03-17-2009 Minutes . . . -868- The regular monthly meeting of the Salina Public Library Board of Trustees was held at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, March 17,2009, in the Tech Center Conference Room. The following Board members were present: Sandie Johnson, Nina Ainslie, Mary Shaffer, Brian Schmidt, Jo Reed, James Hall and Sheldon Lilak. Others present were Joe McKenzie, Sandy Wilcox, Melanie Hedgespeth and Mike Wilson observer from the League of Women Voters. Jo Reed called the meeting to order ACTION: KOHA Automation System Proposal, Melanie Hedgespeth. Melanie spoke to the Board about the proposed automation system, KOHA. The Northeast Kansas Library System uses KOHA and really likes the system. One of the advantages to KOHA is that it is a smaller system and we will have the availability to get changes made quicker. It also has a more user friendly catalog for patrons. KOHA is an open source system, if one library in the system makes an update or improvement that improvement is available to everyone else in the system. The support fees will be greatly reduced compared to SIRSI. At this point we know that Kansas Wesleyan will be using KOHA so our resources would be shared. Melanie answered questions from the Board. 09-05 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Nina Ainslie it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the automation system change to KOHA. Motion passed. P868.03/17/09. 09-06 On a motion to amend made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Nina Ainslie it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves to amend the previous motion to include the statement that this project is to be funded from the Capital Improvement Fund. Motion passed. P868. 03/17/09. MINUTES: Jo Reed asked for any changes or additions to the February Board Meeting Minutes. 09-07 On a motion made by James Hall and seconded by Sandie Johnson it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the minutes of the February Board meeting as written~ Motion passed. P868.03/17/09. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: The Friends had a very successful book sale in February. They are going to give out two $2,000 scholarships this year. They are also funding resources for a staffwellness program, a hospitality petty cash fund, a clip on microphone and six card tables to use for CLASS. Donna Antrim is working with the Salina Art's Center to possibly hold our Art Sale at their warehouse on Fourth Street. -869- DISCUSSION/ACTION: . Funeral/Critical Illness Leave (1st reading) Discussion was held on this policy. 09-08 On a motion made by Sandie Johnson and seconded by Sheldon Lilak it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Funeral/Critical Illness Leave Policy Update, as written with clerical corrections on first reading. Motion passed. P.869.03/17/09. Meeting Room Policy Update (1st reading) Discussion was held on this' policy. 09-09 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Brian Schmidt it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library approves the Meeting Room Policy Update, with suggested changes on first reading. Motion passed. P.869.03/17/09. NOMINATION COMMITTEE: Jo Reed and James Hall will work on Nominations DIRECTOR EVALUATION PROCESS: Jo Reed handed out director evaluations for Board Members to fill out and return to her by March 20, 2009. Staff evaluations will also be handed out and returned by March 24th. Sandie Johnson, Sheldon Lilak and Nina Ainslie offered help to compile results. . FINANCIAL REPORT: We had a large expenditure out of the automation line item for new Tech Center computers. Our supply line item was also large due to the fact that we purchase most of the library supplies the first of the year. Light and heat was also high last month. We had an accounting expenditure for our yearly audit. STATISTICAL REPORT: February was a relatively busy month. CLASS use was high. The economy has stimulated more use of library services. Our meeting room use was also high. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: The Poetry series will start in April. These will be held at Mokas Bakery on Tuesday evenings. Job Descriptions are updated and we will be starting the reclassification process soon. We need a Board Member to participate on this committee. Sandie Johnson offered to help. The StaffWellness Committee will be starting a new walking program for staff. The Friends are providing pedometers to those that participate. . BOARD COMMENTS: None . -870- 09-10 On a motion made by Sheldon Lilak and seconded by Mary Shaffer it was RESOLVED THAT: The Board of Trustees of the Salina Public Library adjourn at 8:24 a.m. Motion passed. P870. 03/17/09. Secretary, Mary Shaffer '" .~; 1 <:.~ ': ", ::' '; ~',',.- f ,0. ~ -'-.,^ . . 03/17/09 Date \: ,.' .. ~,'- . I Salina Public Library REVENUE/EXPENDITURE REPORT MARCH ~009 2 3 4 5 March Jan-March 09 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305 . APPROPRIATIONS 107,213.71 1,080,367.78 2,045,148.00 -964,780.22 52.83% 310 . UNENCUMBERED CASH BAL REV YR 90,691.00 -90,691.00 0.0% 315 . INTEREST INCOME 156.05 410.16 20,000.00 -19,589.84 2.05% 316 MISC. INCOME 594.21 Totallncome 107,369.76 1,081,372.15 2,155,839.00 -1,074,466.85 50.16% Expense 410 . SALARIES 111,652.02 333,887.79 1,427,839.00 -1,093,951.21 23.38% 412. PERIODICALS-REFERENCE 1 ,524.00 3,753.36 29,0~0.00 -25,246.64 12.94% 415. LIBRARY MATERIALS 02-415. YOUTH SERVICES 10,193.15 15,482.69 45,000.00 -29,517.31 34.41% 04-415. KANSAS DEPT. 269.99 841.99 4,000.00 -3,158.01 21.05% 05-415. REFERENCE 105.50 2,805.12 19,000.00 -16,194.88 14.76% 08-415. ADULT COLLECTION 9,892.74 20,724.08 88,000.00 -67,275.92 23.55% Total 415 . LIBRARY MATERIALS 20,461.38 39,853.88 156,000.00 -116,146.12 25.55% 416 . INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 150.00 8,200.00 25,000.00 -16,800.00 32.8% 417. LIBRARY MAT Audio-Visuals 10,009.17 21,823.86 90,000.00 -68,176.14 24.25% 420 . SUPPLIES 184.72 3,811.45 14,000.00 -10,188.55 27.23% 425. POSTAGE 60.47 4,091.33 22,000.00 -17,908.67 18.6% 430, WATER 222.66 451.13 8,000.00 -7,548.87 5.64% 435 . LIGHT & HEAT 7,182.07 21,891.09 84,000.00 . -62,108.91 26.06% 440 . TELEPHONE 419.76 1,259.37 6,000.00 -4,740.63 20.99% a5. REPAIRS & MAl NT 5,299.48 6,907.24 42,000.00 -35,092.76 16.45% o . FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 203.37 1,532.14 7,000.00 -5,467.86 21.89% 460, STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAVEL 2,950.46 3,110.46 18,000.00 -14,889.54 17.28% 465 . ACCOUNTING 4,432.98 6,000.00 -1,567.02 73.88% 470 . INSURANCE 100.00 3,841.00 24,000.00 -20,159.00 16.0% 475 . PROGRAMS & PROMOTIONAL 2,335.18 5,691.92 30,000.00 -24,308.08 18.97% 485 . AUTOMATION 1,864.36 32,292.03 82,000.00 -49,707.97 39.38% 505 . CONTINGENCY 79.90 647.40 10,000.00 -9,352.60 6.47% 510. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 75,000.00 -75,000.00 0.0% Total Expense ...:....:164,699.00 497,47f;l,43 2,15g,639.()0 <'"':!\658,3€)().57 :;: 'p23.080/0 -$57,329.24 $583,893.72 March Jan-March 09 Budget $ Over Budget % of Budget Income 305-2 . APPROPRIATIONS (EMP BEN) 17,215.61 177,151.39 360,413.00 -183,261.61 49.15% 310-2' UNENCUMB CASH BAL PREV (EMP B) 0.00 22,868.00 -22,868.00 0.0% Total Income Employee Benefit 17,215.61 177,151.39 383,281.00 -206,129.61 46.,22% Expense 760' SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES EMPLOYER 7,783.16 15,522.78 109,229.00 -93,706.22 14.21% 765 . KPERS EXPENSE EMPLOYER 4,857.07 11,766.04 76,151.00 -64,384.96 15.45% 770 . UNEMPLOYMENT INS EMPLOYER 101.51 202.45 1,427.00 -1,224.55 14.19% 775 . HEALTH INSURANCE EMPLOYER 14,508.00 29,016.00 190,574.00 -161,558.00 15.23% 780 . WORKERS COMP INSURANCE 1,471.00 5,900.00 -4,429.00 24.93% Total Expense Employee Benefit 27,249.74 57,978.27 383,281.00 -325,302.73 15.13% . Page 1 of 1 :. . . SALINA PUBLIC LIBRARY Monthly Activity Report MARCH 2009 I~eferencellnformation Servic~s:;"'. "" ,.' On-line Reference: 9 Interlibrary Loans: 460 Kansas Questions: 108 IOutre!lch 'k,,"..,! ...5,:.'.):'" . ., ,I Activities: 8 Contacts: 9 Homebound: 17 ITe.chij9Iogy'.qen~er\.?1 Internet Users: 5,367 Microsoft Office: 24 Computer Students: 91 Digital Design: 27 1."Jlj~tftSeIVJce~.D,pal'ti1le"t:!!';'~'\)~1 Program Attendance: Game Computers & Software Use: Internet Use: Total Group Visits: Outreach: ICLAS${,pf.,.j'!'JiX\\!S'1,i:" \,y'"v,*.j'\("'i"ii"';:\{ '.1 Sessions: 70 Participants: 1,078 658 132 782 o 5 lp.ull.licRelcltions.Activities!;"'\~;\t;; I Press Releases: 1 07 External Contacts: 4,118 Internal PR: 2,934 IC'" I .t'" "f'M..t' "'1 .,.,.....,..,....'.MARCH..'...09..."'MA.RC. H' 08 ".:X."".''',...'',,'....~ O'09"!'""'MFD'O 8 ......"..',..... ""'''1 . I.IICU.. a Ion 0 ". aerla s '."ii''''''"""", ". ,,,.... ".8". . ..' ";""';;i8"""""""':"'''''''''''' :.p,i:."'"" 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Adult Materials: 26,950 21,139 78,379 66,353 Adult Renewals: 1,818 1,767 4,809 4,948 Youth Services Materials: 16,100 15,258 47,604 43,725 Youth Services Renewals: 759 896 3,447 2,883 WebCat Renewals: 2,132 840 5,866 2,140 Total Circulated: 47,759 39,900 140,105 120,049 Adult Borrowers:(includes Y.S.) 5,400 5,110 15,469 14,743 Child Borrowers: 1,313 1,269 3,653 3,596 New Library Cards: Adult: 244 209 725 663 Y outhServices 119 92 356 364 Materials Reserved: Adult: Youth Services: WebCat: I Collect!on Management " Items Processed Monthlv Adult: 1 ,066 Youth Services: 573 Total: 1,639 1,446 72 437 4,076 162 1,159 3,441 103 1,052 1,157 41 358 ...'..........'. I (-':,:':~t~.'.._:,.~>~ YTD 2,681 1 ,463 4,144 I NJeetingRoom Use '.. ' -(,' :"::'}:.:;!}i~".'''>,,~;,~:~1>^:?\'; Prescott Room: Small Conference Rm: Tech Center Conf Rm: Learning Center: Monthlv 42 33 31 50 ........',".1 ,.,-.C',- ','~ ,...':.... ,~,.",>-: YTD 124 93 81 124 . . . Librarian's Report This has been a hectic month with a variety of activities, programs, meetings and continued strong business in circulation. We have also been affected by staff health problems. Youth Services has had 3 employees in and out of the hospital over the past month. So, they have had to work short staffed and try to make arrangements with part time staff to fill in when they can. That has been stressful. Also, we are running an ad for an opening for a technology position. Weare also planning on how we will replace Judy Lilly, our Kansas Librarian, who plans to retire at the end of June. Those are big changes. They come at interesting times, as we are working on that new automation system with the Tech Center staff and as Information Services in public libraries continues to transition. One of the more interesting outreach efforts this spring has been Nancy J 0 Leachman's work with Salina Downtown, Inc. She has groups of business owners coming in for Ref/USA database training this week to help them with marketing. It's an example of a group that may not have thought of the public library as a resource for their small business. And, it's totally different than our Poetry Series or most of our CLASS offerings. It fits our vision, which states that we are transforming people's idea of what a library can be. Also, this month, we are offering another genealogy program from Topeka via video conference. The Poetry Series on Tuesdays at Mokas continues to draw audiences of70 -120 people. Budget: Weare already beginning discussions for the 2010 budget. With the economy in its current weak position and a slowdown inthe local housing market, we are developing contingency plans we started last fall - just in case. I've met with the Dept. Heads and with James and Jo on our Board. I will schedule a meeting with the staff. We need to consider ideas that will slow our expenditures and cut operating costs. This begins now. Belt-tightening will continue into next year., We are already tight since this year's general fund budget went up less than 1%, Since we don't know how long the economic slowdown will last, or how it will affect our local property valuation, we are circling the wagons now and preparing as best we can. We have no control over the valuation. We can only raise the general fund mill levy by .25 mills. We can control spending in order to strengthen our cash position for future budgets. As we try to do that, we'll meet basic operating expenses, set priorities and focus on what is absolutely needed in the short term future. I know this report has been less than upbeat with budget, staff and health issues all coming during a busy year. But, together with staff, Friends and Board we work through issues and challenges. We gather information and discuss options to make decisions to put us in the best position possible for successful services with our vision oflifelong learning and our mission of enriching lives at the front of our thinking. Thanks for your support and help. Joe McKenzie Library Director