04-20-2010 Minutes I . . . "') -903- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, in the Tech Center, Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Nina Ainslie, Jo Reed, Karma DeForest, Sheldon Lilak, Sandie Johnson, Mary Shaffer and Brian :Schmidt. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, and Mike Wilson, observer from the League of Women V oters. Others in attendance: Phyllis Baker, Dylan McNutt and Tim Lester of Honeywell and Mark Detter from DeWaay Financial. Sheldon Lilak called the meeting to order MINUTES: Sheldon Lilak asked for any changes or additions to the March Board meeting minutes. 10-13 On a motion made by Jo Reed and seconded by f\1ary Shaffer it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the March Board Meeting as written. Motion passed. P903. 04/20/2010 PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The friends. meet this afternoon at 4p.m. They will probably announce recipients of their scholarships. They will also look at proposals f~r a~ult and youth services funding for summer reading. The Friends have also been helping with the poetry series. DISCUSSION/ACTION: Energy Improvement Project-Honeywell The board reviewed the Honeywell project proposal to update the Library's cooling system, lighting and other energy savings programs. Joe spoke to the board about one of the benefits of this proposal is not having to have all the cost up front and that payments would be spread out over the next 20 years. Nina asked a question about the 4% per year average increase on energy costs and guarantee from Honeywell. Phyllis answered the question stating that they figured that percentage based on past experience. There will average approx $33,000 per year in energy savings. Honeywell also answered questions abo* the control systems and how those will help with energy savings. Total cost for the entire project would be approx $683,000.00. Questions were also answered on how Honeywell would measure our energy savings. If we don't meet the energy savings Honeywell will payout the difference and .also possibly come in at their own cost and make more retro fitting to improve efficiency. Financing would be made through Build America Bonds., There would be a five year waiting period to pre pay any of the loan. Sheldon asked about the possibility of putting more down initially on our loan or would we would be better off to invest that mon.ey and try to get a better rate. We could use Capital Improvement Funds to put money on this project but we will also be using those Capital Funds to help with the Adult Remodel project. DeWaay explained how the financing would take place. We -r: -904- will have to work with a Trustee to approve payments made on this project. Questions . were also asked about timelines. 10-14 On a motion made by Jo Reed and seconded by Nina Ainslie it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves to move forward with the Honeywell energy improvement project. Motion passed. P904. 04/20/2010 10-15 On a motion made by Mary Shaffer and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Underwri~ing agreement with DeWaay FiminchlHor'the Honeywell project. Motion passed. P904. 04/20/2010 . 10-16 On a motion made by Jo Reed and seconded by Nina Ainslie it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library determining the advisability of financing the acquisition, installation and equipping of certain buildings located in the City of Salina, Kansas with energy conservation measur~s by the execution and delivery of a lease purchase agreement and the offering for sale of taxable certificates of . participation, series 2010, ofthe Salina Public Library. Motion passed. P904. 04/20/2010 The Board will reconvene next Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 7:00 Nominating Committee Report: Nominations for 2010- 2011 made were: President - Sandie Johnson Vice President- Nina Ainslie SecretarylTreasurer - Brian Schmidt. 10-17 On a motion made by Karma DeForest and seconded by Mary Shaffer it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the new slate of officers for 2010 - 2011 Motion passed. P904. 04/20/2010 FINANCIAL REPORT: We are on target for the end of the first quarter of the year. Appropriations are where . they should be for the year. CLASS account is doing well. We received our State Aid check this week. . . I. '> -905- STATISTICAL REPORT: March was a busy month. Use of meeting rooms remains high. Circulation of adult materials continues to remain high. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Joe is beginning to work on the 2011 budget. We haven't had a lot of security issues lately, so possibly activity has leveled off. We did have a patron arrested this weekend for stealing items from the Library. This patron has been barred from the Library. We are going to have some new logo entry mats installed. We also have a full time opening in Youth Services; we have received approx 50 applications for this position. We will be doing some repairs to the brick work on the southwest corner ofthe building. ~J~QAJW:<;QlYIM~N4S~. ., ".'".' "'f' ". 'l.... f ' Karma DeForest offered thanks to Jo Reed for her years of service on the Board and thanked Sheldon for his service as President this last year. THE BOARD ADJOURNED INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION 10-18 On a motion made by Jo Reed and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESO LVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn into executive session at 8:14 a.m. for ten minutes. Motion passed. P.905. 04/20/2010 10-19 On a motion made by Nina Ainslie and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOL VED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourns out of executive session at 8:24 a.m. Motion passed. P.905. 04/20/2010 10-17 On a motion made by Jo Reed and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8:26 a.m. Motion passed. P905. 04/20/2010. 1" ~ -~ - Secretary, Nina Ainslie Date 04/20/2010 '> Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT APRIL 2 10 2 3 4 5 April Jan-April 2010 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305 . APPROPRIATIONS 1,057,167.57 1,988,344.00 -931,176.43 53.17% 310. UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REVYR 300,005.00 167,306.00 132,699.00 179.32% 315 . INTEREST INCOME 106.83 489.40 2,000.00 -1,510.60 24.47% 316 MISC. INCOME 434.52 434.52 0.00 434.52 100.0% Total Income 541.35 1,358,096.49 2,157,650.00 -799,553.51 62.94% Expense 410. SALARIES 106,468.36 448,551.38 1,430,650.00 -982,098.62 31.35% f 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 4,972.28 6,184.30 30,000.00 -23,815.70 20.61 % 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 8,152.20 17,981.86 45,000.00 -27,018.14 39.96% 05-415 INFORMATION SERVICES/CAMPBELL 138.38 1,774.34 10,000.00 -8,225.66 17.74% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 1,466.18 30,396.00 88,000.00 -57,604.00 34.54% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 9,756.76 50,152.20 143,000.00 -92,847.80 35.07% 416 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 8,737.99 27,000.00 -18,262.01 32.36% 417. LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 7,300.54 24,702.59 100,000.00 -75,297.41 24.7% 420 . SUPPLIES 1,462.75 5,803.23 16,000.00 -10,196.77 36.27% 425 . POSTAGE 14.59 2,809.74 16,000.00 -13,190.26 17.56% 430. WATER 362.17 1,105.32 6,000.00 -4,894.68 18.42% 435, LIGHT & HEAT 7,597.94 30,282.07 96,000.00 -65,717.93 31.54% 440 . TELEPHONE 528.49 1,804.97 6,000.00 -4,195.03 30.08% 445 . REPAIRS & MAINT 1,473.04 10,580.03 42,000.00 -31,419.97 25.19% . 450 . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 896.15 1,443.36 7,000.00 -5,556.64 20.62% 460 . STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 4,891.28 8,308.66 18,000.00 -9,691.34 46.16% 465 . ACCOUNTING 150.00 4,793.00 6,000.00 -1,207.00 79.88% 470 . INSURANCE 164.50 5,854.12 26,000.00 -20,145.88 22.52% 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 2,867.75 9,045.48 30,000.00 -20,954.52 30.15% 485 . AUTOMATION 6,751.52 18,033.60 72,000.00 -53,966.40 25.05% 505 . CONTINGENCY 84.00 971.92 36,000.00 -35,028.08 2.7% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 50,000.00 -50,000.00 0.0% Total Expense -$155,200.77 $718,932.53 April Jan-April 2010 Budget $ Over Bud et % of Budget Income 305-2 . APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 196,910.58 367,083.00 -170,172.42 53.64% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 91,927.00 36,859.00 55,068.00 249.4% Total Income Employee Benefit 288,837.58 403,942.00 -115,104.42 71.51 % Expense 760, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,352.94 31,149.19 109,460.00 -78,310.81 28.46% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 5,673.92 27,278.93 84,755.00 -57,476.07 32.19% 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 95.86 406.19 1,430.00 -1,023.81 28.41% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,405.50 58,256.00 201,997.00 -143,741.00 28.84% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 0.00 1,677.00 6,300.00 -4,623.00 26.62% Total Expense Employee Benefit 27,528.22 118,767.31 403,942.00 -285,174.69 29.4% . Page 1 of 1 Jlnforri1atr~" ~ervi<:es;,;!';,,}~';,; ~;~;; ;,;;~';i;l';~j;;(,; ,;,<; '0' '~'J' ~ - l(),YtreClc,h:';;,?rt~f;~'t;~;i;,;t;t'I:r?'::;;;' I Chat: 24 Activities: 7 On';'lineAskaLibrarian 5 Contacts: 4 Program Attendance: 133 Homebound: 21 Info Services Question. 2,568 Interlibrary Loans: 351 ITeChnofo"' ':: cen.'ter,;;~J;1 ICLA,.'..... S..... s.....';'l:.i,.;..~,:'}..;~~.',;'.~:1~'Ifl~;r~1:."t~.~1tj,,~'.:.,.i'~'.f2;,:.~";\\r:;~..;;~,i.,il . ,,' .,.""""9Y".""....."",.",,,. " , . ' , Internet Users: 5,405 Sessions: 73 Microsoft Office: 31 Participants: 973 Computer Students: 110 Digital Design: 52 Iv 9~tt1:,~!.yJtf~if~p~p~nffi!ijt,~~:!~t'~~~~ti~fl;f~i!1 JFr,~~U~;iR~I.~tigl1~.:~<:t~",iti~i'';;;~i;~~~'1 Program Attendance: 351 Press Releases: 9 Gal'!1e Computers & Software Use: 59 External Contacts: ,5,521 Internet Use: 409 Internal PR: 2,646 Total Group Visits: 2 Outreach: 4 C.!rf;.ijlafi9n'of,iYt~tel'iClI~"f;';!~f/j.;;;:~g,',~lrs;'.Jf;fZ':?:Jj;f~P,BI,l'."1.~tAPRILiO~,~;~~~;;t~~:ir~~'c'I~:;:'(JP;;1Q~t:6?~'~I:),Q9:';I~i;i~';;';"9;,/;;'\; .' :::T:", Adult Materials: 31,723 25,052 141,261 103,431 Adult Renewals: 3,287 1,676 13,397 6,485 Youth Services Materials: 13,726 13,865 61,209 61,469 Youth Services Renewals: 1,510 722 5,964 4,169 WebCat Renewals: 2,200 8,066 Total Circulated: 50,246 43,515 221,831 183,620 ~ . Monthly Activity Report APRIL 2010 SALINA PUBLI C LIBRARY . Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.} 6~319 5,229 24,085 20,698 Child Borrowers: 998 1,164 . 4,776 4,817 New Library Cards: Adult: 191 201 835 926 Youth Services 81 86 401 442 . Materials Reserved: I Collec1ionJ\lIanagemel1t' < Items Processed Adult: Youth Services: Total: 1,428 <.'" "." '.".1 .' , ,,"',' ":-- ~ ." .;" ..-.., .. - -.. ".'"r,' m 3,132 1,611 4,743 7,407 2,010 5,717 IMee~il1g RoDin, USe;! ~~,," ., 0",.\ .~ < '-",i".r: \'/':"; :~;~;<',,_J.,'::<--' '0',',:-',., .:: .; Monthly 788 762 1,550 Prescott Room: Small Conference Rm: Tech Center Conf Rm: Learning Center: 'Monthly 37 33 27 76 ..:-:<:~< .. '0 ,'!.!'~. ,i," " I YTD 181 ,122 93 274 . . . ... Librarian's Report I know it seems like I just sent that last report and not much could have changed, but there is always something in the works. As you can. see from the stats, some parts of our business. did slow down last month, though circulation was still way ahead oflast April. I met with the adult circ staffthis week to discuss the effects ofthe increased circ on them. That's where the largest part of our increase hits. They are the people who hand carry all the A V, especially DVD's out to the. shelves. Our DVD circulation has tripled over the past 3 years from 2,349 in April 2007 to 7,903 last month. They reported that they like doing it, like getting materials back to users quickly, and have been able to keep up. They are amazing. That's a huge increase. We made a job offer to a young lady to work full time in Youth Services, She will start the week of the 1 ih. She has a lot of energy and enthusiasm. Betty Benson has set a retirement date of June 1. We'lI have a staff reception for her on May 20. We'll also be bringing some seasonal summer help on board to help us through the busy season in both Youth Services and Adult Circulation. And, of course, the teen volunteers will be starting as soon as school gets out. Note: Our May meeting location will be in Youth Services. I continued to spend time working through the Honeywell contract papers and send questions to Phyllis Baker. She also came down and met with Sandy and 1. She'll answer questions, but not reveal potentially troubling information unless I find it and ask. I like the concept of the program, the benefits of working with energy efficient equipment and the actual energy savings, but am ' beginning to feel like the total costs are too high for guaranteed savings. This was something that only slowly began to be uncovered. We should probably not sign anything until we explore other options. I've talked to contacts at the Kansas Corp. Commission for advice. After bringing this to Honeywell's attention also, they said there are less costly options for maintenance and that we would use Philips lights and one of the sub-contractors is from Salina. Four staff are attending the CKLS Spring Assembly in Great Bend. That's great representation and I think we'llleam something. Lori is gearing staffup for a River Festival project, plus we'll have an installation down here that relates to an art installation at the Festival. Both Youth and Information Services are planning for fun summer reading activities and they'll talk about them at the May meeting. Weare still trying to find a solution to an overflowing gutter ( in large rains) above our north entry area. There's always something. I am planning vacation to Utah from May 29 - June 8 and will try to have a rough draft of budget numbers in place before that happens. That will be something we can discuss at the June meeting before we know what the valuation is and our estimated mill levy. As always, let me know if you have comments, suggestion or questions. Joe McKenzie Library Director