Salina Downtown Annual Report 1989 I . I I Annual Report 1989 · Salina Downtown, Inc. . I I I I I II I I I I I I /1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Salina Downtown, Inc. 1989 Annual Report Table of Contents Program Economic Restructuring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Promotions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Organization. . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Details Financial Report: Balance Sheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Financial Report: Income Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Additional Dollars Stimulated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 1989 Business Changes. . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Certificates of Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 1989 Annual Report Salina Downtown. Inc. Submitted by Judy Ewalt P.O. Box 1065 Salina. Kansas 67402-1065 (913) 825-0535 Copyright 1990 MEW Enterprises "From bean counters to bean roasters" tour features: Kennedy & Coe - Anita Hoffhines, guide History, accounting & auditing, data processing services, linking a 17 -office network King, Adrain,King & Brown - Steve Brown, guide Legal services The Shoe Box - Del Hill, guide How one business found a very special market niche Salina Coffee House - Dale Lyon, guide Ever wonder what they're doing to make that wonderful aroma? j,....., I I I I I I I II I I I I I I , I I I , I II Salina Downtown, Inc. Board of Directors Message fronl the President January 27, 1990 Dear Salina Citizen, The purpose of Salina Downtown, Inc. is to promote and co-ordinate activi- ties in Downtown Salina for the general benefit of the entire area. The purpose of the annual report is to focus attention on the statistics and events of the year just ended. We have had a very busy and succesful year and I invite you to study the attached report. We were pleased to have been awarded "Main Street Status". This is a national program whereby we can receive training and guidance as well as networldng with other cities and their programs. This should result in our organization being able to put together a more effective program in the future. I would like to make a special request of each of you who are members of Salina Downtown, Inc. to get involved in at least one event in the upcoming year. I would like to see you volunteer for a committee or a program by calling Judy or myself. Your input for plaiming, guidance, and work is needed to make the program more effective. I feel we have the proper staff and organization in place and functioning. Our staff is hard working, knowledge- able, well trained, and willing to do whatever is needed to make our program successful. If we will all now get involved and work together, we will all benefit. Sincerely, ~P* Larry Dunlap, President Board of Directors, Salina Downtown, Inc. Board of Advisors, BID No.1 President Larry Dunlap Salina Auto Parts VIce-President Paul Warden Warden's, Inc. Secretary-Treasurer Bud Jilka Jilka Furniture City Commission Representative Bob Frank Frank Construction Board Members Andy Anderson,Business Recru~ment Anderson Leather Shop Harold Cooley, Promotions Harold's Clothing James T. Graves Clark, Mize, Linville John Gunn CompUlerland John Hauptli School Specialty Supply, Inc. Chris Hoffman, III National Bank of America Ann Knowles Legacy,/nc. Paul Macek Asbury-Salina Regional Medical Center Don Timmel Wright-Lorenz Grain Company Staff Coordinator Judy Ewalt Executive Assistant Betty Duwe Program I I I I I II .1 I I EcollOlnic Restructuring Economic Restructuring looks at the Downtown economy as a whole and fits it into the market of Salina and the region. Aims include: knowing what resources are here, what is needed, and formulating a plan to insure lasting improvements. 't"~'1 ..... We.reCe1ebra~ "'f ~.,~ ' . OurGrandNEW~iiinp'.. ,'.: ." 'In .---."., , f . ~.~ ....""'...; ~ . . . I ,. . . ," '. .~ \. :.. \ .. I .... . f. . I ".' . . . ~ ltliSlltll.~~illl t . lio)!..I.Hl<"'-....".,.~"'fH'!.t'w I bit..,. =-;~~~..~ ~:~t:'(-cd!:lOU' I . ce:::;:::,~r.to':year . .. "to .!IIIIl~~~C';;;; 1 ~-toIlU~I\'I:>:r.I.ooo1O .. '. ~1.....11r......,.._r'.. fIel'---' & ~llI_~"olU""'" :=:rSdnP~~ . .. ;."...S'\Ilr,.,._~'''''''_I''JQ CJrr.prn~"'_olo__ ~"""~__ ~1NI_"""'...."..,~ IlgllowrlltNmIII I'W,l$llMftlr;:e. 1n.5I'<<~UI'~b1nt\.'nhilfd. ~hawloc*dillltwdown-,: ___dConur_IIft:1y_~oI tcMn_A!ldnewpn*-lonll ~_"'-.cn"'Il;Ir>...~~ ~lOLIl" .....~Hanr~.... ~^fPNIlo~.""G!IInII. ~lnall~d~ MICIr!Iellun........~w...'lllIl ...~ln._Ilm__ ~s.lIIp... RelaI_IfM;e~" ........IbfMnewt*lIIl'& ......., lI\IIII'lttIH tlIwvmer*d ..-- Major 1989 Accomplishments Net Business Changes During 1989 Co-sponsored the Salina Farmers Market, adding to Salina's econ omy and bringing traffic Down town Raised approximately $120,000 in private loans to help the Ben Franklin franchise open, adding more shoppers, circulating capital Assisted nearly 30 businesses with property needs, 11 of which either stayed or opened Downtown Created and distributed occupancy -reports on over 1;S millioo'square- feet of leasable commercial space to gain an understanding of how much progress is being made Maintained and upgraded present building inventory description files to respond to property inquir- ies Placed image advertising for the district as a whole to let others know good things about Downtown New Businesses: 16 retail 11 office eXpansiOni: 10 estimated Closings: ll,a1lkinds Out-relocations: . 4, all kinds TotIl Gains: 12 businesses 59 jobs see 1989 Business Changes. p.11 SA L I NA _ Market, Analysis Beg~n --=1: Began work on a thorough market analysis for Downtown. What kind of people are our market? What do they really want to find Downtown? How can we serve them better? What kinds of businesses will prosper best Downtown? Answers to these and many more questions in early fall of 1990. ~'lS:I""~"'1IIll lIrdou:w...Wf\'l'~"" I ., I . I I I I I .. page 2 "'___Q:y"'M~OIJ ....._M__k._~~.~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Program Program Pronlotion Promotion involves organizing and funding activities to encourage people to shop, work, live and invest in Downtown. Our retail promotions are privately funded, usually by package buy-ins. Community events are supported both by private sponsorships and BID service fees. SALINA SAN T A F E DAY Successful new event Santa Fe Day was created in 1989 to celebrate the heritage of the community and to give citizens an enjoyable Downtown festival. Highlights were: a run the length of Santa Fe, a parade, numerous contests, old time skill demonstra- tions, arts and crafts, historic window displays, ethnic showcase, authentic powwow, entertainment, food and many other delights. Countless volunteers and generous contributors made this memorable day a success. Over $12,000 in the form of private funds and sponsorships were raised to match $2,500 in BID seed money. CELEBRATE SAUNA'S HERITAGE. Best Wishes for a Joyous Ch,'istmas ..,from Downtown! Public/Private Funding Active promotions committee volun- teers raised over $8,000 in private funds -- above what was originally budgeted. While almost $1,900 of this went directly to Santa Fe Day activities, most of the remaining $6,100 went for retail promotions. Since many different types of businesses pay BID service fees, BID funds were spent for items to benefit the community at large, such as: Spi'l'ial Thanks lightingCClcmony I:'" ":"'-';";::;";" "II, I: ,~ .~",,,L,, ll;li I;,.." Children's Activity Center 'J,d,_", ,1i.""I;I., -,j",_" ,1i,;,,,I,,;I.. ,."1,..,,,"1,,1,1 ,I. "'1,.,-,' .:,,,,, Clllistll1i.l~ [)l'cor.:lljon~ ?,; ",' ,,,' ~4' ;:":,,",':':" C,:'" .~t .";;.,<~~I-- .!I!'lID<,f./ "-",M!,L,; ..a.:~~>-,,,,~~C~c> r.. ~~~II1"':' ....: fGj:...~l..'" - Generic advertising of free events Maintenance of Christmas lights Chrisunas pole lights & wrap Lighting Ceremony and Children's Activity Center expenses Gift Certificates add value Salina Downtown Gift Certificates are redeemable at any Downtown business wishing to accept them. Certificates are paid by check the same day presented, and will be honored as long as they can be identi- fied as Downtown certificates. There is no charge for this service. Gift Certificate sales in 1989 were over $16,00 . . . cash guaranteed to be spent Downtown. Major Community Events During 1989 Event Audience Pets on Parade 200 Santa Fe Day 8-10,000 Sate Trick or Traat 2,000 Holiday Parade 5.900 Lighting Ceremo ny 600 Children's Activity Center 200 Major Retail Promotions During 1989 Event Participants Crazy Day Sale 25 stores Sidewalk Sale 29 stores Downtown BBQ 103 people Super Seturdays 15 stores Moonlight Madness 25 stores Christmas 34 stores page 3 Program I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Organization Organization provides strong support services that make all the other activities possible: arranging meetings, developing volunteer power, fiscal management and networking throughout the community. JOIn us for the fIrst-ever DlMITOlIN EYE-oPENER!. FrldI1A_Feb. 24 It 8 I.m. The aUna Art Center "t ad ,net ,our Hlah'ol'. uJOJ . 1"" 'n.'ut. 1Il0l't ,nluutlOll .r 1911 DlNa.tCMI ._tl.oa. "Fill Bot coff....rut-NU4 nU..t..t7 o.J. 12.1S Ie _ac. 12.50 at the 'door page 4 Major 1989 Accomplishments Salina Ia6.G All-AMERICA CITY 'lilt' All America City Award in 1989. The Downtown con- struction project and revitalization efforts were cited as examples which make Salina outstanding in areas of volunteer participation and public-private partnerships. The National Civic League selected just ten cities as worthy of the award, from a field of over 300 applica- tions. Services for volunteers: Two Downtown Eye Openers Six issues of BID News Planning, fmances, notices and minutes for 2 boards. 5 to 8 comminees/month Suppon for promotions: research, budgeting & billing; memo/copy writing; layout, anwork. copies; delivery of materials Services for the community: Gift Certificate Program: sales. redemptions. records Up to date records of all businesses within Downtown Reservations for banner display on crosswalks Coordinate flag displays. other large and small events Speakers for 8 to 10 civic programs each year Network with City staff to solve problems. act as information source National Main Street City In August. application was made to the Kansas Department of Commerce for selection as a Main Street City. Three openings were avaliable. and Salina was one of only two chosen from several that applied. Although award is not made on the basis of past accomplishments. it is an honor to be chosen. The selection committee must believe the commurtity is capable of supponing the project and able to supply both volunteers and staff to do the work. A - MAIN STREET CITY ... Pratcr,.ellhe N.tlwIaIT~rnrHi......il:l'n:Ienatlon if"" 1989 Main Street is a pro-active program, mearting that benefits come from the commurtity working to bener itself. Kansas pays for valuable on-site consulting services and trairting from nationally proven expens in economic restructuring, promotion. organization and design. State staff is in frequent contact for techrti- cal assistance as well. A yearly work plan is developed and consulting services are tailored to the plan. Cities are evaluated at the end of each year so that future progress occurs in a manner best for each commurtity. I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Program Design Attention to design is important because what we see influences what we think. The relatiQnship of architecture to property value is often emphasized, but it is not the only element to design. Store window display, attractive consistent advertising layout and other visual elements all work to create a positive image of Downtown. Bright new banners Seventy new Spring/Summer banners designed by Salina artists Pam Jarvis and Leslie Shirack, graced high bay poles. Over a dozen larger banners (2 are 90' long) hand-painted by the artists will hang from crosswalks in 1990, completing the overall design. A Horiwns Grant funded a contest to determine what designs would be used. Entrants from the Salina area could submit single designs or total concepts for light poles and crosswalks. The panel of judges included representatives from co-sponsor Salina Art Center, the BID Design Review Board, Salina Down- town, Inc. and a professional graphic design educator from Newton. They chose Jarvis and Shirack's total concept which presents images representing majornatural elements at wolle in the Kansas landscape: earth, sky, and water. Exterior Renovation Helps <0> Preservation Briefs from the Technical Preservation Services Division, U.S. Dept. of the Interior. Topics include "Repointing Mortar Joints in Historic Brick Buildings", "Conservation of Energy in Historic Buildings", "The Preservation of Historic Glazed Architectural Terra-Cotta" Design Review Board + Resource network of technical assistance for owners and profession- als wanting to do "re- spectful" renovation. The BID Design Review Board approved the following in 1989: 3 new construction projects 1 facade renovation 2 demolitions 14 signs o Revision proposal for sign code -- grandfathers old signs, mandates maintenance See 1989 Certificate of Compati- bility Applications, p.12 <0> Assistance in applying for Certificates of Compatibimy issued by the BID Design Review Board ......... .......... ........... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ............. ............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ................ ................ ................. ................. .................. .................. ................... ................... .................... .................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... ....................w .;.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;. .............. ..... ......... .. .......... ............ .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ................... .................... ..................... ...................... ........................ .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... .......................... ........................... ........................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. .............................. ............................. 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Furniture and Fixtures 60.00 20,953.50 8,376.53 1,155.31 2,856.60 805.83 183.85 1,639.73 1,000.00 6,660.00 3,245.98 43,691.35 3,245.98 46,937.33 LIABILITIES CURRENT UABIUTIES Accounts Payable FICA Payable Federal Withholding Payable State Withholding Payable Sales Tax Payable Accounts Payable, Fanners Mkt Gift Certificates Payable Total Current Liabilities CAPITAL Restricted Contributions Appropriated Fund Balace Fanners Market Fund BID Reserve Fund Fund Balance Excess RevenuelExpense I I I I Total Capital 5,122.46 277.58 407.00 246.00 200.92 42.80 13,169.83 19,466.59 1.124.83 1.810.36 2,695.81 10,118.65 11,435.16 285.93 27,470.74 46,937.33 pal!e7 Details Financial Report EXPENSE: ORGANIZATION Salaries 39,293.57 38,440.00 853.57 Payroll Tax 3,605.73 4,000.00 394.27- Health Insurance 1,200.00 1,200.00 0.00 Travel, Mileage 631.22 2,000.00 1,368.78- Rent 3,600.00 3,600.00 0.00 Office Expense 4,748.68 6,400.00 1,651.32- Equipment Use 300.00 300.00 0.00 Equipment & Repairs 6,000.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 Accounting 1,405.00 1,800.00 395.00- Taxes & Insurance 604.50 1,100.00 495.50- Dues & Subscriptions 484.00 699.00 215.00- Newsletter 844.00 3,800.00 2,956.00- Conf, Mlg Exp, Brd Tmg 2,663.87 2,750.00 86.13- Olher Org Expense 150.82 1,000.00 849.18- Total Organization Exp. 65,531.39 68,089.00 2,557.61- BID Expense 992.89 3,302.00 2,309.11- BID Maintenance 17,000.00 17,000.00 0.00 ORGANIZATION AND BID EXP. 83,524.28 88,391.00 4,866.72- page 8 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I YEAR mDATE BUDGET FOR YEAR YTD VARIANCE EXPENSE DESIGN Design Review Board Exp. 00.00 600.00 600.00- Banners 4,396.67 0.00 4,396.67 Other Design Expense 123.50 0.00 123.50 mTAL DESIGN EXPENSE 4,520.17 600.00 3,920.17 ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING Downtown Marketing 2,553.46 5,000.00 2,446.54- Community Education 50.00 1,400.00 1,350.00- Fanners Market 2,512.18 1,000.00 1,512.18 Other Marketing Exp. 1,066.54 2,000.00 933.46- mTAL ECONOMIC RESTRUCT. 6,182.18 9,400.00 3,217.82 PROMOTION Generic Promotions Advertising 5,267.60 2,000.00 3,267.60 Other Promotional Expense 4,778.28 1,000.00 3,778.28 Special Projects 4,603.13 5,000.00 396.87- Commwtity EdUClltion 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00- Gift Certificate ExpJReserve 773.61 0.00 773.61 mTALPROMOTION EXPENSE 15,422.62 9,000.00 6,422.62 mTALEXPENSE 109,649.25 107,391.00 2,258.25 EXCESS REVENUFJEXPENSE 285.93 285.89 I I I I page 9 Details 1989 was the first year gift certificate privileges were extended to the entire district. Certificate sales are up a little over 30%. and now that the public is becoming aware of where the certificates can be spent. we are redeeming for additional kinds of businesses. I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I Additional Dollars StiInulated By putting most expenses under BID funding, we expected two results: a slight increase in program money, and more programs would have to serve the whole Downtown or community at large. Both these things happened, but what was not anticipated was the leverage it gave us to receive and stimulate private funds. Almost $11,000 was privately raised in cash. About $10.500 of it was used to promote lhe district, both to stimulate retail sales and to encourage use of public spaces. An even larger amount was stimulated by Santa Fe Day. Close eSlimaces of six sponsored events shows expenses made on behalf of Santa Fe Day of approximately $12,300. Well over $400 in goods and services were also generated by the Fanners Market and the Mitten Tree at N B A. DIRECT CONTRIBUTIONS as of 12/31/89 Miscellaneous donations UpDowntowners donation Fundraising income Miscellaneous assets sale Promotions fees Promotions fees receivable Farmers Market receivable Santa Fe Day receipts TOTAL CASH RECEIPTS 470.09 500.00 864.00 627.64 4175.49 1392.06 1000.00 1890.42 10,919.70 GIFT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM 1989 sales 1989 redeemed TOTAL TRANSACTIONS 16,782.00 12,083.00 28,305.00 DOLLARS STIMULATED by Program Activity as of 12131/90 Estimated In-kind donations: Santa Fe Day Sponsors Christmas mitten tree Farmers Market TOTAL ESTIMATED IN-KIND 12.300.00 183.00 300.00 12,782.00 Estimated Total In-Kind Donations Gift Certificate Program Transactions Ben Franklin Venture Capital Loans TOTAL Estimated Dollars Stimulated $12,782 $28,305 $110,000 $151,087 page 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Details 1989 Business Changes GROWTH LOSS NEW RETAILJWHOLESALE BUSINESSES: 16 businesses. 63 jobs PDQ Emergency Services' Mama Guido's Pizza Parlor* Computer Connection Terrible Terry's Takeaway' Hair Gallery , Taylor Tea Room' Paramount Bar (closed permanently, then re-opened wtth new owner) The Shoe Box Uniforms Unlimited' Martinez's Restaurant Rainbows & Ribbons' Ben Franklin Crafts Store' neon stuff C & C Soup and Salad' The Heirloom Shop Taxidermy' RETAIL/WHOLESALE BUSINESSES: 12 businesses, 31 jobs Class Act Sportswear (illness) Field's Pharmacy (retirement) Scott Automotive Tony's Restaurant & Winery The Village Kitchen Kids, Etc. Tony Lopez Tacos & Bu rritos Sub & Stuff Sandwich Shop The Palace Baskets N'Brass Griffin's Uphoistery (retirement) Sun mark Hotel & Convention Center NEW OFFICE BUSINESSES: 11 businesses, 25 jobs CLOSED OFFICE BUSINESSES: 3 businesses, 7 jobs Railroad Savings' Claim Care Plus' Bennington State Bank' Association of Communtty Arts Agencies of Kansas' Kansas Area Assembly (Alcohlics Anonymous)' New York Life Insurance' Brenda Gillette, Attorney' Farmers Home Administration of Kansas Appeals Office Falla & Goering, Optometrists' Zoch Art Gailery' Recovery Cove' * newly-created businesses or those new to Salina Armed Forces Recruiting Dr. Adam Herman John Heline - Century 21 Realtor EXPANSIONS (space or jobs): 10 businesses, 15 jobs (estimate) Kennedy & Coe Bear Promotions Carol Lee Donuts Salina Art Center Asbury-Salina Regional Medical Ctr. Northwestem Mutual Life Insurance McKenna & Mitcheil Bob Constable Mid America Productions Waddeil & Reed CONSOLIDA nONS (space or jobs): no reliable estimates available SUMMARY Businesses gained 27 Businesses lost ...:..12 TOTAL Business gain 12 Jobs gained 98 Jobs lost ~ TOTAL Job gain 59 Estimated Commercial Occupancy as of December 31, 1989 Occupied space 1,365,624 sq. ' Available vacant space 140,621 sq. ' TOTAL SPACE 1,506,245 sq. ' Occupied space Available vacant space TOTAL Space 90.66% 9.34% 100.00% page II Details Work New building adjacent to existing facility New building to house high service water pumping station Satellite dish I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Certificates of C0l11patibility The Design Review Board, established by City Ordinance acts both as a resource and a reviewing body for exterior building changes. Any exterior improvement within the Business Improvement District which requires a permit, or has a value of $1 ,000 or more must receive a Certificate of Compatibility from Design Review before a City permit will be issued. Salina Downtown, Inc. can assist property owners in applying for certificates. New Construction Aoolicanl Asbury-Salina Regional Med. Center City of Salina Edward D. Jones & Co. Renovation Jilka Furniture Front facade renovation Demolition Fitzpatrick Mortgage Co. Asbury-Salina Regional Med. Center Fire damaged fonner apartment Houses (5) to allow new construct of new building and parking facilities Notice 01 Decision (signs) Paramount Bar Taylor Tea Room Days Inn Nitz Law Office The Shoe Box Dearing Communications, Inc McCord Tire Co. Ben Franklin Crafts Unifonns Unlimited The Cellar Unifonns Unlimited Miller Auctions & Appraisals Pennington Chiropractic Constable Law Office page 12 Lighted sign flanders-Lee House. Tea Room signs Sunmark Hotel pole sign Wall sign Lighted wall sign Ground sign Remove 8 signs. install wall sign Wall sign Wall sign Projecting sign Canopy sign Wall sign Wall sign Wall sign