Salina Public Water Supply Preliminary Assessment I preliminary ~I'Y\O S'1- "3 60-t....... I-~o -&~ e~cJ~r pu=L L.0 \ j')c.. dLtr- I~~ l~Lca' ~. ~o-n.--.J () ~~}-. t:;~ d.-I ~O-Q":tL ~~" _ Assessment dcd.....& /. l.l-.&'i. . of the Salina Public Water Supply Saline County, Kansas EPA rD': KSD984966770 . Prepared by Lisa Larsen, Environmental Geoloqist Sandra voeqeli, Environmental Technician Brenda Murray, Environmental Technician Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Environmental Remediation e; '. . . GENERAL SITE INFORMATION The Salina Public Water Supply (PWS) system serves the city of Salina and Saline County Rural Water District (RWD) #3. Salina is located in north central Kansas south of Interstate 70 (see Figure 1). The Salina PWS system consists of 15 wells located within the city limits, 3 wells located at the airport south of town, and one surface water intake located along the Smoky Hill River. Figure 2 shows the location of the wells in the city limits and the location of the surface water intake. The legal location of the site is the southwest quarter of Section 13, Township 14 South, Range 3 West. SITE HISTORY In the mid 1980's the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) initiated a program to sample all Kansas public water supply wells for volatile organic chemicals (VOCs). The state wide VOC sampling program was conducted in response to a similar study of public water supplies performed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The results of the EPA study indicated that some public water supply wells in Kansas were contaminated with VOCs. The city of Salina has tested the PWS system for trihalomethanes (THMs) since the early 1980's. The testing was conducted to fulfill the requirements outlined in the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requiring public water supply systems serving over 10,000 people to meet specific THM levels. The city is required to test for THMs on a quarterly basis. In May 1985 the city, at the request of KDHE, sampled four drinking water distribution points for VOCs. The results indicated low levels of VOC contamination. Therefore, in August 1985 some of the PWS wells were sampled for VOCs. The results showed some of the wells to be contaminated with low levels of VOCs. Since this initial sampling, the distribution system has been sampled for VOCs . quarterly and the city has conducted extensive sampling of the wells. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IDENTIFIED A total of 13 different VOCs have been detected at various levels in some of the PWS wells and in the distribution system. Table 1 summarizes the VOCs detected in the wells and distribution system. 1 . " . . ~ ~ w Ii; 1 'It ,__ 1.- ~a'.~. ~ "", ~ <'''~';/ -,,,,. .",. \~t r .~ .". 'I;.. ~" '~.E L M1 -~.:f .~..t E. i.: , . f ';;-~:~:f:~~~ :';~"'~<~';"~~~'~ "")~. L-;:;;:-:... :'.i 0/1>10, K l' IH'I L L '\ \ ,--:.. . 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Tal:l1e 1 PWS Wells Benzene 1,2 Dichloroethane 1,2 Dichloroethylene Ethylbenzene Ortho and/or Para Xylene Tetrachloroethylene Tetrachloromethane Toluene Trichloroethylene Trichloromethane (THM) Distribution Svstem Benzene Bromodichloromethane (THM) Bromoform (THM) 1,2 Dichloroethane Dibromochloromethane (THM) Dichloromethane Tetrachloroethylene Tetrachloromethane (THM) Toluene Trichloromethane (THM) The level of total THMs (TTHMs) detected in the distribution system is presented in Figure 3, and all VOC analytical data is summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The levels of TTHMs detected in the distribution system exceeded the Kansas Action Level (KAL) on three occasions; September 1986, September 1987, and September 1988. This may have been caused by high usage of surface water during the warmer months. VOC contamination (other than THMs) in the distribution system was detected at levels below the KAL. Nine of the city's fifteen wells located within the city limits are contaminated with VOCs. The levels of VOCs detected have exceeded the KAL on several sampling dates. Wells #1, #3, #4, and #5 have shown the highest VOC contamination. These wells are located on the west side of the river channel near commercial and light industrial areas. The other contaminated wells (except well #13) are located east of the river channel in residental areas. The clean wells (in the city limits) are all located slightly east of the contaminated wells. The chance that these wells will be affected in the future is partially dependent on the usage of all the PWS wells in the area and whether there is a persistent source. POTENTIAL SOURCES During the site reconnaissance, no potential sources were identified. However, some of the wells are located near commercial and light industrial areas which may have contributed to the VOC contamination. 2 - r-~ :. FIGURE 3 - DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM SAMPLES TOTAL TRIHALOMETHANES 130 120 1985 1986 1987 1988 110 100 KAL ~ "- 90 '" , ~ 80 '" w I I . f- 70 :; "- "' :; 60 <( '" '" 50 0 '" () 40 :E 30 20 10 0 5 9 11 2 3 5 9 12 2 3 4 5 9 11 3 6 9 MONi1-l IZZl TOTAL THM. . . . . =====~-l----===:_==:==-==:::.=-==:_=--===;=:_===- i: ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ =_. ~~~ ~~~~ . ~~~~ ~ -- ---- ---- --- - - - ---- - ---- a:-I~~~~-~~~~-~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~-~-~~~~-- ~= ---- ===~ === ~ = - - - ==== - ==== -- - =--------------------------------------- ~ - \- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ........ ........ ...... .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. ........ ~= ==== _=== ___ = = = = - ____ = ____ I -- ~ ~=-I~~~'~-~~~~-~~:-~-~'-~-~-~-~~~~-:-~~~~-- =~ ---- :=-I~~~~----------~------------=-~-~~~~-- 5:= ==== - I'; - ---- ~- g~J.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;~ \. -- -- ii-\~------------------------------------ -- -- o Ei-I~------------------------------------ -- -- ~- ~i-I~~~~-~~~~-~~~-~-~-~-~-~-~~~~-~-~~~~-~ ~ - . ~- e~l~------------------------------------ E~-I~--~-------------------------=-~~~~-- - - CO _ ~i-I~-~~------~~~---:-~~---------:-~~~:-- -- - - ! 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SURFACE AND GROUNDWATER The Smoky Hill River transects the city and is used as a drinking water source. The surface water intake is currently located near the water treatment plant in the old Smoky Hill River channel. The city is however, in the process of moving the intake to the new Smoky Hill River channel. The city uses the surface water intake during the spring, summer, and fall months. No other drinking water intakes are located within 15 stream miles upstream or downstream of Salina. The sewage treatment plant is located approximately three miles downstream of the site. The river also is used for recreation and irrigation. within 15 stream miles upstream and downstream of the site (measured from PWS Well #3), surface water is used to irrigate 1,859 acres. All city wells are located along the river in the Smoky Hill River valley and obtain water from the alluvial deposits. The alluvial deposits consist of clay and/or shale (soft) underlain by interbedded sand and gravel (Latta, 1949). Depth to water is approximately 35 feet. During the investigation groundwater flow was not measured, however, the direction of local groundwater flow is expected to be towards the river and is probably influenced by pumping wells and precipitation. Bedrock in the area consists of the shale beds of the Wellington formation (Latta, 1949). Groundwater is also used for irrigation purposes. Approximately 3,490 acres of land are irrigated with groundwater within a four mile radius of the site. TARGETS Approximately 42,166 people live within a four mile radius of Salina. There are no critical habitats within that four miles. The Salina PWS system supplies water to the city of Salina and Saline RWD #3. Population served by the system is approximately 41,179. There are 475 known private wells located within four miles of Salina. A breakdown of well use is listed in Table 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Salina PWS system is contaminated with low to moderate levels of VOCs. The city is working with the KDHE to monitor and minimize the levels of contamination released into the system. A program 3 . . . Table 4 Well Use Number Air Conditioning Dewatering Domestic Feedlot Industrial Irrigation Lawn and Garden Observation Well oil Field Other 4 I 150 5 24 17 211 53 1 ---2. 475 TOTAL (From KDHE water well program since 1975) to sample points throughout the distribution system is currently being conducted on a quarterly basis. Contamination has been detected in the groundwater at the site and the preliminary HRS score indicates this site could be recommended as a possible National Priorities List (NPL) candidate. The contamination types and levels detected in the groundwater at this site warrant further investigation. Therefore, a Site Inspection is recommended. 4 . BIBLIOGRAPHY City of Salina Water and Sewage Department. Private laboratory analyses and interview with city officials. Division of Secretary of State Census, Topeka, Kansas. Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources. Kansas Water Data Base; Irrigated Land and Points of Diversion Program. Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Bureau of Water Protection: Salina Public Water Supply files, Saline County Rural Water District #3 files, VOC Sampling Program Report - September 1, 1987. Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Kansas Water Data Base; Water Well Program. Kansas Department of wildlife and Parks, 1988. "Threatened and Endangered Species List." . Kansas Division of Water Districts in Kansas." 18, page 83. Resources, 1975. "Rural Water Water Resources Board, Bulletin Latta, Bruce F., 1949. "Ground Water Conditions in the Smoky Hill Valley in Saline, Dickinson, and Geary Counties, Kansas." Kansas Geological survey, Bulletin 84, pages 55-57 and 127-134. United States Geological Survey, 1978. Salina Quadrangle, Saline County, 7.5 Minute Series (Topographic). . ...-' 5 'J_ _. . __. .. ~ ~\--;€.o SI"',..... V ""IS' i ~ t, 0:: ~ % -~w ::c Cl ~ '{ ~ fJ~ ~}'; v.... '4{ PRO~~ Preliminary Assessment . of the Salina Public Water Supply System KSD984966770 Saline County, Kansas . . POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE L IDENTIFICATION aEPA PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT 101 &TltTEI02SJ,:~NU".!~.. PART 1 . SITE INFORMA nON AND ASSESSMENT KS D984966770 II. SITE NAME AND LOCATION 01 SlTEHMtEt&4&-.",___OI..., Q2 STREET. ROUTE NO.. OA SPECIFIC L.OCATlOH IDEN11f1eR Salina PWS 401 S. 5th 03 CIlY .. STATE .u'" COOl! ro COUNTY r7?TacoNG Salina KS 67401 Saline COOl D1ST 85 01 COOADINATES LATIT\lDE . I LONGITUDE 3 8 5 0 00 0 o 9 7 3 6 00 0 . -- -- ---- to QlRECTIONS TO SlTEt...."......,....,.,." 1-70 to Salina. Take Ohio Street south to Iron Avenue. West on Iron to Fifth Street. South on Fifth Street to South Street. III. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES 01 OWNER,... OZSTAEET (....................... Not known 03 CIlY 04 STATE 05 ZIP CODe oe TEL!PHONE MlM8ER I I 07 OPERATOR (._Wlt.........,"""......" 08 STREEr lau-a.....,..... City of Salina 300 w. Ash .1 CIlY 10 STATE 1 t ZIP CODE It 2 TELEPHONE NUMBER Salina KS 67401 I 91~ 825-4319 1~ TYPE OF OWNERSHlP,Qlec:Ao..., a AoPRIVATE a B.FED~ a C. STATE aD. COUNTY )lX1!. MUNICIPAl. (A.-c,-., a F. 01l<ER: ,-."" a Go UNKNOWN ,. OWNERIOPERATOA N01'IRCATZON ON FUtCIMu.......-" a Ao RCRA 300' DATE RECEIVED: I f a B. UNCOOITROLLEDWASTESlTEtC6.... ,.... DATE RECEIVED: f f a C. NONE YQNfN l)Ay 'l'eM WONTH CAY ,l!.... IV. CHARACTERIZATION OF POTENTIAL HAZARD 01 ON SITE INSPECTlOH BY (C/NIca.,....." xxyes DATE 12 23 f 88 a Ao EPA a B. EPA CONTRACTOR lC C. STATE a D. OTHER CONTRACTOR a I!. LOCAl. HEAl.TH OFFICIAL a F. OTHER: aNO WON'" DAY 't!M - CONTRACTOR NAMElSl: 02 SITE STAT'USfo....., 03 YIEAR$ OF OPERATION I ~ ACTIVE a B.INACTIVE C C. UNKNOWN a UNIOIOWN ......... ...... EHOING YI!AII 04 DESCRIP1"IOHQF SUBSTANCaS POSSIBLy PAESENT.IOIOWN. OR ALUEGED Various VOCB have been detected in Bome of the PWS wells. Contaminants detected in the wells include trihalomethanes tetrachloroethylene 1,2 dichloroethane, carbon tetra- chloride, ethyl benzene, trichloroethylene, ana orthc/para xylene. VOCs have also been detected in the dia 'nn system. (';;':;~~mi' ~;.... ,~,~'.. .,,,~, ';';.fh~l os oescIUPTJOHc# POTEHTlALHAZARO TO &fMRONMEHT MIOOA POPULAtION 1,2 dichloroethane, benzene, tetrachloroethyle toluene. Consumption of water with elevated levels 0: VOCs cay be ~ health hazard. V. PRIORITY ASSESSMENT '" Ot PIlICIUT'tFOllINSP!CTlCH....-.......-;::::t.--..--__.._..____ CAo_ laB._ CC.LOW CD.NONE ---........-.w ............,. ......_............ ____...... ................""., VL INFORMATION AVAILABLE FROM Ot CDNTACT O2OFt _ ..0._ I 03 TELEPHOHI NUM8ER Lisa Larsen KDHE - BER (9131 296-1666 .. PIRSCH FOR os."_~," .5NJ/i111:t oa QRQANIZATlCN 07 T&LUHoHe NUM8IR oaDATE Lisa Larsen . KDHE BER 19131296-1666 12 ,30 f 88 MONTH DAy 'l'lAA e and .. . 1P4FOAM 2Q7o.1Z{r..,) POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE L IOENTlF1CA TlON oEPA PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT 01 STATllQ2 SITE NUMSER PART 2. WASTE INFORMA nON KS 0984966770 II. WASTE STATES, QUANTITIES, AND CHARACTERISTICS 01 PHY$ICAl.STATES 10.u__..",' 02 WASTE QUANTITY AT SITE 03 WASTE CHAAACTEAlSncs IC/lKl'_"",.-,J C.-.-..oI........-- I: E. SOLUBLE CI.tG4I.YV01..ATU C! A. SCUD o E. SLURRY --~, C A. TOXIC C B. POwoeA. FtNfS C F. UQUlD TONS C B CORROSIVE C F.lNFecnous o .I EXPl.OSlVE o C. SLUDGE caGAS C C. AAOlOACTlve c: G. Fl.AMMABLE o K. REACTIVE CUBlCYAADS C D. PERSISTENT l: H. IGNITABLE ~ L. INCOMPATIBLE None . C Y. NOT APPUCABt.E o D. OTHER ,_, NO. OF DRUMS III. WASTE TYPE CATEGORY SUBST.ulCE NAME 0' GROSS AMOUNT 102 UNIT 01= MEASURE! 03 COMMiNTS SLU SLUOGE OLW OIl.YWASTE SOL SOLVENTS PSD PESTICIDES OCC OTHER ORGANIC CHEMICALS IOC INORGANIC CHEMICALS ACO ACIDS BAS BASES MES HEAVY METALS IV. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES /s..",....IOtIllO""..,.,.".,I;Il'..C.tSHulRHrII 01 CATEGORY Q2 SUBSTANCE NAME Q3 CAS HUMBeR O<l STOAAGE!OISPOSAl. METHOD 05 CONCENTRATION De MEASURE OF CONCE""TRATION <<L T I~~~ , ??, 01, 1._ ~,. n ..~11 OL Benzene 110R907 ~n . I~ \ ? Q ... " SOL Trichloroethvlene 79-01-6 in "rounilw"....r ? Q ..~11 SOL 1 2 Di C' . , .- n ,. " SOL Toluene 108883 ~n ~1 1 -~,11 SOL Ethvlbenzene I nn/,' I, ,~n ' ? ." SOL Ortho and/or Para xvlen 1300716 --n ~ ? ;" SOL Tetrachloromethane 56-23-5 in groundwater 1.1 ,;a/l V. FEEDSTOCKS ............CAS......... CATlGOAY 01 PEEDSTOCK NAME 02 CAS NUMBER CATI!GOAY 01 FEEDSTOCK NAME 02 CAS NUWBEA FDS FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS FOS FDS VI. SOURCES OF INFORMATION Ic:......m.-a. "0.. 1f_"..................,.,.,.1 KDHE - Bureau of Water Protection Files .:.~, City of Salina Public files IPA.FQAM207Q.tZ (7-&') . POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE L IDEHTIFICA nON aEPA 01 STATSI Q2 SITE NUM8EFI PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT KS D984966770 PART 3 . DESCRIPTION OF HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS AND INCIDENTS IL HAZARDOUS CONomoNS AND INCIDENTS 01 dt A. GAOUNOWA TER CONT AMINATlON 02 IX OIlSERVEO (DATE; lQR~ I o POTENTIAl. G AUEGCll 03 POPULAnON POTENnALl.V AFFECTED: 41. 843 O. NARRA nVE DESCRIPnON Various VOCs have been detected in the groundwater and throughout the distribution of the Salina PWS. i , 01 ClB.$URFACEWATERCONTAMINAnoN 020 OBSERVEO (DATE; I o POTENTIAl. o ALl.EGEO 03 POPULAnoNPOTENT'Au.V AFFECTED; 0. NARRAnve DESCRIPTION None known 01 C C. CDNTAMINAnoN OF AIR 02 Q OBSERVEDlDATE; I o POTENTIAl. C ALl.EGEO 03 POPVLAnONPOTENT'ALl.V AFFECTED: 0. NARRAWE DESCRIPTION None known 01 0 O. FlREiEXPLOSlVE CONDmoNS 02 C OBSERVED (DATE; I C POTENTIAl. C ALl.EGED 03 POPVLAnONPOTENTlALl.V AFFECTED: 0. _nve OESCRIPTION None known 01 jQ E. DIRECT CONTACT 41. 843 020 OBSERVEO (DATE. I 1C POTENTIAl. I: ALl.EGED 03 POPULAnON POTENnALl.V AFFECTED: O. _WE DESCRIPTION Consumption of contaminated drinking water. is a potential. heal th hazard. 01 %I F. CONTAMlNAnoN OF SOIL 41. 843 020 OeSERVED (DATE. I . OCPOTENTIAI. C Au..EGEO 03 AREA POTENnAu. v AFlFecTED: 0. NARRAnve OESCIlIPTlON .- No soil contamination was found during site visit however, contaminated groundwater would indicate probable past soil,contaminaion. 0111510.0RINI(JNGWATERCONTAMlNAnoN 41,843 02111 0IlSERVE0 lOATE: lqRS I o POTENTlAL I: ALl.EGEO 03 POPVLAnoNPOTENnALl.V AFFECTED: 0. _nve DESCRIPTION PWS wells are known to be contaminated with various VOCs. .. 01 a H. WORKER ElCPOSURE!IN.IURY 020 OBSERVEO lOATE: I o POTENT1AL o ALUGED 03 WORKERS POTENnAu.Y AFFECTED: o._nve IlESCRlPT10N None known 011111. POPULAnON EXPOSURE/INJURY 41,843 D2 a OIlSERVEOlDATE; I lC POTENT1AL o ALI.EGEO 03 POPVLAOON POTENnAu. Y AFFECTED: 0. _nve DESCRIl"TION Consumption of contaminated.drinking water is a potential health hazard. .. . EPAFORM2Q7o.12(T-I'J POTENTIAL HAZARDOUS WASTE SITE L IDENTIFICATION &EPA PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT Q1 SfAtElaz srra NUMBER PART 3. DESCRIPTION OF HAZAROOUS CONDITIONS AND INCIDENTS KS 0984966770 IL HAZARDOUS CONDmONS AND INCIDENTS ,- 0' 0 J. DAMAGl! TO FLORA 02 0 OBSCRVell (DATE: I o POTENl1AL o ALLEGeD 04 NARRATlVE OE$CAlPl1ON . None known , , . 0' 0 K. DAMAGE TO FAUNA 020 0BSCRVell (DATE; I o POTENl1AL o ALLEGED 04 NAflRAllVE QESCRIPTION ~--....... None known 0'0 L. CONT..-ATlON OF FOOD CHAlN 020 0BSCRVell COATE; I o POTENl1AL o AU.EGeD 04 NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION None known 0' 0 M. UNSTASLl: CONTAJNMENT OF WASTES 02 0 01lSERllED IDA TE: I o POTENTIAL o ALLEGED ~1UIIOl'l,,,,,,,'. "''IIIoIlM,--. 03 POPULAncN POTENT1ALLY AFFECTED: 04 NARRATlVE DE$CAIP11ON None known o. 0 N. DAMAGE TO OFFSITE PROPeRTY . 02 0 OSSERVED (DATE; ) o POTENnAL o ALu:GED 04 NARRATlVE DESCRIPTION None known 0' 0 O. CONTAMINATION OF SEWERS. STORM DRAINS. WWTPs 020 01lSERllED (DATE: I o POTENnAL o ALLEGeD 04 NAAAATlVE DESCRIPTION None known 0' a P. lI.LEGALJIJNAUTHOAIZEl DUMPING 02 0 0BSCRVell (DATE; I o POTENnAL o AU.EGeD 04 NARRATlVE DESCRIPTION None known 05 OE$CR1PT1ON OF ANY OTHER KNO_. POTENTIAL. 011 ALLEGED HAZARDS .- None known IU. TOTAL POPULATION POnENTlALL Y AFFECTED: ~- IV. COMMENTS Contamination of the groundwater and contamination detected in the distribution system has been detected at relatively low levels. Further investigation is warranted to determine possible sources. V. SOURCES OF INFORMATION ---...----- KDHE - Bureau of Water Protection files Site reconnaissance conducted 12/23/88 KDHE - Bureau of Environmental Remediation files . EPAFOFIM2a7Q.1Z17-1')