Lot 1, Block 2 :'/'" . ~)l ~_.'~ ...-"''''-.. . REBECCA SEEMAN ~~,~.'''~.~;~EGISTER OF DEEDS SALINE COUNTY KANSAS (l/..t"~':~~Y4 \ Book: 1193 Page: 762 \:\.0 HO'/:; Receipt -: 55B2l tN. Recording Fee: tL6.00 I," ~"""""""Y Pagee Recorded: :3 ~ .rJ.""_A- \ I,,_,~~ ~'fMIFfJ Dat e Recorded: 5/18/2009 1:17 D7 PM TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 13tlday of March, 2009, by and between JAMES H. STEVENS and ANN M. STEVENS, husband and wife, (the "Grantor"); and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation (the "City"): WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, does hereby convey unto the City, two temporary construction easements in, through, over, and across a certain portion of land owned by the Grantor, as depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and as legally described on the attached and incorporated as Exhibit B (the "Temporary Construction Easement") for all rights of ingress and egress of the City, its employees, contractors, and franchisees, for the purposes of access and surface reshaping or regrading, for a term of two (2) years commencing with the date of this indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Temporary Construction Easement to be executed the day and year first above written. JAMES H. STEVENS ANN M. STEVENS 9~~ I(~.. STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SEDGWICK, ss: 4AJt.d~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on ;viA Y#... /3, 2009, by James H. Stevens . wife. CYNMA PEREZ NOTARY PUBLIC STAlE 01 NJIIAP . MyApptExp. Y7!I{'~/' My appointment expires: [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] ..... . -' '"'\ 1 I J , I J J I J P.o.e.'*l , I I f I I I I I , f I , J J I LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE PAGE 2 OF 2 Book: 1193 Page: 7~3 \ \- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '\ \ ,...."","'"\ ,....Jiiil!tJilYl:...~'""'..--'" \ ,I 2.17" \ tIE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ \ \ \ \ " -- Ix EASEMENT ACQUISITION (JNNERJ ~r; .' SALlNIf,K$ p74()J \ , \ I \ I .' .> L.-cxf8f.7llPr....-- I .1 I r It' 1 1 ~I "':-.' .\q( ~r I I 1 I efrlf.'""R-liI .;r./! #~?'~~ ' .#" Y ,..../ .",..7 -.;.-~:--....,..;~~ " I.EiflI[""/fN"--...,.......,.. . I I \ \ I 'This doss naJ ClJtJ6tlft.JfiJ .f) J6gJJ16flfV6Yfdr(llll11lf/ /~ for ldOl'1nQfJ'tJnt:J1 !XIf{J!16tJ6on(y,' SCdt1: 1'-60' PAGE IOF2 ......P.O.f;1.,.8 EXHIBIT I A ,-,~- -..... """'\ Book~ 1193 Page~ 164 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR TEMPORARY BASEMENT: A.~~'S TEMPORARYEASEMENTtll ./A'l'ltAct-OflANJ)toCAraPfNLdTO~BLOCKtWOiMl\twCJ{- JQIlNSQ~.AVDtfIPNTOTll1l.C1TY'QF$AJ.nJA:.KAN$J\S.PnsP~1W AS FOLLOW$: . .. . . cOMMBNClN() AT t$ N01tmWBS'r COJttmROF SAW.'cPt'OOB,THBNCS ONANiAS$tJMBD BBAIUNQOF SOO!fQl'l~"iBALONO~WBST LINIIOF SAID LQTON&ADt$TA.'N<::E OF29,79PS:BTTO;mBPOOO OF BBClINNlNO; THBNCBN 90"00'00" EADlSTANCE OF2.17FEBr~ . THBNCES ()()C'OO'OttllA DISTAblcBOF48;OO FEEt; 11leNees. Q()"t)1~~" VI ADl$'fANCBQF 2Q.12FEBT. Tl:lBNCBNOOOQl'l$" W ALONG SAID WBSTLIl'fBADIS'fANCB OF 68.00 f'J3BT; TO''J:'JIa P()JlI1'f OFBBOINNINQ, SAID tRAct OF LA'NDCol'ttAINSJ2$.28 SQUAb FBtrr.M:ORe oR LB$S, APPLEBEE'S .t' fiMl'o1tARY BA$aM:EN'l'#Z v""AT.aAC't OPLAND t.OCATSP IN t.O'fON8.BLOCKTWO.MATt.OCJ<.. .lO}{bfSOlfADDl1;Io1'lTO 'fftE CITY OF SA1JNA.KANSAS, DBSCRtBBD AS FOLLOWS: COMMItNC!NU ATTH.B $O~$T CO~OF SAID.t..QTONS.nmNCEQN ANA~UMEDBBt,\IUNOOF N 29'!48'IW W ALONG THBBA:ST LINBOP $A;ID t.OTO"flm A DlSTANCE OF 20.43 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; 'FROMTHEPOlNTOFBEGlNNING, THENCE S 15018'49" W A DlSTANCB OF 26A9FEBT; TllBNca Sfi0443:'4trWADl$TANcaOF 132.14FEE1'. THENCEN S$"07'31"~ADlSTANceQF 13Z,00 FBB'f; THBNCBN26~'34"B ADlSTANCB OF 22i84FEBTTO THE.POlNTOF BBGlNNIN'G. .... .... .....'..... ..... ...... '.... ......... . ..' " ..... '. ...... .$cAtJ).taA:(Z1"OF'J.ANDCONTAIN$4S4;29'~U~RgT..M()~BOI,;~$. .~1\GB2()F~ " llD~ ~&K . ~ ~ ~::J~ cllW'.cl~ ~ EXHIBIT I B r~---- " -f i .' ~~--~~-~-- -- ---~- ~---.......------ - .,~--------~-~ ....""~ REBECCA SEEMAN SAS ..<;~_...~.e:e~~EGISTER OF OEEDS SALINE COUNTY KAN (J"{~~.\er~~";" \ Book: 1193 Page: 768. ' \ ..0 }.) R . t .. 5582L cN:f Recording F..: t20.00 , · ',. fl.'" J eclllp. 7 /J. ___~ JJ ~,' .;;:....,.......-~ ',I Pag.. Recorded: . fW.JffaZJ- .fc:I)~ '\" ....,.., . "--.....Date Recorded: 5/18/2009 1:17:09 PM ' 't' I I \ '- .------- --- -~ ~ PARTIAL REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE RELEASE The Wldersigned Mortgagee acknowledges that the City of Salina, Kansas, desires to acquire public right-of-way and temporary construction easements affecting real estate subject to a mortgage held by Mortgagee, which mortgage is hereby released in part, strictly to the extent it affects the public right-of-way and temporary construction easements to be acquired, as follows: 1. The name of Mortgagor is: Southwest National Bank of Wichita 2. The name of Mortgagee is: James H. Stevens and Ann M. Stevens 3. The date of the Mortgage is: 8/9/1993 4. The Mortgage was recorded: 8/11/1993 at Page 778 of Mortgage Book 472. 5. That portion of the real estate subject to the Mortgage as released by this partial release is depicted and legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and Exhibit B. 6. This partial release shall not affect the lien of the Mortgage as it applies to the remaining real estate described in the Mortgage. Dated this 'fJ+- day of ~, 2009. SOl.t.~w..s\.. AJca.fio.u.O ~c. By: ~?_. _.1_- \1.<< "?~ STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF t5<JrwHck- , ss: . L" This instrument was acknowledged .~fore me on this ~ day ,*::"i 2009, by _ <JCrff l0111t'" 11,,"~'t!'~, in ~capacity as V ic" f'/l.-~,'~J-ofC'~~tJ"5:f ~-/.t'c~ c6H,t: ~. THERESA R. SCHIPPERS ~' Qs;L NOTARY PUBLIC ---n " ' STATE OF I.W4SAS 4- ~ kl, All,.. Exp. {, ..p. '=t- Notary Public . , Rook, 1193 Pagel 7b9 RIGHT-OF-WAY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made this 13th day of March, 2009, by and between JAMES H. STEVENS and ANN M. STEVENS, husband and wife, (the "Grantor") and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation, (the "City"): WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for good and:va1uable consideration, does hereby convey unto the City that certain portion of land owned by the Grantor as depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and legally described on the attached and incorporated Exhibit B as public right-of-way, in perpetuity, (the "Right-of-Way'') for the purposes oflocating, constructing, excavating, and maintaining: A. Public means of transportation including roadways, streets, bridges, sidewalks, paths, crosswalks, and traffic control devices; B. Public drainage structures including, but not limited to, culverts, pipes, levees, and channels; C. Public landscaping and other aesthetic improvements; and D. Poles, wires, conduit, pipeline, and junction boxes for the purposes of conducting, transmitting, and distributing water, sewage, electricity, gas, and electronic communications by the City, its franchisees, and its licensees. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto caused this instrument to be executed the day and year first above written. JAMES H. STEVENS ANN M. STEVENS 7~ //#: ~_/lr.~ STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SEDGWICK., ss: This instrument was acknowledged before me on Ma."'~t... ~ 2009 by James H. Stevens and Ann M. Stevens, husb an WI e. CYNDRA PEREZ ~ tIOI'AIft'fWUC STAle OF . My Appt. Exp. My appointment expires: ~ [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] EXHIBIT I ,4- c :: , 7 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION . . (818$ A,;"Jil/JBitq ","",' .' /;Lo "'''''''', SN..;II!A..A>:I' 01_ Book, 1193Page~ 770 . . '. . Wii~' .'. . <~" .t'l"'lfS1'~fJJ!t... . .... " . _' '. ..' '. h.... ,_ . _. .. . . .' ". . . . ..... ...... .... .... .. _.. . .... '. ~-~~~, -......::...,..... "". .....~~~----~~ .' '.:.r~. ;~!@__.-___.. '. ....."&_. ....1... ~~~......;.,;;._....... --,~~~~- .~ . ..-' .'.. 1~...' l. l' ~.. , \ ! 1 j , 1 LEGAL DESCRJPTlON: stfE iWJt. :2 (JI1 t '\ \ \.... .' .) .,,#;1"':,' "tits .H11JJI(J(1IJ$JM (I , .ft&:::r:~::~ . ~.".;' . Hili., _,I*~' , .,./.' /" PN;e 1 OFS . . . ...... " EXHIBIT fA .. Book, 1193 Pagel 711 USOAL DBSClUPTlONfQRlUGHT OF WAY.: APP1!DBai. ~~~Ctt'OP~LOQ&~.1N~~N1t.BtOOK~tM~.. . .1~aNSON.~mONTOnmerwoFs~ KAl\I$i\$. D~AS. tlQttOW$.: . ~P^~;~~Q.ItIlIWBs.'I'CQ1U.~JI~tOlr~AlI)tm.Q~~CW ANAssm.mn'SBA!UN(lOFNOOOOPle> VI ALONG 'tBE'W1i$TtnmO}1'gAm tOTONBAJ)lStANeaOF~mii6Bt; 11'$NCJUf~$W~1"B.Al>l$TAl(CI QJ?103i7twmt: ~eB:N~.wSIJ.~ftA,lWrANQiOl.31.61f.lmT; ~'N~~-VqD1$TANOBOF1311.(FEB'f:i THBNCB,N l5.~li~9"EADJSTANCB OF 26;..,.;PB.Btttl A PGmTON1'I!BJ3M'r UNa Of wo..'X4r ON.~ tlniNml~48!jr;S~$~ BAQf;l'JNJtA.J)tftANC&OF~o.43 f'Sltt: . T()A.~~'llm$.Qr1l'a~iQf~.;W1:Q~ ~is:~srWALONGTHBSOum::LINBOF&\D)LOTONE..A ==r~~Q~'$Otmo_ONAeu~atQ'nm ~JlttHAV1NG A~Q.V1J.$.;1lO~~~...' Q'Jli(fl!ffQf4l.tu~ A1WAC>>;QJ.:Q'~q'~1"~1~ftJ"W4_..Qr~ ~ TFIBNCll;C'ONTINUJN.GALONaSAlD.'s.aum1JNES;~S~'AJ)ISTANCE 6F11.ss:FJm'tmn&POlNTf.'IF BOOINNING. JAm 1'J.A(n'O,flA.Nt.H~WrNNSJ.~1:2~QU.Mu.3~M~(11t~~ r"(m:rQF~" .,' :.. I EXHIBIT 6 Book~ 1193 Page~ 772 . , TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this 13tldayof March. 2009, by and between JAMES H. STEVENS and ANN M. STEVENS, husband and wife, (the "Grantor"); and the CITY OF SALINA, KANSAS, a municipal corporation (the "City"): WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, does hereby convey unto the City, two temporary construction easements in, through, over, and across a certain portion of land owned by the Grantor, as depicted on the attached and incorporated Exhibit A and as legally described on the attached and incorporated as Exhibit B (the "Temporary Construction Easement") for all rights of ingress and egress of the City, its employees, contractors, and franchisees, for the purposes of access and surface reshaping or regrading, for a term of two (2) years commencing with the date of this indenture. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Temporary Construction Easement to be executed the day and year first above written. JAMES H. STEVENS ANN M.STEVENS 9~9 I/~- STATE OF KANSAS, COUNTY OF SEDGWICK, ss: ~.Jt.~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on IVlA y~ ~ 2009, by James H.. Stevens wife. CYNDRA PEREZ HOTARYPUBUC STAlE C6 JCNIMI . MyApJtElrp. Y7hif~/( My appointment expires: [A real estate sales validation questionnaire is not required pursuant to K.S.A. 79-1437e(a)(13)] EXHIBIT J 6 Book, 1193 Pagel 773 ,I, r , 7 EASEMENT ACQUISITION tlNNEA:/y1pIebats . . SAUNA.KS 67.t/(J1 I . I \ I \ I \ L . \ _. . "" " . ....-..-.~, . "Tilif;""'fIlW":"" .. . I r , I , I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .\ ".:':. '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ . . -..;;.."'\ r-.Jf1iJt,JJlYl_-+.-.,-~" .\ 1 .' . ..\' p.o.a./ '1 2..17'..... . \" . .' WE: . , \ \ \, ., \ '\ " \ \ " r I I 1 " rr~frr J.pt Oll6IJ101:t'Two 1 "<1f~~ Arldlff/Jf1 .} '~ ,1l 'l:!.!I 'J r I I if!".;iIt,Z" f . . r ,... .. 'E~ EKr7t*Jf7if" / .....", ~ ~'-R-' ---~ t E:1diJt. --- \ \ I , ., 1 I J I ., I ] 1 , I 1 f 1 f ,B'O.tI.",~ . Sct1ftR ('-ED' LEGALOESCRIPTION: SEEPME 20F 2 'Thl8 dolls' ftI!JI CtNIlftifjJ(i 1!1fl!JI6fJf'il1i'f ~OWfng 1$ for ItJforJ1l(JtlOl/(J/f,/Q(~on(y.' PAGE. IOF2. EXHIBIT I A ,. . .. .. , \ Book: 1193 Page: 774 , LEGAL DBSClUPTIONFORTBMPORARY EASEMENT: J\~u:aEli:'S TeMPORARY EAsEMENT#. ATM.C't.()FLANJ)J..OCAmPlNLQT~NB.&fX)CK tW()i~tLoCK- JpUNSQNA,PI.)ntQNWtmt crrtoP'$ALm~'KAN$,A:$.Q-asC~!D A'S fQU>OWS: .. c()MMBNCtNCiAt~;N()i{mWJ3st:c()~6~SAtoWt.:()1.n!.,mBNde ON,MlAS$UMl'm B8AIUN'OQF $OOO()l'l~BALO~aTlJI3-WBST .LINBQP SAm OOTQ$t\1lISr~Ofa9179mnro~PQnqo' B~O; THENCBN90000'6O" BADISTANCE OP:U7FEB'I)' . . THBNCBS QOClOOW.BA DtSTANCllOF4&;OQ BBBT: TflBNCS$ ~1~~ VI ADlS'I'ANCBQF1O..12lBB't; ~CB:NOOOOl'.$'" VI A;LONQSAJDWBSTUNBADlSTA.N;ClH)F~~OQ FSB'l'; TO'I:'Jm POINT OFBBGJ.l'+.ININO. SAm 'tllAd'OF L.ANJ)COl'trAIN$l25..2S $QlJ.A;l$~EB'J'.Moaeoa LB$$. .1 l l ! I ; ; ~ ; i APPLEBEE'S .l TaMp($A~y BA~.~ A'I'.QACI' OFLANPI..OCATBQ JNLO'toNe. m.ocJ{TWO.~TL.QCk 10llNSQ.NADDl1'lQN1'O'J.llB CIT'lQP SALINA.KANSASi DESCRlBBD AS FOLLOWS. 'COMMeNCING AT1lJI1 soU'I1lBAst CORNSROF' SAU>t.Q'J'ONa,1':lmNCBON AN A~UMEI)B.EA1UNaOF N 29'!48'I6" W ALONG TH.B~$T LINBQFS;l\ID L()T(;)J'ilE A. DlSTAN'CBOF2U3 FEET TOTHEPOlNT()F BBOINNING; FROM THE POINT OF BEGINNINCl.THBNCE S fso18'4~W A.DlS'rANeBOF 26.49FEBT; ~cn S6tN3,'4<r'WA.I>J$TANCBOF 112,14 FBJ.tt; ~~NS~;~f"~XDlSTANCaQf t32,QO~; THENCEN26~'34~BADlSTANCEOF2U"FBBTTO mBPOINT.OF BBGINNr:NC:l; I I r: i \ I I 1 ! ! ; . . . .'. ."".. ;AJ"~""i'~().F''''A:'"''''':~m..."""..A.A .2o.~t:i11.. ....nn:mmrMO. ....,:0..0 :^'ifT..,....IK'. .<1 >.' P~:.4;_~.-.._.___ -.;~I:"~:,~.. "'~W~" !7::~ ..~_, ........... :._..~.~l-~ ,~GB20t2 ~~ ~~~ EXHIBIT \q~ I o~ ~ol~ ("'U1\iyptd 8/6natu~) j (3