Lot 1, Block 2 , . ~,,~"~'. . REBECCA SEEMAN f-:~~.....~.e.e~"{lEGISTER OF OEEOS SALINE COUNTY KANSAS f;/~t01STt~Y...": Book: 1193 Page: 775 t\.. Q'~o::~ .I-I Receipt II: 55B21 AIN Recording Fee: $16.00 \...~..".........~ >' Pagee Recorded: 3 L ~ .Ji~ ~'h,,'" N~~ '''''' Date Recorded: 5/18/2009 4:17:10 PM .. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made thisai1ay of AtILt l- , 2009, by and between QUAIL MEADOW ESTATES, INC. (the "Grantor"); and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation (the "City"): WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, does hereby convey unto the City, a temporary construction easement in, through, over, and across a certain portion of land owned by the Grantor, as depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and as legally described on the attached and incorporated as Exhibit B (the "Temporary Construction Easement") for all rights of ingress and egress of the City, its employees, contractors, and franchisees, for the purposes of access and surface reshaping or regrading, for a term of two (2) years commencing with the date of this indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Temporary Construction Easement to be executed the day and year first above written. QUAIL MEADOW ESTATES, INC. By. S--~~"' e. ~k1D~i Stanley C. By~uist, Presid STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SALINE, ss: z/~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on thisJ'l day of , 2009, by Stanley C. Byquist as President of Quail Meadow Estates, Inc. ~. TONA LEE PINNICK ~ Notary Public - Slale of Kansas MyAppt Expires 111..:J9/::Jo{1 My appointment expires: . ~~~ Notary Public [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] (/JLr IS 1q BQQk~ 1193 Page~ 77b '2 EASEMENT ACQUISITION , 'J ONNER: Quail MedOvYs Estates. Inc. SALINA. KS 67401 I I I I I ~l Q::/ ~I ~l ~I ~I I ~I I I to I ~I Lot I Block 2 I ~I I ~ Quail MeadOvYs Commercial Addition ~I I ~ I ~I I I ~I I T/~ I ,~ ~ I ~. c:5 ___~~~Rm_________~~ I 20.89' P.O.B. I SE Corner -__ South Line of Section 36. T/4S.R3W ___ i/ Sec. 36. T/4S. R3W I I I I I iUr I I I I Scale: '.""50' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: "This does not constitute a EXHIBIT legal survef/. drawing is for PAG I SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 informational purposes only.. A .. ' BOQk~ 1193 Pag~~ 177 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR TEMPORARY EASEMENTS: QUAIL MEADOWS ESTATES, INC. A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN LOT ONE, BLOCK TWO, QUAIL MEADOWS COMMERICAL ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT SAID ONE, THENCE ON AN ASSUMED BEARING OF N "89049'33" W, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT ONE, A DISTANCE OF 20.89 FEET; THENCE N 38016'10" E, A DISTANCE OF 38.12 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT ONE; THENCE S 05010'35" W, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT ONE, A DISTANCE OF 30.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID TRACT OF LAND CONTAINS 313.30 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS. ,\\\.;"~f ::.;~:; :~: 4-.'::~.. ", ~\ ;V1"':h)~"J.. ~"'~. ........! ~':~ $ ~/\CLt4Se()..... y \.. ~ .- ~ ;;.r;'" ~ .~. = : ~ i : : : -. ,..,..: - . . . ~ I~ -,tJ-()o...~i ':.<: . ~)l ...~ · "'-...; '. ~-1A;" "INS!"' .,~,V,~:' ",.4!; 'y" eo."..... f<':.' .....".. '...... V SlIR'J'i:;:..::' it"lfPJ.?Ui ;~;':. ~~ ~; \lo~ O\LiJif ~~ PAGE 2 of2 ill I EXHIBIT i)