s!yl 'a!p pet's pamsu! paweu ail 'janamoy ;! !uoajay posiopue sl wasuw s4! 1!4un Auedwoo ayi pu!q 4ou pe4s ADilod sly japun 4sa4lu! ;o 4uawubiny :4uawu6!ssy •61. 'Ao!!od s!yi ;o 3jed a wo; o4 panss! 4uawasjopua Aq 4da3xa 'paBueyo jo paA!em aq ADilod s!y4 ;o swja1 BY Ileys jou !ADilod sly ;o sway By japun 446!j Aue 6u!4jasse ww; Auedwoo ay4 do4sa jo A3ilod s!q4 ;o 4jed Aue ui 96ueya a jo jaMem a loai;a 4ou. pegs uosiad jaq;o Aug Aq jo ;uaBe Aue Aq passassod a'BpalmouN jo luaBe Aug 01 OD14ON :s36ue40 •gL 'po!jad lenuue yoea o; Ala4ejedas Aldde Ieys A3ilod s!y; ui pale;s se A4!1!gep;o s;!wy a4e6ajb6y 'pouad lenuue yoea 40 pua ay4 4e spew aq pet's wn!waid pawea ;o 4uaw4sn!pe pue uo!4e4ndwo:) 'spo!jad lenuue DA!4noasuo0 aajy4 ;o u pospdww sl sjeaA aaj44 ;o poad Aoilod y :A3ilod JUBA OW41 *LL •s;yBu ions aD!pnlaid o; ssol jai4e Bu144ou op lleys pajrnv!-ail -spMj ions venom o; Ajessaoau s! as!a-Jana ` -4eym op pue sioded pue sluawnj3sui jaA!lap pue a4maxa lleys painsui ay pue uol4ez!ue6jo jo uosiod Aug 4su!e6e jo{ajay4 AjaAO3aI 10 s4gBp s,painsu! ay4 IIe o4 pa4e6wgns aq lleys Auedwoo ay4 'Ao!Iod s!y4 japun luawAed Aue ;o 4uana 8y4 ul :a pue g 'y sa6ejaA*D—uoIje6wgnS -9 L 'ssol vans 4su!eBe aouemsui alggaapoo pue p!leA lie ;o A4111gep ;o 41w!I algeopdde le;o3 ail o4 sjeaq suogejepap 9y4 u! pa4e4s A4!1!ge!l ;o ;!wil olgeo!ldde a44 uey; ssol ions ;a uopiodoid ja4eaj6 a jo; A3ilod sly; japun algeil aq 4ou pegs Auedwoo ay4 Aopod s!y4 Aq pajanoo noI a 1su!e6e aouejnsui joy4o sey pamsu! ay; ;I :o pue g'y sa6weAoD—aauejneu! jaglo 'SL Auedwoo aq4 yl!m pap; uaaq aney w!ep ;o s;oad paj!nbaj ay4 jai;e sAep A;nyl Alun jou 'Aopod snp ;o swjai a44 Ile y4!m aweydwoo pn; uaaq aney pegs ajag4 'o40ja44 luapaDaid uoil!puw a se 'ssalun Auedwoo ay 45u1e6e all 11945 uogDe ON :, a6ej9Ao,—Auedwo0 4sr!e6y uo!4ay •4 L vapunaiay suo!4e6llgo s41 jo Aue jo AuedwoD ay; ana!laj 4ou pet's 44e4se s,pamsu! ail ;o jo pamsu! o44 ;o AwaAlosu! jo A34dnnlueg ,A4!I!ge!l s,pajnsu, aq4 ou!wjalap o4 painsui ail isu!efie uopoe Aue u!4uepua;ap •oa a se Auedwoo ay; u!ol o4 4y6!j Aue uogeziue6jo jo uosiad Aue aA!6 pegs Aopod sly4 u! pau!ewoo Bu!y;o!y 'Aopod sty Aq papjo;;e aouemsu! ail ;o 4ua4xa ay; o4 ADilod sly japun janoaaj 04 p014gua aq ja4;eajay4 pegs 4uawaajbe w43!jm jo 4uaw6pnl ions pamaas sey oym ;oajay4 aA!4e4uaswdaj le6al ayi jo uo!1ez!ue6jo jo uosiad Auy 'Auedwoo ayi pue 4uew!ep ay; 'pamsu! ayi, ;o 4uawaaj6e ua44!jm Aq jo Ieu4 Ien4De jo4;e pajnsui ay; lsule6e 4uaw6pnl Aq jay4ie pou!wa4ap Apeuq uaaq aney pegs Aed o4 uo!4eBpgo s,pamsu! ay; 40 tunowe ayi I!3un jou 'Aogod sig4 ;o swja4 ay! Ile 441m papdwoD Alln; 0ne4 Ileys painsu! ay1 '04sJa44 4uapaoajd uog!puoo a se 'ssalun Auedwoa ay{ ;su!ebe ap Ieys u0gae ON :Q pue g 'y saBejaAoo—Auedwoo 4su!e6y uo!4ay •E L 'Auedwoo ay; ;o 9apun -way ;dooxa Oo painsu! By ;o A !1!ge!I ;o uo!ss!wpe a4n4gsuw lou Ileys japunajay luawAed •Ajnlui flans jai japunajay algeAcd 4unowe By aonpaj !leis luawAed ions pue s001Ajas ail 6upapuaj uogez! -ue6jo jo uosiad Aue jo uosiad painlu! ail Aed Aew Auedwoo ail •ej!nbw Alqeuoseaj Aew AuedwoD By se ua4;o se pue uaym AuedwO3 ail Aq pa;oalas suepisAyd Aq uopeu!wexa IeD!sAyd o; 4!wgns pegs uosiad pamlu! ail -spiooai ;o sa!doo pue sijodsj leo!paw u!e4go of Auedwoo ay4 algeua w uo!4ez!joy;ne aynaaxa 'Auedwoo ay; ww; 4sanbai yoea j94;e 'Ileys pue 'paj!nbaj ;! ileo japun 'w!elo ;o ;owd ua;i!jm Auedwoo ay w aA16 Ileys ;leyaq s!y uo auoawm jo umiad pamfut ay3 algeogDejd se uws sy :o o6enio�—w!elo ;o wawa Aed pue ;od !s4aodall !sa!p9W TL ;uappw ;o aw!; By le angeiadwi aq pet's se siaylo 01 ;apaj leo!6ms pue leD!paw aie!pawwi ions jo; uey4 jay;o nuadxa Aue mout jo uo!1e6!Igo Aug ownsse 'luawAed Aue a>lew AlueyunloA '4so3 umo s!y le ldaoxa 'lou !legs pamsu! ail 'sl!ns ;o 4anpuo3 ay ui pue sassaw!m ;o aauepuaw ay4 Bu!u!e;go 'aouap!na 6u!A16 pue 6wm0as 'swawap4as 6ug3a;;a u! ;s!sse !Ieys pue slew; pup sou!jeay pua44e lleys ';sanbej s Aued -woo ail uodn 'pue AuedwoD ail y!!m a4ejadoo3 lleys pajnsui ail :o pue g 'y goomAoo—pajnsul aq; 4o uoyuadoo, pue aaue4s!ny • L l 'aA14e4uasa1daj s!y jo w!y Aq paA!aoaj ssaooid jaylo jo suowujns 'ao!4ou 'puewap AjaAa Auedwoo 944 o4 piemio; Alale!pawwi pegs pamsu! ay; 'pamsu! ail 3su!e6e 4y6nmq s! ;!ns jo apew s! w!ep if :o pue g 'y saewaAop--l!nS jo w!elo 4o aayoN •0 L -sassau{!m algepene ;o pue pamlu! ail ;o sassaippe pue saweu ail '4uap!»e a44 ;o saoue;swnojp pue aoeld 'awg ail 6upwdsaj uo!;ewo;u! alqe -u!e4go Algeuoseaj osle pue pamsu! 043 A;!4uap! os wa!or;;ns velnogjed u!ewoo Ileys a0gou 43ng 'algeoµoeid se uoos se s3ua6e pazuoy4ne sm ;o Aug jo Auedwoo ay4 o; painsu! ay4 ;o ;leyaq uo jo Aq uaA16 aq pegs aogou ua44!jm sinDao wappDe tie uayM :luap!»y ;o aayoN •6 ,4!1!ge!! s,Auedwoo eq4 ;o s4!wl ayi asewoui o; o4ejado 4ou pegs painsuf auo ml.i ajow 40 u!ajay uo!snlou! ay; 4nq'AIaA!4aapo3 4ou pue A!lejanas pasn s! „painsui ayi„ wj04 941 :a pue g 'y ssfejaAoD—s4swojuI ;o A4!1!geaaAaS •g quap!oDe auo Aue ;o -31nsaj ayi se 'woj;ajayi 6ug!nsaj 44eap 6u!pnpu! 'aseas!p jo ssoulD!s 'Ajnlu! Appoq u!eisns oym suosje0 ajow jo om3 ;o ;leyaq uo jo Aq pajjnau! sasuadxa pe jo; A1!1!gep s,Auedwoo ay ;o ;!w!I le4o4 ay 'uosiad yoea 6ugoadsaj uo!smoid anoge ayi o4 loalgns 's! „ 4uappoe yoea„ 04 algeo!Idde se suo!leiepap ayi u! pa4e4s A4!pgep vans ;o 4!w!I ay4 '4uappoe auo Aug ;o 4lnsaj ay se 'woj4ajag4 Buglnsaj 44eap 6u!pnpu! 'aseas!p jo ssau,43is 'Ajnlu! AI!poq suie4sns oym uosjad yoea ;o 4le4aq uo jo Aq pajjnw! sasuadxa Ile jo; A1!pge!l s,Auedww ayi ;o 4!w!l ay s! , uosjad yoea„ o4 algeD!Idde se suogejepap aq; u! pa4e4s syuawAed Ieo!paw jo; A4!pge!I ;0 4!wp ail :o "oAoAo0—A4!pge!'I ;o s4!wrl •L •joienala yoea o4 Alaieiedas sa!ldde spjezely ;o uo!;!u -!;ad ayt;o L uas!n!p japun Ao!Iod s!44 Aq papjo;;e aDuejnsu! ail •;uap!»e auo ;o 1no 6u!sue se pajap!suoo aq Ileys aweu s!y japun 6u!pej4 jagloue Aq jo pamsu! paweu ay; Aq paj!nboe jo pajedajd s;Dnpojd jo spoor) 4o 4ol auo jo Ono Bu!sue sa6ewep pe spjezely ;o uog!u!;ad ayi ;o q uo!s!A!p japun ,pa4e4s s! 1!w!I pies yo!4m jo; 'aBajanoo 044 japun pue 'spjezey ;o uo!s!A!p ay jo; A1p!ge!I s,Auedwoo ayi 10 4!w!I le4o4 By s, a4e5ajb6e,, se suo!lejepap 9y4 u! pa4e4s 'Aue p 'A4!pgep ;o 4!w!I ail „'ivappoe yoea„ o4 ;oadsaj y4!m A4!I!gep ;o4!wq By04 ;oa!gns :g pue y sa6ejaAo3—A4!I!ge!1 ;o 94!-!1 •9 quappoe auo Aug ;o 41nsaj ay; se ';oajay4 mn ;o ssol ay; 6u!pnpul 'suo!4ez!ue6jo 10 suosiad ajow jo auo ;o A4jadwd pe ;o uogonjlsap jo o; Amlu! ;o Ono 6u!sue sa6ewep lie jo; A4!Ilge!I s,Auedwoo ay; ;o 3!w!I !elo4 ay3 s! ,juap -poe yoea„ 01 algeo!ldde se suogejepap ay; u! pales A4!I!gep 96ewep Apadoid ;o 41w!i ail :p pue g sa6waAop—A4!!!ge!1 ;o 4!w!� •S -1uaplme auo Aue ;o ;insai 044 se suosjad ajow jo om4 Aq pau!e4sns 'woj;way; Buglnsai owg Aug ;e yieap 6u! -pnpu! 'aseas!p jo ssaujla!s 'Ajnlu! AI!poq;0 Ino Bu!s!je 'sao!Ajas;o ssol M � � Form U$1 -1st Rev. GENERAL CHANGE ENDORSEMENT Additional Premium $ Return Premium $ It is agreed that as of the effective date hereof the policy is changed in the following particulars: It is hereby understood and agreed that the policy period hereunder -is corrected to read from April 28, 1962 to April 28, 1963. All other terms, conditions and agreements of the policy shall remain unchanged. This endorsement forms a part of Policy No. OLT 19139 issued to Earl J. McKinney & City of Salina, Kansas by the NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska. and is effective from April 28, 1962 (12:01 A. M. Standard Time) Countersigned at na, Kansas By ()Dmy Authorized Reprea tive), 3/13/62 amt Secretary. Form U-61-Ist Rev. GENERAL CHANGE ENDORSEMENT Additional Premium s 258.00 Return Premium $ It is agreed that as of the effective date hereof the policy is changed in the following particulars: In consideration of an additional premium of $258.00, it is agreed that the Classification is amended as follows: MINIATURE RAILROAD (STEAM --ALL TYPES)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Code #/410s ANNUAL RATE 6.45 MIN. ANNUAL PREMIUM . $451.50 All other terms, conditions and agreements of the policy shall remain unchanged. This endorsement forms a part of Policy No. OLT-19139 issued to Earl J. McKinney and City of Salina. Kansas by the NATIONAL INDEMNITY COMPANY of Omaha, Nebraska. and is effective from April 28 1462 (12:01 A. M. Standard Time) Q Countersigned at Sal laffi:)Kapas By Secretary. (Daly A&IiordR Representativ M Y .,al LL`r::% Item 4. Description of Hazards Code No. Rates Advance Premiums The rating classifications under the Description of Hazards do not modify the exclusions or other terms Premi Bases Bodily Property Bodily Property of this policy. L Injury Linb'ilyb 9h Liability ty Liability 1. Premises--0perationslel Area (Sq. Ft.) (a) Per 100 Sp. Ft. of Area Ibl Frontage Ibl Per Linear Foot Icl Remuneration Icl Per $100 of Remunera- d) Receipts tion Miniature Railroad (Not Steam-- Min. Kiddie) . . . . . . . . . . . . .#403s d) 4r000. 2.58 - - 193.50 - - MINIMUM PREMIUM - ONE YEAR OR LESS - NOT SUBJECT TO SHORT RATE ADJUSTMENT 2. Elevators—Number at Promisee Number Insured Per Elevator Not Covered Hereunder 3. Structural Alterations; New Construction, Demolition (a) Remuneration (a) Per$100of Remuneration W Cost lb l Per $100 of Cost Not Covered Hereunder 4. Products—Completed Operations Sales Per $1,000 of Sales Not Covered Hereunder 5. Contractua"pecified Types of Agreements lel Number Insured (a) Per Contract lbl Cost Ibl Per $100 of Cost Not Covered Hereunder Total Advance Premiums $ 193.50 L 6973a (Ed. 7-55) uNiromm rnmyr.o 6 euP LY On,. i :TURERS' AND CONTRACTORS'—OWNERS', LANDLORDS' AND TENANTS' G 547 DEDUCTIBLE BODILY INJURY LIABILITY (Per Claim Basis) This endorsement, effective Apr i I I or 1962 , forms a part of policy No. OLT-19139 (12:01 A. M., standard time) issued to Earl J. McKinney 6 City of Salina, Kansas by National Indemnity Company L 901 Be (Ed. 4-57) It is agreed that such insurance as is afforded by the policy under division I of the Definition of Hazards applies with respect to operations classified as Code ##403s - Miniature Railroad (Not steam - Kiddie) subject to the following provisions: s 50.00 shall be deducted from the total amount of all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages on account of bodily injury, sickness, disease or death sustained by each person as the result of any one accident, and as respects claims for bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, the company shall be liable only for the difference between the applicable limit of liability for "each person" as stated in the policy and the deductible amount applicable to each claim and subject to the foregoing, only for the difference between the applicable limit of liability for each accident as stated in the policy and the sum of the deductible amounts applicable to all claims as the result of such accident. 2. The terms of the policy, including those with respect to notice of accident and the company's right to investigate, negotiate and settle any claim or suit, apply irrespective of the application of the deductible amount. 3. The company may pay any part or all of the deductible amount to effect settlement of any claim or suit and, upon notification of the action taken, the named insured shall promptly reimburse the company for such part of the deductible amount as has been paid by the company. AUTNENTIC . _........................... —...... ... Aut......h......orize.......R................................ d epresentative I M1 SA `yam /ja.y, NUCLEAR ENERGY LIABILITY EXCLUSION ENDORSEMENT (BROAD FORM) GU 8583 (Ed. 10-59) It is agreed that the policy does not apply: I. Under any Liability Coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction (a) with respect to which an insured under the policy is also an insured under a nuclear energy liability policy issued by Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association, Mutual Atomic Energy Liability Underwriters or Nuclear Insurance Association of Canada, or would be an insured under any such policy but for its termination upon exhaustion of its limit of liability, or (b) resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and with respect to which (I) any person or organization is required to maintain financial protection pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, or any law amendatory thereof, or (2) the insured is, or had this policy not been issued would be, entitled to indemnity from the United States of America, or any agency thereof, under any agreement entered into by the United States of America, or any agency thereof, with any person or organization. Il. Under any Medical Payments Coverage, or under any Supplementary Payments provision relating to imrgediate medical or surgical relief, to expenses incurred with respect to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material and arising out of the operation of a nuclear facility by any person or organization. III. Under any Liability Coverage, to injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction resulting from the hazardous properties of nuclear material, if (a) the nuclear material (1) is at any nuclear facility owned by, or operated by or on behalf of, an insured or (2) has been discharged or dispersed therefrom; (b) the nuclear material is contained in spent fuel or waste at any time possessed, handled, used, processed, storedf.4rans- ported or disposed of by or on behalf of an insured; or (c) the injury, sickness, disease, death or destruction arises out of the furnishing by an insured of services, materials, -parts or equipment in connection with the planning, construction, maintenance, operation or use of any nuclear fachity, but if such facility is located within the United States of America, its territories or possessions or Cana(s,'this exclusion (c) applies only to injury to or destruction of property at such nuclear facility. I IV. As used in this endorsement: "hazardous properties" include radioactive, toxic or explosive properties; "nuclear material" means source material, special nuclear material or byproduct material; "source material", "special nuclear material", and "byproduct material" have the meanings given them in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or in any law amendatory thereof; "spent fuel" means any fuel element or fuel component, solid or liquid, which has been used or exposed to radiation in a nuclear reactor; "waste" means any waste material (1) containing byproduct material and (2) resulting from the operation by any person or organization of any nuclear facility included within the definition of nuclear facility under paragraph (a) or (b) thereof; "nuclear facility" means (a) any nuclear reactor, (b) any equipment or device designed or used for (1) separating the isotopes of uranium or plutonium, (2) processing or utilizing spent fuel, or (3) handling, processing or packaging waste, (c) any equipment or device used for the processing, fabricating or alloying of special nuclear material if at any time the total amount of such material in the custody of the insured at the premises where such equipment or device is lo- cated consists of or contains more than 25 grams of plutonium or uranium 233 or any combination thereof, or more than 250 grams of uranium 235, (d) any structure, basin, excavation, premises or place prepared or used for the storage or disposal of waste, and includes the site on which any of the foregoing is located, all operations conducted on such site and all premises used for such operations; "nuclear reactor" means any apparatus designed or used to sustain nuclear fission in a self-supporting chain reaction or to contain a critical mass of fissionable material; With respect to injury to or destruction of property, the word "injury" or "destruction" includes all forms of radioactive contamination of property. Authorized Representative THIS AGFMGW made and entered into this lot day of April, 1959 by and between the City of Salina, Kansas, hereinafter referred to as party of the first part, and Karl J. McKinney, hereinafter referred to as party of the second parts WERNW.. it is the desire of the party of the first part to provide clean and wholesome entertainment for the children of its city in its Park system and the party of the second part is desirous of operating a miniature steam train within the limits of said city, S0'. NOW TREREFORS, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements by and between the parties as hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows: L. Party of the first part hereby grants unto the party of the second part the authority and right to construct and maintain and operate an Ottaway Miniature Steam Train within the city park known as Oakdale, and on such location as approved by the Park Superintendent and City Manager. 2. In consideration for the right and privilege to locate and operate an Ottawa Miniature Steam Train at the approved location for the term specified, party of'the second partes to pay the party of the first part a sum of money equal to five percent) of the gross revenue and receipts, less federal tax and state tax, growing out of the operation of said miniature steam train at the place and for the period of time designated. " 3• PARTY OF THS SECOND PART AORS&O that on or before the 13th day of APril,�959, he will cause to be laid and constructed in a workmanlike manner at his sole expense at the location designated a minimum of 500 feet of teack, a water tower, and other simulated items of railroad equipument, adequate lighting facilities,..a ticket selling and taking booth and will begin operation of said track an Ottaway': MLsidtuxe,;Steam.;ilnc oonsLsti}agA,$fan engine, tender and a minimum of three (3) passenger coaches, and continue operation for the season of 19 9 beginning on April 1, 195 , to October 1, 1959, on Sundays and lic►lidaya. Party of the second part es that said facilities will be constructed and maintained at all t s ie a manner not to detract from the beaut of the surroundings and said location will be kept clean and free o all debris and rubbish. hitecture of buildings shall meet with the approval of the City Manager 141 G�gi 4. PARrY OF TO WCOND PART AGREES TO charge no more than twelve cents (120) per person per ride, on said miniature steam train and to keep an account of all ticket sales and money received there from that shall be open for inspection by the party of the first part at all reasonable hours. It is agreed that the five per cent (5%) of the gross receipts, less federal and state tax, payable to the party of the first part hereunder shall be paid in a manner and at times requested by the party of the first part. 5. PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AGREES TO furnish at no cost to the party of the second part the water necessary to operate said miniature train. The party of the second part agrees to pay all electricity necessary to properly light and operate the facilities and grounds in question. 6. It is understood and lessee agrees to file a public liability insurance policy with the city and the lessee -as the insured whereby - indemnifying insurance will exist limited to $15,000 for any one person and $50,000 for any one accident in the office of the City Clerk of said cityas a condition precedent to operation of said steam train and covering such operations and that lessee will timely pay the premium thereon. 7. This lease may be terminated by either party on 30 days written notice. 8. Second party is hereby granted an option to extend this lease under like terms and conditions for the season of April 1, 1960 to October 1, 1960.,1Q(a y G -ti v, IA WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have caused this agreement to be executed on the day and year first above mentioned. CITY OF SADA, KANSAS i Q By ff City manager, Party of the First Part ftrvy of the Second Part Attest: LA City Atitorney