1978 Improve South Street(Firlit fu%2ihed is the Salina Journal .April 31.,E 2958) A RESOLUTION relating to the resurfacing South Street with loot mired asphaltic' concrete, from the west neo 29hth Street to the ..east line of College Avenue. BE. IT RMLVM by the SaaO of Commissioners of the City of Salinas gam":. That South Streetp a straet in the City of Salina; Ksness, from the the gest line of Eighth Street to the east line of College' Avenue be resurfaced with hot mimed asphaltic concrete, along with such grading as i M' be necessary, and the same .are hereby determined to be necessary im- provements. That the MY at large to sustain the total expense of squares and areas formed by intersection and In addition ther+atfl ane -third of the remaining cost; as Prov .ded for in Section 13-1012a General Statutes of Kansas; 1�►9. 1